
11.14. Binding Applications to Ports

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All ports less than 1024 are reserved for OpenShift Enterprise operations, and developers cannot bind to these ports. However, ports greater than 1024 are available for binding, and the following table shows the commonly used ports.


While the following ports are suggestions for available applications or gears, ports 2303 - 2308 are reserved for OpenShift SNI Implementation, and port 10050 is reserved for the OpenShift Enterprise Zabbix agent. You cannot bind to these ports.
Table 11.6. Common Ports and Their Usage
Application Name Port Number Description
Kerberos 4444 Kerberos is used for user authentication identifying with a node.
Git 9418 Git is used for version control.
MySQLd 3306, 63132-63164 My Structured Query Language (MySQL) acts as a server providing access to databases.
Mongod 27017 MongoDB acts as a server providing access to databases.
PostgreSQL 5432 PostgreSQL acts as a server providing access to databases.
MS SQL 1433-1434 MS SQL acts as a server providing access to databases.
Oracle 1521, 2483, 2484 Oracle acts as a server providing access to databases.
HTTP/HTTPS 8008, 8009, 8443 Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is used for secure communication over a server.
HTTP cache 8080, 8118, 8123, 10001-10010 HTTP cache is used for the temporary storage of documents.
memcache 11211 memcache is a memory caching system.
jacORB 3528, 3529 JacORB is a Java request broker.
JBoss Debug 8787 A debug program for JBoss applications.
JBoss Management 4712, 4447, 7600, 9123, 9990, 9999, 18001 A management program for JBoss applications.
AMQP 5671-5672 Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is used to transfer messages between applications.
PulseAudio 4713 PulseAudio is a server that manages the use of audio devices.
Flash 1935 Flash is a multimedia platform.
Munin 4949 Munin is a network monitoring application.
Virt Migration 49152-49216 Virt migration is the copying of one machine's data and moving it to another.
OCSP 9080 Online Certificate Service Protocol (OCSP) is a protocol used for obtaining the status of a certificate.
Ports 15000 - 35530 are available for binding internal IP, but these ports are not externally addressable. You can also bind to $ OPENSHIFT_Cart_Name_PORT (8080) for HTTP connectivity, which reroutes externally through port 80.

11.14.1. Configuring WebSocket Ports

Because the main routing layer is currently based on Apache, WebSocket can be used by connecting to specific ports on an application. WebSocket connections are supported with browser based applications on OpenShift Enterprise, allowing bidirectional communication without requiring multiple, open HTTP connections. The TCP based protocol uses HTTP as an initiation handshake which is handled as an upgrade request. If successful, the connection remains open and switches to the WebSocket protocol.
For plain WebSocket connections (ws://), requests are directed to port 8000, while WebSocket Secure connections (wss://) use port 8443, as shown in the following example:
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