
Chapter 2. OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 Release Notes

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2.1. Overview

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform provides developers and IT organizations with a cloud application platform for deploying new applications on secure, scalable resources with minimal configuration and management overhead. OpenShift Container Platform supports a wide selection of programming languages and frameworks, such as Java, Ruby, and PHP.

Built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Kubernetes, OpenShift Container Platform provides a secure and scalable multi-tenant operating system for today’s enterprise-class applications, while providing integrated application runtimes and libraries. OpenShift Container Platform enables organizations to meet security, privacy, compliance, and governance requirements.

2.2. About This Release

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 3.4 (RHBA-2017:0066) is now available. This release is based on OpenShift Origin 1.4. New features, changes, bug fixes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 are included in this topic.

For initial installations, see the Installing a Cluster topics in the Installation and Configuration documentation.

To upgrade to this release from a previous version, see the Upgrading a Cluster topics in the Installation and Configuration documentation.

2.3. New Features and Enhancements

This release adds improvements related to the following components and concepts.

2.3.1. Container Orchestration Kubernetes Deployments Support (Technology Preview)

OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 now supports both Kubernetes deployments objects (currently in Technology Preview) and the existing deployment configurations objects.

Like deployment configurations, Kubernetes deployments describe the desired state of a particular component of an application as a pod template. Kubernetes deployments create replica sets (an iteration of replication controllers), which orchestrate pod lifecycles.

See Kubernetes Deployments Support for more details on usage and support. Pod Disruption Budgets (Technology Preview)

Pod disruption budgets (currently in Technology Preview) allow the specification of safety constraints on pods during operations. Users with cluster-admin privileges can use them to limit the number of pods that are down simultaneously for a given project.

PodDisruptionBudget is an API object that specifies the minimum number or percentage of replicas that must be up at a time. Setting these in projects can be helpful during node maintenance (such as scaling a cluster down or a cluster upgrade) and is only honored on voluntary evictions (not on node failures).

See Managing Pods for more details. Pods Per Core Defaults to 10

The default pods per core for a node is now set to 10. Machines with less than 10 cores now have a smaller maximum pod capacity than previously configured. Administrators can change this setting by modifying the pods-per-core value. See the Setting Maximum Pods Per Node section of the Administration Guide for more information.

2.3.2. Cluster Infrastructure Quota on Persistent Volume Claim Storage Requests

With dynamic storage provisioning enabled, cluster administrators needed to be able to set quota on the amount of storage a project can request. Cluster administrators can now do so by setting the value for user’s projects:

$ oc create quota my-quota \,persistentvolumeclaims=50

$ oc describe quota
Name:                     my-quota
Namespace:                default
Resource                  Used    Hard
--------                  ----    ----
persistentvolumeclaims    1       50          10Gi    2Gi

See Setting Quotas for more details. Disk-based Pod Eviction for Nodes

Cluster administrators could previously configure nodes' pod eviction policy based on available memory. With this release, eviction policy can now also be configured based on available disk.

Nodes supports two file system partitions when detecting disk pressure:

  • The nodefs file system that the node uses for local disk volumes, daemon logs, etc. (for example, the file system that provides /)
  • The imagefs file system that the container runtime uses for storing images and individual container writable layers

When configured, the node can report disk threshold violations, and the scheduler no longer tries to put pods on those nodes. The node ranks pods and then evicts pods to free up disk space.

See Handling Out of Resource Errors for more details.

2.3.3. Storage Dynamic Storage Provisioning Using Storage Classes

Dynamic provisioning of persistent storage volumes for many storage providers was previously available in OpenShift Container Platform as a Technology Preview feature, but this release brings this feature into full support using the new storage classes implementation for the following:

  • OpenStack Cinder
  • AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • GCE Persistent Disk (gcePD)
  • GlusterFS
  • Ceph RBD

See Dynamic Provisioning and Creating Storage Classes for more details.

2.3.4. Security Service Accounts as OAuth Clients

Users can now more easily integrate with the OpenShift Container Platform-provided OAuth server from their own applications deployed within their project. You can now use service accounts as a scope-constrained OAuth client.

See Service Accounts as OAuth Clients for more details.

2.3.5. Networking Subdomain Wildcard Router

Users can now use wildcard routes to determine the destination of all traffic for a domain and its subdomains. For example, * can be routed to the same back-end service, which is configured to handle all the subdomains.

You can specify that a route allows wildcard support through an annotation, and the HAProxy router exposes the route to the service per the route’s wildcard policy. The most-specific path wins; for example, is matched before

See Creating Routes Specifying a Wildcard Subdomain Policy and Using Wildcard Routes (for a Subdomain) for more details.

2.3.6. Installation Upgrade Enhancements

This release includes a number of enhancements to improve the OpenShift Container Platform upgrade process from 3.3 to 3.4, including:

  • A --tags pre_upgrade Ansible option for running a dry-run that performs all pre-upgrade checks without actually upgrading any hosts and reports any problems found.
  • New playbooks broken up into smaller steps when possible, allowing you to upgrade the control plane and nodes in separate phases.
  • Customizable node upgrades by specific label or number of hosts.
  • New atomic-openshift-excluder and atomic-openshift-docker-excluder packages that help ensure your systems stay locked down on the correct versions of OpenShift Container Platform and Docker when you are not trying to upgrade, according to the OpenShift Container Platform version. Usage is documented in relevant installation and upgrade steps.

2.3.7. Enterprise Container Registry Image Layout View

A new image layout view has been added to the OpenShift Container Platform web console, providing additional information about specific images in the OpenShift Container Platform registry by clicking on their tags from the Builds Images page.

Figure 2.1. Details Tab

Details Tab

Figure 2.2. Layers Tab

Layers Tab Support Additional Slashes in Image Tag Names

You can now use external docker distribution servers that support images with more than two path segments. For example:

OpenShift Container Platform, however, is still limited to images of the form $namespace/$name, and cannot create multi-segment images.

2.3.8. Developer Experience OpenShift Pipelines Fully Supported

OpenShift Pipelines, introduced in OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 as a Technology Preview feature, are now fully supported. OpenShift Pipelines are based on the Jenkins Pipeline plug-in. By integrating Jenkins Pipelines, you can now leverage the full power and flexibility of the Jenkins ecosystem while managing your workflow from within OpenShift Container Platform.

See the following for more on pipelines: Jenkins 2.0 Image

OpenShift Container Platform users using integrated Jenkins CI and CD pipelines can now leverage Jenkins 2.0 with improved usability and other enhancements. Automatically Log in to Integrated Jenkins Using OAuth

Users who deploy an OpenShift Container Platform integrated Jenkins server can now configure it to allow automatic logins from the web console based on an OAuth flow with the master instead of requiring the standard Jenkins authentication credentials.

See OpenShift Container Platform OAuth Authentication for configuration details. Designated Build Nodes

Cluster administrators can now designate nodes to be used for builds (i.e., Source-to-Image and/or Docker builds) so that build nodes can be scaled independently from the application container nodes. Build nodes can also be configured differently in terms of security settings, storage back ends, and other options.

See Configuring Global Build Defaults and Overrides for details on setting nodeSelector to label build nodes, and Assigning Builds to Specific Nodes for details on configuring a build to target a specific node.

2.3.9. Web Console Filtering and Sorting the Projects List

To make navigation easier for users interacting with large numbers of projects, the Projects page now has a text filter by name, display name, description, and project creator. It also allows sorting on several of these attributes.

Figure 2.3. Filtering and Sorting Projects

Filtering and Sorting Projects Better Catalog Organization and Customizable Categories

The existing Add to project catalogy could become cluttered when dealing with builder images with many versions or many templates with slight differences. Previously, the focus was minimizing the number of clicks to get an application running, however the updated layout now focuses on helping you find what you are actually looking for.

The main catalog page now only contains high-level categories Languages and Technologies, and underneath those are subcategories, such as Java and Data Stores. Clicking one of those shows redesigned tiles for build images and templates. Different versions of the same builder image now all roll-up into the same tile with the semantically latest version automatically selected.

All of the default image streams and templates have also now been updated with better display names, descriptions, and categorization.

Figure 2.4. Catalog Organization

New Catalog Organization

If you do not like the default categories and subcategories, you can also now customize those as well. See Configuring Catalog Categories for more details. Creating and Adding Secrets for Build and Deployment Configurations

It was previously difficult to set up a build against a private Git repository from the web console. You had to import YAML or JSON to create your secret, then edit your build’s YAML to make it use that secret.

You can now expand the advanced build options, create a user and password or SSH key-based secret, then specify that the build use that when cloning your source. If you already have your secret created in the project, you can also choose any of the existing ones.

