Edge computing

OpenShift Container Platform 4.17

Configure and deploy OpenShift Container Platform clusters at the network edge

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document describes how to configure and deploy OpenShift Container Platform clusters using GitOps ZTP to provision and manage sites at the far edge of the network.

Chapter 1. Challenges of the network far edge

Edge computing presents complex challenges when managing many sites in geographically displaced locations. Use GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to provision and manage sites at the far edge of the network.

1.1. Overcoming the challenges of the network far edge

Today, service providers want to deploy their infrastructure at the edge of the network. This presents significant challenges:

  • How do you handle deployments of many edge sites in parallel?
  • What happens when you need to deploy sites in disconnected environments?
  • How do you manage the lifecycle of large fleets of clusters?

GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and GitOps meets these challenges by allowing you to provision remote edge sites at scale with declarative site definitions and configurations for bare-metal equipment. Template or overlay configurations install OpenShift Container Platform features that are required for CNF workloads. The full lifecycle of installation and upgrades is handled through the GitOps ZTP pipeline.

GitOps ZTP uses GitOps for infrastructure deployments. With GitOps, you use declarative YAML files and other defined patterns stored in Git repositories. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses your Git repositories to drive the deployment of your infrastructure.

GitOps provides traceability, role-based access control (RBAC), and a single source of truth for the desired state of each site. Scalability issues are addressed by Git methodologies and event driven operations through webhooks.

You start the GitOps ZTP workflow by creating declarative site definition and configuration custom resources (CRs) that the GitOps ZTP pipeline delivers to the edge nodes.

The following diagram shows how GitOps ZTP works within the far edge framework.

GitOps ZTP at the network far edge

1.2. Using GitOps ZTP to provision clusters at the network far edge

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) manages clusters in a hub-and-spoke architecture, where a single hub cluster manages many spoke clusters. Hub clusters running RHACM provision and deploy the managed clusters by using GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and the assisted service that is deployed when you install RHACM.

The assisted service handles provisioning of OpenShift Container Platform on single node clusters, three-node clusters, or standard clusters running on bare metal.

A high-level overview of using GitOps ZTP to provision and maintain bare-metal hosts with OpenShift Container Platform is as follows:

  • A hub cluster running RHACM manages an OpenShift image registry that mirrors the OpenShift Container Platform release images. RHACM uses the OpenShift image registry to provision the managed clusters.
  • You manage the bare-metal hosts in a YAML format inventory file, versioned in a Git repository.
  • You make the hosts ready for provisioning as managed clusters, and use RHACM and the assisted service to install the bare-metal hosts on site.

Installing and deploying the clusters is a two-stage process, involving an initial installation phase, and a subsequent configuration and deployment phase. The following diagram illustrates this workflow:

Using GitOps and GitOps ZTP to install and deploy managed clusters

1.3. Installing managed clusters with SiteConfig resources and RHACM

GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) uses SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) in a Git repository to manage the processes that install OpenShift Container Platform clusters. The SiteConfig CR contains cluster-specific parameters required for installation. It has options for applying select configuration CRs during installation including user defined extra manifests.

The GitOps ZTP plugin processes SiteConfig CRs to generate a collection of CRs on the hub cluster. This triggers the assisted service in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) to install OpenShift Container Platform on the bare-metal host. You can find installation status and error messages in these CRs on the hub cluster.

You can provision single clusters manually or in batches with GitOps ZTP:

Provisioning a single cluster
Create a single SiteConfig CR and related installation and configuration CRs for the cluster, and apply them in the hub cluster to begin cluster provisioning. This is a good way to test your CRs before deploying on a larger scale.
Provisioning many clusters
Install managed clusters in batches of up to 400 by defining SiteConfig and related CRs in a Git repository. ArgoCD uses the SiteConfig CRs to deploy the sites. The RHACM policy generator creates the manifests and applies them to the hub cluster. This starts the cluster provisioning process.

1.4. Configuring managed clusters with policies and PolicyGenTemplate resources

GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) uses Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) to configure clusters by using a policy-based governance approach to applying the configuration.

The policy generator or PolicyGen is a plugin for the GitOps Operator that enables the creation of RHACM policies from a concise template. The tool can combine multiple CRs into a single policy, and you can generate multiple policies that apply to various subsets of clusters in your fleet.


For scalability and to reduce the complexity of managing configurations across the fleet of clusters, use configuration CRs with as much commonality as possible.

  • Where possible, apply configuration CRs using a fleet-wide common policy.
  • The next preference is to create logical groupings of clusters to manage as much of the remaining configurations as possible under a group policy.
  • When a configuration is unique to an individual site, use RHACM templating on the hub cluster to inject the site-specific data into a common or group policy. Alternatively, apply an individual site policy for the site.

The following diagram shows how the policy generator interacts with GitOps and RHACM in the configuration phase of cluster deployment.

Policy generator

For large fleets of clusters, it is typical for there to be a high-level of consistency in the configuration of those clusters.

The following recommended structuring of policies combines configuration CRs to meet several goals:

  • Describe common configurations once and apply to the fleet.
  • Minimize the number of maintained and managed policies.
  • Support flexibility in common configurations for cluster variants.
Table 1.1. Recommended PolicyGenTemplate policy categories
Policy categoryDescription


A policy that exists in the common category is applied to all clusters in the fleet. Use common PolicyGenerator CRs to apply common installation settings across all cluster types.


A policy that exists in the groups category is applied to a group of clusters in the fleet. Use group PolicyGenerator CRs to manage specific aspects of single-node, three-node, and standard cluster installations. Cluster groups can also follow geographic region, hardware variant, etc.


A policy that exists in the sites category is applied to a specific cluster site. Any cluster can have its own specific policies maintained.


Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

Chapter 2. Preparing the hub cluster for GitOps ZTP

To use RHACM in a disconnected environment, create a mirror registry that mirrors the OpenShift Container Platform release images and Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) catalog that contains the required Operator images. OLM manages, installs, and upgrades Operators and their dependencies in the cluster. You can also use a disconnected mirror host to serve the RHCOS ISO and RootFS disk images that are used to provision the bare-metal hosts.

2.1. Telco RAN DU 4.17 validated software components

The Red Hat telco RAN DU 4.17 solution has been validated using the following Red Hat software products for OpenShift Container Platform managed clusters and hub clusters.

Table 2.1. Telco RAN DU managed cluster validated software components
ComponentSoftware version

Managed cluster version


Cluster Logging Operator


Local Storage Operator


OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP)


PTP Operator


SRIOV Operator


SRIOV-FEC Operator


Lifecycle Agent


Table 2.2. Hub cluster validated software components
ComponentSoftware version

Hub cluster version


Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM)


GitOps ZTP plugin


Red Hat OpenShift GitOps


Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM)


2.2. Recommended hub cluster specifications and managed cluster limits for GitOps ZTP

With GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP), you can manage thousands of clusters in geographically dispersed regions and networks. The Red Hat Performance and Scale lab successfully created and managed 3500 virtual single-node OpenShift clusters with a reduced DU profile from a single Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) hub cluster in a lab environment.

In real-world situations, the scaling limits for the number of clusters that you can manage will vary depending on various factors affecting the hub cluster. For example:

Hub cluster resources
Available hub cluster host resources (CPU, memory, storage) are an important factor in determining how many clusters the hub cluster can manage. The more resources allocated to the hub cluster, the more managed clusters it can accommodate.
Hub cluster storage
The hub cluster host storage IOPS rating and whether the hub cluster hosts use NVMe storage can affect hub cluster performance and the number of clusters it can manage.
Network bandwidth and latency
Slow or high-latency network connections between the hub cluster and managed clusters can impact how the hub cluster manages multiple clusters.
Managed cluster size and complexity
The size and complexity of the managed clusters also affects the capacity of the hub cluster. Larger managed clusters with more nodes, namespaces, and resources require additional processing and management resources. Similarly, clusters with complex configurations such as the RAN DU profile or diverse workloads can require more resources from the hub cluster.
Number of managed policies
The number of policies managed by the hub cluster scaled over the number of managed clusters bound to those policies is an important factor that determines how many clusters can be managed.
Monitoring and management workloads
RHACM continuously monitors and manages the managed clusters. The number and complexity of monitoring and management workloads running on the hub cluster can affect its capacity. Intensive monitoring or frequent reconciliation operations can require additional resources, potentially limiting the number of manageable clusters.
RHACM version and configuration
Different versions of RHACM can have varying performance characteristics and resource requirements. Additionally, the configuration settings of RHACM, such as the number of concurrent reconciliations or the frequency of health checks, can affect the managed cluster capacity of the hub cluster.

Use the following representative configuration and network specifications to develop your own Hub cluster and network specifications.


The following guidelines are based on internal lab benchmark testing only and do not represent complete bare-metal host specifications.

Table 2.3. Representative three-node hub cluster machine specifications

Server hardware

3 x Dell PowerEdge R650 rack servers

NVMe hard disks

  • 50 GB disk for /var/lib/etcd
  • 2.9 TB disk for /var/lib/containers

SSD hard disks

  • 1 SSD split into 15 200GB thin-provisioned logical volumes provisioned as PV CRs
  • 1 SSD serving as an extra large PV resource

Number of applied DU profile policies



The following network specifications are representative of a typical real-world RAN network and were applied to the scale lab environment during testing.

Table 2.4. Simulated lab environment network specifications

Round-trip time (RTT) latency

50 ms

Packet loss

0.02% packet loss

Network bandwidth limit

20 Mbps

2.3. Installing GitOps ZTP in a disconnected environment

Use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), Red Hat OpenShift GitOps, and Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) on the hub cluster in the disconnected environment to manage the deployment of multiple managed clusters.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have configured a disconnected mirror registry for use in the cluster.


    The disconnected mirror registry that you create must contain a version of TALM backup and pre-cache images that matches the version of TALM running in the hub cluster. The spoke cluster must be able to resolve these images in the disconnected mirror registry.


2.4. Adding RHCOS ISO and RootFS images to the disconnected mirror host

Before you begin installing clusters in the disconnected environment with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), you must first host Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) images for it to use. Use a disconnected mirror to host the RHCOS images.


  • Deploy and configure an HTTP server to host the RHCOS image resources on the network. You must be able to access the HTTP server from your computer, and from the machines that you create.

The RHCOS images might not change with every release of OpenShift Container Platform. You must download images with the highest version that is less than or equal to the version that you install. Use the image versions that match your OpenShift Container Platform version if they are available. You require ISO and RootFS images to install RHCOS on the hosts. RHCOS QCOW2 images are not supported for this installation type.


  1. Log in to the mirror host.
  2. Obtain the RHCOS ISO and RootFS images from mirror.openshift.com, for example:

    1. Export the required image names and OpenShift Container Platform version as environment variables:

      $ export ISO_IMAGE_NAME=<iso_image_name> 1
      $ export ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME=<rootfs_image_name> 1
      $ export OCP_VERSION=<ocp_version> 1
      ISO image name, for example, rhcos-4.17.1-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso
      RootFS image name, for example, rhcos-4.17.1-x86_64-live-rootfs.x86_64.img
      OpenShift Container Platform version, for example, 4.17.1
    2. Download the required images:

      $ sudo wget https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/dependencies/rhcos/4.17/${OCP_VERSION}/${ISO_IMAGE_NAME} -O /var/www/html/${ISO_IMAGE_NAME}
      $ sudo wget https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/dependencies/rhcos/4.17/${OCP_VERSION}/${ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME} -O /var/www/html/${ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME}

Verification steps

  • Verify that the images downloaded successfully and are being served on the disconnected mirror host, for example:

    $ wget http://$(hostname)/${ISO_IMAGE_NAME}

    Example output

    Saving to: rhcos-4.17.1-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso
    rhcos-4.17.1-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso-  11%[====>    ]  10.01M  4.71MB/s

2.5. Enabling the assisted service

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses the assisted service to deploy OpenShift Container Platform clusters. The assisted service is deployed automatically when you enable the MultiClusterHub Operator on Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM). After that, you need to configure the Provisioning resource to watch all namespaces and to update the AgentServiceConfig custom resource (CR) with references to the ISO and RootFS images that are hosted on the mirror registry HTTP server.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have RHACM with MultiClusterHub enabled.


  1. Enable the Provisioning resource to watch all namespaces and configure mirrors for disconnected environments. For more information, see Enabling the central infrastructure management service.
  2. Update the AgentServiceConfig CR by running the following command:

    $ oc edit AgentServiceConfig
  3. Add the following entry to the items.spec.osImages field in the CR:

    - cpuArchitecture: x86_64
        openshiftVersion: "4.17"
        rootFSUrl: https://<host>/<path>/rhcos-live-rootfs.x86_64.img
        url: https://<host>/<path>/rhcos-live.x86_64.iso


    Is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the target mirror registry HTTP server.
    Is the path to the image on the target mirror registry.

    Save and quit the editor to apply the changes.

2.6. Configuring the hub cluster to use a disconnected mirror registry

You can configure the hub cluster to use a disconnected mirror registry for a disconnected environment.


  • You have a disconnected hub cluster installation with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) 2.11 installed.
  • You have hosted the rootfs and iso images on an HTTP server. See the Additional resources section for guidance about Mirroring the OpenShift Container Platform image repository.

If you enable TLS for the HTTP server, you must confirm the root certificate is signed by an authority trusted by the client and verify the trusted certificate chain between your OpenShift Container Platform hub and managed clusters and the HTTP server. Using a server configured with an untrusted certificate prevents the images from being downloaded to the image creation service. Using untrusted HTTPS servers is not supported.


  1. Create a ConfigMap containing the mirror registry config:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: assisted-installer-mirror-config
      namespace: multicluster-engine 1
        app: assisted-service
      ca-bundle.crt: | 2
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      registries.conf: | 3
        unqualified-search-registries = ["registry.access.redhat.com", "docker.io"]
           prefix = ""
           location = "quay.io/example-repository" 4
           mirror-by-digest-only = true
           location = "mirror1.registry.corp.com:5000/example-repository" 5
    The ConfigMap namespace must be set to multicluster-engine.
    The mirror registry’s certificate that is used when creating the mirror registry.
    The configuration file for the mirror registry. The mirror registry configuration adds mirror information to the /etc/containers/registries.conf file in the discovery image. The mirror information is stored in the imageContentSources section of the install-config.yaml file when the information is passed to the installation program. The Assisted Service pod that runs on the hub cluster fetches the container images from the configured mirror registry.
    The URL of the mirror registry. You must use the URL from the imageContentSources section by running the oc adm release mirror command when you configure the mirror registry. For more information, see the Mirroring the OpenShift Container Platform image repository section.
    The registries defined in the registries.conf file must be scoped by repository, not by registry. In this example, both the quay.io/example-repository and the mirror1.registry.corp.com:5000/example-repository repositories are scoped by the example-repository repository.

    This updates mirrorRegistryRef in the AgentServiceConfig custom resource, as shown below:

    Example output

    apiVersion: agent-install.openshift.io/v1beta1
    kind: AgentServiceConfig
      name: agent
      namespace: multicluster-engine 1
        volumeName: <db_pv_name>
        - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: <db_storage_size>
        volumeName: <fs_pv_name>
        - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: <fs_storage_size>
        name: assisted-installer-mirror-config 2
        - openshiftVersion: <ocp_version> 3
          url: <iso_url> 4

    Set the AgentServiceConfig namespace to multicluster-engine to match the ConfigMap namespace.
    Set mirrorRegistryRef.name to match the definition specified in the related ConfigMap CR.
    Set the OpenShift Container Platform version to either the x.y or x.y.z format.
    Set the URL for the ISO hosted on the httpd server.

A valid NTP server is required during cluster installation. Ensure that a suitable NTP server is available and can be reached from the installed clusters through the disconnected network.

2.7. Configuring the hub cluster to use unauthenticated registries

You can configure the hub cluster to use unauthenticated registries. Unauthenticated registries does not require authentication to access and download images.


  • You have installed and configured a hub cluster and installed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) on the hub cluster.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have configured an unauthenticated registry for use with the hub cluster.


  1. Update the AgentServiceConfig custom resource (CR) by running the following command:

    $ oc edit AgentServiceConfig agent
  2. Add the unauthenticatedRegistries field in the CR:

    apiVersion: agent-install.openshift.io/v1beta1
    kind: AgentServiceConfig
      name: agent
      - example.registry.com
      - example.registry2.com

    Unauthenticated registries are listed under spec.unauthenticatedRegistries in the AgentServiceConfig resource. Any registry on this list is not required to have an entry in the pull secret used for the spoke cluster installation. assisted-service validates the pull secret by making sure it contains the authentication information for every image registry used for installation.


Mirror registries are automatically added to the ignore list and do not need to be added under spec.unauthenticatedRegistries. Specifying the PUBLIC_CONTAINER_REGISTRIES environment variable in the ConfigMap overrides the default values with the specified value. The PUBLIC_CONTAINER_REGISTRIES defaults are quay.io and registry.svc.ci.openshift.org.


Verify that you can access the newly added registry from the hub cluster by running the following commands:

  1. Open a debug shell prompt to the hub cluster:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name>
  2. Test access to the unauthenticated registry by running the following command:

    sh-4.4# podman login -u kubeadmin -p $(oc whoami -t) <unauthenticated_registry>


    Is the new registry, for example, unauthenticated-image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000.

    Example output

    Login Succeeded!

2.8. Configuring the hub cluster with ArgoCD

You can configure the hub cluster with a set of ArgoCD applications that generate the required installation and policy custom resources (CRs) for each site with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).


Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses SiteConfig CRs to generate the Day 1 managed cluster installation CRs for ArgoCD. Each ArgoCD application can manage a maximum of 300 SiteConfig CRs.


  • You have a OpenShift Container Platform hub cluster with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and Red Hat OpenShift GitOps installed.
  • You have extracted the reference deployment from the GitOps ZTP plugin container as described in the "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository" section. Extracting the reference deployment creates the out/argocd/deployment directory referenced in the following procedure.


  1. Prepare the ArgoCD pipeline configuration:

    1. Create a Git repository with the directory structure similar to the example directory. For more information, see "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository".
    2. Configure access to the repository using the ArgoCD UI. Under Settings configure the following:

      • Repositories - Add the connection information. The URL must end in .git, for example, https://repo.example.com/repo.git and credentials.
      • Certificates - Add the public certificate for the repository, if needed.
    3. Modify the two ArgoCD applications, out/argocd/deployment/clusters-app.yaml and out/argocd/deployment/policies-app.yaml, based on your Git repository:

      • Update the URL to point to the Git repository. The URL ends with .git, for example, https://repo.example.com/repo.git.
      • The targetRevision indicates which Git repository branch to monitor.
      • path specifies the path to the SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs, respectively.
  1. To install the GitOps ZTP plugin, patch the ArgoCD instance in the hub cluster with the relevant multicluster engine (MCE) subscription image. Customize the patch file that you previously extracted into the out/argocd/deployment/ directory for your environment.

    1. Select the multicluster-operators-subscription image that matches your RHACM version.

      • For RHACM 2.8 and 2.9, use the registry.redhat.io/rhacm2/multicluster-operators-subscription-rhel8:v<rhacm_version> image.
      • For RHACM 2.10 and later, use the registry.redhat.io/rhacm2/multicluster-operators-subscription-rhel9:v<rhacm_version> image.

      The version of the multicluster-operators-subscription image must match the RHACM version. Beginning with the MCE 2.10 release, RHEL 9 is the base image for multicluster-operators-subscription images.

      Click [Expand for Operator list] in the "Platform Aligned Operators" table in OpenShift Operator Life Cycles to view the complete supported Operators matrix for OpenShift Container Platform.

    2. Modify the out/argocd/deployment/argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json file with the multicluster-operators-subscription image that matches your RHACM version:

        "args": [
          "mkdir -p /.config/kustomize/plugin/policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1/policygenerator && cp /policy-generator/PolicyGenerator-not-fips-compliant /.config/kustomize/plugin/policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1/policygenerator/PolicyGenerator" 1
        "command": [
        "image": "registry.redhat.io/rhacm2/multicluster-operators-subscription-rhel9:v2.10", 2 3
        "name": "policy-generator-install",
        "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
        "volumeMounts": [
            "mountPath": "/.config",
            "name": "kustomize"
      Optional: For RHEL 9 images, copy the required universal executable in the /policy-generator/PolicyGenerator-not-fips-compliant folder for the ArgoCD version.
      Match the multicluster-operators-subscription image to the RHACM version.
      In disconnected environments, replace the URL for the multicluster-operators-subscription image with the disconnected registry equivalent for your environment.
    3. Patch the ArgoCD instance. Run the following command:

      $ oc patch argocd openshift-gitops \
      -n openshift-gitops --type=merge \
      --patch-file out/argocd/deployment/argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json
  2. In RHACM 2.7 and later, the multicluster engine enables the cluster-proxy-addon feature by default. Apply the following patch to disable the cluster-proxy-addon feature and remove the relevant hub cluster and managed pods that are responsible for this add-on. Run the following command:

    $ oc patch multiclusterengines.multicluster.openshift.io multiclusterengine --type=merge --patch-file out/argocd/deployment/disable-cluster-proxy-addon.json
  3. Apply the pipeline configuration to your hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -k out/argocd/deployment
  4. Optional: If you have existing ArgoCD applications, verify that the PrunePropagationPolicy=background policy is set in the Application resource by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-gitops get applications.argoproj.io  \
    clusters -o jsonpath='{.spec.syncPolicy.syncOptions}' |jq

    Example output for an existing policy


    1. If the spec.syncPolicy.syncOption field does not contain a PrunePropagationPolicy parameter or PrunePropagationPolicy is set to the foreground value, set the policy to background in the Application resource. See the following example:

      kind: Application
          - PrunePropagationPolicy=background

    Setting the background deletion policy ensures that the ManagedCluster CR and all its associated resources are deleted.

2.9. Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository

Before you can use the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline, you need to prepare the Git repository to host the site configuration data.


  • You have configured the hub cluster GitOps applications for generating the required installation and policy custom resources (CRs).
  • You have deployed the managed clusters using GitOps ZTP.


  1. Create a directory structure with separate paths for the SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs.


    Keep SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs in separate directories. Both the SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate directories must contain a kustomization.yaml file that explicitly includes the files in that directory.

  2. Export the argocd directory from the ztp-site-generate container image using the following commands:

    $ podman pull registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17
    $ mkdir -p ./out
    $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17 extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./out
  3. Check that the out directory contains the following subdirectories:

    • out/extra-manifest contains the source CR files that SiteConfig uses to generate extra manifest configMap.
    • out/source-crs contains the source CR files that PolicyGenerator uses to generate the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies.
    • out/argocd/deployment contains patches and YAML files to apply on the hub cluster for use in the next step of this procedure.
    • out/argocd/example contains the examples for SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate files that represent the recommended configuration.
  4. Copy the out/source-crs folder and contents to the PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate directory.
  5. The out/extra-manifests directory contains the reference manifests for a RAN DU cluster. Copy the out/extra-manifests directory into the SiteConfig folder. This directory should contain CRs from the ztp-site-generate container only. Do not add user-provided CRs here. If you want to work with user-provided CRs you must create another directory for that content. For example:

      ├── acmpolicygenerator
      │   ├── kustomization.yaml
      │   └── source-crs/
      ├── policygentemplates 1
      │   ├── kustomization.yaml
      │   └── source-crs/
      └── siteconfig
            ├── extra-manifests
            └── kustomization.yaml
    Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to manage clusters will be deprecated in a future OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available by using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.
  6. Commit the directory structure and the kustomization.yaml files and push to your Git repository. The initial push to Git should include the kustomization.yaml files.

You can use the directory structure under out/argocd/example as a reference for the structure and content of your Git repository. That structure includes SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate reference CRs for single-node, three-node, and standard clusters. Remove references to cluster types that you are not using.

For all cluster types, you must:

  • Add the source-crs subdirectory to the acmpolicygenerator or policygentemplates directory.
  • Add the extra-manifests directory to the siteconfig directory.

The following example describes a set of CRs for a network of single-node clusters:

  ├── acmpolicygenerator
  │   ├── acm-common-ranGen.yaml
  │   ├── acm-example-sno-site.yaml
  │   ├── acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
  │   ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
  │   ├── kustomization.yaml
  │   ├── source-crs/
  │   └── ns.yaml
  └── siteconfig
        ├── example-sno.yaml
        ├── extra-manifests/ 1
        ├── custom-manifests/ 2
        ├── KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml
        └── kustomization.yaml
Contains reference manifests from the ztp-container.
Contains custom manifests.

Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

2.10. Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository for version independence

You can use GitOps ZTP to manage source custom resources (CRs) for managed clusters that are running different versions of OpenShift Container Platform. This means that the version of OpenShift Container Platform running on the hub cluster can be independent of the version running on the managed clusters.


The following procedure assumes you are using PolicyGenerator resources instead of PolicyGentemplate resources for cluster policies management.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a directory structure with separate paths for the SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator CRs.
  2. Within the PolicyGenerator directory, create a directory for each OpenShift Container Platform version you want to make available. For each version, create the following resources:

    • kustomization.yaml file that explicitly includes the files in that directory
    • source-crs directory to contain reference CR configuration files from the ztp-site-generate container

      If you want to work with user-provided CRs, you must create a separate directory for them.

  3. In the /siteconfig directory, create a subdirectory for each OpenShift Container Platform version you want to make available. For each version, create at least one directory for reference CRs to be copied from the container. There is no restriction on the naming of directories or on the number of reference directories. If you want to work with custom manifests, you must create a separate directory for them.

    The following example describes a structure using user-provided manifests and CRs for different versions of OpenShift Container Platform:

    ├── acmpolicygenerator
    │   ├── kustomization.yaml 1
    │   ├── version_4.13 2
    │   │   ├── common-ranGen.yaml
    │   │   ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
    │   │   ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
    │   │   ├── helix56-v413.yaml
    │   │   ├── kustomization.yaml 3
    │   │   ├── ns.yaml
    │   │   └── source-crs/ 4
    │   │      └── reference-crs/ 5
    │   │      └── custom-crs/ 6
    │   └── version_4.14 7
    │       ├── common-ranGen.yaml
    │       ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
    │       ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
    │       ├── helix56-v414.yaml
    │       ├── kustomization.yaml 8
    │       ├── ns.yaml
    │       └── source-crs/ 9
    │         └── reference-crs/ 10
    │         └── custom-crs/ 11
    └── siteconfig
        ├── kustomization.yaml
        ├── version_4.13
        │   ├── helix56-v413.yaml
        │   ├── kustomization.yaml
        │   ├── extra-manifest/ 12
        │   └── custom-manifest/ 13
        └── version_4.14
            ├── helix57-v414.yaml
            ├── kustomization.yaml
            ├── extra-manifest/ 14
            └── custom-manifest/ 15
    Create a top-level kustomization YAML file.
    2 7
    Create the version-specific directories within the custom /acmpolicygenerator directory.
    3 8
    Create a kustomization.yaml file for each version.
    4 9
    Create a source-crs directory for each version to contain reference CRs from the ztp-site-generate container.
    5 10
    Create the reference-crs directory for policy CRs that are extracted from the ZTP container.
    6 11
    Optional: Create a custom-crs directory for user-provided CRs.
    12 14
    Create a directory within the custom /siteconfig directory to contain extra manifests from the ztp-site-generate container.
    13 15
    Create a folder to hold user-provided manifests.

    In the previous example, each version subdirectory in the custom /siteconfig directory contains two further subdirectories, one containing the reference manifests copied from the container, the other for custom manifests that you provide. The names assigned to those directories are examples. If you use user-provided CRs, the last directory listed under extraManifests.searchPaths in the SiteConfig CR must be the directory containing user-provided CRs.

  4. Edit the SiteConfig CR to include the search paths of any directories you have created. The first directory that is listed under extraManifests.searchPaths must be the directory containing the reference manifests. Consider the order in which the directories are listed. In cases where directories contain files with the same name, the file in the final directory takes precedence.

    Example SiteConfig CR

        - extra-manifest/ 1
        - custom-manifest/ 2

    The directory containing the reference manifests must be listed first under extraManifests.searchPaths.
    If you are using user-provided CRs, the last directory listed under extraManifests.searchPaths in the SiteConfig CR must be the directory containing those user-provided CRs.
  5. Edit the top-level kustomization.yaml file to control which OpenShift Container Platform versions are active. The following is an example of a kustomization.yaml file at the top level:

    - version_4.13 1
    #- version_4.14 2
    Activate version 4.13.
    Use comments to deactivate a version.

2.11. Configuring the hub cluster for backup and restore

You can use GitOps ZTP to configure a set of policies to back up BareMetalHost resources. This allows you to recover data from a failed hub cluster and deploy a replacement cluster using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM).


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a policy to add the cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup=cluster-activation label to all BareMetalHost resources that have the infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io label. Save the policy as BareMetalHostBackupPolicy.yaml.

    The following example adds the cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup label to all BareMetalHost resources that have the infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io label:

    Example Policy

    apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    kind: Policy
      name: bmh-cluster-activation-label
        policy.open-cluster-management.io/description: Policy used to add the cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup=cluster-activation label to all BareMetalHost resources
      disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: set-bmh-backup-label
              object-templates-raw: |
                {{- /* Set cluster-activation label on all BMH resources */ -}}
                {{- $infra_label := "infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io" }}
                {{- range $bmh := (lookup "metal3.io/v1alpha1" "BareMetalHost" "" "" $infra_label).items }}
                    - complianceType: musthave
                        kind: BareMetalHost
                        apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
                          name: {{ $bmh.metadata.name }}
                          namespace: {{ $bmh.metadata.namespace }}
                            cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup: cluster-activation 1
                {{- end }}
              remediationAction: enforce
              severity: high
    apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
    kind: Placement
      name: bmh-cluster-activation-label-pr
        - requiredClusterSelector:
                - key: name
                  operator: In
                    - local-cluster
    apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    kind: PlacementBinding
      name: bmh-cluster-activation-label-binding
      name: bmh-cluster-activation-label-pr
      apiGroup: cluster.open-cluster-management.io
      kind: Placement
      - name: bmh-cluster-activation-label
        apiGroup: policy.open-cluster-management.io
        kind: Policy
    apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta2
    kind: ManagedClusterSetBinding
      name: default
      namespace: default
      clusterSet: default

    If you apply the cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup: cluster-activation label to BareMetalHost resources, the RHACM cluster backs up those resources. You can restore the BareMetalHost resources if the active cluster becomes unavailable, when restoring the hub activation resources.
  2. Apply the policy by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f BareMetalHostBackupPolicy.yaml


  1. Find all BareMetalHost resources with the label infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io by running the following command:

    $ oc get BareMetalHost -A -l infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io

    Example output

    baremetal-ns   baremetal-name                      false            50s

  2. Verify that the policy has applied the label cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup=cluster-activation to all these resources, by running the following command:

    $ oc get BareMetalHost -A -l infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io,cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup=cluster-activation

    Example output

    baremetal-ns   baremetal-name                      false            50s

    The output must show the same list as in the previous step, which listed all BareMetalHost resources with the label infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io. This confirms that that all the BareMetalHost resources with the infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io label also have the cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup: cluster-activation label.

    The following example shows a BareMetalHost resource with the infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io label. The resource must also have the cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup: cluster-activation label, which was added by the policy that you created.

    apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
    kind: BareMetalHost
        cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup: cluster-activation
        infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io: value
      name: baremetal-name
      namespace: baremetal-ns

You can now use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management to restore a managed cluster.


When you restore BareMetalHosts resources as part of restoring the cluster activation data, you must restore the BareMetalHosts status. The following RHACM Restore resource example restores activation resources, including BareMetalHosts, and also restores the status for the BareMetalHosts resources:

apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
kind: Restore
  name: restore-acm-bmh
  namespace: open-cluster-management-backup
  cleanupBeforeRestore: CleanupRestored
  veleroManagedClustersBackupName: latest 1
  veleroCredentialsBackupName: latest
  veleroResourcesBackupName: latest
      - BareMetalHosts2
Set veleroManagedClustersBackupName: latest to restore activation resources.
Restores the status for BareMetalHosts resources.

Chapter 3. Updating GitOps ZTP

You can update the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) infrastructure independently from the hub cluster, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), and the managed OpenShift Container Platform clusters.


You can update the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps Operator when new versions become available. When updating the GitOps ZTP plugin, review the updated files in the reference configuration and ensure that the changes meet your requirements.


Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

3.1. Overview of the GitOps ZTP update process

You can update GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) for a fully operational hub cluster running an earlier version of the GitOps ZTP infrastructure. The update process avoids impact on managed clusters.


Any changes to policy settings, including adding recommended content, results in updated policies that must be rolled out to the managed clusters and reconciled.

At a high level, the strategy for updating the GitOps ZTP infrastructure is as follows:

  1. Label all existing clusters with the ztp-done label.
  2. Stop the ArgoCD applications.
  3. Install the new GitOps ZTP tools.
  4. Update required content and optional changes in the Git repository.
  5. Update and restart the application configuration.

3.2. Preparing for the upgrade

Use the following procedure to prepare your site for the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) upgrade.


  1. Get the latest version of the GitOps ZTP container that has the custom resources (CRs) used to configure Red Hat OpenShift GitOps for use with GitOps ZTP.
  2. Extract the argocd/deployment directory by using the following commands:

    $ mkdir -p ./update
    $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17 extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./update

    The /update directory contains the following subdirectories:

    • update/extra-manifest: contains the source CR files that the SiteConfig CR uses to generate the extra manifest configMap.
    • update/source-crs: contains the source CR files that the PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CR uses to generate the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies.
    • update/argocd/deployment: contains patches and YAML files to apply on the hub cluster for use in the next step of this procedure.
    • update/argocd/example: contains example SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate files that represent the recommended configuration.
  3. Update the clusters-app.yaml and policies-app.yaml files to reflect the name of your applications and the URL, branch, and path for your Git repository.

    If the upgrade includes changes that results in obsolete policies, the obsolete policies should be removed prior to performing the upgrade.

  4. Diff the changes between the configuration and deployment source CRs in the /update folder and Git repo where you manage your fleet site CRs. Apply and push the required changes to your site repository.


    When you update GitOps ZTP to the latest version, you must apply the changes from the update/argocd/deployment directory to your site repository. Do not use older versions of the argocd/deployment/ files.

3.3. Labeling the existing clusters

To ensure that existing clusters remain untouched by the tool updates, label all existing managed clusters with the ztp-done label.


This procedure only applies when updating clusters that were not provisioned with Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM). Clusters that you provision with TALM are automatically labeled with ztp-done.


  1. Find a label selector that lists the managed clusters that were deployed with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP), such as local-cluster!=true:

    $ oc get managedcluster -l 'local-cluster!=true'
  2. Ensure that the resulting list contains all the managed clusters that were deployed with GitOps ZTP, and then use that selector to add the ztp-done label:

    $ oc label managedcluster -l 'local-cluster!=true' ztp-done=

3.4. Stopping the existing GitOps ZTP applications

Removing the existing applications ensures that any changes to existing content in the Git repository are not rolled out until the new version of the tools is available.

Use the application files from the deployment directory. If you used custom names for the applications, update the names in these files first.


  1. Perform a non-cascaded delete on the clusters application to leave all generated resources in place:

    $ oc delete -f update/argocd/deployment/clusters-app.yaml
  2. Perform a cascaded delete on the policies application to remove all previous policies:

    $ oc patch -f policies-app.yaml -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers": ["resources-finalizer.argocd.argoproj.io"]}}' --type merge
    $ oc delete -f update/argocd/deployment/policies-app.yaml

3.5. Required changes to the Git repository

When upgrading the ztp-site-generate container from an earlier release of GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to 4.10 or later, there are additional requirements for the contents of the Git repository. Existing content in the repository must be updated to reflect these changes.


The following procedure assumes you are using PolicyGenerator resources instead of PolicyGentemplate resources for cluster policies management.

  • Make required changes to PolicyGenerator files:

    All PolicyGenerator files must be created in a Namespace prefixed with ztp. This ensures that the GitOps ZTP application is able to manage the policy CRs generated by GitOps ZTP without conflicting with the way Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) manages the policies internally.

  • Add the kustomization.yaml file to the repository:

    All SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator CRs must be included in a kustomization.yaml file under their respective directory trees. For example:

    ├── acmpolicygenerator
    │   ├── site1-ns.yaml
    │   ├── site1.yaml
    │   ├── site2-ns.yaml
    │   ├── site2.yaml
    │   ├── common-ns.yaml
    │   ├── common-ranGen.yaml
    │   ├── group-du-sno-ranGen-ns.yaml
    │   ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
    │   └── kustomization.yaml
    └── siteconfig
        ├── site1.yaml
        ├── site2.yaml
        └── kustomization.yaml

    The files listed in the generator sections must contain either SiteConfig or {policy-gen-cr} CRs only. If your existing YAML files contain other CRs, for example, Namespace, these other CRs must be pulled out into separate files and listed in the resources section.

    The PolicyGenerator kustomization file must contain all PolicyGenerator YAML files in the generator section and Namespace CRs in the resources section. For example:

    apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: Kustomization
    - acm-common-ranGen.yaml
    - acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
    - site1.yaml
    - site2.yaml
    - common-ns.yaml
    - acm-group-du-sno-ranGen-ns.yaml
    - site1-ns.yaml
    - site2-ns.yaml

    The SiteConfig kustomization file must contain all SiteConfig YAML files in the generator section and any other CRs in the resources:

    apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: Kustomization
    - site1.yaml
    - site2.yaml
  • Remove the pre-sync.yaml and post-sync.yaml files.

    In OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 and later, the pre-sync.yaml and post-sync.yaml files are no longer required. The update/deployment/kustomization.yaml CR manages the policies deployment on the hub cluster.


    There is a set of pre-sync.yaml and post-sync.yaml files under both the SiteConfig and {policy-gen-cr} trees.

  • Review and incorporate recommended changes

    Each release may include additional recommended changes to the configuration applied to deployed clusters. Typically these changes result in lower CPU use by the OpenShift platform, additional features, or improved tuning of the platform.

    Review the reference SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator CRs applicable to the types of cluster in your network. These examples can be found in the argocd/example directory extracted from the GitOps ZTP container.

3.6. Installing the new GitOps ZTP applications

Using the extracted argocd/deployment directory, and after ensuring that the applications point to your site Git repository, apply the full contents of the deployment directory. Applying the full contents of the directory ensures that all necessary resources for the applications are correctly configured.


  1. To install the GitOps ZTP plugin, patch the ArgoCD instance in the hub cluster with the relevant multicluster engine (MCE) subscription image. Customize the patch file that you previously extracted into the out/argocd/deployment/ directory for your environment.

    1. Select the multicluster-operators-subscription image that matches your RHACM version.

      • For RHACM 2.8 and 2.9, use the registry.redhat.io/rhacm2/multicluster-operators-subscription-rhel8:v<rhacm_version> image.
      • For RHACM 2.10 and later, use the registry.redhat.io/rhacm2/multicluster-operators-subscription-rhel9:v<rhacm_version> image.

      The version of the multicluster-operators-subscription image must match the RHACM version. Beginning with the MCE 2.10 release, RHEL 9 is the base image for multicluster-operators-subscription images.

      Click [Expand for Operator list] in the "Platform Aligned Operators" table in OpenShift Operator Life Cycles to view the complete supported Operators matrix for OpenShift Container Platform.

    2. Modify the out/argocd/deployment/argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json file with the multicluster-operators-subscription image that matches your RHACM version:

        "args": [
          "mkdir -p /.config/kustomize/plugin/policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1/policygenerator && cp /policy-generator/PolicyGenerator-not-fips-compliant /.config/kustomize/plugin/policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1/policygenerator/PolicyGenerator" 1
        "command": [
        "image": "registry.redhat.io/rhacm2/multicluster-operators-subscription-rhel9:v2.10", 2 3
        "name": "policy-generator-install",
        "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
        "volumeMounts": [
            "mountPath": "/.config",
            "name": "kustomize"
      Optional: For RHEL 9 images, copy the required universal executable in the /policy-generator/PolicyGenerator-not-fips-compliant folder for the ArgoCD version.
      Match the multicluster-operators-subscription image to the RHACM version.
      In disconnected environments, replace the URL for the multicluster-operators-subscription image with the disconnected registry equivalent for your environment.
    3. Patch the ArgoCD instance. Run the following command:

      $ oc patch argocd openshift-gitops \
      -n openshift-gitops --type=merge \
      --patch-file out/argocd/deployment/argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json
  2. In RHACM 2.7 and later, the multicluster engine enables the cluster-proxy-addon feature by default. Apply the following patch to disable the cluster-proxy-addon feature and remove the relevant hub cluster and managed pods that are responsible for this add-on. Run the following command:

    $ oc patch multiclusterengines.multicluster.openshift.io multiclusterengine --type=merge --patch-file out/argocd/deployment/disable-cluster-proxy-addon.json
  3. Apply the pipeline configuration to your hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -k out/argocd/deployment

3.7. Rolling out the GitOps ZTP configuration changes

If any configuration changes were included in the upgrade due to implementing recommended changes, the upgrade process results in a set of policy CRs on the hub cluster in the Non-Compliant state. With the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) version 4.10 and later ztp-site-generate container, these policies are set to inform mode and are not pushed to the managed clusters without an additional step by the user. This ensures that potentially disruptive changes to the clusters can be managed in terms of when the changes are made, for example, during a maintenance window, and how many clusters are updated concurrently.

To roll out the changes, create one or more ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs as detailed in the TALM documentation. The CR must contain the list of Non-Compliant policies that you want to push out to the managed clusters as well as a list or selector of which clusters should be included in the update.

Additional resources

Chapter 4. Installing managed clusters with RHACM and SiteConfig resources

You can provision OpenShift Container Platform clusters at scale with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) using the assisted service and the GitOps plugin policy generator with core-reduction technology enabled. The GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline performs the cluster installations. GitOps ZTP can be used in a disconnected environment.


Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

4.1. GitOps ZTP and Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager

GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) generates installation and configuration CRs from manifests stored in Git. These artifacts are applied to a centralized hub cluster where Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), the assisted service, and the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) use the CRs to install and configure the managed cluster. The configuration phase of the GitOps ZTP pipeline uses the TALM to orchestrate the application of the configuration CRs to the cluster. There are several key integration points between GitOps ZTP and the TALM.

Inform policies
By default, GitOps ZTP creates all policies with a remediation action of inform. These policies cause RHACM to report on compliance status of clusters relevant to the policies but does not apply the desired configuration. During the GitOps ZTP process, after OpenShift installation, the TALM steps through the created inform policies and enforces them on the target managed cluster(s). This applies the configuration to the managed cluster. Outside of the GitOps ZTP phase of the cluster lifecycle, this allows you to change policies without the risk of immediately rolling those changes out to affected managed clusters. You can control the timing and the set of remediated clusters by using TALM.
Automatic creation of ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs

To automate the initial configuration of newly deployed clusters, TALM monitors the state of all ManagedCluster CRs on the hub cluster. Any ManagedCluster CR that does not have a ztp-done label applied, including newly created ManagedCluster CRs, causes the TALM to automatically create a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the following characteristics:

  • The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is created and enabled in the ztp-install namespace.
  • ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has the same name as the ManagedCluster CR.
  • The cluster selector includes only the cluster associated with that ManagedCluster CR.
  • The set of managed policies includes all policies that RHACM has bound to the cluster at the time the ClusterGroupUpgrade is created.
  • Pre-caching is disabled.
  • Timeout set to 4 hours (240 minutes).

The automatic creation of an enabled ClusterGroupUpgrade ensures that initial zero-touch deployment of clusters proceeds without the need for user intervention. Additionally, the automatic creation of a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for any ManagedCluster without the ztp-done label allows a failed GitOps ZTP installation to be restarted by simply deleting the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for the cluster.


Each policy generated from a PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CR includes a ztp-deploy-wave annotation. This annotation is based on the same annotation from each CR which is included in that policy. The wave annotation is used to order the policies in the auto-generated ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. The wave annotation is not used other than for the auto-generated ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.


All CRs in the same policy must have the same setting for the ztp-deploy-wave annotation. The default value of this annotation for each CR can be overridden in the PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate. The wave annotation in the source CR is used for determining and setting the policy wave annotation. This annotation is removed from each built CR which is included in the generated policy at runtime.

The TALM applies the configuration policies in the order specified by the wave annotations. The TALM waits for each policy to be compliant before moving to the next policy. It is important to ensure that the wave annotation for each CR takes into account any prerequisites for those CRs to be applied to the cluster. For example, an Operator must be installed before or concurrently with the configuration for the Operator. Similarly, the CatalogSource for an Operator must be installed in a wave before or concurrently with the Operator Subscription. The default wave value for each CR takes these prerequisites into account.

Multiple CRs and policies can share the same wave number. Having fewer policies can result in faster deployments and lower CPU usage. It is a best practice to group many CRs into relatively few waves.

To check the default wave value in each source CR, run the following command against the out/source-crs directory that is extracted from the ztp-site-generate container image:

$ grep -r "ztp-deploy-wave" out/source-crs
Phase labels

The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is automatically created and includes directives to annotate the ManagedCluster CR with labels at the start and end of the GitOps ZTP process.

When GitOps ZTP configuration postinstallation commences, the ManagedCluster has the ztp-running label applied. When all policies are remediated to the cluster and are fully compliant, these directives cause the TALM to remove the ztp-running label and apply the ztp-done label.

For deployments that make use of the informDuValidator policy, the ztp-done label is applied when the cluster is fully ready for deployment of applications. This includes all reconciliation and resulting effects of the GitOps ZTP applied configuration CRs. The ztp-done label affects automatic ClusterGroupUpgrade CR creation by TALM. Do not manipulate this label after the initial GitOps ZTP installation of the cluster.

Linked CRs
The automatically created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has the owner reference set as the ManagedCluster from which it was derived. This reference ensures that deleting the ManagedCluster CR causes the instance of the ClusterGroupUpgrade to be deleted along with any supporting resources.

4.2. Overview of deploying managed clusters with GitOps ZTP

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to deploy single-node OpenShift Container Platform clusters, three-node clusters, and standard clusters. You manage site configuration data as OpenShift Container Platform custom resources (CRs) in a Git repository. GitOps ZTP uses a declarative GitOps approach for a develop once, deploy anywhere model to deploy the managed clusters.

The deployment of the clusters includes:

  • Installing the host operating system (RHCOS) on a blank server
  • Deploying OpenShift Container Platform
  • Creating cluster policies and site subscriptions
  • Making the necessary network configurations to the server operating system
  • Deploying profile Operators and performing any needed software-related configuration, such as performance profile, PTP, and SR-IOV
Overview of the managed site installation process

After you apply the managed site custom resources (CRs) on the hub cluster, the following actions happen automatically:

  1. A Discovery image ISO file is generated and booted on the target host.
  2. When the ISO file successfully boots on the target host it reports the host hardware information to RHACM.
  3. After all hosts are discovered, OpenShift Container Platform is installed.
  4. When OpenShift Container Platform finishes installing, the hub installs the klusterlet service on the target cluster.
  5. The requested add-on services are installed on the target cluster.

The Discovery image ISO process is complete when the Agent CR for the managed cluster is created on the hub cluster.


The target bare-metal host must meet the networking, firmware, and hardware requirements listed in Recommended single-node OpenShift cluster configuration for vDU application workloads.

4.3. Creating the managed bare-metal host secrets

Add the required Secret custom resources (CRs) for the managed bare-metal host to the hub cluster. You need a secret for the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline to access the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and a secret for the assisted installer service to pull cluster installation images from the registry.


The secrets are referenced from the SiteConfig CR by name. The namespace must match the SiteConfig namespace.


  1. Create a YAML secret file containing credentials for the host Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and a pull secret required for installing OpenShift and all add-on cluster Operators:

    1. Save the following YAML as the file example-sno-secret.yaml:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: example-sno-bmc-secret
        namespace: example-sno 1
      data: 2
        password: <base64_password>
        username: <base64_username>
      type: Opaque
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: pull-secret
        namespace: example-sno  3
        .dockerconfigjson: <pull_secret> 4
      type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
      Must match the namespace configured in the related SiteConfig CR
      Base64-encoded values for password and username
      Must match the namespace configured in the related SiteConfig CR
      Base64-encoded pull secret
  2. Add the relative path to example-sno-secret.yaml to the kustomization.yaml file that you use to install the cluster.

4.4. Configuring Discovery ISO kernel arguments for installations using GitOps ZTP

The GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) workflow uses the Discovery ISO as part of the OpenShift Container Platform installation process on managed bare-metal hosts. You can edit the InfraEnv resource to specify kernel arguments for the Discovery ISO. This is useful for cluster installations with specific environmental requirements. For example, configure the rd.net.timeout.carrier kernel argument for the Discovery ISO to facilitate static networking for the cluster or to receive a DHCP address before downloading the root file system during installation.


In OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, you can only add kernel arguments. You can not replace or delete kernel arguments.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create the InfraEnv CR and edit the spec.kernelArguments specification to configure kernel arguments.

    1. Save the following YAML in an InfraEnv-example.yaml file:


      The InfraEnv CR in this example uses template syntax such as {{ .Cluster.ClusterName }} that is populated based on values in the SiteConfig CR. The SiteConfig CR automatically populates values for these templates during deployment. Do not edit the templates manually.

      apiVersion: agent-install.openshift.io/v1beta1
      kind: InfraEnv
          argocd.argoproj.io/sync-wave: "1"
        name: "{{ .Cluster.ClusterName }}"
        namespace: "{{ .Cluster.ClusterName }}"
          name: "{{ .Cluster.ClusterName }}"
          namespace: "{{ .Cluster.ClusterName }}"
          - operation: append 1
            value: audit=0 2
          - operation: append
            value: trace=1
        sshAuthorizedKey: "{{ .Site.SshPublicKey }}"
        proxy: "{{ .Cluster.ProxySettings }}"
          name: "{{ .Site.PullSecretRef.Name }}"
        ignitionConfigOverride: "{{ .Cluster.IgnitionConfigOverride }}"
            nmstate-label: "{{ .Cluster.ClusterName }}"
        additionalNTPSources: "{{ .Cluster.AdditionalNTPSources }}"
      Specify the append operation to add a kernel argument.
      Specify the kernel argument you want to configure. This example configures the audit kernel argument and the trace kernel argument.
  2. Commit the InfraEnv-example.yaml CR to the same location in your Git repository that has the SiteConfig CR and push your changes. The following example shows a sample Git repository structure:

              └── site-install
                   ├── siteconfig-example.yaml
                   ├── InfraEnv-example.yaml
  3. Edit the spec.clusters.crTemplates specification in the SiteConfig CR to reference the InfraEnv-example.yaml CR in your Git repository:

        InfraEnv: "InfraEnv-example.yaml"

    When you are ready to deploy your cluster by committing and pushing the SiteConfig CR, the build pipeline uses the custom InfraEnv-example CR in your Git repository to configure the infrastructure environment, including the custom kernel arguments.


To verify that the kernel arguments are applied, after the Discovery image verifies that OpenShift Container Platform is ready for installation, you can SSH to the target host before the installation process begins. At that point, you can view the kernel arguments for the Discovery ISO in the /proc/cmdline file.

  1. Begin an SSH session with the target host:

    $ ssh -i /path/to/privatekey core@<host_name>
  2. View the system’s kernel arguments by using the following command:

    $ cat /proc/cmdline

4.5. Deploying a managed cluster with SiteConfig and GitOps ZTP

Use the following procedure to create a SiteConfig custom resource (CR) and related files and initiate the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) cluster deployment.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You configured the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy CRs.
  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and you must configure it as a source repository for the ArgoCD application. See "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository" for more information.


    When you create the source repository, ensure that you patch the ArgoCD application with the argocd/deployment/argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json patch-file that you extract from the ztp-site-generate container. See "Configuring the hub cluster with ArgoCD".

  • To be ready for provisioning managed clusters, you require the following for each bare-metal host:

    Network connectivity
    Your network requires DNS. Managed cluster hosts should be reachable from the hub cluster. Ensure that Layer 3 connectivity exists between the hub cluster and the managed cluster host.
    Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) details
    GitOps ZTP uses BMC username and password details to connect to the BMC during cluster installation. The GitOps ZTP plugin manages the ManagedCluster CRs on the hub cluster based on the SiteConfig CR in your site Git repo. You create individual BMCSecret CRs for each host manually.


  1. Create the required managed cluster secrets on the hub cluster. These resources must be in a namespace with a name matching the cluster name. For example, in out/argocd/example/siteconfig/example-sno.yaml, the cluster name and namespace is example-sno.

    1. Export the cluster namespace by running the following command:

      $ export CLUSTERNS=example-sno
    2. Create the namespace:

      $ oc create namespace $CLUSTERNS
  2. Create pull secret and BMC Secret CRs for the managed cluster. The pull secret must contain all the credentials necessary for installing OpenShift Container Platform and all required Operators. See "Creating the managed bare-metal host secrets" for more information.


    The secrets are referenced from the SiteConfig custom resource (CR) by name. The namespace must match the SiteConfig namespace.

  3. Create a SiteConfig CR for your cluster in your local clone of the Git repository:

    1. Choose the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/siteconfig/ folder. The folder includes example files for single node, three-node, and standard clusters:

      • example-sno.yaml
      • example-3node.yaml
      • example-standard.yaml
    2. Change the cluster and host details in the example file to match the type of cluster you want. For example:

      Example single-node OpenShift SiteConfig CR

      # example-node1-bmh-secret & assisted-deployment-pull-secret need to be created under same namespace example-sno
      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
      kind: SiteConfig
        name: "example-sno"
        namespace: "example-sno"
        baseDomain: "example.com"
          name: "assisted-deployment-pull-secret"
        clusterImageSetNameRef: "openshift-4.16"
        sshPublicKey: "ssh-rsa AAAA..."
          - clusterName: "example-sno"
            networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
            # installConfigOverrides is a generic way of passing install-config
            # parameters through the siteConfig.  The 'capabilities' field configures
            # the composable openshift feature.  In this 'capabilities' setting, we
            # remove all the optional set of components.
            # Notes:
            # - OperatorLifecycleManager is needed for 4.15 and later
            # - NodeTuning is needed for 4.13 and later, not for 4.12 and earlier
            # - Ingress is needed for 4.16 and later
            installConfigOverrides: |
                "capabilities": {
                  "baselineCapabilitySet": "None",
                  "additionalEnabledCapabilities": [
            # It is strongly recommended to include crun manifests as part of the additional install-time manifests for 4.13+.
            # The crun manifests can be obtained from source-crs/optional-extra-manifest/ and added to the git repo ie.sno-extra-manifest.
            # extraManifestPath: sno-extra-manifest
              # These example cluster labels correspond to the bindingRules in the PolicyGenTemplate examples
              du-profile: "latest"
              # These example cluster labels correspond to the bindingRules in the PolicyGenTemplate examples in ../policygentemplates:
              # ../policygentemplates/common-ranGen.yaml will apply to all clusters with 'common: true'
              common: true
              # ../policygentemplates/group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml will apply to all clusters with 'group-du-sno: ""'
              group-du-sno: ""
              # ../policygentemplates/example-sno-site.yaml will apply to all clusters with 'sites: "example-sno"'
              # Normally this should match or contain the cluster name so it only applies to a single cluster
              sites: "example-sno"
              - cidr: 1001:1::/48
                hostPrefix: 64
              - cidr: 1111:2222:3333:4444::/64
              - 1001:2::/112
              - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
            # Initiates the cluster for workload partitioning. Setting specific reserved/isolated CPUSets is done via PolicyTemplate
            # please see Workload Partitioning Feature for a complete guide.
            cpuPartitioningMode: AllNodes
            # Optionally; This can be used to override the KlusterletAddonConfig that is created for this cluster:
            #  KlusterletAddonConfig: "KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml"
              - hostName: "example-node1.example.com"
                role: "master"
                # Optionally; This can be used to configure desired BIOS setting on a host:
                #  filePath: "example-hw.profile"
                bmcAddress: "idrac-virtualmedia+https://[1111:2222:3333:4444::bbbb:1]/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1"
                  name: "example-node1-bmh-secret"
                bootMACAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
                # Use UEFISecureBoot to enable secure boot.
                bootMode: "UEFISecureBoot"
                  deviceName: "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0"
                # disk partition at `/var/lib/containers` with ignitionConfigOverride. Some values must be updated. See DiskPartitionContainer.md for more details
                ignitionConfigOverride: |
                    "ignition": {
                      "version": "3.2.0"
                    "storage": {
                      "disks": [
                          "device": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x6b07b250ebb9d0002a33509f24af1f62",
                          "partitions": [
                              "label": "var-lib-containers",
                              "sizeMiB": 0,
                              "startMiB": 250000
                          "wipeTable": false
                      "filesystems": [
                          "device": "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers",
                          "format": "xfs",
                          "mountOptions": [
                          "path": "/var/lib/containers",
                          "wipeFilesystem": true
                    "systemd": {
                      "units": [
                          "contents": "# Generated by Butane\n[Unit]\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\n\n[Mount]\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\nType=xfs\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target",
                          "enabled": true,
                          "name": "var-lib-containers.mount"
                    - name: eno1
                      macAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
                      - name: eno1
                        type: ethernet
                        state: up
                          enabled: false
                          enabled: true
                            # For SNO sites with static IP addresses, the node-specific,
                            # API and Ingress IPs should all be the same and configured on
                            # the interface
                            - ip: 1111:2222:3333:4444::aaaa:1
                              prefix-length: 64
                          - example.com
                          - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
                        - destination: ::/0
                          next-hop-interface: eno1
                          next-hop-address: 1111:2222:3333:4444::1
                          table-id: 254


      For more information about BMC addressing, see the "Additional resources" section. The installConfigOverrides and ignitionConfigOverride fields are expanded in the example for ease of readability.

    3. You can inspect the default set of extra-manifest MachineConfig CRs in out/argocd/extra-manifest. It is automatically applied to the cluster when it is installed.
    4. Optional: To provision additional install-time manifests on the provisioned cluster, create a directory in your Git repository, for example, sno-extra-manifest/, and add your custom manifest CRs to this directory. If your SiteConfig.yaml refers to this directory in the extraManifestPath field, any CRs in this referenced directory are appended to the default set of extra manifests.

      Enabling the crun OCI container runtime

      For optimal cluster performance, enable crun for master and worker nodes in single-node OpenShift, single-node OpenShift with additional worker nodes, three-node OpenShift, and standard clusters.

      Enable crun in a ContainerRuntimeConfig CR as an additional Day 0 install-time manifest to avoid the cluster having to reboot.

      The enable-crun-master.yaml and enable-crun-worker.yaml CR files are in the out/source-crs/optional-extra-manifest/ folder that you can extract from the ztp-site-generate container. For more information, see "Customizing extra installation manifests in the GitOps ZTP pipeline".

  4. Add the SiteConfig CR to the kustomization.yaml file in the generators section, similar to the example shown in out/argocd/example/siteconfig/kustomization.yaml.
  5. Commit the SiteConfig CR and associated kustomization.yaml changes in your Git repository and push the changes.

    The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment.


  • Verify that the custom roles and labels are applied after the node is deployed:

    $ oc describe node example-node.example.com

Example output

Name:   example-node.example.com
Roles:  control-plane,example-label,master,worker
Labels: beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64
        node-role.kubernetes.io/example-label= 1

The custom label is applied to the node.

4.5.1. Accelerated provisioning of GitOps ZTP


Accelerated provisioning of GitOps ZTP is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

You can reduce the time taken for cluster installation by using accelerated provisioning of GitOps ZTP for single-node OpenShift. Accelerated ZTP speeds up installation by applying Day 2 manifests derived from policies at an earlier stage.


Accelerated provisioning of GitOps ZTP is supported only when installing single-node OpenShift with Assisted Installer. Otherwise this installation method will fail. Activating accelerated ZTP

You can activate accelerated ZTP using the spec.clusters.clusterLabels.accelerated-ztp label, as in the following example:

Example Accelerated ZTP SiteConfig CR.

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v2
kind: SiteConfig
  name: "example-sno"
  namespace: "example-sno"
  baseDomain: "example.com"
    name: "assisted-deployment-pull-secret"
  clusterImageSetNameRef: "openshift-4.10"
  sshPublicKey: "ssh-rsa AAAA..."
  # ...
        common: true
        group-du-sno: ""
        sites : "example-sno"
        accelerated-ztp: full

You can use accelerated-ztp: full to fully automate the accelerated process. GitOps ZTP updates the AgentClusterInstall resource with a reference to the accelerated GitOps ZTP ConfigMap, and includes resources extracted from policies by TALM, and accelerated ZTP job manifests.

If you use accelerated-ztp: partial, GitOps ZTP does not include the accelerated job manifests, but includes policy-derived objects created during the cluster installation of the following kind types:

  • PerformanceProfile.performance.openshift.io
  • Tuned.tuned.openshift.io
  • Namespace
  • CatalogSource.operators.coreos.com
  • ContainerRuntimeConfig.machineconfiguration.openshift.io

This partial acceleration can reduce the number of reboots done by the node when applying resources of the kind Performance Profile, Tuned, and ContainerRuntimeConfig. TALM installs the Operator subscriptions derived from policies after RHACM completes the import of the cluster, following the same flow as standard GitOps ZTP.

The benefits of accelerated ZTP increase with the scale of your deployment. Using accelerated-ztp: full gives more benefit on a large number of clusters. With a smaller number of clusters, the reduction in installation time is less significant. Full accelerated ZTP leaves behind a namespace and a completed job on the spoke that need to be manually removed.

One benefit of using accelerated-ztp: partial is that you can override the functionality of the on-spoke job if something goes wrong with the stock implementation or if you require a custom functionality. The accelerated ZTP process

Accelerated ZTP uses an additional ConfigMap to create the resources derived from policies on the spoke cluster. The standard ConfigMap includes manifests that the GitOps ZTP workflow uses to customize cluster installs.

TALM detects that the accelerated-ztp label is set and then creates a second ConfigMap. As part of accelerated ZTP, the SiteConfig generator adds a reference to that second ConfigMap using the naming convention <spoke-cluster-name>-aztp.

After TALM creates that second ConfigMap, it finds all policies bound to the managed cluster and extracts the GitOps ZTP profile information. TALM adds the GitOps ZTP profile information to the <spoke-cluster-name>-aztp ConfigMap custom resource (CR) and applies the CR to the hub cluster API.

4.5.2. Configuring IPsec encryption for single-node OpenShift clusters using GitOps ZTP and SiteConfig resources

You can enable IPsec encryption in managed single-node OpenShift clusters that you install using GitOps ZTP and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM). You can encrypt traffic between the managed cluster and IPsec endpoints external to the managed cluster. All network traffic between nodes on the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network is encrypted with IPsec in Transport mode.


You can also configure IPsec encryption for single-node OpenShift clusters with an additional worker node by following this procedure. It is recommended to use the MachineConfig custom resource (CR) to configure IPsec encryption for single-node OpenShift clusters and single-node OpenShift clusters with an additional worker node because of their low resource availability.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have configured RHACM and the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy custom resources (CRs) for managed clusters.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.
  • You have installed the butane utility version 0.20.0 or later.
  • You have a PKCS#12 certificate for the IPsec endpoint and a CA cert in PEM format.


  1. Extract the latest version of the ztp-site-generate container source and merge it with your repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.
  2. Configure optional-extra-manifest/ipsec/ipsec-endpoint-config.yaml with the required values that configure IPsec in the cluster. For example:

    - name: hosta_conn
      type: ipsec
        left: '%defaultroute'
        leftid: '%fromcert'
        leftmodecfgclient: false
        leftcert: left_server 1
        leftrsasigkey: '%cert'
        right: <external_host> 2
        rightid: '%fromcert'
        rightrsasigkey: '%cert'
        rightsubnet: <external_address> 3
        ikev2: insist 4
        type: tunnel
    The value of this field must match with the name of the certificate used on the remote system.
    Replace <external_host> with the external host IP address or DNS hostname.
    Replace <external_address> with the IP subnet of the external host on the other side of the IPsec tunnel.
    Use the IKEv2 VPN encryption protocol only. Do not use IKEv1, which is deprecated.
  3. Add the following certificates to the optional-extra-manifest/ipsec folder:

    • left_server.p12: The certificate bundle for the IPsec endpoints
    • ca.pem: The certificate authority that you signed your certificates with

      The certificate files are required for the Network Security Services (NSS) database on each host. These files are imported as part of the Butane configuration in later steps.

  4. Open a shell prompt at the optional-extra-manifest/ipsec folder of the Git repository where you maintain your custom site configuration data.
  5. Run the optional-extra-manifest/ipsec/build.sh script to generate the required Butane and MachineConfig CRs files.

    If the PKCS#12 certificate is protected with a password, set the -W argument.

    Example output

     └── argocd
          └── example
               └── optional-extra-manifest
                    └── ipsec
                         ├── 99-ipsec-master-endpoint-config.bu 1
                         ├── 99-ipsec-master-endpoint-config.yaml 2
                         ├── 99-ipsec-worker-endpoint-config.bu 3
                         ├── 99-ipsec-worker-endpoint-config.yaml 4
                         ├── build.sh
                         ├── ca.pem 5
                         ├── left_server.p12 6
                         ├── enable-ipsec.yaml
                         ├── ipsec-endpoint-config.yml
                         └── README.md

    1 2 3 4
    The ipsec/build.sh script generates the Butane and endpoint configuration CRs.
    5 6
    You provide ca.pem and left_server.p12 certificate files that are relevant to your network.
  6. Create a custom-manifest/ folder in the repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. Add the enable-ipsec.yaml and 99-ipsec-* YAML files to the directory. For example:

      ├── site1-sno-du.yaml
      ├── extra-manifest/
      └── custom-manifest
            ├── enable-ipsec.yaml
            ├── 99-ipsec-worker-endpoint-config.yaml
            └── 99-ipsec-master-endpoint-config.yaml
  7. In your SiteConfig CR, add the custom-manifest/ directory to the extraManifests.searchPaths field. For example:

    - clusterName: "site1-sno-du"
      networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
          - extra-manifest/
          - custom-manifest/
  8. Commit the SiteConfig CR changes and updated files in your Git repository and push the changes to provision the managed cluster and configure IPsec encryption.

    The Argo CD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment.

    During cluster provisioning, the GitOps ZTP pipeline appends the CRs in the custom-manifest/ directory to the default set of extra manifests stored in the extra-manifest/ directory.


For information about verifying the IPsec encryption, see "Verifying the IPsec encryption".

4.5.3. Configuring IPsec encryption for multi-node clusters using GitOps ZTP and SiteConfig resources

You can enable IPsec encryption in managed multi-node clusters that you install using GitOps ZTP and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM). You can encrypt traffic between the managed cluster and IPsec endpoints external to the managed cluster. All network traffic between nodes on the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network is encrypted with IPsec in Transport mode.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have configured RHACM and the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy custom resources (CRs) for managed clusters.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.
  • You have installed the butane utility version 0.20.0 or later.
  • You have a PKCS#12 certificate for the IPsec endpoint and a CA cert in PEM format.
  • You have installed the NMState Operator.


  1. Extract the latest version of the ztp-site-generate container source and merge it with your repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.
  2. Configure the optional-extra-manifest/ipsec/ipsec-config-policy.yaml file with the required values that configure IPsec in the cluster.

    ConfigurationPolicy object for creating an IPsec configuration

    apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    kind: ConfigurationPolicy
      name: policy-config
        include: ["default"]
        exclude: []
        matchExpressions: []
        matchLabels: {}
      remediationAction: inform
      severity: low
      object-templates-raw: |
        {{- range (lookup "v1" "Node" "" "").items }}
        - complianceType: musthave
            kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
            apiVersion: nmstate.io/v1
              name: {{ .metadata.name }}-ipsec-policy
                kubernetes.io/hostname: {{ .metadata.name }}
                - name: hosta_conn
                  type: ipsec
                    left: '%defaultroute'
                    leftid: '%fromcert'
                    leftmodecfgclient: false
                    leftcert: left_server 1
                    leftrsasigkey: '%cert'
                    right: <external_host> 2
                    rightid: '%fromcert'
                    rightrsasigkey: '%cert'
                    rightsubnet: <external_address> 3
                    ikev2: insist 4
                    type: tunnel

    The value of this field must match with the name of the certificate used on the remote system.
    Replace <external_host> with the external host IP address or DNS hostname.
    Replace <external_address> with the IP subnet of the external host on the other side of the IPsec tunnel.
    Use the IKEv2 VPN encryption protocol only. Do not use IKEv1, which is deprecated.
  3. Add the following certificates to the optional-extra-manifest/ipsec folder:

    • left_server.p12: The certificate bundle for the IPsec endpoints
    • ca.pem: The certificate authority that you signed your certificates with

      The certificate files are required for the Network Security Services (NSS) database on each host. These files are imported as part of the Butane configuration in later steps.

  4. Open a shell prompt at the optional-extra-manifest/ipsec folder of the Git repository where you maintain your custom site configuration data.
  5. Run the optional-extra-manifest/ipsec/import-certs.sh script to generate the required Butane and MachineConfig CRs to import the external certs.

    If the PKCS#12 certificate is protected with a password, set the -W argument.

    Example output

     └── argocd
          └── example
               └── optional-extra-manifest
                    └── ipsec
                         ├── 99-ipsec-master-import-certs.bu 1
                         ├── 99-ipsec-master-import-certs.yaml 2
                         ├── 99-ipsec-worker-import-certs.bu 3
                         ├── 99-ipsec-worker-import-certs.yaml 4
                         ├── import-certs.sh
                         ├── ca.pem 5
                         ├── left_server.p12 6
                         ├── enable-ipsec.yaml
                         ├── ipsec-config-policy.yaml
                         └── README.md

    1 2 3 4
    The ipsec/import-certs.sh script generates the Butane and endpoint configuration CRs.
    5 6
    Add the ca.pem and left_server.p12 certificate files that are relevant to your network.
  6. Create a custom-manifest/ folder in the repository where you manage your custom site configuration data and add the enable-ipsec.yaml and 99-ipsec-* YAML files to the directory.

