
Chapter 8. JBoss AOP

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JBoss AOP is a 100% Pure Java Aspected Oriented Framework usable in any programming environment or tightly integrated with our application server. Aspects allow you to more easily modularize your code base when regular object oriented programming just doesn't fit the bill. It can provide a cleaner separation from application logic and system code. It provides a great way to expose integration points into your software. Combined with JDK 1.5 Annotations, it also is a great way to expand the Java language in a clean pluggable way rather than using annotations solely for code generation.
JBoss AOP is not only a framework, but also a prepackaged set of aspects that are applied via annotations, pointcut expressions, or dynamically at runtime. Some of these include caching, asynchronous communication, transactions, security, remoting, and many many more.
An aspect is a common feature that is typically scattered across methods, classes, object hierarchies, or even entire object models. It is behavior that looks and smells like it should have structure, but you can't find a way to express this structure in code with traditional object-oriented techniques.
For example, metrics is one common aspect. To generate useful logs from your application, you have to (often liberally) sprinkle informative messages throughout your code. However, metrics is something that your class or object model really shouldn't be concerned about. After all, metrics is irrelevant to your actual application: it doesn't represent a customer or an account, and it doesn't realize a business rule. It's simply orthogonal.

8.1. Some key terms


A joinpoint is any point in your Java program. The call of a method, the execution of a constructor, the access of a field; all these are joinpoints. You could also think of a joinpoint as a particular Java event, where an event is a method call, constructor call, field access, etc.


An invocation is a JBoss AOP class that encapsulates what a joinpiont is at runtime. It could contain information like which method is being called, the arguments of the method, etc.


An advice is a method that is called when a particular joinpoint is executed, such as the behavior that is triggered when a method is called. It could also be thought of as the code that performs the interception. Another analogy is that an advice is an "event handler".


Pointcuts are AOP's expression language. Just as a regular expression matches strings, a pointcut expression matches a particular joinpoint.


An introduction modifies the type and structure of a Java class. It can be used to force an existing class to implement an interface or to add an annotation to anything.


An aspect is a plain Java class that encapsulates any number of advices, pointcut definitions, mixins, or any other JBoss AOP construct.


An interceptor is an aspect with only one advice, named invoke. It is a specific interface that you can implement if you want your code to be checked by forcing your class to implement an interface. It also will be portable and can be reused in other JBoss environments like EJBs and JMX MBeans.

In AOP, a feature like metrics is called a crosscutting concern, as it is a behavior that "cuts" across multiple points in your object models, yet is distinctly different. As a development methodology, AOP recommends that you abstract and encapsulate crosscutting concerns.
For example, let's say you wanted to add code to an application to measure the amount of time it would take to invoke a particular method. In plain Java, the code would look something like the following.
public class BankAccountDAO
 public void withdraw(double amount)
  long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   // Actual method body...
   long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
   System.out.println("withdraw took: " + endTime);
While this code works, there are a few problems with this approach:
  1. It's extremely difficult to turn metrics on and off, as you have to manually add the code in the try/finally blocks to each and every method or constructor you want to benchmark.
  2. Profiling code should not be combined with your application code. It makes your code more verbose and difficult to read, since the timings must be enclosed within the try/finally blocks.
  3. If you wanted to expand this functionality to include a method or failure count, or even to register these statistics to a more sophisticated reporting mechanism, you'd have to modify a lot of different files (again).
This approach to metrics is very difficult to maintain, expand, and extend, because it is dispersed throughout your entire code base. In many cases, OOP may not always be the best way to add metrics to a class.
Aspect-oriented programming gives you a way to encapsulate this type of behavior functionality. It allows you to add behavior such as metrics "around" your code. For example, AOP provides you with programmatic control to specify that you want calls to BankAccountDAO to go through a metrics aspect before executing the actual body of that code.
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