Figure 2.5. Secrets in Web Console

Secrets in Web Console

Setting up push and pull against private image registries has also been improved. The build configuration editor now allows you to set up a push or pull secret in case the image you are building from, or the image stream you are pushing to, is in a secure registry. Similarly, the new deployment configuration editor allows you to specify a pull secret. Editing Deployment Configuration Strategy, Hooks, and Secrets

A deployment configuration editor has been added to the web console, similar to the existing build configuration editor. With this new editor, you can:

  • Switch your deployment strategy
  • Modify advanced deployment settings like the maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the deployment
  • Add, edit, or remove deployment lifecycle hooks
  • Change the image being deployed
  • Set a pull secret for the registry your image is being pull from
  • Add, edit, or remove environment variables for the pods that will be deployed

Figure 2.6. Deployment Configuration Editor

Deployment Configuration Editor

Many of the existing editing actions still exist as separate actions, such as editing health checks, or configuring different resource limits. If you want to make a number of changes without triggering a deployment for each change, you can now pause your deployment, make all the changes you want, and then resume it. Pausing prevents any deployment from happening, no matter whether it was automatically or manually triggered. Quota Warnings

Users working within quota constraints had a hard time knowing when they had run out of quota, unless they went to check the Quota page. To address this, checks have been added for the most common scenarios where people have problems with quota. You now get quota warnings:

  • On the Overview as a generic warning if anything in your quota is at its limit.
  • On the Overview pod count visualizations when you are unable to reach your scale target due to quota.
  • If you try to create something and you are out of quota for that resource.
  • If you try to create something and it will cause you to exceed quota for a resource.

Figure 2.7. Quota Warnings

Quota Warnings

Figure 2.8. Quota Warnings

Quota Warnings Managing Project Membership

An important feature for users that want to collaborate with the same projects, the new membership management interface allows you to add and remove roles to users, groups, and service accounts within your project.

Figure 2.9. Managing Project Membership

Managing Project Membership

Project administrators have access to view and modify the project’s membership. Membership management is the only difference between an administrator and an editor in the default OpenShift Container Platform roles. Cluster administrators can add a description to any role to provide extra information for end users about what that role actually allows. Bookmarkable Page States

Tab selection, label filters, and several other options that change page state are now persisted to the URL throughout the web console. This allows you to bookmark specific pages and share with others. Support for New Kubernetes Features

Support for the following new Kubernetes features have been added to the web console:

  • Create storage using storage classes

    • If your cluster administrator sets up storage classes, they will be available for you to pick from in the Create Storage page.
  • Deployments and ReplicaSets

    • Fit in seamlessly on the Overview page alongside your existing deployment configurations.
    • Appear on the Applications Deployments page.
    • Support many of the actions already supported for deployment configurations (excluding the new editor).
  • Roll-up of PetSet pods on the Overview page

    • Pods for a PetSet roll up into a single card with a pod count visualization like the other controllers.
    • Metrics viewable on the overview for the pods in the PetSet.

2.4. Notable Technical Changes

OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 introduces the following notable technical changes.

Supported Security Version

TLSV1.2 is now the only supported security version in OpenShift Container Platform version 3.4 and later. You must update if you are using TLSV1.0 or TLSV1.1.

Updated Infrastructure Components

  • Kubernetes has been updated to v1.4.
  • OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 requires Docker 1.12.
  • etcd has been updated to 3.1.0-rc.0.

    While etcd has been updated from etcd 2 to 3, OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 continues to use an etcd 2 data model and API for both new and upgraded clusters.

Updated Logging Components and Common Data Model

The latest EFK stack has been updated to:

  • Elasticsearch 2.4
  • Kibana 4.5
  • Fluentd 0.12

This stack also now uses a common data dictionary and format for how Red Hat names components, systems, capabilities, and more when referring to them in a log message. As a result, search queries will be able to be reused across other Red Hat products.

This means Fluentd sends logs to Elasticsearch with a new indexing pattern for projects. The pattern is:


For example:


The pattern for the operations logs remains the same.


Downgrading from Elasticsearch 2.4 to Elasticsearch 1.x is not possible due to migration to a new data structure.

OpenShift SDN Converted to Kubernetes CNI Plug-in

The default OpenShift SDN has been modernized and converted to a Kubernetes CNI plug-in. OpenShift SDN presents itself to Kubernetes as a network plug-in and assumes responsibility for IPAM instead of Docker.

As a side effect, Docker is no longer used for pod IP address management, so running the docker inspect command will no longer show the pod’s IP address and other network details. Pod IP details are still (and have always been) available through oc describe pod command output.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • The deploymentConfig.spec.strategy.rollingParams.updatePercent field is removed in favor of deploymentConfig.spec.strategy.rollingParams.maxUnavailable and deploymentConfig.spec.strategy.rollingParams.maxSurge.
  • The pre-OpenShift Origin 1.0 compatibility fields for service spec.portalIP and pod have been removed from the API. Use spec.clusterIP for services and spec.nodeName for services. Clients that send these fields to the server will have those values ignored.
  • The oc whoami --token command is deprecated in favor of oc whoami -t, and oc whoami --context is deprecated in favor of oc whoami -c. The --token and --context options will be removed in a future release.
  • Support for OpenShift Container Platform 3.1 clients for deployment configurations is dropped. More specifically, the oc scale command will not work as expected.
  • It is no longer possible to set multiple environment variables or template parameters by passing a comma-separated list to single a --env, --param, or --value option. For example:

    $ oc new-app mysql --param MYSQL_USER=user,MYSQL_PASSWORD=password

    will not work, and:

    $ oc new-app mysql --param MYSQL_USER=user --param MYSQL_PASSWORD=password

    should be used instead.

2.5. Bug Fixes

This release fixes bugs for the following components:

  • Project visibility calculation failed if it encountered a role binding that referenced a missing role. Projects containing a role binding that referenced a missing role would not appear when listing projects via the API. This bug fix skips role bindings with invalid role references when evaluating project visibility. As a result, projects with invalid role bindings still appear in the projects list if another valid role binding exists that grants access. (BZ#1382393)
  • Pipeline strategies now support run policies: serial and parallel. Previously, pipeline builds were executed independently of the requested run policy associated with the build configuration, which resulted in confusion. With this enhancement, pipeline jobs running in Jenkins now respect the run policy that was specified by the OpenShift build configuration. (BZ#1356037)
  • Parameter references are now supported in non-string template fields. Previously, parameter references could not be used in non-string API fields such as replica count or port. With this enhancement, this is now supported by using the ${{PARAMETER}} syntax to reference a parameter within the template. (BZ#1383812)
  • When creating a build object through the REST API, the type of the from image was not checked and was assumed to be DockerImage. Build objects created with a Custom strategy referencing an ImageStreamTag as its from image resulted in failure or, potentially, a build using the wrong image. This bug fix checks the type of builder image when creating build objects, and if it is not DockerImage, the request is rejected as invalid. As a result, Custom builds with builder images specified as ImageStreamTag are rejected. (BZ#1384973)
  • The code that launches the build container in Source-to-Image was waiting indefinitely when an error occurred that was not a timeout error. This caused failed builds to hang indefinitely in Running state. This bug fix updates Source-to-Image to no longer wait for containers once an error is received. As a result, builds now fail as expected and no longer hang in Running state. (BZ#1390749)
  • Multiple Jenkins builds were being triggered for a single OpenShift build. This caused build details to appear to sync inconsistently. This bug fix ensures only a single Jenkins build is triggered for each OpenShift build. As a result, build details sync properly and the web console displays the pipeline properly. (BZ#1390865)
  • The oc start-build --follow command could return a timeout error if there were delays in scheduling the build. With this bug fix, oc start-build --follow now blocks until the build completes. (BZ#1368581)
  • NO_PROXY values can now be set for git clone operations in builds. Previously, cluster administrators could set HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY values that would be used for all builds. Certain builds needed to access domains that could not be reached when going through those default proxies. Adding a NO_PROXY field allows the cluster administrators to set domains for which the default proxy value will not be used. With this enhancement, default proxies can now be bypassed when performing git clone operations against specific domains. (BZ#1384750)
  • The generic webhook build trigger would cause builds to run even when invalid content was POSTed in the request body. This behavior has been maintained for backwards compatibility reasons, but this bug fix adds a warning to make the situation clearer to whoever is calling the trigger. (BZ#1373330)
Command Line Interface
  • During builds, comparison of the master host and port with that specified by the user failed when the user-specified URL did not contain the default port (when using 443). This caused builds to fail to trigger. This bug fix updates the comparison of the host and port to account for the default port. As a result, starting builds works when the master port is 443 and is using a self-signed certificate. (BZ#1373788)
  • The oc new-app --search command expected that the cluster could always reach When was unreachable, as is the case when running a disconnected cluster, the command would always fail. With this bug fix, the command now prints a warning when is unreachable and no longer fails with an error. As a result, the command is now usable in disconnected environments or in other circumstances when is unreachable. (BZ#1378647)
  • An extra line of information caused invalid JSON or YAML output when using the oc set command. With this bug fix, the extra line of information is now output through stderr. As a result, valid JSON or YAML is now printed via the oc set command. (BZ#1390140)
  • The oc convert command failed to produce a YAML file with valid syntax when converting from multiple files in a directory. When converting from multiple files in a directory and piping the output to oc create, it would only create the first file converted. This bug fix updates the YAML syntax in the output of oc convert when converting multiple files. As a result, the output of oc convert can feed oc create properly. (BZ#1393230)
  • The oc adm prune images|builds|deployments commands ignored the --namespace parameter. This made cluster administrators unable to limit the scope of prune commands to particular namespaces. This bug fix makes the oc adm prune command aware of the --namespace parameter and limits the scope of pruning to the given namespace. As a result, cluster administrators are now able to limit the scope of the command to single namespace. When applied to images, none of the images will be removed, because images are non-namespaced. (BZ#1371511)
  • Docker versions earlier than 1.12 required IPv6, which made it impossible to run the docker daemon on a kernel with IPv6 disabled. This bug fix modifies the docker daemon to no longer require IPv6. (BZ#1354491)
  • The oc deploy --latest command previously updated latestVersion directly from the API, which made it impossible to separate between manual and automatic updates. This enhancement adds an instantiate endpoint for deployment configurations, allowing for distinction between these types of updates. As a result, the API call for a manual deployment is now distinguishable. (BZ#1371403)
  • A deployment configuration with multiple containers using the same ImageChangeTrigger would not be updated by the image change controller. This bug was fixed as part of redesigning the triggering mechanism, which removed the image change controller. (BZ#1381833)
  • The pause and resume operations are now handled using the PATCH method, which ensures the operation always succeeds for the user. (BZ#1388832)
  • When Autodeploy when: New image is available was unchecked in the web console’s Add to project page, the web console would not create an image change trigger on the new deployment configuration. This meant that users had to manually set an image using the oc set image command before deployments. Otherwise, all deployments would fail with image pull back-off errors.
  • This bug fix updates the web console to add an image change trigger with automatic: false. This prevents deployments from happening automatically when the image stream tag is updated, but allows users to run oc rollout commands, or use the Deploy action in the web console, without any additional configuration. (BZ#1383804)
  • It was impossible to specify when to start a deployment with the latest image. Triggers would cause each build to deploy. So triggers had to be disabled, then enabled once a deploy is desired. With this bug fix, a new endpoint and oc rollout latest that uses the endpoint and supersedes oc deploy --latest were added in OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 to enable manual deployments without the need to enable triggers. (BZ#1303938)
  • Various OpenShift sample templates included an expired, self-signed X.509 certificate and key for These unnecessary certificates and keys have been removed from the templates. (BZ#1312278)
  • The Jenkins Sync plug-in failed to consistently sync build changes from the OpenShift cluster. Builds created in OpenShift were therefore not observed and executed by the Jenkins server. This bug fix makes sync logic more robust to ensure changes are not missed. As a result, builds are now properly processed by the sync plug-in and executed in Jenkins. (BZ#1364948)
  • API server restarts caused the Jenkins sync plug-in to lose its connection to OpenShift. This caused pipeline builds to not be properly executed in the Jenkins server. This bug fix updates the sync plug-in to handle connection loss when the API server is restarted. As a result, builds are now properly processed by the sync plug-in and executed in Jenkins if the API server is restarted. (BZ#1364949)
  • New build configuration events were missed, causing associated Jenkins jobs to not be created. This bug fix ensures the order of resource watches is correct and periodically resyncs to prevent missing events. As a result, associated Jenkins jobs are now always created. (BZ#1392353)
  • The pipeline plug-in did not use an optimal endpoint for scaling. This made scaling beyond one replica problematic. This bug fix updates the pipeline plug-in to use an optimal endpoint, and uses can now scale a deployment configuration’s replication controller beyond one replica. (BZ#1392780)
  • Failure to use overrides methods in one area of the Jenkins plug-in caused job failures when namespace parameter was not set. This bug fix updates the plug-in, and namespace is now an optional parameter. (BZ#1396022)
Image Registry
  • This enhancement updates OpenShift Container Platform to allow multiple slashes in Docker image names and allows using external registries that support them. (BZ#1373281)
  • When importing a Docker image from a remote registry that is insecure, the pull-through capability did not work, causing pull failures. This bug fix ensures that these pulls now succeed for insecure registries. (BZ#1385855)
  • Previous versions of docker only checked for the existence of one layer digest in remote repositories before falling back to the full blob upload. However, each layer can have multiple digests associated depending on the docker version used to push images to a source registry. During an image push, the docker daemon could have picked up the wrong layer digest associated to a particular image layer, which did not existed in remote repository. It would then fall back to the full blob upload, even though the daemon knew another digest existing in the remote repository. With this bug fix, the docker daemon now sorts candidate layer digests by their similarity with the remote repository and iterates over a few of them before falling back to full blob re-upload. As a result, docker pushes are now faster when layers already exist in the remote registry. (BZ#1372065)
  • The installer generated a flannel configuration that was not compatible with the latest version of flannel available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. The installer has been updated to produce configuration files compatible with both the new and old versions of flannel. (BZ#1391515)
  • Previously, openshift-ansible did not configure environments using Google Compute Engine (GCE) as multizone clusters. This prevented nodes from different zones registering against masters. With this bug fix, GCE-based clusters are multizone enabled, allowing nodes from other zones to register themselves. (BZ#1390160)
  • This enhancement moves the node scale-up workflow in the quick installer out of the install subcommand and into a separate scaleup subcommand. Users reported that having the scaleup workflow inside install was confusing, and a result scale-up now lives in its own space and users can access it directly. (BZ#1339621)
  • This feature provides the ability to add persistent node-labels to hosts. Rebooting hosts (such as in cloud environments) would not have the same labels applied after reboot. As a result, node-labels persist across reboot. (BZ#1359848)
  • The openshift-ansible NetworkManager configuration script was unconditionally restarting the dnsmasq service every time it ran. As a result, host name resolution would fail temporarily while the dnsmasq service restarted. The openshift-ansible NetworkManager configuration script now only restarts the dnsmasq service if a change was detected in the upstream DNS resolvers. As a result, host name resolution will continue to function as expected. (BZ#1374170)
  • Previously, the installer would re-run the metrics deployment steps if the configuration playbook was re-run. The playbooks are now updated to only run the metrics deployment tasks once. If a previous installation of metrics has failed, the administrator must manually resolve the issue or remove the metrics deployment and re-run the configuration playbook. See the cleanup instructions. (BZ#1383901)
  • The Ansible quiet output configuration was not set for non-install runs of atomic-openshift-installer. As a result, users would see full Ansible output rather than abbreviated step-by-step output. The Ansible quiet output configuration is now set as the default for all atomic-openshift-installer runs. With this fix, users see abbreviated output and can toggle back to verbose output with -v `or `--verbose. (BZ#1384294)
  • Previously, the quick installer would unnecessarily prompt for the name of a load balancer for non-HA installations. This question has been removed for single master environments. (BZ#1388754)
  • The a-o-i package was considering extra hosts when determining if the target HA environment is a mix of installed and uninstalled hosts. As a result, the comparison failed and incorrectly reported that a fully installed environment was actually a mix of installed and uninstalled. With this fix, non-masters and non-nodes were removed from the comparison and installed HA environments are correctly detected. (BZ#1390064)
  • Previously, the dnsmasq configuration included strict-order, meaning that dnsmasq would iterate through the host’s nameservers in order. This meant that if the first nameserver had failed, a lengthy timeout would be observed while dnsmasq waited before moving on to the next nameserver. By removing the strict-order option, dnsmasq prefers nameservers that it knows to be up over those that are unresponsive, ensuring faster name resolution. If you wish to add this or any other option, use the advanced installer option openshift_node_dnsmasq_additional_config_file, which allows you to provide the path to a dnsmasq configuration file that will be deployed on all nodes. (BZ#1399577)
  • Previously, the NetworkManager dispatcher script did not correctly update /etc/resolv.conf after a host was rebooted. The script has been updated to ensure that /etc/resolv.conf is updated on reboot, ensuring proper use of dnsmasq. (BZ#1401425)
  • The openshift-ansible advanced install method now alters the Registry Console’s IMAGE_PREFIX value to match the oreg_url prefix when openshift_examples_modify_imagestreams=true, allowing users to install from a registry other than (BZ#1384772)
  • openshift_facts `was parsing full package versions from `openshift version. The parsed versions do not match actual yum package versions. With this fix, openshift_facts is updated to remove`commit offset` strings from parsed versions. Parsed versions now match actual yum package versions. (BZ#1389137)
  • Previously, if hosts defined in the advanced installation inventory had multiple inventory names defined for the same hosts, the installer would fail with an error when creating /etc/ansible/facts.d. This race condition has been resolved, preventing this problem from happening. (BZ#1385449)
  • This feature adds the ability to define eviction thresholds for imagefs. Pods are evicted when the node is running low on disk. As a result, the disk is reclaimed and the node remains stable. (BZ#1337470)
  • This bug fixes an issue with the OpenShift master when the OpenStack cloud provider is used. If the master service controller is unable to connect with the LBaaS API, it prevents the master from starting. With this fix, the failure is treated as non-fatal. Services with type LoadBalancer will not work, as the master is able to create the load balancer in the cloud provider, but the master functions normally. (BZ#1389205)