    Example siteconfig directory

      ├── site1-mno-du.yaml
      ├── extra-manifest/
      └── custom-manifest
            ├── enable-ipsec.yaml
            ├── 99-ipsec-master-import-certs.yaml
            └── 99-ipsec-worker-import-certs.yaml

  7. In your SiteConfig CR, add the custom-manifest/ directory to the extraManifests.searchPaths field, as in the following example:

    - clusterName: "site1-mno-du"
      networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
          - extra-manifest/
          - custom-manifest/
  8. Include the ipsec-config-policy.yaml config policy file in the source-crs directory in GitOps and reference the file in one of the PolicyGenerator CRs.
  9. Commit the SiteConfig CR changes and updated files in your Git repository and push the changes to provision the managed cluster and configure IPsec encryption.

    The Argo CD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment.

    During cluster provisioning, the GitOps ZTP pipeline appends the CRs in the custom-manifest/ directory to the default set of extra manifests stored in the extra-manifest/ directory.


For information about verifying the IPsec encryption, see "Verifying the IPsec encryption".

4.5.4. Verifying the IPsec encryption

You can verify that the IPsec encryption is successfully applied in a managed OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have configured the IPsec encryption.


  1. Start a debug pod for the managed cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name>
  2. Check that the IPsec policy is applied in the cluster node by running the following command:

    sh-5.1# ip xfrm policy

    Example output

    src dst
      dir out priority 1757377 ptype main
      tmpl src dst
        proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel
    src dst
      dir fwd priority 1757377 ptype main
      tmpl src dst
        proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel
    src dst
      dir in priority 1757377 ptype main
      tmpl src dst
        proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel

  3. Check that the IPsec tunnel is up and connected by running the following command:

    sh-5.1# ip xfrm state

    Example output

    src dst
      proto esp spi 0xa62a05aa reqid 16393 mode tunnel
      replay-window 0 flag af-unspec esn
      auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0x8c59f680c8ea1e667b665d8424e2ab749cec12dc 96
      enc cbc(aes) 0x2818a489fe84929c8ab72907e9ce2f0eac6f16f2258bd22240f4087e0326badb
      anti-replay esn context:
       seq-hi 0x0, seq 0x0, oseq-hi 0x0, oseq 0x0
       replay_window 128, bitmap-length 4
       00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    src dst
      proto esp spi 0x8e96e9f9 reqid 16393 mode tunnel
      replay-window 0 flag af-unspec esn
      auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0xd960ddc0a6baaccb343396a51295e08cfd8aaddd 96
      enc cbc(aes) 0x0273c02e05b4216d5e652de3fc9b3528fea94648bc2b88fa01139fdf0beb27ab
      anti-replay esn context:
       seq-hi 0x0, seq 0x0, oseq-hi 0x0, oseq 0x0
       replay_window 128, bitmap-length 4
       00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

  4. Ping a known IP in the external host subnet by running the following command: For example, ping an IP address in the rightsubnet range that you set in the ipsec/ipsec-endpoint-config.yaml file:

    sh-5.1# ping

    Example output

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=153 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=155 ms

4.5.5. Single-node OpenShift SiteConfig CR installation reference

Table 4.1. SiteConfig CR installation options for single-node OpenShift clusters
SiteConfig CR fieldDescription


Configure workload partitioning by setting the value for cpuPartitioningMode to AllNodes. To complete the configuration, specify the isolated and reserved CPUs in the PerformanceProfile CR.


Configuring workload partitioning by using the cpuPartitioningMode field in the SiteConfig CR is a Tech Preview feature in OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.


Set name to assisted-deployment-pull-secret and create the assisted-deployment-pull-secret CR in the same namespace as the SiteConfig CR.


Configure the image set available on the hub cluster for all the clusters in the site. To see the list of supported versions on your hub cluster, run oc get clusterimagesets.


Set the installConfigOverrides field to enable or disable optional components prior to cluster installation.


Use the reference configuration as specified in the example SiteConfig CR. Adding additional components back into the system might require additional reserved CPU capacity.


Specifies the cluster image set used to deploy an individual cluster. If defined, it overrides the spec.clusterImageSetNameRef at site level.


Configure cluster labels to correspond to the binding rules in the PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs that you define. PolicyGenerator CRs use the policyDefaults.placement.labelSelector field. PolicyGentemplate CRs use the spec.bindingRules field.

For example, acmpolicygenerator/acm-common-ranGen.yaml applies to all clusters with common: true set, acmpolicygenerator/acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml applies to all clusters with group-du-sno: "" set.


Optional. Set KlusterletAddonConfig to KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml to override the default `KlusterletAddonConfig that is created for the cluster.


Configure this field to enable disk encryption with Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs) protection. For more information, see "About disk encryption with TPM and PCR protection".


Configuring disk encryption by using the diskEncryption field in the SiteConfig CR is a Technology Preview feature in OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.


Set the disk encryption type to tpm2.


Configure the Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs) protection for disk encryption.


Configure the list of Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs) to be used for disk encryption. You must use PCR registers 1 and 7.


For single-node deployments, define a single host. For three-node deployments, define three hosts. For standard deployments, define three hosts with role: master and two or more hosts defined with role: worker.


Specify custom roles for your nodes in your managed clusters. These are additional roles are not used by any OpenShift Container Platform components, only by the user. When you add a custom role, it can be associated with a custom machine config pool that references a specific configuration for that role. Adding custom labels or roles during installation makes the deployment process more effective and prevents the need for additional reboots after the installation is complete.


Optional. Uncomment and set the value to metadata to enable the removal of the disk’s partitioning table only, without fully wiping the disk. The default value is disabled.


BMC address that you use to access the host. Applies to all cluster types. GitOps ZTP supports iPXE and virtual media booting by using Redfish or IPMI protocols. To use iPXE booting, you must use RHACM 2.8 or later. For more information about BMC addressing, see the "Additional resources" section.


BMC address that you use to access the host. Applies to all cluster types. GitOps ZTP supports iPXE and virtual media booting by using Redfish or IPMI protocols. To use iPXE booting, you must use RHACM 2.8 or later. For more information about BMC addressing, see the "Additional resources" section.


In far edge Telco use cases, only virtual media is supported for use with GitOps ZTP.


Configure the bmh-secret CR that you separately create with the host BMC credentials. When creating the bmh-secret CR, use the same namespace as the SiteConfig CR that provisions the host.


Set the boot mode for the host to UEFI. The default value is UEFI. Use UEFISecureBoot to enable secure boot on the host.


Specifies the device for deployment. Identifiers that are stable across reboots are recommended. For example, wwn: <disk_wwn> or deviceName: /dev/disk/by-path/<device_path>. <by-path> values are preferred. For a detailed list of stable identifiers, see the "About root device hints" section.


Optional. Use this field to assign partitions for persistent storage. Adjust disk ID and size to the specific hardware.


Configure the network settings for the node.


Configure the IPv6 address for the host. For single-node OpenShift clusters with static IP addresses, the node-specific API and Ingress IPs should be the same.

4.6. Managing host firmware settings with GitOps ZTP

Hosts require the correct firmware configuration to ensure high performance and optimal efficiency. You can deploy custom host firmware configurations for managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.

Tune hosts with specific hardware profiles in your lab and ensure they are optimized for your requirements. When you have completed host tuning to your satisfaction, you extract the host profile and save it in your GitOps ZTP repository. Then, you use the host profile to configure firmware settings in the managed cluster hosts that you deploy with GitOps ZTP.

You specify the required hardware profiles in SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) that you use to deploy the managed clusters. The GitOps ZTP pipeline generates the required HostFirmwareSettings (HFS) and BareMetalHost (BMH) CRs that are applied to the hub cluster.

Use the following best practices to manage your host firmware profiles.

Identify critical firmware settings with hardware vendors
Work with hardware vendors to identify and document critical host firmware settings required for optimal performance and compatibility with the deployed host platform.
Use common firmware configurations across similar hardware platforms
Where possible, use a standardized host firmware configuration across similar hardware platforms to reduce complexity and potential errors during deployment.
Test firmware configurations in a lab environment
Test host firmware configurations in a controlled lab environment before deploying in production to ensure that settings are compatible with hardware, firmware, and software.
Manage firmware profiles in source control
Manage host firmware profiles in Git repositories to track changes, ensure consistency, and facilitate collaboration with vendors.

4.6.1. Retrieving the host firmware schema for a managed cluster

You can discover the host firmware schema for managed clusters. The host firmware schema for bare-metal hosts is populated with information that the Ironic API returns. The API returns information about host firmware interfaces, including firmware setting types, allowable values, ranges, and flags.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have provisioned a cluster that is managed by RHACM.


  • Discover the host firmware schema for the managed cluster. Run the following command:

    $ oc get firmwareschema -n <managed_cluster_namespace> -o yaml

    Example output

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
      kind: FirmwareSchema
        creationTimestamp: "2024-09-11T10:29:43Z"
        generation: 1
        name: schema-40562318
        namespace: compute-1
        - apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
          kind: HostFirmwareSettings
          name: compute-1.example.com
          uid: 65d0e89b-1cd8-4317-966d-2fbbbe033fe9
        resourceVersion: "280057624"
        uid: 511ad25d-f1c9-457b-9a96-776605c7b887
            - Enabled
            - Disabled
            attribute_type: Enumeration
            read_only: false
          # ...

4.6.2. Retrieving the host firmware settings for a managed cluster

You can retrieve the host firmware settings for managed clusters. This is useful when you have deployed changes to the host firmware and you want to monitor the changes and ensure that they are applied successfully.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have provisioned a cluster that is managed by RHACM.


  1. Retrieve the host firmware settings for the managed cluster. Run the following command:

    $ oc get hostfirmwaresettings -n <cluster_namespace> <node_name> -o yaml

    Example output

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
      kind: HostFirmwareSettings
        creationTimestamp: "2024-09-11T10:29:43Z"
        generation: 1
        name: compute-1.example.com
        namespace: kni-qe-24
        - apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
          blockOwnerDeletion: true
          controller: true
          kind: BareMetalHost
          name: compute-1.example.com
          uid: 0baddbb7-bb34-4224-8427-3d01d91c9287
        resourceVersion: "280057626"
        uid: 65d0e89b-1cd8-4317-966d-2fbbbe033fe9
        settings: {}
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-09-11T10:29:43Z"
          message: ""
          observedGeneration: 1
          reason: Success
          status: "True" 1
          type: ChangeDetected
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-09-11T10:29:43Z"
          message: Invalid BIOS setting
          observedGeneration: 1
          reason: ConfigurationError
          status: "False" 2
          type: Valid
        lastUpdated: "2024-09-11T10:29:43Z"
          name: schema-40562318
          namespace: compute-1
        settings: 3
          AccessControlService: Enabled
          AcpiHpet: Enabled
          AcpiRootBridgePxm: Enabled
          # ...

    Indicates that a change in the host firmware settings has been detected
    Indicates that the host has an invalid firmware setting
    The complete list of configured host firmware settings is returned under the status.settings field
  2. Optional: Check the status of the HostFirmwareSettings (hfs) custom resource in the cluster:

    $ oc get hfs -n <managed_cluster_namespace> <managed_cluster_name> -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="ChangeDetected")].status}'

    Example output


  3. Optional: Check for invalid firmware settings in the cluster host. Run the following command:

    $ oc get hfs -n <managed_cluster_namespace> <managed_cluster_name> -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Valid")].status}'

    Example output


4.6.3. Deploying user-defined firmware to cluster hosts with GitOps ZTP

You can deploy user-defined firmware settings to cluster hosts by configuring the SiteConfig custom resource (CR) to include a hardware profile that you want to apply during cluster host provisioning. You can configure hardware profiles to apply to hosts in the following scenarios:

  • All hosts site-wide
  • Only cluster hosts that meet certain criteria
  • Individual cluster hosts

You can configure host hardware profiles to be applied in a hierarchy. Cluster-level settings override site-wide settings. Node level profiles override cluster and site-wide settings.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have provisioned a cluster that is managed by RHACM.
  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. Create the host firmware profile that contain the firmware settings you want to apply. For example, create the following YAML file:


    BootMode: Uefi
    LogicalProc: Enabled
    ProcVirtualization: Enabled

  2. Save the hardware profile YAML file relative to the kustomization.yaml file that you use to define how to provision the cluster, for example:

        └── site-install
              ├── siteconfig-example.yaml
              ├── kustomization.yaml
              └── host-firmware.profile
  3. Edit the SiteConfig CR to include the firmware profile that you want to apply in the cluster. For example:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SiteConfig
      name: "site-plan-cluster"
      namespace: "example-cluster-namespace"
      baseDomain: "example.com"
      # ...
        filePath: "./host-firmware.profile" 1
    Applies the hardware profile to all cluster hosts site-wide

    Where possible, use a single SiteConfig CR per cluster.

  4. Optional. To apply a hardware profile to hosts in a specific cluster, update clusters.biosConfigRef.filePath with the hardware profile that you want to apply. For example:

      - clusterName: "cluster-1"
        # ...
          filePath: "./host-firmware.profile" 1
    Applies to all hosts in the cluster-1 cluster
  5. Optional. To apply a hardware profile to a specific host in the cluster, update clusters.nodes.biosConfigRef.filePath with the hardware profile that you want to apply. For example:

      - clusterName: "cluster-1"
        # ...
          - hostName: "compute-1.example.com"
            # ...
            bootMode: "UEFI"
              filePath: "./host-firmware.profile" 1
    Applies the firmware profile to the compute-1.example.com host in the cluster
  6. Commit the SiteConfig CR and associated kustomization.yaml changes in your Git repository and push the changes.

    The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment.


    Cluster deployment proceeds even if an invalid firmware setting is detected. To apply a correction using GitOps ZTP, re-deploy the cluster with the corrected hardware profile.


  • Check that the firmware settings have been applied in the managed cluster host. For example, run the following command:

    $ oc get hfs -n <managed_cluster_namespace> <managed_cluster_name> -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Valid")].status}'

    Example output


4.7. Monitoring managed cluster installation progress

The ArgoCD pipeline uses the SiteConfig CR to generate the cluster configuration CRs and syncs it with the hub cluster. You can monitor the progress of the synchronization in the ArgoCD dashboard.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


When the synchronization is complete, the installation generally proceeds as follows:

  1. The Assisted Service Operator installs OpenShift Container Platform on the cluster. You can monitor the progress of cluster installation from the RHACM dashboard or from the command line by running the following commands:

    1. Export the cluster name:

      $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    2. Query the AgentClusterInstall CR for the managed cluster:

      $ oc get agentclusterinstall -n $CLUSTER $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Completed")]}' | jq
    3. Get the installation events for the cluster:

      $ curl -sk $(oc get agentclusterinstall -n $CLUSTER $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.debugInfo.eventsURL}')  | jq '.[-2,-1]'

4.8. Troubleshooting GitOps ZTP by validating the installation CRs

The ArgoCD pipeline uses the SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate custom resources (CRs) to generate the cluster configuration CRs and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies. Use the following steps to troubleshoot issues that might occur during this process.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Check that the installation CRs were created by using the following command:

    $ oc get AgentClusterInstall -n <cluster_name>

    If no object is returned, use the following steps to troubleshoot the ArgoCD pipeline flow from SiteConfig files to the installation CRs.

  2. Verify that the ManagedCluster CR was generated using the SiteConfig CR on the hub cluster:

    $ oc get managedcluster
  3. If the ManagedCluster is missing, check if the clusters application failed to synchronize the files from the Git repository to the hub cluster:

    $ oc get applications.argoproj.io -n openshift-gitops clusters -o yaml
    1. To identify error logs for the managed cluster, inspect the status.operationState.syncResult.resources field. For example, if an invalid value is assigned to the extraManifestPath in the SiteConfig CR, an error similar to the following is generated:

        - group: ran.openshift.io
          kind: SiteConfig
          message: The Kubernetes API could not find ran.openshift.io/SiteConfig for
            requested resource spoke-sno/spoke-sno. Make sure the "SiteConfig" CRD is
            installed on the destination cluster
    2. To see a more detailed SiteConfig error, complete the following steps:

      1. In the Argo CD dashboard, click the SiteConfig resource that Argo CD is trying to sync.
      2. Check the DESIRED MANIFEST tab to find the siteConfigError field.

        siteConfigError: >- Error: could not build the entire SiteConfig defined by /tmp/kust-plugin-config-1081291903: stat sno-extra-manifest: no such file or directory
    3. Check the Status.Sync field. If there are log errors, the Status.Sync field could indicate an Unknown error:

          Compared To:
              Namespace:  clusters-sub
              Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
              Path:             sites-config
              Repo URL:         https://git.com/ran-sites/siteconfigs/.git
              Target Revision:  master
          Status:               Unknown

4.9. Troubleshooting GitOps ZTP virtual media booting on SuperMicro servers

SuperMicro X11 servers do not support virtual media installations when the image is served using the https protocol. As a result, single-node OpenShift deployments for this environment fail to boot on the target node. To avoid this issue, log in to the hub cluster and disable Transport Layer Security (TLS) in the Provisioning resource. This ensures the image is not served with TLS even though the image address uses the https scheme.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Disable TLS in the Provisioning resource by running the following command:

    $ oc patch provisioning provisioning-configuration --type merge -p '{"spec":{"disableVirtualMediaTLS": true}}'
  2. Continue the steps to deploy your single-node OpenShift cluster.

4.10. Removing a managed cluster site from the GitOps ZTP pipeline

You can remove a managed site and the associated installation and configuration policy CRs from the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Remove a site and the associated CRs by removing the associated SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate files from the kustomization.yaml file.
  2. Add the following syncOptions field to your SiteConfig application.

    kind: Application
        - PrunePropagationPolicy=background

    When you run the GitOps ZTP pipeline again, the generated CRs are removed.

  3. Optional: If you want to permanently remove a site, you should also remove the SiteConfig and site-specific PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate files from the Git repository.
  4. Optional: If you want to remove a site temporarily, for example when redeploying a site, you can leave the SiteConfig and site-specific PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs in the Git repository.

Additional resources

4.11. Removing obsolete content from the GitOps ZTP pipeline

If a change to the PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate configuration results in obsolete policies, for example, if you rename policies, use the following procedure to remove the obsolete policies.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Remove the affected PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate files from the Git repository, commit and push to the remote repository.
  2. Wait for the changes to synchronize through the application and the affected policies to be removed from the hub cluster.
  3. Add the updated PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate files back to the Git repository, and then commit and push to the remote repository.


    Removing GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) policies from the Git repository, and as a result also removing them from the hub cluster, does not affect the configuration of the managed cluster. The policy and CRs managed by that policy remains in place on the managed cluster.

  4. Optional: As an alternative, after making changes to PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs that result in obsolete policies, you can remove these policies from the hub cluster manually. You can delete policies from the RHACM console using the Governance tab or by running the following command:

    $ oc delete policy -n <namespace> <policy_name>

4.12. Tearing down the GitOps ZTP pipeline

You can remove the ArgoCD pipeline and all generated GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) artifacts.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Detach all clusters from Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) on the hub cluster.
  2. Delete the kustomization.yaml file in the deployment directory using the following command:

    $ oc delete -k out/argocd/deployment
  3. Commit and push your changes to the site repository.

Chapter 5. Manually installing a single-node OpenShift cluster with GitOps ZTP

You can deploy a managed single-node OpenShift cluster by using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and the assisted service.


If you are creating multiple managed clusters, use the SiteConfig method described in Deploying far edge sites with ZTP.


The target bare-metal host must meet the networking, firmware, and hardware requirements listed in Recommended cluster configuration for vDU application workloads.

5.1. Generating GitOps ZTP installation and configuration CRs manually

Use the generator entrypoint for the ztp-site-generate container to generate the site installation and configuration custom resource (CRs) for a cluster based on SiteConfig and PolicyGenerator CRs.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create an output folder by running the following command:

    $ mkdir -p ./out
  2. Export the argocd directory from the ztp-site-generate container image:

    $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17 extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./out

    The ./out directory has the reference PolicyGenerator and SiteConfig CRs in the out/argocd/example/ folder.

    Example output

     └── argocd
          └── example
               ├── acmpolicygenerator
               │     ├── {policy-prefix}common-ranGen.yaml
               │     ├── {policy-prefix}example-sno-site.yaml
               │     ├── {policy-prefix}group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
               │     ├── {policy-prefix}group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
               │     ├── ...
               │     ├── kustomization.yaml
               │     └── ns.yaml
               └── siteconfig
                      ├── example-sno.yaml
                      ├── KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml
                      └── kustomization.yaml

  3. Create an output folder for the site installation CRs:

    $ mkdir -p ./site-install
  4. Modify the example SiteConfig CR for the cluster type that you want to install. Copy example-sno.yaml to site-1-sno.yaml and modify the CR to match the details of the site and bare-metal host that you want to install, for example:

    # example-node1-bmh-secret & assisted-deployment-pull-secret need to be created under same namespace example-sno
    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SiteConfig
      name: "example-sno"
      namespace: "example-sno"
      baseDomain: "example.com"
        name: "assisted-deployment-pull-secret"
      clusterImageSetNameRef: "openshift-4.16"
      sshPublicKey: "ssh-rsa AAAA..."
        - clusterName: "example-sno"
          networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
          # installConfigOverrides is a generic way of passing install-config
          # parameters through the siteConfig.  The 'capabilities' field configures
          # the composable openshift feature.  In this 'capabilities' setting, we
          # remove all the optional set of components.
          # Notes:
          # - OperatorLifecycleManager is needed for 4.15 and later
          # - NodeTuning is needed for 4.13 and later, not for 4.12 and earlier
          # - Ingress is needed for 4.16 and later
          installConfigOverrides: |
              "capabilities": {
                "baselineCapabilitySet": "None",
                "additionalEnabledCapabilities": [
          # It is strongly recommended to include crun manifests as part of the additional install-time manifests for 4.13+.
          # The crun manifests can be obtained from source-crs/optional-extra-manifest/ and added to the git repo ie.sno-extra-manifest.
          # extraManifestPath: sno-extra-manifest
            # These example cluster labels correspond to the bindingRules in the PolicyGenTemplate examples
            du-profile: "latest"
            # These example cluster labels correspond to the bindingRules in the PolicyGenTemplate examples in ../policygentemplates:
            # ../policygentemplates/common-ranGen.yaml will apply to all clusters with 'common: true'
            common: true
            # ../policygentemplates/group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml will apply to all clusters with 'group-du-sno: ""'
            group-du-sno: ""
            # ../policygentemplates/example-sno-site.yaml will apply to all clusters with 'sites: "example-sno"'
            # Normally this should match or contain the cluster name so it only applies to a single cluster
            sites: "example-sno"
            - cidr: 1001:1::/48
              hostPrefix: 64
            - cidr: 1111:2222:3333:4444::/64
            - 1001:2::/112
            - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
          # Initiates the cluster for workload partitioning. Setting specific reserved/isolated CPUSets is done via PolicyTemplate
          # please see Workload Partitioning Feature for a complete guide.
          cpuPartitioningMode: AllNodes
          # Optionally; This can be used to override the KlusterletAddonConfig that is created for this cluster:
          #  KlusterletAddonConfig: "KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml"
            - hostName: "example-node1.example.com"
              role: "master"
              # Optionally; This can be used to configure desired BIOS setting on a host:
              #  filePath: "example-hw.profile"
              bmcAddress: "idrac-virtualmedia+https://[1111:2222:3333:4444::bbbb:1]/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1"
                name: "example-node1-bmh-secret"
              bootMACAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
              # Use UEFISecureBoot to enable secure boot.
              bootMode: "UEFISecureBoot"
                deviceName: "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0"
              # disk partition at `/var/lib/containers` with ignitionConfigOverride. Some values must be updated. See DiskPartitionContainer.md for more details
              ignitionConfigOverride: |
                  "ignition": {
                    "version": "3.2.0"
                  "storage": {
                    "disks": [
                        "device": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x6b07b250ebb9d0002a33509f24af1f62",
                        "partitions": [
                            "label": "var-lib-containers",
                            "sizeMiB": 0,
                            "startMiB": 250000
                        "wipeTable": false
                    "filesystems": [
                        "device": "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers",
                        "format": "xfs",
                        "mountOptions": [
                        "path": "/var/lib/containers",
                        "wipeFilesystem": true
                  "systemd": {
                    "units": [
                        "contents": "# Generated by Butane\n[Unit]\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\n\n[Mount]\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\nType=xfs\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target",
                        "enabled": true,
                        "name": "var-lib-containers.mount"
                  - name: eno1
                    macAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
                    - name: eno1
                      type: ethernet
                      state: up
                        enabled: false
                        enabled: true
                          # For SNO sites with static IP addresses, the node-specific,
                          # API and Ingress IPs should all be the same and configured on
                          # the interface
                          - ip: 1111:2222:3333:4444::aaaa:1
                            prefix-length: 64
                        - example.com
                        - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
                      - destination: ::/0
                        next-hop-interface: eno1
                        next-hop-address: 1111:2222:3333:4444::1
                        table-id: 254

    Once you have extracted reference CR configuration files from the out/extra-manifest directory of the ztp-site-generate container, you can use extraManifests.searchPaths to include the path to the git directory containing those files. This allows the GitOps ZTP pipeline to apply those CR files during cluster installation. If you configure a searchPaths directory, the GitOps ZTP pipeline does not fetch manifests from the ztp-site-generate container during site installation.

  5. Generate the Day 0 installation CRs by processing the modified SiteConfig CR site-1-sno.yaml by running the following command:

    $ podman run -it --rm -v `pwd`/out/argocd/example/siteconfig:/resources:Z -v `pwd`/site-install:/output:Z,U registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17 generator install site-1-sno.yaml /output

    Example output

    └── site-1-sno
        ├── site-1_agentclusterinstall_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_baremetalhost_example-node1.example.com.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_clusterdeployment_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_configmap_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_infraenv_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_klusterletaddonconfig_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_02-master-workload-partitioning.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_predefined-extra-manifests-master.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_predefined-extra-manifests-worker.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_managedcluster_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_namespace_example-sno.yaml
        └── site-1-sno_nmstateconfig_example-node1.example.com.yaml

  6. Optional: Generate just the Day 0 MachineConfig installation CRs for a particular cluster type by processing the reference SiteConfig CR with the -E option. For example, run the following commands:

    1. Create an output folder for the MachineConfig CRs:

      $ mkdir -p ./site-machineconfig
    2. Generate the MachineConfig installation CRs:

      $ podman run -it --rm -v `pwd`/out/argocd/example/siteconfig:/resources:Z -v `pwd`/site-machineconfig:/output:Z,U registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17 generator install -E site-1-sno.yaml /output

      Example output

      └── site-1-sno
          ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_02-master-workload-partitioning.yaml
          ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_predefined-extra-manifests-master.yaml
          └── site-1-sno_machineconfig_predefined-extra-manifests-worker.yaml

  7. Generate and export the Day 2 configuration CRs using the reference PolicyGenerator CRs from the previous step. Run the following commands:

    1. Create an output folder for the Day 2 CRs:

      $ mkdir -p ./ref
    2. Generate and export the Day 2 configuration CRs:

      $ podman run -it --rm -v `pwd`/out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator:/resources:Z -v `pwd`/ref:/output:Z,U registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17 generator config -N . /output

      The command generates example group and site-specific PolicyGenerator CRs for single-node OpenShift, three-node clusters, and standard clusters in the ./ref folder.

      Example output

       └── customResource
            ├── common
            ├── example-multinode-site
            ├── example-sno
            ├── group-du-3node
            ├── group-du-3node-validator
            │    └── Multiple-validatorCRs
            ├── group-du-sno
            ├── group-du-sno-validator
            ├── group-du-standard
            └── group-du-standard-validator
                 └── Multiple-validatorCRs

  8. Use the generated CRs as the basis for the CRs that you use to install the cluster. You apply the installation CRs to the hub cluster as described in "Installing a single managed cluster". The configuration CRs can be applied to the cluster after cluster installation is complete.


  • Verify that the custom roles and labels are applied after the node is deployed:

    $ oc describe node example-node.example.com

Example output

Name:   example-node.example.com
Roles:  control-plane,example-label,master,worker
Labels: beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64
        node-role.kubernetes.io/example-label= 1

The custom label is applied to the node.

5.2. Creating the managed bare-metal host secrets

Add the required Secret custom resources (CRs) for the managed bare-metal host to the hub cluster. You need a secret for the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline to access the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and a secret for the assisted installer service to pull cluster installation images from the registry.


The secrets are referenced from the SiteConfig CR by name. The namespace must match the SiteConfig namespace.


  1. Create a YAML secret file containing credentials for the host Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and a pull secret required for installing OpenShift and all add-on cluster Operators:

    1. Save the following YAML as the file example-sno-secret.yaml:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: example-sno-bmc-secret
        namespace: example-sno 1
      data: 2
        password: <base64_password>
        username: <base64_username>
      type: Opaque
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: pull-secret
        namespace: example-sno  3
        .dockerconfigjson: <pull_secret> 4
      type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
      Must match the namespace configured in the related SiteConfig CR
      Base64-encoded values for password and username
      Must match the namespace configured in the related SiteConfig CR
      Base64-encoded pull secret
  2. Add the relative path to example-sno-secret.yaml to the kustomization.yaml file that you use to install the cluster.

5.3. Configuring Discovery ISO kernel arguments for manual installations using GitOps ZTP

The GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) workflow uses the Discovery ISO as part of the OpenShift Container Platform installation process on managed bare-metal hosts. You can edit the InfraEnv resource to specify kernel arguments for the Discovery ISO. This is useful for cluster installations with specific environmental requirements. For example, configure the rd.net.timeout.carrier kernel argument for the Discovery ISO to facilitate static networking for the cluster or to receive a DHCP address before downloading the root file system during installation.


In OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, you can only add kernel arguments. You can not replace or delete kernel arguments.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have manually generated the installation and configuration custom resources (CRs).


  1. Edit the spec.kernelArguments specification in the InfraEnv CR to configure kernel arguments:
apiVersion: agent-install.openshift.io/v1beta1
kind: InfraEnv
  name: <cluster_name>
  namespace: <cluster_name>
    - operation: append 1
      value: audit=0 2
    - operation: append
      value: trace=1
    name: <cluster_name>
    namespace: <cluster_name>
    name: pull-secret
Specify the append operation to add a kernel argument.
Specify the kernel argument you want to configure. This example configures the audit kernel argument and the trace kernel argument.

The SiteConfig CR generates the InfraEnv resource as part of the day-0 installation CRs.


To verify that the kernel arguments are applied, after the Discovery image verifies that OpenShift Container Platform is ready for installation, you can SSH to the target host before the installation process begins. At that point, you can view the kernel arguments for the Discovery ISO in the /proc/cmdline file.

  1. Begin an SSH session with the target host:

    $ ssh -i /path/to/privatekey core@<host_name>
  2. View the system’s kernel arguments by using the following command:

    $ cat /proc/cmdline

5.4. Installing a single managed cluster

You can manually deploy a single managed cluster using the assisted service and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM).


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created the baseboard management controller (BMC) Secret and the image pull-secret Secret custom resources (CRs). See "Creating the managed bare-metal host secrets" for details.
  • Your target bare-metal host meets the networking and hardware requirements for managed clusters.


  1. Create a ClusterImageSet for each specific cluster version to be deployed, for example clusterImageSet-4.17.yaml. A ClusterImageSet has the following format:

    apiVersion: hive.openshift.io/v1
    kind: ClusterImageSet
      name: openshift-4.17.0 1
       releaseImage: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:4.17.0-x86_64 2
    The descriptive version that you want to deploy.
    Specifies the releaseImage to deploy and determines the operating system image version. The discovery ISO is based on the image version as set by releaseImage, or the latest version if the exact version is unavailable.
  2. Apply the clusterImageSet CR:

    $ oc apply -f clusterImageSet-4.17.yaml
  3. Create the Namespace CR in the cluster-namespace.yaml file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
         name: <cluster_name> 1
            name: <cluster_name> 2
    1 2
    The name of the managed cluster to provision.
  4. Apply the Namespace CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f cluster-namespace.yaml
  5. Apply the generated day-0 CRs that you extracted from the ztp-site-generate container and customized to meet your requirements:

    $ oc apply -R ./site-install/site-sno-1

5.5. Monitoring the managed cluster installation status

Ensure that cluster provisioning was successful by checking the cluster status.


  • All of the custom resources have been configured and provisioned, and the Agent custom resource is created on the hub for the managed cluster.


  1. Check the status of the managed cluster:

    $ oc get managedcluster

    True indicates the managed cluster is ready.

  2. Check the agent status:

    $ oc get agent -n <cluster_name>
  3. Use the describe command to provide an in-depth description of the agent’s condition. Statuses to be aware of include BackendError, InputError, ValidationsFailing, InstallationFailed, and AgentIsConnected. These statuses are relevant to the Agent and AgentClusterInstall custom resources.

    $ oc describe agent -n <cluster_name>
  4. Check the cluster provisioning status:

    $ oc get agentclusterinstall -n <cluster_name>
  5. Use the describe command to provide an in-depth description of the cluster provisioning status:

    $ oc describe agentclusterinstall -n <cluster_name>
  6. Check the status of the managed cluster’s add-on services:

    $ oc get managedclusteraddon -n <cluster_name>
  7. Retrieve the authentication information of the kubeconfig file for the managed cluster:

    $ oc get secret -n <cluster_name> <cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig -o jsonpath={.data.kubeconfig} | base64 -d > <directory>/<cluster_name>-kubeconfig

5.6. Troubleshooting the managed cluster

Use this procedure to diagnose any installation issues that might occur with the managed cluster.


  1. Check the status of the managed cluster:

    $ oc get managedcluster

    Example output

    SNO-cluster     true                                   True     True      2d19h

    If the status in the AVAILABLE column is True, the managed cluster is being managed by the hub.

    If the status in the AVAILABLE column is Unknown, the managed cluster is not being managed by the hub. Use the following steps to continue checking to get more information.

  2. Check the AgentClusterInstall install status:

    $ oc get clusterdeployment -n <cluster_name>

    Example output

    Sno0026    agent-baremetal                               false                          Initialized

    If the status in the INSTALLED column is false, the installation was unsuccessful.

  3. If the installation failed, enter the following command to review the status of the AgentClusterInstall resource:

    $ oc describe agentclusterinstall -n <cluster_name> <cluster_name>
  4. Resolve the errors and reset the cluster:

    1. Remove the cluster’s managed cluster resource:

      $ oc delete managedcluster <cluster_name>
    2. Remove the cluster’s namespace:

      $ oc delete namespace <cluster_name>

      This deletes all of the namespace-scoped custom resources created for this cluster. You must wait for the ManagedCluster CR deletion to complete before proceeding.

    3. Recreate the custom resources for the managed cluster.

5.7. RHACM generated cluster installation CRs reference

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) supports deploying OpenShift Container Platform on single-node clusters, three-node clusters, and standard clusters with a specific set of installation custom resources (CRs) that you generate using SiteConfig CRs for each site.


Every managed cluster has its own namespace, and all of the installation CRs except for ManagedCluster and ClusterImageSet are under that namespace. ManagedCluster and ClusterImageSet are cluster-scoped, not namespace-scoped. The namespace and the CR names match the cluster name.

The following table lists the installation CRs that are automatically applied by the RHACM assisted service when it installs clusters using the SiteConfig CRs that you configure.

Table 5.1. Cluster installation CRs generated by RHACM


Contains the connection information for the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) of the target bare-metal host.

Provides access to the BMC to load and start the discovery image on the target server by using the Redfish protocol.


Contains information for installing OpenShift Container Platform on the target bare-metal host.

Used with ClusterDeployment to generate the discovery ISO for the managed cluster.


Specifies details of the managed cluster configuration such as networking and the number of control plane nodes. Displays the cluster kubeconfig and credentials when the installation is complete.

Specifies the managed cluster configuration information and provides status during the installation of the cluster.


References the AgentClusterInstall CR to use.

Used with InfraEnv to generate the discovery ISO for the managed cluster.


Provides network configuration information such as MAC address to IP mapping, DNS server, default route, and other network settings.

Sets up a static IP address for the managed cluster’s Kube API server.


Contains hardware information about the target bare-metal host.

Created automatically on the hub when the target machine’s discovery image boots.


When a cluster is managed by the hub, it must be imported and known. This Kubernetes object provides that interface.

The hub uses this resource to manage and show the status of managed clusters.


Contains the list of services provided by the hub to be deployed to the ManagedCluster resource.

Tells the hub which addon services to deploy to the ManagedCluster resource.


Logical space for ManagedCluster resources existing on the hub. Unique per site.

Propagates resources to the ManagedCluster.


Two CRs are created: BMC Secret and Image Pull Secret.

  • BMC Secret authenticates into the target bare-metal host using its username and password.
  • Image Pull Secret contains authentication information for the OpenShift Container Platform image installed on the target bare-metal host.


Contains OpenShift Container Platform image information such as the repository and image name.

Passed into resources to provide OpenShift Container Platform images.

Chapter 6. Recommended single-node OpenShift cluster configuration for vDU application workloads

Use the following reference information to understand the single-node OpenShift configurations required to deploy virtual distributed unit (vDU) applications in the cluster. Configurations include cluster optimizations for high performance workloads, enabling workload partitioning, and minimizing the number of reboots required postinstallation.

Additional resources

6.1. Running low latency applications on OpenShift Container Platform

OpenShift Container Platform enables low latency processing for applications running on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware by using several technologies and specialized hardware devices:

Real-time kernel for RHCOS
Ensures workloads are handled with a high degree of process determinism.
CPU isolation
Avoids CPU scheduling delays and ensures CPU capacity is available consistently.
NUMA-aware topology management
Aligns memory and huge pages with CPU and PCI devices to pin guaranteed container memory and huge pages to the non-uniform memory access (NUMA) node. Pod resources for all Quality of Service (QoS) classes stay on the same NUMA node. This decreases latency and improves performance of the node.
Huge pages memory management
Using huge page sizes improves system performance by reducing the amount of system resources required to access page tables.
Precision timing synchronization using PTP
Allows synchronization between nodes in the network with sub-microsecond accuracy.

6.2. Recommended cluster host requirements for vDU application workloads

Running vDU application workloads requires a bare-metal host with sufficient resources to run OpenShift Container Platform services and production workloads.

Table 6.1. Minimum resource requirements


4 to 8 vCPU

32GB of RAM



One vCPU equals one physical core. However, if you enable simultaneous multithreading (SMT), or Hyper-Threading, use the following formula to calculate the number of vCPUs that represent one physical core:

  • (threads per core × cores) × sockets = vCPUs

The server must have a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) when booting with virtual media.

6.3. Configuring host firmware for low latency and high performance

Bare-metal hosts require the firmware to be configured before the host can be provisioned. The firmware configuration is dependent on the specific hardware and the particular requirements of your installation.


  1. Set the UEFI/BIOS Boot Mode to UEFI.
  2. In the host boot sequence order, set Hard drive first.
  3. Apply the specific firmware configuration for your hardware. The following table describes a representative firmware configuration for an Intel Xeon Skylake server and later hardware generations, based on the Intel FlexRAN 4G and 5G baseband PHY reference design.


    The exact firmware configuration depends on your specific hardware and network requirements. The following sample configuration is for illustrative purposes only.

    Table 6.2. Sample firmware configuration
    Firmware settingConfiguration

    CPU Power and Performance Policy


    Uncore Frequency Scaling


    Performance P-limit


    Enhanced Intel SpeedStep ® Tech


    Intel Configurable TDP


    Configurable TDP Level

    Level 2

    Intel® Turbo Boost Technology


    Energy Efficient Turbo


    Hardware P-States


    Package C-State

    C0/C1 state



    Processor C6



Enable global SR-IOV and VT-d settings in the firmware for the host. These settings are relevant to bare-metal environments.

6.4. Connectivity prerequisites for managed cluster networks

Before you can install and provision a managed cluster with the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline, the managed cluster host must meet the following networking prerequisites:

  • There must be bi-directional connectivity between the GitOps ZTP container in the hub cluster and the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) of the target bare-metal host.
  • The managed cluster must be able to resolve and reach the API hostname of the hub hostname and *.apps hostname. Here is an example of the API hostname of the hub and *.apps hostname:

    • api.hub-cluster.internal.domain.com
    • console-openshift-console.apps.hub-cluster.internal.domain.com
  • The hub cluster must be able to resolve and reach the API and *.apps hostname of the managed cluster. Here is an example of the API hostname of the managed cluster and *.apps hostname:

    • api.sno-managed-cluster-1.internal.domain.com
    • console-openshift-console.apps.sno-managed-cluster-1.internal.domain.com

6.5. Workload partitioning in single-node OpenShift with GitOps ZTP

Workload partitioning configures OpenShift Container Platform services, cluster management workloads, and infrastructure pods to run on a reserved number of host CPUs.

To configure workload partitioning with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP), you configure a cpuPartitioningMode field in the SiteConfig custom resource (CR) that you use to install the cluster and you apply a PerformanceProfile CR that configures the isolated and reserved CPUs on the host.

Configuring the SiteConfig CR enables workload partitioning at cluster installation time and applying the PerformanceProfile CR configures the specific allocation of CPUs to reserved and isolated sets. Both of these steps happen at different points during cluster provisioning.


Configuring workload partitioning by using the cpuPartitioningMode field in the SiteConfig CR is a Tech Preview feature in OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.

Alternatively, you can specify cluster management CPU resources with the cpuset field of the SiteConfig custom resource (CR) and the reserved field of the group PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CR. The GitOps ZTP pipeline uses these values to populate the required fields in the workload partitioning MachineConfig CR (cpuset) and the PerformanceProfile CR (reserved) that configure the single-node OpenShift cluster. This method is a General Availability feature in OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.

The workload partitioning configuration pins the OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure pods to the reserved CPU set. Platform services such as systemd, CRI-O, and kubelet run on the reserved CPU set. The isolated CPU sets are exclusively allocated to your container workloads. Isolating CPUs ensures that the workload has guaranteed access to the specified CPUs without contention from other applications running on the same node. All CPUs that are not isolated should be reserved.


Ensure that reserved and isolated CPU sets do not overlap with each other.

Additional resources

  • For the recommended single-node OpenShift workload partitioning configuration, see Workload partitioning.

6.6. About disk encryption with TPM and PCR protection

You can use the diskEncryption field in the SiteConfig custom resource (CR) to configure disk encryption with Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs) protection.

TPM is a hardware component that stores cryptographic keys and evaluates the security state of your system. PCRs within the TPM store hash values that represent the current hardware and software configuration of your system. You can use the following PCR registers to protect the encryption keys for disk encryption:

Represents the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) state.
Represents the secure boot state.

The TPM safeguards encryption keys by linking them to the system’s current state, as recorded in PCR 1 and PCR 7. The dmcrypt utility uses these keys to encrypt the disk. The binding between the encryption keys and the expected PCR registers is automatically updated after upgrades, if needed.

During the system boot process, the dmcrypt utility uses the TPM PCR values to unlock the disk. If the current PCR values match with the previously linked values, the unlock succeeds. If the PCR values do not match, the encryption keys cannot be released, and the disk remains encrypted and inaccessible.


Configuring disk encryption by using the diskEncryption field in the SiteConfig CR is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Additional resources

6.7. Recommended cluster install manifests

The ZTP pipeline applies the following custom resources (CRs) during cluster installation. These configuration CRs ensure that the cluster meets the feature and performance requirements necessary for running a vDU application.


When using the GitOps ZTP plugin and SiteConfig CRs for cluster deployment, the following MachineConfig CRs are included by default.

Use the SiteConfig extraManifests filter to alter the CRs that are included by default. For more information, see Advanced managed cluster configuration with SiteConfig CRs.

6.7.1. Workload partitioning

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require workload partitioning. This limits the cores allowed to run platform services, maximizing the CPU core for application payloads.


Workload partitioning can be enabled during cluster installation only. You cannot disable workload partitioning postinstallation. You can however change the set of CPUs assigned to the isolated and reserved sets through the PerformanceProfile CR. Changes to CPU settings cause the node to reboot.

Upgrading from OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 to 4.13+

When transitioning to using cpuPartitioningMode for enabling workload partitioning, remove the workload partitioning MachineConfig CRs from the /extra-manifest folder that you use to provision the cluster.

Recommended SiteConfig CR configuration for workload partitioning

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
kind: SiteConfig
  name: "<site_name>"
  namespace: "<site_name>"
  baseDomain: "example.com"
  cpuPartitioningMode: AllNodes 1

Set the cpuPartitioningMode field to AllNodes to configure workload partitioning for all nodes in the cluster.


Check that the applications and cluster system CPU pinning is correct. Run the following commands:

  1. Open a remote shell prompt to the managed cluster:

    $ oc debug node/example-sno-1
  2. Check that the OpenShift infrastructure applications CPU pinning is correct:

    sh-4.4# pgrep ovn | while read i; do taskset -cp $i; done

    Example output

    pid 8481's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 8726's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 9088's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 9945's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 10387's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 12123's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 13313's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53

  3. Check that the system applications CPU pinning is correct:

    sh-4.4# pgrep systemd | while read i; do taskset -cp $i; done

    Example output

    pid 1's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 938's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 962's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 1197's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53

6.7.2. Reduced platform management footprint

To reduce the overall management footprint of the platform, a MachineConfig custom resource (CR) is required that places all Kubernetes-specific mount points in a new namespace separate from the host operating system. The following base64-encoded example MachineConfig CR illustrates this configuration.

Recommended container mount namespace configuration (01-container-mount-ns-and-kubelet-conf-master.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
  name: container-mount-namespace-and-kubelet-conf-master
      version: 3.2.0
        - contents:
          mode: 493
          path: /usr/local/bin/extractExecStart
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKbnNlbnRlciAtLW1vdW50PS9ydW4vY29udGFpbmVyLW1vdW50LW5hbWVzcGFjZS9tbnQgIiRAIgo=
          mode: 493
          path: /usr/local/bin/nsenterCmns
        - contents: |
            Description=Manages a mount namespace that both kubelet and crio can use to share their container-specific mounts

            ExecStartPre=bash -c "findmnt ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY} || mount --make-unbindable --bind ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY} ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY}"
            ExecStartPre=touch ${BIND_POINT}
            ExecStart=unshare --mount=${BIND_POINT} --propagation slave mount --make-rshared /
            ExecStop=umount -R ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY}
          name: container-mount-namespace.service
        - dropins:
            - contents: |

                ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/extractExecStart %n /%t/%N-execstart.env ORIG_EXECSTART
                ExecStart=bash -c "nsenter --mount=%t/container-mount-namespace/mnt \
              name: 90-container-mount-namespace.conf
          name: crio.service
        - dropins:
            - contents: |

                ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/extractExecStart %n /%t/%N-execstart.env ORIG_EXECSTART
                ExecStart=bash -c "nsenter --mount=%t/container-mount-namespace/mnt \
                    ${ORIG_EXECSTART} --housekeeping-interval=30s"
              name: 90-container-mount-namespace.conf
            - contents: |
              name: 30-kubelet-interval-tuning.conf
          name: kubelet.service

6.7.3. SCTP

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a key protocol used in RAN applications. This MachineConfig object adds the SCTP kernel module to the node to enable this protocol.

Recommended control plane node SCTP configuration (03-sctp-machine-config-master.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
  name: load-sctp-module-master
      version: 2.2.0
        - contents:
            source: data:,
            verification: {}
          filesystem: root
          mode: 420
          path: /etc/modprobe.d/sctp-blacklist.conf
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,sctp
          filesystem: root
          mode: 420
          path: /etc/modules-load.d/sctp-load.conf

Recommended worker node SCTP configuration (03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  name: load-sctp-module-worker
      version: 2.2.0
        - contents:
            source: data:,
            verification: {}
          filesystem: root
          mode: 420
          path: /etc/modprobe.d/sctp-blacklist.conf
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,sctp
          filesystem: root
          mode: 420
          path: /etc/modules-load.d/sctp-load.conf

6.7.4. Setting rcu_normal

The following MachineConfig CR configures the system to set rcu_normal to 1 after the system has finished startup. This improves kernel latency for vDU applications.

Recommended configuration for disabling rcu_expedited after the node has finished startup (08-set-rcu-normal-master.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
  name: 08-set-rcu-normal-master
      version: 3.2.0
        - contents:
          mode: 493
          path: /usr/local/bin/set-rcu-normal.sh
        - contents: |
            Description=Disable rcu_expedited after node has finished booting by setting rcu_normal to 1


            # Maximum wait time is 600s = 10m:

            # Steady-state threshold = 2%
            # Allowed values:
            #  4  - absolute pod count (+/-)
            #  4% - percent change (+/-)
            #  -1 - disable the steady-state check
            # Note: '%' must be escaped as '%%' in systemd unit files

            # Steady-state window = 120s
            # If the running pod count stays within the given threshold for this time
            # period, return CPU utilization to normal before the maximum wait time has
            # expires

            # Steady-state minimum = 40
            # Increasing this will skip any steady-state checks until the count rises above
            # this number to avoid false positives if there are some periods where the
            # count doesn't increase but we know we can't be at steady-state yet.

          enabled: true
          name: set-rcu-normal.service

6.7.5. Automatic kernel crash dumps with kdump

kdump is a Linux kernel feature that creates a kernel crash dump when the kernel crashes. kdump is enabled with the following MachineConfig CRs.

Recommended MachineConfig CR to remove ice driver from control plane kdump logs (05-kdump-config-master.yaml)

apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
  name: 05-kdump-config-master
      version: 3.2.0
        - enabled: true
          name: kdump-remove-ice-module.service
          contents: |
            Description=Remove ice module when doing kdump
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9lbnYgYmFzaAoKIyBUaGlzIHNjcmlwdCByZW1vdmVzIHRoZSBpY2UgbW9kdWxlIGZyb20ga2R1bXAgdG8gcHJldmVudCBrZHVtcCBmYWlsdXJlcyBvbiBjZXJ0YWluIHNlcnZlcnMuCiMgVGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlbXBvcmFyeSB3b3JrYXJvdW5kIGZvciBSSEVMUExBTi0xMzgyMzYgYW5kIGNhbiBiZSByZW1vdmVkIHdoZW4gdGhhdCBpc3N1ZSBpcwojIGZpeGVkLgoKc2V0IC14CgpTRUQ9Ii91c3IvYmluL3NlZCIKR1JFUD0iL3Vzci9iaW4vZ3JlcCIKCiMgb3ZlcnJpZGUgZm9yIHRlc3RpbmcgcHVycG9zZXMKS0RVTVBfQ09ORj0iJHsxOi0vZXRjL3N5c2NvbmZpZy9rZHVtcH0iClJFTU9WRV9JQ0VfU1RSPSJtb2R1bGVfYmxhY2tsaXN0PWljZSIKCiMgZXhpdCBpZiBmaWxlIGRvZXNuJ3QgZXhpc3QKWyAhIC1mICR7S0RVTVBfQ09ORn0gXSAmJiBleGl0IDAKCiMgZXhpdCBpZiBmaWxlIGFscmVhZHkgdXBkYXRlZAoke0dSRVB9IC1GcSAke1JFTU9WRV9JQ0VfU1RSfSAke0tEVU1QX0NPTkZ9ICYmIGV4aXQgMAoKIyBUYXJnZXQgbGluZSBsb29rcyBzb21ldGhpbmcgbGlrZSB0aGlzOgojIEtEVU1QX0NPTU1BTkRMSU5FX0FQUEVORD0iaXJxcG9sbCBucl9jcHVzPTEgLi4uIGhlc3RfZGlzYWJsZSIKIyBVc2Ugc2VkIHRvIG1hdGNoIGV2ZXJ5dGhpbmcgYmV0d2VlbiB0aGUgcXVvdGVzIGFuZCBhcHBlbmQgdGhlIFJFTU9WRV9JQ0VfU1RSIHRvIGl0CiR7U0VEfSAtaSAncy9eS0RVTVBfQ09NTUFORExJTkVfQVBQRU5EPSJbXiJdKi8mICcke1JFTU9WRV9JQ0VfU1RSfScvJyAke0tEVU1QX0NPTkZ9IHx8IGV4aXQgMAo=
          mode: 448
          path: /usr/local/bin/kdump-remove-ice-module.sh

Recommended control plane node kdump configuration (06-kdump-master.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
  name: 06-kdump-enable-master
      version: 3.2.0
        - enabled: true
          name: kdump.service
    - crashkernel=512M

Recommended MachineConfig CR to remove ice driver from worker node kdump logs (05-kdump-config-worker.yaml)

apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  name: 05-kdump-config-worker
      version: 3.2.0
        - enabled: true
          name: kdump-remove-ice-module.service
          contents: |
            Description=Remove ice module when doing kdump
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,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
          mode: 448
          path: /usr/local/bin/kdump-remove-ice-module.sh

Recommended kdump worker node configuration (06-kdump-worker.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  name: 06-kdump-enable-worker
      version: 3.2.0
        - enabled: true
          name: kdump.service
    - crashkernel=512M

6.7.6. Disable automatic CRI-O cache wipe

After an uncontrolled host shutdown or cluster reboot, CRI-O automatically deletes the entire CRI-O cache, causing all images to be pulled from the registry when the node reboots. This can result in unacceptably slow recovery times or recovery failures. To prevent this from happening in single-node OpenShift clusters that you install with GitOps ZTP, disable the CRI-O delete cache feature during cluster installation.

Recommended MachineConfig CR to disable CRI-O cache wipe on control plane nodes (99-crio-disable-wipe-master.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
  name: 99-crio-disable-wipe-master
      version: 3.2.0
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,W2NyaW9dCmNsZWFuX3NodXRkb3duX2ZpbGUgPSAiIgo=
          mode: 420
          path: /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/99-crio-disable-wipe.toml

Recommended MachineConfig CR to disable CRI-O cache wipe on worker nodes (99-crio-disable-wipe-worker.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  name: 99-crio-disable-wipe-worker
      version: 3.2.0
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,W2NyaW9dCmNsZWFuX3NodXRkb3duX2ZpbGUgPSAiIgo=
          mode: 420
          path: /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/99-crio-disable-wipe.toml

6.7.7. Configuring crun as the default container runtime

The following ContainerRuntimeConfig custom resources (CRs) configure crun as the default OCI container runtime for control plane and worker nodes. The crun container runtime is fast and lightweight and has a low memory footprint.


For optimal performance, enable crun for control plane and worker nodes in single-node OpenShift, three-node OpenShift, and standard clusters. To avoid the cluster rebooting when the CR is applied, apply the change as a GitOps ZTP additional Day 0 install-time manifest.

Recommended ContainerRuntimeConfig CR for control plane nodes (enable-crun-master.yaml)

apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: ContainerRuntimeConfig
  name: enable-crun-master
      pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/master: ""
    defaultRuntime: crun

Recommended ContainerRuntimeConfig CR for worker nodes (enable-crun-worker.yaml)

apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: ContainerRuntimeConfig
  name: enable-crun-worker
      pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/worker: ""
    defaultRuntime: crun

6.7.8. Enabling disk encryption with TPM and PCR protection

You can use the diskEncryption field in the SiteConfig custom resource (CR) to configure disk encryption with Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs) protection.

Configuring the SiteConfig CR enables disk encryption at the time of cluster installation.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You read the "About disk encryption with TPM and PCR protection" section.


  • Configure the spec.clusters.diskEncryption field in the SiteConfig CR:

    Recommended SiteConfig CR configuration to enable disk encryption with PCR protection

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SiteConfig
      name: "encryption-tpm2"
      namespace: "encryption-tpm2"
      - clusterName: "encryption-tpm2"
        clusterImageSetNameRef: "openshift-v4.13.0"
          type: "tpm2" 1
            pcrList: "1,7" 2
          - hostName: "node1"
            role: master

    Set the disk encryption type to tpm2.
    Configure the list of PCRs to be used for disk encryption. You must use PCR registers 1 and 7.


  • Check that the disk encryption with TPM and PCR protection is enabled by running the following command:

    $ clevis luks list -d <disk_path> 1
    Replace <disk_path> with the path to the disk. For example, /dev/sda4.

    Example output

    1: tpm2 '{"hash":"sha256","key":"ecc","pcr_bank":"sha256","pcr_ids":"1,7"}'

6.8. Recommended postinstallation cluster configurations

When the cluster installation is complete, the ZTP pipeline applies the following custom resources (CRs) that are required to run DU workloads.


In GitOps ZTP v4.10 and earlier, you configure UEFI secure boot with a MachineConfig CR. This is no longer required in GitOps ZTP v4.11 and later. In v4.11, you configure UEFI secure boot for single-node OpenShift clusters by updating the spec.clusters.nodes.bootMode field in the SiteConfig CR that you use to install the cluster. For more information, see Deploying a managed cluster with SiteConfig and GitOps ZTP.

6.8.1. Operators

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require the following Operators to be installed:

  • Local Storage Operator
  • Logging Operator
  • PTP Operator
  • SR-IOV Network Operator

You also need to configure a custom CatalogSource CR, disable the default OperatorHub configuration, and configure an ImageContentSourcePolicy mirror registry that is accessible from the clusters that you install.

Recommended Storage Operator namespace and Operator group configuration (StorageNS.yaml, StorageOperGroup.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: openshift-local-storage
    workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: openshift-local-storage
  namespace: openshift-local-storage
  annotations: {}
    - openshift-local-storage

Recommended Cluster Logging Operator namespace and Operator group configuration (ClusterLogNS.yaml, ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: openshift-logging
    workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: cluster-logging
  namespace: openshift-logging
  annotations: {}
    - openshift-logging

Recommended PTP Operator namespace and Operator group configuration (PtpSubscriptionNS.yaml, PtpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: openshift-ptp
    workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
    openshift.io/cluster-monitoring: "true"
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: ptp-operators
  namespace: openshift-ptp
  annotations: {}
    - openshift-ptp

Recommended SR-IOV Operator namespace and Operator group configuration (SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml, SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: openshift-sriov-network-operator
    workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: sriov-network-operators
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  annotations: {}
    - openshift-sriov-network-operator

Recommended CatalogSource configuration (DefaultCatsrc.yaml)

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
  name: default-cat-source
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
    target.workload.openshift.io/management: '{"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}'
  displayName: default-cat-source
  image: $imageUrl
  publisher: Red Hat
  sourceType: grpc
      interval: 1h
    lastObservedState: READY

Recommended ImageContentSourcePolicy configuration (DisconnectedICSP.yaml)

apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
  name: disconnected-internal-icsp
  annotations: {}
#    repositoryDigestMirrors:
#    - $mirrors

Recommended OperatorHub configuration (OperatorHub.yaml)

apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
kind: OperatorHub
  name: cluster
  annotations: {}
  disableAllDefaultSources: true

6.8.2. Operator subscriptions

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require the following Subscription CRs. The subscription provides the location to download the following Operators:

  • Local Storage Operator
  • Logging Operator
  • PTP Operator
  • SR-IOV Network Operator
  • SRIOV-FEC Operator

For each Operator subscription, specify the channel to get the Operator from. The recommended channel is stable.

You can specify Manual or Automatic updates. In Automatic mode, the Operator automatically updates to the latest versions in the channel as they become available in the registry. In Manual mode, new Operator versions are installed only when they are explicitly approved.


Use Manual mode for subscriptions. This allows you to control the timing of Operator updates to fit within scheduled maintenance windows.

Recommended Local Storage Operator subscription (StorageSubscription.yaml)

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: local-storage-operator
  namespace: openshift-local-storage
  annotations: {}
  channel: "stable"
  name: local-storage-operator
  source: redhat-operators-disconnected
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual
  state: AtLatestKnown

Recommended SR-IOV Operator subscription (SriovSubscription.yaml)

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: sriov-network-operator-subscription
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  annotations: {}
  channel: "stable"
  name: sriov-network-operator
  source: redhat-operators-disconnected
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual
  state: AtLatestKnown

Recommended PTP Operator subscription (PtpSubscription.yaml)

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: ptp-operator-subscription
  namespace: openshift-ptp
  annotations: {}
  channel: "stable"
  name: ptp-operator
  source: redhat-operators-disconnected
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual
  state: AtLatestKnown

Recommended Cluster Logging Operator subscription (ClusterLogSubscription.yaml)

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: cluster-logging
  namespace: openshift-logging
  annotations: {}
  channel: "stable-6.0"
  name: cluster-logging
  source: redhat-operators-disconnected
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual
  state: AtLatestKnown

6.8.3. Cluster logging and log forwarding

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require logging and log forwarding for debugging. The following custom resources (CRs) are required.

Recommended ClusterLogForwarder.yaml

apiVersion: "observability.openshift.io/v1"
kind: ClusterLogForwarder
  name: instance
  namespace: openshift-logging
  annotations: {}
  # outputs: $outputs
  # pipelines: $pipelines
    name: logcollector
#apiVersion: "observability.openshift.io/v1"
#kind: ClusterLogForwarder
#  name: instance
#  namespace: openshift-logging
# spec:
#   outputs:
#   - type: "kafka"
#     name: kafka-open
#     # below url is an example
#     kafka:
#       url: tcp://
#   filters:
#   - name: test-labels
#     type: openshiftLabels
#     openshiftLabels:
#       label1: test1
#       label2: test2
#       label3: test3
#       label4: test4
#   pipelines:
#   - name: all-to-default
#     inputRefs:
#     - audit
#     - infrastructure
#     filterRefs:
#     - test-labels
#     outputRefs:
#     - kafka-open
#   serviceAccount:
#     name: logcollector


Set the spec.outputs.kafka.url field to the URL of the Kafka server where the logs are forwarded to.

Recommended ClusterLogNS.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: openshift-logging
    workload.openshift.io/allowed: management

Recommended ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: cluster-logging
  namespace: openshift-logging
  annotations: {}
    - openshift-logging

Recommended ClusterLogServiceAccount.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: logcollector
  namespace: openshift-logging
  annotations: {}

Recommended ClusterLogServiceAccountAuditBinding.yaml

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: logcollector-audit-logs-binding
  annotations: {}
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: collect-audit-logs
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: logcollector
    namespace: openshift-logging

Recommended ClusterLogServiceAccountInfrastructureBinding.yaml

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: logcollector-infrastructure-logs-binding
  annotations: {}
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: collect-infrastructure-logs
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: logcollector
    namespace: openshift-logging

Recommended ClusterLogSubscription.yaml

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: cluster-logging
  namespace: openshift-logging
  annotations: {}
  channel: "stable-6.0"
  name: cluster-logging
  source: redhat-operators-disconnected
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual
  state: AtLatestKnown

6.8.4. Performance profile

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require a Node Tuning Operator performance profile to use real-time host capabilities and services.


In earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform, the Performance Addon Operator was used to implement automatic tuning to achieve low latency performance for OpenShift applications. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 and later, this functionality is part of the Node Tuning Operator.

The following example PerformanceProfile CR illustrates the required single-node OpenShift cluster configuration.

Recommended performance profile configuration (PerformanceProfile.yaml)

apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
kind: PerformanceProfile
  # if you change this name make sure the 'include' line in TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
  # matches this name: include=openshift-node-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name}
  # Also in file 'validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml':
  # name: 50-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name}
  name: openshift-node-performance-profile
    ran.openshift.io/reference-configuration: "ran-du.redhat.com"
    - "rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0"
    - "efi=runtime"
    - "vfio_pci.enable_sriov=1"
    - "vfio_pci.disable_idle_d3=1"
    - "module_blacklist=irdma"
    isolated: $isolated
    reserved: $reserved
    defaultHugepagesSize: $defaultHugepagesSize
      - size: $size
        count: $count
        node: $node
    pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/$mcp: ""
    node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp: ''
    topologyPolicy: "restricted"
  # To use the standard (non-realtime) kernel, set enabled to false
    enabled: true
    # WorkloadHints defines the set of upper level flags for different type of workloads.
    # See https://github.com/openshift/cluster-node-tuning-operator/blob/master/docs/performanceprofile/performance_profile.md#workloadhints
    # for detailed descriptions of each item.
    # The configuration below is set for a low latency, performance mode.
    realTime: true
    highPowerConsumption: false
    perPodPowerManagement: false

Table 6.3. PerformanceProfile CR options for single-node OpenShift clusters
PerformanceProfile CR fieldDescription


Ensure that name matches the following fields set in related GitOps ZTP custom resources (CRs):

  • include=openshift-node-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name} in TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
  • name: 50-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name} in validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml


"efi=runtime" Configures UEFI secure boot for the cluster host.


Set the isolated CPUs. Ensure all of the Hyper-Threading pairs match.


The reserved and isolated CPU pools must not overlap and together must span all available cores. CPU cores that are not accounted for cause an undefined behaviour in the system.


Set the reserved CPUs. When workload partitioning is enabled, system processes, kernel threads, and system container threads are restricted to these CPUs. All CPUs that are not isolated should be reserved.


  • Set the number of huge pages (count)
  • Set the huge pages size (size).
  • Set node to the NUMA node where the hugepages are allocated (node)


Set enabled to true to use the realtime kernel.


Use workloadHints to define the set of top level flags for different type of workloads. The example configuration configures the cluster for low latency and high performance.

6.8.5. Configuring cluster time synchronization

Run a one-time system time synchronization job for control plane or worker nodes.

Recommended one time time-sync for control plane nodes (99-sync-time-once-master.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
  name: 99-sync-time-once-master
      version: 3.2.0
        - contents: |
            Description=Sync time once
            ExecCondition=/bin/bash -c 'systemctl is-enabled chronyd.service --quiet && exit 1 || exit 0'
            ExecStart=/usr/sbin/chronyd -n -f /etc/chrony.conf -q
          enabled: true
          name: sync-time-once.service

Recommended one time time-sync for worker nodes (99-sync-time-once-worker.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  name: 99-sync-time-once-worker
      version: 3.2.0
        - contents: |
            Description=Sync time once
            ExecCondition=/bin/bash -c 'systemctl is-enabled chronyd.service --quiet && exit 1 || exit 0'
            ExecStart=/usr/sbin/chronyd -n -f /etc/chrony.conf -q
          enabled: true
          name: sync-time-once.service

6.8.6. PTP

Single-node OpenShift clusters use Precision Time Protocol (PTP) for network time synchronization. The following example PtpConfig CRs illustrate the required PTP configurations for ordinary clocks, boundary clocks, and grandmaster clocks. The exact configuration you apply will depend on the node hardware and specific use case.

