
Installing on a single node

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OpenShift Container Platform 4.15

Installing OpenShift Container Platform on a single node

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document describes how to install OpenShift Container Platform on a single node.

Chapter 1. Preparing to install on a single node

1.1. Prerequisites

1.2. About OpenShift on a single node

You can create a single-node cluster with standard installation methods. OpenShift Container Platform on a single node is a specialized installation that requires the creation of a special Ignition configuration file. The primary use case is for edge computing workloads, including intermittent connectivity, portable clouds, and 5G radio access networks (RAN) close to a base station. The major tradeoff with an installation on a single node is the lack of high availability.


The use of OpenShiftSDN with single-node OpenShift is not supported. OVN-Kubernetes is the default network plugin for single-node OpenShift deployments.

1.3. Requirements for installing OpenShift on a single node

Installing OpenShift Container Platform on a single node alleviates some of the requirements for high availability and large scale clusters. However, you must address the following requirements:

  • Administration host: You must have a computer to prepare the ISO, to create the USB boot drive, and to monitor the installation.


    For the ppc64le platform, the host should prepare the ISO, but does not need to create the USB boot drive. The ISO can be mounted to PowerVM directly.


    ISO is not required for IBM Z® installations.

  • CPU Architecture: Installing OpenShift Container Platform on a single node supports x86_64, arm64,ppc64le, and s390x CPU architectures.
  • Supported platforms: Installing OpenShift Container Platform on a single node is supported on bare metal and Certified third-party hypervisors. In most cases, you must specify the platform.none: {} parameter in the install-config.yaml configuration file. The following list shows the only exceptions and the corresponding parameter to specify in the install-config.yaml configuration file:

    • Amazon Web Services (AWS), where you use platform=aws
    • Google Cloud Platform (GCP), where you use platform=gcp
    • Microsoft Azure, where you use platform=azure
  • Production-grade server: Installing OpenShift Container Platform on a single node requires a server with sufficient resources to run OpenShift Container Platform services and a production workload.

    Table 1.1. Minimum resource requirements


    8 vCPUs

    16 GB of RAM

    120 GB


    One vCPU equals one physical core. However, if you enable simultaneous multithreading (SMT), or Hyper-Threading, use the following formula to calculate the number of vCPUs that represent one physical core:

    • (threads per core × cores) × sockets = vCPUs
    • Adding Operators during the installation process might increase the minimum resource requirements.

    The server must have a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) when booting with virtual media.


    BMC is not supported on IBM Z® and IBM Power®.

  • Networking: The server must have access to the internet or access to a local registry if it is not connected to a routable network. The server must have a DHCP reservation or a static IP address for the Kubernetes API, ingress route, and cluster node domain names. You must configure the DNS to resolve the IP address to each of the following fully qualified domain names (FQDN):

    Table 1.2. Required DNS records

    Kubernetes API


    Add a DNS A/AAAA or CNAME record. This record must be resolvable by both clients external to the cluster and within the cluster.

    Internal API


    Add a DNS A/AAAA or CNAME record when creating the ISO manually. This record must be resolvable by nodes within the cluster.

    Ingress route


    Add a wildcard DNS A/AAAA or CNAME record that targets the node. This record must be resolvable by both clients external to the cluster and within the cluster.


    Without persistent IP addresses, communications between the apiserver and etcd might fail.

Chapter 2. Installing OpenShift on a single node

You can install single-node OpenShift using the web-based Assisted Installer and a discovery ISO that you generate using the Assisted Installer. You can also install single-node OpenShift by using coreos-installer to generate the installation ISO.

2.1. Installing single-node OpenShift using the Assisted Installer

To install OpenShift Container Platform on a single node, use the web-based Assisted Installer wizard to guide you through the process and manage the installation.

See the Assisted Installer for OpenShift Container Platform documentation for details and configuration options.

2.1.1. Generating the discovery ISO with the Assisted Installer

Installing OpenShift Container Platform on a single node requires a discovery ISO, which the Assisted Installer can generate.


  1. On the administration host, open a browser and navigate to Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  2. Click Create Cluster to create a new cluster.
  3. In the Cluster name field, enter a name for the cluster.
  4. In the Base domain field, enter a base domain. For example:

    All DNS records must be subdomains of this base domain and include the cluster name, for example:


    You cannot change the base domain or cluster name after cluster installation.