  • This feature adds the ability to detect local disk pressure and reclaim resources. To maintain stability of the node, the operator is able to set eviction thresholds that, when crossed, will cause the node to reclaim disk resource by pruning images, or evicting pods. As a result, the node is able to recover from disk pressure. (BZ#1352390)
  • Previously, it was possible to configure resource (CPU, memory) eviction thresholds (hard and soft) to a negative value and the kubelet started successfully. As eviction thresholds can not be negative, this erroneous behavior is now fixed. The kubelet now fails to start if a negative eviction threshold is configured. (BZ#1357825)
  • The pod container status field ImageID was previously populated with a string of the form docker://SOME_ID. This displayed an image ID, which was not usable to correlate the image running in the pod with an image stored on a registry. Now, the ImageID field is populated with a string of the form docker-pullable://sha256@SOME_ID. This image ID may be used to identify and pull the running image from the registry unambiguously. (BZ#1389183)
  • The oc logs command was using a wrapped word writer that could, in some cases, modify input such that the length of output was not equal to the length of input. This could cause a ErrShortWrite (short write) error. This change restores oc logs to use Golang’s standard output writer. (BZ#1389464)
  • The default directory for the location of Seccomp profile JSON files on the node was not set properly. As a result, there was an issue when using the Seccomp profile annotation in a pod definition. With this fix, the default Seccomp profile directory is appropriately set to /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp. (BZ#1392749)
  • OpenShift uses fsGroup in the pod specification to set volume permissions in unprivileged pods. The S_ISGID bit is set on all directories in the volume so that new files inherit the group ID. However, the bit is also set for files, for which it has a different meaning of mandatory file locking, see stat(2). This fix ensures that the S_ISGID bit is now only set on directories. (BZ#1387306)
  • This bug fix corrects an issue on the OpenShift master when using the Openstack cloud provider. The LBaaS version check was done improperly, causing failures when using v2 of the LBaaS plug-in. This fix corrects the check so that v2 is detected properly. (BZ#1391837)
  • While autoscaling, the reason for the failed` --max` flag validation was unclear. This fix divides reasons into * value not provided or too low* or value of max is lower than value of min. (BZ#1336632)
  • Piping to oc volume from oc process would not create the deployment configuration (DC) as it did before. As a result, the deployer would provide output stating that the DC that would be generated did not exist, and would fail. With this fix, the output of oc volume to oc create is properly piped. As a result, you can create the missing DC with the PVC mount when you have the deployer attaching PVC to ES upon creation. The deployer no longer fails. (BZ#1396366)
Web Console
  • A JavaScript bug caused the HTML page to not refresh after deleting the route in Camel. This fix addresses the JavaScript bug and the HTML page is refreshed after deleting the route. (BZ#1392416)
  • Tables with label filters will persist the current filter into the URL. Clicking directly into a pre-filtered pod list, clicking somewhere else, and then hitting Back took you back to the entire pod list instead of the filtered one. This behavior was not expected. Now, the latest filtering state a page is on will be persisted into the URL and work with browser history. (BZ#1365304)
  • Previously, the deployment configuration on the Overview page was not shown when it had not yet run a deployment. With this update, a tile is shown for the deployment configuration. If the deployment configuration has an image change trigger, a link to the image stream of the tag it will trigger on is shown. (BZ#1367379)
  • The web console would not show any errors on the Overview page when metrics were configured, but not working. It would quietly fall back to the behavior when metrics were not set up. The web console now shows an error message with a link to the metrics status URL to help diagnose problems such as invalid certificates. The alert can be permanently dismissed for users who do not want to see it. (BZ#1382728)
  • In some cases, the Y-axis values would not adjust to fit the data when looking at metrics for a pod. The Y-axis now scales appropriately to fit the data as usage increases. (BZ#1386708)
  • If you deleted a pod and created a new pod with the same name, you would see metrics for the previous pod when viewing metrics. Only metrics for the new pod are now shown. (BZ#1386838*)
  • When a pod had more than one container, the web console was incorrectly showing total memory and CPU usage for all containers in the pod on the metrics page rather than only the selected container. This could make it appear that memory usage exceeded the limit set for the container. The web console now correctly shows the memory and CPU usage only for the selected container. (BZ#1387274)
  • The logo and documentation links must be changed for each release. This was not yet completed, so the logo and documentation links represented OpenShift Origin instead of OpenShift Container Platform. The appropriate logo and links for the release were added and are now correct. (BZ#1388798)
  • Previously, you could select Push Secret and Pull Secret on the DC editor page and on the Create From Image page. These options are not helpful on these pages because they are using integrated registry. Therefore, the Push Secret and Pull Secret select boxes are now removed from the DC editor and Create From Image pages and users can no longer select these options. (BZ#1388884)
  • Routes popover warning messages were being truncated at the end of the string. Before the relevant portion of the warning message could be displayed, the certificate content results in the warning message were being truncated. After the bug fix, the truncation of the warning message was changed from truncating at the end of the string to truncating in the middle of the string. As a result, the relevant portion of the warning message is now visible. (BZ#1389658)
  • Camel route diagrams had a typo that, on hover, route component showed Totoal. As a result of this bug fix, on hover the route component shows Total. (BZ#1392330)
  • The password field was set as type text, and therefore the password was visible. In this bug fix, the password field type was set to password. As a result, the password is not visible. (BZ#1393290)
  • Previously, the BuildConfig editor displayed a blank section. The BuildConfig editor now shows a message when there are no editable source types for a BuildConfig. (BZ#1393803)
  • A bug in the communication between the Web console and Jolokia endpoint caused an error on the server when activating tracing. This bug fix changed the default value of Apache Camel configuration. As a result, the error is resolved. (BZ#1401509)
  • A bug in the processing of Apache Camel routes defined in XML caused an error in the Apache Camel application. This bug fix corrected the XML by adding expected namespaces, resolving the error in the Apache Camel application. (BZ#1401511)
  • On the Web Console’s BuildConfig edit screen, the Learn more link next to Triggers gave a 404 Not Found error. The help link in the console contained the .org suffix instead of .com, therefore the build triggers help link would return a 404 because the requested page did not exist under the website. In the bug fix, the help link was updated to the correct URL. The help link now loads the correct help documentation for OpenShift Container Platform. (BZ#1390890)
  • A bug in the JavaScript code prevented the profile page from showing expected content. The bug was fixed and the profile page displays the expected content. (BZ#1392341)
  • A bug in the JavaScript code prevented message from changing after the Camel route source update. The bug was fixed and the message changes after the Camel route source update. (BZ#1392376)
  • A bug in the JavaScript code prevented the delete header button from functioning. The bug fix enabled the delete header button. (BZ#1392931)
  • A bug in the JavaScript code prevented content from being displayed in the OSGi Configuration tab. As a result of the bug fix, content is displayed appropriately on the OSGi Configuration tab. (BZ#1393693)
  • A bug in the JavaScript code prevented content from being displayed in the OSGi Server tab. As a result of the bug fix, content is displayed appropriately on the OSGi Server tab. (BZ#1393696)
  • The OSGi Bundles tab showed “TypeError: t.bundles.sortBy is not a function”. The error was a result of the function sortBy of Sugar JavaScript library not being included in the application. This bug fix changed the reference to Sugar JavaScript library to an equivalent function in Lodash library. As a result, content is displayed appropriately on the OSGi Bundles tab. (BZ#1393711)
  • The scripts used to check if a deployment was successful did not properly handle the situation with dynamically provisioned storage and would cause an error message to be displayed after the metric components were deployed. The deployer would exit in an error status and display an error message in the logs. The metrics components would still deploy and function properly, it did not affect any functionality. In this bug fix, the scripts used to check if the deployment was successfully deployed were updated to support dynamically provisioned volumes when used on GCE. As a result, new deployments to GCE with DYNAMICALLY_PROVISIONED_STORAGE set to true will no longer result in an error message. (BZ#1371464)
  • Previously, nodes in an OpenShift cluster using openshift-sdn would occasionally report readiness and start assigned pods before networking was fully configured. Nodes now only report readiness after networking is fully configured. (BZ#1384696)
  • When trying to merge the network between different projects, the wrong field was passed to UpdatePod. The network namespace was not correctly merged because the string passed was invalid. With this bug fix, the field to be passed was corrected. The network namespaces are now correctly merged. (BZ#1389213)
  • The Docker service adds rules to the iptables configuration to support proper network functionality for running containers. If the service is started before the iptables, these rules are not properly created. Ensure iptables are started prior to starting Docker. (BZ#1390835)
  • Sometimes with the presence of a pod, OpenShift would perform unnecessary cleanup steps. However the default networking plugin assumed it would only be called to do cleanup when there was cleanup to be done. This would occasionally cause Nodes to log the error "Failed to teardown network for pod" when there was no actual error. Typically, this error would only be noticed in the logs by users who were trying to find the cause of a pod failure. With this bug fix, the default networking plugin now recognizes when it has been called after the pod networking state has already been cleaned up successfully. And as a result, no spurious error message is logged. (BZ#1359240)
Quick Starts
  • The Python image was overly restrictive about allowing host connections by default, causing readiness probes to fail because they could not connect from localhost. With this bug fix, the defaults were changed to allow connections from any host, including localhost. As a result, the readiness probe is able to connect from localhost and the readiness probe will succeed. (BZ#1391145)
  • Because the finalization mechanism only read the preferred resources available in cluster, ScheduledJobs were not removed during project deletion. This bug fix enforces read all resources for finalization and garbage collection, not just the preferred. ScheduledJobs are now removed during project deletion. (BZ#1391827)
  • Active jobs were mistakenly counted during synchronization. This caused the active calculation to be wrong, which led to new jobs not being scheduled when concurrencyPolicy was set to Replace. This bug fix corrected how active jobs for a ScheduledJob are calculated. As a result, concurrencyPolicy should work as expected when set to Replace. (BZ#1386463)
  • Generated hostnames with more than 63 characters caused DNS to fail. This bug fix added more stringent validation of the generated names. As a result, the error is caught for the user when the route is processed by the router, and provide a clear explanation why the route will not work. (BZ#1337322)
  • By default extended certificate validation was not enabled, so bad certificates in routes could crash the router. In this bug fix, the default in oc adm router was changed to turn on extended validation when a router is created. Now bad certificates are caught and the route they are associated with is not used, and an appropriate status is set. (BZ#1379701)
  • The clusterrole has always been able to list the services in a cluster. With this bug fix the role was enabled cluster-wide. The tests that were using this role in limited scope have been fixed to use it across the cluster. (BZ#1380669)
  • The extended certificate validation code would not allow some certificates that should be considered valid. Self-signed, expired, or not yet current certificates that were otherwise well-formed would be rejected. The extended validation was changed to allow those cases. Those types of certificates are now allowed. (BZ#1389165)
  • When a volume fails to detach for any reason, the delete operation is retried forever, whereas the detach operation does not seem to try to detach more than once. This causes the delete to fail each time with a “VolumeInUse” error. OpenShift makes requests to delete volumes without any sort of exponential back off. Making too many requests to the cloud provider can exhaust the API quota. This bug fix implemented exponential backoff when trying to delete a volume. OpenShift now uses exponential backoff when it tries to delete a volume, and it does not overshoot the API quota easily. (BZ#1399800)
  • Using hostPath for storage could lead to running out of disk space, causing OpenShift root disk could become full and unusable. This bug fix added support for pod eviction based on disk space. As a result, a pod using hostPath consumes too much space it may be evicted from the node. (BZ#1349311)
  • The cloud provider was not initializing properly, causing features that require cloud provider API access, such as PersistentVolumeClaim creation, to fail. With this bug fix, the cloud provider is initialized in node. Features that require cloud provider API access no longer fail. (BZ#1390758) (BZ#1379600)
  • Previously the upgrade playbook would inadvertently upgrade etcd when it should not have. If this upgrade triggered an upgrade to etcd3 then the upgrade would fail as etcd would become unavailable. With this bug fix, etcd no longer updates when it is not necessary ensuring upgrades proceed successfully. (BZ#1393187)
  • An error in the etcd backup routine run during upgrade could incorrectly interpret a separate etcd host as embedded. The etcd backup would fail and the upgrade would exit prematurely, before making any changes on the cluster. This bug fix changed the variable to correctly detect embedded versus separate etcd. The etcd backup will now complete successfully allowing the upgrade to proceed. (BZ#1398549)
  • The metrics deployer image shipped in OpenShift Container Platform 3.3.0 had an outdated version of the client included in the image. As a result the the deployer failed with an error when run in the refresh mode. That image has been rebuilt and the deployer no longer fails. (BZ#1372350)