Recommended PTP ordinary clock configuration (PtpConfigSlave.yaml)

apiVersion: ptp.openshift.io/v1
kind: PtpConfig
  name: ordinary
  namespace: openshift-ptp
  annotations: {}
    - name: "ordinary"
      # The interface name is hardware-specific
      interface: $interface
      ptp4lOpts: "-2 -s"
      phc2sysOpts: "-a -r -n 24"
      ptpSchedulingPolicy: SCHED_FIFO
      ptpSchedulingPriority: 10
        logReduce: "true"
      ptp4lConf: |
        # Default Data Set
        twoStepFlag 1
        slaveOnly 1
        priority1 128
        priority2 128
        domainNumber 24
        #utc_offset 37
        clockClass 255
        clockAccuracy 0xFE
        offsetScaledLogVariance 0xFFFF
        free_running 0
        freq_est_interval 1
        dscp_event 0
        dscp_general 0
        dataset_comparison G.8275.x
        G.8275.defaultDS.localPriority 128
        # Port Data Set
        logAnnounceInterval -3
        logSyncInterval -4
        logMinDelayReqInterval -4
        logMinPdelayReqInterval -4
        announceReceiptTimeout 3
        syncReceiptTimeout 0
        delayAsymmetry 0
        fault_reset_interval -4
        neighborPropDelayThresh 20000000
        masterOnly 0
        G.8275.portDS.localPriority 128
        # Run time options
        assume_two_step 0
        logging_level 6
        path_trace_enabled 0
        follow_up_info 0
        hybrid_e2e 0
        inhibit_multicast_service 0
        net_sync_monitor 0
        tc_spanning_tree 0
        tx_timestamp_timeout 50
        unicast_listen 0
        unicast_master_table 0
        unicast_req_duration 3600
        use_syslog 1
        verbose 0
        summary_interval 0
        kernel_leap 1
        check_fup_sync 0
        clock_class_threshold 7
        # Servo Options
        pi_proportional_const 0.0
        pi_integral_const 0.0
        pi_proportional_scale 0.0
        pi_proportional_exponent -0.3
        pi_proportional_norm_max 0.7
        pi_integral_scale 0.0
        pi_integral_exponent 0.4
        pi_integral_norm_max 0.3
        step_threshold 2.0
        first_step_threshold 0.00002
        max_frequency 900000000
        clock_servo pi
        sanity_freq_limit 200000000
        ntpshm_segment 0
        # Transport options
        transportSpecific 0x0
        ptp_dst_mac 01:1B:19:00:00:00
        p2p_dst_mac 01:80:C2:00:00:0E
        udp_ttl 1
        udp6_scope 0x0E
        uds_address /var/run/ptp4l
        # Default interface options
        clock_type OC
        network_transport L2
        delay_mechanism E2E
        time_stamping hardware
        tsproc_mode filter
        delay_filter moving_median
        delay_filter_length 10
        egressLatency 0
        ingressLatency 0
        boundary_clock_jbod 0
        # Clock description
        productDescription ;;
        revisionData ;;
        manufacturerIdentity 00:00:00
        userDescription ;
        timeSource 0xA0
    - profile: "ordinary"
      priority: 4
        - nodeLabel: "node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp"

Recommended boundary clock configuration (PtpConfigBoundary.yaml)

apiVersion: ptp.openshift.io/v1
kind: PtpConfig
  name: boundary
  namespace: openshift-ptp
  annotations: {}
    - name: "boundary"
      ptp4lOpts: "-2"
      phc2sysOpts: "-a -r -n 24"
      ptpSchedulingPolicy: SCHED_FIFO
      ptpSchedulingPriority: 10
        logReduce: "true"
      ptp4lConf: |
        # The interface name is hardware-specific
        masterOnly 0
        masterOnly 1
        masterOnly 1
        masterOnly 1
        # Default Data Set
        twoStepFlag 1
        slaveOnly 0
        priority1 128
        priority2 128
        domainNumber 24
        #utc_offset 37
        clockClass 248
        clockAccuracy 0xFE
        offsetScaledLogVariance 0xFFFF
        free_running 0
        freq_est_interval 1
        dscp_event 0
        dscp_general 0
        dataset_comparison G.8275.x
        G.8275.defaultDS.localPriority 128
        # Port Data Set
        logAnnounceInterval -3
        logSyncInterval -4
        logMinDelayReqInterval -4
        logMinPdelayReqInterval -4
        announceReceiptTimeout 3
        syncReceiptTimeout 0
        delayAsymmetry 0
        fault_reset_interval -4
        neighborPropDelayThresh 20000000
        masterOnly 0
        G.8275.portDS.localPriority 128
        # Run time options
        assume_two_step 0
        logging_level 6
        path_trace_enabled 0
        follow_up_info 0
        hybrid_e2e 0
        inhibit_multicast_service 0
        net_sync_monitor 0
        tc_spanning_tree 0
        tx_timestamp_timeout 50
        unicast_listen 0
        unicast_master_table 0
        unicast_req_duration 3600
        use_syslog 1
        verbose 0
        summary_interval 0
        kernel_leap 1
        check_fup_sync 0
        clock_class_threshold 135
        # Servo Options
        pi_proportional_const 0.0
        pi_integral_const 0.0
        pi_proportional_scale 0.0
        pi_proportional_exponent -0.3
        pi_proportional_norm_max 0.7
        pi_integral_scale 0.0
        pi_integral_exponent 0.4
        pi_integral_norm_max 0.3
        step_threshold 2.0
        first_step_threshold 0.00002
        max_frequency 900000000
        clock_servo pi
        sanity_freq_limit 200000000
        ntpshm_segment 0
        # Transport options
        transportSpecific 0x0
        ptp_dst_mac 01:1B:19:00:00:00
        p2p_dst_mac 01:80:C2:00:00:0E
        udp_ttl 1
        udp6_scope 0x0E
        uds_address /var/run/ptp4l
        # Default interface options
        clock_type BC
        network_transport L2
        delay_mechanism E2E
        time_stamping hardware
        tsproc_mode filter
        delay_filter moving_median
        delay_filter_length 10
        egressLatency 0
        ingressLatency 0
        boundary_clock_jbod 0
        # Clock description
        productDescription ;;
        revisionData ;;
        manufacturerIdentity 00:00:00
        userDescription ;
        timeSource 0xA0
    - profile: "boundary"
      priority: 4
        - nodeLabel: "node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp"

Recommended PTP Westport Channel e810 grandmaster clock configuration (PtpConfigGmWpc.yaml)

# The grandmaster profile is provided for testing only
# It is not installed on production clusters
apiVersion: ptp.openshift.io/v1
kind: PtpConfig
  name: grandmaster
  namespace: openshift-ptp
  annotations: {}
    - name: "grandmaster"
      ptp4lOpts: "-2 --summary_interval -4"
      phc2sysOpts: -r -u 0 -m -w -N 8 -R 16 -s $iface_master -n 24
      ptpSchedulingPolicy: SCHED_FIFO
      ptpSchedulingPriority: 10
        logReduce: "true"
          enableDefaultConfig: false
            LocalMaxHoldoverOffSet: 1500
            LocalHoldoverTimeout: 14400
            MaxInSpecOffset: 100
          pins: $e810_pins
          #  "$iface_master":
          #    "U.FL2": "0 2"
          #    "U.FL1": "0 1"
          #    "SMA2": "0 2"
          #    "SMA1": "0 1"
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -z CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_VOLTCTRL,1
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-z"
                - "CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_VOLTCTRL,1"
              reportOutput: false
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -e GPS
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-e"
                - "GPS"
              reportOutput: false
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -d Galileo
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-d"
                - "Galileo"
              reportOutput: false
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -d GLONASS
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-d"
                - "GLONASS"
              reportOutput: false
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -d BeiDou
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-d"
                - "BeiDou"
              reportOutput: false
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -d SBAS
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-d"
                - "SBAS"
              reportOutput: false
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -t -w 5 -v 1 -e SURVEYIN,600,50000
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-t"
                - "-w"
                - "5"
                - "-v"
                - "1"
                - "-e"
                - "SURVEYIN,600,50000"
              reportOutput: true
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -p MON-HW
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-p"
                - "MON-HW"
              reportOutput: true
            - args: #ubxtool -P 29.20 -p CFG-MSG,1,38,248
                - "-P"
                - "29.20"
                - "-p"
                - "CFG-MSG,1,38,248"
              reportOutput: true
      ts2phcOpts: " "
      ts2phcConf: |
        ts2phc.master 1
        use_syslog  0
        verbose 1
        logging_level 7
        ts2phc.pulsewidth 100000000
        #cat /dev/GNSS to find available serial port
        #example value of gnss_serialport is /dev/ttyGNSS_1700_0
        ts2phc.nmea_serialport $gnss_serialport
        leapfile  /usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list
        ts2phc.extts_polarity rising
        ts2phc.extts_correction 0
      ptp4lConf: |
        masterOnly 1
        masterOnly 1
        masterOnly 1
        masterOnly 1
        # Default Data Set
        twoStepFlag 1
        priority1 128
        priority2 128
        domainNumber 24
        #utc_offset 37
        clockClass 6
        clockAccuracy 0x27
        offsetScaledLogVariance 0xFFFF
        free_running 0
        freq_est_interval 1
        dscp_event 0
        dscp_general 0
        dataset_comparison G.8275.x
        G.8275.defaultDS.localPriority 128
        # Port Data Set
        logAnnounceInterval -3
        logSyncInterval -4
        logMinDelayReqInterval -4
        logMinPdelayReqInterval 0
        announceReceiptTimeout 3
        syncReceiptTimeout 0
        delayAsymmetry 0
        fault_reset_interval -4
        neighborPropDelayThresh 20000000
        masterOnly 0
        G.8275.portDS.localPriority 128
        # Run time options
        assume_two_step 0
        logging_level 6
        path_trace_enabled 0
        follow_up_info 0
        hybrid_e2e 0
        inhibit_multicast_service 0
        net_sync_monitor 0
        tc_spanning_tree 0
        tx_timestamp_timeout 50
        unicast_listen 0
        unicast_master_table 0
        unicast_req_duration 3600
        use_syslog 1
        verbose 0
        summary_interval -4
        kernel_leap 1
        check_fup_sync 0
        clock_class_threshold 7
        # Servo Options
        pi_proportional_const 0.0
        pi_integral_const 0.0
        pi_proportional_scale 0.0
        pi_proportional_exponent -0.3
        pi_proportional_norm_max 0.7
        pi_integral_scale 0.0
        pi_integral_exponent 0.4
        pi_integral_norm_max 0.3
        step_threshold 2.0
        first_step_threshold 0.00002
        clock_servo pi
        sanity_freq_limit  200000000
        ntpshm_segment 0
        # Transport options
        transportSpecific 0x0
        ptp_dst_mac 01:1B:19:00:00:00
        p2p_dst_mac 01:80:C2:00:00:0E
        udp_ttl 1
        udp6_scope 0x0E
        uds_address /var/run/ptp4l
        # Default interface options
        clock_type BC
        network_transport L2
        delay_mechanism E2E
        time_stamping hardware
        tsproc_mode filter
        delay_filter moving_median
        delay_filter_length 10
        egressLatency 0
        ingressLatency 0
        boundary_clock_jbod 0
        # Clock description
        productDescription ;;
        revisionData ;;
        manufacturerIdentity 00:00:00
        userDescription ;
        timeSource 0x20
    - profile: "grandmaster"
      priority: 4
        - nodeLabel: "node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp"

The following optional PtpOperatorConfig CR configures PTP events reporting for the node.

Recommended PTP events configuration (PtpOperatorConfigForEvent.yaml)

apiVersion: ptp.openshift.io/v1
kind: PtpOperatorConfig
  name: default
  namespace: openshift-ptp
  annotations: {}
    node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp: ""
    apiVersion: $event_api_version
    enableEventPublisher: true
    transportHost: "http://ptp-event-publisher-service-NODE_NAME.openshift-ptp.svc.cluster.local:9043"

6.8.7. Extended Tuned profile

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require additional performance tuning configurations necessary for high-performance workloads. The following example Tuned CR extends the Tuned profile:

Recommended extended Tuned profile configuration (TunedPerformancePatch.yaml)

apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
kind: Tuned
  name: performance-patch
  namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
  annotations: {}
    - name: performance-patch
      # Please note:
      # - The 'include' line must match the associated PerformanceProfile name, following below pattern
      #   include=openshift-node-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name}
      # - When using the standard (non-realtime) kernel, remove the kernel.timer_migration override from
      #   the [sysctl] section and remove the entire section if it is empty.
      data: |
        summary=Configuration changes profile inherited from performance created tuned
    - machineConfigLabels:
        machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: "$mcp"
      priority: 19
      profile: performance-patch

Table 6.4. Tuned CR options for single-node OpenShift clusters
Tuned CR fieldDescription


  • The include line that you set in spec.profile.data must match the associated PerformanceProfile CR name. For example, include=openshift-node-performance-${PerformanceProfile.metadata.name}.

6.8.8. SR-IOV

Single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) is commonly used to enable fronthaul and midhaul networks. The following YAML example configures SR-IOV for a single-node OpenShift cluster.


The configuration of the SriovNetwork CR will vary depending on your specific network and infrastructure requirements.

Recommended SriovOperatorConfig CR configuration (SriovOperatorConfig.yaml)

apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
kind: SriovOperatorConfig
  name: default
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  annotations: {}
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp": ""
  # Injector and OperatorWebhook pods can be disabled (set to "false") below
  # to reduce the number of management pods. It is recommended to start with the
  # webhook and injector pods enabled, and only disable them after verifying the
  # correctness of user manifests.
  #   If the injector is disabled, containers using sr-iov resources must explicitly assign
  #   them in the  "requests"/"limits" section of the container spec, for example:
  #    containers:
  #    - name: my-sriov-workload-container
  #      resources:
  #        limits:
  #          openshift.io/<resource_name>:  "1"
  #        requests:
  #          openshift.io/<resource_name>:  "1"
  enableInjector: false
  enableOperatorWebhook: false
  logLevel: 0

Table 6.5. SriovOperatorConfig CR options for single-node OpenShift clusters
SriovOperatorConfig CR fieldDescription


Disable Injector pods to reduce the number of management pods. Start with the Injector pods enabled, and only disable them after verifying the user manifests. If the injector is disabled, containers that use SR-IOV resources must explicitly assign them in the requests and limits section of the container spec.

For example:

- name: my-sriov-workload-container
      openshift.io/<resource_name>:  "1"
      openshift.io/<resource_name>:  "1"


Disable OperatorWebhook pods to reduce the number of management pods. Start with the OperatorWebhook pods enabled, and only disable them after verifying the user manifests.

Recommended SriovNetwork configuration (SriovNetwork.yaml)

apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
kind: SriovNetwork
  name: ""
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  annotations: {}
  #  resourceName: ""
  networkNamespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
#  vlan: ""
#  spoofChk: ""
#  ipam: ""
#  linkState: ""
#  maxTxRate: ""
#  minTxRate: ""
#  vlanQoS: ""
#  trust: ""
#  capabilities: ""

Table 6.6. SriovNetwork CR options for single-node OpenShift clusters
SriovNetwork CR fieldDescription


Configure vlan with the VLAN for the midhaul network.

Recommended SriovNetworkNodePolicy CR configuration (SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml)

apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy
  name: $name
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  annotations: {}
  # The attributes for Mellanox/Intel based NICs as below.
  #     deviceType: netdevice/vfio-pci
  #     isRdma: true/false
  deviceType: $deviceType
  isRdma: $isRdma
    # The exact physical function name must match the hardware used
    pfNames: [$pfNames]
    node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp: ""
  numVfs: $numVfs
  priority: $priority
  resourceName: $resourceName

Table 6.7. SriovNetworkPolicy CR options for single-node OpenShift clusters
SriovNetworkNodePolicy CR fieldDescription


Configure deviceType as vfio-pci or netdevice. For Mellanox NICs, set deviceType: netdevice, and isRdma: true. For Intel based NICs, set deviceType: vfio-pci and isRdma: false.


Specifies the interface connected to the fronthaul network.


Specifies the number of VFs for the fronthaul network.


The exact name of physical function must match the hardware.

Recommended SR-IOV kernel configurations (07-sriov-related-kernel-args-master.yaml)

# Automatically generated by extra-manifests-builder
# Do not make changes directly.
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
  name: 07-sriov-related-kernel-args-master
      version: 3.2.0
    - intel_iommu=on
    - iommu=pt

6.8.9. Console Operator

Use the cluster capabilities feature to prevent the Console Operator from being installed. When the node is centrally managed it is not needed. Removing the Operator provides additional space and capacity for application workloads.

To disable the Console Operator during the installation of the managed cluster, set the following in the spec.clusters.0.installConfigOverrides field of the SiteConfig custom resource (CR):

installConfigOverrides:  "{\"capabilities\":{\"baselineCapabilitySet\": \"None\" }}"

6.8.10. Alertmanager

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require reduced CPU resources consumed by the OpenShift Container Platform monitoring components. The following ConfigMap custom resource (CR) disables Alertmanager.

Recommended cluster monitoring configuration (ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-monitoring-config
  namespace: openshift-monitoring
  annotations: {}
  config.yaml: |
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
       retention: 24h

6.8.11. Operator Lifecycle Manager

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run distributed unit workloads require consistent access to CPU resources. Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) collects performance data from Operators at regular intervals, resulting in an increase in CPU utilisation. The following ConfigMap custom resource (CR) disables the collection of Operator performance data by OLM.

Recommended cluster OLM configuration (ReduceOLMFootprint.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: collect-profiles-config
  namespace: openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager
  pprof-config.yaml: |
    disabled: True

6.8.12. LVM Storage

You can dynamically provision local storage on single-node OpenShift clusters with Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Storage.


The recommended storage solution for single-node OpenShift is the Local Storage Operator. Alternatively, you can use LVM Storage but it requires additional CPU resources to be allocated.

The following YAML example configures the storage of the node to be available to OpenShift Container Platform applications.

Recommended LVMCluster configuration (StorageLVMCluster.yaml)

apiVersion: lvm.topolvm.io/v1alpha1
kind: LVMCluster
  name: lvmcluster
  namespace: openshift-storage
  annotations: {}
spec: {}
#example: creating a vg1 volume group leveraging all available disks on the node
#         except the installation disk.
#  storage:
#    deviceClasses:
#    - name: vg1
#      thinPoolConfig:
#        name: thin-pool-1
#        sizePercent: 90
#        overprovisionRatio: 10

Table 6.8. LVMCluster CR options for single-node OpenShift clusters
LVMCluster CR fieldDescription


Configure the disks used for LVM storage. If no disks are specified, the LVM Storage uses all the unused disks in the specified thin pool.

6.8.13. Network diagnostics

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require less inter-pod network connectivity checks to reduce the additional load created by these pods. The following custom resource (CR) disables these checks.

Recommended network diagnostics configuration (DisableSnoNetworkDiag.yaml)

apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1
kind: Network
  name: cluster
  annotations: {}
  disableNetworkDiagnostics: true

Chapter 7. Validating single-node OpenShift cluster tuning for vDU application workloads

Before you can deploy virtual distributed unit (vDU) applications, you need to tune and configure the cluster host firmware and various other cluster configuration settings. Use the following information to validate the cluster configuration to support vDU workloads.

7.1. Recommended firmware configuration for vDU cluster hosts

Use the following table as the basis to configure the cluster host firmware for vDU applications running on OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.


The following table is a general recommendation for vDU cluster host firmware configuration. Exact firmware settings will depend on your requirements and specific hardware platform. Automatic setting of firmware is not handled by the zero touch provisioning pipeline.

Table 7.1. Recommended cluster host firmware settings
Firmware settingConfigurationDescription

HyperTransport (HT)


HyperTransport (HT) bus is a bus technology developed by AMD. HT provides a high-speed link between the components in the host memory and other system peripherals.



Enable booting from UEFI for the vDU host.

CPU Power and Performance Policy


Set CPU Power and Performance Policy to optimize the system for performance over energy efficiency.

Uncore Frequency Scaling


Disable Uncore Frequency Scaling to prevent the voltage and frequency of non-core parts of the CPU from being set independently.

Uncore Frequency


Sets the non-core parts of the CPU such as cache and memory controller to their maximum possible frequency of operation.

Performance P-limit


Disable Performance P-limit to prevent the Uncore frequency coordination of processors.

Enhanced Intel® SpeedStep Tech


Enable Enhanced Intel SpeedStep to allow the system to dynamically adjust processor voltage and core frequency that decreases power consumption and heat production in the host.

Intel® Turbo Boost Technology


Enable Turbo Boost Technology for Intel-based CPUs to automatically allow processor cores to run faster than the rated operating frequency if they are operating below power, current, and temperature specification limits.

Intel Configurable TDP


Enables Thermal Design Power (TDP) for the CPU.

Configurable TDP Level

Level 2

TDP level sets the CPU power consumption required for a particular performance rating. TDP level 2 sets the CPU to the most stable performance level at the cost of power consumption.

Energy Efficient Turbo


Disable Energy Efficient Turbo to prevent the processor from using an energy-efficiency based policy.

Hardware P-States

Enabled or Disabled

Enable OS-controlled P-States to allow power saving configurations. Disable P-states (performance states) to optimize the operating system and CPU for performance over power consumption.

Package C-State

C0/C1 state

Use C0 or C1 states to set the processor to a fully active state (C0) or to stop CPU internal clocks running in software (C1).



CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) is a power saving feature in Intel chips. Disabling C1E prevents the operating system from sending a halt command to the CPU when inactive.

Processor C6


C6 power-saving is a CPU feature that automatically disables idle CPU cores and cache. Disabling C6 improves system performance.

Sub-NUMA Clustering


Sub-NUMA clustering divides the processor cores, cache, and memory into multiple NUMA domains. Disabling this option can increase performance for latency-sensitive workloads.


Enable global SR-IOV and VT-d settings in the firmware for the host. These settings are relevant to bare-metal environments.


Enable both C-states and OS-controlled P-States to allow per pod power management.

7.2. Recommended cluster configurations to run vDU applications

Clusters running virtualized distributed unit (vDU) applications require a highly tuned and optimized configuration. The following information describes the various elements that you require to support vDU workloads in OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 clusters.

7.2.4. Checking the realtime kernel version

Always use the latest version of the realtime kernel in your OpenShift Container Platform clusters. If you are unsure about the kernel version that is in use in the cluster, you can compare the current realtime kernel version to the release version with the following procedure.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have installed podman.


  1. Run the following command to get the cluster version:

    $ OCP_VERSION=$(oc get clusterversion version -o jsonpath='{.status.desired.version}{"\n"}')
  2. Get the release image SHA number:

    $ DTK_IMAGE=$(oc adm release info --image-for=driver-toolkit quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:$OCP_VERSION-x86_64)
  3. Run the release image container and extract the kernel version that is packaged with cluster’s current release:

    $ podman run --rm $DTK_IMAGE rpm -qa | grep 'kernel-rt-core-' | sed 's#kernel-rt-core-##'

    Example output


    This is the default realtime kernel version that ships with the release.


    The realtime kernel is denoted by the string .rt in the kernel version.


Check that the kernel version listed for the cluster’s current release matches actual realtime kernel that is running in the cluster. Run the following commands to check the running realtime kernel version:

  1. Open a remote shell connection to the cluster node:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name>
  2. Check the realtime kernel version:

    sh-4.4# uname -r

    Example output


7.3. Checking that the recommended cluster configurations are applied

You can check that clusters are running the correct configuration. The following procedure describes how to check the various configurations that you require to deploy a DU application in OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 clusters.


  • You have deployed a cluster and tuned it for vDU workloads.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Check that the default OperatorHub sources are disabled. Run the following command:

    $ oc get operatorhub cluster -o yaml

    Example output

        disableAllDefaultSources: true

  2. Check that all required CatalogSource resources are annotated for workload partitioning (PreferredDuringScheduling) by running the following command:

    $ oc get catalogsource -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{" -- "}{.metadata.annotations.target\.workload\.openshift\.io/management}{"\n"}{end}'

    Example output

    certified-operators -- {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}
    community-operators -- {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}
    ran-operators 1
    redhat-marketplace -- {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}
    redhat-operators -- {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}

    CatalogSource resources that are not annotated are also returned. In this example, the ran-operators CatalogSource resource is not annotated and does not have the PreferredDuringScheduling annotation.

    In a properly configured vDU cluster, only a single annotated catalog source is listed.

  3. Check that all applicable OpenShift Container Platform Operator namespaces are annotated for workload partitioning. This includes all Operators installed with core OpenShift Container Platform and the set of additional Operators included in the reference DU tuning configuration. Run the following command:

    $ oc get namespaces -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{" -- "}{.metadata.annotations.workload\.openshift\.io/allowed}{"\n"}{end}'

    Example output

    default --
    openshift-apiserver -- management
    openshift-apiserver-operator -- management
    openshift-authentication -- management
    openshift-authentication-operator -- management


    Additional Operators must not be annotated for workload partitioning. In the output from the previous command, additional Operators should be listed without any value on the right side of the -- separator.

  4. Check that the ClusterLogging configuration is correct. Run the following commands:

    1. Validate that the appropriate input and output logs are configured:

      $ oc get -n openshift-logging ClusterLogForwarder instance -o yaml

      Example output

      apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1
      kind: ClusterLogForwarder
        creationTimestamp: "2022-07-19T21:51:41Z"
        generation: 1
        name: instance
        namespace: openshift-logging
        resourceVersion: "1030342"
        uid: 8c1a842d-80c5-447a-9150-40350bdf40f0
        - infrastructure: {}
          name: infra-logs
        - name: kafka-open
          type: kafka
          url: tcp://
        - inputRefs:
          - audit
          name: audit-logs
          - kafka-open
        - inputRefs:
          - infrastructure
          name: infrastructure-logs
          - kafka-open

    2. Check that the curation schedule is appropriate for your application:

      $ oc get -n openshift-logging clusterloggings.logging.openshift.io instance -o yaml

      Example output

      apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1
      kind: ClusterLogging
        creationTimestamp: "2022-07-07T18:22:56Z"
        generation: 1
        name: instance
        namespace: openshift-logging
        resourceVersion: "235796"
        uid: ef67b9b8-0e65-4a10-88ff-ec06922ea796
            fluentd: {}
            type: fluentd
            schedule: 30 3 * * *
          type: curator
        managementState: Managed

  5. Check that the web console is disabled (managementState: Removed) by running the following command:

    $ oc get consoles.operator.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath="{ .spec.managementState }"

    Example output


  6. Check that chronyd is disabled on the cluster node by running the following commands:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name>

    Check the status of chronyd on the node:

    sh-4.4# chroot /host
    sh-4.4# systemctl status chronyd

    Example output

    ● chronyd.service - NTP client/server
        Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: inactive (dead)
          Docs: man:chronyd(8)

  7. Check that the PTP interface is successfully synchronized to the primary clock using a remote shell connection to the linuxptp-daemon container and the PTP Management Client (pmc) tool:

    1. Set the $PTP_POD_NAME variable with the name of the linuxptp-daemon pod by running the following command:

      $ PTP_POD_NAME=$(oc get pods -n openshift-ptp -l app=linuxptp-daemon -o name)
    2. Run the following command to check the sync status of the PTP device:

      $ oc -n openshift-ptp rsh -c linuxptp-daemon-container ${PTP_POD_NAME} pmc -u -f /var/run/ptp4l.0.config -b 0 'GET PORT_DATA_SET'

      Example output

      sending: GET PORT_DATA_SET
        3cecef.fffe.7a7020-1 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT PORT_DATA_SET
          portIdentity            3cecef.fffe.7a7020-1
          portState               SLAVE
          logMinDelayReqInterval  -4
          peerMeanPathDelay       0
          logAnnounceInterval     1
          announceReceiptTimeout  3
          logSyncInterval         0
          delayMechanism          1
          logMinPdelayReqInterval 0
          versionNumber           2
        3cecef.fffe.7a7020-2 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT PORT_DATA_SET
          portIdentity            3cecef.fffe.7a7020-2
          portState               LISTENING
          logMinDelayReqInterval  0
          peerMeanPathDelay       0
          logAnnounceInterval     1
          announceReceiptTimeout  3
          logSyncInterval         0
          delayMechanism          1
          logMinPdelayReqInterval 0
          versionNumber           2

    3. Run the following pmc command to check the PTP clock status:

      $ oc -n openshift-ptp rsh -c linuxptp-daemon-container ${PTP_POD_NAME} pmc -u -f /var/run/ptp4l.0.config -b 0 'GET TIME_STATUS_NP'

      Example output

      sending: GET TIME_STATUS_NP
        3cecef.fffe.7a7020-0 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT TIME_STATUS_NP
          master_offset              10 1
          ingress_time               1657275432697400530
          cumulativeScaledRateOffset +0.000000000
          scaledLastGmPhaseChange    0
          gmTimeBaseIndicator        0
          lastGmPhaseChange          0x0000'0000000000000000.0000
          gmPresent                  true 2
          gmIdentity                 3c2c30.ffff.670e00

      master_offset should be between -100 and 100 ns.
      Indicates that the PTP clock is synchronized to a master, and the local clock is not the grandmaster clock.
    4. Check that the expected master offset value corresponding to the value in /var/run/ptp4l.0.config is found in the linuxptp-daemon-container log:

      $ oc logs $PTP_POD_NAME -n openshift-ptp -c linuxptp-daemon-container

      Example output

      phc2sys[56020.341]: [ptp4l.1.config] CLOCK_REALTIME phc offset  -1731092 s2 freq -1546242 delay    497
      ptp4l[56020.390]: [ptp4l.1.config] master offset         -2 s2 freq   -5863 path delay       541
      ptp4l[56020.390]: [ptp4l.0.config] master offset         -8 s2 freq  -10699 path delay       533

  8. Check that the SR-IOV configuration is correct by running the following commands:

    1. Check that the disableDrain value in the SriovOperatorConfig resource is set to true:

      $ oc get sriovoperatorconfig -n openshift-sriov-network-operator default -o jsonpath="{.spec.disableDrain}{'\n'}"

      Example output


    2. Check that the SriovNetworkNodeState sync status is Succeeded by running the following command:

      $ oc get SriovNetworkNodeStates -n openshift-sriov-network-operator -o jsonpath="{.items[*].status.syncStatus}{'\n'}"

      Example output


    3. Verify that the expected number and configuration of virtual functions (Vfs) under each interface configured for SR-IOV is present and correct in the .status.interfaces field. For example:

      $ oc get SriovNetworkNodeStates -n openshift-sriov-network-operator -o yaml

      Example output

      apiVersion: v1
      - apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
        kind: SriovNetworkNodeState
          - Vfs:
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.0
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 0
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.1
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 1
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.2
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 2
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.3
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 3
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.4
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 4
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.5
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 5
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.6
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 6
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.7
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 7

  9. Check that the cluster performance profile is correct. The cpu and hugepages sections will vary depending on your hardware configuration. Run the following command:

    $ oc get PerformanceProfile openshift-node-performance-profile -o yaml

    Example output

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      creationTimestamp: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
      - foreground-deletion
      generation: 1
      name: openshift-node-performance-profile
      resourceVersion: "33558"
      uid: 217958c0-9122-4c62-9d4d-fdc27c31118c
      - idle=poll
      - rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0
      - efi=runtime
        isolated: 2-51,54-103
        reserved: 0-1,52-53
        defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
        - count: 32
          size: 1G
        pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/master: ""
        userLevelNetworking: true
        node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
        topologyPolicy: restricted
        enabled: true
      - lastHeartbeatTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        status: "True"
        type: Available
      - lastHeartbeatTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        status: "True"
        type: Upgradeable
      - lastHeartbeatTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        status: "False"
        type: Progressing
      - lastHeartbeatTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        status: "False"
        type: Degraded
      runtimeClass: performance-openshift-node-performance-profile
      tuned: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator/openshift-node-performance-openshift-node-performance-profile


    CPU settings are dependent on the number of cores available on the server and should align with workload partitioning settings. hugepages configuration is server and application dependent.

  10. Check that the PerformanceProfile was successfully applied to the cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get performanceprofile openshift-node-performance-profile -o jsonpath="{range .status.conditions[*]}{ @.type }{' -- '}{@.status}{'\n'}{end}"

    Example output

    Available -- True
    Upgradeable -- True
    Progressing -- False
    Degraded -- False

  11. Check the Tuned performance patch settings by running the following command:

    $ oc get tuneds.tuned.openshift.io -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator performance-patch -o yaml

    Example output

    apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
    kind: Tuned
      creationTimestamp: "2022-07-18T10:33:52Z"
      generation: 1
      name: performance-patch
      namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
      resourceVersion: "34024"
      uid: f9799811-f744-4179-bf00-32d4436c08fd
      - data: |
          summary=Configuration changes profile inherited from performance created tuned
          cmdline_crash=nohz_full=2-23,26-47 1
        name: performance-patch
      - machineConfigLabels:
          machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
        priority: 19
        profile: performance-patch

    The cpu list in cmdline=nohz_full= will vary based on your hardware configuration.
  12. Check that cluster networking diagnostics are disabled by running the following command:

    $ oc get networks.operator.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.disableNetworkDiagnostics}'

    Example output


  13. Check that the Kubelet housekeeping interval is tuned to slower rate. This is set in the containerMountNS machine config. Run the following command:

    $ oc describe machineconfig container-mount-namespace-and-kubelet-conf-master | grep OPENSHIFT_MAX_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL_DURATION

    Example output


  14. Check that Grafana and alertManagerMain are disabled and that the Prometheus retention period is set to 24h by running the following command:

    $ oc get configmap cluster-monitoring-config -n openshift-monitoring -o jsonpath="{ .data.config\.yaml }"

    Example output

      enabled: false
      enabled: false
       retention: 24h

    1. Use the following commands to verify that Grafana and alertManagerMain routes are not found in the cluster:

      $ oc get route -n openshift-monitoring alertmanager-main
      $ oc get route -n openshift-monitoring grafana

      Both queries should return Error from server (NotFound) messages.

  15. Check that there is a minimum of 4 CPUs allocated as reserved for each of the PerformanceProfile, Tuned performance-patch, workload partitioning, and kernel command line arguments by running the following command:

    $ oc get performanceprofile -o jsonpath="{ .items[0].spec.cpu.reserved }"

    Example output



    Depending on your workload requirements, you might require additional reserved CPUs to be allocated.

Chapter 8. Advanced managed cluster configuration with SiteConfig resources

You can use SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) to deploy custom functionality and configurations in your managed clusters at installation time.

8.1. Customizing extra installation manifests in the GitOps ZTP pipeline

You can define a set of extra manifests for inclusion in the installation phase of the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline. These manifests are linked to the SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) and are applied to the cluster during installation. Including MachineConfig CRs at install time makes the installation process more efficient.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. Create a set of extra manifest CRs that the GitOps ZTP pipeline uses to customize the cluster installs.
  2. In your custom /siteconfig directory, create a subdirectory /custom-manifest for your extra manifests. The following example illustrates a sample /siteconfig with /custom-manifest folder:

    ├── site1-sno-du.yaml
    ├── site2-standard-du.yaml
    ├── extra-manifest/
    └── custom-manifest
        └── 01-example-machine-config.yaml

    The subdirectory names /custom-manifest and /extra-manifest used throughout are example names only. There is no requirement to use these names and no restriction on how you name these subdirectories. In this example /extra-manifest refers to the Git subdirectory that stores the contents of /extra-manifest from the ztp-site-generate container.

  3. Add your custom extra manifest CRs to the siteconfig/custom-manifest directory.
  4. In your SiteConfig CR, enter the directory name in the extraManifests.searchPaths field, for example:

    - clusterName: "example-sno"
      networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
          - extra-manifest/ 1
          - custom-manifest/ 2
    Folder for manifests copied from the ztp-site-generate container.
    Folder for custom manifests.
  5. Save the SiteConfig, /extra-manifest, and /custom-manifest CRs, and push them to the site configuration repo.

During cluster provisioning, the GitOps ZTP pipeline appends the CRs in the /custom-manifest directory to the default set of extra manifests stored in extra-manifest/.


As of version 4.14 extraManifestPath is subject to a deprecation warning.

While extraManifestPath is still supported, we recommend that you use extraManifests.searchPaths. If you define extraManifests.searchPaths in the SiteConfig file, the GitOps ZTP pipeline does not fetch manifests from the ztp-site-generate container during site installation.

If you define both extraManifestPath and extraManifests.searchPaths in the Siteconfig CR, the setting defined for extraManifests.searchPaths takes precedence.

It is strongly recommended that you extract the contents of /extra-manifest from the ztp-site-generate container and push it to the GIT repository.

8.2. Filtering custom resources using SiteConfig filters

By using filters, you can easily customize SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) to include or exclude other CRs for use in the installation phase of the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.

You can specify an inclusionDefault value of include or exclude for the SiteConfig CR, along with a list of the specific extraManifest RAN CRs that you want to include or exclude. Setting inclusionDefault to include makes the GitOps ZTP pipeline apply all the files in /source-crs/extra-manifest during installation. Setting inclusionDefault to exclude does the opposite.

You can exclude individual CRs from the /source-crs/extra-manifest folder that are otherwise included by default. The following example configures a custom single-node OpenShift SiteConfig CR to exclude the /source-crs/extra-manifest/03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml CR at installation time.

Some additional optional filtering scenarios are also described.


  • You configured the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy CRs.
  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. To prevent the GitOps ZTP pipeline from applying the 03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml CR file, apply the following YAML in the SiteConfig CR:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SiteConfig
      name: "site1-sno-du"
      namespace: "site1-sno-du"
      baseDomain: "example.com"
        name: "assisted-deployment-pull-secret"
      clusterImageSetNameRef: "openshift-4.17"
      sshPublicKey: "<ssh_public_key>"
    - clusterName: "site1-sno-du"
            - 03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml

    The GitOps ZTP pipeline skips the 03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml CR during installation. All other CRs in /source-crs/extra-manifest are applied.

  2. Save the SiteConfig CR and push the changes to the site configuration repository.

    The GitOps ZTP pipeline monitors and adjusts what CRs it applies based on the SiteConfig filter instructions.

  3. Optional: To prevent the GitOps ZTP pipeline from applying all the /source-crs/extra-manifest CRs during cluster installation, apply the following YAML in the SiteConfig CR:

    - clusterName: "site1-sno-du"
          inclusionDefault: exclude
  4. Optional: To exclude all the /source-crs/extra-manifest RAN CRs and instead include a custom CR file during installation, edit the custom SiteConfig CR to set the custom manifests folder and the include file, for example:

    - clusterName: "site1-sno-du"
      extraManifestPath: "<custom_manifest_folder>" 1
          inclusionDefault: exclude  2
            - custom-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml
    Replace <custom_manifest_folder> with the name of the folder that contains the custom installation CRs, for example, user-custom-manifest/.
    Set inclusionDefault to exclude to prevent the GitOps ZTP pipeline from applying the files in /source-crs/extra-manifest during installation.

    The following example illustrates the custom folder structure:

      ├── site1-sno-du.yaml
      └── user-custom-manifest
            └── custom-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml

8.3. Deleting a node by using the SiteConfig CR

By using a SiteConfig custom resource (CR), you can delete and reprovision a node. This method is more efficient than manually deleting the node.


  • You have configured the hub cluster to generate the required installation and policy CRs.
  • You have created a Git repository in which you can manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as the source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. Update the SiteConfig CR to include the bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/remove-agent-and-node-on-delete=true annotation and push the changes to the Git repository:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SiteConfig
      name: "cnfdf20"
      namespace: "cnfdf20"
        - hostname: node6
          role: "worker"
                bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/remove-agent-and-node-on-delete: true
    # ...
  2. Verify that the BareMetalHost object is annotated by running the following command:

    oc get bmh -n <managed-cluster-namespace> <bmh-object> -ojsonpath='{.metadata}' | jq -r '.annotations["bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/remove-agent-and-node-on-delete"]'

    Example output


  3. Suppress the generation of the BareMetalHost CR by updating the SiteConfig CR to include the crSuppression.BareMetalHost annotation:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SiteConfig
      name: "cnfdf20"
      namespace: "cnfdf20"
      - nodes:
        - hostName: node6
          role: "worker"
          - BareMetalHost
    # ...
  4. Push the changes to the Git repository and wait for deprovisioning to start. The status of the BareMetalHost CR should change to deprovisioning. Wait for the BareMetalHost to finish deprovisioning, and be fully deleted.


  1. Verify that the BareMetalHost and Agent CRs for the worker node have been deleted from the hub cluster by running the following commands:

    $ oc get bmh -n <cluster-ns>
    $ oc get agent -n <cluster-ns>
  2. Verify that the node record has been deleted from the spoke cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get nodes

    If you are working with secrets, deleting a secret too early can cause an issue because ArgoCD needs the secret to complete resynchronization after deletion. Delete the secret only after the node cleanup, when the current ArgoCD synchronization is complete.

Next steps

To reprovision a node, delete the changes previously added to the SiteConfig, push the changes to the Git repository, and wait for the synchronization to complete. This regenerates the BareMetalHost CR of the worker node and triggers the re-install of the node.

Chapter 9. Managing cluster policies with PolicyGenerator resources

9.1. Configuring managed cluster policies by using PolicyGenerator resources

Applied Policy custom resources (CRs) configure the managed clusters that you provision. You can customize how Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses PolicyGenerator CRs to generate the applied Policy CRs.


Using PolicyGenerator resources with GitOps ZTP is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.


For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

9.1.1. Comparing RHACM PolicyGenerator and PolicyGenTemplate resource patching

PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs) and PolicyGenTemplate CRs can be used in GitOps ZTP to generate RHACM policies for managed clusters.

There are advantages to using PolicyGenerator CRs over PolicyGenTemplate CRs when it comes to patching OpenShift Container Platform resources with GitOps ZTP. Using the RHACM PolicyGenerator API provides a generic way of patching resources which is not possible with PolicyGenTemplate resources.

The PolicyGenerator API is a part of the Open Cluster Management standard, while the PolicyGenTemplate API is not. A comparison of PolicyGenerator and PolicyGenTemplate resource patching and placement strategies are described in the following table.


Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

Table 9.1. Comparison of RHACM PolicyGenerator and PolicyGenTemplate patching
PolicyGenerator patchingPolicyGenTemplate patching

Uses Kustomize strategic merges for merging resources. For more information see Declarative Management of Kubernetes Objects Using Kustomize.

Works by replacing variables with their values as defined by the patch. This is less flexible than Kustomize merge strategies.

Supports ManagedClusterSet and Binding resources.

Does not support ManagedClusterSet and Binding resources.

Relies only on patching, no embedded variable substitution is required.

Overwrites variable values defined in the patch.

Does not support merging lists in merge patches. Replacing a list in a merge patch is supported.

Merging and replacing lists is supported in a limited fashion - you can only merge one object in the list.

Does not currently support the OpenAPI specification for resource patching. This means that additional directives are required in the patch to merge content that does not follow a schema, for example, PtpConfig resources.

Works by replacing fields and values with values as defined by the patch.

Requires additional directives, for example, $patch: replace in the patch to merge content that does not follow a schema.

Substitutes fields and values defined in the source CR with values defined in the patch, for example $name.

Can patch the Name and Namespace fields defined in the reference source CR, but only if the CR file has a single object.

Can patch the Name and Namespace fields defined in the reference source CR.

9.1.2. About the PolicyGenerator CRD

The PolicyGenerator custom resource definition (CRD) tells the PolicyGen policy generator what custom resources (CRs) to include in the cluster configuration, how to combine the CRs into the generated policies, and what items in those CRs need to be updated with overlay content.

The following example shows a PolicyGenerator CR (acm-common-du-ranGen.yaml) extracted from the ztp-site-generate reference container. The acm-common-du-ranGen.yaml file defines two Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies. The policies manage a collection of configuration CRs, one for each unique value of policyName in the CR. acm-common-du-ranGen.yaml creates a single placement binding and a placement rule to bind the policies to clusters based on the labels listed in the policyDefaults.placement.labelSelector section.

Example PolicyGenerator CR - acm-common-ranGen.yaml

apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: PolicyGenerator
    name: common-latest
    name: common-latest-placement-binding 1
    namespace: ztp-common
                - key: common
                  operator: In
                    - "true"
                - key: du-profile
                  operator: In
                    - latest
    remediationAction: inform
    severity: low
            - kube-*
            - '*'
        compliant: 10m
        noncompliant: 10s
    - name: common-latest-config-policy
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "1"
        - path: source-crs/ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml
        - path: source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml 2
            - metadata:
                name: redhat-operators-disconnected
                displayName: disconnected-redhat-operators
                image: registry.example.com:5000/disconnected-redhat-operators/disconnected-redhat-operator-index:v4.9
        - path: source-crs/DisconnectedICSP.yaml
            - spec:
                    - mirrors:
                        - registry.example.com:5000
                      source: registry.redhat.io
    - name: common-latest-subscriptions-policy
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
      manifests: 3
        - path: source-crs/SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/SriovSubscription.yaml
        - path: source-crs/SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PtpSubscriptionNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PtpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PtpSubscription.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PtpOperatorStatus.yaml
        - path: source-crs/ClusterLogNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/ClusterLogSubscription.yaml
        - path: source-crs/ClusterLogOperatorStatus.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageSubscription.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageOperatorStatus.yaml

Applies the policies to all clusters with this label.
The DefaultCatsrc.yaml file contains the catalog source for the disconnected registry and related registry configuration details.
Files listed under policies.manifests create the Operator policies for installed clusters.

A PolicyGenerator CR can be constructed with any number of included CRs. Apply the following example CR in the hub cluster to generate a policy containing a single CR:

apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: PolicyGenerator
  name: group-du-sno
  name: group-du-sno-placement-binding
  namespace: ztp-group
        - key: group-du-sno
          operator: Exists
  remediationAction: inform
  severity: low
      - kube-*
      - '*'
    compliant: 10m
    noncompliant: 10s
  - name: group-du-sno-config-policy
      ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: '10'
      - path: source-crs/PtpConfigSlave-MCP-master.yaml
          - metadata: null
            name: du-ptp-slave
            namespace: openshift-ptp
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: '10'
                - name: slave
                  interface: $interface
                  ptp4lOpts: '-2 -s'
                  phc2sysOpts: '-a -r -n 24'
                  ptpSchedulingPolicy: SCHED_FIFO
                  ptpSchedulingPriority: 10
                    logReduce: 'true'
                  ptp4lConf: |
                    # Default Data Set
                    twoStepFlag 1
                    slaveOnly 1
                    priority1 128
                    priority2 128
                    domainNumber 24
                    #utc_offset 37
                    clockClass 255
                    clockAccuracy 0xFE
                    offsetScaledLogVariance 0xFFFF
                    free_running 0
                    freq_est_interval 1
                    dscp_event 0
                    dscp_general 0
                    dataset_comparison G.8275.x
                    G.8275.defaultDS.localPriority 128
                    # Port Data Set
                    logAnnounceInterval -3
                    logSyncInterval -4
                    logMinDelayReqInterval -4
                    logMinPdelayReqInterval -4
                    announceReceiptTimeout 3
                    syncReceiptTimeout 0
                    delayAsymmetry 0
                    fault_reset_interval -4
                    neighborPropDelayThresh 20000000
                    masterOnly 0
                    G.8275.portDS.localPriority 128
                    # Run time options
                    assume_two_step 0
                    logging_level 6
                    path_trace_enabled 0
                    follow_up_info 0
                    hybrid_e2e 0
                    inhibit_multicast_service 0
                    net_sync_monitor 0
                    tc_spanning_tree 0
                    tx_timestamp_timeout 50
                    unicast_listen 0
                    unicast_master_table 0
                    unicast_req_duration 3600
                    use_syslog 1
                    verbose 0
                    summary_interval 0
                    kernel_leap 1
                    check_fup_sync 0
                    clock_class_threshold 7
                    # Servo Options
                    pi_proportional_const 0.0
                    pi_integral_const 0.0
                    pi_proportional_scale 0.0
                    pi_proportional_exponent -0.3
                    pi_proportional_norm_max 0.7
                    pi_integral_scale 0.0
                    pi_integral_exponent 0.4
                    pi_integral_norm_max 0.3
                    step_threshold 2.0
                    first_step_threshold 0.00002
                    max_frequency 900000000
                    clock_servo pi
                    sanity_freq_limit 200000000
                    ntpshm_segment 0
                    # Transport options
                    transportSpecific 0x0
                    ptp_dst_mac 01:1B:19:00:00:00
                    p2p_dst_mac 01:80:C2:00:00:0E
                    udp_ttl 1
                    udp6_scope 0x0E
                    uds_address /var/run/ptp4l
                    # Default interface options
                    clock_type OC
                    network_transport L2
                    delay_mechanism E2E
                    time_stamping hardware
                    tsproc_mode filter
                    delay_filter moving_median
                    delay_filter_length 10
                    egressLatency 0
                    ingressLatency 0
                    boundary_clock_jbod 0
                    # Clock description
                    productDescription ;;
                    revisionData ;;
                    manufacturerIdentity 00:00:00
                    userDescription ;
                    timeSource 0xA0
                - profile: slave
                  priority: 4
                    - nodeLabel: node-role.kubernetes.io/master

Using the source file PtpConfigSlave.yaml as an example, the file defines a PtpConfig CR. The generated policy for the PtpConfigSlave example is named group-du-sno-config-policy. The PtpConfig CR defined in the generated group-du-sno-config-policy is named du-ptp-slave. The spec defined in PtpConfigSlave.yaml is placed under du-ptp-slave along with the other spec items defined under the source file.

The following example shows the group-du-sno-config-policy CR:

apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: PolicyGenerator
    name: du-upgrade
    name: du-upgrade-placement-binding
    namespace: ztp-group-du-sno
                - key: group-du-sno
                  operator: Exists
    remediationAction: inform
    severity: low
            - kube-*
            - '*'
        compliant: 10m
        noncompliant: 10s
    - name: du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "1"
        - path: source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml
            - metadata:
                name: redhat-operators
                displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog
                image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/redhat-operators:v4.14
                        interval: 1h
                    lastObservedState: READY

9.1.3. Recommendations when customizing PolicyGenerator CRs

Consider the following best practices when customizing site configuration PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs):

  • Use as few policies as are necessary. Using fewer policies requires less resources. Each additional policy creates increased CPU load for the hub cluster and the deployed managed cluster. CRs are combined into policies based on the policyName field in the PolicyGenerator CR. CRs in the same PolicyGenerator which have the same value for policyName are managed under a single policy.
  • In disconnected environments, use a single catalog source for all Operators by configuring the registry as a single index containing all Operators. Each additional CatalogSource CR on the managed clusters increases CPU usage.
  • MachineConfig CRs should be included as extraManifests in the SiteConfig CR so that they are applied during installation. This can reduce the overall time taken until the cluster is ready to deploy applications.
  • PolicyGenerator CRs should override the channel field to explicitly identify the desired version. This ensures that changes in the source CR during upgrades does not update the generated subscription.

Additional resources


When managing large numbers of spoke clusters on the hub cluster, minimize the number of policies to reduce resource consumption.

Grouping multiple configuration CRs into a single or limited number of policies is one way to reduce the overall number of policies on the hub cluster. When using the common, group, and site hierarchy of policies for managing site configuration, it is especially important to combine site-specific configuration into a single policy.

9.1.4. PolicyGenerator CRs for RAN deployments

Use PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs) to customize the configuration applied to the cluster by using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline. The PolicyGenerator CR allows you to generate one or more policies to manage the set of configuration CRs on your fleet of clusters. The PolicyGenerator CR identifies the set of managed CRs, bundles them into policies, builds the policy wrapping around those CRs, and associates the policies with clusters by using label binding rules.

The reference configuration, obtained from the GitOps ZTP container, is designed to provide a set of critical features and node tuning settings that ensure the cluster can support the stringent performance and resource utilization constraints typical of RAN (Radio Access Network) Distributed Unit (DU) applications. Changes or omissions from the baseline configuration can affect feature availability, performance, and resource utilization. Use the reference PolicyGenerator CRs as the basis to create a hierarchy of configuration files tailored to your specific site requirements.

The baseline PolicyGenerator CRs that are defined for RAN DU cluster configuration can be extracted from the GitOps ZTP ztp-site-generate container. See "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository" for further details.

The PolicyGenerator CRs can be found in the ./out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ folder. The reference architecture has common, group, and site-specific configuration CRs. Each PolicyGenerator CR refers to other CRs that can be found in the ./out/source-crs folder.

The PolicyGenerator CRs relevant to RAN cluster configuration are described below. Variants are provided for the group PolicyGenerator CRs to account for differences in single-node, three-node compact, and standard cluster configurations. Similarly, site-specific configuration variants are provided for single-node clusters and multi-node (compact or standard) clusters. Use the group and site-specific configuration variants that are relevant for your deployment.

Table 9.2. PolicyGenerator CRs for RAN deployments
PolicyGenerator CRDescription


Contains a set of CRs that get applied to multi-node clusters. These CRs configure SR-IOV features typical for RAN installations.


Contains a set of CRs that get applied to single-node OpenShift clusters. These CRs configure SR-IOV features typical for RAN installations.


Contains a set of common RAN policy configuration that get applied to multi-node clusters.


Contains a set of common RAN CRs that get applied to all clusters. These CRs subscribe to a set of operators providing cluster features typical for RAN as well as baseline cluster tuning.


Contains the RAN policies for three-node clusters only.


Contains the RAN policies for single-node clusters only.


Contains the RAN policies for standard three control-plane clusters.


PolicyGenerator CR used to generate the various policies required for three-node clusters.


PolicyGenerator CR used to generate the various policies required for standard clusters.


PolicyGenerator CR used to generate the various policies required for single-node OpenShift clusters.

9.1.5. Customizing a managed cluster with PolicyGenerator CRs

Use the following procedure to customize the policies that get applied to the managed cluster that you provision using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You configured the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy CRs.
  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. Create a PolicyGenerator CR for site-specific configuration CRs.

    1. Choose the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ folder, for example, acm-example-sno-site.yaml or acm-example-multinode-site.yaml.
    2. Change the policyDefaults.placement.labelSelector field in the example file to match the site-specific label included in the SiteConfig CR. In the example SiteConfig file, the site-specific label is sites: example-sno.


      Ensure that the labels defined in your PolicyGenerator policyDefaults.placement.labelSelector field correspond to the labels that are defined in the related managed clusters SiteConfig CR.

    3. Change the content in the example file to match the desired configuration.
  2. Optional: Create a PolicyGenerator CR for any common configuration CRs that apply to the entire fleet of clusters.

    1. Select the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ folder, for example, acm-common-ranGen.yaml.
    2. Change the content in the example file to match the required configuration.
  3. Optional: Create a PolicyGenerator CR for any group configuration CRs that apply to the certain groups of clusters in the fleet.

    Ensure that the content of the overlaid spec files matches your required end state. As a reference, the out/source-crs directory contains the full list of source-crs available to be included and overlaid by your PolicyGenerator templates.


    Depending on the specific requirements of your clusters, you might need more than a single group policy per cluster type, especially considering that the example group policies each have a single PerformancePolicy.yaml file that can only be shared across a set of clusters if those clusters consist of identical hardware configurations.

    1. Select the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ folder, for example, acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.
    2. Change the content in the example file to match the required configuration.
  4. Optional. Create a validator inform policy PolicyGenerator CR to signal when the GitOps ZTP installation and configuration of the deployed cluster is complete. For more information, see "Creating a validator inform policy".
  5. Define all the policy namespaces in a YAML file similar to the example out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator//ns.yaml file.


    Do not include the Namespace CR in the same file with the PolicyGenerator CR.

  6. Add the PolicyGenerator CRs and Namespace CR to the kustomization.yaml file in the generators section, similar to the example shown in out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/kustomization.yaml.
  7. Commit the PolicyGenerator CRs, Namespace CR, and associated kustomization.yaml file in your Git repository and push the changes.

    The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment. You can push the changes to the SiteConfig CR and the PolicyGenerator CR simultaneously.

9.1.6. Monitoring managed cluster policy deployment progress

The ArgoCD pipeline uses PolicyGenerator CRs in Git to generate the RHACM policies and then sync them to the hub cluster. You can monitor the progress of the managed cluster policy synchronization after the assisted service installs OpenShift Container Platform on the managed cluster.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) applies the configuration policies that are bound to the cluster.

    After the cluster installation is complete and the cluster becomes Ready, a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR corresponding to this cluster, with a list of ordered policies defined by the ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave annotations, is automatically created by the TALM. The cluster’s policies are applied in the order listed in ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

    You can monitor the high-level progress of configuration policy reconciliation by using the following commands:

    $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[-1:]}' | jq

    Example output

      "lastTransitionTime": "2022-11-09T07:28:09Z",
      "message": "Remediating non-compliant policies",
      "reason": "InProgress",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Progressing"

  2. You can monitor the detailed cluster policy compliance status by using the RHACM dashboard or the command line.

    1. To check policy compliance by using oc, run the following command:

      $ oc get policies -n $CLUSTER

      Example output

      NAME                                                     REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
      ztp-common.common-config-policy                          inform               Compliant          3h42m
      ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy                   inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy                     inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-group.group-du-sno-validator-du-policy               inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-install.example1-common-config-policy-pjz9s          enforce              Compliant          167m
      ztp-install.example1-common-subscriptions-policy-zzd9k   enforce              NonCompliant       164m
      ztp-site.example1-config-policy                          inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-site.example1-perf-policy                            inform               NonCompliant       3h42m

    2. To check policy status from the RHACM web console, perform the following actions:

      1. Click GovernanceFind policies.
      2. Click on a cluster policy to check its status.

When all of the cluster policies become compliant, GitOps ZTP installation and configuration for the cluster is complete. The ztp-done label is added to the cluster.

In the reference configuration, the final policy that becomes compliant is the one defined in the *-du-validator-policy policy. This policy, when compliant on a cluster, ensures that all cluster configuration, Operator installation, and Operator configuration is complete.

9.1.7. Validating the generation of configuration policy CRs

Policy custom resources (CRs) are generated in the same namespace as the PolicyGenerator from which they are created. The same troubleshooting flow applies to all policy CRs generated from a PolicyGenerator regardless of whether they are ztp-common, ztp-group, or ztp-site based, as shown using the following commands:

$ export NS=<namespace>
$ oc get policy -n $NS

The expected set of policy-wrapped CRs should be displayed.

If the policies failed synchronization, use the following troubleshooting steps.


  1. To display detailed information about the policies, run the following command:

    $ oc describe -n openshift-gitops application policies
  2. Check for Status: Conditions: to show the error logs. For example, setting an invalid sourceFile entry to fileName: generates the error shown below:

        Last Transition Time:  2021-11-26T17:21:39Z
        Message:               rpc error: code = Unknown desc = `kustomize build /tmp/https___git.com/ran-sites/policies/ --enable-alpha-plugins` failed exit status 1: 2021/11/26 17:21:40 Error could not find test.yaml under source-crs/: no such file or directory Error: failure in plugin configured via /tmp/kust-plugin-config-52463179; exit status 1: exit status 1
        Type:  ComparisonError
  3. Check for Status: Sync:. If there are log errors at Status: Conditions:, the Status: Sync: shows Unknown or Error:

        Compared To:
            Namespace:  policies-sub
            Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
            Path:             policies
            Repo URL:         https://git.com/ran-sites/policies/.git
            Target Revision:  master
        Status:               Error
  4. When Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) recognizes that policies apply to a ManagedCluster object, the policy CR objects are applied to the cluster namespace. Check to see if the policies were copied to the cluster namespace:

    $ oc get policy -n $CLUSTER

    Example output

    NAME                                         REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    ztp-common.common-config-policy              inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy       inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy         inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-group.group-du-sno-validator-du-policy   inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-site.example-sno-config-policy           inform               Compliant          13d

    RHACM copies all applicable policies into the cluster namespace. The copied policy names have the format: <PolicyGenerator.Namespace>.<PolicyGenerator.Name>-<policyName>.

  5. Check the placement rule for any policies not copied to the cluster namespace. The matchSelector in the Placement for those policies should match labels on the ManagedCluster object:

    $ oc get Placement -n $NS
  6. Note the Placement name appropriate for the missing policy, common, group, or site, using the following command:

    $ oc get Placement -n $NS <placement_rule_name> -o yaml
    • The status-decisions should include your cluster name.
    • The key-value pair of the matchSelector in the spec must match the labels on your managed cluster.
  7. Check the labels on the ManagedCluster object by using the following command:

    $ oc get ManagedCluster $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels}' | jq
  8. Check to see what policies are compliant by using the following command:

    $ oc get policy -n $CLUSTER

    If the Namespace, OperatorGroup, and Subscription policies are compliant but the Operator configuration policies are not, it is likely that the Operators did not install on the managed cluster. This causes the Operator configuration policies to fail to apply because the CRD is not yet applied to the spoke.

9.1.8. Restarting policy reconciliation

You can restart policy reconciliation when unexpected compliance issues occur, for example, when the ClusterGroupUpgrade custom resource (CR) has timed out.


  1. A ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is generated in the namespace ztp-install by the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager after the managed cluster becomes Ready:

    $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER
  2. If there are unexpected issues and the policies fail to become complaint within the configured timeout (the default is 4 hours), the status of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR shows UpgradeTimedOut:

    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")]}'
  3. A ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the UpgradeTimedOut state automatically restarts its policy reconciliation every hour. If you have changed your policies, you can start a retry immediately by deleting the existing ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. This triggers the automatic creation of a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR that begins reconciling the policies immediately:

    $ oc delete clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER

Note that when the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR completes with status UpgradeCompleted and the managed cluster has the label ztp-done applied, you can make additional configuration changes by using PolicyGenerator. Deleting the existing ClusterGroupUpgrade CR will not make the TALM generate a new CR.

At this point, GitOps ZTP has completed its interaction with the cluster and any further interactions should be treated as an update and a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR created for remediation of the policies.

Additional resources

9.1.9. Changing applied managed cluster CRs using policies

You can remove content from a custom resource (CR) that is deployed in a managed cluster through a policy.

By default, all Policy CRs created from a PolicyGenerator CR have the complianceType field set to musthave. A musthave policy without the removed content is still compliant because the CR on the managed cluster has all the specified content. With this configuration, when you remove content from a CR, TALM removes the content from the policy but the content is not removed from the CR on the managed cluster.

With the complianceType field to mustonlyhave, the policy ensures that the CR on the cluster is an exact match of what is specified in the policy.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have deployed a managed cluster from a hub cluster running RHACM.
  • You have installed Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager on the hub cluster.


  1. Remove the content that you no longer need from the affected CRs. In this example, the disableDrain: false line was removed from the SriovOperatorConfig CR.

    Example CR

    apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SriovOperatorConfig
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
        "node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp": ""
      disableDrain: true
      enableInjector: true
      enableOperatorWebhook: true

  2. Change the complianceType of the affected policies to mustonlyhave in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file.

    Example YAML

    # ...
      complianceType: "mustonlyhave"
    # ...
      - name: config-policy
          ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: ""
          - path: source-crs/SriovOperatorConfig.yaml

  3. Create a ClusterGroupUpdates CR and specify the clusters that must receive the CR changes::

    Example ClusterGroupUpdates CR

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-remove
      namespace: default
        - ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy
      enable: false
      - spoke1
      - spoke2
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240

  4. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f cgu-remove.yaml
  5. When you are ready to apply the changes, for example, during an appropriate maintenance window, change the value of the spec.enable field to true by running the following command:

    $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-remove \
    --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true}}' --type=merge


  1. Check the status of the policies by running the following command:

    $ oc get <kind> <changed_cr_name>

    Example output

    NAMESPACE   NAME                                                   REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    default     cgu-ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy               enforce                                 17m
    default     ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy                   inform               NonCompliant       15h

    When the COMPLIANCE STATE of the policy is Compliant, it means that the CR is updated and the unwanted content is removed.

  2. Check that the policies are removed from the targeted clusters by running the following command on the managed clusters:

    $ oc get <kind> <changed_cr_name>

    If there are no results, the CR is removed from the managed cluster.

9.1.10. Indication of done for GitOps ZTP installations

GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) simplifies the process of checking the GitOps ZTP installation status for a cluster. The GitOps ZTP status moves through three phases: cluster installation, cluster configuration, and GitOps ZTP done.

Cluster installation phase
The cluster installation phase is shown by the ManagedClusterJoined and ManagedClusterAvailable conditions in the ManagedCluster CR . If the ManagedCluster CR does not have these conditions, or the condition is set to False, the cluster is still in the installation phase. Additional details about installation are available from the AgentClusterInstall and ClusterDeployment CRs. For more information, see "Troubleshooting GitOps ZTP".
Cluster configuration phase
The cluster configuration phase is shown by a ztp-running label applied the ManagedCluster CR for the cluster.
GitOps ZTP done

Cluster installation and configuration is complete in the GitOps ZTP done phase. This is shown by the removal of the ztp-running label and addition of the ztp-done label to the ManagedCluster CR. The ztp-done label shows that the configuration has been applied and the baseline DU configuration has completed cluster tuning.

The change to the GitOps ZTP done state is conditional on the compliant state of a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) validator inform policy. This policy captures the existing criteria for a completed installation and validates that it moves to a compliant state only when GitOps ZTP provisioning of the managed cluster is complete.

The validator inform policy ensures the configuration of the cluster is fully applied and Operators have completed their initialization. The policy validates the following:

  • The target MachineConfigPool contains the expected entries and has finished updating. All nodes are available and not degraded.
  • The SR-IOV Operator has completed initialization as indicated by at least one SriovNetworkNodeState with syncStatus: Succeeded.
  • The PTP Operator daemon set exists.

9.2. Advanced managed cluster configuration with PolicyGenerator resources

You can use PolicyGenerator CRs to deploy custom functionality in your managed clusters.


Using PolicyGenerator resources with GitOps ZTP is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.


For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

9.2.1. Deploying additional changes to clusters

If you require cluster configuration changes outside of the base GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline configuration, there are three options:

Apply the additional configuration after the GitOps ZTP pipeline is complete
When the GitOps ZTP pipeline deployment is complete, the deployed cluster is ready for application workloads. At this point, you can install additional Operators and apply configurations specific to your requirements. Ensure that additional configurations do not negatively affect the performance of the platform or allocated CPU budget.
Add content to the GitOps ZTP library
The base source custom resources (CRs) that you deploy with the GitOps ZTP pipeline can be augmented with custom content as required.
Create extra manifests for the cluster installation
Extra manifests are applied during installation and make the installation process more efficient.

Providing additional source CRs or modifying existing source CRs can significantly impact the performance or CPU profile of OpenShift Container Platform.

9.2.2. Using PolicyGenerator CRs to override source CRs content

PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs) allow you to overlay additional configuration details on top of the base source CRs provided with the GitOps plugin in the ztp-site-generate container. You can think of PolicyGenerator CRs as a logical merge or patch to the base CR. Use PolicyGenerator CRs to update a single field of the base CR, or overlay the entire contents of the base CR. You can update values and insert fields that are not in the base CR.

The following example procedure describes how to update fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration based on the PolicyGenerator CR in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file. Use the procedure as a basis for modifying other parts of the PolicyGenerator based on your requirements.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for Argo CD.


  1. Review the baseline source CR for existing content. You can review the source CRs listed in the reference PolicyGenerator CRs by extracting them from the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) container.

    1. Create an /out folder:

      $ mkdir -p ./out
    2. Extract the source CRs:

      $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17.1 extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./out
  2. Review the baseline PerformanceProfile CR in ./out/source-crs/PerformanceProfile.yaml:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: $name
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "10"
      - "idle=poll"
      - "rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0"
        isolated: $isolated
        reserved: $reserved
        defaultHugepagesSize: $defaultHugepagesSize
          - size: $size
            count: $count
            node: $node
        pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/$mcp: ""
        userLevelNetworking: true
        node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp: ''
        topologyPolicy: "restricted"
        enabled: true

    Any fields in the source CR which contain $…​ are removed from the generated CR if they are not provided in the PolicyGenerator CR.

  3. Update the PolicyGenerator entry for PerformanceProfile in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file. The following example PolicyGenerator CR stanza supplies appropriate CPU specifications, sets the hugepages configuration, and adds a new field that sets globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing to false.

    - path: source-crs/PerformanceProfile.yaml
        - spec:
            # These must be tailored for the specific hardware platform
              isolated: "2-19,22-39"
              reserved: "0-1,20-21"
              defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
              - size: 1G
                count: 10
            globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: false
  4. Commit the PolicyGenerator change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP argo CD application.

    Example output

    The GitOps ZTP application generates an RHACM policy that contains the generated PerformanceProfile CR. The contents of that CR are derived by merging the metadata and spec contents from the PerformanceProfile entry in the PolicyGenerator onto the source CR. The resulting CR has the following content:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
        name: openshift-node-performance-profile
            - idle=poll
            - rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0
            isolated: 2-19,22-39
            reserved: 0-1,20-21
        globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: false
            defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
                - count: 10
                  size: 1G
            pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/master: ""
            userLevelNetworking: true
            node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
            topologyPolicy: restricted
            enabled: true

In the /source-crs folder that you extract from the ztp-site-generate container, the $ syntax is not used for template substitution as implied by the syntax. Rather, if the policyGen tool sees the $ prefix for a string and you do not specify a value for that field in the related PolicyGenerator CR, the field is omitted from the output CR entirely.

An exception to this is the $mcp variable in /source-crs YAML files that is substituted with the specified value for mcp from the PolicyGenerator CR. For example, in example/policygentemplates/acm-group-du-standard-ranGen.yaml, the value for mcp is worker:

    group-du-standard: ""
  mcp: "worker"

The policyGen tool replace instances of $mcp with worker in the output CRs.

9.2.3. Adding custom content to the GitOps ZTP pipeline

Perform the following procedure to add new content to the GitOps ZTP pipeline.


  1. Create a subdirectory named source-crs in the directory that contains the kustomization.yaml file for the PolicyGenerator custom resource (CR).
  2. Add your user-provided CRs to the source-crs subdirectory, as shown in the following example:

    └── acmpolicygenerator
        ├── dev.yaml
        ├── kustomization.yaml
        ├── mec-edge-sno1.yaml
        ├── sno.yaml
        └── source-crs 1
            ├── PaoCatalogSource.yaml
            ├── PaoSubscription.yaml
            ├── custom-crs
            |   ├── apiserver-config.yaml
            |   └── disable-nic-lldp.yaml
            └── elasticsearch
                ├── ElasticsearchNS.yaml
                └── ElasticsearchOperatorGroup.yaml
    The source-crs subdirectory must be in the same directory as the kustomization.yaml file.
  3. Update the required PolicyGenerator CRs to include references to the content you added in the source-crs/custom-crs and source-crs/elasticsearch directories. For example:

    apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenerator
        name: group-dev
        name: group-dev-placement-binding
        namespace: ztp-clusters
                    - key: dev
                      operator: In
                        - "true"
        remediationAction: inform
        severity: low
                - kube-*
                - '*'
            compliant: 10m
            noncompliant: 10s
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-cluster-log-ns
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: source-crs/ClusterLogNS.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-cluster-log-operator-group
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: source-crs/ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-cluster-log-sub
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: source-crs/ClusterLogSubscription.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-lso-ns
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: source-crs/StorageNS.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-lso-operator-group
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: source-crs/StorageOperGroup.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-lso-sub
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: source-crs/StorageSubscription.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-pao-cat-source
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "1"
            - path: source-crs/PaoSubscriptionCatalogSource.yaml
                - spec:
                    image: <container_image_url>
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-pao-ns
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: source-crs/PaoSubscriptionNS.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-pao-sub
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: source-crs/PaoSubscription.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-elasticsearch-ns
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: elasticsearch/ElasticsearchNS.yaml 1
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-elasticsearch-operator-group
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: elasticsearch/ElasticsearchOperatorGroup.yaml
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-apiserver-config
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: custom-crs/apiserver-config.yaml 2
        - name: group-dev-group-dev-disable-nic-lldp
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
            - path: custom-crs/disable-nic-lldp.yaml
    1 2
    Set policies.manifests.path to include the relative path to the file from the /source-crs parent directory.
  4. Commit the PolicyGenerator change in Git, and then push to the Git repository that is monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD policies application.
  5. Update the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to include the changed PolicyGenerator and save it as cgu-test.yaml. The following example shows a generated cgu-test.yaml file.

