
Chapter 4. Deployment

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Deploying applications on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is achieved by copying the application into the $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy directory. You can replace default with different server profiles such as all or minimal (profiles are covered later in this guide). The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform constantly scans the deploy directory to pick up new applications or any changes to existing applications. This enables hot deployment of applications on the fly, while JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is still running.

4.1. Deployable Application Types

With JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.x, a deployer existed to handle a specified deployment type and that was the only deployer that would process the deployment. In JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5, multiple deployers transform the metadata associated with a deployment until its processed by a deployer that creates a runtime component from the metadata. Deployment has to contain a descriptor that causes the component metadata to be added to the deployment. The types of deployments for which deployers exists by default in the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform include:
The WAR application archive (e.g., myapp.war) packages Java EE web applications in a JAR file. It contains servlet classes, view pages, libraries, and deployment descriptors in WEB-INF such as web.xml, faces-config.xml, and jboss-web.xml etc..
The EAR application archive (e.g., myapp.ear) packages a Java EE enterprise application in a JAR file. It typically contains a WAR file for the web module, JAR files for EJB modules, as well as META-INF deployment descriptors such as application.xml and jboss-app.xml etc.
JBoss Microcontainer
The JBoss Microcontainer (MC) beans archive (typical suffixes include, .beans, .deployer) packages a POJO deployment in a JAR file with a META-INF/jboss-beans.xml descriptor. This format is commonly used by the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform component deployers.
You can deploy *-jboss-beans.xml files with MC beans definitions. If you have the approriate JAR files available in the deploy or lib directories, the MC beans can be deployed using such a standalone XML file.
The SAR application archive (e.g., myservice.sar) packages a JBoss service in a JAR file. It is mostly used by JBoss Enterprise Application Platform internal services that have not been updated to support MC beans style deployments.
You can deploy *-service.xml files with MBean service definitions. If you have the appropriate JAR files available in the deploy or lib directories, the MBeans specified in the XML files will be started. This is the way you deploy many JBoss Enterprise Application Platform internal services that have not been updated to support POJO style deployment, such as the JMS queues.
You can also deploy JAR files containing EJBs or other service objects directly in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. The list of suffixes that are recognized as JAR files is specified in the conf/bootstrap/deployers.xml JARStructure bean constructor set.
The *-ds.xml file defines connections to external databases. The data source can then be reused by all applications and services in JBoss Enterprise Application Platform via the internal JNDI.


The WAR, EAR, MC beans and SAR deployment packages are really just JAR files with special XML deployment descriptors in directories like META-INF and WEB-INF. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform allows you to deploy those archives as expanded directories instead of JAR files. That allows you to make changes to web pages etc on the fly without re-deploying the entire application. If you do need to re-deploy the exploded directory without re-start the server, you can just touch the deployment descriptors (e.g., the WEB-INF/web.xml in a WAR and the META-INF/application.xml in an EAR) to update their timestamps.
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