  5. Select Install single node OpenShift (SNO) and complete the rest of the wizard steps. Download the discovery ISO.
  6. Make a note of the discovery ISO URL for installing with virtual media.

If you enable OpenShift Virtualization during this process, you must have a second local storage device of at least 50GiB for your virtual machines.

2.1.2. Installing single-node OpenShift with the Assisted Installer

Use the Assisted Installer to install the single-node cluster.


  1. Attach the RHCOS discovery ISO to the target host.
  2. Configure the boot drive order in the server BIOS settings to boot from the attached discovery ISO and then reboot the server.
  3. On the administration host, return to the browser. Wait for the host to appear in the list of discovered hosts. If necessary, reload the Assisted Clusters page and select the cluster name.
  4. Complete the install wizard steps. Add networking details, including a subnet from the available subnets. Add the SSH public key if necessary.
  5. Monitor the installation’s progress. Watch the cluster events. After the installation process finishes writing the operating system image to the server’s hard disk, the server restarts.
  6. Remove the discovery ISO, and reset the server to boot from the installation drive.

    The server restarts several times automatically, deploying the control plane.

2.2. Installing single-node OpenShift manually

To install OpenShift Container Platform on a single node, first generate the installation ISO, and then boot the server from the ISO. You can monitor the installation using the openshift-install installation program.

2.2.1. Generating the installation ISO with coreos-installer

Installing OpenShift Container Platform on a single node requires an installation ISO, which you can generate with the following procedure.


  • Install podman.

See "Requirements for installing OpenShift on a single node" for networking requirements, including DNS records.


  1. Set the OpenShift Container Platform version:

    $ OCP_VERSION=<ocp_version> 1
    Replace <ocp_version> with the current version, for example, latest-4.15
  2. Set the host architecture:

    $ ARCH=<architecture> 1
    Replace <architecture> with the target host architecture, for example, aarch64 or x86_64.
  3. Download the OpenShift Container Platform client (oc) and make it available for use by entering the following commands:

    $ curl -k$OCP_VERSION/openshift-client-linux.tar.gz -o oc.tar.gz
    $ tar zxf oc.tar.gz
    $ chmod +x oc
  4. Download the OpenShift Container Platform installer and make it available for use by entering the following commands:

    $ curl -k$OCP_VERSION/openshift-install-linux.tar.gz -o openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
    $ tar zxvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
    $ chmod +x openshift-install
  5. Retrieve the RHCOS ISO URL by running the following command:

    $ ISO_URL=$(./openshift-install coreos print-stream-json | grep location | grep $ARCH | grep iso | cut -d\" -f4)
  6. Download the RHCOS ISO:

    $ curl -L $ISO_URL -o rhcos-live.iso
  7. Prepare the install-config.yaml file:

    apiVersion: v1
    baseDomain: <domain> 1
    - name: worker
      replicas: 0 2
      name: master
      replicas: 1 3
      name: <name> 4
    networking: 5
      - cidr:
        hostPrefix: 23
      - cidr: 6
      networkType: OVNKubernetes
      none: {}
      installationDisk: /dev/disk/by-id/<disk_id> 7
    pullSecret: '<pull_secret>' 8
    sshKey: |
      <ssh_key> 9
    Add the cluster domain name.
    Set the compute replicas to 0. This makes the control plane node schedulable.
    Set the controlPlane replicas to 1. In conjunction with the previous compute setting, this setting ensures the cluster runs on a single node.
    Set the metadata name to the cluster name.
    Set the networking details. OVN-Kubernetes is the only allowed network plugin type for single-node clusters.
    Set the cidr value to match the subnet of the single-node OpenShift cluster.
    Set the path to the installation disk drive, for example, /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x64cd98f04fde100024684cf3034da5c2.
    Copy the pull secret from Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager and add the contents to this configuration setting.
    Add the public SSH key from the administration host so that you can log in to the cluster after installation.
  8. Generate OpenShift Container Platform assets by running the following commands:

    $ mkdir ocp
    $ cp install-config.yaml ocp
    $ ./openshift-install --dir=ocp create single-node-ignition-config
  9. Embed the ignition data into the RHCOS ISO by running the following commands:

    $ alias coreos-installer='podman run --privileged --pull always --rm \
            -v /dev:/dev -v /run/udev:/run/udev -v $PWD:/data \
            -w /data'
    $ coreos-installer iso ignition embed -fi ocp/bootstrap-in-place-for-live-iso.ign rhcos-live.iso

Additional resources

2.2.2. Monitoring the cluster installation using openshift-install

Use openshift-install to monitor the progress of the single-node cluster installation.