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: custom-source-cr
      namespace: ztp-clusters
        - group-dev-config-policy
      enable: true
      - cluster1
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240
  6. Apply the updated ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f cgu-test.yaml


  • Check that the updates have succeeded by running the following command:

    $ oc get cgu -A

    Example output

    NAMESPACE     NAME               AGE   STATE        DETAILS
    ztp-clusters  custom-source-cr   6s    InProgress   Remediating non-compliant policies
    ztp-install   cluster1           19h   Completed    All clusters are compliant with all the managed policies

9.2.4. Configuring policy compliance evaluation timeouts for PolicyGenerator CRs

Use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) installed on a hub cluster to monitor and report on whether your managed clusters are compliant with applied policies. RHACM uses policy templates to apply predefined policy controllers and policies. Policy controllers are Kubernetes custom resource definition (CRD) instances.

You can override the default policy evaluation intervals with PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs). You configure duration settings that define how long a ConfigurationPolicy CR can be in a state of policy compliance or non-compliance before RHACM re-evaluates the applied cluster policies.

The GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) policy generator generates ConfigurationPolicy CR policies with pre-defined policy evaluation intervals. The default value for the noncompliant state is 10 seconds. The default value for the compliant state is 10 minutes. To disable the evaluation interval, set the value to never.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. To configure the evaluation interval for all policies in a PolicyGenerator CR, set appropriate compliant and noncompliant values for the evaluationInterval field. For example:

        compliant: 30m
        noncompliant: 45s

    You can also set compliant and noncompliant fields to never to stop evaluating the policy after it reaches particular compliance state.

  2. To configure the evaluation interval for an individual policy object in a PolicyGenerator CR, add the evaluationInterval field and set appropriate values. For example:

      - name: "sriov-sub-policy"
          - path: "SriovSubscription.yaml"
              compliant: never
              noncompliant: 10s
  3. Commit the PolicyGenerator CRs files in the Git repository and push your changes.


Check that the managed spoke cluster policies are monitored at the expected intervals.

  1. Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges on the managed cluster.
  2. Get the pods that are running in the open-cluster-management-agent-addon namespace. Run the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon

    Example output

    NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
    config-policy-controller-858b894c68-v4xdb    1/1     Running   22 (5d8h ago)   10d

  3. Check the applied policies are being evaluated at the expected interval in the logs for the config-policy-controller pod:

    $ oc logs -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon config-policy-controller-858b894c68-v4xdb

    Example output

    2022-05-10T15:10:25.280Z       info   configuration-policy-controller controllers/configurationpolicy_controller.go:166      Skipping the policy evaluation due to the policy not reaching the evaluation interval  {"policy": "compute-1-config-policy-config"}
    2022-05-10T15:10:25.280Z       info   configuration-policy-controller controllers/configurationpolicy_controller.go:166      Skipping the policy evaluation due to the policy not reaching the evaluation interval  {"policy": "compute-1-common-compute-1-catalog-policy-config"}

9.2.5. Signalling GitOps ZTP cluster deployment completion with validator inform policies

Create a validator inform policy that signals when the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) installation and configuration of the deployed cluster is complete. This policy can be used for deployments of single-node OpenShift clusters, three-node clusters, and standard clusters.


  1. Create a standalone PolicyGenerator custom resource (CR) that contains the source file validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml. You only need one standalone PolicyGenerator CR for each cluster type. For example, this CR applies a validator inform policy for single-node OpenShift clusters:

    Example single-node cluster validator inform policy CR (acm-group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml)

    apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenerator
        name: group-du-sno-validator-latest
        name: group-du-sno-validator-latest-placement-binding
        namespace: ztp-group
                    - key: du-profile
                      operator: In
                        - latest
                    - key: group-du-sno
                      operator: Exists
                    - key: ztp-done
                      operator: DoesNotExist
        remediationAction: inform
        severity: low
                - kube-*
                - '*'
            compliant: 10m
            noncompliant: 10s
        - name: group-du-sno-validator-latest-du-policy
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "10000"
            compliant: 5s
            - path: source-crs/validatorCRs/informDuValidator-MCP-master.yaml

  2. Commit the PolicyGenerator CR file in your Git repository and push the changes.

Additional resources

9.2.6. Configuring power states using PolicyGenerator CRs

For low latency and high-performance edge deployments, it is necessary to disable or limit C-states and P-states. With this configuration, the CPU runs at a constant frequency, which is typically the maximum turbo frequency. This ensures that the CPU is always running at its maximum speed, which results in high performance and low latency. This leads to the best latency for workloads. However, this also leads to the highest power consumption, which might not be necessary for all workloads.

Workloads can be classified as critical or non-critical, with critical workloads requiring disabled C-state and P-state settings for high performance and low latency, while non-critical workloads use C-state and P-state settings for power savings at the expense of some latency and performance. You can configure the following three power states using GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP):

  • High-performance mode provides ultra low latency at the highest power consumption.
  • Performance mode provides low latency at a relatively high power consumption.
  • Power saving balances reduced power consumption with increased latency.

The default configuration is for a low latency, performance mode.

PolicyGenerator custom resources (CRs) allow you to overlay additional configuration details onto the base source CRs provided with the GitOps plugin in the ztp-site-generate container.

Configure the power states by updating the workloadHints fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration, based on the PolicyGenerator CR in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

The following common prerequisites apply to configuring all three power states.


  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for Argo CD.
  • You have followed the procedure described in "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository". Configuring performance mode using PolicyGenerator CRs

Follow this example to set performance mode by updating the workloadHints fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration, based on the PolicyGenerator CR in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

Performance mode provides low latency at a relatively high power consumption.


  • You have configured the BIOS with performance related settings by following the guidance in "Configuring host firmware for low latency and high performance".


  1. Update the PolicyGenerator entry for PerformanceProfile in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file in out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator// as follows to set performance mode.

    - path: source-crs/PerformanceProfile.yaml
        - spec:
                 realTime: true
                 highPowerConsumption: false
                 perPodPowerManagement: false
  2. Commit the PolicyGenerator change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD application. Configuring high-performance mode using PolicyGenerator CRs

Follow this example to set high performance mode by updating the workloadHints fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration, based on the PolicyGenerator CR in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

High performance mode provides ultra low latency at the highest power consumption.


  • You have configured the BIOS with performance related settings by following the guidance in "Configuring host firmware for low latency and high performance".


  1. Update the PolicyGenerator entry for PerformanceProfile in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file in out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ as follows to set high-performance mode.

    - path: source-crs/PerformanceProfile.yaml
        - spec:
                 realTime: true
                 highPowerConsumption: true
                 perPodPowerManagement: false
  2. Commit the PolicyGenerator change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD application. Configuring power saving mode using PolicyGenerator CRs

Follow this example to set power saving mode by updating the workloadHints fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration, based on the PolicyGenerator CR in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

The power saving mode balances reduced power consumption with increased latency.


  • You enabled C-states and OS-controlled P-states in the BIOS.


  1. Update the PolicyGenerator entry for PerformanceProfile in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file in out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/ as follows to configure power saving mode. It is recommended to configure the CPU governor for the power saving mode through the additional kernel arguments object.

    - path: source-crs/PerformanceProfile.yaml
        - spec:
            # ...
              realTime: true
              highPowerConsumption: false
              perPodPowerManagement: true
            # ...
              - # ...
              - "cpufreq.default_governor=schedutil" 1
    The schedutil governor is recommended, however, you can also use other governors, including ondemand and powersave.
  2. Commit the PolicyGenerator change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD application.


  1. Select a worker node in your deployed cluster from the list of nodes identified by using the following command:

    $ oc get nodes
  2. Log in to the node by using the following command:

    $ oc debug node/<node-name>

    Replace <node-name> with the name of the node you want to verify the power state on.

  3. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths as shown in the following example:

    # chroot /host
  4. Run the following command to verify the applied power state:

    # cat /proc/cmdline

Expected output

  • For power saving mode the intel_pstate=passive. Maximizing power savings

Limiting the maximum CPU frequency is recommended to achieve maximum power savings. Enabling C-states on the non-critical workload CPUs without restricting the maximum CPU frequency negates much of the power savings by boosting the frequency of the critical CPUs.

Maximize power savings by updating the sysfs plugin fields, setting an appropriate value for max_perf_pct in the TunedPerformancePatch CR for the reference configuration. This example based on the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml describes the procedure to follow to restrict the maximum CPU frequency.


  • You have configured power savings mode as described in "Using PolicyGenerator CRs to configure power savings mode".


  1. Update the PolicyGenerator entry for TunedPerformancePatch in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file in out/argocd/example/acmpolicygenerator/. To maximize power savings, add max_perf_pct as shown in the following example:

    - path: source-crs/TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
        - spec:
            - name: performance-patch
              data: |
                # ...
                /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/max_perf_pct=<x> 1
    The max_perf_pct controls the maximum frequency the cpufreq driver is allowed to set as a percentage of the maximum supported CPU frequency. This value applies to all CPUs. You can check the maximum supported frequency in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq. As a starting point, you can use a percentage that caps all CPUs at the All Cores Turbo frequency. The All Cores Turbo frequency is the frequency that all cores run at when the cores are all fully occupied.

    To maximize power savings, set a lower value. Setting a lower value for max_perf_pct limits the maximum CPU frequency, thereby reducing power consumption, but also potentially impacting performance. Experiment with different values and monitor the system’s performance and power consumption to find the optimal setting for your use-case.

  2. Commit the PolicyGenerator change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD application.

9.2.7. Configuring LVM Storage using PolicyGenerator CRs

You can configure Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Storage for managed clusters that you deploy with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).


You use LVM Storage to persist event subscriptions when you use PTP events or bare-metal hardware events with HTTP transport.

Use the Local Storage Operator for persistent storage that uses local volumes in distributed units.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. To configure LVM Storage for new managed clusters, add the following YAML to policies.manifests in the acm-common-ranGen.yaml file:

    - name: subscription-policies
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
        - path: source-crs/StorageLVMOSubscriptionNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageLVMOSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/StorageLVMOSubscription.yaml
            name: lvms-operator
            channel: stable-4.17

    The Storage LVMO subscription is deprecated. In future releases of OpenShift Container Platform, the storage LVMO subscription will not be available. Instead, you must use the Storage LVMS subscription.

    In OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, you can use the Storage LVMS subscription instead of the LVMO subscription. The LVMS subscription does not require manual overrides in the acm-common-ranGen.yaml file. Add the following YAML to policies.manifests in the acm-common-ranGen.yaml file to use the Storage LVMS subscription:

    - path: source-crs/StorageLVMSubscriptionNS.yaml
    - path: source-crs/StorageLVMSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
    - path: source-crs/StorageLVMSubscription.yaml
  2. Add the LVMCluster CR to policies.manifests in your specific group or individual site configuration file. For example, in the acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file, add the following:

    - fileName: StorageLVMCluster.yaml
      policyName: "lvms-config"
          name: "lvms-storage-cluster-config"
                - name: vg1
                    name: thin-pool-1
                    sizePercent: 90
                    overprovisionRatio: 10

    This example configuration creates a volume group (vg1) with all the available devices, except the disk where OpenShift Container Platform is installed. A thin-pool logical volume is also created.

  3. Merge any other required changes and files with your custom site repository.
  4. Commit the PolicyGenerator changes in Git, and then push the changes to your site configuration repository to deploy LVM Storage to new sites using GitOps ZTP.

9.2.8. Configuring PTP events with PolicyGenerator CRs

You can use the GitOps ZTP pipeline to configure PTP events that use HTTP transport. Configuring PTP events that use HTTP transport

You can configure PTP events that use HTTP transport on managed clusters that you deploy with the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. Apply the following PolicyGenerator changes to acm-group-du-3node-ranGen.yaml, acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml, or acm-group-du-standard-ranGen.yaml files according to your requirements:

    1. In policies.manifests, add the PtpOperatorConfig CR file that configures the transport host:

      - path: source-crs/PtpOperatorConfigForEvent.yaml
        - metadata:
            name: default
            namespace: openshift-ptp
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "10"
              node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp: ""
              enableEventPublisher: true
              transportHost: "http://ptp-event-publisher-service-NODE_NAME.openshift-ptp.svc.cluster.local:9043"

      In OpenShift Container Platform 4.13 or later, you do not need to set the transportHost field in the PtpOperatorConfig resource when you use HTTP transport with PTP events.

    2. Configure the linuxptp and phc2sys for the PTP clock type and interface. For example, add the following YAML into policies.manifests:

      - path: source-crs/PtpConfigSlave.yaml 1
        - metadata:
            name: "du-ptp-slave"
            - match:
              - nodeLabel: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
              priority: 4
              profile: slave
            - name: "slave"
              # This interface must match the hardware in this group
              interface: "ens5f0" 2
              ptp4lOpts: "-2 -s --summary_interval -4" 3
              phc2sysOpts: "-a -r -n 24" 4
              ptpSchedulingPolicy: SCHED_FIFO
              ptpSchedulingPriority: 10
                logReduce: "true"
              ptp4lConf: |
                # Default Data Set
                twoStepFlag 1
                slaveOnly 1
                priority1 128
                priority2 128
                domainNumber 24
                #utc_offset 37
                clockClass 255
                clockAccuracy 0xFE
                offsetScaledLogVariance 0xFFFF
                free_running 0
                freq_est_interval 1
                dscp_event 0
                dscp_general 0
                dataset_comparison G.8275.x
                G.8275.defaultDS.localPriority 128
                # Port Data Set
                logAnnounceInterval -3
                logSyncInterval -4
                logMinDelayReqInterval -4
                logMinPdelayReqInterval -4
                announceReceiptTimeout 3
                syncReceiptTimeout 0
                delayAsymmetry 0
                fault_reset_interval -4
                neighborPropDelayThresh 20000000
                masterOnly 0
                G.8275.portDS.localPriority 128
                # Run time options
                assume_two_step 0
                logging_level 6
                path_trace_enabled 0
                follow_up_info 0
                hybrid_e2e 0
                inhibit_multicast_service 0
                net_sync_monitor 0
                tc_spanning_tree 0
                tx_timestamp_timeout 50
                unicast_listen 0
                unicast_master_table 0
                unicast_req_duration 3600
                use_syslog 1
                verbose 0
                summary_interval 0
                kernel_leap 1
                check_fup_sync 0
                clock_class_threshold 7
                # Servo Options
                pi_proportional_const 0.0
                pi_integral_const 0.0
                pi_proportional_scale 0.0
                pi_proportional_exponent -0.3
                pi_proportional_norm_max 0.7
                pi_integral_scale 0.0
                pi_integral_exponent 0.4
                pi_integral_norm_max 0.3
                step_threshold 2.0
                first_step_threshold 0.00002
                max_frequency 900000000
                clock_servo pi
                sanity_freq_limit 200000000
                ntpshm_segment 0
                # Transport options
                transportSpecific 0x0
                ptp_dst_mac 01:1B:19:00:00:00
                p2p_dst_mac 01:80:C2:00:00:0E
                udp_ttl 1
                udp6_scope 0x0E
                uds_address /var/run/ptp4l
                # Default interface options
                clock_type OC
                network_transport L2
                delay_mechanism E2E
                time_stamping hardware
                tsproc_mode filter
                delay_filter moving_median
                delay_filter_length 10
                egressLatency 0
                ingressLatency 0
                boundary_clock_jbod 0
                # Clock description
                productDescription ;;
                revisionData ;;
                manufacturerIdentity 00:00:00
                userDescription ;
                timeSource 0xA0
            ptpClockThreshold: 5
              holdOverTimeout: 30 # seconds
              maxOffsetThreshold: 100  # nano seconds
              minOffsetThreshold: -100
      Can be PtpConfigMaster.yaml or PtpConfigSlave.yaml depending on your requirements. For configurations based on acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml or acm-group-du-3node-ranGen.yaml, use PtpConfigSlave.yaml.
      Device specific interface name.
      You must append the --summary_interval -4 value to ptp4lOpts in .spec.sourceFiles.spec.profile to enable PTP fast events.
      Required phc2sysOpts values. -m prints messages to stdout. The linuxptp-daemon DaemonSet parses the logs and generates Prometheus metrics.
      Optional. If the ptpClockThreshold stanza is not present, default values are used for the ptpClockThreshold fields. The stanza shows default ptpClockThreshold values. The ptpClockThreshold values configure how long after the PTP master clock is disconnected before PTP events are triggered. holdOverTimeout is the time value in seconds before the PTP clock event state changes to FREERUN when the PTP master clock is disconnected. The maxOffsetThreshold and minOffsetThreshold settings configure offset values in nanoseconds that compare against the values for CLOCK_REALTIME (phc2sys) or master offset (ptp4l). When the ptp4l or phc2sys offset value is outside this range, the PTP clock state is set to FREERUN. When the offset value is within this range, the PTP clock state is set to LOCKED.
  2. Merge any other required changes and files with your custom site repository.
  3. Push the changes to your site configuration repository to deploy PTP fast events to new sites using GitOps ZTP.

Additional resources

9.2.9. Configuring the Image Registry Operator for local caching of images

OpenShift Container Platform manages image caching using a local registry. In edge computing use cases, clusters are often subject to bandwidth restrictions when communicating with centralized image registries, which might result in long image download times.

Long download times are unavoidable during initial deployment. Over time, there is a risk that CRI-O will erase the /var/lib/containers/storage directory in the case of an unexpected shutdown. To address long image download times, you can create a local image registry on remote managed clusters using GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). This is useful in Edge computing scenarios where clusters are deployed at the far edge of the network.

Before you can set up the local image registry with GitOps ZTP, you need to configure disk partitioning in the SiteConfig CR that you use to install the remote managed cluster. After installation, you configure the local image registry using a PolicyGenerator CR. Then, the GitOps ZTP pipeline creates Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) CRs and patches the imageregistry configuration.


The local image registry can only be used for user application images and cannot be used for the OpenShift Container Platform or Operator Lifecycle Manager operator images. Configuring disk partitioning with SiteConfig

Configure disk partitioning for a managed cluster using a SiteConfig CR and GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). The disk partition details in the SiteConfig CR must match the underlying disk.


You must complete this procedure at installation time.


  • Install Butane.


  1. Create the storage.bu file.

    variant: fcos
    version: 1.3.0
      - device: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0 1
        wipe_table: false
        - label: var-lib-containers
          start_mib: <start_of_partition> 2
          size_mib: <partition_size> 3
        - path: /var/lib/containers
          device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers
          format: xfs
          wipe_filesystem: true
          with_mount_unit: true
            - defaults
            - prjquota
    Specify the root disk.
    Specify the start of the partition in MiB. If the value is too small, the installation fails.
    Specify the size of the partition. If the value is too small, the deployments fails.
  2. Convert the storage.bu to an Ignition file by running the following command:

    $ butane storage.bu

    Example output

    {"ignition":{"version":"3.2.0"},"storage":{"disks":[{"device":"/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0","partitions":[{"label":"var-lib-containers","sizeMiB":0,"startMiB":250000}],"wipeTable":false}],"filesystems":[{"device":"/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers","format":"xfs","mountOptions":["defaults","prjquota"],"path":"/var/lib/containers","wipeFilesystem":true}]},"systemd":{"units":[{"contents":"# # Generated by Butane\n[Unit]\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\n\n[Mount]\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\nType=xfs\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target","enabled":true,"name":"var-lib-containers.mount"}]}}

  3. Use a tool such as JSON Pretty Print to convert the output into JSON format.
  4. Copy the output into the .spec.clusters.nodes.ignitionConfigOverride field in the SiteConfig CR.


        - nodes:
            - ignitionConfigOverride: |
                "ignition": {
                  "version": "3.2.0"
                "storage": {
                  "disks": [
                      "device": "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0",
                      "partitions": [
                          "label": "var-lib-containers",
                          "sizeMiB": 0,
                          "startMiB": 250000
                      "wipeTable": false
                  "filesystems": [
                      "device": "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers",
                      "format": "xfs",
                      "mountOptions": [
                      "path": "/var/lib/containers",
                      "wipeFilesystem": true
                "systemd": {
                  "units": [
                      "contents": "# # Generated by Butane\n[Unit]\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\n\n[Mount]\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\nType=xfs\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target",
                      "enabled": true,
                      "name": "var-lib-containers.mount"


    If the .spec.clusters.nodes.ignitionConfigOverride field does not exist, create it.


  1. During or after installation, verify on the hub cluster that the BareMetalHost object shows the annotation by running the following command:

    $ oc get bmh -n my-sno-ns my-sno -ojson | jq '.metadata.annotations["bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/ignition-config-overrides"]

    Example output

    "{\"ignition\":{\"version\":\"3.2.0\"},\"storage\":{\"disks\":[{\"device\":\"/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x6b07b250ebb9d0002a33509f24af1f62\",\"partitions\":[{\"label\":\"var-lib-containers\",\"sizeMiB\":0,\"startMiB\":250000}],\"wipeTable\":false}],\"filesystems\":[{\"device\":\"/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\",\"format\":\"xfs\",\"mountOptions\":[\"defaults\",\"prjquota\"],\"path\":\"/var/lib/containers\",\"wipeFilesystem\":true}]},\"systemd\":{\"units\":[{\"contents\":\"# Generated by Butane\\n[Unit]\\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\\\x2dpartlabel-var\\\\x2dlib\\\\x2dcontainers.service\\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\\\x2dpartlabel-var\\\\x2dlib\\\\x2dcontainers.service\\n\\n[Mount]\\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\\nType=xfs\\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\\n\\n[Install]\\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target\",\"enabled\":true,\"name\":\"var-lib-containers.mount\"}]}}"

  2. After installation, check the single-node OpenShift disk status.

    1. Enter into a debug session on the single-node OpenShift node by running the following command. This step instantiates a debug pod called <node_name>-debug:

      $ oc debug node/my-sno-node
    2. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell by running the following command. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths:

      # chroot /host
    3. List information about all available block devices by running the following command:

      # lsblk

      Example output

      sda      8:0    0 446.6G  0 disk
      ├─sda1   8:1    0     1M  0 part
      ├─sda2   8:2    0   127M  0 part
      ├─sda3   8:3    0   384M  0 part /boot
      ├─sda4   8:4    0 243.6G  0 part /var
      │                                /sysroot/ostree/deploy/rhcos/var
      │                                /usr
      │                                /etc
      │                                /
      │                                /sysroot
      └─sda5   8:5    0 202.5G  0 part /var/lib/containers

    4. Display information about the file system disk space usage by running the following command:

      # df -h

      Example output

      Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      devtmpfs        4.0M     0  4.0M   0% /dev
      tmpfs           126G   84K  126G   1% /dev/shm
      tmpfs            51G   93M   51G   1% /run
      /dev/sda4       244G  5.2G  239G   3% /sysroot
      tmpfs           126G  4.0K  126G   1% /tmp
      /dev/sda5       203G  119G   85G  59% /var/lib/containers
      /dev/sda3       350M  110M  218M  34% /boot
      tmpfs            26G     0   26G   0% /run/user/1000 Configuring the image registry using PolicyGenerator CRs

Use PolicyGenerator (PGT) CRs to apply the CRs required to configure the image registry and patch the imageregistry configuration.


  • You have configured a disk partition in the managed cluster.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data for use with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).


  1. Configure the storage class, persistent volume claim, persistent volume, and image registry configuration in the appropriate PolicyGenerator CR. For example, to configure an individual site, add the following YAML to the file acm-example-sno-site.yaml:

      # storage class
      - fileName: StorageClass.yaml
        policyName: "sc-for-image-registry"
          name: image-registry-sc
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100" 1
      # persistent volume claim
      - fileName: StoragePVC.yaml
        policyName: "pvc-for-image-registry"
          name: image-registry-pvc
          namespace: openshift-image-registry
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
            - ReadWriteMany
              storage: 100Gi
          storageClassName: image-registry-sc
          volumeMode: Filesystem
      # persistent volume
      - fileName: ImageRegistryPV.yaml 2
        policyName: "pv-for-image-registry"
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
      - fileName: ImageRegistryConfig.yaml
        policyName: "config-for-image-registry"
        complianceType: musthave
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
              claim: "image-registry-pvc"
    Set the appropriate value for ztp-deploy-wave depending on whether you are configuring image registries at the site, common, or group level. ztp-deploy-wave: "100" is suitable for development or testing because it allows you to group the referenced source files together.
    In ImageRegistryPV.yaml, ensure that the spec.local.path field is set to /var/imageregistry to match the value set for the mount_point field in the SiteConfig CR.

    Do not set complianceType: mustonlyhave for the - fileName: ImageRegistryConfig.yaml configuration. This can cause the registry pod deployment to fail.

  2. Commit the PolicyGenerator change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP ArgoCD application.


Use the following steps to troubleshoot errors with the local image registry on the managed clusters:

  • Verify successful login to the registry while logged in to the managed cluster. Run the following commands:

    1. Export the managed cluster name:

      $ cluster=<managed_cluster_name>
    2. Get the managed cluster kubeconfig details:

      $ oc get secret -n $cluster $cluster-admin-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d > kubeadmin-password-$cluster
    3. Download and export the cluster kubeconfig:

      $ oc get secret -n $cluster $cluster-admin-kubeconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.kubeconfig}' | base64 -d > kubeconfig-$cluster && export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig-$cluster
    4. Verify access to the image registry from the managed cluster. See "Accessing the registry".
  • Check that the Config CRD in the imageregistry.operator.openshift.io group instance is not reporting errors. Run the following command while logged in to the managed cluster:

    $ oc get image.config.openshift.io cluster -o yaml

    Example output

    apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
    kind: Image
        include.release.openshift.io/ibm-cloud-managed: "true"
        include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: "true"
        include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: "true"
        release.openshift.io/create-only: "true"
      creationTimestamp: "2021-10-08T19:02:39Z"
      generation: 5
      name: cluster
      resourceVersion: "688678648"
      uid: 0406521b-39c0-4cda-ba75-873697da75a4
        name: acm-ice

  • Check that the PersistentVolumeClaim on the managed cluster is populated with data. Run the following command while logged in to the managed cluster:

    $ oc get pv image-registry-sc
  • Check that the registry* pod is running and is located under the openshift-image-registry namespace.

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-image-registry | grep registry*

    Example output

    cluster-image-registry-operator-68f5c9c589-42cfg   1/1     Running     0          8d
    image-registry-5f8987879-6nx6h                     1/1     Running     0          8d

  • Check that the disk partition on the managed cluster is correct:

    1. Open a debug shell to the managed cluster:

      $ oc debug node/sno-1.example.com
    2. Run lsblk to check the host disk partitions:

      sh-4.4# lsblk
      sda      8:0    0 446.6G  0 disk
        |-sda1   8:1    0     1M  0 part
        |-sda2   8:2    0   127M  0 part
        |-sda3   8:3    0   384M  0 part /boot
        |-sda4   8:4    0 336.3G  0 part /sysroot
        `-sda5   8:5    0 100.1G  0 part /var/imageregistry 1
      sdb      8:16   0 446.6G  0 disk
      sr0     11:0    1   104M  0 rom
      /var/imageregistry indicates that the disk is correctly partitioned.

Additional resources

9.3. Updating managed clusters in a disconnected environment with PolicyGenerator resources and TALM

You can use the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) to manage the software lifecycle of managed clusters that you have deployed using GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM). TALM uses Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) PolicyGenerator policies to manage and control changes applied to target clusters.


Using PolicyGenerator resources with GitOps ZTP is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Additional resources

9.3.1. Setting up the disconnected environment

TALM can perform both platform and Operator updates.

You must mirror both the platform image and Operator images that you want to update to in your mirror registry before you can use TALM to update your disconnected clusters. Complete the following steps to mirror the images:

  • For platform updates, you must perform the following steps:

    1. Mirror the desired OpenShift Container Platform image repository. Ensure that the desired platform image is mirrored by following the "Mirroring the OpenShift Container Platform image repository" procedure linked in the Additional resources. Save the contents of the imageContentSources section in the imageContentSources.yaml file:

      Example output

       - mirrors:
         - mirror-ocp-registry.ibmcloud.io.cpak:5000/openshift-release-dev/openshift4
         source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release
       - mirrors:
         - mirror-ocp-registry.ibmcloud.io.cpak:5000/openshift-release-dev/openshift4
         source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev

    2. Save the image signature of the desired platform image that was mirrored. You must add the image signature to the PolicyGenerator CR for platform updates. To get the image signature, perform the following steps:

      1. Specify the desired OpenShift Container Platform tag by running the following command:

        $ OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER=<release_version>
      2. Specify the architecture of the cluster by running the following command:

        $ ARCHITECTURE=<cluster_architecture> 1
        Specify the architecture of the cluster, such as x86_64, aarch64, s390x, or ppc64le.
      3. Get the release image digest from Quay by running the following command

        $ DIGEST="$(oc adm release info quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:${OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER}-${ARCHITECTURE} | sed -n 's/Pull From: .*@//p')"
      4. Set the digest algorithm by running the following command:

        $ DIGEST_ALGO="${DIGEST%%:*}"
      5. Set the digest signature by running the following command:

        $ DIGEST_ENCODED="${DIGEST#*:}"
      6. Get the image signature from the mirror.openshift.com website by running the following command:

        $ SIGNATURE_BASE64=$(curl -s "https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/signatures/openshift/release/${DIGEST_ALGO}=${DIGEST_ENCODED}/signature-1" | base64 -w0 && echo)
      7. Save the image signature to the checksum-<OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER>.yaml file by running the following commands:

        $ cat >checksum-${OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER}.yaml <<EOF
    3. Prepare the update graph. You have two options to prepare the update graph:

      1. Use the OpenShift Update Service.

        For more information about how to set up the graph on the hub cluster, see Deploy the operator for OpenShift Update Service and Build the graph data init container.

      2. Make a local copy of the upstream graph. Host the update graph on an http or https server in the disconnected environment that has access to the managed cluster. To download the update graph, use the following command:

        $ curl -s https://api.openshift.com/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph?channel=stable-4.17 -o ~/upgrade-graph_stable-4.17
  • For Operator updates, you must perform the following task:

    • Mirror the Operator catalogs. Ensure that the desired operator images are mirrored by following the procedure in the "Mirroring Operator catalogs for use with disconnected clusters" section.

Additional resources

9.3.2. Performing a platform update with PolicyGenerator CRs

You can perform a platform update with the TALM.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.
  • Mirror the desired image repository.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Create a PolicyGenerator CR for the platform update:

    1. Save the following PolicyGenerator CR in the du-upgrade.yaml file:

      Example of PolicyGenerator for platform update

      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenerator
          name: du-upgrade
          name: du-upgrade-placement-binding
          namespace: ztp-group-du-sno
                      - key: group-du-sno
                        operator: Exists
          remediationAction: inform
          severity: low
                  - kube-*
                  - '*'
              compliant: 10m
              noncompliant: 10s
          - name: du-upgrade-platform-upgrade
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
              - path: source-crs/ClusterVersion.yaml 1
                  - metadata:
                      name: version
                      channel: stable-4.17
                          version: 4.17.4
                      upstream: http://upgrade.example.com/images/upgrade-graph_stable-4.17
                          - state: Completed
                            version: 4.17.4
          - name: du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "1"
              - path: source-crs/ImageSignature.yaml 2
              - path: source-crs/DisconnectedICSP.yaml
                  - metadata:
                      name: disconnected-internal-icsp-for-ocp
                      repositoryDigestMirrors: 3
                          - mirrors:
                              - quay-intern.example.com/ocp4/openshift-release-dev
                            source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release
                          - mirrors:
                              - quay-intern.example.com/ocp4/openshift-release-dev
                            source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev

      Shows the ClusterVersion CR to trigger the update. The channel, upstream, and desiredVersion fields are all required for image pre-caching.
      ImageSignature.yaml contains the image signature of the required release image. The image signature is used to verify the image before applying the platform update.
      Shows the mirror repository that contains the required OpenShift Container Platform image. Get the mirrors from the imageContentSources.yaml file that you saved when following the procedures in the "Setting up the environment" section.

      The PolicyGenerator CR generates two policies:

      • The du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep policy does the preparation work for the platform update. It creates the ConfigMap CR for the desired release image signature, creates the image content source of the mirrored release image repository, and updates the cluster version with the desired update channel and the update graph reachable by the managed cluster in the disconnected environment.
      • The du-upgrade-platform-upgrade policy is used to perform platform upgrade.
    2. Add the du-upgrade.yaml file contents to the kustomization.yaml file located in the GitOps ZTP Git repository for the PolicyGenerator CRs and push the changes to the Git repository.

      ArgoCD pulls the changes from the Git repository and generates the policies on the hub cluster.

    3. Check the created policies by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep platform-upgrade
  2. Create the ClusterGroupUpdate CR for the platform update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the content of the platform update ClusterGroupUpdate CR with the du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep and the du-upgrade-platform-upgrade policies and the target clusters to the cgu-platform-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-platform-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade
        preCaching: false
        - spoke1
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
    2. Apply the ClusterGroupUpdate CR to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-upgrade.yml
  3. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the platform update.

    1. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpdate CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-platform-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the update process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the hub cluster:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-platform-upgrade -o jsonpath='{.status.precaching.status}'
  4. Start the platform update:

    1. Enable the cgu-platform-upgrade policy and disable pre-caching by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-platform-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

Additional resources

9.3.3. Performing an Operator update with PolicyGenerator CRs

You can perform an Operator update with the TALM.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.
  • Mirror the desired index image, bundle images, and all Operator images referenced in the bundle images.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Update the PolicyGenerator CR for the Operator update.

    1. Update the du-upgrade PolicyGenerator CR with the following additional contents in the du-upgrade.yaml file:

      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenerator
          name: du-upgrade
          name: du-upgrade-placement-binding
          namespace: ztp-group-du-sno
                      - key: group-du-sno
                        operator: Exists
          remediationAction: inform
          severity: low
                  - kube-*
                  - '*'
              compliant: 10m
              noncompliant: 10s
          - name: du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "1"
              - path: source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml
                  - metadata:
                      name: redhat-operators-disconnected
                      displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog
                      image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/redhat-operators-disconnected:v4.17 1
                      updateStrategy: 2
                              interval: 1h
                          lastObservedState: READY 3
      Contains the required Operator images. If the index images are always pushed to the same image name and tag, this change is not needed.
      Sets how frequently the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) polls the index image for new Operator versions with the registryPoll.interval field. This change is not needed if a new index image tag is always pushed for y-stream and z-stream Operator updates. The registryPoll.interval field can be set to a shorter interval to expedite the update, however shorter intervals increase computational load. To counteract this, you can restore registryPoll.interval to the default value once the update is complete.
      Displays the observed state of the catalog connection. The READY value ensures that the CatalogSource policy is ready, indicating that the index pod is pulled and is running. This way, TALM upgrades the Operators based on up-to-date policy compliance states.
    2. This update generates one policy, du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy, to update the redhat-operators-disconnected catalog source with the new index images that contain the desired Operators images.


      If you want to use the image pre-caching for Operators and there are Operators from a different catalog source other than redhat-operators-disconnected, you must perform the following tasks:

      • Prepare a separate catalog source policy with the new index image or registry poll interval update for the different catalog source.
      • Prepare a separate subscription policy for the desired Operators that are from the different catalog source.

      For example, the desired SRIOV-FEC Operator is available in the certified-operators catalog source. To update the catalog source and the Operator subscription, add the following contents to generate two policies, du-upgrade-fec-catsrc-policy and du-upgrade-subscriptions-fec-policy:

      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenerator
          name: du-upgrade
          name: du-upgrade-placement-binding
          namespace: ztp-group-du-sno
                      - key: group-du-sno
                        operator: Exists
          remediationAction: inform
          severity: low
                  - kube-*
                  - '*'
              compliant: 10m
              noncompliant: 10s
          - name: du-upgrade-fec-catsrc-policy
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "1"
              - path: source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml
                  - metadata:
                      name: certified-operators
                      displayName: Intel SRIOV-FEC Operator
                      image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/far-edge-sriov-fec:v4.10
                              interval: 10m
          - name: du-upgrade-subscriptions-fec-policy
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
              - path: source-crs/AcceleratorsSubscription.yaml
                  - spec:
                      channel: stable
                      source: certified-operators
    3. Remove the specified subscriptions channels in the common PolicyGenerator CR, if they exist. The default subscriptions channels from the GitOps ZTP image are used for the update.


      The default channel for the Operators applied through GitOps ZTP 4.17 is stable, except for the performance-addon-operator. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the performance-addon-operator functionality was moved to the node-tuning-operator. For the 4.10 release, the default channel for PAO is v4.10. You can also specify the default channels in the common PolicyGenerator CR.

    4. Push the PolicyGenerator CRs updates to the GitOps ZTP Git repository.

      ArgoCD pulls the changes from the Git repository and generates the policies on the hub cluster.

    5. Check the created policies by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep -E "catsrc-policy|subscription"
  2. Apply the required catalog source updates before starting the Operator update.

    1. Save the content of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR named operator-upgrade-prep with the catalog source policies and the target managed clusters to the cgu-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-operator-upgrade-prep
        namespace: default
        - spoke1
        enable: true
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
          maxConcurrency: 1
    2. Apply the policy to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-operator-upgrade-prep.yml
    3. Monitor the update process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep -E "catsrc-policy"
  3. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for the Operator update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the content of the Operator update ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy policy and the subscription policies created from the common PolicyGenerator and the target clusters to the cgu-operator-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-operator-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy 1
        - common-subscriptions-policy 2
        preCaching: false
        - spoke1
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
      The policy is needed by the image pre-caching feature to retrieve the operator images from the catalog source.
      The policy contains Operator subscriptions. If you have followed the structure and content of the reference PolicyGenTemplates, all Operator subscriptions are grouped into the common-subscriptions-policy policy.

      One ClusterGroupUpgrade CR can only pre-cache the images of the desired Operators defined in the subscription policy from one catalog source included in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. If the desired Operators are from different catalog sources, such as in the example of the SRIOV-FEC Operator, another ClusterGroupUpgrade CR must be created with du-upgrade-fec-catsrc-policy and du-upgrade-subscriptions-fec-policy policies for the SRIOV-FEC Operator images pre-caching and update.

    2. Apply the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-operator-upgrade.yml
  4. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the Operator update.

    1. Before starting image pre-caching, verify the subscription policy is NonCompliant at this point by running the following command:

      $ oc get policy common-subscriptions-policy -n <policy_namespace>

      Example output

      NAME                          REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE     AGE
      common-subscriptions-policy   inform               NonCompliant         27d

    2. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-operator-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    3. Monitor the process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the managed cluster:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-operator-upgrade -o jsonpath='{.status.precaching.status}'
    4. Check if the pre-caching is completed before starting the update by running the following command:

      $ oc get cgu -n default cgu-operator-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.status.conditions}' | jq

      Example output

            "lastTransitionTime": "2022-03-08T20:49:08.000Z",
            "message": "The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is not enabled",
            "reason": "UpgradeNotStarted",
            "status": "False",
            "type": "Ready"
            "lastTransitionTime": "2022-03-08T20:55:30.000Z",
            "message": "Precaching is completed",
            "reason": "PrecachingCompleted",
            "status": "True",
            "type": "PrecachingDone"

  5. Start the Operator update.

    1. Enable the cgu-operator-upgrade ClusterGroupUpgrade CR and disable pre-caching to start the Operator update by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-operator-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

Additional resources

9.3.4. Troubleshooting missed Operator updates with PolicyGenerator CRs

In some scenarios, Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) might miss Operator updates due to an out-of-date policy compliance state.

After a catalog source update, it takes time for the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to update the subscription status. The status of the subscription policy might continue to show as compliant while TALM decides whether remediation is needed. As a result, the Operator specified in the subscription policy does not get upgraded.

To avoid this scenario, add another catalog source configuration to the PolicyGenerator and specify this configuration in the subscription for any Operators that require an update.


  1. Add a catalog source configuration in the PolicyGenerator resource:

    - path: source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml
        - metadata:
            name: redhat-operators-disconnected
            displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog
            image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/redhat-operators-disconnected:v{product-version}
                    interval: 1h
                lastObservedState: READY
    - path: source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml
        - metadata:
            name: redhat-operators-disconnected-v2 1
            displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog v2 2
            image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/redhat-operators-disconnected:<version> 3
                    interval: 1h
                lastObservedState: READY
    Update the name for the new configuration.
    Update the display name for the new configuration.
    Update the index image URL. This policies.manifests.patches.spec.image field overrides any configuration in the DefaultCatsrc.yaml file.
  2. Update the Subscription resource to point to the new configuration for Operators that require an update:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: operator-subscription
      namespace: operator-namspace
    # ...
      source: redhat-operators-disconnected-v2 1
    # ...
    Enter the name of the additional catalog source configuration that you defined in the PolicyGenerator resource.

9.3.5. Performing a platform and an Operator update together

You can perform a platform and an Operator update at the same time.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Create the PolicyGenerator CR for the updates by following the steps described in the "Performing a platform update" and "Performing an Operator update" sections.
  2. Apply the prep work for the platform and the Operator update.

    1. Save the content of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the policies for platform update preparation work, catalog source updates, and target clusters to the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file, for example:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
        - group-du-sno
          maxConcurrency: 10
        enable: true
    2. Apply the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml
    3. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces
  3. Create the ClusterGroupUpdate CR for the platform and the Operator update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the contents of the platform and Operator update ClusterGroupUpdate CR with the policies and the target clusters to the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-du-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade 1
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy 2
        - common-subscriptions-policy 3
        preCaching: true
        - group-du-sno
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
      This is the platform update policy.
      This is the policy containing the catalog source information for the Operators to be updated. It is needed for the pre-caching feature to determine which Operator images to download to the managed cluster.
      This is the policy to update the Operators.
    2. Apply the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml file to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml
  4. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the platform and the Operator update.

    1. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-du-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the update process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the managed cluster:

      $ oc get jobs,pods -n openshift-talm-pre-cache
    3. Check if the pre-caching is completed before starting the update by running the following command:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-du-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.status.conditions}'
  5. Start the platform and Operator update.

    1. Enable the cgu-du-upgrade ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to start the platform and the Operator update by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-du-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

      The CRs for the platform and Operator updates can be created from the beginning by configuring the setting to spec.enable: true. In this case, the update starts immediately after pre-caching completes and there is no need to manually enable the CR.

      Both pre-caching and the update create extra resources, such as policies, placement bindings, placement rules, managed cluster actions, and managed cluster view, to help complete the procedures. Setting the afterCompletion.deleteObjects field to true deletes all these resources after the updates complete.

9.3.6. Removing Performance Addon Operator subscriptions from deployed clusters with PolicyGenerator CRs

In earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform, the Performance Addon Operator provided automatic, low latency performance tuning for applications. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, these functions are part of the Node Tuning Operator.

Do not install the Performance Addon Operator on clusters running OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later. If you upgrade to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, the Node Tuning Operator automatically removes the Performance Addon Operator.


You need to remove any policies that create Performance Addon Operator subscriptions to prevent a re-installation of the Operator.

The reference DU profile includes the Performance Addon Operator in the PolicyGenerator CR acm-common-ranGen.yaml. To remove the subscription from deployed managed clusters, you must update acm-common-ranGen.yaml.


If you install Performance Addon Operator 4.10.3-5 or later on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, the Performance Addon Operator detects the cluster version and automatically hibernates to avoid interfering with the Node Tuning Operator functions. However, to ensure best performance, remove the Performance Addon Operator from your OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 clusters.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for ArgoCD.
  • Update to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Change the complianceType to mustnothave for the Performance Addon Operator namespace, Operator group, and subscription in the acm-common-ranGen.yaml file.

    - name: group-du-sno-pg-subscriptions-policy
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
        - path: source-crs/PaoSubscriptionNS.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PaoSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
        - path: source-crs/PaoSubscription.yaml
  2. Merge the changes with your custom site repository and wait for the ArgoCD application to synchronize the change to the hub cluster. The status of the common-subscriptions-policy policy changes to Non-Compliant.
  3. Apply the change to your target clusters by using the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager. For more information about rolling out configuration changes, see the "Additional resources" section.
  4. Monitor the process. When the status of the common-subscriptions-policy policy for a target cluster is Compliant, the Performance Addon Operator has been removed from the cluster. Get the status of the common-subscriptions-policy by running the following command:

    $ oc get policy -n ztp-common common-subscriptions-policy
  5. Delete the Performance Addon Operator namespace, Operator group and subscription CRs from policies.manifests in the acm-common-ranGen.yaml file.
  6. Merge the changes with your custom site repository and wait for the ArgoCD application to synchronize the change to the hub cluster. The policy remains compliant.

9.3.7. Pre-caching user-specified images with TALM on single-node OpenShift clusters

You can pre-cache application-specific workload images on single-node OpenShift clusters before upgrading your applications.

You can specify the configuration options for the pre-caching jobs using the following custom resources (CR):

  • PreCachingConfig CR
  • ClusterGroupUpgrade CR

All fields in the PreCachingConfig CR are optional.

Example PreCachingConfig CR

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: PreCachingConfig
  name: exampleconfig
  namespace: exampleconfig-ns
  overrides: 1
    platformImage: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
      - registry.example.com:5000/custom-redhat-operators:1.0.0
      - local-storage-operator: stable
      - ptp-operator: stable
      - sriov-network-operator: stable
  spaceRequired: 30 Gi 2
  excludePrecachePatterns: 3
    - aws
    - vsphere
  additionalImages: 4
    - quay.io/exampleconfig/application1@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
    - quay.io/exampleconfig/application2@sha256:3d5800123dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47adfaef
    - quay.io/exampleconfig/applicationN@sha256:4fe1334adfafadsf987123adfffdaf1243340adfafdedga0991234afdadfsa09

By default, TALM automatically populates the platformImage, operatorsIndexes, and the operatorsPackagesAndChannels fields from the policies of the managed clusters. You can specify values to override the default TALM-derived values for these fields.
Specifies the minimum required disk space on the cluster. If unspecified, TALM defines a default value for OpenShift Container Platform images. The disk space field must include an integer value and the storage unit. For example: 40 GiB, 200 MB, 1 TiB.
Specifies the images to exclude from pre-caching based on image name matching.
Specifies the list of additional images to pre-cache.

Example ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with PreCachingConfig CR reference

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
  name: cgu
  preCaching: true 1
    name: exampleconfig 2
    namespace: exampleconfig-ns 3

The preCaching field set to true enables the pre-caching job.
The preCachingConfigRef.name field specifies the PreCachingConfig CR that you want to use.
The preCachingConfigRef.namespace specifies the namespace of the PreCachingConfig CR that you want to use. Creating the custom resources for pre-caching

You must create the PreCachingConfig CR before or concurrently with the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

  1. Create the PreCachingConfig CR with the list of additional images you want to pre-cache.

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: PreCachingConfig
      name: exampleconfig
      namespace: default 1
      spaceRequired: 30Gi 2
        - quay.io/exampleconfig/application1@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
        - quay.io/exampleconfig/application2@sha256:3d5800123dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47adfaef
        - quay.io/exampleconfig/applicationN@sha256:4fe1334adfafadsf987123adfffdaf1243340adfafdedga0991234afdadfsa09
    The namespace must be accessible to the hub cluster.
    It is recommended to set the minimum disk space required field to ensure that there is sufficient storage space for the pre-cached images.
  2. Create a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the preCaching field set to true and specify the PreCachingConfig CR created in the previous step:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu
      namespace: default
      - sno1
      - sno2
      preCaching: true
      - name: exampleconfig
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
        - common-subscriptions-policy
        timeout: 240

    Once you install the images on the cluster, you cannot change or delete them.

  3. When you want to start pre-caching the images, apply the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f cgu.yaml

TALM verifies the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

From this point, you can continue with the TALM pre-caching workflow.


All sites are pre-cached concurrently.


  1. Check the pre-caching status on the hub cluster where the ClusterUpgradeGroup CR is applied by running the following command:

    $ oc get cgu <cgu_name> -n <cgu_namespace> -oyaml

    Example output

          platformImage: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
            - registry.example.com:5000/custom-redhat-operators:1.0.0
            - local-storage-operator: stable
            - ptp-operator: stable
            - sriov-network-operator: stable
            - aws
            - vsphere
            - quay.io/exampleconfig/application1@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
            - quay.io/exampleconfig/application2@sha256:3d5800123dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47adfaef
            - quay.io/exampleconfig/applicationN@sha256:4fe1334adfafadsf987123adfffdaf1243340adfafdedga0991234afdadfsa09
          spaceRequired: "30"
          sno1: Starting
          sno2: Starting

    The pre-caching configurations are validated by checking if the managed policies exist. Valid configurations of the ClusterGroupUpgrade and the PreCachingConfig CRs result in the following statuses:

    Example output of valid CRs

    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-01T00:00:01Z"
      message: All selected clusters are valid
      reason: ClusterSelectionCompleted
      status: "True"
      type: ClusterSelected
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-01T00:00:02Z"
      message: Completed validation
      reason: ValidationCompleted
      status: "True"
      type: Validated
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-01T00:00:03Z"
      message: Precaching spec is valid and consistent
      reason: PrecacheSpecIsWellFormed
      status: "True"
      type: PrecacheSpecValid
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-01T00:00:04Z"
      message: Precaching in progress for 1 clusters
      reason: InProgress
      status: "False"
      type: PrecachingSucceeded

    Example of an invalid PreCachingConfig CR

    Type:    "PrecacheSpecValid"
    Status:  False,
    Reason:  "PrecacheSpecIncomplete"
    Message: "Precaching spec is incomplete: failed to get PreCachingConfig resource due to PreCachingConfig.ran.openshift.io "<pre-caching_cr_name>" not found"

  2. You can find the pre-caching job by running the following command on the managed cluster:

    $ oc get jobs -n openshift-talo-pre-cache

    Example of pre-caching job in progress

    pre-cache   0/1               1s            1s

  3. You can check the status of the pod created for the pre-caching job by running the following command:

    $ oc describe pod pre-cache -n openshift-talo-pre-cache

    Example of pre-caching job in progress

    Type        Reason              Age    From              Message
    Normal      SuccesfulCreate     19s    job-controller    Created pod: pre-cache-abcd1

  4. You can get live updates on the status of the job by running the following command:

    $ oc logs -f pre-cache-abcd1 -n openshift-talo-pre-cache
  5. To verify the pre-cache job is successfully completed, run the following command:

    $ oc describe pod pre-cache -n openshift-talo-pre-cache

    Example of completed pre-cache job

    Type        Reason              Age    From              Message
    Normal      SuccesfulCreate     5m19s  job-controller    Created pod: pre-cache-abcd1
    Normal      Completed           19s    job-controller    Job completed

  6. To verify that the images are successfully pre-cached on the single-node OpenShift, do the following:

    1. Enter into the node in debug mode:

      $ oc debug node/cnfdf00.example.lab
    2. Change root to host:

      $ chroot /host/
    3. Search for the desired images:

      $ sudo podman images | grep <operator_name>

Additional resources

9.3.8. About the auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for GitOps ZTP

TALM has a controller called ManagedClusterForCGU that monitors the Ready state of the ManagedCluster CRs on the hub cluster and creates the ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs for GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).

For any managed cluster in the Ready state without a ztp-done label applied, the ManagedClusterForCGU controller automatically creates a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the ztp-install namespace with its associated RHACM policies that are created during the GitOps ZTP process. TALM then remediates the set of configuration policies that are listed in the auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to push the configuration CRs to the managed cluster.

If there are no policies for the managed cluster at the time when the cluster becomes Ready, a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with no policies is created. Upon completion of the ClusterGroupUpgrade the managed cluster is labeled as ztp-done. If there are policies that you want to apply for that managed cluster, manually create a ClusterGroupUpgrade as a day-2 operation.

Example of an auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for GitOps ZTP

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
  generation: 1
  name: spoke1
  namespace: ztp-install
  - apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: ManagedCluster
    name: spoke1
    uid: 98fdb9b2-51ee-4ee7-8f57-a84f7f35b9d5
  resourceVersion: "46666836"
  uid: b8be9cd2-764f-4a62-87d6-6b767852c7da
        ztp-done: "" 1
        ztp-running: ""
      deleteObjects: true
        ztp-running: "" 2
  - spoke1
  enable: true
  - common-spoke1-config-policy
  - common-spoke1-subscriptions-policy
  - group-spoke1-config-policy
  - spoke1-config-policy
  - group-spoke1-validator-du-policy
  preCaching: false
    maxConcurrency: 1
    timeout: 240

Applied to the managed cluster when TALM completes the cluster configuration.
Applied to the managed cluster when TALM starts deploying the configuration policies.

Chapter 10. Managing cluster policies with PolicyGenTemplate resources

10.1. Configuring managed cluster policies by using PolicyGenTemplate resources

Applied Policy custom resources (CRs) configure the managed clusters that you provision. You can customize how Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses PolicyGenTemplate CRs to generate the applied Policy CRs.


Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

10.1.1. About the PolicyGenTemplate CRD

The PolicyGenTemplate custom resource definition (CRD) tells the PolicyGen policy generator what custom resources (CRs) to include in the cluster configuration, how to combine the CRs into the generated policies, and what items in those CRs need to be updated with overlay content.

The following example shows a PolicyGenTemplate CR (common-du-ranGen.yaml) extracted from the ztp-site-generate reference container. The common-du-ranGen.yaml file defines two Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies. The policies manage a collection of configuration CRs, one for each unique value of policyName in the CR. common-du-ranGen.yaml creates a single placement binding and a placement rule to bind the policies to clusters based on the labels listed in the spec.bindingRules section.

Example PolicyGenTemplate CR - common-ranGen.yaml

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
kind: PolicyGenTemplate
  name: "common-latest"
  namespace: "ztp-common"
    common: "true" 1
    du-profile: "latest"
  sourceFiles: 2
    - fileName: SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: SriovSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: PtpSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: PtpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: PtpSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: PtpOperatorStatus.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ClusterLogNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ClusterLogSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ClusterLogOperatorStatus.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: StorageNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: StorageOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: StorageSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: StorageOperatorStatus.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml 3
      policyName: "config-policy" 4
        name: redhat-operators-disconnected
        displayName: disconnected-redhat-operators
        image: registry.example.com:5000/disconnected-redhat-operators/disconnected-redhat-operator-index:v4.9
    - fileName: DisconnectedICSP.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
        - mirrors:
          - registry.example.com:5000
          source: registry.redhat.io

common: "true" applies the policies to all clusters with this label.
Files listed under sourceFiles create the Operator policies for installed clusters.
DefaultCatsrc.yaml configures the catalog source for the disconnected registry.
policyName: "config-policy" configures Operator subscriptions. The OperatorHub CR disables the default and this CR replaces redhat-operators with a CatalogSource CR that points to the disconnected registry.

A PolicyGenTemplate CR can be constructed with any number of included CRs. Apply the following example CR in the hub cluster to generate a policy containing a single CR:

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
kind: PolicyGenTemplate
  name: "group-du-sno"
  namespace: "ztp-group"
    group-du-sno: ""
  mcp: "master"
    - fileName: PtpConfigSlave.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
        name: "du-ptp-slave"
        - name: "slave"
          interface: "ens5f0"
          ptp4lOpts: "-2 -s --summary_interval -4"
          phc2sysOpts: "-a -r -n 24"

Using the source file PtpConfigSlave.yaml as an example, the file defines a PtpConfig CR. The generated policy for the PtpConfigSlave example is named group-du-sno-config-policy. The PtpConfig CR defined in the generated group-du-sno-config-policy is named du-ptp-slave. The spec defined in PtpConfigSlave.yaml is placed under du-ptp-slave along with the other spec items defined under the source file.

The following example shows the group-du-sno-config-policy CR:

apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: Policy
  name: group-du-ptp-config-policy
  namespace: groups-sub
    policy.open-cluster-management.io/categories: CM Configuration Management
    policy.open-cluster-management.io/controls: CM-2 Baseline Configuration
    policy.open-cluster-management.io/standards: NIST SP 800-53
    remediationAction: inform
    disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
                name: group-du-ptp-config-policy-config
                remediationAction: inform
                severity: low
                        - kube-*
                        - '*'
                    - complianceType: musthave
                        apiVersion: ptp.openshift.io/v1
                        kind: PtpConfig
                            name: du-ptp-slave
                            namespace: openshift-ptp
                                - match:
                                - nodeLabel: node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-du
                                  priority: 4
                                  profile: slave
                                - interface: ens5f0
                                  name: slave
                                  phc2sysOpts: -a -r -n 24
                                  ptp4lConf: |
                                    # Default Data Set
                                    twoStepFlag 1
                                    slaveOnly 0
                                    priority1 128
                                    priority2 128
                                    domainNumber 24

10.1.2. Recommendations when customizing PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Consider the following best practices when customizing site configuration PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs):

  • Use as few policies as are necessary. Using fewer policies requires less resources. Each additional policy creates increased CPU load for the hub cluster and the deployed managed cluster. CRs are combined into policies based on the policyName field in the PolicyGenTemplate CR. CRs in the same PolicyGenTemplate which have the same value for policyName are managed under a single policy.
  • In disconnected environments, use a single catalog source for all Operators by configuring the registry as a single index containing all Operators. Each additional CatalogSource CR on the managed clusters increases CPU usage.
  • MachineConfig CRs should be included as extraManifests in the SiteConfig CR so that they are applied during installation. This can reduce the overall time taken until the cluster is ready to deploy applications.
  • PolicyGenTemplate CRs should override the channel field to explicitly identify the desired version. This ensures that changes in the source CR during upgrades does not update the generated subscription.

Additional resources


When managing large numbers of spoke clusters on the hub cluster, minimize the number of policies to reduce resource consumption.

Grouping multiple configuration CRs into a single or limited number of policies is one way to reduce the overall number of policies on the hub cluster. When using the common, group, and site hierarchy of policies for managing site configuration, it is especially important to combine site-specific configurations into a single policy.

10.1.3. PolicyGenTemplate CRs for RAN deployments

Use PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs) to customize the configuration applied to the cluster by using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline. The PolicyGenTemplate CR allows you to generate one or more policies to manage the set of configuration CRs on your fleet of clusters. The PolicyGenTemplate CR identifies the set of managed CRs, bundles them into policies, builds the policy wrapping around those CRs, and associates the policies with clusters by using label binding rules.

The reference configuration, obtained from the GitOps ZTP container, is designed to provide a set of critical features and node tuning settings that ensure the cluster can support the stringent performance and resource utilization constraints typical of RAN (Radio Access Network) Distributed Unit (DU) applications. Changes or omissions from the baseline configuration can affect feature availability, performance, and resource utilization. Use the reference PolicyGenTemplate CRs as the basis to create a hierarchy of configuration files tailored to your specific site requirements.

The baseline PolicyGenTemplate CRs that are defined for RAN DU cluster configuration can be extracted from the GitOps ZTP ztp-site-generate container. See "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository" for further details.

The PolicyGenTemplate CRs can be found in the ./out/argocd/example/policygentemplates folder. The reference architecture has common, group, and site-specific configuration CRs. Each PolicyGenTemplate CR refers to other CRs that can be found in the ./out/source-crs folder.

The PolicyGenTemplate CRs relevant to RAN cluster configuration are described below. Variants are provided for the group PolicyGenTemplate CRs to account for differences in single-node, three-node compact, and standard cluster configurations. Similarly, site-specific configuration variants are provided for single-node clusters and multi-node (compact or standard) clusters. Use the group and site-specific configuration variants that are relevant for your deployment.

Table 10.1. PolicyGenTemplate CRs for RAN deployments
PolicyGenTemplate CRDescription


Contains a set of CRs that get applied to multi-node clusters. These CRs configure SR-IOV features typical for RAN installations.


Contains a set of CRs that get applied to single-node OpenShift clusters. These CRs configure SR-IOV features typical for RAN installations.


Contains a set of common RAN policy configuration that get applied to multi-node clusters.


Contains a set of common RAN CRs that get applied to all clusters. These CRs subscribe to a set of operators providing cluster features typical for RAN as well as baseline cluster tuning.


Contains the RAN policies for three-node clusters only.


Contains the RAN policies for single-node clusters only.


Contains the RAN policies for standard three control-plane clusters.


PolicyGenTemplate CR used to generate the various policies required for three-node clusters.


PolicyGenTemplate CR used to generate the various policies required for standard clusters.


PolicyGenTemplate CR used to generate the various policies required for single-node OpenShift clusters.

10.1.4. Customizing a managed cluster with PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Use the following procedure to customize the policies that get applied to the managed cluster that you provision using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You configured the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy CRs.
  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. Create a PolicyGenTemplate CR for site-specific configuration CRs.

    1. Choose the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/policygentemplates folder, for example, example-sno-site.yaml or example-multinode-site.yaml.
    2. Change the spec.bindingRules field in the example file to match the site-specific label included in the SiteConfig CR. In the example SiteConfig file, the site-specific label is sites: example-sno.


      Ensure that the labels defined in your PolicyGenTemplate spec.bindingRules field correspond to the labels that are defined in the related managed clusters SiteConfig CR.

    3. Change the content in the example file to match the desired configuration.
  2. Optional: Create a PolicyGenTemplate CR for any common configuration CRs that apply to the entire fleet of clusters.

    1. Select the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/policygentemplates folder, for example, common-ranGen.yaml.
    2. Change the content in the example file to match the required configuration.
  3. Optional: Create a PolicyGenTemplate CR for any group configuration CRs that apply to the certain groups of clusters in the fleet.

    Ensure that the content of the overlaid spec files matches your required end state. As a reference, the out/source-crs directory contains the full list of source-crs available to be included and overlaid by your PolicyGenTemplate templates.


    Depending on the specific requirements of your clusters, you might need more than a single group policy per cluster type, especially considering that the example group policies each have a single PerformancePolicy.yaml file that can only be shared across a set of clusters if those clusters consist of identical hardware configurations.

    1. Select the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/policygentemplates folder, for example, group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.
    2. Change the content in the example file to match the required configuration.
  4. Optional. Create a validator inform policy PolicyGenTemplate CR to signal when the GitOps ZTP installation and configuration of the deployed cluster is complete. For more information, see "Creating a validator inform policy".
  5. Define all the policy namespaces in a YAML file similar to the example out/argocd/example/policygentemplates/ns.yaml file.


    Do not include the Namespace CR in the same file with the PolicyGenTemplate CR.

  6. Add the PolicyGenTemplate CRs and Namespace CR to the kustomization.yaml file in the generators section, similar to the example shown in out/argocd/example/policygentemplateskustomization.yaml.
  7. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate CRs, Namespace CR, and associated kustomization.yaml file in your Git repository and push the changes.

    The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment. You can push the changes to the SiteConfig CR and the PolicyGenTemplate CR simultaneously.

10.1.5. Monitoring managed cluster policy deployment progress

The ArgoCD pipeline uses PolicyGenTemplate CRs in Git to generate the RHACM policies and then sync them to the hub cluster. You can monitor the progress of the managed cluster policy synchronization after the assisted service installs OpenShift Container Platform on the managed cluster.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) applies the configuration policies that are bound to the cluster.

    After the cluster installation is complete and the cluster becomes Ready, a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR corresponding to this cluster, with a list of ordered policies defined by the ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave annotations, is automatically created by the TALM. The cluster’s policies are applied in the order listed in ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

    You can monitor the high-level progress of configuration policy reconciliation by using the following commands:

    $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[-1:]}' | jq

    Example output

      "lastTransitionTime": "2022-11-09T07:28:09Z",
      "message": "Remediating non-compliant policies",
      "reason": "InProgress",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Progressing"

  2. You can monitor the detailed cluster policy compliance status by using the RHACM dashboard or the command line.

    1. To check policy compliance by using oc, run the following command:

      $ oc get policies -n $CLUSTER

      Example output

      NAME                                                     REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
      ztp-common.common-config-policy                          inform               Compliant          3h42m
      ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy                   inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy                     inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-group.group-du-sno-validator-du-policy               inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-install.example1-common-config-policy-pjz9s          enforce              Compliant          167m
      ztp-install.example1-common-subscriptions-policy-zzd9k   enforce              NonCompliant       164m
      ztp-site.example1-config-policy                          inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-site.example1-perf-policy                            inform               NonCompliant       3h42m

    2. To check policy status from the RHACM web console, perform the following actions:

      1. Click GovernanceFind policies.
      2. Click on a cluster policy to check its status.

When all of the cluster policies become compliant, GitOps ZTP installation and configuration for the cluster is complete. The ztp-done label is added to the cluster.

In the reference configuration, the final policy that becomes compliant is the one defined in the *-du-validator-policy policy. This policy, when compliant on a cluster, ensures that all cluster configuration, Operator installation, and Operator configuration is complete.

10.1.6. Validating the generation of configuration policy CRs

Policy custom resources (CRs) are generated in the same namespace as the PolicyGenTemplate from which they are created. The same troubleshooting flow applies to all policy CRs generated from a PolicyGenTemplate regardless of whether they are ztp-common, ztp-group, or ztp-site based, as shown using the following commands:

$ export NS=<namespace>
$ oc get policy -n $NS

The expected set of policy-wrapped CRs should be displayed.

If the policies failed synchronization, use the following troubleshooting steps.


  1. To display detailed information about the policies, run the following command:

    $ oc describe -n openshift-gitops application policies
  2. Check for Status: Conditions: to show the error logs. For example, setting an invalid sourceFile entry to fileName: generates the error shown below:

        Last Transition Time:  2021-11-26T17:21:39Z
        Message:               rpc error: code = Unknown desc = `kustomize build /tmp/https___git.com/ran-sites/policies/ --enable-alpha-plugins` failed exit status 1: 2021/11/26 17:21:40 Error could not find test.yaml under source-crs/: no such file or directory Error: failure in plugin configured via /tmp/kust-plugin-config-52463179; exit status 1: exit status 1
        Type:  ComparisonError
  3. Check for Status: Sync:. If there are log errors at Status: Conditions:, the Status: Sync: shows Unknown or Error:

        Compared To:
            Namespace:  policies-sub
            Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
            Path:             policies
            Repo URL:         https://git.com/ran-sites/policies/.git
            Target Revision:  master
        Status:               Error
  4. When Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) recognizes that policies apply to a ManagedCluster object, the policy CR objects are applied to the cluster namespace. Check to see if the policies were copied to the cluster namespace:

    $ oc get policy -n $CLUSTER

    Example output

    NAME                                         REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    ztp-common.common-config-policy              inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy       inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy         inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-group.group-du-sno-validator-du-policy   inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-site.example-sno-config-policy           inform               Compliant          13d

    RHACM copies all applicable policies into the cluster namespace. The copied policy names have the format: <PolicyGenTemplate.Namespace>.<PolicyGenTemplate.Name>-<policyName>.

  5. Check the placement rule for any policies not copied to the cluster namespace. The matchSelector in the PlacementRule for those policies should match labels on the ManagedCluster object:

    $ oc get PlacementRule -n $NS
  6. Note the PlacementRule name appropriate for the missing policy, common, group, or site, using the following command:

    $ oc get PlacementRule -n $NS <placement_rule_name> -o yaml
    • The status-decisions should include your cluster name.
    • The key-value pair of the matchSelector in the spec must match the labels on your managed cluster.
  7. Check the labels on the ManagedCluster object by using the following command:

    $ oc get ManagedCluster $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels}' | jq
  8. Check to see what policies are compliant by using the following command:

    $ oc get policy -n $CLUSTER

    If the Namespace, OperatorGroup, and Subscription policies are compliant but the Operator configuration policies are not, it is likely that the Operators did not install on the managed cluster. This causes the Operator configuration policies to fail to apply because the CRD is not yet applied to the spoke.

10.1.7. Restarting policy reconciliation

You can restart policy reconciliation when unexpected compliance issues occur, for example, when the ClusterGroupUpgrade custom resource (CR) has timed out.


  1. A ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is generated in the namespace ztp-install by the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager after the managed cluster becomes Ready:

    $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER
  2. If there are unexpected issues and the policies fail to become complaint within the configured timeout (the default is 4 hours), the status of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR shows UpgradeTimedOut:

    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")]}'
  3. A ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the UpgradeTimedOut state automatically restarts its policy reconciliation every hour. If you have changed your policies, you can start a retry immediately by deleting the existing ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. This triggers the automatic creation of a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR that begins reconciling the policies immediately:

    $ oc delete clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER

Note that when the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR completes with status UpgradeCompleted and the managed cluster has the label ztp-done applied, you can make additional configuration changes by using PolicyGenTemplate. Deleting the existing ClusterGroupUpgrade CR will not make the TALM generate a new CR.

At this point, GitOps ZTP has completed its interaction with the cluster and any further interactions should be treated as an update and a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR created for remediation of the policies.

Additional resources

10.1.8. Changing applied managed cluster CRs using policies

You can remove content from a custom resource (CR) that is deployed in a managed cluster through a policy.

By default, all Policy CRs created from a PolicyGenTemplate CR have the complianceType field set to musthave. A musthave policy without the removed content is still compliant because the CR on the managed cluster has all the specified content. With this configuration, when you remove content from a CR, TALM removes the content from the policy but the content is not removed from the CR on the managed cluster.

With the complianceType field to mustonlyhave, the policy ensures that the CR on the cluster is an exact match of what is specified in the policy.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have deployed a managed cluster from a hub cluster running RHACM.
  • You have installed Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager on the hub cluster.


  1. Remove the content that you no longer need from the affected CRs. In this example, the disableDrain: false line was removed from the SriovOperatorConfig CR.

    Example CR

    apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SriovOperatorConfig
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
        "node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp": ""
      disableDrain: true
      enableInjector: true
      enableOperatorWebhook: true

  2. Change the complianceType of the affected policies to mustonlyhave in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file.

    Example YAML

    - fileName: SriovOperatorConfig.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
      complianceType: mustonlyhave

  3. Create a ClusterGroupUpdates CR and specify the clusters that must receive the CR changes::

    Example ClusterGroupUpdates CR

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-remove
      namespace: default
        - ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy
      enable: false
      - spoke1
      - spoke2
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240

  4. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f cgu-remove.yaml
  5. When you are ready to apply the changes, for example, during an appropriate maintenance window, change the value of the spec.enable field to true by running the following command:

    $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-remove \
    --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true}}' --type=merge


  1. Check the status of the policies by running the following command:

    $ oc get <kind> <changed_cr_name>

    Example output

    NAMESPACE   NAME                                                   REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    default     cgu-ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy               enforce                                 17m
    default     ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy                   inform               NonCompliant       15h

    When the COMPLIANCE STATE of the policy is Compliant, it means that the CR is updated and the unwanted content is removed.