2.6. Technology Preview Features

Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. These experimental features are not intended for production use. Please note the following scope of support on the Red Hat Customer Portal for these features:

Technology Preview Features Support Scope

The following new features are now available in Technology Preview:

The following features that were formerly in Technology Preview from a previous OpenShift Container Platform release are now fully supported:

The following features that were formerly in Technology Preview from a previous OpenShift Container Platform release remain in Technology Preview:

2.7. Known Issues

The following are known issues for the OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 initial GA release.

  • Previously, upgrading from OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 to 3.4 caused all user identities to disappear, though they were still present in etcd, and OAuth-based users could no longer log in. New 3.4 installations were also affected. This was caused by an unintentional change in the etcd prefix for user identities; egressnetworkpolicies were similarly affected.

    This bug has been fixed as of the OpenShift Container Platform release. The bug fix restores the previous etcd prefix for user identities and egressnetworkpolicies, and as a result users can log in again successfully.

    If you had previously already upgraded to (the GA release of OpenShift Container Platform 3.4), after upgrading to the release you must also then perform a data migration using a data migration tool. See the following Knowledgebase Solution for further details on this tool:

  • An etcd performance issue has been discovered on new and upgraded OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 clusters. See the following Knowledgebase Solution for further details:

2.8. Asynchronous Errata Updates

Security, bug fix, and enhancement updates for OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 are released as asynchronous errata through the Red Hat Network. All OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 errata is available on the Red Hat Customer Portal. See the OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle for more information about asynchronous errata.

Red Hat Customer Portal users can enable errata notifications in the account settings for Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM). When errata notifications are enabled, users are notified via email whenever new errata relevant to their registered systems are released.


Red Hat Customer Portal user accounts must have systems registered and consuming OpenShift Container Platform entitlements for OpenShift Container Platform errata notification emails to generate.

This section will continue to be updated over time to provide notes on enhancements and bug fixes for future asynchronous errata releases of OpenShift Container Platform 3.4. Versioned asynchronous releases, for example with the form OpenShift Container Platform 3.4.z, will be detailed in subsections. In addition, releases in which the errata text cannot fit in the space provided by the advisory will be detailed in subsections that follow.


For any OpenShift Container Platform release, always review the instructions on upgrading your cluster properly.

2.8.1. RHBA-2017:0186 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-01-24

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0186 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0187 advisory. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

If you had previously already installed or upgraded to (the GA release of OpenShift Container Platform 3.4), after upgrading to the release you must also then perform a data migration using a data migration tool. See the following Knowledgebase Solution for further details on this tool:

2.8.2. RHBA-2017:0218 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-01-31

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0218 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0219 advisory.

Space precluded documenting all of the bug fixes for this release in their advisories. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes included in this release. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions. Bug Fixes

This release fixes bugs for the following components:

  • Proxy value validation prevented the use of default cluster proxy settings with SSH Git URLs. This caused build configurations that used SSH Git URLs in a cluster with default proxy settings to get a validation error unless the proxy value was explicitly set to empty string in the build configuration. This bug fix ensures that validation no longer rejects build configurations that use SSH Git URLs and have a proxy value set. However, the proxy value will not be used when an SSH Git URL is supplied. (BZ#1397475)
  • The builds controller iterates through all builds in the system and processes completed builds to see if there are other builds that need to be started. It will continue iterating through completed builds regardless of when the build was completed. Scheduling a new build can take a long time when there is a great number of completed builds for the controller to process, for example more than 1000. To address this build controller performance issue, this bug fix ensures that a build is processed once only on completion to decide whether other builds should be started; they are ignored in the regular build controller loop. As a result, builds start quickly regardless of how many completed builds exist in the system. (BZ#1400132)
Command Line Interface
  • A race condition was found when updating a batch of nodes to schedule or unschedulable with oc adm manage-node --schedulable=<true|false>. This made several nodes unable to update and show an "object has been modified" error. This bug fix uses a patch on the unschedulable field of the node object instead of a full update. As a result, all nodes can now be properly updated schedulable or unschedulable. (BZ#1416509)
  • The us-east-2c, eu-west-2, ap-south-1, and ca-central-1 AWS regions have been added to OpenShift Container Platform, enabling cloud provider support for those regions. (BZ#1400746)
Web Console
  • Code was ported from hawtio v1 to v2, and the method in which the links are specified has changed. This caused some broken links on the OSGi pages, for example the Bundles table and Packages table. This bug fix changes the links to the correct method in hawtio v2, which includes the relative path and navigation information. As a result, the broken links are not longer broken. (BZ#1411330)
  • The path for the OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 documentation links in the web console was incorrect. A redirect was added to the documentation site so the incorrect paths would resolve until the path could be fixed. This bug fix updates the documentation links in the web console to have the correct path. As a result, the documentation links go directly to the correct paths without needing the redirect. (BZ#1414552)
  • When authenticating users, Hawkular Metrics was not properly handling error responses back from the master for a subjectaccessreview. If the authentication token passed was invalid, the connection to Hawkular Metrics would stay open until a timeout. This bug fix ensures Hawkular Metrics now properly handles these error responses and closes the connection. As a result, if a user passes an invalid token, their connection now closes properly and no longer remain open until a timeout. (BZ#1410899)
  • In some rare circumstances, Hawkular Metrics would start to consume too much CPU resources. This could cause the Hawkular Metrics pod to stop responding and cause metrics to no longer be collected. The root of the problem appears to be with a Netty library used by the Cassandra driver. This bug fix configures the pod to use a different mechanism other than Netty. As a result, the Hawkular Metrics pod should no longer fail in this manner due to high CPU usage. (BZ#1411427)
  • When using Hawkular Metrics with AutoResolve triggers in a clustered environment, a trigger defined with AUTORESOLVE conditions fired correctly in FIRING mode but did not fire in AUTORESOLVE mode. This bug fix updates Hawkular Metrics to ensure the triggers fire correctly in both modes. (BZ#1415833)
  • In OpenShift SDN, the IP addresses for a node were not sorted. When the first IP was chosen, it may be different from the last one used, so the IP address appeared to have changed. OpenShift Container Platform would then update the node-to-IP mapping, causing problems with everything moving from one interface to another. This bug fix updates OpenShift SDN to sort the addresses, and as a result the traffic flows correctly and the addresses do not change. (BZ#1410128)
  • When the admission controller that adds security contexts is disabled, the node can crash. The node crashed trying to process a security context that was not present. This bug fix ensures that the pointer is checked to be defined before dereferencing it. As a result, the node no longer crashes. (BZ#1412087)
  • Previously, the router would not reload HAProxy after the initial sync if the last item of the initial list of any of the watched resources did not reach the router to trigger the commit. This could be caused by a route being rejected for any reason, for example specifying a host claimed by another namespace. The router could be left in its initial state (without any routes configured) until another commit-triggering event occurred, such as a watch event. This bug fix updates the router to always reload after initial sync. As a result, routes are available after the initial sync. (BZ#1383663)
  • This release adds an option to allow HAProxy to expect incoming connections on port 80 or port 443 to use the PROXY protocol. The source IP address can pass through a load balancer if the load balancer supports the protocol, for example Amazon ELB. As a result, if the ROUTER_USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL environment variable is set to true or TRUE, HAProxy now expects incoming connections to use the PROXY protocol. (BZ#1410156)
  • The ceph-common client tools were missing from the containerized node image. This prevented containerized environments from mounting Ceph volumes. This bug fix adds the ceph-common package, enabling containerized environments to mount Ceph volumes. (BZ#1411244)
  • An error in the atomic-openshift-docker-excluder package led to packages being removed from the exclusion list when upgraded. This bug fix ensures that the proper packages are excluded from yum operations. (BZ#1404193)