  1. Attach the modified RHCOS installation ISO to the target host.
  2. Configure the boot drive order in the server BIOS settings to boot from the attached discovery ISO and then reboot the server.
  3. On the administration host, monitor the installation by running the following command:

    $ ./openshift-install --dir=ocp wait-for install-complete

    The server restarts several times while deploying the control plane.


  • After the installation is complete, check the environment by running the following command:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=ocp/auth/kubeconfig
    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME                         STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION    Ready    master,worker   10m     v1.28.5

2.3. Installing single-node OpenShift on cloud providers

2.3.1. Additional requirements for installing single-node OpenShift on a cloud provider

The documentation for installer-provisioned installation on cloud providers is based on a high availability cluster consisting of three control plane nodes. When referring to the documentation, consider the differences between the requirements for a single-node OpenShift cluster and a high availability cluster.

  • A high availability cluster requires a temporary bootstrap machine, three control plane machines, and at least two compute machines. For a single-node OpenShift cluster, you need only a temporary bootstrap machine and one cloud instance for the control plane node and no worker nodes.
  • The minimum resource requirements for high availability cluster installation include a control plane node with 4 vCPUs and 100GB of storage. For a single-node OpenShift cluster, you must have a minimum of 8 vCPUs and 120GB of storage.
  • The controlPlane.replicas setting in the install-config.yaml file should be set to 1.
  • The compute.replicas setting in the install-config.yaml file should be set to 0. This makes the control plane node schedulable.

2.3.2. Supported cloud providers for single-node OpenShift

The following table contains a list of supported cloud providers and CPU architectures.

Table 2.1. Supported cloud providers
Cloud providerCPU architecture

Amazon Web Service (AWS)

x86_64 and AArch64

Microsoft Azure


Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

x86_64 and AArch64

2.3.3. Installing single-node OpenShift on AWS

Installing a single-node cluster on AWS requires installer-provisioned installation using the "Installing a cluster on AWS with customizations" procedure.

2.3.4. Installing single-node OpenShift on Azure

Installing a single node cluster on Azure requires installer-provisioned installation using the "Installing a cluster on Azure with customizations" procedure.

2.3.5. Installing single-node OpenShift on GCP

Installing a single node cluster on GCP requires installer-provisioned installation using the "Installing a cluster on GCP with customizations" procedure.

2.4. Creating a bootable ISO image on a USB drive

You can install software using a bootable USB drive that contains an ISO image. Booting the server with the USB drive prepares the server for the software installation.


  1. On the administration host, insert a USB drive into a USB port.
  2. Create a bootable USB drive, for example:

    # dd if=<path_to_iso> of=<path_to_usb> status=progress


    is the relative path to the downloaded ISO file, for example, rhcos-live.iso.
    is the location of the connected USB drive, for example, /dev/sdb.

    After the ISO is copied to the USB drive, you can use the USB drive to install software on the server.

2.5. Booting from an HTTP-hosted ISO image using the Redfish API

You can provision hosts in your network using ISOs that you install using the Redfish Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) API.


This example procedure demonstrates the steps on a Dell server.


Ensure that you have the latest firmware version of iDRAC that is compatible with your hardware. If you have any issues with the hardware or firmware, you must contact the provider.


  • Download the installation Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) ISO.
  • Use a Dell PowerEdge server that is compatible with iDRAC9.