  2. Check that the policies are removed from the targeted clusters by running the following command on the managed clusters:

    $ oc get <kind> <changed_cr_name>

    If there are no results, the CR is removed from the managed cluster.

10.1.9. Indication of done for GitOps ZTP installations

GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) simplifies the process of checking the GitOps ZTP installation status for a cluster. The GitOps ZTP status moves through three phases: cluster installation, cluster configuration, and GitOps ZTP done.

Cluster installation phase
The cluster installation phase is shown by the ManagedClusterJoined and ManagedClusterAvailable conditions in the ManagedCluster CR . If the ManagedCluster CR does not have these conditions, or the condition is set to False, the cluster is still in the installation phase. Additional details about installation are available from the AgentClusterInstall and ClusterDeployment CRs. For more information, see "Troubleshooting GitOps ZTP".
Cluster configuration phase
The cluster configuration phase is shown by a ztp-running label applied the ManagedCluster CR for the cluster.
GitOps ZTP done

Cluster installation and configuration is complete in the GitOps ZTP done phase. This is shown by the removal of the ztp-running label and addition of the ztp-done label to the ManagedCluster CR. The ztp-done label shows that the configuration has been applied and the baseline DU configuration has completed cluster tuning.

The change to the GitOps ZTP done state is conditional on the compliant state of a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) validator inform policy. This policy captures the existing criteria for a completed installation and validates that it moves to a compliant state only when GitOps ZTP provisioning of the managed cluster is complete.

The validator inform policy ensures the configuration of the cluster is fully applied and Operators have completed their initialization. The policy validates the following:

  • The target MachineConfigPool contains the expected entries and has finished updating. All nodes are available and not degraded.
  • The SR-IOV Operator has completed initialization as indicated by at least one SriovNetworkNodeState with syncStatus: Succeeded.
  • The PTP Operator daemon set exists.

10.2. Advanced managed cluster configuration with PolicyGenTemplate resources

You can use PolicyGenTemplate CRs to deploy custom functionality in your managed clusters.


Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

10.2.1. Deploying additional changes to clusters

If you require cluster configuration changes outside of the base GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline configuration, there are three options:

Apply the additional configuration after the GitOps ZTP pipeline is complete
When the GitOps ZTP pipeline deployment is complete, the deployed cluster is ready for application workloads. At this point, you can install additional Operators and apply configurations specific to your requirements. Ensure that additional configurations do not negatively affect the performance of the platform or allocated CPU budget.
Add content to the GitOps ZTP library
The base source custom resources (CRs) that you deploy with the GitOps ZTP pipeline can be augmented with custom content as required.
Create extra manifests for the cluster installation
Extra manifests are applied during installation and make the installation process more efficient.

Providing additional source CRs or modifying existing source CRs can significantly impact the performance or CPU profile of OpenShift Container Platform.

10.2.2. Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to override source CRs content

PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs) allow you to overlay additional configuration details on top of the base source CRs provided with the GitOps plugin in the ztp-site-generate container. You can think of PolicyGenTemplate CRs as a logical merge or patch to the base CR. Use PolicyGenTemplate CRs to update a single field of the base CR, or overlay the entire contents of the base CR. You can update values and insert fields that are not in the base CR.

The following example procedure describes how to update fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration based on the PolicyGenTemplate CR in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file. Use the procedure as a basis for modifying other parts of the PolicyGenTemplate based on your requirements.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for Argo CD.


  1. Review the baseline source CR for existing content. You can review the source CRs listed in the reference PolicyGenTemplate CRs by extracting them from the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) container.

    1. Create an /out folder:

      $ mkdir -p ./out
    2. Extract the source CRs:

      $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ztp-site-generate-rhel8:v4.17.1 extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./out
  2. Review the baseline PerformanceProfile CR in ./out/source-crs/PerformanceProfile.yaml:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: $name
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "10"
      - "idle=poll"
      - "rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0"
        isolated: $isolated
        reserved: $reserved
        defaultHugepagesSize: $defaultHugepagesSize
          - size: $size
            count: $count
            node: $node
        pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/$mcp: ""
        userLevelNetworking: true
        node-role.kubernetes.io/$mcp: ''
        topologyPolicy: "restricted"
        enabled: true

    Any fields in the source CR which contain $…​ are removed from the generated CR if they are not provided in the PolicyGenTemplate CR.

  3. Update the PolicyGenTemplate entry for PerformanceProfile in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file. The following example PolicyGenTemplate CR stanza supplies appropriate CPU specifications, sets the hugepages configuration, and adds a new field that sets globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing to false.

    - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
        name: openshift-node-performance-profile
          # These must be tailored for the specific hardware platform
          isolated: "2-19,22-39"
          reserved: "0-1,20-21"
          defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
            - size: 1G
              count: 10
        globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: false
  4. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP argo CD application.

    Example output

    The GitOps ZTP application generates an RHACM policy that contains the generated PerformanceProfile CR. The contents of that CR are derived by merging the metadata and spec contents from the PerformanceProfile entry in the PolicyGenTemplate onto the source CR. The resulting CR has the following content:

    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
        name: openshift-node-performance-profile
            - idle=poll
            - rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0
            isolated: 2-19,22-39
            reserved: 0-1,20-21
        globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: false
            defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
                - count: 10
                  size: 1G
            pools.operator.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/master: ""
            userLevelNetworking: true
            node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
            topologyPolicy: restricted
            enabled: true

In the /source-crs folder that you extract from the ztp-site-generate container, the $ syntax is not used for template substitution as implied by the syntax. Rather, if the policyGen tool sees the $ prefix for a string and you do not specify a value for that field in the related PolicyGenTemplate CR, the field is omitted from the output CR entirely.

An exception to this is the $mcp variable in /source-crs YAML files that is substituted with the specified value for mcp from the PolicyGenTemplate CR. For example, in example/policygentemplates/group-du-standard-ranGen.yaml, the value for mcp is worker:

    group-du-standard: ""
  mcp: "worker"

The policyGen tool replace instances of $mcp with worker in the output CRs.

10.2.3. Adding custom content to the GitOps ZTP pipeline

Perform the following procedure to add new content to the GitOps ZTP pipeline.


  1. Create a subdirectory named source-crs in the directory that contains the kustomization.yaml file for the PolicyGenTemplate custom resource (CR).
  2. Add your user-provided CRs to the source-crs subdirectory, as shown in the following example:

    └── policygentemplates
        ├── dev.yaml
        ├── kustomization.yaml
        ├── mec-edge-sno1.yaml
        ├── sno.yaml
        └── source-crs 1
            ├── PaoCatalogSource.yaml
            ├── PaoSubscription.yaml
            ├── custom-crs
            |   ├── apiserver-config.yaml
            |   └── disable-nic-lldp.yaml
            └── elasticsearch
                ├── ElasticsearchNS.yaml
                └── ElasticsearchOperatorGroup.yaml
    The source-crs subdirectory must be in the same directory as the kustomization.yaml file.
  3. Update the required PolicyGenTemplate CRs to include references to the content you added in the source-crs/custom-crs and source-crs/elasticsearch directories. For example:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenTemplate
      name: "group-dev"
      namespace: "ztp-clusters"
        dev: "true"
      mcp: "master"
        # These policies/CRs come from the internal container Image
        #Cluster Logging
        - fileName: ClusterLogNS.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-cluster-log-ns"
        - fileName: ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-cluster-log-operator-group"
        - fileName: ClusterLogSubscription.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-cluster-log-sub"
        #Local Storage Operator
        - fileName: StorageNS.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-lso-ns"
        - fileName: StorageOperGroup.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-lso-operator-group"
        - fileName: StorageSubscription.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-lso-sub"
        #These are custom local policies that come from the source-crs directory in the git repo
        # Performance Addon Operator
        - fileName: PaoSubscriptionNS.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-pao-ns"
        - fileName: PaoSubscriptionCatalogSource.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-pao-cat-source"
            image: <container_image_url>
        - fileName: PaoSubscription.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-pao-sub"
        #Elasticsearch Operator
        - fileName: elasticsearch/ElasticsearchNS.yaml 1
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-elasticsearch-ns"
        - fileName: elasticsearch/ElasticsearchOperatorGroup.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-elasticsearch-operator-group"
        #Custom Resources
        - fileName: custom-crs/apiserver-config.yaml 2
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-apiserver-config"
        - fileName: custom-crs/disable-nic-lldp.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "group-dev-disable-nic-lldp"
    1 2
    Set fileName to include the relative path to the file from the /source-crs parent directory.
  4. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push to the Git repository that is monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD policies application.
  5. Update the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to include the changed PolicyGenTemplate and save it as cgu-test.yaml. The following example shows a generated cgu-test.yaml file.

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: custom-source-cr
      namespace: ztp-clusters
        - group-dev-config-policy
      enable: true
      - cluster1
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240
  6. Apply the updated ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f cgu-test.yaml


  • Check that the updates have succeeded by running the following command:

    $ oc get cgu -A

    Example output

    NAMESPACE     NAME               AGE   STATE        DETAILS
    ztp-clusters  custom-source-cr   6s    InProgress   Remediating non-compliant policies
    ztp-install   cluster1           19h   Completed    All clusters are compliant with all the managed policies

10.2.4. Configuring policy compliance evaluation timeouts for PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) installed on a hub cluster to monitor and report on whether your managed clusters are compliant with applied policies. RHACM uses policy templates to apply predefined policy controllers and policies. Policy controllers are Kubernetes custom resource definition (CRD) instances.

You can override the default policy evaluation intervals with PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs). You configure duration settings that define how long a ConfigurationPolicy CR can be in a state of policy compliance or non-compliance before RHACM re-evaluates the applied cluster policies.

The GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) policy generator generates ConfigurationPolicy CR policies with pre-defined policy evaluation intervals. The default value for the noncompliant state is 10 seconds. The default value for the compliant state is 10 minutes. To disable the evaluation interval, set the value to never.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. To configure the evaluation interval for all policies in a PolicyGenTemplate CR, set appropriate compliant and noncompliant values for the evaluationInterval field. For example:

        compliant: 30m
        noncompliant: 20s

    You can also set compliant and noncompliant fields to never to stop evaluating the policy after it reaches particular compliance state.

  2. To configure the evaluation interval for an individual policy object in a PolicyGenTemplate CR, add the evaluationInterval field and set appropriate values. For example:

        - fileName: SriovSubscription.yaml
          policyName: "sriov-sub-policy"
            compliant: never
            noncompliant: 10s
  3. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate CRs files in the Git repository and push your changes.


Check that the managed spoke cluster policies are monitored at the expected intervals.

  1. Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges on the managed cluster.
  2. Get the pods that are running in the open-cluster-management-agent-addon namespace. Run the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon

    Example output

    NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
    config-policy-controller-858b894c68-v4xdb    1/1     Running   22 (5d8h ago)   10d

  3. Check the applied policies are being evaluated at the expected interval in the logs for the config-policy-controller pod:

    $ oc logs -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon config-policy-controller-858b894c68-v4xdb

    Example output

    2022-05-10T15:10:25.280Z       info   configuration-policy-controller controllers/configurationpolicy_controller.go:166      Skipping the policy evaluation due to the policy not reaching the evaluation interval  {"policy": "compute-1-config-policy-config"}
    2022-05-10T15:10:25.280Z       info   configuration-policy-controller controllers/configurationpolicy_controller.go:166      Skipping the policy evaluation due to the policy not reaching the evaluation interval  {"policy": "compute-1-common-compute-1-catalog-policy-config"}

10.2.5. Signalling GitOps ZTP cluster deployment completion with validator inform policies

Create a validator inform policy that signals when the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) installation and configuration of the deployed cluster is complete. This policy can be used for deployments of single-node OpenShift clusters, three-node clusters, and standard clusters.


  1. Create a standalone PolicyGenTemplate custom resource (CR) that contains the source file validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml. You only need one standalone PolicyGenTemplate CR for each cluster type. For example, this CR applies a validator inform policy for single-node OpenShift clusters:

    Example single-node cluster validator inform policy CR (group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml)

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenTemplate
      name: "group-du-sno-validator" 1
      namespace: "ztp-group" 2
        group-du-sno: "" 3
        ztp-done: "" 4
      mcp: "master" 5
        - fileName: validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml
          remediationAction: inform 6
          policyName: "du-policy" 7

    The name of the {policy-gen-crs} object. This name is also used as part of the names for the placementBinding, placementRule, and policy that are created in the requested namespace.
    This value should match the namespace used in the group policy-gen-crs.
    The group-du-* label defined in bindingRules must exist in the SiteConfig files.
    The label defined in bindingExcludedRules must be`ztp-done:`. The ztp-done label is used in coordination with the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager.
    mcp defines the MachineConfigPool object that is used in the source file validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml. It should be master for single node and three-node cluster deployments and worker for standard cluster deployments.
    Optional. The default value is inform.
    This value is used as part of the name for the generated RHACM policy. The generated validator policy for the single node example is group-du-sno-validator-du-policy.
  2. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate CR file in your Git repository and push the changes.

Additional resources

10.2.6. Configuring power states using PolicyGenTemplate CRs

For low latency and high-performance edge deployments, it is necessary to disable or limit C-states and P-states. With this configuration, the CPU runs at a constant frequency, which is typically the maximum turbo frequency. This ensures that the CPU is always running at its maximum speed, which results in high performance and low latency. This leads to the best latency for workloads. However, this also leads to the highest power consumption, which might not be necessary for all workloads.

Workloads can be classified as critical or non-critical, with critical workloads requiring disabled C-state and P-state settings for high performance and low latency, while non-critical workloads use C-state and P-state settings for power savings at the expense of some latency and performance. You can configure the following three power states using GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP):

  • High-performance mode provides ultra low latency at the highest power consumption.
  • Performance mode provides low latency at a relatively high power consumption.
  • Power saving balances reduced power consumption with increased latency.

The default configuration is for a low latency, performance mode.

PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs) allow you to overlay additional configuration details onto the base source CRs provided with the GitOps plugin in the ztp-site-generate container.

Configure the power states by updating the workloadHints fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration, based on the PolicyGenTemplate CR in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

The following common prerequisites apply to configuring all three power states.


  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for Argo CD.
  • You have followed the procedure described in "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository". Configuring performance mode using PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Follow this example to set performance mode by updating the workloadHints fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration, based on the PolicyGenTemplate CR in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

Performance mode provides low latency at a relatively high power consumption.


  • You have configured the BIOS with performance related settings by following the guidance in "Configuring host firmware for low latency and high performance".


  1. Update the PolicyGenTemplate entry for PerformanceProfile in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file in out/argocd/example/policygentemplates// as follows to set performance mode.

    - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
      # ...
        # ...
             realTime: true
             highPowerConsumption: false
             perPodPowerManagement: false
  2. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD application. Configuring high-performance mode using PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Follow this example to set high performance mode by updating the workloadHints fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration, based on the PolicyGenTemplate CR in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

High performance mode provides ultra low latency at the highest power consumption.


  • You have configured the BIOS with performance related settings by following the guidance in "Configuring host firmware for low latency and high performance".


  1. Update the PolicyGenTemplate entry for PerformanceProfile in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file in out/argocd/example/policygentemplates/ as follows to set high-performance mode.

    - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
      #  ...
      #  ...
             realTime: true
             highPowerConsumption: true
             perPodPowerManagement: false
  2. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD application. Configuring power saving mode using PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Follow this example to set power saving mode by updating the workloadHints fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration, based on the PolicyGenTemplate CR in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.

The power saving mode balances reduced power consumption with increased latency.


  • You enabled C-states and OS-controlled P-states in the BIOS.


  1. Update the PolicyGenTemplate entry for PerformanceProfile in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file in out/argocd/example/policygentemplates/ as follows to configure power saving mode. It is recommended to configure the CPU governor for the power saving mode through the additional kernel arguments object.

    - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
      # ...
        # ...
          realTime: true
          highPowerConsumption: false
          perPodPowerManagement: true
        # ...
          - # ...
          - "cpufreq.default_governor=schedutil" 1
    The schedutil governor is recommended, however, other governors that can be used include ondemand and powersave.
  2. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD application.


  1. Select a worker node in your deployed cluster from the list of nodes identified by using the following command:

    $ oc get nodes
  2. Log in to the node by using the following command:

    $ oc debug node/<node-name>

    Replace <node-name> with the name of the node you want to verify the power state on.

  3. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths as shown in the following example:

    # chroot /host
  4. Run the following command to verify the applied power state:

    # cat /proc/cmdline

Expected output

  • For power saving mode the intel_pstate=passive. Maximizing power savings

Limiting the maximum CPU frequency is recommended to achieve maximum power savings. Enabling C-states on the non-critical workload CPUs without restricting the maximum CPU frequency negates much of the power savings by boosting the frequency of the critical CPUs.

Maximize power savings by updating the sysfs plugin fields, setting an appropriate value for max_perf_pct in the TunedPerformancePatch CR for the reference configuration. This example based on the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml describes the procedure to follow to restrict the maximum CPU frequency.


  • You have configured power savings mode as described in "Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to configure power savings mode".


  1. Update the PolicyGenTemplate entry for TunedPerformancePatch in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file in out/argocd/example/policygentemplates/. To maximize power savings, add max_perf_pct as shown in the following example:

    - fileName: TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
          - name: performance-patch
            data: |
              # ...
              /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/max_perf_pct=<x> 1
    The max_perf_pct controls the maximum frequency the cpufreq driver is allowed to set as a percentage of the maximum supported CPU frequency. This value applies to all CPUs. You can check the maximum supported frequency in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq. As a starting point, you can use a percentage that caps all CPUs at the All Cores Turbo frequency. The All Cores Turbo frequency is the frequency that all cores will run at when the cores are all fully occupied.

    To maximize power savings, set a lower value. Setting a lower value for max_perf_pct limits the maximum CPU frequency, thereby reducing power consumption, but also potentially impacting performance. Experiment with different values and monitor the system’s performance and power consumption to find the optimal setting for your use-case.

  2. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP Argo CD application.

10.2.7. Configuring LVM Storage using PolicyGenTemplate CRs

You can configure Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Storage for managed clusters that you deploy with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).


You use LVM Storage to persist event subscriptions when you use PTP events or bare-metal hardware events with HTTP transport.

Use the Local Storage Operator for persistent storage that uses local volumes in distributed units.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. To configure LVM Storage for new managed clusters, add the following YAML to spec.sourceFiles in the common-ranGen.yaml file:

    - fileName: StorageLVMOSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: subscription-policies
    - fileName: StorageLVMOSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: subscription-policies
    - fileName: StorageLVMOSubscription.yaml
        name: lvms-operator
        channel: stable-4.17
      policyName: subscription-policies

    The Storage LVMO subscription is deprecated. In future releases of OpenShift Container Platform, the storage LVMO subscription will not be available. Instead, you must use the Storage LVMS subscription.

    In OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, you can use the Storage LVMS subscription instead of the LVMO subscription. The LVMS subscription does not require manual overrides in the common-ranGen.yaml file. Add the following YAML to spec.sourceFiles in the common-ranGen.yaml file to use the Storage LVMS subscription:

    - fileName: StorageLVMSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: subscription-policies
    - fileName: StorageLVMSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: subscription-policies
    - fileName: StorageLVMSubscription.yaml
      policyName: subscription-policies
  2. Add the LVMCluster CR to spec.sourceFiles in your specific group or individual site configuration file. For example, in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file, add the following:

    - fileName: StorageLVMCluster.yaml
      policyName: "lvms-config"
          - name: vg1
              name: thin-pool-1
              sizePercent: 90
              overprovisionRatio: 10

    This example configuration creates a volume group (vg1) with all the available devices, except the disk where OpenShift Container Platform is installed. A thin-pool logical volume is also created.

  3. Merge any other required changes and files with your custom site repository.
  4. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate changes in Git, and then push the changes to your site configuration repository to deploy LVM Storage to new sites using GitOps ZTP.

10.2.8. Configuring PTP events with PolicyGenTemplate CRs

You can use the GitOps ZTP pipeline to configure PTP events that use HTTP transport. Configuring PTP events that use HTTP transport

You can configure PTP events that use HTTP transport on managed clusters that you deploy with the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. Apply the following PolicyGenTemplate changes to group-du-3node-ranGen.yaml, group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml, or group-du-standard-ranGen.yaml files according to your requirements:

    1. In spec.sourceFiles, add the PtpOperatorConfig CR file that configures the transport host:

      - fileName: PtpOperatorConfigForEvent.yaml
        policyName: "config-policy"
          daemonNodeSelector: {}
            enableEventPublisher: true
            transportHost: http://ptp-event-publisher-service-NODE_NAME.openshift-ptp.svc.cluster.local:9043

      In OpenShift Container Platform 4.13 or later, you do not need to set the transportHost field in the PtpOperatorConfig resource when you use HTTP transport with PTP events.

    2. Configure the linuxptp and phc2sys for the PTP clock type and interface. For example, add the following YAML into spec.sourceFiles:

      - fileName: PtpConfigSlave.yaml 1
        policyName: "config-policy"
          name: "du-ptp-slave"
          - name: "slave"
            interface: "ens5f1" 2
            ptp4lOpts: "-2 -s --summary_interval -4" 3
            phc2sysOpts: "-a -r -m -n 24 -N 8 -R 16" 4
          ptpClockThreshold: 5
            holdOverTimeout: 30 # seconds
            maxOffsetThreshold: 100  # nano seconds
            minOffsetThreshold: -100
      Can be PtpConfigMaster.yaml or PtpConfigSlave.yaml depending on your requirements. For configurations based on group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml or group-du-3node-ranGen.yaml, use PtpConfigSlave.yaml.
      Device specific interface name.
      You must append the --summary_interval -4 value to ptp4lOpts in .spec.sourceFiles.spec.profile to enable PTP fast events.
      Required phc2sysOpts values. -m prints messages to stdout. The linuxptp-daemon DaemonSet parses the logs and generates Prometheus metrics.
      Optional. If the ptpClockThreshold stanza is not present, default values are used for the ptpClockThreshold fields. The stanza shows default ptpClockThreshold values. The ptpClockThreshold values configure how long after the PTP master clock is disconnected before PTP events are triggered. holdOverTimeout is the time value in seconds before the PTP clock event state changes to FREERUN when the PTP master clock is disconnected. The maxOffsetThreshold and minOffsetThreshold settings configure offset values in nanoseconds that compare against the values for CLOCK_REALTIME (phc2sys) or master offset (ptp4l). When the ptp4l or phc2sys offset value is outside this range, the PTP clock state is set to FREERUN. When the offset value is within this range, the PTP clock state is set to LOCKED.
  2. Merge any other required changes and files with your custom site repository.
  3. Push the changes to your site configuration repository to deploy PTP fast events to new sites using GitOps ZTP.

Additional resources

10.2.9. Configuring the Image Registry Operator for local caching of images

OpenShift Container Platform manages image caching using a local registry. In edge computing use cases, clusters are often subject to bandwidth restrictions when communicating with centralized image registries, which might result in long image download times.

Long download times are unavoidable during initial deployment. Over time, there is a risk that CRI-O will erase the /var/lib/containers/storage directory in the case of an unexpected shutdown. To address long image download times, you can create a local image registry on remote managed clusters using GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). This is useful in Edge computing scenarios where clusters are deployed at the far edge of the network.

Before you can set up the local image registry with GitOps ZTP, you need to configure disk partitioning in the SiteConfig CR that you use to install the remote managed cluster. After installation, you configure the local image registry using a PolicyGenTemplate CR. Then, the GitOps ZTP pipeline creates Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) CRs and patches the imageregistry configuration.


The local image registry can only be used for user application images and cannot be used for the OpenShift Container Platform or Operator Lifecycle Manager operator images. Configuring disk partitioning with SiteConfig

Configure disk partitioning for a managed cluster using a SiteConfig CR and GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). The disk partition details in the SiteConfig CR must match the underlying disk.


You must complete this procedure at installation time.


  • Install Butane.


  1. Create the storage.bu file.

    variant: fcos
    version: 1.3.0
      - device: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0 1
        wipe_table: false
        - label: var-lib-containers
          start_mib: <start_of_partition> 2
          size_mib: <partition_size> 3
        - path: /var/lib/containers
          device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers
          format: xfs
          wipe_filesystem: true
          with_mount_unit: true
            - defaults
            - prjquota
    Specify the root disk.
    Specify the start of the partition in MiB. If the value is too small, the installation fails.
    Specify the size of the partition. If the value is too small, the deployments fails.
  2. Convert the storage.bu to an Ignition file by running the following command:

    $ butane storage.bu

    Example output

    {"ignition":{"version":"3.2.0"},"storage":{"disks":[{"device":"/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0","partitions":[{"label":"var-lib-containers","sizeMiB":0,"startMiB":250000}],"wipeTable":false}],"filesystems":[{"device":"/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers","format":"xfs","mountOptions":["defaults","prjquota"],"path":"/var/lib/containers","wipeFilesystem":true}]},"systemd":{"units":[{"contents":"# # Generated by Butane\n[Unit]\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\n\n[Mount]\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\nType=xfs\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target","enabled":true,"name":"var-lib-containers.mount"}]}}

  3. Use a tool such as JSON Pretty Print to convert the output into JSON format.
  4. Copy the output into the .spec.clusters.nodes.ignitionConfigOverride field in the SiteConfig CR.


        - nodes:
            - ignitionConfigOverride: |
                "ignition": {
                  "version": "3.2.0"
                "storage": {
                  "disks": [
                      "device": "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0",
                      "partitions": [
                          "label": "var-lib-containers",
                          "sizeMiB": 0,
                          "startMiB": 250000
                      "wipeTable": false
                  "filesystems": [
                      "device": "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers",
                      "format": "xfs",
                      "mountOptions": [
                      "path": "/var/lib/containers",
                      "wipeFilesystem": true
                "systemd": {
                  "units": [
                      "contents": "# # Generated by Butane\n[Unit]\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\n\n[Mount]\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\nType=xfs\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target",
                      "enabled": true,
                      "name": "var-lib-containers.mount"


    If the .spec.clusters.nodes.ignitionConfigOverride field does not exist, create it.


  1. During or after installation, verify on the hub cluster that the BareMetalHost object shows the annotation by running the following command:

    $ oc get bmh -n my-sno-ns my-sno -ojson | jq '.metadata.annotations["bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/ignition-config-overrides"]

    Example output

    "{\"ignition\":{\"version\":\"3.2.0\"},\"storage\":{\"disks\":[{\"device\":\"/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x6b07b250ebb9d0002a33509f24af1f62\",\"partitions\":[{\"label\":\"var-lib-containers\",\"sizeMiB\":0,\"startMiB\":250000}],\"wipeTable\":false}],\"filesystems\":[{\"device\":\"/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\",\"format\":\"xfs\",\"mountOptions\":[\"defaults\",\"prjquota\"],\"path\":\"/var/lib/containers\",\"wipeFilesystem\":true}]},\"systemd\":{\"units\":[{\"contents\":\"# Generated by Butane\\n[Unit]\\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\\\x2dpartlabel-var\\\\x2dlib\\\\x2dcontainers.service\\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\\\x2dpartlabel-var\\\\x2dlib\\\\x2dcontainers.service\\n\\n[Mount]\\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\\nType=xfs\\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\\n\\n[Install]\\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target\",\"enabled\":true,\"name\":\"var-lib-containers.mount\"}]}}"

  2. After installation, check the single-node OpenShift disk status.

    1. Enter into a debug session on the single-node OpenShift node by running the following command. This step instantiates a debug pod called <node_name>-debug:

      $ oc debug node/my-sno-node
    2. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell by running the following command. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths:

      # chroot /host
    3. List information about all available block devices by running the following command:

      # lsblk

      Example output

      sda      8:0    0 446.6G  0 disk
      ├─sda1   8:1    0     1M  0 part
      ├─sda2   8:2    0   127M  0 part
      ├─sda3   8:3    0   384M  0 part /boot
      ├─sda4   8:4    0 243.6G  0 part /var
      │                                /sysroot/ostree/deploy/rhcos/var
      │                                /usr
      │                                /etc
      │                                /
      │                                /sysroot
      └─sda5   8:5    0 202.5G  0 part /var/lib/containers

    4. Display information about the file system disk space usage by running the following command:

      # df -h

      Example output

      Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      devtmpfs        4.0M     0  4.0M   0% /dev
      tmpfs           126G   84K  126G   1% /dev/shm
      tmpfs            51G   93M   51G   1% /run
      /dev/sda4       244G  5.2G  239G   3% /sysroot
      tmpfs           126G  4.0K  126G   1% /tmp
      /dev/sda5       203G  119G   85G  59% /var/lib/containers
      /dev/sda3       350M  110M  218M  34% /boot
      tmpfs            26G     0   26G   0% /run/user/1000 Configuring the image registry using PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Use PolicyGenTemplate (PGT) CRs to apply the CRs required to configure the image registry and patch the imageregistry configuration.


  • You have configured a disk partition in the managed cluster.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data for use with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).


  1. Configure the storage class, persistent volume claim, persistent volume, and image registry configuration in the appropriate PolicyGenTemplate CR. For example, to configure an individual site, add the following YAML to the file example-sno-site.yaml:

      # storage class
      - fileName: StorageClass.yaml
        policyName: "sc-for-image-registry"
          name: image-registry-sc
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100" 1
      # persistent volume claim
      - fileName: StoragePVC.yaml
        policyName: "pvc-for-image-registry"
          name: image-registry-pvc
          namespace: openshift-image-registry
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
            - ReadWriteMany
              storage: 100Gi
          storageClassName: image-registry-sc
          volumeMode: Filesystem
      # persistent volume
      - fileName: ImageRegistryPV.yaml 2
        policyName: "pv-for-image-registry"
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
      - fileName: ImageRegistryConfig.yaml
        policyName: "config-for-image-registry"
        complianceType: musthave
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
              claim: "image-registry-pvc"
    Set the appropriate value for ztp-deploy-wave depending on whether you are configuring image registries at the site, common, or group level. ztp-deploy-wave: "100" is suitable for development or testing because it allows you to group the referenced source files together.
    In ImageRegistryPV.yaml, ensure that the spec.local.path field is set to /var/imageregistry to match the value set for the mount_point field in the SiteConfig CR.

    Do not set complianceType: mustonlyhave for the - fileName: ImageRegistryConfig.yaml configuration. This can cause the registry pod deployment to fail.

  2. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP ArgoCD application.


Use the following steps to troubleshoot errors with the local image registry on the managed clusters:

  • Verify successful login to the registry while logged in to the managed cluster. Run the following commands:

    1. Export the managed cluster name:

      $ cluster=<managed_cluster_name>
    2. Get the managed cluster kubeconfig details:

      $ oc get secret -n $cluster $cluster-admin-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d > kubeadmin-password-$cluster
    3. Download and export the cluster kubeconfig:

      $ oc get secret -n $cluster $cluster-admin-kubeconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.kubeconfig}' | base64 -d > kubeconfig-$cluster && export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig-$cluster
    4. Verify access to the image registry from the managed cluster. See "Accessing the registry".
  • Check that the Config CRD in the imageregistry.operator.openshift.io group instance is not reporting errors. Run the following command while logged in to the managed cluster:

    $ oc get image.config.openshift.io cluster -o yaml

    Example output

    apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
    kind: Image
        include.release.openshift.io/ibm-cloud-managed: "true"
        include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: "true"
        include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: "true"
        release.openshift.io/create-only: "true"
      creationTimestamp: "2021-10-08T19:02:39Z"
      generation: 5
      name: cluster
      resourceVersion: "688678648"
      uid: 0406521b-39c0-4cda-ba75-873697da75a4
        name: acm-ice

  • Check that the PersistentVolumeClaim on the managed cluster is populated with data. Run the following command while logged in to the managed cluster:

    $ oc get pv image-registry-sc
  • Check that the registry* pod is running and is located under the openshift-image-registry namespace.

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-image-registry | grep registry*

    Example output

    cluster-image-registry-operator-68f5c9c589-42cfg   1/1     Running     0          8d
    image-registry-5f8987879-6nx6h                     1/1     Running     0          8d

  • Check that the disk partition on the managed cluster is correct:

    1. Open a debug shell to the managed cluster:

      $ oc debug node/sno-1.example.com
    2. Run lsblk to check the host disk partitions:

      sh-4.4# lsblk
      sda      8:0    0 446.6G  0 disk
        |-sda1   8:1    0     1M  0 part
        |-sda2   8:2    0   127M  0 part
        |-sda3   8:3    0   384M  0 part /boot
        |-sda4   8:4    0 336.3G  0 part /sysroot
        `-sda5   8:5    0 100.1G  0 part /var/imageregistry 1
      sdb      8:16   0 446.6G  0 disk
      sr0     11:0    1   104M  0 rom
      /var/imageregistry indicates that the disk is correctly partitioned.

Additional resources

10.3. Updating managed clusters in a disconnected environment with PolicyGenTemplate resources and TALM

You can use the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) to manage the software lifecycle of managed clusters that you have deployed by using GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM). TALM uses Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) PolicyGenTemplate policies to manage and control changes applied to target clusters.


Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

10.3.1. Setting up the disconnected environment

TALM can perform both platform and Operator updates.

You must mirror both the platform image and Operator images that you want to update to in your mirror registry before you can use TALM to update your disconnected clusters. Complete the following steps to mirror the images:

  • For platform updates, you must perform the following steps:

    1. Mirror the desired OpenShift Container Platform image repository. Ensure that the desired platform image is mirrored by following the "Mirroring the OpenShift Container Platform image repository" procedure linked in the Additional resources. Save the contents of the imageContentSources section in the imageContentSources.yaml file:

      Example output

       - mirrors:
         - mirror-ocp-registry.ibmcloud.io.cpak:5000/openshift-release-dev/openshift4
         source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release
       - mirrors:
         - mirror-ocp-registry.ibmcloud.io.cpak:5000/openshift-release-dev/openshift4
         source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev

    2. Save the image signature of the desired platform image that was mirrored. You must add the image signature to the PolicyGenTemplate CR for platform updates. To get the image signature, perform the following steps:

      1. Specify the desired OpenShift Container Platform tag by running the following command:

        $ OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER=<release_version>
      2. Specify the architecture of the cluster by running the following command:

        $ ARCHITECTURE=<cluster_architecture> 1
        Specify the architecture of the cluster, such as x86_64, aarch64, s390x, or ppc64le.
      3. Get the release image digest from Quay by running the following command

        $ DIGEST="$(oc adm release info quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:${OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER}-${ARCHITECTURE} | sed -n 's/Pull From: .*@//p')"
      4. Set the digest algorithm by running the following command:

        $ DIGEST_ALGO="${DIGEST%%:*}"
      5. Set the digest signature by running the following command:

        $ DIGEST_ENCODED="${DIGEST#*:}"
      6. Get the image signature from the mirror.openshift.com website by running the following command:

        $ SIGNATURE_BASE64=$(curl -s "https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/signatures/openshift/release/${DIGEST_ALGO}=${DIGEST_ENCODED}/signature-1" | base64 -w0 && echo)
      7. Save the image signature to the checksum-<OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER>.yaml file by running the following commands:

        $ cat >checksum-${OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER}.yaml <<EOF
    3. Prepare the update graph. You have two options to prepare the update graph:

      1. Use the OpenShift Update Service.

        For more information about how to set up the graph on the hub cluster, see Deploy the operator for OpenShift Update Service and Build the graph data init container.

      2. Make a local copy of the upstream graph. Host the update graph on an http or https server in the disconnected environment that has access to the managed cluster. To download the update graph, use the following command:

        $ curl -s https://api.openshift.com/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph?channel=stable-4.17 -o ~/upgrade-graph_stable-4.17
  • For Operator updates, you must perform the following task:

    • Mirror the Operator catalogs. Ensure that the desired operator images are mirrored by following the procedure in the "Mirroring Operator catalogs for use with disconnected clusters" section.

10.3.2. Performing a platform update with PolicyGenTemplate CRs

You can perform a platform update with the TALM.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.
  • Mirror the desired image repository.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Create a PolicyGenTemplate CR for the platform update:

    1. Save the following PolicyGenTemplate CR in the du-upgrade.yaml file:

      Example of PolicyGenTemplate for platform update

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenTemplate
        name: "du-upgrade"
        namespace: "ztp-group-du-sno"
          group-du-sno: ""
        mcp: "master"
        remediationAction: inform
          - fileName: ImageSignature.yaml 1
            policyName: "platform-upgrade-prep"
          - fileName: DisconnectedICSP.yaml
            policyName: "platform-upgrade-prep"
              name: disconnected-internal-icsp-for-ocp
              repositoryDigestMirrors: 3
                - mirrors:
                  - quay-intern.example.com/ocp4/openshift-release-dev
                  source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release
                - mirrors:
                  - quay-intern.example.com/ocp4/openshift-release-dev
                  source: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev
          - fileName: ClusterVersion.yaml 4
            policyName: "platform-upgrade"
              name: version
              channel: "stable-4.17"
              upstream: http://upgrade.example.com/images/upgrade-graph_stable-4.17
                version: 4.17.4
                - version: 4.17.4
                  state: "Completed"

      The ConfigMap CR contains the signature of the desired release image to update to.
      Shows the image signature of the desired OpenShift Container Platform release. Get the signature from the checksum-${OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER}.yaml file you saved when following the procedures in the "Setting up the environment" section.
      Shows the mirror repository that contains the desired OpenShift Container Platform image. Get the mirrors from the imageContentSources.yaml file that you saved when following the procedures in the "Setting up the environment" section.
      Shows the ClusterVersion CR to trigger the update. The channel, upstream, and desiredVersion fields are all required for image pre-caching.

      The PolicyGenTemplate CR generates two policies:

      • The du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep policy does the preparation work for the platform update. It creates the ConfigMap CR for the desired release image signature, creates the image content source of the mirrored release image repository, and updates the cluster version with the desired update channel and the update graph reachable by the managed cluster in the disconnected environment.
      • The du-upgrade-platform-upgrade policy is used to perform platform upgrade.
    2. Add the du-upgrade.yaml file contents to the kustomization.yaml file located in the GitOps ZTP Git repository for the PolicyGenTemplate CRs and push the changes to the Git repository.

      ArgoCD pulls the changes from the Git repository and generates the policies on the hub cluster.

    3. Check the created policies by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep platform-upgrade
  2. Create the ClusterGroupUpdate CR for the platform update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the content of the platform update ClusterGroupUpdate CR with the du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep and the du-upgrade-platform-upgrade policies and the target clusters to the cgu-platform-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-platform-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade
        preCaching: false
        - spoke1
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
    2. Apply the ClusterGroupUpdate CR to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-upgrade.yml
  3. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the platform update.

    1. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpdate CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-platform-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the update process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the hub cluster:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-platform-upgrade -o jsonpath='{.status.precaching.status}'
  4. Start the platform update:

    1. Enable the cgu-platform-upgrade policy and disable pre-caching by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-platform-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

10.3.3. Performing an Operator update with PolicyGenTemplate CRs

You can perform an Operator update with the TALM.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.
  • Mirror the desired index image, bundle images, and all Operator images referenced in the bundle images.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Update the PolicyGenTemplate CR for the Operator update.

    1. Update the du-upgrade PolicyGenTemplate CR with the following additional contents in the du-upgrade.yaml file:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenTemplate
        name: "du-upgrade"
        namespace: "ztp-group-du-sno"
          group-du-sno: ""
        mcp: "master"
        remediationAction: inform
          - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
            remediationAction: inform
            policyName: "operator-catsrc-policy"
              name: redhat-operators-disconnected
              displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog
              image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/redhat-operators-disconnected:v4.17 1
              updateStrategy: 2
                  interval: 1h
                  lastObservedState: READY 3
      The index image URL contains the desired Operator images. If the index images are always pushed to the same image name and tag, this change is not needed.
      Set how frequently the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) polls the index image for new Operator versions with the registryPoll.interval field. This change is not needed if a new index image tag is always pushed for y-stream and z-stream Operator updates. The registryPoll.interval field can be set to a shorter interval to expedite the update, however shorter intervals increase computational load. To counteract this behavior, you can restore registryPoll.interval to the default value once the update is complete.
      Last observed state of the catalog connection. The READY value ensures that the CatalogSource policy is ready, indicating that the index pod is pulled and is running. This way, TALM upgrades the Operators based on up-to-date policy compliance states.
    2. This update generates one policy, du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy, to update the redhat-operators-disconnected catalog source with the new index images that contain the desired Operators images.


      If you want to use the image pre-caching for Operators and there are Operators from a different catalog source other than redhat-operators-disconnected, you must perform the following tasks:

      • Prepare a separate catalog source policy with the new index image or registry poll interval update for the different catalog source.
      • Prepare a separate subscription policy for the desired Operators that are from the different catalog source.

      For example, the desired SRIOV-FEC Operator is available in the certified-operators catalog source. To update the catalog source and the Operator subscription, add the following contents to generate two policies, du-upgrade-fec-catsrc-policy and du-upgrade-subscriptions-fec-policy:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenTemplate
        name: "du-upgrade"
        namespace: "ztp-group-du-sno"
          group-du-sno: ""
        mcp: "master"
        remediationAction: inform
            # ...
          - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
            remediationAction: inform
            policyName: "fec-catsrc-policy"
              name: certified-operators
              displayName: Intel SRIOV-FEC Operator
              image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/far-edge-sriov-fec:v4.10
                  interval: 10m
          - fileName: AcceleratorsSubscription.yaml
            policyName: "subscriptions-fec-policy"
              channel: "stable"
              source: certified-operators
    3. Remove the specified subscriptions channels in the common PolicyGenTemplate CR, if they exist. The default subscriptions channels from the GitOps ZTP image are used for the update.


      The default channel for the Operators applied through GitOps ZTP 4.17 is stable, except for the performance-addon-operator. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the performance-addon-operator functionality was moved to the node-tuning-operator. For the 4.10 release, the default channel for PAO is v4.10. You can also specify the default channels in the common PolicyGenTemplate CR.

    4. Push the PolicyGenTemplate CRs updates to the GitOps ZTP Git repository.

      ArgoCD pulls the changes from the Git repository and generates the policies on the hub cluster.

    5. Check the created policies by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep -E "catsrc-policy|subscription"
  2. Apply the required catalog source updates before starting the Operator update.

    1. Save the content of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR named operator-upgrade-prep with the catalog source policies and the target managed clusters to the cgu-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-operator-upgrade-prep
        namespace: default
        - spoke1
        enable: true
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
          maxConcurrency: 1
    2. Apply the policy to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-operator-upgrade-prep.yml
    3. Monitor the update process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep -E "catsrc-policy"
  3. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for the Operator update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the content of the Operator update ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy policy and the subscription policies created from the common PolicyGenTemplate and the target clusters to the cgu-operator-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-operator-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy 1
        - common-subscriptions-policy 2
        preCaching: false
        - spoke1
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
      The policy is needed by the image pre-caching feature to retrieve the operator images from the catalog source.
      The policy contains Operator subscriptions. If you have followed the structure and content of the reference PolicyGenTemplates, all Operator subscriptions are grouped into the common-subscriptions-policy policy.

      One ClusterGroupUpgrade CR can only pre-cache the images of the desired Operators defined in the subscription policy from one catalog source included in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. If the desired Operators are from different catalog sources, such as in the example of the SRIOV-FEC Operator, another ClusterGroupUpgrade CR must be created with du-upgrade-fec-catsrc-policy and du-upgrade-subscriptions-fec-policy policies for the SRIOV-FEC Operator images pre-caching and update.

    2. Apply the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-operator-upgrade.yml
  4. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the Operator update.

    1. Before starting image pre-caching, verify the subscription policy is NonCompliant at this point by running the following command:

      $ oc get policy common-subscriptions-policy -n <policy_namespace>

      Example output

      NAME                          REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE     AGE
      common-subscriptions-policy   inform               NonCompliant         27d

    2. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-operator-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    3. Monitor the process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the managed cluster:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-operator-upgrade -o jsonpath='{.status.precaching.status}'
    4. Check if the pre-caching is completed before starting the update by running the following command:

      $ oc get cgu -n default cgu-operator-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.status.conditions}' | jq

      Example output

            "lastTransitionTime": "2022-03-08T20:49:08.000Z",
            "message": "The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is not enabled",
            "reason": "UpgradeNotStarted",
            "status": "False",
            "type": "Ready"
            "lastTransitionTime": "2022-03-08T20:55:30.000Z",
            "message": "Precaching is completed",
            "reason": "PrecachingCompleted",
            "status": "True",
            "type": "PrecachingDone"

  5. Start the Operator update.

    1. Enable the cgu-operator-upgrade ClusterGroupUpgrade CR and disable pre-caching to start the Operator update by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-operator-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

Additional resources

10.3.4. Troubleshooting missed Operator updates with PolicyGenTemplate CRs

In some scenarios, Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) might miss Operator updates due to an out-of-date policy compliance state.

After a catalog source update, it takes time for the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to update the subscription status. The status of the subscription policy might continue to show as compliant while TALM decides whether remediation is needed. As a result, the Operator specified in the subscription policy does not get upgraded.

To avoid this scenario, add another catalog source configuration to the PolicyGenTemplate and specify this configuration in the subscription for any Operators that require an update.


  1. Add a catalog source configuration in the PolicyGenTemplate resource:

    - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "operator-catsrc-policy"
            name: redhat-operators-disconnected
            displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog
            image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/redhat-operators-disconnected:v{product-version}
                interval: 1h
                lastObservedState: READY
    - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "operator-catsrc-policy"
            name: redhat-operators-disconnected-v2 1
            displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog v2 2
            image: registry.example.com:5000/olm/redhat-operators-disconnected:<version> 3
                interval: 1h
                lastObservedState: READY
    Update the name for the new configuration.
    Update the display name for the new configuration.
    Update the index image URL. This fileName.spec.image field overrides any configuration in the DefaultCatsrc.yaml file.
  2. Update the Subscription resource to point to the new configuration for Operators that require an update:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: operator-subscription
      namespace: operator-namspace
    # ...
      source: redhat-operators-disconnected-v2 1
    # ...
    Enter the name of the additional catalog source configuration that you defined in the PolicyGenTemplate resource.

10.3.5. Performing a platform and an Operator update together

You can perform a platform and an Operator update at the same time.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Create the PolicyGenTemplate CR for the updates by following the steps described in the "Performing a platform update" and "Performing an Operator update" sections.
  2. Apply the prep work for the platform and the Operator update.

    1. Save the content of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the policies for platform update preparation work, catalog source updates, and target clusters to the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file, for example:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
        - group-du-sno
          maxConcurrency: 10
        enable: true
    2. Apply the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml
    3. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces
  3. Create the ClusterGroupUpdate CR for the platform and the Operator update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the contents of the platform and Operator update ClusterGroupUpdate CR with the policies and the target clusters to the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-du-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade 1
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy 2
        - common-subscriptions-policy 3
        preCaching: true
        - group-du-sno
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
      This is the platform update policy.
      This is the policy containing the catalog source information for the Operators to be updated. It is needed for the pre-caching feature to determine which Operator images to download to the managed cluster.
      This is the policy to update the Operators.
    2. Apply the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml file to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml
  4. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the platform and the Operator update.

    1. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-du-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the update process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the managed cluster:

      $ oc get jobs,pods -n openshift-talm-pre-cache
    3. Check if the pre-caching is completed before starting the update by running the following command:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-du-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.status.conditions}'
  5. Start the platform and Operator update.

    1. Enable the cgu-du-upgrade ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to start the platform and the Operator update by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-du-upgrade \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

      The CRs for the platform and Operator updates can be created from the beginning by configuring the setting to spec.enable: true. In this case, the update starts immediately after pre-caching completes and there is no need to manually enable the CR.

      Both pre-caching and the update create extra resources, such as policies, placement bindings, placement rules, managed cluster actions, and managed cluster view, to help complete the procedures. Setting the afterCompletion.deleteObjects field to true deletes all these resources after the updates complete.

10.3.6. Removing Performance Addon Operator subscriptions from deployed clusters with PolicyGenTemplate CRs

In earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform, the Performance Addon Operator provided automatic, low latency performance tuning for applications. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, these functions are part of the Node Tuning Operator.

Do not install the Performance Addon Operator on clusters running OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later. If you upgrade to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, the Node Tuning Operator automatically removes the Performance Addon Operator.


You need to remove any policies that create Performance Addon Operator subscriptions to prevent a re-installation of the Operator.

The reference DU profile includes the Performance Addon Operator in the PolicyGenTemplate CR common-ranGen.yaml. To remove the subscription from deployed managed clusters, you must update common-ranGen.yaml.


If you install Performance Addon Operator 4.10.3-5 or later on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, the Performance Addon Operator detects the cluster version and automatically hibernates to avoid interfering with the Node Tuning Operator functions. However, to ensure best performance, remove the Performance Addon Operator from your OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 clusters.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for ArgoCD.
  • Update to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Change the complianceType to mustnothave for the Performance Addon Operator namespace, Operator group, and subscription in the common-ranGen.yaml file.

    - fileName: PaoSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
      complianceType: mustnothave
    - fileName: PaoSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
      complianceType: mustnothave
    - fileName: PaoSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
      complianceType: mustnothave
  2. Merge the changes with your custom site repository and wait for the ArgoCD application to synchronize the change to the hub cluster. The status of the common-subscriptions-policy policy changes to Non-Compliant.
  3. Apply the change to your target clusters by using the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager. For more information about rolling out configuration changes, see the "Additional resources" section.
  4. Monitor the process. When the status of the common-subscriptions-policy policy for a target cluster is Compliant, the Performance Addon Operator has been removed from the cluster. Get the status of the common-subscriptions-policy by running the following command:

    $ oc get policy -n ztp-common common-subscriptions-policy
  5. Delete the Performance Addon Operator namespace, Operator group and subscription CRs from spec.sourceFiles in the common-ranGen.yaml file.
  6. Merge the changes with your custom site repository and wait for the ArgoCD application to synchronize the change to the hub cluster. The policy remains compliant.

10.3.7. Pre-caching user-specified images with TALM on single-node OpenShift clusters

You can pre-cache application-specific workload images on single-node OpenShift clusters before upgrading your applications.

You can specify the configuration options for the pre-caching jobs using the following custom resources (CR):

  • PreCachingConfig CR
  • ClusterGroupUpgrade CR

All fields in the PreCachingConfig CR are optional.

Example PreCachingConfig CR

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: PreCachingConfig
  name: exampleconfig
  namespace: exampleconfig-ns
  overrides: 1
    platformImage: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
      - registry.example.com:5000/custom-redhat-operators:1.0.0
      - local-storage-operator: stable
      - ptp-operator: stable
      - sriov-network-operator: stable
  spaceRequired: 30 Gi 2
  excludePrecachePatterns: 3
    - aws
    - vsphere
  additionalImages: 4
    - quay.io/exampleconfig/application1@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
    - quay.io/exampleconfig/application2@sha256:3d5800123dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47adfaef
    - quay.io/exampleconfig/applicationN@sha256:4fe1334adfafadsf987123adfffdaf1243340adfafdedga0991234afdadfsa09

By default, TALM automatically populates the platformImage, operatorsIndexes, and the operatorsPackagesAndChannels fields from the policies of the managed clusters. You can specify values to override the default TALM-derived values for these fields.
Specifies the minimum required disk space on the cluster. If unspecified, TALM defines a default value for OpenShift Container Platform images. The disk space field must include an integer value and the storage unit. For example: 40 GiB, 200 MB, 1 TiB.
Specifies the images to exclude from pre-caching based on image name matching.
Specifies the list of additional images to pre-cache.

Example ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with PreCachingConfig CR reference

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
  name: cgu
  preCaching: true 1
    name: exampleconfig 2
    namespace: exampleconfig-ns 3

The preCaching field set to true enables the pre-caching job.
The preCachingConfigRef.name field specifies the PreCachingConfig CR that you want to use.
The preCachingConfigRef.namespace specifies the namespace of the PreCachingConfig CR that you want to use. Creating the custom resources for pre-caching

You must create the PreCachingConfig CR before or concurrently with the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

  1. Create the PreCachingConfig CR with the list of additional images you want to pre-cache.

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: PreCachingConfig
      name: exampleconfig
      namespace: default 1
      spaceRequired: 30Gi 2
        - quay.io/exampleconfig/application1@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
        - quay.io/exampleconfig/application2@sha256:3d5800123dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47adfaef
        - quay.io/exampleconfig/applicationN@sha256:4fe1334adfafadsf987123adfffdaf1243340adfafdedga0991234afdadfsa09
    The namespace must be accessible to the hub cluster.
    It is recommended to set the minimum disk space required field to ensure that there is sufficient storage space for the pre-cached images.
  2. Create a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the preCaching field set to true and specify the PreCachingConfig CR created in the previous step:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu
      namespace: default
      - sno1
      - sno2
      preCaching: true
      - name: exampleconfig
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
        - common-subscriptions-policy
        timeout: 240

    Once you install the images on the cluster, you cannot change or delete them.

  3. When you want to start pre-caching the images, apply the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f cgu.yaml

TALM verifies the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

From this point, you can continue with the TALM pre-caching workflow.


All sites are pre-cached concurrently.


  1. Check the pre-caching status on the hub cluster where the ClusterUpgradeGroup CR is applied by running the following command:

    $ oc get cgu <cgu_name> -n <cgu_namespace> -oyaml

    Example output

          platformImage: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
            - registry.example.com:5000/custom-redhat-operators:1.0.0
            - local-storage-operator: stable
            - ptp-operator: stable
            - sriov-network-operator: stable
            - aws
            - vsphere
            - quay.io/exampleconfig/application1@sha256:3d5800990dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47e2e1ef
            - quay.io/exampleconfig/application2@sha256:3d5800123dee7cd4727d3fe238a97e2d2976d3808fc925ada29c559a47adfaef
            - quay.io/exampleconfig/applicationN@sha256:4fe1334adfafadsf987123adfffdaf1243340adfafdedga0991234afdadfsa09
          spaceRequired: "30"
          sno1: Starting
          sno2: Starting

    The pre-caching configurations are validated by checking if the managed policies exist. Valid configurations of the ClusterGroupUpgrade and the PreCachingConfig CRs result in the following statuses:

    Example output of valid CRs

    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-01T00:00:01Z"
      message: All selected clusters are valid
      reason: ClusterSelectionCompleted
      status: "True"
      type: ClusterSelected
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-01T00:00:02Z"
      message: Completed validation
      reason: ValidationCompleted
      status: "True"
      type: Validated
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-01T00:00:03Z"
      message: Precaching spec is valid and consistent
      reason: PrecacheSpecIsWellFormed
      status: "True"
      type: PrecacheSpecValid
    - lastTransitionTime: "2023-01-01T00:00:04Z"
      message: Precaching in progress for 1 clusters
      reason: InProgress
      status: "False"
      type: PrecachingSucceeded

    Example of an invalid PreCachingConfig CR

    Type:    "PrecacheSpecValid"
    Status:  False,
    Reason:  "PrecacheSpecIncomplete"
    Message: "Precaching spec is incomplete: failed to get PreCachingConfig resource due to PreCachingConfig.ran.openshift.io "<pre-caching_cr_name>" not found"

  2. You can find the pre-caching job by running the following command on the managed cluster:

    $ oc get jobs -n openshift-talo-pre-cache

    Example of pre-caching job in progress

    pre-cache   0/1               1s            1s

  3. You can check the status of the pod created for the pre-caching job by running the following command:

    $ oc describe pod pre-cache -n openshift-talo-pre-cache

    Example of pre-caching job in progress

    Type        Reason              Age    From              Message
    Normal      SuccesfulCreate     19s    job-controller    Created pod: pre-cache-abcd1

  4. You can get live updates on the status of the job by running the following command:

    $ oc logs -f pre-cache-abcd1 -n openshift-talo-pre-cache
  5. To verify the pre-cache job is successfully completed, run the following command:

    $ oc describe pod pre-cache -n openshift-talo-pre-cache

    Example of completed pre-cache job

    Type        Reason              Age    From              Message
    Normal      SuccesfulCreate     5m19s  job-controller    Created pod: pre-cache-abcd1
    Normal      Completed           19s    job-controller    Job completed

  6. To verify that the images are successfully pre-cached on the single-node OpenShift, do the following:

    1. Enter into the node in debug mode:

      $ oc debug node/cnfdf00.example.lab
    2. Change root to host:

      $ chroot /host/
    3. Search for the desired images:

      $ sudo podman images | grep <operator_name>

10.3.8. About the auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for GitOps ZTP

TALM has a controller called ManagedClusterForCGU that monitors the Ready state of the ManagedCluster CRs on the hub cluster and creates the ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs for GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).

For any managed cluster in the Ready state without a ztp-done label applied, the ManagedClusterForCGU controller automatically creates a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the ztp-install namespace with its associated RHACM policies that are created during the GitOps ZTP process. TALM then remediates the set of configuration policies that are listed in the auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to push the configuration CRs to the managed cluster.

If there are no policies for the managed cluster at the time when the cluster becomes Ready, a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with no policies is created. Upon completion of the ClusterGroupUpgrade the managed cluster is labeled as ztp-done. If there are policies that you want to apply for that managed cluster, manually create a ClusterGroupUpgrade as a day-2 operation.

Example of an auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for GitOps ZTP

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
  generation: 1
  name: spoke1
  namespace: ztp-install
  - apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: ManagedCluster
    name: spoke1
    uid: 98fdb9b2-51ee-4ee7-8f57-a84f7f35b9d5
  resourceVersion: "46666836"
  uid: b8be9cd2-764f-4a62-87d6-6b767852c7da
        ztp-done: "" 1
        ztp-running: ""
      deleteObjects: true
        ztp-running: "" 2
  - spoke1
  enable: true
  - common-spoke1-config-policy
  - common-spoke1-subscriptions-policy
  - group-spoke1-config-policy
  - spoke1-config-policy
  - group-spoke1-validator-du-policy
  preCaching: false
    maxConcurrency: 1
    timeout: 240

Applied to the managed cluster when TALM completes the cluster configuration.
Applied to the managed cluster when TALM starts deploying the configuration policies.

Chapter 11. Using hub templates in PolicyGenerator or PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager supports Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) hub cluster template functions in configuration policies used with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).

Hub-side cluster templates allow you to define configuration policies that can be dynamically customized to the target clusters. This reduces the need to create separate policies for many clusters with similar configurations but with different values.


Policy templates are restricted to the same namespace as the namespace where the policy is defined. This means you must create the objects referenced in the hub template in the same namespace where the policy is created.


Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage and deploy policies to managed clusters will be deprecated in an upcoming OpenShift Container Platform release. Equivalent and improved functionality is available using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and PolicyGenerator CRs.

For more information about PolicyGenerator resources, see the RHACM Policy Generator documentation.

11.1. Specifying group and site configurations in group PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs

You can manage the configuration of fleets of clusters with ConfigMap CRs by using hub templates to populate the group and site values in the generated policies that get applied to the managed clusters. Using hub templates in site PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs means that you do not need to create a policy CR for each site.

You can group the clusters in a fleet in various categories, depending on the use case, for example hardware type or region. Each cluster should have a label corresponding to the group or groups that the cluster is in. If you manage the configuration values for each group in different ConfigMap CRs, then you require only one group policy CR to apply the changes to all the clusters in the group by using hub templates.

The following example shows you how to use three ConfigMap CRs and one PolicyGenerator CR to apply both site and group configuration to clusters grouped by hardware type and region.


There is a 1 MiB size limit (Kubernetes documentation) for ConfigMap CRs. The effective size for the ConfigMap CRs is further limited by the last-applied-configuration annotation. To avoid the last-applied-configuration limitation, add the following annotation to the template ConfigMap:

argocd.argoproj.io/sync-options: Replace=true


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the GitOps ZTP ArgoCD application.


  1. Create three ConfigMap CRs that contain the group and site configuration:

    1. Create a ConfigMap CR named group-hardware-types-configmap to hold the hardware-specific configuration. For example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: group-hardware-types-configmap
        namespace: ztp-group
          argocd.argoproj.io/sync-options: Replace=true 1
        # SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml
        hardware-type-1-sriov-node-policy-pfNames-1: "[\"ens5f0\"]"
        hardware-type-1-sriov-node-policy-pfNames-2: "[\"ens7f0\"]"
        # PerformanceProfile.yaml
        hardware-type-1-cpu-isolated: "2-31,34-63"
        hardware-type-1-cpu-reserved: "0-1,32-33"
        hardware-type-1-hugepages-default: "1G"
        hardware-type-1-hugepages-size: "1G"
        hardware-type-1-hugepages-count: "32"
      The argocd.argoproj.io/sync-options annotation is required only if the ConfigMap is larger than 1 MiB in size.
    2. Create a ConfigMap CR named group-zones-configmap to hold the regional configuration. For example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: group-zones-configmap
        namespace: ztp-group
        # ClusterLogForwarder.yaml
        zone-1-cluster-log-fwd-outputs: "[{\"type\":\"kafka\", \"name\":\"kafka-open\", \"url\":\"tcp://\"}]"
        zone-1-cluster-log-fwd-pipelines: "[{\"inputRefs\":[\"audit\", \"infrastructure\"], \"labels\": {\"label1\": \"test1\", \"label2\": \"test2\", \"label3\": \"test3\", \"label4\": \"test4\"}, \"name\": \"all-to-default\", \"outputRefs\": [\"kafka-open\"]}]"
    3. Create a ConfigMap CR named site-data-configmap to hold the site-specific configuration. For example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: site-data-configmap
        namespace: ztp-group
        # SriovNetwork.yaml
        du-sno-1-zone-1-sriov-network-vlan-1: "140"
        du-sno-1-zone-1-sriov-network-vlan-2: "150"

    Each ConfigMap CR must be in the same namespace as the policy to be generated from the group PolicyGenerator CR.

  2. Commit the ConfigMap CRs in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the Argo CD application.
  3. Apply the hardware type and region labels to the clusters. The following command applies to a single cluster named du-sno-1-zone-1 and the labels chosen are "hardware-type": "hardware-type-1" and "group-du-sno-zone": "zone-1":

    $ oc patch managedclusters.cluster.open-cluster-management.io/du-sno-1-zone-1 --type merge -p '{"metadata":{"labels":{"hardware-type": "hardware-type-1", "group-du-sno-zone": "zone-1"}}}'
  4. Depending on your requirements, Create a group PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CR that uses hub templates to obtain the required data from the ConfigMap objects:

    1. Create a group PolicyGenerator CR. This example PolicyGenerator CR configures logging, VLAN IDs, NICs and Performance Profile for the clusters that match the labels listed the under policyDefaults.placement field:

      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenerator
          name: group-du-sno-pgt
          name: group-du-sno-pgt-placement-binding
                      - key: group-du-sno-zone
                        operator: In
                          - zone-1
                      - key: hardware-type
                        operator: In
                          - hardware-type-1
          remediationAction: inform
          severity: low
                  - kube-*
                  - '*'
              compliant: 10m
              noncompliant: 10s
          - name: group-du-sno-pgt-group-du-sno-cfg-policy
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "10"
              - path: source-crs/ClusterLogForwarder.yaml
                  - spec:
                      outputs: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-zones-configmap" (printf "%s-cluster-log-fwd-outputs" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "group-du-sno-zone")) | toLiteral hub}}'
                      pipelines: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-zones-configmap" (printf "%s-cluster-log-fwd-pipelines" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "group-du-sno-zone")) | toLiteral hub}}'
              - path: source-crs/PerformanceProfile-MCP-master.yaml
                  - metadata:
                      name: openshift-node-performance-profile
                          - rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0
                          - vfio_pci.enable_sriov=1
                          - vfio_pci.disable_idle_d3=1
                          - efi=runtime
                          isolated: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-cpu-isolated" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
                          reserved: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-cpu-reserved" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
                          defaultHugepagesSize: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-default" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
                              - count: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-count" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toInt hub}}'
                                size: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-size" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
                          enabled: true
          - name: group-du-sno-pgt-group-du-sno-sriov-policy
              ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
              - path: source-crs/SriovNetwork.yaml
                  - metadata:
                      name: sriov-nw-du-fh
                      resourceName: du_fh
                      vlan: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-sriov-network-vlan-1" .ManagedClusterName) | toInt hub}}'
              - path: source-crs/SriovNetworkNodePolicy-MCP-master.yaml
                  - metadata:
                      name: sriov-nnp-du-fh
                      deviceType: netdevice
                      isRdma: false
                          pfNames: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-sriov-node-policy-pfNames-1" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toLiteral hub}}'
                      numVfs: 8
                      priority: 10
                      resourceName: du_fh
              - path: source-crs/SriovNetwork.yaml
                  - metadata:
                      name: sriov-nw-du-mh
                      resourceName: du_mh
                      vlan: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-sriov-network-vlan-2" .ManagedClusterName) | toInt hub}}'
              - path: source-crs/SriovNetworkNodePolicy-MCP-master.yaml
                  - metadata:
                      name: sriov-nw-du-fh
                      deviceType: netdevice
                      isRdma: false
                          pfNames: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-sriov-node-policy-pfNames-2" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toLiteral hub}}'
                      numVfs: 8
                      priority: 10
                      resourceName: du_fh
    2. Create a group PolicyGenTemplate CR. This example PolicyGenTemplate CR configures logging, VLAN IDs, NICs and Performance Profile for the clusters that match the labels listed under spec.bindingRules:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenTemplate
        name: group-du-sno-pgt
        namespace: ztp-group
          # These policies will correspond to all clusters with these labels
          group-du-sno-zone: "zone-1"
          hardware-type: "hardware-type-1"
        mcp: "master"
          - fileName: ClusterLogForwarder.yaml # wave 10
            policyName: "group-du-sno-cfg-policy"
              outputs: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-zones-configmap" (printf "%s-cluster-log-fwd-outputs" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "group-du-sno-zone")) | toLiteral hub}}'
              pipelines: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-zones-configmap" (printf "%s-cluster-log-fwd-pipelines" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "group-du-sno-zone")) | toLiteral hub}}'
          - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml # wave 10
            policyName: "group-du-sno-cfg-policy"
              name: openshift-node-performance-profile
              - rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0
              - vfio_pci.enable_sriov=1
              - vfio_pci.disable_idle_d3=1
              - efi=runtime
                isolated: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-cpu-isolated" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
                reserved: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-cpu-reserved" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
                defaultHugepagesSize: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-default" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
                  - size: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-size" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
                    count: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-count" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toInt hub}}'
                enabled: true
          - fileName: SriovNetwork.yaml # wave 100
            policyName: "group-du-sno-sriov-policy"
              name: sriov-nw-du-fh
              resourceName: du_fh
              vlan: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-sriov-network-vlan-1" .ManagedClusterName) | toInt hub}}'
          - fileName: SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml # wave 100
            policyName: "group-du-sno-sriov-policy"
              name: sriov-nnp-du-fh
              deviceType: netdevice
              isRdma: false
                pfNames: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-sriov-node-policy-pfNames-1" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toLiteral hub}}'
              numVfs: 8
              priority: 10
              resourceName: du_fh
          - fileName: SriovNetwork.yaml # wave 100
            policyName: "group-du-sno-sriov-policy"
              name: sriov-nw-du-mh
              resourceName: du_mh
              vlan: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-sriov-network-vlan-2" .ManagedClusterName) | toInt hub}}'
          - fileName: SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml # wave 100
            policyName: "group-du-sno-sriov-policy"
              name: sriov-nw-du-fh
              deviceType: netdevice
              isRdma: false
                pfNames: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-sriov-node-policy-pfNames-2" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toLiteral hub}}'
              numVfs: 8
              priority: 10
              resourceName: du_fh

    To retrieve site-specific configuration values, use the .ManagedClusterName field. This is a template context value set to the name of the target managed cluster.

    To retrieve group-specific configuration, use the .ManagedClusterLabels field. This is a template context value set to the value of the managed cluster’s labels.

  5. Commit the site PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CR in Git and push to the Git repository that is monitored by the ArgoCD application.


    Subsequent changes to the referenced ConfigMap CR are not automatically synced to the applied policies. You need to manually sync the new ConfigMap changes to update existing PolicyGenerator CRs. See "Syncing new ConfigMap changes to existing PolicyGenerator or PolicyGenTemplate CRs".

    You can use the same PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CR for multiple clusters. If there is a configuration change, then the only modifications you need to make are to the ConfigMap objects that hold the configuration for each cluster and the labels of the managed clusters.

11.2. Syncing new ConfigMap changes to existing PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CRs


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CR that pulls information from a ConfigMap CR using hub cluster templates.


  1. Update the contents of your ConfigMap CR, and apply the changes in the hub cluster.
  2. To sync the contents of the updated ConfigMap CR to the deployed policy, do either of the following:

    1. Option 1: Delete the existing policy. ArgoCD uses the PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate CR to immediately recreate the deleted policy. For example, run the following command:

      $ oc delete policy <policy_name> -n <policy_namespace>
    2. Option 2: Apply a special annotation policy.open-cluster-management.io/trigger-update to the policy with a different value every time when you update the ConfigMap. For example:

      $ oc annotate policy <policy_name> -n <policy_namespace> policy.open-cluster-management.io/trigger-update="1"

      You must apply the updated policy for the changes to take effect. For more information, see Special annotation for reprocessing.