2.8.3. RHBA-2017:0268 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-02-09

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0268 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0267 advisory. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

This release delivers the migration tool mentioned in the above OpenShift Container Platform release notes. See the following Knowledgebase Solution for instructions on running the script:

2.8.4. RHBA-2017:0289 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-02-22

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0289 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0290 advisory.

The container images in this release have been updated using the rhel:7.3-66 and jboss-base-7/jdk8:1.3-6 base images, where applicable.

Space precluded documenting all of the bug fixes for this release in their advisories. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes included in this release. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions. Bug Fixes

This release fixes bugs for the following components:

  • Docker strategy builds that used scratch as their FROM image failed after trying to pull the scratch image. This was due to the scratch image not being properly special cased. This bug fix ensures that scratch is treated as a special case and not pulled. As a result, Docker builds that are FROM scratch will not attempt to pull scratch and will succeed. (BZ#1416456)
  • When cluster metrics were enabled, the passwords for the keystore and truststore were being passed to EAP as system properties. As system properties, they are passed to the executable in plain text as -D parameters. This means the passwords could be leaked via something like the ps command. This bug fix ensures that the passwords are now set in a system property file. As a result, the passwords are not longer able to be leaked using something like the ps command. (BZ#1420898)
  • When multiple Hostpath volumes with recycling policy are created and destroyed at same time, the recycler pod’s template modified in-place and reused. ecause multiple recyclers overwrite each other’s template, they can enter a state which is non-deterministic and error prone. This bug fix ensures that each recycler clones and creates its own recyling template and does not modify other recyclers. As a result, the recyclers no longer overwrite over each other’s state and do not end up using 100% CPU. (BZ#1418498)
  • EBS persistent volumes (PVs) cannot detach and umount from a node if the node service is stopped. This previously caused a panic to occur on the master with the message "runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference". This bug fix updates the master so that the panic no longer occurs. (BZ#1397693)
  • A race condition was found with NFS recycler handling. When recycler pods for multiple NFS shares started at the same time, some of these pods were not started and the corresponding NFS share was not recycled. With this bug fix, the race condition no longer occurs and all scheduled NFS recycler pods are started and NFS shares are recycled. (BZ#1415624)
  • Whenever a persistent volume (PV) is provisioned, an endpoint and service is automatically created for that PV and kept in the persistent volume claim (PVC) namespace. This feature enhancement was initially delivered in the OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 GA release ( (BZ#1300710)
Image Registry
  • The registry S3 storage driver now supports the ca-central-1 AWS region. (BZ#1414439)

2.8.5. RHSA-2017:0448 - ansible and openshift-ansible Security and Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-03-06

OpenShift Container Platform security and bug fix advisory RHSA-2017:0448, providing updated atomic-openshift-utils, ansible, and openshift-ansible packages that fix several bugs and a security issue, is now available.

The security issue is documented in the advisory. However, space precluded documenting all of the non-security bug fixes for this release in the advisory. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes included in this release. Upgrading

To apply this update, run the following on all hosts where you intend to initiate Ansible-based installation or upgrade procedures:

# yum update atomic-openshift-utils Bug Fixes

This release fixes bugs for the following components:

  • Previously, containerized installations would fail if the path /etc/openshift existed prior to installation. This problem happened in the code that migrated configuration directories from 3.0 to 3.1 names and has been removed, ensuring proper installation if /etc/openshift exists prior to installation. (BZ#1419654)
  • An Ansible compatibility issue has been fixed in the quick installer. (BZ#1421053)
  • Previously, if ansible_user was a Windows domain user in the format of dom\user, the installation playbooks would fail. This user name is now escaped properly, ensuring playbooks run successfully. (BZ#1426705)
  • When executing the installer on a remote host that is also included in the inventory, the firewall configuration could potentially cause the installer to hang. A 10 second delay has been added after reseting the firewall to avoid this problem from occurring. (BZ#1416927)
  • The installer that shipped with OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 did not update the registry console template to use the latest version of the registry-console image. This has been corrected so that new installations use the latest image. (BZ#1419493)
  • Recent changes to improve Python 3 compatibility introduced a dependency on python-six, which was not enforced when executing playbooks. The python-six has been added as a requirement in all sections of the code which requires it, ensuring proper installation. (BZ#1422361)
  • OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 and 3.3 introduced a requirement on the conntrack executable, but this dependency was not enforced at install time, so service proxy management may have failed post-installation. The installer now ensures that conntrack is installed. (BZ#1420393)
  • A certificate expiry checker has been added to the installer tools. (BZ#1417681)
  • The metrics image’s Heapster data collection resolution has been changed to from 15 to 30 seconds. (BZ#1421860)

2.8.6. RHBA-2017:0512 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-03-15

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0512 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0513 advisory.

The container images in this release have been updated using the rhel:7.3-74 and jboss-base-7/jdk8:1.3-10 base images, where applicable.

Space precluded documenting all of the bug fixes for this release in their advisories. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes included in this release. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

(Optional) Image Manifest Migration

This release also provides an optional script for migrating image manifests from etcd to the registry’s configured storage (see BZ#1418359 in Bug Fixes). The script is installed at /usr/share/atomic-openshift/migration/ on all master hosts that use the RPM installation method.


If all of your masters are using the containerized installation method, see the following Knowledgebase Solution which has the script attached, download it to a system where you can run oc commands, and make the file executable:

You can then continue with the rest of this section.

If you want to free up space in etcd or if your registry has a high number of images (e.g., tens of thousands), after the cluster upgrade is complete you can run the script with the -h option to see all available options:

$ /usr/share/atomic-openshift/migration/ -h

You can use the -r option to specify the registry URL (otherwise the script will attempt to determine it), and the -s if the registry is secured and specify the CA certificate with -c.

The script requires the token of a OpenShift Container Platform user or service account with at least registry-viewer permissions in order to query the registry for all namespaces. Either first oc login as a user with such permissions before running the script, or add the -t option with the script to pass the token of a user that does. You can also run the following command as a user with cluster-admin permissions to give another user enough permission:

$ oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user registry-viewer <user>

The script does not apply any changes unless the -a option is included. Run the script first without -a to observe what changes it will make, then run it with -a when you are ready. For example:

$ /usr/share/atomic-openshift/migration/ \
    [-r <registry_URL>] [-s -c <ca_cert>] -a Bug Fixes

This release fixes bugs for the following components:

  • Source-to-Image (S2I) builds expect image commits to take no longer than two minutes. Commits which took longer than two minutes resulted in a timeout and a failed build. This bug fix removes the timeout so that image commits can take indeterminate lengths of time. As a result, commits which take an excessive amount of time will not result in a failed build. (BZ#1427691)
  • Excessive logging to journald caused masters to take longer to restart. This bug fix reduces the amount of logging that occurs when initial list or watch actions happen against etcd. As a result, the journal is no longer pegged with a lot of messages that cause logging messages to be rate limited and dropped. Server restart time should be improved on clusters with larger data sets. (BZ#1425211)
  • If the same iSCSI device was used by multiple pods on same node, when one pod shut down, the iSCSI device for the other pod would be unavailable. This bug fix addresses the issue and it no longer occurs. (BZ#1419607)
Image Registry
  • OpenShift Container Platform clusters previously stored manifests for all images in the etcd database. The manifests occupied a lot of space in the database, causing slow performance. With this bug fix, the integrated registry now stores manifests in its associated storage rather than in etcd. Also, manifests of remote images are not stored at all; they are fetched from external registries when needed. An optional migration script has been provided to move manifests from all existing images in the cluster into the integrated registry’s configured storage. Newly pushed images will not cause etcd database to grow so fast. By using the migration script, administrators are able to reduce etcd size considerably. (BZ#1418359)
  • The minimum TLS version and allowed ciphers are now configurable by system administrators. This enhancement allows an OpenShift Container Platform cluster to be more or less restrictive than the default TLS configuration. Older TLS versions can now be allowed for compatibility with legacy environments, or more secure ciphers can be required for compliance with customer-specific security requirements. (BZ#1429609)

2.8.7. RHBA-2017:0865 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-04-04

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0865 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0866 advisory.