  1. Copy the ISO file to an HTTP server accessible in your network.
  2. Boot the host from the hosted ISO file, for example:

    1. Call the Redfish API to set the hosted ISO as the VirtualMedia boot media by running the following command:

      $ curl -k -u <bmc_username>:<bmc_password> -d '{"Image":"<hosted_iso_file>", "Inserted": true}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST <host_bmc_address>/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/VirtualMedia/CD/Actions/VirtualMedia.InsertMedia


      Is the username and password for the target host BMC.
      Is the URL for the hosted installation ISO, for example: The ISO must be accessible from the target host machine.
      Is the BMC IP address of the target host machine.
    2. Set the host to boot from the VirtualMedia device by running the following command:

      $ curl -k -u <bmc_username>:<bmc_password> -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"Boot": {"BootSourceOverrideTarget": "Cd", "BootSourceOverrideMode": "UEFI", "BootSourceOverrideEnabled": "Once"}}' <host_bmc_address>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1
    3. Reboot the host:

      $ curl -k -u <bmc_username>:<bmc_password> -d '{"ResetType": "ForceRestart"}' -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST <host_bmc_address>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset
    4. Optional: If the host is powered off, you can boot it using the {"ResetType": "On"} switch. Run the following command:

      $ curl -k -u <bmc_username>:<bmc_password> -d '{"ResetType": "On"}' -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST <host_bmc_address>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset

2.6. Creating a custom live RHCOS ISO for remote server access

In some cases, you cannot attach an external disk drive to a server, however, you need to access the server remotely to provision a node. It is recommended to enable SSH access to the server. You can create a live RHCOS ISO with SSHd enabled and with predefined credentials so that you can access the server after it boots.


  • You installed the butane utility.


  1. Download the coreos-installer binary from the coreos-installer image mirror page.
  2. Download the latest live RHCOS ISO from
  3. Create the embedded.yaml file that the butane utility uses to create the Ignition file:

    variant: openshift
    version: 4.15.0
      name: sshd
      labels: worker
        - name: core 1
            - '<ssh_key>'
    The core user has sudo privileges.
  4. Run the butane utility to create the Ignition file using the following command:

    $ butane -pr embedded.yaml -o embedded.ign
  5. After the Ignition file is created, you can include the configuration in a new live RHCOS ISO, which is named rhcos-sshd-4.15.0-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso, with the coreos-installer utility:

    $ coreos-installer iso ignition embed -i embedded.ign rhcos-4.15.0-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso -o rhcos-sshd-4.15.0-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso


  • Check that the custom live ISO can be used to boot the server by running the following command:

    # coreos-installer iso ignition show rhcos-sshd-4.15.0-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso

    Example output

      "ignition": {
        "version": "3.2.0"
      "passwd": {
        "users": [
            "name": "core",
            "sshAuthorizedKeys": [
              "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCZnG8AIzlDAhpyENpK2qKiTT8EbRWOrz7NXjRzopbPu215mocaJgjjwJjh1cYhgPhpAp6M/ttTk7I4OI7g4588Apx4bwJep6oWTU35LkY8ZxkGVPAJL8kVlTdKQviDv3XX12l4QfnDom4tm4gVbRH0gNT1wzhnLP+LKYm2Ohr9D7p9NBnAdro6k++XWgkDeijLRUTwdEyWunIdW1f8G0Mg8Y1Xzr13BUo3+8aey7HLKJMDtobkz/C8ESYA/f7HJc5FxF0XbapWWovSSDJrr9OmlL9f4TfE+cQk3s+eoKiz2bgNPRgEEwihVbGsCN4grA+RzLCAOpec+2dTJrQvFqsD alosadag@sonnelicht.local"

2.7. Installing single-node OpenShift with IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE

Installing a single-node cluster on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE requires user-provisioned installation using either the "Installing a cluster with RHEL KVM on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE" or the "Installing a cluster with z/VM on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE" procedure.


Installing a single-node cluster on IBM Z® simplifies installation for development and test environments and requires less resource requirements at entry level.

Hardware requirements
  • The equivalent of two Integrated Facilities for Linux (IFL), which are SMT2 enabled, for each cluster.
  • At least one network connection to both connect to the LoadBalancer service and to serve data for traffic outside the cluster.

You can use dedicated or shared IFLs to assign sufficient compute resources. Resource sharing is one of the key strengths of IBM Z®. However, you must adjust capacity correctly on each hypervisor layer and ensure sufficient resources for every OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

2.7.1. Installing single-node OpenShift with z/VM on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE


  • You have installed podman.