  3. Optional: If it exists, delete the ClusterGroupUpdate CR that contains the policy. For example:

    $ oc delete clustergroupupgrade <cgu_name> -n <cgu_namespace>
    1. Create a new ClusterGroupUpdate CR that includes the policy to apply with the updated ConfigMap changes. For example, add the following YAML to the file cgr-example.yaml:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: <cgr_name>
        namespace: <policy_namespace>
          - <managed_policy>
        enable: true
        - <managed_cluster_1>
        - <managed_cluster_2>
          maxConcurrency: 2
          timeout: 240
    2. Apply the updated policy:

      $ oc apply -f cgr-example.yaml

Chapter 12. Updating managed clusters with the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager

You can use the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) to manage the software lifecycle of multiple clusters. TALM uses Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies to perform changes on the target clusters.


Using PolicyGenerator resources with GitOps ZTP is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

12.1. About the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager configuration

The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) manages the deployment of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies for one or more OpenShift Container Platform clusters. Using TALM in a large network of clusters allows the phased rollout of policies to the clusters in limited batches. This helps to minimize possible service disruptions when updating. With TALM, you can control the following actions:

  • The timing of the update
  • The number of RHACM-managed clusters
  • The subset of managed clusters to apply the policies to
  • The update order of the clusters
  • The set of policies remediated to the cluster
  • The order of policies remediated to the cluster
  • The assignment of a canary cluster

For single-node OpenShift, the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) offers pre-caching images for clusters with limited bandwidth.

TALM supports the orchestration of the OpenShift Container Platform y-stream and z-stream updates, and day-two operations on y-streams and z-streams.

12.2. About managed policies used with Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager

The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) uses RHACM policies for cluster updates.

TALM can be used to manage the rollout of any policy CR where the remediationAction field is set to inform. Supported use cases include the following:

  • Manual user creation of policy CRs
  • Automatically generated policies from the PolicyGenerator or PolicyGentemplate custom resource definition (CRD)

For policies that update an Operator subscription with manual approval, TALM provides additional functionality that approves the installation of the updated Operator.

For more information about managed policies, see Policy Overview in the RHACM documentation.

Additional resources

12.3. Installing the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager by using the web console

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform web console to install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager.


  • Install the latest version of the RHACM Operator.
  • TALM requires RHACM 2.9 or later.
  • Set up a hub cluster with a disconnected registry.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to OperatorsOperatorHub.
  2. Search for the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager from the list of available Operators, and then click Install.
  3. Keep the default selection of Installation mode ["All namespaces on the cluster (default)"] and Installed Namespace ("openshift-operators") to ensure that the Operator is installed properly.
  4. Click Install.


To confirm that the installation is successful:

  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.
  2. Check that the Operator is installed in the All Namespaces namespace and its status is Succeeded.

If the Operator is not installed successfully:

  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page and inspect the Status column for any errors or failures.
  2. Navigate to the WorkloadsPods page and check the logs in any containers in the cluster-group-upgrades-controller-manager pod that are reporting issues.

12.4. Installing the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager by using the CLI

You can use the OpenShift CLI (oc) to install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Install the latest version of the RHACM Operator.
  • TALM requires RHACM 2.9 or later.
  • Set up a hub cluster with disconnected registry.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a Subscription CR:

    1. Define the Subscription CR and save the YAML file, for example, talm-subscription.yaml:

      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: Subscription
        name: openshift-topology-aware-lifecycle-manager-subscription
        namespace: openshift-operators
        channel: "stable"
        name: topology-aware-lifecycle-manager
        source: redhat-operators
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
    2. Create the Subscription CR by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f talm-subscription.yaml


  1. Verify that the installation succeeded by inspecting the CSV resource:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-operators

    Example output

    NAME                                                   DISPLAY                            VERSION               REPLACES                           PHASE
    topology-aware-lifecycle-manager.4.17.x   Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager   4.17.x                                      Succeeded

  2. Verify that the TALM is up and running:

    $ oc get deploy -n openshift-operators

    Example output

    NAMESPACE                                          NAME                                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    openshift-operators                                cluster-group-upgrades-controller-manager        1/1     1            1           14s

12.5. About the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR

The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) builds the remediation plan from the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for a group of clusters. You can define the following specifications in a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR:

  • Clusters in the group
  • Blocking ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs
  • Applicable list of managed policies
  • Number of concurrent updates
  • Applicable canary updates
  • Actions to perform before and after the update
  • Update timing

You can control the start time of an update using the enable field in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. For example, if you have a scheduled maintenance window of four hours, you can prepare a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the enable field set to false.

You can set the timeout by configuring the spec.remediationStrategy.timeout setting as follows:

          maxConcurrency: 1
          timeout: 240

You can use the batchTimeoutAction to determine what happens if an update fails for a cluster. You can specify continue to skip the failing cluster and continue to upgrade other clusters, or abort to stop policy remediation for all clusters. Once the timeout elapses, TALM removes all enforce policies to ensure that no further updates are made to clusters.

To apply the changes, you set the enabled field to true.

For more information see the "Applying update policies to managed clusters" section.

As TALM works through remediation of the policies to the specified clusters, the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR can report true or false statuses for a number of conditions.


After TALM completes a cluster update, the cluster does not update again under the control of the same ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. You must create a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the following cases:

  • When you need to update the cluster again
  • When the cluster changes to non-compliant with the inform policy after being updated

12.5.1. Selecting clusters

TALM builds a remediation plan and selects clusters based on the following fields:

  • The clusterLabelSelector field specifies the labels of the clusters that you want to update. This consists of a list of the standard label selectors from k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1. Each selector in the list uses either label value pairs or label expressions. Matches from each selector are added to the final list of clusters along with the matches from the clusterSelector field and the cluster field.
  • The clusters field specifies a list of clusters to update.
  • The canaries field specifies the clusters for canary updates.
  • The maxConcurrency field specifies the number of clusters to update in a batch.
  • The actions field specifies beforeEnable actions that TALM takes as it begins the update process, and afterCompletion actions that TALM takes as it completes policy remediation for each cluster.

You can use the clusters, clusterLabelSelector, and clusterSelector fields together to create a combined list of clusters.

The remediation plan starts with the clusters listed in the canaries field. Each canary cluster forms a single-cluster batch.

Sample ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the enabled field set to false

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
  creationTimestamp: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
    - ran.openshift.io/cleanup-finalizer
  generation: 1
  name: talm-cgu
  namespace: talm-namespace
  resourceVersion: '40451823'
  uid: cca245a5-4bca-45fa-89c0-aa6af81a596c
    afterCompletion: 1
        upgrade-done: ""
        upgrade-running: ""
      deleteObjects: true
    beforeEnable: 2
        upgrade-running: ""
  clusters: 3
    - spoke1
  enable: false 4
  managedPolicies: 5
    - talm-policy
  preCaching: false
  remediationStrategy: 6
    canaries: 7
        - spoke1
    maxConcurrency: 2 8
    timeout: 240
  clusterLabelSelectors: 9
    - matchExpressions:
      - key: label1
      operator: In
        - value1a
        - value1b
  batchTimeoutAction: 10
status: 11
    computedMaxConcurrency: 2
      - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
        message: All selected clusters are valid
        reason: ClusterSelectionCompleted
        status: 'True'
        type: ClustersSelected 12
      - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
        message: Completed validation
        reason: ValidationCompleted
        status: 'True'
        type: Validated 13
      - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:37:16Z'
        message: Not enabled
        reason: NotEnabled
        status: 'False'
        type: Progressing
      - name: talm-policy
        namespace: talm-namespace
      talm-policy: talm-namespace
      - - spoke1
      - - spoke2
        - spoke3

Specifies the action that TALM takes when it completes policy remediation for each cluster.
Specifies the action that TALM takes as it begins the update process.
Defines the list of clusters to update.
The enable field is set to false.
Lists the user-defined set of policies to remediate.
Defines the specifics of the cluster updates.
Defines the clusters for canary updates.
Defines the maximum number of concurrent updates in a batch. The number of remediation batches is the number of canary clusters, plus the number of clusters, except the canary clusters, divided by the maxConcurrency value. The clusters that are already compliant with all the managed policies are excluded from the remediation plan.
Displays the parameters for selecting clusters.
Controls what happens if a batch times out. Possible values are abort or continue. If unspecified, the default is continue.
Displays information about the status of the updates.
The ClustersSelected condition shows that all selected clusters are valid.
The Validated condition shows that all selected clusters have been validated.

Any failures during the update of a canary cluster stops the update process.

When the remediation plan is successfully created, you can you set the enable field to true and TALM starts to update the non-compliant clusters with the specified managed policies.


You can only make changes to the spec fields if the enable field of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is set to false.

12.5.2. Validating

TALM checks that all specified managed policies are available and correct, and uses the Validated condition to report the status and reasons as follows:

  • true

    Validation is completed.

  • false

    Policies are missing or invalid, or an invalid platform image has been specified.

12.5.3. Pre-caching

Clusters might have limited bandwidth to access the container image registry, which can cause a timeout before the updates are completed. On single-node OpenShift clusters, you can use pre-caching to avoid this. The container image pre-caching starts when you create a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the preCaching field set to true. TALM compares the available disk space with the estimated OpenShift Container Platform image size to ensure that there is enough space. If a cluster has insufficient space, TALM cancels pre-caching for that cluster and does not remediate policies on it.

TALM uses the PrecacheSpecValid condition to report status information as follows:

  • true

    The pre-caching spec is valid and consistent.

  • false

    The pre-caching spec is incomplete.

TALM uses the PrecachingSucceeded condition to report status information as follows:

  • true

    TALM has concluded the pre-caching process. If pre-caching fails for any cluster, the update fails for that cluster but proceeds for all other clusters. A message informs you if pre-caching has failed for any clusters.

  • false

    Pre-caching is still in progress for one or more clusters or has failed for all clusters.

For more information see the "Using the container image pre-cache feature" section.

12.5.4. Updating clusters

TALM enforces the policies following the remediation plan. Enforcing the policies for subsequent batches starts immediately after all the clusters of the current batch are compliant with all the managed policies. If the batch times out, TALM moves on to the next batch. The timeout value of a batch is the spec.timeout field divided by the number of batches in the remediation plan.

TALM uses the Progressing condition to report the status and reasons as follows:

  • true

    TALM is remediating non-compliant policies.

  • false

    The update is not in progress. Possible reasons for this are:

    • All clusters are compliant with all the managed policies.
    • The update timed out as policy remediation took too long.
    • Blocking CRs are missing from the system or have not yet completed.
    • The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is not enabled.

The managed policies apply in the order that they are listed in the managedPolicies field in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. One managed policy is applied to the specified clusters at a time. When a cluster complies with the current policy, the next managed policy is applied to it.

Sample ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the Progressing state

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
  creationTimestamp: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
    - ran.openshift.io/cleanup-finalizer
  generation: 1
  name: talm-cgu
  namespace: talm-namespace
  resourceVersion: '40451823'
  uid: cca245a5-4bca-45fa-89c0-aa6af81a596c
      deleteObjects: true
    beforeEnable: {}
    - spoke1
  enable: true
    - talm-policy
  preCaching: true
        - spoke1
    maxConcurrency: 2
    timeout: 240
    - matchExpressions:
      - key: label1
      operator: In
        - value1a
        - value1b
      - name: spoke1
        state: complete
    computedMaxConcurrency: 2
      - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
        message: All selected clusters are valid
        reason: ClusterSelectionCompleted
        status: 'True'
        type: ClustersSelected
      - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
        message: Completed validation
        reason: ValidationCompleted
        status: 'True'
        type: Validated
      - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:37:16Z'
        message: Remediating non-compliant policies
        reason: InProgress
        status: 'True'
        type: Progressing 1
      - name: talm-policy
        namespace: talm-namespace
      talm-policy: talm-namespace
      - - spoke1
      - - spoke2
        - spoke3
      currentBatch: 2
          state: Completed
          policyIndex: 0
          state: InProgress
      currentBatchStartedAt: '2022-11-18T16:27:16Z'
      startedAt: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'

The Progressing fields show that TALM is in the process of remediating policies.

12.5.5. Update status

TALM uses the Succeeded condition to report the status and reasons as follows:

  • true

    All clusters are compliant with the specified managed policies.

  • false

    Policy remediation failed as there were no clusters available for remediation, or because policy remediation took too long for one of the following reasons:

    • The current batch contains canary updates and the cluster in the batch does not comply with all the managed policies within the batch timeout.
    • Clusters did not comply with the managed policies within the timeout value specified in the remediationStrategy field.

Sample ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the Succeeded state

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-upgrade-complete
      namespace: default
      - spoke1
      - spoke4
      enable: true
      - policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
        maxConcurrency: 1
        timeout: 240
    status: 1
        - name: spoke1
          state: complete
        - name: spoke4
          state: complete
      - message: All selected clusters are valid
        reason: ClusterSelectionCompleted
        status: "True"
        type: ClustersSelected
      - message: Completed validation
        reason: ValidationCompleted
        status: "True"
        type: Validated
      - message: All clusters are compliant with all the managed policies
        reason: Completed
        status: "False"
        type: Progressing 2
      - message: All clusters are compliant with all the managed policies
        reason: Completed
        status: "True"
        type: Succeeded 3
      - name: policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - - spoke1
      - - spoke4
        completedAt: '2022-11-18T16:27:16Z'
        startedAt: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'

In the Progressing fields, the status is false as the update has completed; clusters are compliant with all the managed policies.
The Succeeded fields show that the validations completed successfully.
The status field includes a list of clusters and their respective statuses. The status of a cluster can be complete or timedout.

Sample ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the timedout state

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
  creationTimestamp: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
    - ran.openshift.io/cleanup-finalizer
  generation: 1
  name: talm-cgu
  namespace: talm-namespace
  resourceVersion: '40451823'
  uid: cca245a5-4bca-45fa-89c0-aa6af81a596c
      deleteObjects: true
    beforeEnable: {}
    - spoke1
    - spoke2
  enable: true
    - talm-policy
  preCaching: false
    maxConcurrency: 2
    timeout: 240
    - name: spoke1
      state: complete
    - currentPolicy: 1
        name: talm-policy
        status: NonCompliant
      name: spoke2
      state: timedout
  computedMaxConcurrency: 2
    - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
      message: All selected clusters are valid
      reason: ClusterSelectionCompleted
      status: 'True'
      type: ClustersSelected
    - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
      message: Completed validation
      reason: ValidationCompleted
      status: 'True'
      type: Validated
    - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:37:16Z'
      message: Policy remediation took too long
      reason: TimedOut
      status: 'False'
      type: Progressing
    - lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-18T16:37:16Z'
      message: Policy remediation took too long
      reason: TimedOut
      status: 'False'
      type: Succeeded 2
    - name: talm-policy
      namespace: talm-namespace
    talm-policy: talm-namespace
    - - spoke1
      - spoke2
        startedAt: '2022-11-18T16:27:15Z'
        completedAt: '2022-11-18T20:27:15Z'

If a cluster’s state is timedout, the currentPolicy field shows the name of the policy and the policy status.
The status for succeeded is false and the message indicates that policy remediation took too long.

12.5.6. Blocking ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs

You can create multiple ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs and control their order of application.

For example, if you create ClusterGroupUpgrade CR C that blocks the start of ClusterGroupUpgrade CR A, then ClusterGroupUpgrade CR A cannot start until the status of ClusterGroupUpgrade CR C becomes UpgradeComplete.

One ClusterGroupUpgrade CR can have multiple blocking CRs. In this case, all the blocking CRs must complete before the upgrade for the current CR can start.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Provision one or more managed clusters.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Save the content of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs in the cgu-a.yaml, cgu-b.yaml, and cgu-c.yaml files.

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-a
      namespace: default
      blockingCRs: 1
      - name: cgu-c
        namespace: default
      - spoke1
      - spoke2
      - spoke3
      enable: false
      - policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
        - spoke1
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240
      - message: The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is not enabled
        reason: UpgradeNotStarted
        status: "False"
        type: Ready
      - name: policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - cgu-a-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-a-policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - cgu-a-policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - cgu-a-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-a-policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - cgu-a-policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - - spoke1
      - - spoke2
    Defines the blocking CRs. The cgu-a update cannot start until cgu-c is complete.
    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-b
      namespace: default
      blockingCRs: 1
      - name: cgu-a
        namespace: default
      - spoke4
      - spoke5
      enable: false
      - policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
        maxConcurrency: 1
        timeout: 240
      - message: The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is not enabled
        reason: UpgradeNotStarted
        status: "False"
        type: Ready
      - name: policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - cgu-b-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-b-policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-b-policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      - - spoke4
      - - spoke5
      status: {}
    The cgu-b update cannot start until cgu-a is complete.
    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-c
      namespace: default
    spec: 1
      - spoke6
      enable: false
      - policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
        maxConcurrency: 1
        timeout: 240
      - message: The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is not enabled
        reason: UpgradeNotStarted
        status: "False"
        type: Ready
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - name: policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - cgu-c-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-c-policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      - cgu-c-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-c-policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      - - spoke6
      status: {}
    The cgu-c update does not have any blocking CRs. TALM starts the cgu-c update when the enable field is set to true.
  2. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs by running the following command for each relevant CR:

    $ oc apply -f <name>.yaml
  3. Start the update process by running the following command for each relevant CR:

    $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/<name> \
    --type merge -p '{"spec":{"enable":true}}'

    The following examples show ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs where the enable field is set to true:

    Example for cgu-a with blocking CRs

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-a
      namespace: default
      - name: cgu-c
        namespace: default
      - spoke1
      - spoke2
      - spoke3
      enable: true
      - policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
        - spoke1
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240
      - message: 'The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is blocked by other CRs that have not yet
          completed: [cgu-c]' 1
        reason: UpgradeCannotStart
        status: "False"
        type: Ready
      - name: policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - cgu-a-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-a-policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - cgu-a-policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - cgu-a-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-a-policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - cgu-a-policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - - spoke1
      - - spoke2
      status: {}

    Shows the list of blocking CRs.

    Example for cgu-b with blocking CRs

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-b
      namespace: default
      - name: cgu-a
        namespace: default
      - spoke4
      - spoke5
      enable: true
      - policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
        maxConcurrency: 1
        timeout: 240
      - message: 'The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is blocked by other CRs that have not yet
          completed: [cgu-a]' 1
        reason: UpgradeCannotStart
        status: "False"
        type: Ready
      - name: policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - cgu-b-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-b-policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-b-policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - cgu-b-policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      - - spoke4
      - - spoke5
      status: {}

    Shows the list of blocking CRs.

    Example for cgu-c with blocking CRs

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-c
      namespace: default
      - spoke6
      enable: true
      - policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
        maxConcurrency: 1
        timeout: 240
      - message: The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has upgrade policies that are still non compliant 1
        reason: UpgradeNotCompleted
        status: "False"
        type: Ready
      - policy2-common-pao-sub-policy
      - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
      - name: policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
        namespace: default
      - name: policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
        namespace: default
      - cgu-c-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-c-policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      - cgu-c-policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
      - cgu-c-policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      - - spoke6
        currentBatch: 1
          spoke6: 0

    The cgu-c update does not have any blocking CRs.

12.6. Update policies on managed clusters

The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) remediates a set of inform policies for the clusters specified in the ClusterGroupUpgrade custom resource (CR). TALM remediates inform policies by controlling the remediationAction specification in a Policy CR through the bindingOverrides.remediationAction and subFilter specifications in the PlacementBinding CR. Each policy has its own corresponding RHACM placement rule and RHACM placement binding.

One by one, TALM adds each cluster from the current batch to the placement rule that corresponds with the applicable managed policy. If a cluster is already compliant with a policy, TALM skips applying that policy on the compliant cluster. TALM then moves on to applying the next policy to the non-compliant cluster. After TALM completes the updates in a batch, all clusters are removed from the placement rules associated with the policies. Then, the update of the next batch starts.

If a spoke cluster does not report any compliant state to RHACM, the managed policies on the hub cluster can be missing status information that TALM needs. TALM handles these cases in the following ways:

  • If a policy’s status.compliant field is missing, TALM ignores the policy and adds a log entry. Then, TALM continues looking at the policy’s status.status field.
  • If a policy’s status.status is missing, TALM produces an error.
  • If a cluster’s compliance status is missing in the policy’s status.status field, TALM considers that cluster to be non-compliant with that policy.

The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR’s batchTimeoutAction determines what happens if an upgrade fails for a cluster. You can specify continue to skip the failing cluster and continue to upgrade other clusters, or specify abort to stop the policy remediation for all clusters. Once the timeout elapses, TALM removes all the resources it created to ensure that no further updates are made to clusters.

Example upgrade policy

apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: Policy
  name: ocp-
  namespace: platform-upgrade
  disabled: false
  - objectDefinition:
      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
      kind: ConfigurationPolicy
        name: upgrade
          - kube-*
          - '*'
        - complianceType: musthave
            apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
            kind: ClusterVersion
              name: version
              channel: stable-4.17
              upstream: https://api.openshift.com/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph
                - state: Completed
        remediationAction: inform
        severity: low
  remediationAction: inform

For more information about RHACM policies, see Policy overview.

Additional resources

12.6.1. Configuring Operator subscriptions for managed clusters that you install with TALM

Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) can only approve the install plan for an Operator if the Subscription custom resource (CR) of the Operator contains the status.state.AtLatestKnown field.


  1. Add the status.state.AtLatestKnown field to the Subscription CR of the Operator:

    Example Subscription CR

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: cluster-logging
      namespace: openshift-logging
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
      channel: "stable"
      name: cluster-logging
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      installPlanApproval: Manual
      state: AtLatestKnown 1

    The status.state: AtLatestKnown field is used for the latest Operator version available from the Operator catalog.

    When a new version of the Operator is available in the registry, the associated policy becomes non-compliant.

  2. Apply the changed Subscription policy to your managed clusters with a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

12.6.2. Applying update policies to managed clusters

You can update your managed clusters by applying your policies.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • TALM requires RHACM 2.9 or later.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Save the contents of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the cgu-1.yaml file.

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-1
      namespace: default
      managedPolicies: 1
        - policy1-common-cluster-version-policy
        - policy2-common-nto-sub-policy
        - policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy
        - policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy
      enable: false
      clusters: 2
      - spoke1
      - spoke2
      - spoke5
      - spoke6
        maxConcurrency: 2 3
        timeout: 240 4
      batchTimeoutAction: 5
    The name of the policies to apply.
    The list of clusters to update.
    The maxConcurrency field signifies the number of clusters updated at the same time.
    The update timeout in minutes.
    Controls what happens if a batch times out. Possible values are abort or continue. If unspecified, the default is continue.
  2. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f cgu-1.yaml
    1. Check if the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR was created in the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc get cgu --all-namespaces

      Example output

      default     cgu-1 8m55 NotEnabled Not Enabled

    2. Check the status of the update by running the following command:

      $ oc get cgu -n default cgu-1 -ojsonpath='{.status}' | jq

      Example output

        "computedMaxConcurrency": 2,
        "conditions": [
            "lastTransitionTime": "2022-02-25T15:34:07Z",
            "message": "Not enabled", 1
            "reason": "NotEnabled",
            "status": "False",
            "type": "Progressing"
        "managedPoliciesContent": {
          "policy1-common-cluster-version-policy": "null",
          "policy2-common-nto-sub-policy": "[{\"kind\":\"Subscription\",\"name\":\"node-tuning-operator\",\"namespace\":\"openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator\"}]",
          "policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy": "[{\"kind\":\"Subscription\",\"name\":\"ptp-operator-subscription\",\"namespace\":\"openshift-ptp\"}]",
          "policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy": "[{\"kind\":\"Subscription\",\"name\":\"sriov-network-operator-subscription\",\"namespace\":\"openshift-sriov-network-operator\"}]"
        "managedPoliciesForUpgrade": [
            "name": "policy1-common-cluster-version-policy",
            "namespace": "default"
            "name": "policy2-common-nto-sub-policy",
            "namespace": "default"
            "name": "policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy",
            "namespace": "default"
            "name": "policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy",
            "namespace": "default"
        "managedPoliciesNs": {
          "policy1-common-cluster-version-policy": "default",
          "policy2-common-nto-sub-policy": "default",
          "policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy": "default",
          "policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy": "default"
        "placementBindings": [
        "placementRules": [
        "remediationPlan": [
        "status": {}

      The spec.enable field in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is set to false.
  3. Change the value of the spec.enable field to true by running the following command:

    $ oc --namespace=default patch clustergroupupgrade.ran.openshift.io/cgu-1 \
    --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true}}' --type=merge


  1. Check the status of the update by running the following command:

    $ oc get cgu -n default cgu-1 -ojsonpath='{.status}' | jq

    Example output

      "computedMaxConcurrency": 2,
      "conditions": [ 1
          "lastTransitionTime": "2022-02-25T15:33:07Z",
          "message": "All selected clusters are valid",
          "reason": "ClusterSelectionCompleted",
          "status": "True",
          "type": "ClustersSelected"
          "lastTransitionTime": "2022-02-25T15:33:07Z",
          "message": "Completed validation",
          "reason": "ValidationCompleted",
          "status": "True",
          "type": "Validated"
          "lastTransitionTime": "2022-02-25T15:34:07Z",
          "message": "Remediating non-compliant policies",
          "reason": "InProgress",
          "status": "True",
          "type": "Progressing"
      "managedPoliciesContent": {
        "policy1-common-cluster-version-policy": "null",
        "policy2-common-nto-sub-policy": "[{\"kind\":\"Subscription\",\"name\":\"node-tuning-operator\",\"namespace\":\"openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator\"}]",
        "policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy": "[{\"kind\":\"Subscription\",\"name\":\"ptp-operator-subscription\",\"namespace\":\"openshift-ptp\"}]",
        "policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy": "[{\"kind\":\"Subscription\",\"name\":\"sriov-network-operator-subscription\",\"namespace\":\"openshift-sriov-network-operator\"}]"
      "managedPoliciesForUpgrade": [
          "name": "policy1-common-cluster-version-policy",
          "namespace": "default"
          "name": "policy2-common-nto-sub-policy",
          "namespace": "default"
          "name": "policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy",
          "namespace": "default"
          "name": "policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy",
          "namespace": "default"
      "managedPoliciesNs": {
        "policy1-common-cluster-version-policy": "default",
        "policy2-common-nto-sub-policy": "default",
        "policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy": "default",
        "policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy": "default"
      "placementBindings": [
      "placementRules": [
      "remediationPlan": [
      "status": {
        "currentBatch": 1,
        "currentBatchRemediationProgress": {
           "spoke1": {
              "policyIndex": 1,
              "state": "InProgress"
           "spoke2": {
              "policyIndex": 1,
              "state": "InProgress"
        "currentBatchStartedAt": "2022-02-25T15:54:16Z",
        "startedAt": "2022-02-25T15:54:16Z"

    Reflects the update progress of the current batch. Run this command again to receive updated information about the progress.
  2. Check the status of the policies by running the following command:

    oc get policies -A

    Example output

    NAMESPACE   NAME                                        REMEDIATION ACTION    COMPLIANCE STATE     AGE
    spoke1    default.policy1-common-cluster-version-policy enforce               Compliant            18m
    spoke1    default.policy2-common-nto-sub-policy         enforce               NonCompliant         18m
    spoke2    default.policy1-common-cluster-version-policy enforce               Compliant            18m
    spoke2    default.policy2-common-nto-sub-policy         enforce               NonCompliant         18m
    spoke5    default.policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy         inform                NonCompliant         18m
    spoke5    default.policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy       inform                NonCompliant         18m
    spoke6    default.policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy         inform                NonCompliant         18m
    spoke6    default.policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy       inform                NonCompliant         18m
    default   policy1-common-ptp-sub-policy                 inform                Compliant            18m
    default   policy2-common-sriov-sub-policy               inform                NonCompliant         18m
    default   policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy                 inform                NonCompliant         18m
    default   policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy               inform                NonCompliant         18m

    • The spec.remediationAction value changes to enforce for the child policies applied to the clusters from the current batch.
    • The spec.remedationAction value remains inform for the child policies in the rest of the clusters.
    • After the batch is complete, the spec.remediationAction value changes back to inform for the enforced child policies.
  3. If the policies include Operator subscriptions, you can check the installation progress directly on the single-node cluster.

    1. Export the KUBECONFIG file of the single-node cluster you want to check the installation progress for by running the following command:

      $ export KUBECONFIG=<cluster_kubeconfig_absolute_path>
    2. Check all the subscriptions present on the single-node cluster and look for the one in the policy you are trying to install through the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

      $ oc get subs -A | grep -i <subscription_name>

      Example output for cluster-logging policy

      NAMESPACE                              NAME                         PACKAGE                      SOURCE             CHANNEL
      openshift-logging                      cluster-logging              cluster-logging              redhat-operators   stable

  4. If one of the managed policies includes a ClusterVersion CR, check the status of platform updates in the current batch by running the following command against the spoke cluster:

    $ oc get clusterversion

    Example output

    version     True        True          43s     Working towards 71 of 735 done (9% complete)

  5. Check the Operator subscription by running the following command:

    $ oc get subs -n <operator-namespace> <operator-subscription> -ojsonpath="{.status}"
  6. Check the install plans present on the single-node cluster that is associated with the desired subscription by running the following command:

    $ oc get installplan -n <subscription_namespace>

    Example output for cluster-logging Operator

    NAMESPACE                              NAME            CSV                                 APPROVAL   APPROVED
    openshift-logging                      install-6khtw   cluster-logging.5.3.3-4             Manual     true 1

    The install plans have their Approval field set to Manual and their Approved field changes from false to true after TALM approves the install plan.

    When TALM is remediating a policy containing a subscription, it automatically approves any install plans attached to that subscription. Where multiple install plans are needed to get the operator to the latest known version, TALM might approve multiple install plans, upgrading through one or more intermediate versions to get to the final version.

  7. Check if the cluster service version for the Operator of the policy that the ClusterGroupUpgrade is installing reached the Succeeded phase by running the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n <operator_namespace>

    Example output for OpenShift Logging Operator

    NAME                    DISPLAY                     VERSION   REPLACES   PHASE
    cluster-logging.5.4.2   Red Hat OpenShift Logging   5.4.2                Succeeded

12.7. Using the container image pre-cache feature

Single-node OpenShift clusters might have limited bandwidth to access the container image registry, which can cause a timeout before the updates are completed.


The time of the update is not set by TALM. You can apply the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR at the beginning of the update by manual application or by external automation.

The container image pre-caching starts when the preCaching field is set to true in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

TALM uses the PrecacheSpecValid condition to report status information as follows:

  • true

    The pre-caching spec is valid and consistent.

  • false

    The pre-caching spec is incomplete.

TALM uses the PrecachingSucceeded condition to report status information as follows:

  • true

    TALM has concluded the pre-caching process. If pre-caching fails for any cluster, the update fails for that cluster but proceeds for all other clusters. A message informs you if pre-caching has failed for any clusters.

  • false

    Pre-caching is still in progress for one or more clusters or has failed for all clusters.

After a successful pre-caching process, you can start remediating policies. The remediation actions start when the enable field is set to true. If there is a pre-caching failure on a cluster, the upgrade fails for that cluster. The upgrade process continues for all other clusters that have a successful pre-cache.

The pre-caching process can be in the following statuses:

  • NotStarted

    This is the initial state all clusters are automatically assigned to on the first reconciliation pass of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. In this state, TALM deletes any pre-caching namespace and hub view resources of spoke clusters that remain from previous incomplete updates. TALM then creates a new ManagedClusterView resource for the spoke pre-caching namespace to verify its deletion in the PrecachePreparing state.

  • PreparingToStart

    Cleaning up any remaining resources from previous incomplete updates is in progress.

  • Starting

    Pre-caching job prerequisites and the job are created.

  • Active

    The job is in "Active" state.

  • Succeeded

    The pre-cache job succeeded.

  • PrecacheTimeout

    The artifact pre-caching is partially done.

  • UnrecoverableError

    The job ends with a non-zero exit code.

12.7.1. Using the container image pre-cache filter

The pre-cache feature typically downloads more images than a cluster needs for an update. You can control which pre-cache images are downloaded to a cluster. This decreases download time, and saves bandwidth and storage.

You can see a list of all images to be downloaded using the following command:

$ oc adm release info <ocp-version>

The following ConfigMap example shows how you can exclude images using the excludePrecachePatterns field.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-group-upgrade-overrides
  excludePrecachePatterns: |
    azure 1
TALM excludes all images with names that include any of the patterns listed here.

12.7.2. Creating a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with pre-caching

For single-node OpenShift, the pre-cache feature allows the required container images to be present on the spoke cluster before the update starts.


For pre-caching, TALM uses the spec.remediationStrategy.timeout value from the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. You must set a timeout value that allows sufficient time for the pre-caching job to complete. When you enable the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR after pre-caching has completed, you can change the timeout value to a duration that is appropriate for the update.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Provision one or more managed clusters.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Save the contents of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the preCaching field set to true in the clustergroupupgrades-group-du.yaml file:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: du-upgrade-4918
      namespace: ztp-group-du-sno
      preCaching: true 1
      - cnfdb1
      - cnfdb2
      enable: false
      - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240
    The preCaching field is set to true, which enables TALM to pull the container images before starting the update.
  2. When you want to start pre-caching, apply the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f clustergroupupgrades-group-du.yaml


  1. Check if the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR exists in the hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get cgu -A

    Example output

    NAMESPACE          NAME              AGE   STATE        DETAILS
    ztp-group-du-sno   du-upgrade-4918   10s   InProgress   Precaching is required and not done 1

    The CR is created.
  2. Check the status of the pre-caching task by running the following command:

    $ oc get cgu -n ztp-group-du-sno du-upgrade-4918 -o jsonpath='{.status}'

    Example output

      "conditions": [
          "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-27T19:07:24Z",
          "message": "Precaching is required and not done",
          "reason": "InProgress",
          "status": "False",
          "type": "PrecachingSucceeded"
          "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-27T19:07:34Z",
          "message": "Pre-caching spec is valid and consistent",
          "reason": "PrecacheSpecIsWellFormed",
          "status": "True",
          "type": "PrecacheSpecValid"
      "precaching": {
        "clusters": [
          "cnfdb1" 1
        "spec": {
          "platformImage": "image.example.io"},
        "status": {
          "cnfdb1": "Active"
          "cnfdb2": "Succeeded"}

    Displays the list of identified clusters.
  3. Check the status of the pre-caching job by running the following command on the spoke cluster:

    $ oc get jobs,pods -n openshift-talo-pre-cache

    Example output

    NAME                  COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
    job.batch/pre-cache   0/1           3m10s      3m10s
    NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/pre-cache--1-9bmlr   1/1     Running   0          3m10s

  4. Check the status of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc get cgu -n ztp-group-du-sno du-upgrade-4918 -o jsonpath='{.status}'

    Example output

    "conditions": [
          "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-27T19:30:41Z",
          "message": "The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has all clusters compliant with all the managed policies",
          "reason": "UpgradeCompleted",
          "status": "True",
          "type": "Ready"
          "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-27T19:28:57Z",
          "message": "Precaching is completed",
          "reason": "PrecachingCompleted",
          "status": "True",
          "type": "PrecachingSucceeded" 1

    The pre-cache tasks are done.

12.8. Troubleshooting the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager

The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) is an OpenShift Container Platform Operator that remediates RHACM policies. When issues occur, use the oc adm must-gather command to gather details and logs and to take steps in debugging the issues.

For more information about related topics, see the following documentation:

12.8.1. General troubleshooting

You can determine the cause of the problem by reviewing the following questions:

To ensure that the ClusterGroupUpgrade configuration is functional, you can do the following:

  1. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the spec.enable field set to false.
  2. Wait for the status to be updated and go through the troubleshooting questions.
  3. If everything looks as expected, set the spec.enable field to true in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

After you set the spec.enable field to true in the ClusterUpgradeGroup CR, the update procedure starts and you cannot edit the CR’s spec fields anymore.

12.8.2. Cannot modify the ClusterUpgradeGroup CR

You cannot edit the ClusterUpgradeGroup CR after enabling the update.

Restart the procedure by performing the following steps:

  1. Remove the old ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc delete cgu -n <ClusterGroupUpgradeCR_namespace> <ClusterGroupUpgradeCR_name>
  2. Check and fix the existing issues with the managed clusters and policies.

    1. Ensure that all the clusters are managed clusters and available.
    2. Ensure that all the policies exist and have the spec.remediationAction field set to inform.
  3. Create a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the correct configurations.

    $ oc apply -f <ClusterGroupUpgradeCR_YAML>

12.8.3. Managed policies

Checking managed policies on the system
You want to check if you have the correct managed policies on the system.

Run the following command:

$ oc get cgu lab-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.spec.managedPolicies}'

Example output

["group-du-sno-validator-du-validator-policy", "policy2-common-nto-sub-policy", "policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy"]

Checking remediationAction mode
You want to check if the remediationAction field is set to inform in the spec of the managed policies.

Run the following command:

$ oc get policies --all-namespaces

Example output

NAMESPACE   NAME                                                 REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
default     policy1-common-cluster-version-policy                inform               NonCompliant       5d21h
default     policy2-common-nto-sub-policy                        inform               Compliant          5d21h
default     policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy                        inform               NonCompliant       5d21h
default     policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy                      inform               NonCompliant       5d21h

Checking policy compliance state
You want to check the compliance state of policies.

Run the following command:

$ oc get policies --all-namespaces

Example output

NAMESPACE   NAME                                                 REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
default     policy1-common-cluster-version-policy                inform               NonCompliant       5d21h
default     policy2-common-nto-sub-policy                        inform               Compliant          5d21h
default     policy3-common-ptp-sub-policy                        inform               NonCompliant       5d21h
default     policy4-common-sriov-sub-policy                      inform               NonCompliant       5d21h

12.8.4. Clusters

Checking if managed clusters are present
You want to check if the clusters in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR are managed clusters.

Run the following command:

$ oc get managedclusters

Example output

local-cluster   true           https://api.hub.example.com:6443        True     Unknown     13d
spoke1          true           https://api.spoke1.example.com:6443     True     True        13d
spoke3          true           https://api.spoke3.example.com:6443     True     True        27h

  1. Alternatively, check the TALM manager logs:

    1. Get the name of the TALM manager by running the following command:

      $ oc get pod -n openshift-operators

      Example output

      NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      cluster-group-upgrades-controller-manager-75bcc7484d-8k8xp   2/2     Running   0          45m

    2. Check the TALM manager logs by running the following command:

      $ oc logs -n openshift-operators \
      cluster-group-upgrades-controller-manager-75bcc7484d-8k8xp -c manager

      Example output

      ERROR	controller-runtime.manager.controller.clustergroupupgrade	Reconciler error	{"reconciler group": "ran.openshift.io", "reconciler kind": "ClusterGroupUpgrade", "name": "lab-upgrade", "namespace": "default", "error": "Cluster spoke5555 is not a ManagedCluster"} 1

      The error message shows that the cluster is not a managed cluster.
Checking if managed clusters are available
You want to check if the managed clusters specified in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR are available.

Run the following command:

$ oc get managedclusters

Example output

local-cluster   true           https://api.hub.testlab.com:6443        True     Unknown     13d
spoke1          true           https://api.spoke1.testlab.com:6443     True     True        13d 1
spoke3          true           https://api.spoke3.testlab.com:6443     True     True        27h 2

1 2
The value of the AVAILABLE field is True for the managed clusters.
Checking clusterLabelSelector
You want to check if the clusterLabelSelector field specified in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR matches at least one of the managed clusters.

Run the following command:

$ oc get managedcluster --selector=upgrade=true 1
The label for the clusters you want to update is upgrade:true.

Example output

spoke1          true           https://api.spoke1.testlab.com:6443      True     True        13d
spoke3          true           https://api.spoke3.testlab.com:6443      True     True        27h

Checking if canary clusters are present

You want to check if the canary clusters are present in the list of clusters.

Example ClusterGroupUpgrade CR

        - spoke3
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240
      - matchLabels:
          upgrade: true


Run the following commands:

$ oc get cgu lab-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusters}'

Example output

["spoke1", "spoke3"]

  1. Check if the canary clusters are present in the list of clusters that match clusterLabelSelector labels by running the following command:

    $ oc get managedcluster --selector=upgrade=true

    Example output

    spoke1          true           https://api.spoke1.testlab.com:6443   True     True        13d
    spoke3          true           https://api.spoke3.testlab.com:6443   True     True        27h


A cluster can be present in spec.clusters and also be matched by the spec.clusterLabelSelector label.

Checking the pre-caching status on spoke clusters
  1. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the spoke cluster:

    $ oc get jobs,pods -n openshift-talo-pre-cache

12.8.5. Remediation Strategy

Checking if remediationStrategy is present in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR
You want to check if the remediationStrategy is present in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

Run the following command:

$ oc get cgu lab-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.spec.remediationStrategy}'

Example output

{"maxConcurrency":2, "timeout":240}

Checking if maxConcurrency is specified in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR
You want to check if the maxConcurrency is specified in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

Run the following command:

$ oc get cgu lab-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.spec.remediationStrategy.maxConcurrency}'

Example output


12.8.6. Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager

Checking condition message and status in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR
You want to check the value of the status.conditions field in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

Run the following command:

$ oc get cgu lab-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.status.conditions}'

Example output

{"lastTransitionTime":"2022-02-17T22:25:28Z", "message":"Missing managed policies:[policyList]", "reason":"NotAllManagedPoliciesExist", "status":"False", "type":"Validated"}

Checking if status.remediationPlan was computed
You want to check if status.remediationPlan is computed.

Run the following command:

$ oc get cgu lab-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.status.remediationPlan}'

Example output

[["spoke2", "spoke3"]]

Errors in the TALM manager container
You want to check the logs of the manager container of TALM.

Run the following command:

$ oc logs -n openshift-operators \
cluster-group-upgrades-controller-manager-75bcc7484d-8k8xp -c manager

Example output

ERROR	controller-runtime.manager.controller.clustergroupupgrade	Reconciler error	{"reconciler group": "ran.openshift.io", "reconciler kind": "ClusterGroupUpgrade", "name": "lab-upgrade", "namespace": "default", "error": "Cluster spoke5555 is not a ManagedCluster"} 1

Displays the error.
Clusters are not compliant to some policies after a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has completed

The policy compliance status that TALM uses to decide if remediation is needed has not yet fully updated for all clusters. This may be because:

  • The CGU was run too soon after a policy was created or updated.
  • The remediation of a policy affects the compliance of subsequent policies in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.
Create and apply a new ClusterGroupUpdate CR with the same specification.
Auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the GitOps ZTP workflow has no managed policies
If there are no policies for the managed cluster when the cluster becomes Ready, a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with no policies is auto-created. Upon completion of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR, the managed cluster is labeled as ztp-done. If the PolicyGenerator or PolicyGenTemplate CRs were not pushed to the Git repository within the required time after SiteConfig resources were pushed, this might result in no policies being available for the target cluster when the cluster became Ready.
Verify that the policies you want to apply are available on the hub cluster, then create a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the required policies.

You can either manually create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR or trigger auto-creation again. To trigger auto-creation of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR, remove the ztp-done label from the cluster and delete the empty ClusterGroupUpgrade CR that was previously created in the zip-install namespace.

Pre-caching has failed

Pre-caching might fail for one of the following reasons:

  • There is not enough free space on the node.
  • For a disconnected environment, the pre-cache image has not been properly mirrored.
  • There was an issue when creating the pod.
  1. To check if pre-caching has failed due to insufficient space, check the log of the pre-caching pod in the node.

    1. Find the name of the pod using the following command:

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-talo-pre-cache
    2. Check the logs to see if the error is related to insufficient space using the following command:

      $ oc logs -n openshift-talo-pre-cache <pod name>
  2. If there is no log, check the pod status using the following command:

    $ oc describe pod -n openshift-talo-pre-cache <pod name>
  3. If the pod does not exist, check the job status to see why it could not create a pod using the following command:

    $ oc describe job -n openshift-talo-pre-cache pre-cache

Chapter 13. Expanding single-node OpenShift clusters with GitOps ZTP

You can expand single-node OpenShift clusters with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). When you add worker nodes to single-node OpenShift clusters, the original single-node OpenShift cluster retains the control plane node role. Adding worker nodes does not require any downtime for the existing single-node OpenShift cluster.


Although there is no specified limit on the number of worker nodes that you can add to a single-node OpenShift cluster, you must revaluate the reserved CPU allocation on the control plane node for the additional worker nodes.

If you require workload partitioning on the worker node, you must deploy and remediate the managed cluster policies on the hub cluster before installing the node. This way, the workload partitioning MachineConfig objects are rendered and associated with the worker machine config pool before the GitOps ZTP workflow applies the MachineConfig ignition file to the worker node.

It is recommended that you first remediate the policies, and then install the worker node. If you create the workload partitioning manifests after installing the worker node, you must drain the node manually and delete all the pods managed by daemon sets. When the managing daemon sets create the new pods, the new pods undergo the workload partitioning process.


Adding worker nodes to single-node OpenShift clusters with GitOps ZTP is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Additional resources

13.1. Applying profiles to the worker node with PolicyGenerator or PolicyGenTemplate resources

You can configure the additional worker node with a DU profile.

You can apply a RAN distributed unit (DU) profile to the worker node cluster using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) common, group, and site-specific PolicyGenerator or PolicyGenTemplate resources. The GitOps ZTP pipeline that is linked to the ArgoCD policies application includes the following CRs that you can find in the relevant out/argocd/example folder when you extract the ztp-site-generate container:

/acmpolicygenerator resources
  • acm-common-ranGen.yaml
  • acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
  • acm-example-sno-site.yaml
  • ns.yaml
  • kustomization.yaml
/policygentemplates resources
  • common-ranGen.yaml
  • group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
  • example-sno-site.yaml
  • ns.yaml
  • kustomization.yaml

Configuring the DU profile on the worker node is considered an upgrade. To initiate the upgrade flow, you must update the existing policies or create additional ones. Then, you must create a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to reconcile the policies in the group of clusters.

13.2. Ensuring PTP and SR-IOV daemon selector compatibility

If the DU profile was deployed using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) plugin version 4.11 or earlier, the PTP and SR-IOV Operators might be configured to place the daemons only on nodes labeled as master. This configuration prevents the PTP and SR-IOV daemons from operating on the worker node. If the PTP and SR-IOV daemon node selectors are incorrectly configured on your system, you must change the daemons before proceeding with the worker DU profile configuration.


  1. Check the daemon node selector settings of the PTP Operator on one of the spoke clusters:

    $ oc get ptpoperatorconfig/default -n openshift-ptp -ojsonpath='{.spec}' | jq

    Example output for PTP Operator

    {"daemonNodeSelector":{"node-role.kubernetes.io/master":""}} 1

    If the node selector is set to master, the spoke was deployed with the version of the GitOps ZTP plugin that requires changes.
  2. Check the daemon node selector settings of the SR-IOV Operator on one of the spoke clusters:

    $  oc get sriovoperatorconfig/default -n \
    openshift-sriov-network-operator -ojsonpath='{.spec}' | jq

    Example output for SR-IOV Operator

    {"configDaemonNodeSelector":{"node-role.kubernetes.io/worker":""},"disableDrain":false,"enableInjector":true,"enableOperatorWebhook":true} 1

    If the node selector is set to master, the spoke was deployed with the version of the GitOps ZTP plugin that requires changes.
  3. In the group policy, add the following complianceType and spec entries:

        - fileName: PtpOperatorConfig.yaml
          policyName: "config-policy"
          complianceType: mustonlyhave
              node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: ""
        - fileName: SriovOperatorConfig.yaml
          policyName: "config-policy"
          complianceType: mustonlyhave
              node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: ""

    Changing the daemonNodeSelector field causes temporary PTP synchronization loss and SR-IOV connectivity loss.

  4. Commit the changes in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP ArgoCD application.

13.3. PTP and SR-IOV node selector compatibility

The PTP configuration resources and SR-IOV network node policies use node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "" as the node selector. If the additional worker nodes have the same NIC configuration as the control plane node, the policies used to configure the control plane node can be reused for the worker nodes. However, the node selector must be changed to select both node types, for example with the "node-role.kubernetes.io/worker" label.

13.4. Using PolicyGenerator CRs to apply worker node policies to worker nodes

You can create policies for worker nodes using PolicyGenerator CRs.


  1. Create the following PolicyGenerator CR:

    apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenerator
        name: example-sno-workers
        name: example-sno-workers-placement-binding
        namespace: example-sno
                    - key: sites
                      operator: In
                        - example-sno 1
        remediationAction: inform
        severity: low
                - kube-*
                - '*'
            compliant: 10m
            noncompliant: 10s
        - name: example-sno-workers-config-policy
            ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "10"
            - path: source-crs/MachineConfigGeneric.yaml 2
                - metadata:
                        machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker 3
                    name: enable-workload-partitioning
                                - contents:
                                    source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,W2NyaW8ucnVudGltZS53b3JrbG9hZHMubWFuYWdlbWVudF0KYWN0aXZhdGlvbl9hbm5vdGF0aW9uID0gInRhcmdldC53b3JrbG9hZC5vcGVuc2hpZnQuaW8vbWFuYWdlbWVudCIKYW5ub3RhdGlvbl9wcmVmaXggPSAicmVzb3VyY2VzLndvcmtsb2FkLm9wZW5zaGlmdC5pbyIKcmVzb3VyY2VzID0geyAiY3B1c2hhcmVzIiA9IDAsICJjcHVzZXQiID0gIjAtMyIgfQo=
                                  mode: 420
                                  overwrite: true
                                  path: /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/01-workload-partitioning
                                    name: root
                                - contents:
                                    source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ewogICJtYW5hZ2VtZW50IjogewogICAgImNwdXNldCI6ICIwLTMiCiAgfQp9Cg==
                                  mode: 420
                                  overwrite: true
                                  path: /etc/kubernetes/openshift-workload-pinning
                                    name: root
            - path: source-crs/PerformanceProfile-MCP-worker.yaml
                - metadata:
                    name: openshift-worker-node-performance-profile
                    cpu: 4
                        isolated: 4-47
                        reserved: 0-3
                        defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
                            - count: 32
                              size: 1G
                        enabled: true
            - path: source-crs/TunedPerformancePatch-MCP-worker.yaml
                - metadata:
                    name: performance-patch-worker
                        - data: |
                          summary=Configuration changes profile inherited from performance created tuned
                          cmdline_crash=nohz_full=4-47 5
                          name: performance-patch-worker
                        - profile: performance-patch-worker
    The policies are applied to all clusters with this label.
    This generic MachineConfig CR is used to configure workload partitioning on the worker node.
    The MCP field must be set to worker.
    The cpu.isolated and cpu.reserved fields must be configured for each particular hardware platform.
    The cmdline_crash CPU set must match the cpu.isolated set in the PerformanceProfile section.

    A generic MachineConfig CR is used to configure workload partitioning on the worker node. You can generate the content of crio and kubelet configuration files.

  2. Add the created policy template to the Git repository monitored by the ArgoCD policies application.
  3. Add the policy in the kustomization.yaml file.
  4. Commit the changes in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP ArgoCD application.
  5. To remediate the new policies to your spoke cluster, create a TALM custom resource:

    $ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: example-sno-worker-policies
      namespace: default
      backup: false
      - example-sno
      enable: true
      - group-du-sno-config-policy
      - example-sno-workers-config-policy
      - example-sno-config-policy
      preCaching: false
        maxConcurrency: 1

13.5. Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to apply worker node policies to worker nodes

You can create policies for worker nodes using PolicyGenTemplate CRs.


  1. Create the following PolicyGenTemplate CR:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenTemplate
      name: "example-sno-workers"
      namespace: "example-sno"
        sites: "example-sno" 1
      mcp: "worker" 2
        - fileName: MachineConfigGeneric.yaml 3
          policyName: "config-policy"
              machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
            name: enable-workload-partitioning
                - contents:
                    source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,W2NyaW8ucnVudGltZS53b3JrbG9hZHMubWFuYWdlbWVudF0KYWN0aXZhdGlvbl9hbm5vdGF0aW9uID0gInRhcmdldC53b3JrbG9hZC5vcGVuc2hpZnQuaW8vbWFuYWdlbWVudCIKYW5ub3RhdGlvbl9wcmVmaXggPSAicmVzb3VyY2VzLndvcmtsb2FkLm9wZW5zaGlmdC5pbyIKcmVzb3VyY2VzID0geyAiY3B1c2hhcmVzIiA9IDAsICJjcHVzZXQiID0gIjAtMyIgfQo=
                  mode: 420
                  overwrite: true
                  path: /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/01-workload-partitioning
                    name: root
                - contents:
                    source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ewogICJtYW5hZ2VtZW50IjogewogICAgImNwdXNldCI6ICIwLTMiCiAgfQp9Cg==
                  mode: 420
                  overwrite: true
                  path: /etc/kubernetes/openshift-workload-pinning
                    name: root
        - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml
          policyName: "config-policy"
            name: openshift-worker-node-performance-profile
            cpu: 4
              isolated: "4-47"
              reserved: "0-3"
              defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
                - size: 1G
                  count: 32
              enabled: true
        - fileName: TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
          policyName: "config-policy"
            name: performance-patch-worker
              - name: performance-patch-worker
                data: |
                  summary=Configuration changes profile inherited from performance created tuned
                  cmdline_crash=nohz_full=4-47 5
            - profile: performance-patch-worker
    The policies are applied to all clusters with this label.
    The MCP field must be set to worker.
    This generic MachineConfig CR is used to configure workload partitioning on the worker node.
    The cpu.isolated and cpu.reserved fields must be configured for each particular hardware platform.
    The cmdline_crash CPU set must match the cpu.isolated set in the PerformanceProfile section.

    A generic MachineConfig CR is used to configure workload partitioning on the worker node. You can generate the content of crio and kubelet configuration files.

  2. Add the created policy template to the Git repository monitored by the ArgoCD policies application.
  3. Add the policy in the kustomization.yaml file.
  4. Commit the changes in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP ArgoCD application.
  5. To remediate the new policies to your spoke cluster, create a TALM custom resource:

    $ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: example-sno-worker-policies
      namespace: default
      backup: false
      - example-sno
      enable: true
      - group-du-sno-config-policy
      - example-sno-workers-config-policy
      - example-sno-config-policy
      preCaching: false
        maxConcurrency: 1

13.6. Adding worker nodes to single-node OpenShift clusters with GitOps ZTP

You can add one or more worker nodes to existing single-node OpenShift clusters to increase available CPU resources in the cluster.


  • Install and configure RHACM 2.6 or later in an OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later bare-metal hub cluster
  • Install Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager in the hub cluster
  • Install Red Hat OpenShift GitOps in the hub cluster
  • Use the GitOps ZTP ztp-site-generate container image version 4.12 or later
  • Deploy a managed single-node OpenShift cluster with GitOps ZTP
  • Configure the Central Infrastructure Management as described in the RHACM documentation
  • Configure the DNS serving the cluster to resolve the internal API endpoint api-int.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>


  1. If you deployed your cluster by using the example-sno.yaml SiteConfig manifest, add your new worker node to the spec.clusters['example-sno'].nodes list:

    - hostName: "example-node2.example.com"
      role: "worker"
      bmcAddress: "idrac-virtualmedia+https://[1111:2222:3333:4444::bbbb:1]/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1"
        name: "example-node2-bmh-secret"
      bootMACAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
      bootMode: "UEFI"
          - name: eno1
            macAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
            - name: eno1
              type: ethernet
              state: up
              macAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
                enabled: false
                enabled: true
                - ip: 1111:2222:3333:4444::1
                  prefix-length: 64
              - example.com
              - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
            - destination: ::/0
              next-hop-interface: eno1
              next-hop-address: 1111:2222:3333:4444::1
              table-id: 254
  2. Create a BMC authentication secret for the new host, as referenced by the bmcCredentialsName field in the spec.nodes section of your SiteConfig file:

    apiVersion: v1
      password: "password"
      username: "username"
    kind: Secret
      name: "example-node2-bmh-secret"
      namespace: example-sno
    type: Opaque
  3. Commit the changes in Git, and then push to the Git repository that is being monitored by the GitOps ZTP ArgoCD application.

    When the ArgoCD cluster application synchronizes, two new manifests appear on the hub cluster generated by the GitOps ZTP plugin:

    • BareMetalHost
    • NMStateConfig


      The cpuset field should not be configured for the worker node. Workload partitioning for worker nodes is added through management policies after the node installation is complete.


You can monitor the installation process in several ways.

  • Check if the preprovisioning images are created by running the following command:

    $ oc get ppimg -n example-sno

    Example output

    NAMESPACE       NAME            READY   REASON
    example-sno     example-sno     True    ImageCreated
    example-sno     example-node2   True    ImageCreated

  • Check the state of the bare-metal hosts:

    $ oc get bmh -n example-sno

    Example output

    NAME            STATE          CONSUMER   ONLINE   ERROR   AGE
    example-sno     provisioned               true             69m
    example-node2   provisioning              true             4m50s 1

    The provisioning state indicates that node booting from the installation media is in progress.
  • Continuously monitor the installation process:

    1. Watch the agent install process by running the following command:

      $ oc get agent -n example-sno --watch

      Example output

      NAME                                   CLUSTER   APPROVED   ROLE     STAGE
      671bc05d-5358-8940-ec12-d9ad22804faa   example-sno   true       master   Done
      14fd821b-a35d-9cba-7978-00ddf535ff37   example-sno   true       worker   Starting installation
      14fd821b-a35d-9cba-7978-00ddf535ff37   example-sno   true       worker   Installing
      14fd821b-a35d-9cba-7978-00ddf535ff37   example-sno   true       worker   Writing image to disk
      14fd821b-a35d-9cba-7978-00ddf535ff37   example-sno   true       worker   Waiting for control plane
      14fd821b-a35d-9cba-7978-00ddf535ff37   example-sno   true       worker   Rebooting
      14fd821b-a35d-9cba-7978-00ddf535ff37   example-sno   true       worker   Done

    2. When the worker node installation is finished, the worker node certificates are approved automatically. At this point, the worker appears in the ManagedClusterInfo status. Run the following command to see the status:

      $ oc get managedclusterinfo/example-sno -n example-sno -o \
      jsonpath='{range .status.nodeList[*]}{.name}{"\t"}{.conditions}{"\t"}{.labels}{"\n"}{end}'

      Example output

      example-sno	[{"status":"True","type":"Ready"}]	{"node-role.kubernetes.io/master":"","node-role.kubernetes.io/worker":""}
      example-node2	[{"status":"True","type":"Ready"}]	{"node-role.kubernetes.io/worker":""}

Chapter 14. Pre-caching images for single-node OpenShift deployments

In environments with limited bandwidth where you use the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) solution to deploy a large number of clusters, you want to avoid downloading all the images that are required for bootstrapping and installing OpenShift Container Platform. The limited bandwidth at remote single-node OpenShift sites can cause long deployment times. The factory-precaching-cli tool allows you to pre-stage servers before shipping them to the remote site for ZTP provisioning.

The factory-precaching-cli tool does the following:

  • Downloads the RHCOS rootfs image that is required by the minimal ISO to boot.
  • Creates a partition from the installation disk labelled as data.
  • Formats the disk in xfs.
  • Creates a GUID Partition Table (GPT) data partition at the end of the disk, where the size of the partition is configurable by the tool.
  • Copies the container images required to install OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Copies the container images required by ZTP to install OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Optional: Copies Day-2 Operators to the partition.

The factory-precaching-cli tool is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

14.1. Getting the factory-precaching-cli tool

The factory-precaching-cli tool Go binary is publicly available in the {rds-first} tools container image. The factory-precaching-cli tool Go binary in the container image is executed on the server running an RHCOS live image using podman. If you are working in a disconnected environment or have a private registry, you need to copy the image there so you can download the image to the server.


  • Pull the factory-precaching-cli tool image by running the following command:

    # podman pull quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest


  • To check that the tool is available, query the current version of the factory-precaching-cli tool Go binary:

    # podman run quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest -- factory-precaching-cli -v

    Example output

    factory-precaching-cli version 20221018.120852+main.feecf17

14.2. Booting from a live operating system image

You can use the factory-precaching-cli tool with to boot servers where only one disk is available and external disk drive cannot be attached to the server.


RHCOS requires the disk to not be in use when the disk is about to be written with an RHCOS image.

Depending on the server hardware, you can mount the RHCOS live ISO on the blank server using one of the following methods:

  • Using the Dell RACADM tool on a Dell server.
  • Using the HPONCFG tool on a HP server.
  • Using the Redfish BMC API.

It is recommended to automate the mounting procedure. To automate the procedure, you need to pull the required images and host them on a local HTTP server.


  • You powered up the host.
  • You have network connectivity to the host.

This example procedure uses the Redfish BMC API to mount the RHCOS live ISO.

  1. Mount the RHCOS live ISO:

    1. Check virtual media status:

      $ curl --globoff -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H \
      "Accept: application/json" -k -X GET --user ${username_password} \
      https://$BMC_ADDRESS/redfish/v1/Managers/Self/VirtualMedia/1 | python -m json.tool
    2. Mount the ISO file as a virtual media:

      $ curl --globoff -L -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" -ku ${username_password} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"Image": "http://[$HTTPd_IP]/RHCOS-live.iso"}' -X POST https://$BMC_ADDRESS/redfish/v1/Managers/Self/VirtualMedia/1/Actions/VirtualMedia.InsertMedia
    3. Set the boot order to boot from the virtual media once:

      $ curl --globoff  -L -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n"  -ku ${username_password}  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"Boot":{ "BootSourceOverrideEnabled": "Once", "BootSourceOverrideTarget": "Cd", "BootSourceOverrideMode": "UEFI"}}' -X PATCH https://$BMC_ADDRESS/redfish/v1/Systems/Self
  2. Reboot and ensure that the server is booting from virtual media.

Additional resources

14.3. Partitioning the disk

To run the full pre-caching process, you have to boot from a live ISO and use the factory-precaching-cli tool from a container image to partition and pre-cache all the artifacts required.

A live ISO or RHCOS live ISO is required because the disk must not be in use when the operating system (RHCOS) is written to the device during the provisioning. Single-disk servers can also be enabled with this procedure.


  • You have a disk that is not partitioned.
  • You have access to the quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest image.
  • You have enough storage to install OpenShift Container Platform and pre-cache the required images.


  1. Verify that the disk is cleared:

    # lsblk

    Example output

    loop0     7:0    0  93.8G  0 loop /run/ephemeral
    loop1     7:1    0 897.3M  1 loop /sysroot
    sr0      11:0    1   999M  0 rom  /run/media/iso
    nvme0n1 259:1    0   1.5T  0 disk

  2. Erase any file system, RAID or partition table signatures from the device:

    # wipefs -a /dev/nvme0n1

    Example output

    /dev/nvme0n1: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000200 (gpt): 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54
    /dev/nvme0n1: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x1749a955e00 (gpt): 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54
    /dev/nvme0n1: 2 bytes were erased at offset 0x000001fe (PMBR): 55 aa


The tool fails if the disk is not empty because it uses partition number 1 of the device for pre-caching the artifacts.

14.3.1. Creating the partition

Once the device is ready, you create a single partition and a GPT partition table. The partition is automatically labelled as data and created at the end of the device. Otherwise, the partition will be overridden by the coreos-installer.


The coreos-installer requires the partition to be created at the end of the device and to be labelled as data. Both requirements are necessary to save the partition when writing the RHCOS image to the disk.


  • The container must run as privileged due to formatting host devices.
  • You have to mount the /dev folder so that the process can be executed inside the container.


In the following example, the size of the partition is 250 GiB due to allow pre-caching the DU profile for Day 2 Operators.

  1. Run the container as privileged and partition the disk:

    # podman run -v /dev:/dev --privileged \
    --rm quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest -- \
    factory-precaching-cli partition \ 1
    -d /dev/nvme0n1 \ 2
    -s 250 3
    Specifies the partitioning function of the factory-precaching-cli tool.
    Defines the root directory on the disk.
    Defines the size of the disk in GB.
  2. Check the storage information:

    # lsblk

    Example output

    loop0         7:0    0  93.8G  0 loop /run/ephemeral
    loop1         7:1    0 897.3M  1 loop /sysroot
    sr0          11:0    1   999M  0 rom  /run/media/iso
    nvme0n1     259:1    0   1.5T  0 disk
    └─nvme0n1p1 259:3    0   250G  0 part


You must verify that the following requirements are met:

  • The device has a GPT partition table
  • The partition uses the latest sectors of the device.
  • The partition is correctly labeled as data.

Query the disk status to verify that the disk is partitioned as expected:

# gdisk -l /dev/nvme0n1

Example output

GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 1.0.3

Partition table scan:
  MBR: protective
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: present

Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.
Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 3125627568 sectors, 1.5 TiB
Model: Dell Express Flash PM1725b 1.6TB SFF
Sector size (logical/physical): 512/512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): CB5A9D44-9B3C-4174-A5C1-C64957910B61
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
Main partition table begins at sector 2 and ends at sector 33
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 3125627534
Partitions will be aligned on 2048-sector boundaries
Total free space is 2601338846 sectors (1.2 TiB)

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
   1      2601338880      3125627534   250.0 GiB   8300  data

14.3.2. Mounting the partition

After verifying that the disk is partitioned correctly, you can mount the device into /mnt.


It is recommended to mount the device into /mnt because that mounting point is used during GitOps ZTP preparation.

  1. Verify that the partition is formatted as xfs:

    # lsblk -f /dev/nvme0n1

    Example output

    NAME        FSTYPE LABEL UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
    └─nvme0n1p1 xfs          1bee8ea4-d6cf-4339-b690-a76594794071

  2. Mount the partition:

    # mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/


  • Check that the partition is mounted:

    # lsblk

    Example output

    loop0         7:0    0  93.8G  0 loop /run/ephemeral
    loop1         7:1    0 897.3M  1 loop /sysroot
    sr0          11:0    1   999M  0 rom  /run/media/iso
    nvme0n1     259:1    0   1.5T  0 disk
    └─nvme0n1p1 259:2    0   250G  0 part /var/mnt 1

    The mount point is /var/mnt because the /mnt folder in RHCOS is a link to /var/mnt.

14.4. Downloading the images

The factory-precaching-cli tool allows you to download the following images to your partitioned server:

  • OpenShift Container Platform images
  • Operator images that are included in the distributed unit (DU) profile for 5G RAN sites
  • Operator images from disconnected registries

The list of available Operator images can vary in different OpenShift Container Platform releases.

14.4.1. Downloading with parallel workers

The factory-precaching-cli tool uses parallel workers to download multiple images simultaneously. You can configure the number of workers with the --parallel or -p option. The default number is set to 80% of the available CPUs to the server.


Your login shell may be restricted to a subset of CPUs, which reduces the CPUs available to the container. To remove this restriction, you can precede your commands with taskset 0xffffffff, for example:

# taskset 0xffffffff podman run --rm quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest factory-precaching-cli download --help

14.4.2. Preparing to download the OpenShift Container Platform images

To download OpenShift Container Platform container images, you need to know the multicluster engine version. When you use the --du-profile flag, you also need to specify the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) version running in the hub cluster that is going to provision the single-node OpenShift.


  • You have RHACM and the multicluster engine Operator installed.
  • You partitioned the storage device.
  • You have enough space for the images on the partitioned device.
  • You connected the bare-metal server to the Internet.
  • You have a valid pull secret.


  1. Check the RHACM version and the multicluster engine version by running the following commands in the hub cluster:

    $ oc get csv -A | grep -i advanced-cluster-management

    Example output

    open-cluster-management                            advanced-cluster-management.v2.6.3           Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes   2.6.3                 advanced-cluster-management.v2.6.3                Succeeded

    $ oc get csv -A | grep -i multicluster-engine

    Example output

    multicluster-engine                                cluster-group-upgrades-operator.v0.0.3       cluster-group-upgrades-operator              0.0.3                                                                   Pending
    multicluster-engine                                multicluster-engine.v2.1.4                   multicluster engine for Kubernetes           2.1.4                 multicluster-engine.v2.0.3                        Succeeded
    multicluster-engine                                openshift-gitops-operator.v1.5.7             Red Hat OpenShift GitOps                     1.5.7                 openshift-gitops-operator.v1.5.6-0.1664915551.p   Succeeded
    multicluster-engine                                openshift-pipelines-operator-rh.v1.6.4       Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines                  1.6.4                 openshift-pipelines-operator-rh.v1.6.3            Succeeded

  2. To access the container registry, copy a valid pull secret on the server to be installed:

    1. Create the .docker folder:

      $ mkdir /root/.docker
    2. Copy the valid pull in the config.json file to the previously created .docker/ folder:

      $ cp config.json /root/.docker/config.json 1
      /root/.docker/config.json is the default path where podman checks for the login credentials for the registry.

If you use a different registry to pull the required artifacts, you need to copy the proper pull secret. If the local registry uses TLS, you need to include the certificates from the registry as well.

14.4.3. Downloading the OpenShift Container Platform images

The factory-precaching-cli tool allows you to pre-cache all the container images required to provision a specific OpenShift Container Platform release.


  • Pre-cache the release by running the following command:

    # podman run -v /mnt:/mnt -v /root/.docker:/root/.docker --privileged --rm quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools -- \
       factory-precaching-cli download \ 1
       -r 4.17.0 \ 2
       --acm-version 2.6.3 \ 3
       --mce-version 2.1.4 \ 4
       -f /mnt \ 5
       --img quay.io/custom/repository 6
    Specifies the downloading function of the factory-precaching-cli tool.
    Defines the OpenShift Container Platform release version.
    Defines the RHACM version.
    Defines the multicluster engine version.
    Defines the folder where you want to download the images on the disk.
    Optional. Defines the repository where you store your additional images. These images are downloaded and pre-cached on the disk.