The container images in this release have been updated using the rhel:7.3-74 base image, where applicable. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.8. RHBA-2017:0989 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-04-19

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0989 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:0990 advisory. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.9. RHBA-2017:1129 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-04-26

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1129 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1130 advisory. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.10. RHBA-2017:1235 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-05-18

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1235 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1236 advisory. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.11. RHBA-2017:1425 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-06-15

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1425 advisory. The container images included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2017:1426 advisory and listed in Images.

Space precluded documenting all of the bug fixes and images for this release in the advisory. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes and images included in this release. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions. Bug Fixes

  • Some registries (for example, did not allow for range requests on blobs or they replied in an unexpected way. OpenShift Container Registry (OCR) failed to serve blobs directly from such registries because it required a seekable stream. OCR now requires the stream to be seekable. It can now serve blobs directly from remote registries using pull-through even if they do not support range requests. (BZ#1429849)
  • A user’s role was not using the correct mechanism for evaluating what projects could be seen. Users in a group were improperly denied the ability to view logs for administrator’s projects. Now, SubjectAccessReview is used to evaluate project visibility. Users of a group that can see a project are able to see project logs without given explicit access. (BZ#1455691)
  • Fluentd mounted the host path and kept other container file systems busy. The cluster was unable to terminate pods. By unmounting the /var/lib/docker/container/*/shm on Fluentd’s start, the pods are able to be deleted. (BZ#1437952)
  • Multiple node IP addresses were reported in random order by node status. Consequently, the SDN controller picked up a random one each time. This bug fix maintains the stickiness of the IP once it is chosen until valid, and IP addresses are no longer switched unexpectedly. (BZ#1451828)
  • The ARP cache size tuning parameters were not set when performing an installation on bare metal hosts. The bare metal profiles are now updated to ensure that the ARP cache is set correctly on bare metal hosts. (BZ#1452401) Images

This release updates the Red Hat Container Registry ( with the following images:


2.8.12. RHBA-2017:1492 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-06-20

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1492 advisory. The list of container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1493 advisory. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.13. RHBA-2017:1666 - atomic-openshift-utils Bug Fix and Enhancement Update

Issued: 2017-06-29

OpenShift Container Platform bug fix and enhancement advisory RHBA-2017:1666, providing updated atomic-openshift-utils and openshift-ansible packages that fix several bugs and add enhancements, is now available.

Space precluded documenting all of the bug fixes and enhancements for this release in the advisory. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes and enhancements included in this release. Upgrading

To apply this update, run the following on all hosts where you intend to initiate Ansible-based installation or upgrade procedures:

# yum update atomic-openshift-utils Bug Fixes

  • If etcd 3.x or later was running on the host, a v3 snapshot database must be backed up as part of the backup process. If this directory is not included in the backup, then etcd failed to restore the backup even though v3 data was not used. This bug fix amends the etcd backup steps to ensure that the v3 snapshot database is included in backups. (BZ#1440296)
  • When using the openshift_upgrade_nodes_label variable during upgrades, if the label did not match any hosts, the upgrade would silently proceed with upgrading all nodes given. This bug fix verifies the provided label matches a set of hosts prior to upgrading, and the upgrade fails if no nodes match. (BZ#1457914)
  • Starting with OpenShift Container Platform 3.4, OpenShift’s SDN plug-ins no longer reconfigure the docker bridge MTU; instead, pods are configured properly on creation. Because of this change, non-OpenShift containers may have an MTU configured that is too large to allow access to hosts on the SDN. This bug fix updates the installer to align the MTU setting for the docker bridge with the MTU used inside the cluster, thus avoiding the problem. (BZ#1460233)
  • The OpenShift CA redeployment playbook (playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/redeploy-openshift-ca.yml) would fail to restart services if certificates were previously expired. This bug fix ensures that service restarts are now skipped within the OpenShift CA redeployment playbook when expired certificates are detected. Expired cluster certificates may be replaced with the certificate redeployment playbook (playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates.yml) after the OpenShift CA certificate has been replaced via the OpenShift CA redeployment playbook. (BZ#1460970)
  • Previously, installation would fail in multi-master environments in which the load balanced API was listening on a different port than that of the OpenShift Container Platform API and web console. This bug fix accounts for this difference and ensures the master loopback client configuration is configured to interact with the local master. (BZ#1462280)
  • If the installer does not process a change to configured repositories, it will not refresh the cache. This bug fix forces a cache refresh in situations where repositories were manually changed prior to running the upgrade. (BZ#1463139)
  • During certificate expiration checking or redeployment, certificiates with large serial numbers could not be parsed using the existing manual parser workaround on hosts that were missing the OpenSSL python library. This bug fix updates the manual parser to account for the format of certificates with large serial numbers. As a result, these certificates can now be parsed. (BZ#1464544) Enhancements

  • Previously, it was only possible to redeploy the etcd CA certificate by also redeploying the OpenShift CA certificate, which was unnecessary maintenance. With this enhancement, the etcd CA certificate may now be replaced independent of the OpenShift CA certificate using the etcd CA certificate redeployment playbook (playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/redeploy-etcd-ca.yml). Note that the OpenShift CA redeployment playbook (playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/redeploy-openshift-ca.yml) now only replaces the OpenShift CA certificate. Similarly, the etcd CA redeployment playbook only redeploys the etcd CA certificate. (BZ#1463773)
  • Each OpenShift Container Platform version works properly with specific range of versions of packages. Thus, the package versions must be limited and the ranges enforced. This enhancement extends the installation and upgrade playbooks to install the *-excluder packages that protects RPMs against upgrading to undesired versions. As a result, the range of versions of packages for each OpenShift Container Platform version (since 3.3) is now protected. (BZ#1436343)

2.8.14. RHBA-2017:1640 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-07-11

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1640 advisory. The container images included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1646 advisory.

Space precluded documenting all of the bug fixes for this release in the advisory. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes included in this release. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions. Bug Fixes

  • When doing an incremental build, the S2I builder pulls its builder image before calling the save-artifacts script and does not ensure that the builder image is still there when it calls assemble. This leaves a gap of time between the start of the build and the calling of the assemble script in which the image can be removed. If the image is removed, the build fails. This bug fix adds a call to ensure that the builder image exists right before calling the assemble script. As a result, the chance of the assemble script running and not finding an available builder image is greatly reduced. (BZ#1446925)
  • When Elasticsearch logging is not configured with console logging, the method that determines whether the cluster is available is not written to the logs returned by the oc logs command. This causes the script to time out and exits looking for the log message. This bug fix evaluates the logging configuration to determine where to look for the cluster.service message. As a result, the script finds the desired message and continues to start the cluster. (BZ#1461294)
  • The Elasticsearch (ES) default value for sharing storage between ES instances was wrong. The incorrect default value allowed an ES pod starting up (when another ES pod was shutting down, e.g., during deployment configuration redeployments) to create a new location on the persistent volume (PV) for managing the storage volume. This duplicated data, and in some instances, potentially caused data loss. With this bug fix, all ES pods now run with node.max_local_storage_nodes set to 1. As a result, the ES pods starting up or shutting down will no longer share the same storage, preventing data duplication and data loss. (BZ#1462277)
  • The version of Netty that is part of Cassandra 3.0.9 had a memory leak. This bug fix updates Cassandra to 3.0.13, which has a version of Netty that has a fix for the memory leak. (BZ#1457499)
  • When an IP address was re-used, it would be generated with a random MAC address that would be different from the previous one. Any node with an ARP cache that still held the old entry for the IP would not be able to communicate with the node. This bug fix generates the MAC address deterministically from the IP address. As a result, a re-used IP address will always have the same MAC address, so the ARP cache no longer gets out of sync, allowing traffic to flow. (BZ#1462952)
  • Due to a coding error, Pop() operations could panic and cause the router to stop. This bug fix updates this logic and as a result panics no longer occur. (BZ#1464567)
  • When master controller routines watch for persistent volume Recycle success events, they may never receive one, but still keep trying indefinitely. This caused the potential for high CPU usage by the master controller as it leaks routines. This bug fix updates the routines to stop watching for these Recycle success events when they will never be received. As a result, the chance of high CPU usage by the master controller is reduced. (BZ#1438741)
  • Due to older Kubernetes libraries requiring directory renames instead of deletion, certain emptyDir situations could cause high CPU usage. This bug updates these processes to delete emptyDir instead of rename, and as a result the high CPU is avoided. (BZ#1460260)

2.8.15. RHBA-2017:1828 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-08-31

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:1828 advisory. The container images included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2017:1829 advisory and listed in Images.