  1. Set the OpenShift Container Platform version by running the following command:

    $ OCP_VERSION=<ocp_version> 1
    Replace <ocp_version> with the current version, for example, latest-4.15
  2. Set the host architecture by running the following command:

    $ ARCH=<architecture> 1
    Replace <architecture> with the target host architecture s390x.
  3. Download the OpenShift Container Platform client (oc) and make it available for use by entering the following commands:

    $ curl -k${ARCH}/clients/ocp/${OCP_VERSION}/openshift-client-linux.tar.gz -o oc.tar.gz
    $ tar zxf oc.tar.gz
    $ chmod +x oc
  4. Download the OpenShift Container Platform installer and make it available for use by entering the following commands:

    $ curl -k${ARCH}/clients/ocp/${OCP_VERSION}/openshift-install-linux.tar.gz -o openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
    $ tar zxvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
    $ chmod +x openshift-install
  5. Prepare the install-config.yaml file:

    apiVersion: v1
    baseDomain: <domain> 1
    - name: worker
      replicas: 0 2
      name: master
      replicas: 1 3
      name: <name> 4
    networking: 5
      - cidr:
        hostPrefix: 23
      - cidr: 6
      networkType: OVNKubernetes
      none: {}
      installationDisk: /dev/disk/by-id/<disk_id> 7
    pullSecret: '<pull_secret>' 8
    sshKey: |
      <ssh_key> 9
    Add the cluster domain name.
    Set the compute replicas to 0. This makes the control plane node schedulable.
    Set the controlPlane replicas to 1. In conjunction with the previous compute setting, this setting ensures the cluster runs on a single node.
    Set the metadata name to the cluster name.
    Set the networking details. OVN-Kubernetes is the only allowed network plugin type for single-node clusters.
    Set the cidr value to match the subnet of the single-node OpenShift cluster.
    Set the path to the installation disk drive, for example, /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x64cd98f04fde100024684cf3034da5c2.
    Copy the pull secret from Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager and add the contents to this configuration setting.
    Add the public SSH key from the administration host so that you can log in to the cluster after installation.
  6. Generate OpenShift Container Platform assets by running the following commands:

    $ mkdir ocp
    $ cp install-config.yaml ocp
    $ ./openshift-install --dir=ocp create single-node-ignition-config
  7. Obtain the RHEL kernel, initramfs, and rootfs artifacts from the Product Downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal or from the RHCOS image mirror page.


    The RHCOS images might not change with every release of OpenShift Container Platform. You must download images with the highest version that is less than or equal to the OpenShift Container Platform version that you install. Only use the appropriate kernel, initramfs, and rootfs artifacts described in the following procedure.

    The file names contain the OpenShift Container Platform version number. They resemble the following examples:




    The rootfs image is the same for FCP and DASD.

  8. Move the following artifacts and files to an HTTP or HTTPS server:

    • Downloaded RHEL live kernel, initramfs, and rootfs artifacts
    • Ignition files
  9. Create parameter files for a particular virtual machine:

    Example parameter file

    rd.neednet=1 \
    console=ttysclp0 \<rhcos_liveos>:8080/rootfs.img \1
    ignition.firstboot \
    ignition.config.url=<rhcos_ign>:8080/ignition/bootstrap-in-place-for-live-iso.ign \2
    ip=encbdd0:dhcp::02:00:00:02:34:02 3
    rd.znet=qeth,0.0.bdd0,0.0.bdd1,0.0.bdd2,layer2=1 \
    rd.dasd=0.0.4411 \4
    rd.zfcp=0.0.8001,0x50050763040051e3,0x4000406300000000 \5
    zfcp.allow_lun_scan=0 \

    For the artifact, specify the matching rootfs artifact for the kernel`and `initramfs you are booting. Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.
    For the ignition.config.url= parameter, specify the Ignition file for the machine role. Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.
    For the ip= parameter, assign the IP address automatically using DHCP or manually as described in "Installing a cluster with z/VM on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE".
    For installations on DASD-type disks, use rd.dasd= to specify the DASD where RHCOS is to be installed. Omit this entry for FCP-type disks.
    For installations on FCP-type disks, use rd.zfcp=<adapter>,<wwpn>,<lun> to specify the FCP disk where RHCOS is to be installed. Omit this entry for DASD-type disks.

    Leave all other parameters unchanged.

  10. Transfer the following artifacts, files, and images to z/VM. For example by using FTP:

    • kernel and initramfs artifacts
    • Parameter files
    • RHCOS images

      For details about how to transfer the files with FTP and boot from the virtual reader, see Installing under Z/VM.