    Example output

    Generated /mnt/imageset.yaml
    Generating list of pre-cached artifacts...
    Processing artifact [1/176]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_6ac2b96bf4899c01a87366fd0feae9f57b1b61878e3b5823da0c3f34f707fbf5
    Processing artifact [2/176]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f48b68d5960ba903a0d018a10544ae08db5802e21c2fa5615a14fc58b1c1657c
    Processing artifact [3/176]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_a480390e91b1c07e10091c3da2257180654f6b2a735a4ad4c3b69dbdb77bbc06
    Processing artifact [4/176]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_ecc5d8dbd77e326dba6594ff8c2d091eefbc4d90c963a9a85b0b2f0e6155f995
    Processing artifact [5/176]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_274b6d561558a2f54db08ea96df9892315bb773fc203b1dbcea418d20f4c7ad1
    Processing artifact [6/176]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_e142bf5020f5ca0d1bdda0026bf97f89b72d21a97c9cc2dc71bf85050e822bbf
    Processing artifact [175/176]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_16cd7eda26f0fb0fc965a589e1e96ff8577e560fcd14f06b5fda1643036ed6c8
    Processing artifact [176/176]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_cf4d862b4a4170d4f611b39d06c31c97658e309724f9788e155999ae51e7188f
    Release:                            4.17.0
    Hub Version:                        2.6.3
    ACM Version:                        2.6.3
    MCE Version:                        2.1.4
    Include DU Profile:                 No
    Workers:                            83


  • Check that all the images are compressed in the target folder of server:

    $ ls -l /mnt 1
    It is recommended that you pre-cache the images in the /mnt folder.

    Example output

    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  136352323 Oct 31 15:19 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_edec37e7cd8b1611d0031d45e7958361c65e2005f145b471a8108f1b54316c07.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  156092894 Oct 31 15:33 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_ee51b062b9c3c9f4fe77bd5b3cc9a3b12355d040119a1434425a824f137c61a9.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  172297800 Oct 31 15:29 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_ef23d9057c367a36e4a5c4877d23ee097a731e1186ed28a26c8d21501cd82718.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  171539614 Oct 31 15:23 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f0497bb63ef6834a619d4208be9da459510df697596b891c0c633da144dbb025.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  160399150 Oct 31 15:20 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f0c339da117cde44c9aae8d0bd054bceb6f19fdb191928f6912a703182330ac2.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  175962005 Oct 31 15:17 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f19dd2e80fb41ef31d62bb8c08b339c50d193fdb10fc39cc15b353cbbfeb9b24.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  174942008 Oct 31 15:33 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f1dbb81fa1aa724e96dd2b296b855ff52a565fbef003d08030d63590ae6454df.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  246693315 Oct 31 15:31 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f44dcf2c94e4fd843cbbf9b11128df2ba856cd813786e42e3da1fdfb0f6ddd01.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  170148293 Oct 31 15:00 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f48b68d5960ba903a0d018a10544ae08db5802e21c2fa5615a14fc58b1c1657c.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  168899617 Oct 31 15:16 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f5099b0989120a8d08a963601214b5c5cb23417a707a8624b7eb52ab788a7f75.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  176592362 Oct 31 15:05 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f68c0e6f5e17b0b0f7ab2d4c39559ea89f900751e64b97cb42311a478338d9c3.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  157937478 Oct 31 15:37 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f7ba33a6a9db9cfc4b0ab0f368569e19b9fa08f4c01a0d5f6a243d61ab781bd8.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  145535253 Oct 31 15:26 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f8f098911d670287826e9499806553f7a1dd3e2b5332abbec740008c36e84de5.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  158048761 Oct 31 15:40 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_f914228ddbb99120986262168a705903a9f49724ffa958bb4bf12b2ec1d7fb47.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  167914526 Oct 31 15:37 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_fa3ca9401c7a9efda0502240aeb8d3ae2d239d38890454f17fe5158b62305010.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  164432422 Oct 31 15:24 ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_fc4783b446c70df30b3120685254b40ce13ba6a2b0bf8fb1645f116cf6a392f1.tgz
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  306643814 Oct 31 15:11 troubleshoot@sha256_b86b8aea29a818a9c22944fd18243fa0347c7a2bf1ad8864113ff2bb2d8e0726.tgz

14.4.4. Downloading the Operator images

You can also pre-cache Day-2 Operators used in the 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) Distributed Unit (DU) cluster configuration. The Day-2 Operators depend on the installed OpenShift Container Platform version.


You need to include the RHACM hub and multicluster engine Operator versions by using the --acm-version and --mce-version flags so the factory-precaching-cli tool can pre-cache the appropriate containers images for RHACM and the multicluster engine Operator.


  • Pre-cache the Operator images:

    # podman run -v /mnt:/mnt -v /root/.docker:/root/.docker --privileged --rm quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest -- factory-precaching-cli download \ 1
       -r 4.17.0 \ 2
       --acm-version 2.6.3 \ 3
       --mce-version 2.1.4 \ 4
       -f /mnt \ 5
       --img quay.io/custom/repository 6
       --du-profile -s 7
    Specifies the downloading function of the factory-precaching-cli tool.
    Defines the OpenShift Container Platform release version.
    Defines the RHACM version.
    Defines the multicluster engine version.
    Defines the folder where you want to download the images on the disk.
    Optional. Defines the repository where you store your additional images. These images are downloaded and pre-cached on the disk.
    Specifies pre-caching the Operators included in the DU configuration.

    Example output

    Generated /mnt/imageset.yaml
    Generating list of pre-cached artifacts...
    Processing artifact [1/379]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_7753a8d9dd5974be8c90649aadd7c914a3d8a1f1e016774c7ac7c9422e9f9958
    Processing artifact [2/379]: ose-kube-rbac-proxy@sha256_c27a7c01e5968aff16b6bb6670423f992d1a1de1a16e7e260d12908d3322431c
    Processing artifact [3/379]: ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256_370e47a14c798ca3f8707a38b28cfc28114f492bb35fe1112e55d1eb51022c99
    Processing artifact [378/379]: ose-local-storage-operator@sha256_0c81c2b79f79307305e51ce9d3837657cf9ba5866194e464b4d1b299f85034d0
    Processing artifact [379/379]: multicluster-operators-channel-rhel8@sha256_c10f6bbb84fe36e05816e873a72188018856ad6aac6cc16271a1b3966f73ceb3
    Release:                            4.17.0
    Hub Version:                        2.6.3
    ACM Version:                        2.6.3
    MCE Version:                        2.1.4
    Include DU Profile:                 Yes
    Workers:                            83

14.4.5. Pre-caching custom images in disconnected environments

The --generate-imageset argument stops the factory-precaching-cli tool after the ImageSetConfiguration custom resource (CR) is generated. This allows you to customize the ImageSetConfiguration CR before downloading any images. After you customized the CR, you can use the --skip-imageset argument to download the images that you specified in the ImageSetConfiguration CR.

You can customize the ImageSetConfiguration CR in the following ways:

  • Add Operators and additional images
  • Remove Operators and additional images
  • Change Operator and catalog sources to local or disconnected registries


  1. Pre-cache the images:

    # podman run -v /mnt:/mnt -v /root/.docker:/root/.docker --privileged --rm quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest -- factory-precaching-cli download \ 1
       -r 4.17.0 \ 2
       --acm-version 2.6.3 \ 3
       --mce-version 2.1.4 \ 4
       -f /mnt \ 5
       --img quay.io/custom/repository 6
       --du-profile -s \ 7
       --generate-imageset 8
    Specifies the downloading function of the factory-precaching-cli tool.
    Defines the OpenShift Container Platform release version.
    Defines the RHACM version.
    Defines the multicluster engine version.
    Defines the folder where you want to download the images on the disk.
    Optional. Defines the repository where you store your additional images. These images are downloaded and pre-cached on the disk.
    Specifies pre-caching the Operators included in the DU configuration.
    The --generate-imageset argument generates the ImageSetConfiguration CR only, which allows you to customize the CR.

    Example output

    Generated /mnt/imageset.yaml

    Example ImageSetConfiguration CR

    apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2
    kind: ImageSetConfiguration
        - name: stable-4.17
          minVersion: 4.17.0 1
          maxVersion: 4.17.0
        - name: quay.io/custom/repository
        - catalog: registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.17
            - name: advanced-cluster-management 2
                 - name: 'release-2.6'
                   minVersion: 2.6.3
                   maxVersion: 2.6.3
            - name: multicluster-engine 3
                 - name: 'stable-2.1'
                   minVersion: 2.1.4
                   maxVersion: 2.1.4
            - name: local-storage-operator 4
                - name: 'stable'
            - name: ptp-operator 5
                - name: 'stable'
            - name: sriov-network-operator 6
                - name: 'stable'
            - name: cluster-logging 7
                - name: 'stable'
            - name: lvms-operator 8
                - name: 'stable-4.17'
            - name: amq7-interconnect-operator 9
                - name: '1.10.x'
            - name: bare-metal-event-relay 10
                - name: 'stable'
        - catalog: registry.redhat.io/redhat/certified-operator-index:v4.17
            - name: sriov-fec 11
                - name: 'stable'

    The platform versions match the versions passed to the tool.
    2 3
    The versions of RHACM and the multicluster engine Operator match the versions passed to the tool.
    4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    The CR contains all the specified DU Operators.
  2. Customize the catalog resource in the CR:

    apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2
    kind: ImageSetConfiguration
        - catalog: eko4.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8443/redhat/certified-operator-index:v4.17
            - name: sriov-fec
                - name: 'stable'

    When you download images by using a local or disconnected registry, you have to first add certificates for the registries that you want to pull the content from.

  3. To avoid any errors, copy the registry certificate into your server:

    # cp /tmp/eko4-ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/.
  4. Then, update the certificates trust store:

    # update-ca-trust
  5. Mount the host /etc/pki folder into the factory-cli image:

    # podman run -v /mnt:/mnt -v /root/.docker:/root/.docker -v /etc/pki:/etc/pki --privileged --rm quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest -- \
    factory-precaching-cli download \ 1
       -r 4.17.0 \ 2
       --acm-version 2.6.3 \ 3
       --mce-version 2.1.4 \ 4
       -f /mnt \ 5
       --img quay.io/custom/repository 6
       --du-profile -s \ 7
       --skip-imageset 8
    Specifies the downloading function of the factory-precaching-cli tool.
    Defines the OpenShift Container Platform release version.
    Defines the RHACM version.
    Defines the multicluster engine version.
    Defines the folder where you want to download the images on the disk.
    Optional. Defines the repository where you store your additional images. These images are downloaded and pre-cached on the disk.
    Specifies pre-caching the Operators included in the DU configuration.
    The --skip-imageset argument allows you to download the images that you specified in your customized ImageSetConfiguration CR.
  6. Download the images without generating a new imageSetConfiguration CR:

    # podman run -v /mnt:/mnt -v /root/.docker:/root/.docker --privileged --rm quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest -- factory-precaching-cli download -r 4.17.0 \
    --acm-version 2.6.3 --mce-version 2.1.4 -f /mnt \
    --img quay.io/custom/repository \
    --du-profile -s \

Additional resources

14.5. Pre-caching images in GitOps ZTP

The SiteConfig manifest defines how an OpenShift cluster is to be installed and configured. In the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) provisioning workflow, the factory-precaching-cli tool requires the following additional fields in the SiteConfig manifest:

  • clusters.ignitionConfigOverride
  • nodes.installerArgs
  • nodes.ignitionConfigOverride

Example SiteConfig with additional fields

apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
kind: SiteConfig
  name: "example-5g-lab"
  namespace: "example-5g-lab"
  baseDomain: "example.domain.redhat.com"
    name: "assisted-deployment-pull-secret"
  clusterImageSetNameRef: "img4.9.10-x86-64-appsub" 1
  sshPublicKey: "ssh-rsa ..."
  - clusterName: "sno-worker-0"
    clusterImageSetNameRef: "eko4-img4.11.5-x86-64-appsub" 2
      group-du-sno: ""
      common-411: true
      sites : "example-5g-lab"
      vendor: "OpenShift"
      - cidr:
        hostPrefix: 23
      - cidr:
    networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
      - clock.corp.redhat.com
        "ignition": {
          "version": "3.1.0"
        "systemd": {
          "units": [
              "name": "var-mnt.mount",
              "enabled": true,
              "contents": "[Unit]\nDescription=Mount partition with artifacts\nBefore=precache-images.service\nBindsTo=precache-images.service\nStopWhenUnneeded=true\n\n[Mount]\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/data\nWhere=/var/mnt\nType=xfs\nTimeoutSec=30\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=precache-images.service"
              "name": "precache-images.service",
              "enabled": true,
              "contents": "[Unit]\nDescription=Extracts the precached images in discovery stage\nAfter=var-mnt.mount\nBefore=agent.service\n\n[Service]\nType=oneshot\nUser=root\nWorkingDirectory=/var/mnt\nExecStart=bash /usr/local/bin/extract-ai.sh\n#TimeoutStopSec=30\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.target default.target\nWantedBy=agent.service"
        "storage": {
          "files": [
              "overwrite": true,
              "path": "/usr/local/bin/extract-ai.sh",
              "mode": 755,
              "user": {
                "name": "root"
              "contents": {
                "source": "data:,%23%21%2Fbin%2Fbash%0A%0AFOLDER%3D%22%24%7BFOLDER%3A-%24%28pwd%29%7D%22%0AOCP_RELEASE_LIST%3D%22%24%7BOCP_RELEASE_LIST%3A-ai-images.txt%7D%22%0ABINARY_FOLDER%3D%2Fvar%2Fmnt%0A%0Apushd%20%24FOLDER%0A%0Atotal_copies%3D%24%28sort%20-u%20%24BINARY_FOLDER%2F%24OCP_RELEASE_LIST%20%7C%20wc%20-l%29%20%20%23%20Required%20to%20keep%20track%20of%20the%20pull%20task%20vs%20total%0Acurrent_copy%3D1%0A%0Awhile%20read%20-r%20line%3B%0Ado%0A%20%20uri%3D%24%28echo%20%22%24line%22%20%7C%20awk%20%27%7Bprint%241%7D%27%29%0A%20%20%23tar%3D%24%28echo%20%22%24line%22%20%7C%20awk%20%27%7Bprint%242%7D%27%29%0A%20%20podman%20image%20exists%20%24uri%0A%20%20if%20%5B%5B%20%24%3F%20-eq%200%20%5D%5D%3B%20then%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20echo%20%22Skipping%20existing%20image%20%24tar%22%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20echo%20%22Copying%20%24%7Buri%7D%20%5B%24%7Bcurrent_copy%7D%2F%24%7Btotal_copies%7D%5D%22%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20current_copy%3D%24%28%28current_copy%20%2B%201%29%29%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20continue%0A%20%20fi%0A%20%20tar%3D%24%28echo%20%22%24uri%22%20%7C%20%20rev%20%7C%20cut%20-d%20%22%2F%22%20-f1%20%7C%20rev%20%7C%20tr%20%22%3A%22%20%22_%22%29%0A%20%20tar%20zxvf%20%24%7Btar%7D.tgz%0A%20%20if%20%5B%20%24%3F%20-eq%200%20%5D%3B%20then%20rm%20-f%20%24%7Btar%7D.gz%3B%20fi%0A%20%20echo%20%22Copying%20%24%7Buri%7D%20%5B%24%7Bcurrent_copy%7D%2F%24%7Btotal_copies%7D%5D%22%0A%20%20skopeo%20copy%20dir%3A%2F%2F%24%28pwd%29%2F%24%7Btar%7D%20containers-storage%3A%24%7Buri%7D%0A%20%20if%20%5B%20%24%3F%20-eq%200%20%5D%3B%20then%20rm%20-rf%20%24%7Btar%7D%3B%20current_copy%3D%24%28%28current_copy%20%2B%201%29%29%3B%20fi%0Adone%20%3C%20%24%7BBINARY_FOLDER%7D%2F%24%7BOCP_RELEASE_LIST%7D%0A%0A%23%20workaround%20while%20https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fopenshift%2Fassisted-service%2Fpull%2F3546%0A%23cp%20%2Fvar%2Fmnt%2Fmodified-rhcos-4.10.3-x86_64-metal.x86_64.raw.gz%20%2Fvar%2Ftmp%2F.%0A%0Aexit%200"
              "overwrite": true,
              "path": "/usr/local/bin/agent-fix-bz1964591",
              "mode": 755,
              "user": {
                "name": "root"
              "contents": {
                "source": "data:,%23%21%2Fusr%2Fbin%2Fsh%0A%0A%23%20This%20script%20is%20a%20workaround%20for%20bugzilla%201964591%20where%20symlinks%20inside%20%2Fvar%2Flib%2Fcontainers%2F%20get%0A%23%20corrupted%20under%20some%20circumstances.%0A%23%0A%23%20In%20order%20to%20let%20agent.service%20start%20correctly%20we%20are%20checking%20here%20whether%20the%20requested%0A%23%20container%20image%20exists%20and%20in%20case%20%22podman%20images%22%20returns%20an%20error%20we%20try%20removing%20the%20faulty%0A%23%20image.%0A%23%0A%23%20In%20such%20a%20scenario%20agent.service%20will%20detect%20the%20image%20is%20not%20present%20and%20pull%20it%20again.%20In%20case%0A%23%20the%20image%20is%20present%20and%20can%20be%20detected%20correctly%2C%20no%20any%20action%20is%20required.%0A%0AIMAGE%3D%24%28echo%20%241%20%7C%20sed%20%27s%2F%3A.%2A%2F%2F%27%29%0Apodman%20image%20exists%20%24IMAGE%20%7C%7C%20echo%20%22already%20loaded%22%20%7C%7C%20echo%20%22need%20to%20be%20pulled%22%0A%23podman%20images%20%7C%20grep%20%24IMAGE%20%7C%7C%20podman%20rmi%20--force%20%241%20%7C%7C%20true"
      - hostName: "snonode.sno-worker-0.example.domain.redhat.com"
        role: "master"
        bmcAddress: "idrac-virtualmedia+"
          name: "worker0-bmh-secret"
        bootMACAddress: "e4:43:4b:bd:90:46"
        bootMode: "UEFI"
          deviceName: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-scsi-0:2:0:0
        installerArgs: '["--save-partlabel", "data"]'
        ignitionConfigOverride: |
            "ignition": {
              "version": "3.1.0"
            "systemd": {
              "units": [
                  "name": "var-mnt.mount",
                  "enabled": true,
                  "contents": "[Unit]\nDescription=Mount partition with artifacts\nBefore=precache-ocp-images.service\nBindsTo=precache-ocp-images.service\nStopWhenUnneeded=true\n\n[Mount]\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/data\nWhere=/var/mnt\nType=xfs\nTimeoutSec=30\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=precache-ocp-images.service"
                  "name": "precache-ocp-images.service",
                  "enabled": true,
                  "contents": "[Unit]\nDescription=Extracts the precached OCP images into containers storage\nAfter=var-mnt.mount\nBefore=machine-config-daemon-pull.service nodeip-configuration.service\n\n[Service]\nType=oneshot\nUser=root\nWorkingDirectory=/var/mnt\nExecStart=bash /usr/local/bin/extract-ocp.sh\nTimeoutStopSec=60\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.target"
            "storage": {
              "files": [
                  "overwrite": true,
                  "path": "/usr/local/bin/extract-ocp.sh",
                  "mode": 755,
                  "user": {
                    "name": "root"
                  "contents": {
                    "source": "data:,%23%21%2Fbin%2Fbash%0A%0AFOLDER%3D%22%24%7BFOLDER%3A-%24%28pwd%29%7D%22%0AOCP_RELEASE_LIST%3D%22%24%7BOCP_RELEASE_LIST%3A-ocp-images.txt%7D%22%0ABINARY_FOLDER%3D%2Fvar%2Fmnt%0A%0Apushd%20%24FOLDER%0A%0Atotal_copies%3D%24%28sort%20-u%20%24BINARY_FOLDER%2F%24OCP_RELEASE_LIST%20%7C%20wc%20-l%29%20%20%23%20Required%20to%20keep%20track%20of%20the%20pull%20task%20vs%20total%0Acurrent_copy%3D1%0A%0Awhile%20read%20-r%20line%3B%0Ado%0A%20%20uri%3D%24%28echo%20%22%24line%22%20%7C%20awk%20%27%7Bprint%241%7D%27%29%0A%20%20%23tar%3D%24%28echo%20%22%24line%22%20%7C%20awk%20%27%7Bprint%242%7D%27%29%0A%20%20podman%20image%20exists%20%24uri%0A%20%20if%20%5B%5B%20%24%3F%20-eq%200%20%5D%5D%3B%20then%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20echo%20%22Skipping%20existing%20image%20%24tar%22%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20echo%20%22Copying%20%24%7Buri%7D%20%5B%24%7Bcurrent_copy%7D%2F%24%7Btotal_copies%7D%5D%22%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20current_copy%3D%24%28%28current_copy%20%2B%201%29%29%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20continue%0A%20%20fi%0A%20%20tar%3D%24%28echo%20%22%24uri%22%20%7C%20%20rev%20%7C%20cut%20-d%20%22%2F%22%20-f1%20%7C%20rev%20%7C%20tr%20%22%3A%22%20%22_%22%29%0A%20%20tar%20zxvf%20%24%7Btar%7D.tgz%0A%20%20if%20%5B%20%24%3F%20-eq%200%20%5D%3B%20then%20rm%20-f%20%24%7Btar%7D.gz%3B%20fi%0A%20%20echo%20%22Copying%20%24%7Buri%7D%20%5B%24%7Bcurrent_copy%7D%2F%24%7Btotal_copies%7D%5D%22%0A%20%20skopeo%20copy%20dir%3A%2F%2F%24%28pwd%29%2F%24%7Btar%7D%20containers-storage%3A%24%7Buri%7D%0A%20%20if%20%5B%20%24%3F%20-eq%200%20%5D%3B%20then%20rm%20-rf%20%24%7Btar%7D%3B%20current_copy%3D%24%28%28current_copy%20%2B%201%29%29%3B%20fi%0Adone%20%3C%20%24%7BBINARY_FOLDER%7D%2F%24%7BOCP_RELEASE_LIST%7D%0A%0Aexit%200"
              - name: ens1f0
                type: ethernet
                state: up
                macAddress: "AA:BB:CC:11:22:33"
                  enabled: true
                  dhcp: true
                  enabled: false
            - name: "ens1f0"
              macAddress: "AA:BB:CC:11:22:33"

Specifies the cluster image set used for deployment, unless you specify a different image set in the spec.clusters.clusterImageSetNameRef field.
Specifies the cluster image set used to deploy an individual cluster. If defined, it overrides the spec.clusterImageSetNameRef at the site level.

14.5.1. Understanding the clusters.ignitionConfigOverride field

The clusters.ignitionConfigOverride field adds a configuration in Ignition format during the GitOps ZTP discovery stage. The configuration includes systemd services in the ISO mounted in virtual media. This way, the scripts are part of the discovery RHCOS live ISO and they can be used to load the Assisted Installer (AI) images.

systemd services
The systemd services are var-mnt.mount and precache-images.services. The precache-images.service depends on the disk partition to be mounted in /var/mnt by the var-mnt.mount unit. The service calls a script called extract-ai.sh.
The extract-ai.sh script extracts and loads the required images from the disk partition to the local container storage. When the script finishes successfully, you can use the images locally.
The agent-fix-bz1964591 script is a workaround for an AI issue. To prevent AI from removing the images, which can force the agent.service to pull the images again from the registry, the agent-fix-bz1964591 script checks if the requested container images exist.

14.5.2. Understanding the nodes.installerArgs field

The nodes.installerArgs field allows you to configure how the coreos-installer utility writes the RHCOS live ISO to disk. You need to indicate to save the disk partition labeled as data because the artifacts saved in the data partition are needed during the OpenShift Container Platform installation stage.

The extra parameters are passed directly to the coreos-installer utility that writes the live RHCOS to disk. On the next reboot, the operating system starts from the disk.

You can pass several options to the coreos-installer utility:

    -u, --image-url <URL>
            Manually specify the image URL

    -f, --image-file <path>
            Manually specify a local image file

    -i, --ignition-file <path>
            Embed an Ignition config from a file

    -I, --ignition-url <URL>
            Embed an Ignition config from a URL
        --save-partlabel <lx>...
            Save partitions with this label glob

        --save-partindex <id>...
            Save partitions with this number or range
            Allow Ignition URL without HTTPS or hash

14.5.3. Understanding the nodes.ignitionConfigOverride field

Similarly to clusters.ignitionConfigOverride, the nodes.ignitionConfigOverride field allows the addition of configurations in Ignition format to the coreos-installer utility, but at the OpenShift Container Platform installation stage. When the RHCOS is written to disk, the extra configuration included in the GitOps ZTP discovery ISO is no longer available. During the discovery stage, the extra configuration is stored in the memory of the live OS.


At this stage, the number of container images extracted and loaded is bigger than in the discovery stage. Depending on the OpenShift Container Platform release and whether you install the Day-2 Operators, the installation time can vary.

At the installation stage, the var-mnt.mount and precache-ocp.services systemd services are used.


The precache-ocp.service depends on the disk partition to be mounted in /var/mnt by the var-mnt.mount unit. The precache-ocp.service service calls a script called extract-ocp.sh.


To extract all the images before the OpenShift Container Platform installation, you must execute precache-ocp.service before executing the machine-config-daemon-pull.service and nodeip-configuration.service services.

The extract-ocp.sh script extracts and loads the required images from the disk partition to the local container storage.

When you commit the SiteConfig and optional PolicyGenerator or PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs) to the Git repo that Argo CD is monitoring, you can start the GitOps ZTP workflow by syncing the CRs with the hub cluster.

14.6. Troubleshooting a "Rendered catalog is invalid" error

When you download images by using a local or disconnected registry, you might see the The rendered catalog is invalid error. This means that you are missing certificates of the new registry you want to pull content from.


The factory-precaching-cli tool image is built on a UBI RHEL image. Certificate paths and locations are the same on RHCOS.

Example error

Generating list of pre-cached artifacts...
error: unable to run command oc-mirror -c /mnt/imageset.yaml file:///tmp/fp-cli-3218002584/mirror --ignore-history --dry-run: Creating directory: /tmp/fp-cli-3218002584/mirror/oc-mirror-workspace/src/publish
Creating directory: /tmp/fp-cli-3218002584/mirror/oc-mirror-workspace/src/v2
Creating directory: /tmp/fp-cli-3218002584/mirror/oc-mirror-workspace/src/charts
Creating directory: /tmp/fp-cli-3218002584/mirror/oc-mirror-workspace/src/release-signatures
backend is not configured in /mnt/imageset.yaml, using stateless mode
backend is not configured in /mnt/imageset.yaml, using stateless mode
No metadata detected, creating new workspace
level=info msg=trying next host error=failed to do request: Head "https://eko4.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8443/v2/redhat/redhat-operator-index/manifests/v4.11": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority host=eko4.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8443

The rendered catalog is invalid.

Run "oc-mirror list operators --catalog CATALOG-NAME --package PACKAGE-NAME" for more information.

error: error rendering new refs: render reference "eko4.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8443/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.11": error resolving name : failed to do request: Head "https://eko4.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8443/v2/redhat/redhat-operator-index/manifests/v4.11": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


  1. Copy the registry certificate into your server:

    # cp /tmp/eko4-ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/.
  2. Update the certificates truststore:

    # update-ca-trust
  3. Mount the host /etc/pki folder into the factory-cli image:

    # podman run -v /mnt:/mnt -v /root/.docker:/root/.docker -v /etc/pki:/etc/pki --privileged -it --rm quay.io/openshift-kni/telco-ran-tools:latest -- \
    factory-precaching-cli download -r 4.17.0 --acm-version 2.5.4 \
       --mce-version 2.0.4 -f /mnt \--img quay.io/custom/repository
       --du-profile -s --skip-imageset

Chapter 15. Image-based upgrade for single-node OpenShift clusters

15.1. Understanding the image-based upgrade for single-node OpenShift clusters

From OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.13, the Lifecycle Agent provides you with an alternative way to upgrade the platform version of a single-node OpenShift cluster. The image-based upgrade is faster than the standard upgrade method and allows you to directly upgrade from OpenShift Container Platform <4.y> to <4.y+2>, and <4.y.z> to <4.y.z+n>.

This upgrade method utilizes a generated OCI image from a dedicated seed cluster that is installed on the target single-node OpenShift cluster as a new ostree stateroot. A seed cluster is a single-node OpenShift cluster deployed with the target OpenShift Container Platform version, Day 2 Operators, and configurations that are common to all target clusters.

You can use the seed image, which is generated from the seed cluster, to upgrade the platform version on any single-node OpenShift cluster that has the same combination of hardware, Day 2 Operators, and cluster configuration as the seed cluster.


The image-based upgrade uses custom images that are specific to the hardware platform that the clusters are running on. Each different hardware platform requires a separate seed image.

The Lifecycle Agent uses two custom resources (CRs) on the participating clusters to orchestrate the upgrade:

  • On the seed cluster, the SeedGenerator CR allows for the seed image generation. This CR specifies the repository to push the seed image to.
  • On the target cluster, the ImageBasedUpgrade CR specifies the seed image for the upgrade of the target cluster and the backup configurations for your workloads.

Example SeedGenerator CR

apiVersion: lca.openshift.io/v1
kind: SeedGenerator
  name: seedimage
  seedImage: <seed_image>

Example ImageBasedUpgrade CR

apiVersion: lca.openshift.io/v1
kind: ImageBasedUpgrade
  name: upgrade
  stage: Idle 1
  seedImageRef: 2
    version: <target_version>
    image: <seed_container_image>
      name: <seed_pull_secret>
  autoRollbackOnFailure: {}
#    initMonitorTimeoutSeconds: 1800 3
  extraManifests: 4
  - name: example-extra-manifests
    namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
  oadpContent: 5
  - name: oadp-cm-example
    namespace: openshift-adp

Stage of the ImageBasedUpgrade CR. The value can be Idle, Prep, Upgrade, or Rollback.
Target platform version, seed image to be used, and the secret required to access the image.
Optional: Time frame in seconds to roll back when the upgrade does not complete within that time frame after the first reboot. If not defined or set to 0, the default value of 1800 seconds (30 minutes) is used.
Optional: List of ConfigMap resources that contain your custom catalog sources to retain after the upgrade, and your extra manifests to apply to the target cluster that are not part of the seed image.
List of ConfigMap resources that contain the OADP Backup and Restore CRs.

15.1.1. Stages of the image-based upgrade

After generating the seed image on the seed cluster, you can move through the stages on the target cluster by setting the spec.stage field to one of the following values in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR:

  • Idle
  • Prep
  • Upgrade
  • Rollback (Optional)

Figure 15.1. Stages of the image-based upgrade

Stages of the image-based upgrade Idle stage

The Lifecycle Agent creates an ImageBasedUpgrade CR set to stage: Idle when the Operator is first deployed. This is the default stage. There is no ongoing upgrade and the cluster is ready to move to the Prep stage.

Figure 15.2. Transition from Idle stage

Transition from Idle stage

You also move to the Idle stage to do one of the following steps:

  • Finalize a successful upgrade
  • Finalize a rollback
  • Cancel an ongoing upgrade until the pre-pivot phase in the Upgrade stage

Moving to the Idle stage ensures that the Lifecycle Agent cleans up resources, so that the cluster is ready for upgrades again.

Figure 15.3. Transitions to Idle stage

Transitions to Idle stage

If using RHACM when you cancel an upgrade, you must remove the import.open-cluster-management.io/disable-auto-import annotation from the target managed cluster to re-enable the automatic import of the cluster. Prep stage

You can complete this stage before a scheduled maintenance window.

For the Prep stage, you specify the following upgrade details in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR:

  • seed image to use
  • resources to back up
  • extra manifests to apply and custom catalog sources to retain after the upgrade, if any

Then, based on what you specify, the Lifecycle Agent prepares for the upgrade without impacting the current running version. During this stage, the Lifecycle Agent ensures that the target cluster is ready to proceed to the Upgrade stage by checking if it meets certain conditions. The Operator pulls the seed image to the target cluster with additional container images specified in the seed image. The Lifecycle Agent checks if there is enough space on the container storage disk and if necessary, the Operator deletes unpinned images until the disk usage is below the specified threshold. For more information about how to configure or disable the cleaning up of the container storage disk, see "Configuring the automatic image cleanup of the container storage disk".

You also prepare backup resources with the OADP Operator’s Backup and Restore CRs. These CRs are used in the Upgrade stage to reconfigure the cluster, register the cluster with RHACM, and restore application artifacts.

In addition to the OADP Operator, the Lifecycle Agent uses the ostree versioning system to create a backup, which allows complete cluster reconfiguration after both upgrade and rollback.

After the Prep stage finishes, you can cancel the upgrade process by moving to the Idle stage or you can start the upgrade by moving to the Upgrade stage in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR. If you cancel the upgrade, the Operator performs cleanup operations.

Figure 15.4. Transition from Prep stage

Transition from Prep stage Upgrade stage

The Upgrade stage consists of two phases:

Just before pivoting to the new stateroot, the Lifecycle Agent collects the required cluster specific artifacts and stores them in the new stateroot. The backup of your cluster resources specified in the Prep stage are created on a compatible Object storage solution. The Lifecycle Agent exports CRs specified in the extraManifests field in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR or the CRs described in the ZTP policies that are bound to the target cluster. After pre-pivot phase has completed, the Lifecycle Agent sets the new stateroot deployment as the default boot entry and reboots the node.
After booting from the new stateroot, the Lifecycle Agent also regenerates the seed image’s cluster cryptography. This ensures that each single-node OpenShift cluster upgraded with the same seed image has unique and valid cryptographic objects. The Operator then reconfigures the cluster by applying cluster-specific artifacts that were collected in the pre-pivot phase. The Operator applies all saved CRs, and restores the backups.

After the upgrade has completed and you are satisfied with the changes, you can finalize the upgrade by moving to the Idle stage.


When you finalize the upgrade, you cannot roll back to the original release.

Figure 15.5. Transitions from Upgrade stage

Transitions from Upgrade stage

If you want to cancel the upgrade, you can do so until the pre-pivot phase of the Upgrade stage. If you encounter issues after the upgrade, you can move to the Rollback stage for a manual rollback. Rollback stage

The Rollback stage can be initiated manually or automatically upon failure. During the Rollback stage, the Lifecycle Agent sets the original ostree stateroot deployment as default. Then, the node reboots with the previous release of OpenShift Container Platform and application configurations.


If you move to the Idle stage after a rollback, the Lifecycle Agent cleans up resources that can be used to troubleshoot a failed upgrade.

The Lifecycle Agent initiates an automatic rollback if the upgrade does not complete within a specified time limit. For more information about the automatic rollback, see the "Moving to the Rollback stage with Lifecycle Agent" or "Moving to the Rollback stage with Lifecycle Agent and GitOps ZTP" sections.

Figure 15.6. Transition from Rollback stage

Transition from Rollback stage

15.1.2. Guidelines for the image-based upgrade

For a successful image-based upgrade, your deployments must meet certain requirements.

There are different deployment methods in which you can perform the image-based upgrade:

GitOps ZTP
You use the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to deploy and configure your clusters.
You manually deploy and configure your clusters.

You can perform an image-based upgrade in disconnected environments. For more information about how to mirror images for a disconnected environment, see "Mirroring images for a disconnected installation". Minimum software version of components

Depending on your deployment method, the image-based upgrade requires the following minimum software versions.

Table 15.1. Minimum software version of components
ComponentSoftware versionRequired

Lifecycle Agent



OADP Operator



Managed cluster version



Hub cluster version






GitOps ZTP plugin


Only for GitOps ZTP deployment method

Red Hat OpenShift GitOps


Only for GitOps ZTP deployment method

Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM)


Only for GitOps ZTP deployment method

Local Storage Operator [1]



Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Storage [1]



  1. The persistent storage must be provided by either the LVM Storage or the Local Storage Operator, not both. Hub cluster guidelines

If you are using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), your hub cluster needs to meet the following conditions:

  • To avoid including any RHACM resources in your seed image, you need to disable all optional RHACM add-ons before generating the seed image.
  • Your hub cluster must be upgraded to at least the target version before performing an image-based upgrade on a target single-node OpenShift cluster. Seed image guidelines

The seed image targets a set of single-node OpenShift clusters with the same hardware and similar configuration. This means that the seed cluster must match the configuration of the target clusters for the following items:

  • CPU topology

    • Number of CPU cores
    • Tuned performance configuration, such as number of reserved CPUs
  • MachineConfig resources for the target cluster
  • IP version


    Dual-stack networking is not supported in this release.

  • Set of Day 2 Operators, including the Lifecycle Agent and the OADP Operator
  • Disconnected registry
  • FIPS configuration

The following configurations only have to partially match on the participating clusters:

  • If the target cluster has a proxy configuration, the seed cluster must have a proxy configuration too but the configuration does not have to be the same.
  • A dedicated partition on the primary disk for container storage is required on all participating clusters. However, the size and start of the partition does not have to be the same. Only the spec.config.storage.disks.partitions.label: varlibcontainers label in the MachineConfig CR must match on both the seed and target clusters. For more information about how to create the disk partition, see "Configuring a shared container partition between ostree stateroots" or "Configuring a shared container partition between ostree stateroots when using GitOps ZTP".

For more information about what to include in the seed image, see "Seed image configuration" and "Seed image configuration using the RAN DU profile". OADP backup and restore guidelines

With the OADP Operator, you can back up and restore your applications on your target clusters by using Backup and Restore CRs wrapped in ConfigMap objects. The application must work on the current and the target OpenShift Container Platform versions so that they can be restored after the upgrade. The backups must include resources that were initially created.

The following resources must be excluded from the backup:

  • pods
  • endpoints
  • controllerrevision
  • podmetrics
  • packagemanifest
  • replicaset
  • localvolume, if using Local Storage Operator (LSO)

There are two local storage implementations for single-node OpenShift:

Local Storage Operator (LSO)
The Lifecycle Agent automatically backs up and restores the required artifacts, including localvolume resources and their associated StorageClass resources. You must exclude the persistentvolumes resource in the application Backup CR.
LVM Storage
You must create the Backup and Restore CRs for LVM Storage artifacts. You must include the persistentVolumes resource in the application Backup CR.

For the image-based upgrade, only one Operator is supported on a given target cluster.


For both Operators, you must not apply the Operator CRs as extra manifests through the ImageBasedUpgrade CR.

The persistent volume contents are preserved and used after the pivot. When you are configuring the DataProtectionApplication CR, you must ensure that the .spec.configuration.restic.enable is set to false for an image-based upgrade. This disables Container Storage Interface integration. lca.openshift.io/apply-wave guidelines

The lca.openshift.io/apply-wave annotation determines the apply order of Backup or Restore CRs. The value of the annotation must be a string number. If you define the lca.openshift.io/apply-wave annotation in the Backup or Restore CRs, they are applied in increasing order based on the annotation value. If you do not define the annotation, they are applied together.

The lca.openshift.io/apply-wave annotation must be numerically lower in your platform Restore CRs, for example RHACM and LVM Storage artifacts, than that of the application. This way, the platform artifacts are restored before your applications.

If your application includes cluster-scoped resources, you must create separate Backup and Restore CRs to scope the backup to the specific cluster-scoped resources created by the application. The Restore CR for the cluster-scoped resources must be restored before the remaining application Restore CR(s). lca.openshift.io/apply-label guidelines

You can back up specific resources exclusively with the lca.openshift.io/apply-label annotation. Based on which resources you define in the annotation, the Lifecycle Agent applies the lca.openshift.io/backup: <backup_name> label and adds the labelSelector.matchLabels.lca.openshift.io/backup: <backup_name> label selector to the specified resources when creating the Backup CRs.

To use the lca.openshift.io/apply-label annotation for backing up specific resources, the resources listed in the annotation must also be included in the spec section. If the lca.openshift.io/apply-label annotation is used in the Backup CR, only the resources listed in the annotation are backed up, even if other resource types are specified in the spec section or not.

Example CR

apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: Backup
  name: acm-klusterlet
  namespace: openshift-adp
    lca.openshift.io/apply-label: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/klusterlet,apps/v1/deployments/open-cluster-management-agent/klusterlet 1
    velero.io/storage-location: default
   - open-cluster-management-agent
   - clusterroles
   - deployments

The value must be a list of comma-separated objects in group/version/resource/name format for cluster-scoped resources or group/version/resource/namespace/name format for namespace-scoped resources, and it must be attached to the related Backup CR. Extra manifest guidelines

The Lifecycle Agent uses extra manifests to restore your target clusters after rebooting with the new stateroot deployment and before restoring application artifacts.

Different deployment methods require a different way to apply the extra manifests:

GitOps ZTP

You use the lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version: <target_ocp_version> label to mark the extra manifests that the Lifecycle Agent must extract and apply after the pivot. You can specify the number of manifests labeled with lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version by using the lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version-manifest-count annotation in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR. If specified, the Lifecycle Agent verifies that the number of manifests extracted from policies matches the number provided in the annotation during the prep and upgrade stages.

Example for the lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version-manifest-count annotation

apiVersion: lca.openshift.io/v1
kind: ImageBasedUpgrade
    lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version-manifest-count: "5"
  name: upgrade

You mark your extra manifests with the lca.openshift.io/apply-wave annotation to determine the apply order. The labeled extra manifests are wrapped in ConfigMap objects and referenced in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR that the Lifecycle Agent uses after the pivot.

If the target cluster uses custom catalog sources, you must include them as extra manifests that point to the correct release version.


You cannot apply the following items as extra manifests:

  • MachineConfig objects
  • OLM Operator subscriptions

15.2. Preparing for an image-based upgrade for single-node OpenShift clusters

15.2.1. Configuring a shared container partition for the image-based upgrade

Your single-node OpenShift clusters need to have a shared /var/lib/containers partition for the image-based upgrade. You can do this at install time. Configuring a shared container partition between ostree stateroots

Apply a MachineConfig to both the seed and the target clusters during installation time to create a separate partition and share the /var/lib/containers partition between the two ostree stateroots that will be used during the upgrade process.


You must complete this procedure at installation time.


  • Apply a MachineConfig to create a separate partition:

    apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
    kind: MachineConfig
        machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
      name: 98-var-lib-containers-partitioned
          version: 3.2.0
            - device: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-<root_disk> 1
                - label: var-lib-containers
                  startMiB: <start_of_partition> 2
                  sizeMiB: <partition_size> 3
            - device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers
              format: xfs
                - defaults
                - prjquota
              path: /var/lib/containers
              wipeFilesystem: true
            - contents: |-
                # Generated by Butane
              enabled: true
              name: var-lib-containers.mount
    Specify the root disk.
    Specify the start of the partition in MiB. If the value is too small, the installation will fail.
    Specify a minimum size for the partition of 500 GB to ensure adequate disk space for precached images. If the value is too small, the deployments after installation will fail. Configuring a shared container directory between ostree stateroots when using GitOps ZTP

When you are using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) workflow, you do the following procedure to create a separate disk partition on both the seed and target cluster and to share the /var/lib/containers partition.


You must complete this procedure at installation time.


  • You have installed Butane. For more information, see "Installing Butane".


  1. Create the storage.bu file:

    variant: fcos
    version: 1.3.0
      - device: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-<root_disk> 1
        wipe_table: false
        - label: var-lib-containers
          start_mib: <start_of_partition> 2
          size_mib: <partition_size> 3
        - path: /var/lib/containers
          device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers
          format: xfs
          wipe_filesystem: true
          with_mount_unit: true
            - defaults
            - prjquota
    Specify the root disk.
    Specify the start of the partition in MiB. If the value is too small, the installation will fail.
    Specify a minimum size for the partition of 500 GB to ensure adequate disk space for precached images. If the value is too small, the deployments after installation will fail.
  2. Convert the storage.bu to an Ignition file by running the following command:

    $ butane storage.bu

    Example output

    {"ignition":{"version":"3.2.0"},"storage":{"disks":[{"device":"/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:17.0-ata-1.0","partitions":[{"label":"var-lib-containers","sizeMiB":0,"startMiB":250000}],"wipeTable":false}],"filesystems":[{"device":"/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers","format":"xfs","mountOptions":["defaults","prjquota"],"path":"/var/lib/containers","wipeFilesystem":true}]},"systemd":{"units":[{"contents":"# Generated by Butane\n[Unit]\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\n\n[Mount]\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\nType=xfs\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target","enabled":true,"name":"var-lib-containers.mount"}]}}

  3. Copy the output into the .spec.clusters.nodes.ignitionConfigOverride field in the SiteConfig CR:

        - nodes:
            - hostName: <name>
              ignitionConfigOverride: '{"ignition":{"version":"3.2.0"},"storage":{"disks":[{"device":"/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:17.0-ata-1.0","partitions":[{"label":"var-lib-containers","sizeMiB":0,"startMiB":250000}],"wipeTable":false}],"filesystems":[{"device":"/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers","format":"xfs","mountOptions":["defaults","prjquota"],"path":"/var/lib/containers","wipeFilesystem":true}]},"systemd":{"units":[{"contents":"# Generated by Butane\n[Unit]\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2dpartlabel-var\\x2dlib\\x2dcontainers.service\n\n[Mount]\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\nType=xfs\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\n\n[Install]\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target","enabled":true,"name":"var-lib-containers.mount"}]}}'


  1. During or after installation, verify on the hub cluster that the BareMetalHost object shows the annotation by running the following command:

    $ oc get bmh -n my-sno-ns my-sno -ojson | jq '.metadata.annotations["bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/ignition-config-overrides"]'

    Example output

    "{\"ignition\":{\"version\":\"3.2.0\"},\"storage\":{\"disks\":[{\"device\":\"/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:17.0-ata-1.0\",\"partitions\":[{\"label\":\"var-lib-containers\",\"sizeMiB\":0,\"startMiB\":250000}],\"wipeTable\":false}],\"filesystems\":[{\"device\":\"/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\",\"format\":\"xfs\",\"mountOptions\":[\"defaults\",\"prjquota\"],\"path\":\"/var/lib/containers\",\"wipeFilesystem\":true}]},\"systemd\":{\"units\":[{\"contents\":\"# Generated by Butane\\n[Unit]\\nRequires=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\\\x2dpartlabel-var\\\\x2dlib\\\\x2dcontainers.service\\nAfter=systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\\\x2dpartlabel-var\\\\x2dlib\\\\x2dcontainers.service\\n\\n[Mount]\\nWhere=/var/lib/containers\\nWhat=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers\\nType=xfs\\nOptions=defaults,prjquota\\n\\n[Install]\\nRequiredBy=local-fs.target\",\"enabled\":true,\"name\":\"var-lib-containers.mount\"}]}}"

  2. After installation, check the single-node OpenShift disk status by running the following commands:

    # lsblk

    Example output

    sda      8:0    0 446.6G  0 disk
    ├─sda1   8:1    0     1M  0 part
    ├─sda2   8:2    0   127M  0 part
    ├─sda3   8:3    0   384M  0 part /boot
    ├─sda4   8:4    0 243.6G  0 part /var
    │                                /sysroot/ostree/deploy/rhcos/var
    │                                /usr
    │                                /etc
    │                                /
    │                                /sysroot
    └─sda5   8:5    0 202.5G  0 part /var/lib/containers

    # df -h

    Example output

    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    devtmpfs        4.0M     0  4.0M   0% /dev
    tmpfs           126G   84K  126G   1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs            51G   93M   51G   1% /run
    /dev/sda4       244G  5.2G  239G   3% /sysroot
    tmpfs           126G  4.0K  126G   1% /tmp
    /dev/sda5       203G  119G   85G  59% /var/lib/containers
    /dev/sda3       350M  110M  218M  34% /boot
    tmpfs            26G     0   26G   0% /run/user/1000

Additional resources

15.2.2. Installing Operators for the image-based upgrade

Prepare your clusters for the upgrade by installing the Lifecycle Agent and the OADP Operator.

To install the OADP Operator with the non-GitOps method, see "Installing the OADP Operator". Installing the Lifecycle Agent by using the CLI

You can use the OpenShift CLI (oc) to install the Lifecycle Agent.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a Namespace object YAML file for the Lifecycle Agent:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: openshift-lifecycle-agent
        workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
    1. Create the Namespace CR by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f <namespace_filename>.yaml
  2. Create an OperatorGroup object YAML file for the Lifecycle Agent:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      - openshift-lifecycle-agent
    1. Create the OperatorGroup CR by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f <operatorgroup_filename>.yaml
  3. Create a Subscription CR for the Lifecycle Agent:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: openshift-lifecycle-agent-subscription
      namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      channel: "stable"
      name: lifecycle-agent
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
    1. Create the Subscription CR by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f <subscription_filename>.yaml


  1. To verify that the installation succeeded, inspect the CSV resource by running the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-lifecycle-agent

    Example output

    NAME                              DISPLAY                     VERSION               REPLACES                           PHASE
    lifecycle-agent.v4.17.0           Openshift Lifecycle Agent   4.17.0                Succeeded

  2. Verify that the Lifecycle Agent is up and running by running the following command:

    $ oc get deploy -n openshift-lifecycle-agent

    Example output

    NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    lifecycle-agent-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           14s Installing the Lifecycle Agent by using the web console

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform web console to install the Lifecycle Agent.


  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to OperatorsOperatorHub.
  2. Search for the Lifecycle Agent from the list of available Operators, and then click Install.
  3. On the Install Operator page, under A specific namespace on the cluster select openshift-lifecycle-agent.
  4. Click Install.


  1. To confirm that the installation is successful:

    1. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators.
    2. Ensure that the Lifecycle Agent is listed in the openshift-lifecycle-agent project with a Status of InstallSucceeded.


      During installation an Operator might display a Failed status. If the installation later succeeds with an InstallSucceeded message, you can ignore the Failed message.

If the Operator is not installed successfully:

  1. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators, and inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failure or errors under Status.
  2. Click WorkloadsPods, and check the logs for pods in the openshift-lifecycle-agent project. Installing the Lifecycle Agent with GitOps ZTP

Install the Lifecycle Agent with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) to do an image-based upgrade.


  1. Extract the following CRs from the ztp-site-generate container image and push them to the source-cr directory:

    Example LcaSubscriptionNS.yaml file

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: openshift-lifecycle-agent
        workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
        kubernetes.io/metadata.name: openshift-lifecycle-agent

    Example LcaSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml file

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: lifecycle-agent-operatorgroup
      namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
        - openshift-lifecycle-agent

    Example LcaSubscription.yaml file

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: lifecycle-agent
      namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
      channel: "stable"
      name: lifecycle-agent
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      installPlanApproval: Manual
      state: AtLatestKnown

    Example directory structure

    ├── kustomization.yaml
    ├── sno
    │   ├── example-cnf.yaml
    │   ├── common-ranGen.yaml
    │   ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
    │   ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
    │   └── ns.yaml
    ├── source-crs
    │   ├── LcaSubscriptionNS.yaml
    │   ├── LcaSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
    │   ├── LcaSubscription.yaml

  2. Add the CRs to your common PolicyGenTemplate:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenTemplate
      name: "example-common-latest"
      namespace: "ztp-common"
        common: "true"
        du-profile: "latest"
        - fileName: LcaSubscriptionNS.yaml
          policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
        - fileName: LcaSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
          policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
        - fileName: LcaSubscription.yaml
          policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    [...] Installing and configuring the OADP Operator with GitOps ZTP

Install and configure the OADP Operator with GitOps ZTP before starting the upgrade.


  1. Extract the following CRs from the ztp-site-generate container image and push them to the source-cr directory:

    Example OadpSubscriptionNS.yaml file

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: openshift-adp
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
        kubernetes.io/metadata.name: openshift-adp

    Example OadpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml file

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: redhat-oadp-operator
      namespace: openshift-adp
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
      - openshift-adp

    Example OadpSubscription.yaml file

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: redhat-oadp-operator
      namespace: openshift-adp
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
      channel: stable-1.4
      name: redhat-oadp-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      installPlanApproval: Manual
      state: AtLatestKnown

    Example OadpOperatorStatus.yaml file

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: Operator
      name: redhat-oadp-operator.openshift-adp
        ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "2"
        - kind: Subscription
          namespace: openshift-adp
          - type: CatalogSourcesUnhealthy
            status: "False"
        - kind: InstallPlan
          namespace: openshift-adp
          - type: Installed
            status: "True"
        - kind: ClusterServiceVersion
          namespace: openshift-adp
          - type: Succeeded
            status: "True"
            reason: InstallSucceeded

    Example directory structure

    ├── kustomization.yaml
    ├── sno
    │   ├── example-cnf.yaml
    │   ├── common-ranGen.yaml
    │   ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
    │   ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
    │   └── ns.yaml
    ├── source-crs
    │   ├── OadpSubscriptionNS.yaml
    │   ├── OadpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
    │   ├── OadpSubscription.yaml
    │   ├── OadpOperatorStatus.yaml

  2. Add the CRs to your common PolicyGenTemplate:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenTemplate
      name: "example-common-latest"
      namespace: "ztp-common"
        common: "true"
        du-profile: "latest"
        - fileName: OadpSubscriptionNS.yaml
          policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
        - fileName: OadpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
          policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
        - fileName: OadpSubscription.yaml
          policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
        - fileName: OadpOperatorStatus.yaml
          policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
  3. Create the DataProtectionApplication CR and the S3 secret only for the target cluster:

    1. Extract the following CRs from the ztp-site-generate container image and push them to the source-cr directory:

      Example DataProtectionApplication.yaml file

      apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: DataProtectionApplication
        name: dataprotectionapplication
        namespace: openshift-adp
          ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
            enable: false 1
              - aws
              - openshift
            resourceTimeout: 10m
          - velero:
                profile: "default"
                region: minio
                s3Url: $url
                insecureSkipTLSVerify: "true"
                s3ForcePathStyle: "true"
              provider: aws
              default: true
                key: cloud
                name: cloud-credentials
                bucket: $bucketName 2
                prefix: $prefixName 3
        - reason: Complete
          status: "True"
          type: Reconciled

      The spec.configuration.restic.enable field must be set to false for an image-based upgrade because persistent volume contents are retained and reused after the upgrade.
      2 3
      The bucket defines the bucket name that is created in S3 backend. The prefix defines the name of the subdirectory that will be automatically created in the bucket. The combination of bucket and prefix must be unique for each target cluster to avoid interference between them. To ensure a unique storage directory for each target cluster, you can use the RHACM hub template function, for example, prefix: {{hub .ManagedClusterName hub}}.

      Example OadpSecret.yaml file

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: cloud-credentials
        namespace: openshift-adp
          ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
      type: Opaque

      Example OadpBackupStorageLocationStatus.yaml file

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: BackupStorageLocation
        namespace: openshift-adp
          ran.openshift.io/ztp-deploy-wave: "100"
        phase: Available

      The OadpBackupStorageLocationStatus.yaml CR verifies the availability of backup storage locations created by OADP.

    2. Add the CRs to your site PolicyGenTemplate with overrides:

      apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
      kind: PolicyGenTemplate
        name: "example-cnf"
        namespace: "ztp-site"
          sites: "example-cnf"
          du-profile: "latest"
        mcp: "master"
          - fileName: OadpSecret.yaml
            policyName: "config-policy"
              cloud: <your_credentials> 1
          - fileName: DataProtectionApplication.yaml
            policyName: "config-policy"
                - velero:
                      region: minio
                      s3Url: <your_S3_URL> 2
                      profile: "default"
                      insecureSkipTLSVerify: "true"
                      s3ForcePathStyle: "true"
                    provider: aws
                    default: true
                      key: cloud
                      name: cloud-credentials
                      bucket: <your_bucket_name> 3
                      prefix: <cluster_name> 4
          - fileName: OadpBackupStorageLocationStatus.yaml
            policyName: "config-policy"
      Specify your credentials for your S3 storage backend.
      Specify the URL for your S3-compatible bucket.
      3 4
      The bucket defines the bucket name that is created in S3 backend. The prefix defines the name of the subdirectory that will be automatically created in the bucket. The combination of bucket and prefix must be unique for each target cluster to avoid interference between them. To ensure a unique storage directory for each target cluster, you can use the RHACM hub template function, for example, prefix: {{hub .ManagedClusterName hub}}.

15.2.3. Generating a seed image for the image-based upgrade with the Lifecycle Agent

Use the Lifecycle Agent to generate the seed image with the SeedGenerator custom resource (CR). Seed image configuration

The seed image targets a set of single-node OpenShift clusters with the same hardware and similar configuration. This means that the seed image must have all of the components and configuration that the seed cluster shares with the target clusters. Therefore, the seed image generated from the seed cluster cannot contain any cluster-specific configuration.

The following table lists the components, resources, and configurations that you must and must not include in your seed image:

Table 15.2. Seed image configuration
Cluster configurationInclude in seed image

Performance profile


MachineConfig resources for the target cluster


IP version [1]


Set of Day 2 Operators, including the Lifecycle Agent and the OADP Operator


Disconnected registry configuration [2]


Valid proxy configuration [3]


FIPS configuration


Dedicated partition on the primary disk for container storage that matches the size of the target clusters


Local volumes

  • StorageClass used in LocalVolume for LSO
  • LocalVolume for LSO
  • LVMCluster CR for LVMS


OADP DataProtectionApplication CR


  1. Dual-stack networking is not supported in this release.
  2. If the seed cluster is installed in a disconnected environment, the target clusters must also be installed in a disconnected environment.
  3. The proxy configuration on the seed and target clusters does not have to match. Seed image configuration using the RAN DU profile

The following table lists the components, resources, and configurations that you must and must not include in the seed image when using the RAN DU profile:

Table 15.3. Seed image configuration with RAN DU profile
ResourceInclude in seed image

All extra manifests that are applied as part of Day 0 installation


All Day 2 Operator subscriptions













No, if it is used in StorageLV.yaml





Table 15.4. Seed image configuration with RAN DU profile for extra manifests
ResourceApply as extra manifest












If the interfaces of the target cluster are common with the seed cluster, you can include them in the seed image. Otherwise, apply it as extra manifests.


If the configuration, including namespaces, is exactly the same on both the seed and target cluster, you can include them in the seed image. Otherwise, apply them as extra manifests. Generating a seed image with the Lifecycle Agent

Use the Lifecycle Agent to generate a seed image from a managed cluster. The Operator checks for required system configurations, performs any necessary system cleanup before generating the seed image, and launches the image generation. The seed image generation includes the following tasks:

  • Stopping cluster Operators
  • Preparing the seed image configuration
  • Generating and pushing the seed image to the image repository specified in the SeedGenerator CR
  • Restoring cluster Operators
  • Expiring seed cluster certificates
  • Generating new certificates for the seed cluster
  • Restoring and updating the SeedGenerator CR on the seed cluster


  • RHACM and multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator are not installed on the seed cluster.
  • You have configured a shared container directory on the seed cluster.
  • You have installed the minimum version of the OADP Operator and the Lifecycle Agent on the seed cluster.
  • Ensure that persistent volumes are not configured on the seed cluster.
  • Ensure that the LocalVolume CR does not exist on the seed cluster if the Local Storage Operator is used.
  • Ensure that the LVMCluster CR does not exist on the seed cluster if LVM Storage is used.
  • Ensure that the DataProtectionApplication CR does not exist on the seed cluster if OADP is used.


  1. Detach the managed cluster from the hub to delete any RHACM-specific resources from the seed cluster that must not be in the seed image:

    1. Manually detach the seed cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc delete managedcluster sno-worker-example
      1. Wait until the managed cluster is removed. After the cluster is removed, create the proper SeedGenerator CR. The Lifecycle Agent cleans up the RHACM artifacts.
    2. If you are using GitOps ZTP, detach your cluster by removing the seed cluster’s SiteConfig CR from the kustomization.yaml.

      1. If you have a kustomization.yaml file that references multiple SiteConfig CRs, remove your seed cluster’s SiteConfig CR from the kustomization.yaml:

        apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
        kind: Kustomization
        #- example-seed-sno1.yaml
        - example-target-sno2.yaml
        - example-target-sno3.yaml
      2. If you have a kustomization.yaml that references one SiteConfig CR, remove your seed cluster’s SiteConfig CR from the kustomization.yaml and add the generators: {} line:

        apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
        kind: Kustomization
        generators: {}
      3. Commit the kustomization.yaml changes in your Git repository and push the changes to your repository.

        The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and removes the managed cluster.

  2. Create the Secret object so that you can push the seed image to your registry.

    1. Create the authentication file by running the following commands:

      $ MY_USER=myuserid
      $ AUTHFILE=/tmp/my-auth.json
      $ podman login --authfile ${AUTHFILE} -u ${MY_USER} quay.io/${MY_USER}
      $ base64 -w 0 ${AUTHFILE} ; echo
    2. Copy the output into the seedAuth field in the Secret YAML file named seedgen in the openshift-lifecycle-agent namespace:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: seedgen 1
        namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      type: Opaque
        seedAuth: <encoded_AUTHFILE> 2
      The Secret resource must have the name: seedgen and namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent fields.
      Specifies a base64-encoded authfile for write-access to the registry for pushing the generated seed images.
    3. Apply the Secret by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f secretseedgenerator.yaml
  3. Create the SeedGenerator CR:

    apiVersion: lca.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SeedGenerator
      name: seedimage 1
      seedImage: <seed_container_image> 2
    The SeedGenerator CR must be named seedimage.
    Specify the container image URL, for example, quay.io/example/seed-container-image:<tag>. It is recommended to use the <seed_cluster_name>:<ocp_version> format.
  4. Generate the seed image by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f seedgenerator.yaml

    The cluster reboots and loses API capabilities while the Lifecycle Agent generates the seed image. Applying the SeedGenerator CR stops the kubelet and the CRI-O operations, then it starts the image generation.

If you want to generate more seed images, you must provision a new seed cluster with the version that you want to generate a seed image from.


  • After the cluster recovers and it is available, you can check the status of the SeedGenerator CR by running the following command:

    $ oc get seedgenerator -o yaml

    Example output

      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-02-13T21:24:26Z"
        message: Seed Generation completed
        observedGeneration: 1
        reason: Completed
        status: "False"
        type: SeedGenInProgress
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-02-13T21:24:26Z"
        message: Seed Generation completed
        observedGeneration: 1
        reason: Completed
        status: "True"
        type: SeedGenCompleted 1
      observedGeneration: 1

    The seed image generation is complete.

15.2.4. Creating ConfigMap objects for the image-based upgrade with the Lifecycle Agent

The Lifecycle Agent needs all your OADP resources, extra manifests, and custom catalog sources wrapped in a ConfigMap object to process them for the image-based upgrade. Creating OADP ConfigMap objects for the image-based upgrade with Lifecycle Agent

Create your OADP resources that are used to back up and restore your resources during the upgrade.


  • You have generated a seed image from a compatible seed cluster.
  • You have created OADP backup and restore resources.
  • You have created a separate partition on the target cluster for the container images that is shared between stateroots. For more information, see "Configuring a shared container partition for the image-based upgrade".
  • You have deployed a version of Lifecycle Agent that is compatible with the version used with the seed image.
  • You have installed the OADP Operator, the DataProtectionApplication CR, and its secret on the target cluster.
  • You have created an S3-compatible storage solution and a ready-to-use bucket with proper credentials configured. For more information, see "About installing OADP".


  1. Create the OADP Backup and Restore CRs for platform artifacts in the same namespace where the OADP Operator is installed, which is openshift-adp.

    1. If the target cluster is managed by RHACM, add the following YAML file for backing up and restoring RHACM artifacts:

      PlatformBackupRestore.yaml for RHACM

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
        name: acm-klusterlet
          lca.openshift.io/apply-label: "apps/v1/deployments/open-cluster-management-agent/klusterlet,v1/secrets/open-cluster-management-agent/bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/klusterlet,v1/serviceaccounts/open-cluster-management-agent/klusterlet,scheduling.k8s.io/v1/priorityclasses/klusterlet-critical,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/open-cluster-management:klusterlet-admin-aggregate-clusterrole,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings/klusterlet,operator.open-cluster-management.io/v1/klusterlets/klusterlet,apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/customresourcedefinitions/klusterlets.operator.open-cluster-management.io,v1/secrets/open-cluster-management-agent/open-cluster-management-image-pull-credentials" 1
          velero.io/storage-location: default
        namespace: openshift-adp
        - open-cluster-management-agent
        - klusterlets.operator.open-cluster-management.io
        - clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io
        - clusterrolebindings.rbac.authorization.k8s.io
        - priorityclasses.scheduling.k8s.io
        - deployments
        - serviceaccounts
        - secrets
        excludedNamespaceScopedResources: []
      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: acm-klusterlet
        namespace: openshift-adp
          velero.io/storage-location: default
          lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "1"

      If your multiclusterHub CR does not have .spec.imagePullSecret defined and the secret does not exist on the open-cluster-management-agent namespace in your hub cluster, remove v1/secrets/open-cluster-management-agent/open-cluster-management-image-pull-credentials.
    2. If you created persistent volumes on your cluster through LVM Storage, add the following YAML file for LVM Storage artifacts:

      PlatformBackupRestoreLvms.yaml for LVM Storage

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
          velero.io/storage-location: default
        name: lvmcluster
        namespace: openshift-adp
          - openshift-storage
          - lvmclusters
          - lvmvolumegroups
          - lvmvolumegroupnodestatuses
      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: lvmcluster
        namespace: openshift-adp
          velero.io/storage-location: default
          lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "2" 1

      The lca.openshift.io/apply-wave value must be lower than the values specified in the application Restore CRs.
  2. If you need to restore applications after the upgrade, create the OADP Backup and Restore CRs for your application in the openshift-adp namespace.

    1. Create the OADP CRs for cluster-scoped application artifacts in the openshift-adp namespace.

      Example OADP CRs for cluster-scoped application artifacts for LSO and LVM Storage

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
          lca.openshift.io/apply-label: "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/customresourcedefinitions/test.example.com,security.openshift.io/v1/securitycontextconstraints/test,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/test-role,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings/system:openshift:scc:test" 1
        name: backup-app-cluster-resources
          velero.io/storage-location: default
        namespace: openshift-adp
        - customresourcedefinitions
        - securitycontextconstraints
        - clusterrolebindings
        - clusterroles
        - Namespace
      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: test-app-cluster-resources
        namespace: openshift-adp
          velero.io/storage-location: default
          lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "3" 2

      Replace the example resource name with your actual resources.
      The lca.openshift.io/apply-wave value must be higher than the value in the platform Restore CRs and lower than the value in the application namespace-scoped Restore CR.
    2. Create the OADP CRs for your namespace-scoped application artifacts.

      Example OADP CRs namespace-scoped application artifacts when LSO is used

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
          velero.io/storage-location: default
        name: backup-app
        namespace: openshift-adp
        - test
        - secrets
        - persistentvolumeclaims
        - deployments
        - statefulsets
        - configmaps
        - cronjobs
        - services
        - job
        - poddisruptionbudgets
        - <application_custom_resources> 1
        - persistentVolumes
      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: test-app
        namespace: openshift-adp
          velero.io/storage-location: default
          lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "4"

      Define custom resources for your application.

      Example OADP CRs namespace-scoped application artifacts when LVM Storage is used

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
          velero.io/storage-location: default
        name: backup-app
        namespace: openshift-adp
        - test
        - secrets
        - persistentvolumeclaims
        - deployments
        - statefulsets
        - configmaps
        - cronjobs
        - services
        - job
        - poddisruptionbudgets
        - <application_custom_resources> 1
        - persistentVolumes 2
        - logicalvolumes.topolvm.io 3
        - volumesnapshotcontents 4
      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: test-app
        namespace: openshift-adp
          velero.io/storage-location: default
          lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "4"
        restorePVs: true
          - logicalvolumes 5

      Define custom resources for your application.
      Required field.
      Required field
      Optional if you use LVM Storage volume snapshots.
      Required field.

      The same version of the applications must function on both the current and the target release of OpenShift Container Platform.

  3. Create the ConfigMap object for your OADP CRs by running the following command:

    $ oc create configmap oadp-cm-example --from-file=example-oadp-resources.yaml=<path_to_oadp_crs> -n openshift-adp
  4. Patch the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch imagebasedupgrades.lca.openshift.io upgrade \
      -p='{"spec": {"oadpContent": [{"name": "oadp-cm-example", "namespace": "openshift-adp"}]}}' \
      --type=merge -n openshift-lifecycle-agent Creating ConfigMap objects of extra manifests for the image-based upgrade with Lifecycle Agent

Create additional manifests that you want to apply to the target cluster.


If you add more than one extra manifest, and the manifests must be applied in a specific order, you must prefix the filenames of the manifests with numbers that represent the required order. For example, 00-namespace.yaml, 01-sriov-extra-manifest.yaml, and so on.


  1. Create a YAML file that contains your extra manifests, such as SR-IOV.

    Example SR-IOV resources

    apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy
      name: "example-sriov-node-policy"
      namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
      deviceType: vfio-pci
      isRdma: false
        pfNames: [ens1f0]
        node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
      mtu: 1500
      numVfs: 8
      priority: 99
      resourceName: example-sriov-node-policy
    apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SriovNetwork
      name: "example-sriov-network"
      namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
      ipam: |-
      linkState: auto
      networkNamespace: sriov-namespace
      resourceName: example-sriov-node-policy
      spoofChk: "on"
      trust: "off"

  2. Create the ConfigMap object by running the following command:

    $ oc create configmap example-extra-manifests-cm --from-file=example-extra-manifests.yaml=<path_to_extramanifest> -n openshift-lifecycle-agent
  3. Patch the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch imagebasedupgrades.lca.openshift.io upgrade \
      -p='{"spec": {"extraManifests": [{"name": "example-extra-manifests-cm", "namespace": "openshift-lifecycle-agent"}]}}' \
      --type=merge -n openshift-lifecycle-agent Creating ConfigMap objects of custom catalog sources for the image-based upgrade with Lifecycle Agent

You can keep your custom catalog sources after the upgrade by generating a ConfigMap object for your catalog sources and adding them to the spec.extraManifest field in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR. For more information about catalog sources, see "Catalog source".