Space precluded documenting all of the images for this release in the advisory. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the images included in this release. Images

This release updates the Red Hat Container Registry ( with the following images:

openshift3/registry-console:3.4-27 Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.16. RHBA-2017:2670 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix Update

Issued: 2017-09-07

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The packages and bug fixes included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:2670 advisory. The container images included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2017:2643 advisory. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.17. RHBA-2017:3049 - OpenShift Container Platform Bug Fix and Enhancement Update

Issued: 2017-10-25

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages included in the update are documented in the RHBA-2017:3049 advisory. The container images included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2017:3050 advisory.

Space precluded documenting all of the bug fixes, enhancements, and images for this release in the advisories. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes, enhancements, and images included in this release. Bug Fixes

Image Registry
  • The size of cached layers was previously uncounted, causing an image’s layer size for cached layers to be zero. This bug fix ensures cached layers are now properly counted, and as a result images now have the proper layer sizes. (BZ#1442855)
  • Neither documentation nor CLI help talked about insecure connections to the secured registry. Errors used to be hard to decipher when users attempted to prune the secured registry with a bad CA certificate. This bug fix ensures that errors are now printed with hints, CLI help has been updated, and new flags have been provided to allow for insecure fallback. As a result, users can now easily enforce both secure and insecure connections and understand any HTTPS errors and how to resolve them. (BZ#1475306)
  • Messages were previously read into Fluentd’s memory buffer and were lost if the pod was restarted. Because Fluentd considers them read even though they have not been pushed to storage, any message not stored but already read by Fluentd was lost. This bug fix replaces the memory buffer with a file-based buffer. As a result, file-buffered messages are pushed to storage once Fluentd restarts. (BZ#1477513)
  • OpenShift Container Platform 3.4 upgraded the Elasticsearch schema to the common data model, but did not upgrade the Kibana schema. This caused errors such as "Apply these filters?" in Kibana. This bug fix adds the correct schema to Kibana for the common data model. As a result, the errors no longer occur. (BZ#1435083)
  • The upgrade procedure was not correctly upgrading the indices from the old style to the new common data model style. Part of this was related to the number of indices to upgrade, which failed if over several hundred. This caused some data to be hidden from Kibana searches. This bug fix updates the upgrade script to properly create aliases for the old indices, and not hide new data. As a result, both old and new data is available to view in Kibana. (BZ#1440855)
  • When the atomic-openshift-node service was restarted, all processes in its control group were terminated, including the glusterfs mounted points. Each glusterfs volume in OpenShift corresponds to one mounted point. If all mounting points are lost, so are all of the volumes. This bug fix sets the control group mode to terminate only the main process and leave the remaining glusterfs mounting points untouched. When the atomic-openshift-node service is restarted, no glusterfs mounting point is terminated. (BZ#1472372) Enhancements

  • This update modifies the Elasticsearch configuration to persist the ACL documents to an index based upon the deployment configuration name. The initial ACL seeding was only needed once. When the seeding was based on the host name (for example, the pod name), the seeding needed to be performed every time a pod was redeployed. Users would sometimes be left with an unusable logging cluster because Elasticsearch was trying to rebalance its indexes, and the response to the reseeding operation was slow. This enhancement provides more consistent access to the Elasticsearch cluster. (BZ#1474689)) Images

This release updates the Red Hat Container Registry ( with the following images:

openshift3/registry-console:3.4-30 Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.18. RHSA-2017:3389 - Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform Security, Bug Fix, and Enhancement Update

Issued: 2017-12-06

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages included in the update are documented in the RHSA-2017:3389 advisory. The container images included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2017:3390 advisory.

Space precluded documenting all of the bug fixes, enhancements, and images for this release in the advisories. See the following sections for notes on upgrading and details on the bug fixes and images included in this release. Images

This release updates the Red Hat Container Registry ( with the following images:

openshift3/ose: Bug Fixes

  • During upgrades, reconciliation happens only for cluster roles automatically, but this role needs to be adjusted in 3.6 due to enablement of API groups in this release. The Ansible upgrade code has been changed to address this role upgrade. (BZ#1493213)
Image Registry
  • The size of a cached layer did not get counted. Therefore, the layer size for cached layers was zero. Counting the size for cached layers now allows images to have proper layer sizes. (BZ#1457042)
  • openshift-elasticsearch-plugin was creating ACL roles based on the provided name, which could include slashes and commas. This caused the dependent library to not properly evaluate roles. With this bug fix, hash the name when creating ACL roles so they no longer contain the invalid characters. (BZ#1494239)
  • If the logging system is under a heavy load, it may take longer than the five-second timeout for Elasticsearch to respond, or it may respond with an error indicating that Fluentd needs to back off. In the former case, Fluentd will retry to send the records again, which can lead to having duplicate records. In the latter case, if Fluentd is unable to retry, it will drop records, leading to data loss. For the former case, the fix is to set the request_timeout to 10 minutes, so that Fluentd will wait up to 10 minutes for the reply from Elasticsearch before retrying the request. In the latter case, Fluentd will block attempting to read more input, until the output queues and buffers have enough room to write more data. This bug fix greatly reduces chances of duplicate data (though it is not entirely eliminated). Also, there is no data loss due to back pressure. (BZ#1497836, BZ#1501948, BZ#1506854)
Management Console
  • The management console was defaulting to the legacy API group extensions for jobs. As a result, the legacy API group appeared in the UI in places such as Edit YAML. With this bug fix, the console snow uses the new batch API group as the default for job resources. The API group and version on a job resource now appear as batch/v1 wherever it is visible in the console. (BZ#1506233)
  • Extra, unnecessary queries were being performed on each request. The GET /hawkular/metrics/metrics endpoint could fail with timeouts. With this bug fix, the extra queries are only performed when explicitly requested. By default, do not execute the extra queries that provide optional data. The endpoint is now more stable and not as susceptible to timeouts. (BZ#1458186)
  • When either a certificate within the chain at serviceaccount/ca.crt or any of the certificates within the provided truststore file contained a white space after the BEGIN CERTIFICATE declaration, the Java keytool rejected the certificate with an error, causing Origin Metrics to fail to start. As a workaround, Origin Metrics will now attempt to remove the spaces before feeding the certificate to the Keytool, but administrators should ensure their certificates do not contain such spaces. (BZ#1471251, BZ#1500464, BZ#1500471)
  • A slow image pull made the network diagnostics fail. With this bug fix, the timeout for the image pull was increased. The diagnostics now run in slow environments. (BZ#1481550)
  • The OpenShift node proxy previously did not support using a specified IP address. This could prevent correct operation on hosts with multiple network interface cards. The OpenShift node process already accepts a --bind-address=<ip address>:<port> command-line flag and bindAddress: configuration file option for the multiple network interface card case. The proxy functionality has been fixed to respect these options. When --bind-address or bindAddress are used, the OpenShift node proxy should work correctly when the OpenShift node host has multiple network interface cards. (BZ#1489023, BZ#1489024)
  • Iptables called too often and unnecessarily. Therefore, time-outs would wait for iptables operations to finish. This bug fix changes the code so that it skips reloads when the iptables rules are unchanged. There are now fewer calls to iptables and, therefore, less time-outs. (BZ#1501517)
  • There was a symbolic link error for the log file of every pod started when the docker log driver was journald. Log symlink creation that fails when using journald logging driver was skipped. This bug fix resolves the issue. (BZ#1434942)
  • Currently, pod anti-affinity is respected across projects. Pod A from Project 1 will not land on node where Pod B from Project 2 is running, if pod anti-affinity is enabled when scheduling Pod A. While scheduling Pod A, check for pod anti-affinity only within the project of Pod A. Pod anti-affinity will not be respected across projects. (BZ#1492194)
  • The volumePath that included the datastore name was parsed incorrectly. The same applies to volumePath that included datacluster and datastore names. It is not possible to attach persistent volumes that have the above described volumePath values. volumePath is now parsed correctly. Persistent volumes that have the above described volumePath values are attached correctly. (BZ#1497042)
  • An attacker with knowledge of the given name used to authenticate and access Elasticsearch can later access it without the token, bypassing authentication. This attack also requires that the Elasticsearch be configured with an external route, and the data accessed is limited to the indices. (BZ#1501986) Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

2.8.19. RHSA-2018:3752 - Critical: OpenShift Container Platform Security Update

Issued: 2018-12-04

OpenShift Container Platform release is now available. The list of packages included in the update are documented in the RHSA-2018:3752 advisory. The container images included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2018:3751 advisory. Upgrading

To upgrade an existing OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 or 3.4 cluster to this latest release, use the automated upgrade playbook. See Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades for instructions.

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