  11. Punch the files to the virtual reader of the z/VM guest virtual machine that is to become your bootstrap node.
  12. Log in to CMS on the bootstrap machine.
  13. IPL the bootstrap machine from the reader by running the following command:

    $ cp ipl c
  14. After the first reboot of the virtual machine, run the following commands directly after one another:

    1. To boot a DASD device after first reboot, run the following commands:

      $ cp i <devno> clear loadparm prompt


      Specifies the device number of the boot device as seen by the guest.
      $ cp vi vmsg 0 <kernel_parameters>


      Specifies a set of kernel parameters to be stored as system control program data (SCPDATA). When booting Linux, these kernel parameters are concatenated to the end of the existing kernel parameters that are used by your boot configuration. The combined parameter string must not exceed 896 characters.
    2. To boot an FCP device after first reboot, run the following commands:

      $ cp set loaddev portname <wwpn> lun <lun>


      Specifies the target port and <lun> the logical unit in hexadecimal format.
      $ cp set loaddev bootprog <n>


      Specifies the kernel to be booted.
      $ cp set loaddev scpdata {APPEND|NEW} '<kernel_parameters>'


      Specifies a set of kernel parameters to be stored as system control program data (SCPDATA). When booting Linux, these kernel parameters are concatenated to the end of the existing kernel parameters that are used by your boot configuration. The combined parameter string must not exceed 896 characters.
      Optional: Specify APPEND to append kernel parameters to existing SCPDATA. This is the default. Specify NEW to replace existing SCPDATA.


      $ cp set loaddev scpdata 'rd.zfcp=0.0.8001,0x500507630a0350a4,0x4000409D00000000
      ip=encbdd0:dhcp::02:00:00:02:34:02 rd.neednet=1'

      To start the IPL and boot process, run the following command:

      $ cp i <devno>


      Specifies the device number of the boot device as seen by the guest.

2.7.2. Installing single-node OpenShift with RHEL KVM on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE


  • You have installed podman.


  1. Set the OpenShift Container Platform version by running the following command:

    $ OCP_VERSION=<ocp_version> 1
    Replace <ocp_version> with the current version, for example, latest-4.15
  2. Set the host architecture by running the following command:

    $ ARCH=<architecture> 1
    Replace <architecture> with the target host architecture s390x.
  3. Download the OpenShift Container Platform client (oc) and make it available for use by entering the following commands:

    $ curl -k${ARCH}/clients/ocp/${OCP_VERSION}/openshift-client-linux.tar.gz -o oc.tar.gz
    $ tar zxf oc.tar.gz
    $ chmod +x oc
  4. Download the OpenShift Container Platform installer and make it available for use by entering the following commands:

    $ curl -k${ARCH}/clients/ocp/${OCP_VERSION}/openshift-install-linux.tar.gz -o openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
    $ tar zxvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
    $ chmod +x openshift-install
  5. Prepare the install-config.yaml file:

    apiVersion: v1
    baseDomain: <domain> 1
    - name: worker
      replicas: 0 2
      name: master
      replicas: 1 3
      name: <name> 4
    networking: 5
      - cidr:
        hostPrefix: 23
      - cidr: 6
      networkType: OVNKubernetes
      none: {}
      installationDisk: /dev/disk/by-id/<disk_id> 7
    pullSecret: '<pull_secret>' 8
    sshKey: |
      <ssh_key> 9
    Add the cluster domain name.
    Set the compute replicas to 0. This makes the control plane node schedulable.
    Set the controlPlane replicas to 1. In conjunction with the previous compute setting, this setting ensures the cluster runs on a single node.
    Set the metadata name to the cluster name.
    Set the networking details. OVN-Kubernetes is the only allowed network plugin type for single-node clusters.
    Set the cidr value to match the subnet of the single-node OpenShift cluster.
    Set the path to the installation disk drive, for example, /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x64cd98f04fde100024684cf3034da5c2.
    Copy the pull secret from Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager and add the contents to this configuration setting.
    Add the public SSH key from the administration host so that you can log in to the cluster after installation.
  6. Generate OpenShift Container Platform assets by running the following commands:

    $ mkdir ocp
    $ cp install-config.yaml ocp
    $ ./openshift-install --dir=ocp create single-node-ignition-config
  7. Obtain the RHEL kernel, initramfs, and rootfs artifacts from the Product Downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal or from the RHCOS image mirror page.


