
6.5. Additional Naming MBeans

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In addition to the NamingService MBean that configures an embedded JBossNS server within JBoss, there are several additional MBean services related to naming that ship with JBoss. They are JndiBindingServiceMgr, NamingAlias, ExternalContext, and JNDIView.

6.5.1. JNDI Binding Manager

The JNDI binding manager service allows you to quickly bind objects into JNDI for use by application code. The MBean class for the binding service is org.jboss.naming.JNDIBindingServiceMgr. It has a single attribute, BindingsConfig, which accepts an XML document that conforms to the jndi-binding-service_1_0.xsd schema. The content of the BindingsConfig attribute is unmarshalled using the JBossXB framework. The following is an MBean definition that shows the most basic form usage of the JNDI binding manager service.
<mbean code="org.jboss.naming.JNDIBindingServiceMgr" 
    <attribute name="BindingsConfig" serialDataType="jbxb">
        <jndi:bindings xmlns:xs="" 
                       xs:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:jndi-binding-service  \
            <jndi:binding name="bindexample/message">
                <jndi:value trim="true">
                    Hello, JNDI!
This binds the text string "Hello, JNDI!" under the JNDI name bindexample/message. An application would look up the value just as it would for any other JNDI value. The trim attribute specifies that leading and trailing whitespace should be ignored. The use of the attribute here is purely for illustrative purposes as the default value is true.
InitialContext ctx  = new InitialContext();
String         text = (String) ctx.lookup("bindexample/message");
String values themselves are not that interesting. If a JavaBeans property editor is available, the desired class name can be specified using the type attribute
<jndi:binding name="urls/jboss-home">
    <jndi:value type=""></jndi:value>
The editor attribute can be used to specify a particular property editor to use.
<jndi:binding name="hosts/localhost">
    <jndi:value editor="org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.InetAddressEditor"> 
For more complicated structures, any JBossXB-ready schema may be used. The following example shows how a java.util.Properties object would be mapped.
<jndi:binding name="maps/testProps">
    <java:properties xmlns:java="urn:jboss:java-properties" 
                     xs:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:java-properties \
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