    The RHCOS images might not change with every release of OpenShift Container Platform. You must download images with the highest version that is less than or equal to the OpenShift Container Platform version that you install. Only use the appropriate kernel, initramfs, and rootfs artifacts described in the following procedure.

    The file names contain the OpenShift Container Platform version number. They resemble the following examples:

  8. Before you launch virt-install, move the following files and artifacts to an HTTP or HTTPS server:

    • Downloaded RHEL live kernel, initramfs, and rootfs artifacts
    • Ignition files
  9. Create the KVM guest nodes by using the following components:

    • RHEL kernel and initramfs artifacts
    • Ignition files
    • The new disk image
    • Adjusted parm line arguments
$ virt-install \
   --name <vm_name> \
   --autostart \
   --memory=<memory_mb> \
   --cpu host \
   --vcpus <vcpus> \
   --location <media_location>,kernel=<rhcos_kernel>,initrd=<rhcos_initrd> \1
   --disk size=100 \
   --network network=<virt_network_parm> \
   --graphics none \
   --noautoconsole \
   --extra-args "ip=<ip>::<gateway>:<mask>:<hostname>::none" \
   --extra-args "nameserver=<name_server>" \
   --extra-args "ip=dhcp rd.neednet=1 ignition.firstboot" \
   --extra-args "<rhcos_liveos>" \2
   --extra-args "ignition.config.url=<rhcos_ign>" \3
   --extra-args "random.trust_cpu=on rd.luks.options=discard" \
   --extra-args "console=ttysclp0" \
For the --location parameter, specify the location of the kernel/initrd on the HTTP or HTTPS server.
For the artifact, specify the matching rootfs artifact for the kernel and initramfs you are booting. Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.
For the ignition.config.url= parameter, specify the Ignition file for the machine role. Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.

2.8. Installing single-node OpenShift with IBM Power

Installing a single-node cluster on IBM Power® requires user-provisioned installation using the "Installing a cluster with IBM Power®" procedure.


Installing a single-node cluster on IBM Power® simplifies installation for development and test environments and requires less resource requirements at entry level.

Hardware requirements
  • The equivalent of two Integrated Facilities for Linux (IFL), which are SMT2 enabled, for each cluster.
  • At least one network connection to connect to the LoadBalancer service and to serve data for traffic outside of the cluster.

You can use dedicated or shared IFLs to assign sufficient compute resources. Resource sharing is one of the key strengths of IBM Power®. However, you must adjust capacity correctly on each hypervisor layer and ensure sufficient resources for every OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

2.8.1. Setting up basion for single-node OpenShift with IBM Power

Prior to installing single-node OpenShift on IBM Power®, you must set up bastion. Setting up a bastion server for single-node OpenShift on IBM Power® requires the configuration of the following services:

  • PXE is used for the single-node OpenShift cluster installation. PXE requires the following services to be configured and run:

    • DNS to define api, api-int, and *.apps
    • DHCP service to enable PXE and assign an IP address to single-node OpenShift node
    • HTTP to provide ignition and RHCOS rootfs image
    • TFTP to enable PXE
  • You must install dnsmasq to support DNS, DHCP and PXE, httpd for HTTP.

Use the following procedure to configure a bastion server that meets these requirements.


  1. Use the following command to install grub2, which is required to enable PXE for PowerVM:

    grub2-mknetdir --net-directory=/var/lib/tftpboot

    Example /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/grub2/grub.cfg file

    if [ ${net_default_mac} == fa:b0:45:27:43:20 ]; then
    menuentry "CoreOS (BIOS)" {
       echo "Loading kernel"
       linux "/rhcos/kernel" ip=dhcp rd.neednet=1 ignition.firstboot ignition.config.url=
       echo "Loading initrd"
       initrd  "/rhcos/initramfs.img"

  2. Use the following commands to download RHCOS image files from the mirror repo for PXE.

    1. Enter the following command to assign the RHCOS_URL variable the follow 4.12 URL:

      $ export RHCOS_URL=
    2. Enter the following command to navigate to the /var/lib/tftpboot/rhcos directory:

      $ cd /var/lib/tftpboot/rhcos
    3. Enter the following command to download the specified RHCOS kernel file from the URL stored in the RHCOS_URL variable:

      $ wget ${RHCOS_URL}/rhcos-live-kernel-ppc64le -o kernel
    4. Enter the following command to download the RHCOS initramfs file from the URL stored in the RHCOS_URL variable:

      $ wget ${RHCOS_URL}/rhcos-live-initramfs.ppc64le.img -o initramfs.img
    5. Enter the following command to navigate to the /var//var/www/html/install/ directory:

      $ cd /var//var/www/html/install/
    6. Enter the following command to download, and save, the RHCOS root filesystem image file from the URL stored in the RHCOS_URL variable:

      $ wget ${RHCOS_URL}/rhcos-live-rootfs.ppc64le.img -o rootfs.img
  3. To create the ignition file for a single-node OpenShift cluster, you must create the install-config.yaml file.

    1. Enter the following command to create the work directory that holds the file:

      $ mkdir -p ~/sno-work
    2. Enter the following command to navigate to the ~/sno-work directory:

      $ cd ~/sno-work
    3. Use the following sample file can to create the required install-config.yaml in the ~/sno-work directory:

      apiVersion: v1
      baseDomain: <domain> 1
      - name: worker
        replicas: 0 2
        name: master
        replicas: 1 3
        name: <name> 4
      networking: 5
        - cidr:
          hostPrefix: 23
        - cidr: 6
        networkType: OVNKubernetes
        none: {}
        installationDisk: /dev/disk/by-id/<disk_id> 7
      pullSecret: '<pull_secret>' 8
      sshKey: |
        <ssh_key> 9
      Add the cluster domain name.
      Set the compute replicas to 0. This makes the control plane node schedulable.
      Set the controlPlane replicas to 1. In conjunction with the previous compute setting, this setting ensures that the cluster runs on a single node.
      Set the metadata name to the cluster name.
      Set the networking details. OVN-Kubernetes is the only allowed network plugin type for single-node clusters.
      Set the cidr value to match the subnet of the single-node OpenShift cluster.
      Set the path to the installation disk drive, for example, /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x64cd98f04fde100024684cf3034da5c2.
      Copy the pull secret from Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager and add the contents to this configuration setting.
      Add the public SSH key from the administration host so that you can log in to the cluster after installation.
  4. Download the openshift-install image to create the ignition file and copy it to the http directory.

    1. Enter the following command to download the openshift-install-linux-4.12.0 .tar file:

      $ wget
    2. Enter the following command to unpack the openshift-install-linux-4.12.0.tar.gz archive:

      $ tar xzvf openshift-install-linux-4.12.0.tar.gz
    3. Enter the following command to

      $ ./openshift-install --dir=~/sno-work create create single-node-ignition-config
    4. Enter the following command to create the ignition file:

      $ cp ~/sno-work/single-node-ignition-config.ign /var/www/html/ignition/sno.ign
    5. Enter the following command to restore SELinux file for the /var/www/html directory:

      $ restorecon -vR /var/www/html || true

      Bastion now has all the required files and is properly configured in order to install single-node OpenShift.

2.8.2. Installing single-node OpenShift with IBM Power


  • You have set up bastion.


There are two steps for the single-node OpenShift cluster installation. First the single-node OpenShift logical partition (LPAR) needs to boot up with PXE, then you need to monitor the installation progress.

  1. Use the following command to boot powerVM with netboot:

    $ lpar_netboot -i -D -f -t ent -m <sno_mac> -s auto -d auto -S <server_ip> -C <sno_ip> -G <gateway> <lpar_name> default_profile <cec_name>


    Specifies the MAC address of the single-node OpenShift cluster.
    Specifies the IP address of the single-node OpenShift cluster.
    Specifies the IP address of bastion (PXE server).
    Specifies the Network’s gateway IP.
    Specifies the single-node OpenShift lpar name in HMC.
    Specifies the System name where the sno_lpar resides
  2. After the single-node OpenShift LPAR boots up with PXE, use the openshift-install command to monitor the progress of installation:

    1. Run the following command after the bootstrap is complete:

      ./openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete
    2. Run the following command after it returns successfully:

      ./openshift-install wait-for install-complete

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