  1. Create a YAML file that contains the CatalogSource CR:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: CatalogSource
      name: example-catalogsources
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      sourceType: grpc
      displayName: disconnected-redhat-operators
      image: quay.io/example-org/example-catalog:v1
  2. Create the ConfigMap object by running the following command:

    $ oc create configmap example-catalogsources-cm --from-file=example-catalogsources.yaml=<path_to_catalogsource_cr> -n openshift-lifecycle-agent
  3. Patch the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch imagebasedupgrades.lca.openshift.io upgrade \
      -p='{"spec": {"extraManifests": [{"name": "example-catalogsources-cm", "namespace": "openshift-lifecycle-agent"}]}}' \
      --type=merge -n openshift-lifecycle-agent

15.2.5. Creating ConfigMap objects for the image-based upgrade with the Lifecycle Agent using GitOps ZTP

Create your OADP resources, extra manifests, and custom catalog sources wrapped in a ConfigMap object to prepare for the image-based upgrade. Creating OADP resources for the image-based upgrade with GitOps ZTP

Prepare your OADP resources to restore your application after an upgrade.


  • You have provisioned one or more managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have generated a seed image from a compatible seed cluster.
  • You have created a separate partition on the target cluster for the container images that is shared between stateroots. For more information, see "Configuring a shared container partition between ostree stateroots when using GitOps ZTP".
  • You have deployed a version of Lifecycle Agent that is compatible with the version used with the seed image.
  • You have installed the OADP Operator, the DataProtectionApplication CR, and its secret on the target cluster.
  • You have created an S3-compatible storage solution and a ready-to-use bucket with proper credentials configured. For more information, see "Installing and configuring the OADP Operator with GitOps ZTP".
  • The openshift-adp namespace for the OADP ConfigMap object must exist on all managed clusters and the hub for the OADP ConfigMap to be generated and copied to the clusters.


  1. Ensure that your Git repository that you use with the ArgoCD policies application contains the following directory structure:

    ├── source-crs/
    │   ├── ibu/
    │   │    ├── ImageBasedUpgrade.yaml
    │   │    ├── PlatformBackupRestore.yaml
    │   │    ├── PlatformBackupRestoreLvms.yaml
    │   │    ├── PlatformBackupRestoreWithIBGU.yaml
    ├── ...
    ├── kustomization.yaml

    The source-crs/ibu/PlatformBackupRestoreWithIBGU.yaml file is provided in the ZTP container image.


    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Backup
      name: acm-klusterlet
        lca.openshift.io/apply-label: "apps/v1/deployments/open-cluster-management-agent/klusterlet,v1/secrets/open-cluster-management-agent/bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/klusterlet,v1/serviceaccounts/open-cluster-management-agent/klusterlet,scheduling.k8s.io/v1/priorityclasses/klusterlet-critical,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/open-cluster-management:klusterlet-work:ibu-role,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/open-cluster-management:klusterlet-admin-aggregate-clusterrole,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings/klusterlet,operator.open-cluster-management.io/v1/klusterlets/klusterlet,apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/customresourcedefinitions/klusterlets.operator.open-cluster-management.io,v1/secrets/open-cluster-management-agent/open-cluster-management-image-pull-credentials" 1
        velero.io/storage-location: default
      namespace: openshift-adp
      - open-cluster-management-agent
      - klusterlets.operator.open-cluster-management.io
      - clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      - clusterrolebindings.rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      - priorityclasses.scheduling.k8s.io
      - deployments
      - serviceaccounts
      - secrets
      excludedNamespaceScopedResources: []
    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Restore
      name: acm-klusterlet
      namespace: openshift-adp
        velero.io/storage-location: default
        lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "1"

    If your multiclusterHub CR does not have .spec.imagePullSecret defined and the secret does not exist on the open-cluster-management-agent namespace in your hub cluster, remove v1/secrets/open-cluster-management-agent/open-cluster-management-image-pull-credentials.

    If you perform the image-based upgrade directly on managed clusters, use the PlatformBackupRestore.yaml file.

    If you use LVM Storage to create persistent volumes, you can use the source-crs/ibu/PlatformBackupRestoreLvms.yaml provided in the ZTP container image to back up your LVM Storage resources.


    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Backup
        velero.io/storage-location: default
      name: lvmcluster
      namespace: openshift-adp
        - openshift-storage
        - lvmclusters
        - lvmvolumegroups
        - lvmvolumegroupnodestatuses
    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Restore
      name: lvmcluster
      namespace: openshift-adp
        velero.io/storage-location: default
        lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "2" 1

    The lca.openshift.io/apply-wave value must be lower than the values specified in the application Restore CRs.
  2. If you need to restore applications after the upgrade, create the OADP Backup and Restore CRs for your application in the openshift-adp namespace:

    1. Create the OADP CRs for cluster-scoped application artifacts in the openshift-adp namespace:

      Example OADP CRs for cluster-scoped application artifacts for LSO and LVM Storage

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
          lca.openshift.io/apply-label: "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/customresourcedefinitions/test.example.com,security.openshift.io/v1/securitycontextconstraints/test,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles/test-role,rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings/system:openshift:scc:test" 1
        name: backup-app-cluster-resources
          velero.io/storage-location: default
        namespace: openshift-adp
        - customresourcedefinitions
        - securitycontextconstraints
        - clusterrolebindings
        - clusterroles
        - Namespace
      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: test-app-cluster-resources
        namespace: openshift-adp
          velero.io/storage-location: default
          lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "3" 2

      Replace the example resource name with your actual resources.
      The lca.openshift.io/apply-wave value must be higher than the value in the platform Restore CRs and lower than the value in the application namespace-scoped Restore CR.
    2. Create the OADP CRs for your namespace-scoped application artifacts in the source-crs/custom-crs directory:

      Example OADP CRs namespace-scoped application artifacts when LSO is used

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
          velero.io/storage-location: default
        name: backup-app
        namespace: openshift-adp
        - test
        - secrets
        - persistentvolumeclaims
        - deployments
        - statefulsets
        - configmaps
        - cronjobs
        - services
        - job
        - poddisruptionbudgets
        - <application_custom_resources> 1
        - persistentVolumes
      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: test-app
        namespace: openshift-adp
          velero.io/storage-location: default
          lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "4"

      Define custom resources for your application.

      Example OADP CRs namespace-scoped application artifacts when LVM Storage is used

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
          velero.io/storage-location: default
        name: backup-app
        namespace: openshift-adp
        - test
        - secrets
        - persistentvolumeclaims
        - deployments
        - statefulsets
        - configmaps
        - cronjobs
        - services
        - job
        - poddisruptionbudgets
        - <application_custom_resources> 1
        - persistentVolumes 2
        - logicalvolumes.topolvm.io 3
        - volumesnapshotcontents 4
      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: test-app
        namespace: openshift-adp
          velero.io/storage-location: default
          lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "4"
        restorePVs: true
          - logicalvolumes 5

      Define custom resources for your application.
      Required field.
      Required field
      Optional if you use LVM Storage volume snapshots.
      Required field.

      The same version of the applications must function on both the current and the target release of OpenShift Container Platform.

  3. Create a kustomization.yaml with the following content:

    apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: Kustomization
    configMapGenerator: 1
    - files:
      - source-crs/ibu/PlatformBackupRestoreWithIBGU.yaml
      #- source-crs/custom-crs/ApplicationClusterScopedBackupRestore.yaml
      #- source-crs/custom-crs/ApplicationApplicationBackupRestoreLso.yaml
      name: oadp-cm
      namespace: openshift-adp 2
      disableNameSuffixHash: true
    Creates the oadp-cm ConfigMap object on the hub cluster with Backup and Restore CRs.
    The namespace must exist on all managed clusters and the hub for the OADP ConfigMap to be generated and copied to the clusters.
  4. Push the changes to your Git repository. Labeling extra manifests for the image-based upgrade with GitOps ZTP

Label your extra manifests so that the Lifecycle Agent can extract resources that are labeled with the lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version: <target_version> label.


  • You have provisioned one or more managed clusters with GitOps ZTP.
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have generated a seed image from a compatible seed cluster.
  • You have created a separate partition on the target cluster for the container images that is shared between stateroots. For more information, see "Configuring a shared container directory between ostree stateroots when using GitOps ZTP".
  • You have deployed a version of Lifecycle Agent that is compatible with the version used with the seed image.


  1. Label your required extra manifests with the lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version: <target_version> label in your existing site PolicyGenTemplate CR:

    apiVersion: ran.openshift.io/v1
    kind: PolicyGenTemplate
      name: example-sno
        sites: "example-sno"
        du-profile: "4.15"
      mcp: "master"
        - fileName: SriovNetwork.yaml
          policyName: "config-policy"
            name: "sriov-nw-du-fh"
              lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version: "4.15" 1
            resourceName: du_fh
            vlan: 140
        - fileName: SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml
          policyName: "config-policy"
            name: "sriov-nnp-du-fh"
              lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version: "4.15"
            deviceType: netdevice
            isRdma: false
              pfNames: ["ens5f0"]
            numVfs: 8
            priority: 10
            resourceName: du_fh
        - fileName: SriovNetwork.yaml
          policyName: "config-policy"
            name: "sriov-nw-du-mh"
              lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version: "4.15"
            resourceName: du_mh
            vlan: 150
        - fileName: SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml
          policyName: "config-policy"
            name: "sriov-nnp-du-mh"
              lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version: "4.15"
            deviceType: vfio-pci
            isRdma: false
              pfNames: ["ens7f0"]
            numVfs: 8
            priority: 10
            resourceName: du_mh
        - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml 2
          policyName: "config-policy"
            name: default-cat-source
            namespace: openshift-marketplace
                lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version: "4.15"
              displayName: default-cat-source
              image: quay.io/example-org/example-catalog:v1
    Ensure that the lca.openshift.io/target-ocp-version label matches either the y-stream or the z-stream of the target OpenShift Container Platform version that is specified in the spec.seedImageRef.version field of the ImageBasedUpgrade CR. The Lifecycle Agent only applies the CRs that match the specified version.
    If you do not want to use custom catalog sources, remove this entry.
  2. Push the changes to your Git repository.

15.2.6. Configuring the automatic image cleanup of the container storage disk

Configure when the Lifecycle Agent cleans up unpinned images in the Prep stage by setting a minimum threshold for available storage space through annotations. The default container storage disk usage threshold is 50%.

The Lifecycle Agent does not delete images that are pinned in CRI-O or are currently used. The Operator selects the images for deletion by starting with dangling images and then sorting the images from oldest to newest that is determined by the image Created timestamp. Configuring the automatic image cleanup of the container storage disk

Configure the minimum threshold for available storage space through annotations.


  • You have created an ImageBasedUpgrade CR.


  1. Increase the threshold to 65% by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-lifecycle-agent annotate ibu upgrade image-cleanup.lca.openshift.io/disk-usage-threshold-percent='65'
  2. (Optional) Remove the threshold override by running the following command:

    $ oc -n  openshift-lifecycle-agent annotate ibu upgrade image-cleanup.lca.openshift.io/disk-usage-threshold-percent- Disable the automatic image cleanup of the container storage disk

Disable the automatic image cleanup threshold.


  1. Disable the automatic image cleanup by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-lifecycle-agent annotate ibu upgrade image-cleanup.lca.openshift.io/on-prep='Disabled'
  2. (Optional) Enable automatic image cleanup again by running the following command:

    $ oc -n  openshift-lifecycle-agent annotate ibu upgrade image-cleanup.lca.openshift.io/on-prep-

15.3. Performing an image-based upgrade for single-node OpenShift clusters with the Lifecycle Agent

You can use the Lifecycle Agent to do a manual image-based upgrade of a single-node OpenShift cluster.

When you deploy the Lifecycle Agent on a cluster, an ImageBasedUpgrade CR is automatically created. You update this CR to specify the image repository of the seed image and to move through the different stages.

15.3.1. Moving to the Prep stage of the image-based upgrade with Lifecycle Agent

When you deploy the Lifecycle Agent on a cluster, an ImageBasedUpgrade custom resource (CR) is automatically created.

After you created all the resources that you need during the upgrade, you can move on to the Prep stage. For more information, see the "Creating ConfigMap objects for the image-based upgrade with Lifecycle Agent" section.


In a disconnected environment, if the seed cluster’s release image registry is different from the target cluster’s release image registry, you must create an ImageDigestMirrorSet (IDMS) resource to configure alternative mirrored repository locations. For more information, see "Configuring image registry repository mirroring".

You can retrieve the release registry used in the seed image by running the following command:

$ skopeo inspect docker://<imagename> | jq -r '.Labels."com.openshift.lifecycle-agent.seed_cluster_info" | fromjson | .release_registry'


  • You have created resources to back up and restore your clusters.


  1. Check that you have patched your ImageBasedUpgrade CR:

    apiVersion: lca.openshift.io/v1
    kind: ImageBasedUpgrade
      name: upgrade
      stage: Idle
        version: 4.15.2 1
        image: <seed_container_image> 2
        pullSecretRef: <seed_pull_secret> 3
      autoRollbackOnFailure: {}
    #    initMonitorTimeoutSeconds: 1800 4
      extraManifests: 5
      - name: example-extra-manifests-cm
        namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      - name: example-catalogsources-cm
        namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      oadpContent: 6
      - name: oadp-cm-example
        namespace: openshift-adp
    Target platform version. The value must match the version of the seed image.
    Repository where the target cluster can pull the seed image from.
    Reference to a secret with credentials to pull container images if the images are in a private registry.
    Optional: Time frame in seconds to roll back if the upgrade does not complete within that time frame after the first reboot. If not defined or set to 0, the default value of 1800 seconds (30 minutes) is used.
    Optional: List of ConfigMap resources that contain your custom catalog sources to retain after the upgrade and your extra manifests to apply to the target cluster that are not part of the seed image.
    List of ConfigMap resources that contain the OADP Backup and Restore CRs.
  2. To start the Prep stage, change the value of the stage field to Prep in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch imagebasedupgrades.lca.openshift.io upgrade -p='{"spec": {"stage": "Prep"}}' --type=merge -n openshift-lifecycle-agent

    If you provide ConfigMap objects for OADP resources and extra manifests, Lifecycle Agent validates the specified ConfigMap objects during the Prep stage. You might encounter the following issues:

    • Validation warnings or errors if the Lifecycle Agent detects any issues with the extraManifests parameters.
    • Validation errors if the Lifecycle Agent detects any issues with the oadpContent parameters.

    Validation warnings do not block the Upgrade stage but you must decide if it is safe to proceed with the upgrade. These warnings, for example missing CRDs, namespaces, or dry run failures, update the status.conditions for the Prep stage and annotation fields in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR with details about the warning.

    Example validation warning

    # ...
      extra-manifest.lca.openshift.io/validation-warning: '...'
    # ...

    However, validation errors, such as adding MachineConfig or Operator manifests to extra manifests, cause the Prep stage to fail and block the Upgrade stage.

    When the validations pass, the cluster creates a new ostree stateroot, which involves pulling and unpacking the seed image, and running host-level commands. Finally, all the required images are precached on the target cluster.


  • Check the status of the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc get ibu -o yaml

    Example output

      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: In progress
        observedGeneration: 13
        reason: InProgress
        status: "False"
        type: Idle
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: Prep completed
        observedGeneration: 13
        reason: Completed
        status: "False"
        type: PrepInProgress
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: Prep stage completed successfully
        observedGeneration: 13
        reason: Completed
        status: "True"
        type: PrepCompleted
      observedGeneration: 13
      - Idle
      - Upgrade

15.3.2. Moving to the Upgrade stage of the image-based upgrade with Lifecycle Agent

After you generate the seed image and complete the Prep stage, you can upgrade the target cluster. During the upgrade process, the OADP Operator creates a backup of the artifacts specified in the OADP custom resources (CRs), then the Lifecycle Agent upgrades the cluster.

If the upgrade fails or stops, an automatic rollback is initiated. If you have an issue after the upgrade, you can initiate a manual rollback. For more information about manual rollback, see "Moving to the Rollback stage of the image-based upgrade with Lifecycle Agent".


  • You have completed the Prep stage.


  1. To move to the Upgrade stage, change the value of the stage field to Upgrade in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch imagebasedupgrades.lca.openshift.io upgrade -p='{"spec": {"stage": "Upgrade"}}' --type=merge
  2. Check the status of the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc get ibu -o yaml

    Example output

      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: In progress
        observedGeneration: 5
        reason: InProgress
        status: "False"
        type: Idle
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: Prep completed
        observedGeneration: 5
        reason: Completed
        status: "False"
        type: PrepInProgress
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: Prep completed successfully
        observedGeneration: 5
        reason: Completed
        status: "True"
        type: PrepCompleted
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: |-
          Waiting for system to stabilize: one or more health checks failed
            - one or more ClusterOperators not yet ready: authentication
            - one or more MachineConfigPools not yet ready: master
            - one or more ClusterServiceVersions not yet ready: sriov-fec.v2.8.0
        observedGeneration: 1
        reason: InProgress
        status: "True"
        type: UpgradeInProgress
      observedGeneration: 1
      rollbackAvailabilityExpiration: "2024-05-19T14:01:52Z"
      - Rollback

    The OADP Operator creates a backup of the data specified in the OADP Backup and Restore CRs and the target cluster reboots.

  3. Monitor the status of the CR by running the following command:

    $ oc get ibu -o yaml
  4. If you are satisfied with the upgrade, finalize the changes by patching the value of the stage field to Idle in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch imagebasedupgrades.lca.openshift.io upgrade -p='{"spec": {"stage": "Idle"}}' --type=merge

    You cannot roll back the changes once you move to the Idle stage after an upgrade.

    The Lifecycle Agent deletes all resources created during the upgrade process.

  5. You can remove the OADP Operator and its configuration files after a successful upgrade. For more information, see "Deleting Operators from a cluster".


  1. Check the status of the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc get ibu -o yaml

    Example output

      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: In progress
        observedGeneration: 5
        reason: InProgress
        status: "False"
        type: Idle
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: Prep completed
        observedGeneration: 5
        reason: Completed
        status: "False"
        type: PrepInProgress
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: Prep completed successfully
        observedGeneration: 5
        reason: Completed
        status: "True"
        type: PrepCompleted
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: Upgrade completed
        observedGeneration: 1
        reason: Completed
        status: "False"
        type: UpgradeInProgress
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
        message: Upgrade completed
        observedGeneration: 1
        reason: Completed
        status: "True"
        type: UpgradeCompleted
      observedGeneration: 1
      rollbackAvailabilityExpiration: "2024-01-01T09:00:00Z"
      - Idle
      - Rollback

  2. Check the status of the cluster restoration by running the following command:

    $ oc get restores -n openshift-adp -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,Status:.status.phase,Reason:.status.failureReason

    Example output

    NAME             Status      Reason
    acm-klusterlet   Completed   <none> 1
    apache-app       Completed   <none>
    localvolume      Completed   <none>

    The acm-klusterlet is specific to RHACM environments only.

15.3.3. Moving to the Rollback stage of the image-based upgrade with Lifecycle Agent

An automatic rollback is initiated if the upgrade does not complete within the time frame specified in the initMonitorTimeoutSeconds field after rebooting.

Example ImageBasedUpgrade CR

apiVersion: lca.openshift.io/v1
kind: ImageBasedUpgrade
  name: upgrade
  stage: Idle
    version: 4.15.2
    image: <seed_container_image>
  autoRollbackOnFailure: {}
#    initMonitorTimeoutSeconds: 1800 1
# ...

Optional: The time frame in seconds to roll back if the upgrade does not complete within that time frame after the first reboot. If not defined or set to 0, the default value of 1800 seconds (30 minutes) is used.

You can manually roll back the changes if you encounter unresolvable issues after an upgrade.


  • You have logged into the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You ensured that the control plane certificates on the original stateroot are valid. If the certificates expired, see "Recovering from expired control plane certificates".


  1. To move to the rollback stage, patch the value of the stage field to Rollback in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch imagebasedupgrades.lca.openshift.io upgrade -p='{"spec": {"stage": "Rollback"}}' --type=merge

    The Lifecycle Agent reboots the cluster with the previously installed version of OpenShift Container Platform and restores the applications.

  2. If you are satisfied with the changes, finalize the rollback by patching the value of the stage field to Idle in the ImageBasedUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch imagebasedupgrades.lca.openshift.io upgrade -p='{"spec": {"stage": "Idle"}}' --type=merge -n openshift-lifecycle-agent

    If you move to the Idle stage after a rollback, the Lifecycle Agent cleans up resources that can be used to troubleshoot a failed upgrade.

15.3.4. Troubleshooting image-based upgrades with Lifecycle Agent

Perform troubleshooting steps on the managed clusters that are affected by an issue.


If you are using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR to upgrade your clusters, ensure that the lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-completed or lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-failed cluster labels are updated properly after performing troubleshooting or recovery steps on the managed clusters. This ensures that the TALM continues to manage the image-based upgrade for the cluster. Collecting logs

You can use the oc adm must-gather CLI to collect information for debugging and troubleshooting.


  • Collect data about the Operators by running the following command:

    $  oc adm must-gather \
      --dest-dir=must-gather/tmp \
      --image=$(oc -n openshift-lifecycle-agent get deployment.apps/lifecycle-agent-controller-manager -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name == "manager")].image}') \
      --image=quay.io/konveyor/oadp-must-gather:latest \// 1
      --image=quay.io/openshift/origin-must-gather:latest 2
    Optional: Add this option if you need to gather more information from the OADP Operator.
    Optional: Add this option if you need to gather more information from the SR-IOV Operator. AbortFailed or FinalizeFailed error

During the finalize stage or when you stop the process at the Prep stage, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the following resources:

  • Stateroot that is no longer required
  • Precaching resources
  • OADP CRs
  • ImageBasedUpgrade CR

If the Lifecycle Agent fails to perform the above steps, it transitions to the AbortFailed or FinalizeFailed states. The condition message and log show which steps failed.

Example error message

message: failed to delete all the backup CRs. Perform cleanup manually then add 'lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done' annotation to ibu CR to transition back to Idle
      observedGeneration: 5
      reason: AbortFailed
      status: "False"
      type: Idle

  1. Inspect the logs to determine why the failure occurred.
  2. To prompt Lifecycle Agent to retry the cleanup, add the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation to the ImageBasedUpgrade CR.

    After observing this annotation, Lifecycle Agent retries the cleanup and, if it is successful, the ImageBasedUpgrade stage transitions to Idle.

    If the cleanup fails again, you can manually clean up the resources. Cleaning up stateroot manually
Stopping at the Prep stage, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the new stateroot. When finalizing after a successful upgrade or a rollback, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the old stateroot. If this step fails, it is recommended that you inspect the logs to determine why the failure occurred.
  1. Check if there are any existing deployments in the stateroot by running the following command:

    $ ostree admin status
  2. If there are any, clean up the existing deployment by running the following command:

    $ ostree admin undeploy <index_of_deployment>
  3. After cleaning up all the deployments of the stateroot, wipe the stateroot directory by running the following commands:


    Ensure that the booted deployment is not in this stateroot.

    $ stateroot="<stateroot_to_delete>"
    $ unshare -m /bin/sh -c "mount -o remount,rw /sysroot && rm -rf /sysroot/ostree/deploy/${stateroot}" Cleaning up OADP resources manually
Automatic cleanup of OADP resources can fail due to connection issues between Lifecycle Agent and the S3 backend. By restoring the connection and adding the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation, the Lifecycle Agent can successfully cleanup backup resources.
  1. Check the backend connectivity by running the following command:

    $ oc get backupstoragelocations.velero.io -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    NAME                          PHASE       LAST VALIDATED   AGE   DEFAULT
    dataprotectionapplication-1   Available   33s              8d    true

  2. Remove all backup resources and then add the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation to the ImageBasedUpgrade CR. LVM Storage volume contents not restored

When LVM Storage is used to provide dynamic persistent volume storage, LVM Storage might not restore the persistent volume contents if it is configured incorrectly. Missing LVM Storage-related fields in Backup CR

Your Backup CRs might be missing fields that are needed to restore your persistent volumes. You can check for events in your application pod to determine if you have this issue by running the following:

$ oc describe pod <your_app_name>

Example output showing missing LVM Storage-related fields in Backup CR

  Type     Reason            Age                From               Message
  ----     ------            ----               ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  58s (x2 over 66s)  default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
  Normal   Scheduled         56s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/db-1234 to sno1.example.lab
  Warning  FailedMount       24s (x7 over 55s)  kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-1234" : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = VolumeID is not found


You must include logicalvolumes.topolvm.io in the application Backup CR. Without this resource, the application restores its persistent volume claims and persistent volume manifests correctly, however, the logicalvolume associated with this persistent volume is not restored properly after pivot.

Example Backup CR

apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: Backup
    velero.io/storage-location: default
  name: small-app
  namespace: openshift-adp
  - test
  - secrets
  - persistentvolumeclaims
  - deployments
  - statefulsets
  includedClusterScopedResources: 1
  - persistentVolumes
  - volumesnapshotcontents
  - logicalvolumes.topolvm.io

To restore the persistent volumes for your application, you must configure this section as shown. Missing LVM Storage-related fields in Restore CR

The expected resources for the applications are restored but the persistent volume contents are not preserved after upgrading.

  1. List the persistent volumes for you applications by running the following command before pivot:

    $ oc get pv,pvc,logicalvolumes.topolvm.io -A

    Example output before pivot

    persistentvolume/pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound    default/pvc-db   lvms-vg1                4h45m
    default     persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-db   Bound    pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            lvms-vg1       4h45m
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                AGE
                logicalvolume.topolvm.io/pvc-1234   4h45m

  2. List the persistent volumes for you applications by running the following command after pivot:

    $ oc get pv,pvc,logicalvolumes.topolvm.io -A

    Example output after pivot

    persistentvolume/pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/pvc-db   lvms-vg1                19s
    default     persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-db   Bound    pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            lvms-vg1       19s
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                AGE
                logicalvolume.topolvm.io/pvc-1234   18s


The reason for this issue is that the logicalvolume status is not preserved in the Restore CR. This status is important because it is required for Velero to reference the volumes that must be preserved after pivoting. You must include the following fields in the application Restore CR:

Example Restore CR

apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: Restore
  name: sample-vote-app
  namespace: openshift-adp
    velero.io/storage-location: default
    lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "3"
  restorePVs: true 1
  restoreStatus: 2
      - logicalvolumes

To preserve the persistent volumes for your application, you must set restorePVs to true.
To preserve the persistent volumes for your application, you must configure this section as shown. Debugging failed Backup and Restore CRs
The backup or restoration of artifacts failed.

You can debug Backup and Restore CRs and retrieve logs with the Velero CLI tool. The Velero CLI tool provides more detailed information than the OpenShift CLI tool.

  1. Describe the Backup CR that contains errors by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero describe backup -n openshift-adp backup-acm-klusterlet --details
  2. Describe the Restore CR that contains errors by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero describe restore -n openshift-adp restore-acm-klusterlet --details
  3. Download the backed up resources to a local directory by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero backup download -n openshift-adp backup-acm-klusterlet -o ~/backup-acm-klusterlet.tar.gz

15.4. Performing an image-based upgrade for single-node OpenShift clusters using GitOps ZTP

You can use a single resource on the hub cluster, the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade custom resource (CR), to manage an imaged-based upgrade on a selected group of managed clusters through all stages. Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) reconciles the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR and creates the underlying resources to complete the defined stage transitions, either in a manually controlled or a fully automated upgrade flow.

For more information about the image-based upgrade, see "Understanding the image-based upgrade for single-node OpenShift clusters".

15.4.1. Managing the image-based upgrade at scale using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR on the hub

The ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR combines the ImageBasedUpgrade and ClusterGroupUpgrade APIs. For example, you can define the cluster selection and rollout strategy with the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade API in the same way as the ClusterGroupUpgrade API. The stage transitions are different from the ImageBasedUpgrade API. The ImageBasedGroupUpgrade API allows you to combine several stage transitions, also called actions, into one step that share one rollout strategy.

Example ImageBasedGroupUpgrade.yaml

apiVersion: lcm.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImageBasedGroupUpgrade
  name: <filename>
  namespace: default
  clusterLabelSelectors: 1
    - matchExpressions:
      - key: name
        operator: In
        - spoke1
        - spoke4
        - spoke6
    seedImageRef: 2
      image: quay.io/seed/image:4.17.0-rc.1
      version: 4.17.0-rc.1
        name: "<seed_pull_secret>"
    extraManifests: 3
      - name: example-extra-manifests
        namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
    oadpContent: 4
      - name: oadp-cm
        namespace: openshift-adp
  plan: 5
    - actions: ["Prep", "Upgrade", "FinalizeUpgrade"]
        maxConcurrency: 200 6
        timeout: 2400 7

Clusters to upgrade.
Target platform version, the seed image to be used, and the secret required to access the image.

If you add the seed image pull secret in the hub cluster, in the same namespace as the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade resource, the secret is added to the manifest list for the Prep stage. The secret is recreated in each spoke cluster in the openshift-lifecycle-agent namespace.

Optional: Applies additional manifests, which are not in the seed image, to the target cluster. Also applies ConfigMap objects for custom catalog sources.
ConfigMap resources that contain the OADP Backup and Restore CRs.
Upgrade plan details.
Number of clusters to update in a batch.
Timeout limit to complete the action in minutes. Supported action combinations

Actions are the list of stage transitions that TALM completes in the steps of an upgrade plan for the selected group of clusters. Each action entry in the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR is a separate step and a step contains one or several actions that share the same rollout strategy. You can achieve more control over the rollout strategy for each action by separating actions into steps.

These actions can be combined differently in your upgrade plan and you can add subsequent steps later. Wait until the previous steps either complete or fail before adding a step to your plan. The first action of an added step for clusters that failed a previous steps must be either Abort or Rollback.


You cannot remove actions or steps from an ongoing plan.

The following table shows example plans for different levels of control over the rollout strategy:

Table 15.5. Example upgrade plans
Example planDescription
- actions: ["Prep", "Upgrade", "FinalizeUpgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 200
    timeout: 60

All actions share the same strategy

- actions: ["Prep", "Upgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 200
    timeout: 60
- actions: ["FinalizeUpgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 500
    timeout: 10

Some actions share the same strategy

- actions: ["Prep"]
    maxConcurrency: 200
    timeout: 60
- actions: ["Upgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 200
    timeout: 20
- actions: ["FinalizeUpgrade"]
    maxConcurrency: 500
    timeout: 10

All actions have different strategies


Clusters that fail one of the actions will skip the remaining actions in the same step.

The ImageBasedGroupUpgrade API accepts the following actions:

Start preparing the upgrade resources by moving to the Prep stage.
Start the upgrade by moving to the Upgrade stage.
Finalize the upgrade on selected clusters that completed the Upgrade action by moving to the Idle stage.
Start a rollback only on successfully upgraded clusters by moving to the Rollback stage.
Finalize the rollback by moving to the Idle stage.
Cancel the upgrade on selected clusters that failed the Prep or Upgrade actions by moving to the Idle stage.
Cancel an ongoing upgrade only on clusters that are not yet upgraded by moving to the Idle stage.

The following action combinations are supported. A pair of brackets signifies one step in the plan section:

  • ["Prep"], ["Abort"]
  • ["Prep", "Upgrade", "FinalizeUpgrade"]
  • ["Prep"], ["AbortOnFailure"], ["Upgrade"], ["AbortOnFailure"], ["FinalizeUpgrade"]
  • ["Rollback", "FinalizeRollback"]

Use one of the following combinations when you need to resume or cancel an ongoing upgrade from a completely new ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR:

  • ["Upgrade","FinalizeUpgrade"]
  • ["FinalizeUpgrade"]
  • ["FinalizeRollback"]
  • ["Abort"]
  • ["AbortOnFailure"] Labeling for cluster selection

Use the spec.clusterLabelSelectors field for initial cluster selection. In addition, TALM labels the managed clusters according to the results of their last stage transition.

When a stage completes or fails, TALM marks the relevant clusters with the following labels:

  • lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-completed
  • lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-failed

Use these cluster labels to cancel or roll back an upgrade on a group of clusters after troubleshooting issues that you might encounter.


If you are using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR to upgrade your clusters, ensure that the lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-completed or lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-failed cluster labels are updated properly after performing troubleshooting or recovery steps on the managed clusters. This ensures that the TALM continues to manage the image-based upgrade for the cluster.

For example, if you want to cancel the upgrade for all managed clusters except for clusters that successfully completed the upgrade, you can add an Abort action to your plan. The Abort action moves back the ImageBasedUpgrade CR to the Idle stage, which cancels the upgrade on clusters that are not yet upgraded. Adding a separate Abort action ensures that the TALM does not perform the Abort action on clusters that have the lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-upgrade-completed label.

The cluster labels are removed after successfully canceling or finalizing the upgrade. Status monitoring

The ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR ensures a better monitoring experience with a comprehensive status reporting for all clusters that is aggregated in one place. You can monitor the following actions:

Shows all completed actions defined in the plan section.
Shows all actions that are currently in progress.
Shows all failed actions along with a detailed error message.

15.4.2. Performing an image-based upgrade on managed clusters at scale in several steps

For use cases when you need better control of when the upgrade interrupts your service, you can upgrade a set of your managed clusters by using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR with adding actions after the previous step is complete. After evaluating the results of the previous steps, you can move to the next upgrade stage or troubleshoot any failed steps throughout the procedure.


Only certain action combinations are supported and listed in Supported action combinations.


  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created policies and ConfigMap objects for resources used in the image-based upgrade.
  • You have installed the Lifecycle Agent and OADP Operators on all managed clusters through the hub cluster.


  1. Create a YAML file on the hub cluster that contains the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR:

    apiVersion: lcm.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ImageBasedGroupUpgrade
      name: <filename>
      namespace: default
      clusterLabelSelectors: 1
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: name
            operator: In
            - spoke1
            - spoke4
            - spoke6
        seedImageRef: 2
          image: quay.io/seed/image:4.16.0-rc.1
          version: 4.16.0-rc.1
            name: "<seed_pull_secret>"
        extraManifests: 3
          - name: example-extra-manifests
            namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
        oadpContent: 4
          - name: oadp-cm
            namespace: openshift-adp
      plan: 5
        - actions: ["Prep"]
            maxConcurrency: 2
            timeout: 2400
    Clusters to upgrade.
    Target platform version, the seed image to be used, and the secret required to access the image.

    If you add the seed image pull secret in the hub cluster, in the same namespace as the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade resource, the secret is added to the manifest list for the Prep stage. The secret is recreated in each spoke cluster in the openshift-lifecycle-agent namespace.

    Optional: Applies additional manifests, which are not in the seed image, to the target cluster. Also applies ConfigMap objects for custom catalog sources.
    List of ConfigMap resources that contain the OADP Backup and Restore CRs.
    Upgrade plan details.
  2. Apply the created file by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml
  3. Monitor the status updates by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    $ oc get ibgu -o yaml

    Example output

    # ...
      - completedActions:
        - action: Prep
        name: spoke1
      - completedActions:
        - action: Prep
        name: spoke4
      - failedActions:
        - action: Prep
        name: spoke6
    # ...

    The previous output of an example plan starts with the Prep stage only and you add actions to the plan based on the results of the previous step. TALM adds a label to the clusters to mark if the upgrade succeeded or failed. For example, the lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-prep-failed is applied to clusters that failed the Prep stage.

    After investigating the failure, you can add the AbortOnFailure step to your upgrade plan. It moves the clusters labeled with lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<action>-failed back to the Idle stage. Any resources that are related to the upgrade on the selected clusters are deleted.

  4. Optional: Add the AbortOnFailure action to your existing ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch ibgu <filename> --type=json -p \
    '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plan/-", "value": {"actions": ["AbortOnFailure"], "rolloutStrategy": {"maxConcurrency": 5, "timeout": 10}}}]'
    1. Continue monitoring the status updates by running the following command:

      $ oc get ibgu -o yaml
  5. Add the action to your existing ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch ibgu <filename> --type=json -p \
    '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plan/-", "value": {"actions": ["Upgrade"], "rolloutStrategy": {"maxConcurrency": 2, "timeout": 30}}}]'
  6. Optional: Add the AbortOnFailure action to your existing ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch ibgu <filename> --type=json -p \
    '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plan/-", "value": {"actions": ["AbortOnFailure"], "rolloutStrategy": {"maxConcurrency": 5, "timeout": 10}}}]'
    1. Continue monitoring the status updates by running the following command:

      $ oc get ibgu -o yaml
  7. Add the action to your existing ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch ibgu <filename> --type=json -p \
    '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plan/-", "value": {"actions": ["FinalizeUpgrade"], "rolloutStrategy": {"maxConcurrency": 10, "timeout": 3}}}]'


  • Monitor the status updates by running the following command:

    $ oc get ibgu -o yaml

    Example output

    # ...
      - completedActions:
        - action: Prep
        - action: AbortOnFailure
        - action: Upgrade
        name: spoke1
      - completedActions:
        - action: Prep
        - action: Upgrade
        - action: FinalizeUpgrade
        name: spoke4
      - completedActions:
        - action: AbortOnFailure
        - action: Prep
        name: spoke6
    # ...

15.4.3. Performing an image-based upgrade on managed clusters at scale in one step

For use cases when service interruption is not a concern, you can upgrade a set of your managed clusters by using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR with several actions combined in one step with one rollout strategy. With one rollout strategy, the upgrade time can be reduced but you can only troubleshoot failed clusters after the upgrade plan is complete.


  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created policies and ConfigMap objects for resources used in the image-based upgrade.
  • You have installed the Lifecycle Agent and OADP Operators on all managed clusters through the hub cluster.


  1. Create a YAML file on the hub cluster that contains the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR:

    apiVersion: lcm.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ImageBasedGroupUpgrade
      name: <filename>
      namespace: default
      clusterLabelSelectors: 1
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: name
            operator: In
            - spoke1
            - spoke4
            - spoke6
        seedImageRef: 2
          image: quay.io/seed/image:4.17.0-rc.1
          version: 4.17.0-rc.1
            name: "<seed_pull_secret>"
        extraManifests: 3
          - name: example-extra-manifests
            namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
        oadpContent: 4
          - name: oadp-cm
            namespace: openshift-adp
      plan: 5
        - actions: ["Prep", "Upgrade", "FinalizeUpgrade"]
            maxConcurrency: 200 6
            timeout: 2400 7
    Clusters to upgrade.
    Target platform version, the seed image to be used, and the secret required to access the image.

    If you add the seed image pull secret in the hub cluster, in the same namespace as the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade resource, the secret is added to the manifest list for the Prep stage. The secret is recreated in each spoke cluster in the openshift-lifecycle-agent namespace.

    Optional: Applies additional manifests, which are not in the seed image, to the target cluster. Also applies ConfigMap objects for custom catalog sources.
    ConfigMap resources that contain the OADP Backup and Restore CRs.
    Upgrade plan details.
    Number of clusters to update in a batch.
    Timeout limit to complete the action in minutes.
  2. Apply the created file by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml


  • Monitor the status updates by running the following command:

    $ oc get ibgu -o yaml

    Example output

    # ...
      - completedActions:
        - action: Prep
        - action: Upgrade
        name: spoke1
      - completedActions:
        - action: Prep
        - action: Upgrade
        - action: FinalizeUpgrade
        name: spoke4
      - failedActions:
        - action: Prep
        name: spoke6
    # ...

15.4.4. Canceling an image-based upgrade on managed clusters at scale

You can cancel the upgrade on a set of managed clusters that completed the Prep stage.


Only certain action combinations are supported and listed in Supported action combinations.


  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a separate YAML file on the hub cluster that contains the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR:

    apiVersion: lcm.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ImageBasedGroupUpgrade
      name: <filename>
      namespace: default
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: name
            operator: In
            - spoke4
          image: quay.io/seed/image:4.16.0-rc.1
          version: 4.16.0-rc.1
            name: "<seed_pull_secret>"
          - name: example-extra-manifests
            namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
          - name: oadp-cm
            namespace: openshift-adp
        - actions: ["Abort"]
            maxConcurrency: 5
            timeout: 10

    All managed clusters that completed the Prep stage are moved back to the Idle stage.

  2. Apply the created file by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml


  • Monitor the status updates by running the following command:

    $ oc get ibgu -o yaml

    Example output

    # ...
      - completedActions:
        - action: Prep
        - action: Abort
        name: spoke4
    # ...

Additional resources

15.4.5. Rolling back an image-based upgrade on managed clusters at scale

Roll back the changes on a set of managed clusters if you encounter unresolvable issues after a successful upgrade. You need to create a separate ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR and define the set of managed clusters that you want to roll back.


Only certain action combinations are supported and listed in Supported action combinations.


  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a separate YAML file on the hub cluster that contains the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR:

    apiVersion: lcm.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ImageBasedGroupUpgrade
      name: <filename>
      namespace: default
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: name
            operator: In
            - spoke4
          image: quay.io/seed/image:4.17.0-rc.1
          version: 4.17.0-rc.1
            name: "<seed_pull_secret>"
          - name: example-extra-manifests
            namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
          - name: oadp-cm
            namespace: openshift-adp
        - actions: ["Rollback", "FinalizeRollback"]
            maxConcurrency: 200
            timeout: 2400
  2. Apply the created file by running the following command on the hub cluster:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml

    All managed clusters that match the defined labels are moved back to the Rollback and then the Idle stages to finalize the rollback.


  • Monitor the status updates by running the following command:

    $ oc get ibgu -o yaml

    Example output

    # ...
      - completedActions:
        - action: Rollback
        - action: FinalizeRollback
        name: spoke4
    # ...

15.4.6. Troubleshooting image-based upgrades with Lifecycle Agent

Perform troubleshooting steps on the managed clusters that are affected by an issue.


If you are using the ImageBasedGroupUpgrade CR to upgrade your clusters, ensure that the lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-completed or lcm.openshift.io/ibgu-<stage>-failed cluster labels are updated properly after performing troubleshooting or recovery steps on the managed clusters. This ensures that the TALM continues to manage the image-based upgrade for the cluster. Collecting logs

You can use the oc adm must-gather CLI to collect information for debugging and troubleshooting.


  • Collect data about the Operators by running the following command:

    $  oc adm must-gather \
      --dest-dir=must-gather/tmp \
      --image=$(oc -n openshift-lifecycle-agent get deployment.apps/lifecycle-agent-controller-manager -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name == "manager")].image}') \
      --image=quay.io/konveyor/oadp-must-gather:latest \// 1
      --image=quay.io/openshift/origin-must-gather:latest 2
    Optional: Add this option if you need to gather more information from the OADP Operator.
    Optional: Add this option if you need to gather more information from the SR-IOV Operator. AbortFailed or FinalizeFailed error

During the finalize stage or when you stop the process at the Prep stage, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the following resources:

  • Stateroot that is no longer required
  • Precaching resources
  • OADP CRs
  • ImageBasedUpgrade CR

If the Lifecycle Agent fails to perform the above steps, it transitions to the AbortFailed or FinalizeFailed states. The condition message and log show which steps failed.

Example error message

message: failed to delete all the backup CRs. Perform cleanup manually then add 'lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done' annotation to ibu CR to transition back to Idle
      observedGeneration: 5
      reason: AbortFailed
      status: "False"
      type: Idle

  1. Inspect the logs to determine why the failure occurred.
  2. To prompt Lifecycle Agent to retry the cleanup, add the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation to the ImageBasedUpgrade CR.

    After observing this annotation, Lifecycle Agent retries the cleanup and, if it is successful, the ImageBasedUpgrade stage transitions to Idle.

    If the cleanup fails again, you can manually clean up the resources. Cleaning up stateroot manually
Stopping at the Prep stage, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the new stateroot. When finalizing after a successful upgrade or a rollback, Lifecycle Agent cleans up the old stateroot. If this step fails, it is recommended that you inspect the logs to determine why the failure occurred.
  1. Check if there are any existing deployments in the stateroot by running the following command:

    $ ostree admin status
  2. If there are any, clean up the existing deployment by running the following command:

    $ ostree admin undeploy <index_of_deployment>
  3. After cleaning up all the deployments of the stateroot, wipe the stateroot directory by running the following commands:


    Ensure that the booted deployment is not in this stateroot.

    $ stateroot="<stateroot_to_delete>"
    $ unshare -m /bin/sh -c "mount -o remount,rw /sysroot && rm -rf /sysroot/ostree/deploy/${stateroot}" Cleaning up OADP resources manually
Automatic cleanup of OADP resources can fail due to connection issues between Lifecycle Agent and the S3 backend. By restoring the connection and adding the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation, the Lifecycle Agent can successfully cleanup backup resources.
  1. Check the backend connectivity by running the following command:

    $ oc get backupstoragelocations.velero.io -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    NAME                          PHASE       LAST VALIDATED   AGE   DEFAULT
    dataprotectionapplication-1   Available   33s              8d    true

  2. Remove all backup resources and then add the lca.openshift.io/manual-cleanup-done annotation to the ImageBasedUpgrade CR. LVM Storage volume contents not restored

When LVM Storage is used to provide dynamic persistent volume storage, LVM Storage might not restore the persistent volume contents if it is configured incorrectly. Missing LVM Storage-related fields in Backup CR

Your Backup CRs might be missing fields that are needed to restore your persistent volumes. You can check for events in your application pod to determine if you have this issue by running the following:

$ oc describe pod <your_app_name>

Example output showing missing LVM Storage-related fields in Backup CR

  Type     Reason            Age                From               Message
  ----     ------            ----               ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  58s (x2 over 66s)  default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
  Normal   Scheduled         56s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/db-1234 to sno1.example.lab
  Warning  FailedMount       24s (x7 over 55s)  kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-1234" : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = VolumeID is not found


You must include logicalvolumes.topolvm.io in the application Backup CR. Without this resource, the application restores its persistent volume claims and persistent volume manifests correctly, however, the logicalvolume associated with this persistent volume is not restored properly after pivot.

Example Backup CR

apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: Backup
    velero.io/storage-location: default
  name: small-app
  namespace: openshift-adp
  - test
  - secrets
  - persistentvolumeclaims
  - deployments
  - statefulsets
  includedClusterScopedResources: 1
  - persistentVolumes
  - volumesnapshotcontents
  - logicalvolumes.topolvm.io

To restore the persistent volumes for your application, you must configure this section as shown. Missing LVM Storage-related fields in Restore CR

The expected resources for the applications are restored but the persistent volume contents are not preserved after upgrading.

  1. List the persistent volumes for you applications by running the following command before pivot:

    $ oc get pv,pvc,logicalvolumes.topolvm.io -A

    Example output before pivot

    persistentvolume/pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound    default/pvc-db   lvms-vg1                4h45m
    default     persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-db   Bound    pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            lvms-vg1       4h45m
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                AGE
                logicalvolume.topolvm.io/pvc-1234   4h45m

  2. List the persistent volumes for you applications by running the following command after pivot:

    $ oc get pv,pvc,logicalvolumes.topolvm.io -A

    Example output after pivot

    persistentvolume/pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/pvc-db   lvms-vg1                19s
    default     persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-db   Bound    pvc-1234   1Gi        RWO            lvms-vg1       19s
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                AGE
                logicalvolume.topolvm.io/pvc-1234   18s


The reason for this issue is that the logicalvolume status is not preserved in the Restore CR. This status is important because it is required for Velero to reference the volumes that must be preserved after pivoting. You must include the following fields in the application Restore CR:

Example Restore CR

apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: Restore
  name: sample-vote-app
  namespace: openshift-adp
    velero.io/storage-location: default
    lca.openshift.io/apply-wave: "3"
  restorePVs: true 1
  restoreStatus: 2
      - logicalvolumes

To preserve the persistent volumes for your application, you must set restorePVs to true.
To preserve the persistent volumes for your application, you must configure this section as shown. Debugging failed Backup and Restore CRs
The backup or restoration of artifacts failed.

You can debug Backup and Restore CRs and retrieve logs with the Velero CLI tool. The Velero CLI tool provides more detailed information than the OpenShift CLI tool.

  1. Describe the Backup CR that contains errors by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero describe backup -n openshift-adp backup-acm-klusterlet --details
  2. Describe the Restore CR that contains errors by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero describe restore -n openshift-adp restore-acm-klusterlet --details
  3. Download the backed up resources to a local directory by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-adp velero-7c87d58c7b-sw6fc -c velero -- ./velero backup download -n openshift-adp backup-acm-klusterlet -o ~/backup-acm-klusterlet.tar.gz

Chapter 16. Image-based installation for single-node OpenShift

16.1. Understanding image-based installation and deployment for single-node OpenShift

Image-based installations significantly reduce the deployment time of single-node OpenShift clusters by streamlining the installation process.

This approach enables the preinstallation of configured and validated instances of single-node OpenShift on target hosts. These preinstalled hosts can be rapidly reconfigured and deployed at the far edge of the network, including in disconnected environments, with minimal intervention.


To deploy a managed cluster using an imaged-based approach in combination with GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP), you can use the SiteConfig operator. For more information, see SiteConfig operator.

16.1.1. Overview of image-based installation and deployment for single-node OpenShift clusters

Deploying infrastructure at the far edge of the network presents challenges for service providers with low bandwidth, high latency, and disconnected environments. It is also costly and time-consuming to install and deploy single-node OpenShift clusters.

An image-based approach to installing and deploying single-node OpenShift clusters at the far edge of the network overcomes these challenges by separating the installation and deployment stages.

Figure 16.1. Overview of an image-based installation and deployment for managed single-node OpenShift clusters

Overview of an image-based installation and deployment
Imaged-based installation
Preinstall multiple hosts with single-node OpenShift at a central site, such as a service depot or a factory. Then, validate the base configuration for these hosts and leverage the image-based approach to perform reproducible factory installs at scale by using a single live installation ISO.
Image-based deployment
Ship the preinstalled and validated hosts to a remote site and rapidly reconfigure and deploy the clusters in a matter of minutes by using a configuration ISO.

You can choose from two methods to preinstall and configure your SNO clusters.

Using the openshift-install program
For a single-node OpenShift cluster, use the openshift-install program only to manually create the live installation ISO that is common to all hosts. Then, use the program again to create the configuration ISO which ensures that the host is unique. For more information, see “Deploying managed single-node OpenShift using the openshift-install program”.
Using the IBI Operator
For managed single-node OpenShift clusters, you can use the openshift-install with the Image Based Install (IBI) Operator to scale up the operations. The program creates the live installation ISO and then the IBI Operator creates one configuration ISO for each host. For more information, see “Deploying single-node OpenShift using the IBI Operator”. Image-based installation for single-node OpenShift clusters

Using the Lifecycle Agent, you can generate an OCI container image that encapsulates an instance of a single-node OpenShift cluster. This image is derived from a dedicated cluster that you can configure with the target OpenShift Container Platform version.

You can reference this image in a live installation ISO to consistently preinstall configured and validated instances of single-node OpenShift to multiple hosts. This approach enables the preparation of hosts at a central location, for example in a factory or service depot, before shipping the preinstalled hosts to a remote site for rapid reconfiguration and deployment. The instructions for preinstalling a host are the same whether you deploy the host by using only the openshift-install program or using the program with the IBI Operator.

The following is a high-level overview of the image-based installation process:

  1. Generate an image from a single-node OpenShift cluster.
  2. Use the openshift-install program to embed the seed image URL, and other installation artifacts, in a live installation ISO.
  3. Start the host using the live installation ISO to preinstall the host.

    During this process, the openshift-install program installs Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) to the disk, pulls the image you generated, and precaches release container images to the disk.

  4. When the installation completes, the host is ready to ship to the remote site for rapid reconfiguration and deployment. Image-based deployment for single-node OpenShift clusters

You can use the openshift-install program or the IBI Operator to configure and deploy a host that you preinstalled with an image-based installation.

Single-node OpenShift cluster deployment

To configure the target host with site-specific details by using the openshift-install program, you must create the following resources:

  • The install-config.yaml installation manifest
  • The image-based-config.yaml manifest

The openshift-install program uses these resources to generate a configuration ISO that you attach to the preinstalled target host to complete the deployment.

Managed single-node OpenShift cluster deployment

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and the multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator (MCE) use a hub-and-spoke architecture to manage and deploy single-node OpenShift clusters across multiple sites. Using this approach, the hub cluster serves as a central control plane that manages the spoke clusters, which are often remote single-node OpenShift clusters deployed at the far edge of the network.

You can define the site-specific configuration resources for an image-based deployment in the hub cluster. The IBI Operator uses these configuration resources to reconfigure the preinstalled host at the remote site and deploy the host as a managed single-node OpenShift cluster. This approach is especially beneficial for telecommunications providers and other service providers with extensive, distributed infrastructures, where an end-to-end installation at the remote site would be time-consuming and costly.

The following is a high-level overview of the image-based deployment process for hosts preinstalled with an imaged-based installation:

  • Define the site-specific configuration resources for the preinstalled host in the hub cluster.
  • Apply these resources in the hub cluster. This initiates the deployment process.
  • The IBI Operator creates a configuration ISO.
  • The IBI Operator boots the target preinstalled host with the configuration ISO attached.
  • The host mounts the configuration ISO and begins the reconfiguration process.
  • When the reconfiguration completes, the single-node OpenShift cluster is ready.

As the host is already preinstalled using an image-based installation, a technician can reconfigure and deploy the host in a matter of minutes.

16.1.2. Image-based installation and deployment components

The following content describes the components in an image-based installation and deployment.

Seed image
OCI container image generated from a dedicated cluster with the target OpenShift Container Platform version.
Seed cluster
Dedicated single-node OpenShift cluster that you use to create a seed image and is deployed with the target OpenShift Container Platform version.
Lifecycle Agent
Generates the seed image.
Image Based Install (IBI) Operator
When you deploy managed clusters, the IBI Operator creates a configuration ISO from the site-specific resources you define in the hub cluster, and attaches the configuration ISO to the preinstalled host by using a bare-metal provisioning service.
openshift-install program
Creates the installation and configuration ISO, and embeds the seed image URL in the live installation ISO. If the IBI Operator is not used, you must manually attach the configuration ISO to a preinstalled host to complete the deployment.

16.1.3. Cluster guidelines for image-based installation and deployment

For a successful image-based installation and deployment, see the following guidelines. Cluster guidelines
  • If you are using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), to avoid including any RHACM resources in your seed image, you need to disable all optional RHACM add-ons before generating the seed image. Seed cluster guidelines
  • If your cluster deployment at the edge of the network requires a proxy configuration, you must create a seed image from a seed cluster featuring a proxy configuration. The proxy configurations do not have to match.
  • If you set a maximum transmission unit (MTU) in the seed cluster, you must set the same MTU value in the static network configuration for the image-based configuration ISO.
  • Your single-node OpenShift seed cluster must have a shared /var/lib/containers directory for precaching images during an image-based installation. For more information see "Configuring a shared container partition between ostree stateroots".
  • Create a seed image from a single-node OpenShift cluster that uses the same hardware as your target bare-metal host. The seed cluster must reflect your target cluster configuration for the following items:

    • CPU topology

      • CPU architecture
      • Number of CPU cores
      • Tuned performance configuration, such as number of reserved CPUs
    • IP version


      Dual-stack networking is not supported in this release.

    • Disconnected registry


      If the target cluster uses a disconnected registry, your seed cluster must use a disconnected registry. The registries do not have to be the same.

    • FIPS configuration

16.1.4. Software prerequisites for an image-based installation and deployment

An image-based installation and deployment requires the following minimum software versions for these required components.

Table 16.1. Minimum software requirements
ComponentSoftware version

Managed cluster version


Hub cluster version


Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM)


Lifecycle Agent

4.16 or later

Image Based Install Operator


openshift-install program


16.2. Preparing for image-based installation for single-node OpenShift clusters

To prepare for an image-based installation for single-node OpenShift clusters, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Create a seed image by using the Lifecycle Agent.
  • Verify that all software components meet the required versions. For further information, see "Software prerequisites for an image-based installation and deployment".

16.2.1. Installing the Lifecycle Agent

Use the Lifecycle Agent to generate a seed image from a seed cluster. You can install the Lifecycle Agent using the OpenShift CLI (oc) or the web console. Installing the Lifecycle Agent by using the CLI

You can use the OpenShift CLI (oc) to install the Lifecycle Agent.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a Namespace object YAML file for the Lifecycle Agent:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: openshift-lifecycle-agent
        workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
    1. Create the Namespace CR by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f <namespace_filename>.yaml
  2. Create an OperatorGroup object YAML file for the Lifecycle Agent:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      - openshift-lifecycle-agent
    1. Create the OperatorGroup CR by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f <operatorgroup_filename>.yaml
  3. Create a Subscription CR for the Lifecycle Agent:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: openshift-lifecycle-agent-subscription
      namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      channel: "stable"
      name: lifecycle-agent
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
    1. Create the Subscription CR by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f <subscription_filename>.yaml


  1. To verify that the installation succeeded, inspect the CSV resource by running the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-lifecycle-agent

    Example output

    NAME                              DISPLAY                     VERSION               REPLACES                           PHASE
    lifecycle-agent.v4.17.0           Openshift Lifecycle Agent   4.17.0                Succeeded

  2. Verify that the Lifecycle Agent is up and running by running the following command:

    $ oc get deploy -n openshift-lifecycle-agent

    Example output

    NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    lifecycle-agent-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           14s Installing the Lifecycle Agent by using the web console

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform web console to install the Lifecycle Agent.


  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to OperatorsOperatorHub.
  2. Search for the Lifecycle Agent from the list of available Operators, and then click Install.
  3. On the Install Operator page, under A specific namespace on the cluster select openshift-lifecycle-agent.
  4. Click Install.


  1. To confirm that the installation is successful:

    1. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators.
    2. Ensure that the Lifecycle Agent is listed in the openshift-lifecycle-agent project with a Status of InstallSucceeded.


      During installation an Operator might display a Failed status. If the installation later succeeds with an InstallSucceeded message, you can ignore the Failed message.

If the Operator is not installed successfully:

  1. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators, and inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failure or errors under Status.
  2. Click WorkloadsPods, and check the logs for pods in the openshift-lifecycle-agent project.

16.2.2. Configuring a shared container partition between ostree stateroots


You must complete this procedure at installation time.

Apply a MachineConfig to the seed cluster to create a separate partition and share the /var/lib/containers partition between the two ostree stateroots that will be used during the preinstall process.


  • Apply a MachineConfig to create a separate partition:

    apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
    kind: MachineConfig
        machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: master
      name: 98-var-lib-containers-partitioned
          version: 3.2.0
            - device: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-<root_disk> 1
                - label: var-lib-containers
                  startMiB: <start_of_partition> 2
                  sizeMiB: <partition_size> 3
            - device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-lib-containers
              format: xfs
                - defaults
                - prjquota
              path: /var/lib/containers
              wipeFilesystem: true
            - contents: |-
                # Generated by Butane
              enabled: true
              name: var-lib-containers.mount
    Specify the root disk.
    Specify the start of the partition in MiB. If the value is too small, the installation will fail.
    Specify a minimum size for the partition of 500 GB to ensure adequate disk space for precached images. If the value is too small, the deployments after installation will fail.

16.2.3. Seed image configuration

You can create a seed image from a single-node OpenShift cluster with the same hardware as your bare-metal host, and with a similar target cluster configuration. However, the seed image generated from the seed cluster cannot contain any cluster-specific configuration.

The following table lists the components, resources, and configurations that you must and must not include in your seed image:

Table 16.2. Seed image configuration
Cluster configurationInclude in seed image

Performance profile


MachineConfig resources for the target cluster


IP version [1]


Set of Day 2 Operators, including the Lifecycle Agent and the OADP Operator


Disconnected registry configuration [2]


Valid proxy configuration [3]


FIPS configuration


Dedicated partition on the primary disk for container storage that matches the size of the target clusters


Local volumes

  • StorageClass used in LocalVolume for LSO
  • LocalVolume for LSO
  • LVMCluster CR for LVMS


  1. Dual-stack networking is not supported in this release.
  2. If the seed cluster is installed in a disconnected environment, the target clusters must also be installed in a disconnected environment.
  3. The proxy configuration on the seed and target clusters does not have to match. Seed image configuration using the RAN DU profile

The following table lists the components, resources, and configurations that you must and must not include in the seed image when using the RAN DU profile:

Table 16.3. Seed image configuration with RAN DU profile
ResourceInclude in seed image

All extra manifests that are applied as part of Day 0 installation


All Day 2 Operator subscriptions













No, if it is used in StorageLV.yaml





The following list of resources and configurations can be applied as extra manifests or by using RHACM policies:

  • ClusterLogForwarder.yaml
  • ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml
  • SriovFecClusterConfig.yaml
  • PtpOperatorConfigForEvent.yaml
  • DefaultCatsrc.yaml
  • PtpConfig.yaml
  • SriovNetwork.yaml

If you are using GitOps ZTP, enable these resources by using RHACM policies to ensure configuration changes can be applied throughout the cluster lifecycle.

16.2.4. Generating a seed image with the Lifecycle Agent

Use the Lifecycle Agent to generate a seed image from a managed cluster. The Operator checks for required system configurations, performs any necessary system cleanup before generating the seed image, and launches the image generation. The seed image generation includes the following tasks:

  • Stopping cluster Operators
  • Preparing the seed image configuration
  • Generating and pushing the seed image to the image repository specified in the SeedGenerator CR
  • Restoring cluster Operators
  • Expiring seed cluster certificates
  • Generating new certificates for the seed cluster
  • Restoring and updating the SeedGenerator CR on the seed cluster


  • RHACM and multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator are not installed on the seed cluster.
  • You have configured a shared container directory on the seed cluster.
  • You have installed the minimum version of the OADP Operator and the Lifecycle Agent on the seed cluster.
  • Ensure that persistent volumes are not configured on the seed cluster.
  • Ensure that the LocalVolume CR does not exist on the seed cluster if the Local Storage Operator is used.
  • Ensure that the LVMCluster CR does not exist on the seed cluster if LVM Storage is used.
  • Ensure that the DataProtectionApplication CR does not exist on the seed cluster if OADP is used.


  1. Detach the managed cluster from the hub to delete any RHACM-specific resources from the seed cluster that must not be in the seed image:

    1. Manually detach the seed cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc delete managedcluster sno-worker-example
      1. Wait until the managed cluster is removed. After the cluster is removed, create the proper SeedGenerator CR. The Lifecycle Agent cleans up the RHACM artifacts.
    2. If you are using GitOps ZTP, detach your cluster by removing the seed cluster’s SiteConfig CR from the kustomization.yaml.

      1. If you have a kustomization.yaml file that references multiple SiteConfig CRs, remove your seed cluster’s SiteConfig CR from the kustomization.yaml:

        apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
        kind: Kustomization
        #- example-seed-sno1.yaml
        - example-target-sno2.yaml
        - example-target-sno3.yaml
      2. If you have a kustomization.yaml that references one SiteConfig CR, remove your seed cluster’s SiteConfig CR from the kustomization.yaml and add the generators: {} line:

        apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
        kind: Kustomization
        generators: {}
      3. Commit the kustomization.yaml changes in your Git repository and push the changes to your repository.

        The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and removes the managed cluster.

  2. Create the Secret object so that you can push the seed image to your registry.

    1. Create the authentication file by running the following commands:

      $ MY_USER=myuserid
      $ AUTHFILE=/tmp/my-auth.json
      $ podman login --authfile ${AUTHFILE} -u ${MY_USER} quay.io/${MY_USER}
      $ base64 -w 0 ${AUTHFILE} ; echo
    2. Copy the output into the seedAuth field in the Secret YAML file named seedgen in the openshift-lifecycle-agent namespace:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: seedgen 1
        namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent
      type: Opaque
        seedAuth: <encoded_AUTHFILE> 2
      The Secret resource must have the name: seedgen and namespace: openshift-lifecycle-agent fields.
      Specifies a base64-encoded authfile for write-access to the registry for pushing the generated seed images.
    3. Apply the Secret by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f secretseedgenerator.yaml
  3. Create the SeedGenerator CR:

    apiVersion: lca.openshift.io/v1
    kind: SeedGenerator
      name: seedimage 1
      seedImage: <seed_container_image> 2
    The SeedGenerator CR must be named seedimage.
    Specify the container image URL, for example, quay.io/example/seed-container-image:<tag>. It is recommended to use the <seed_cluster_name>:<ocp_version> format.
  4. Generate the seed image by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f seedgenerator.yaml

    The cluster reboots and loses API capabilities while the Lifecycle Agent generates the seed image. Applying the SeedGenerator CR stops the kubelet and the CRI-O operations, then it starts the image generation.

If you want to generate more seed images, you must provision a new seed cluster with the version that you want to generate a seed image from.


  • After the cluster recovers and it is available, you can check the status of the SeedGenerator CR by running the following command:

    $ oc get seedgenerator -o yaml

    Example output

      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-02-13T21:24:26Z"
        message: Seed Generation completed
        observedGeneration: 1
        reason: Completed
        status: "False"
        type: SeedGenInProgress
      - lastTransitionTime: "2024-02-13T21:24:26Z"
        message: Seed Generation completed
        observedGeneration: 1
        reason: Completed
        status: "True"
        type: SeedGenCompleted 1
      observedGeneration: 1

    The seed image generation is complete.

16.3. Preinstalling single-node OpenShift using an image-based installation

Use the openshift-install program to create a live installation ISO for preinstalling single-node OpenShift on bare-metal hosts. For more information about downloading the installation program, see "Installation process" in the "Additional resources" section.

The installation program takes a seed image URL and other inputs, such as the release version of the seed image and the disk to use for the installation process, and creates a live installation ISO. You can then start the host using the live installation ISO to begin preinstallation. When preinstallation is complete, the host is ready to ship to a remote site for the final site-specific configuration and deployment.

The following are the high-level steps to preinstall a single-node OpenShift cluster using an image-based installation:

  • Generate a seed image.
  • Create a live installation ISO using the openshift-install installation program.
  • Boot the host using the live installation ISO to preinstall the host.

Additional resources

16.3.1. Creating a live installation ISO for a single-node OpenShift image-based installation

You can embed your single-node OpenShift seed image URL, and other installation artifacts, in a live installation ISO by using the openshift-install program.


For more information about the specification for the image-based-installation-config.yaml manifest, see the section "Reference specifications for the image-based-installation-config.yaml manifest".


  • You generated a seed image from a single-node OpenShift seed cluster.
  • You downloaded the openshift-install program. The version of the openshift-install program must match the OpenShift Container Platform version in your seed image.
  • The target host has network access to the seed image URL and all other installation artifacts.
  • If you require static networking, you must install the nmstatectl library on the host that creates the live installation ISO.


  1. Create a live installation ISO and embed your single-node OpenShift seed image URL and other installation artifacts:

    1. Create a working directory by running the following:

      $ mkdir ibi-iso-workdir 1
      Replace ibi-iso-workdir with the name of your working directory.
    2. Optional. Create an installation configuration template to use as a reference when configuring the ImageBasedInstallationConfig resource:

      $ openshift-install image-based create image-config-template --dir ibi-iso-workdir 1
      If you do not specify a working directory, the command uses the current directory.

      Example output

      INFO Image-Config-Template created in: ibi-iso-workdir

      The command creates the image-based-installation-config.yaml installation configuration template in your target directory:

      # Note: This is a sample ImageBasedInstallationConfig file showing
      # which fields are available to aid you in creating your
      # own image-based-installation-config.yaml file.
      apiVersion: v1beta1
      kind: ImageBasedInstallationConfig
        name: example-image-based-installation-config
      # The following fields are required
      seedImage: quay.io/openshift-kni/seed-image:4.17.0
      seedVersion: 4.17.0
      installationDisk: /dev/vda
      pullSecret: '<your_pull_secret>'
      # networkConfig is optional and contains the network configuration for the host in NMState format.
      # See https://nmstate.io/examples.html for examples.
      # networkConfig:
      #   interfaces:
      #     - name: eth0
      #       type: ethernet
      #       state: up
      #       mac-address: 00:00:00:00:00:00
      #       ipv4:
      #         enabled: true
      #         address:
      #           - ip:
      #             prefix-length: 23
      #         dhcp: false
    3. Edit your installation configuration file:

      Example image-based-installation-config.yaml file

      apiVersion: v1beta1
      kind: ImageBasedInstallationConfig
        name: example-image-based-installation-config
      seedImage: quay.io/repo-id/seed:latest
      seedVersion: "4.17.0"
      extraPartitionStart: "-240G"
      installationDisk: /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x62c...
      sshKey: 'ssh-ed25519 AAAA...'
      pullSecret: '{"auths": ...}'
            - name: ens1f0
              type: ethernet
              state: up
                enabled: true
                dhcp: false
                auto-dns: false
                  - ip:
                    prefix-length: 24
                enabled: false
            - destination:
              metric: 150
              next-hop-interface: ens1f0

    4. Create the live installation ISO by running the following command:

      $ openshift-install image-based create image --dir ibi-iso-workdir

      Example output

      INFO Consuming Image-based Installation ISO Config from target directory
      INFO Creating Image-based Installation ISO with embedded ignition


  • View the output in the working directory:

      └── rhcos-ibi.iso Configuring additional partitions on the target host

The installation ISO creates a partition for the /var/lib/containers directory as part of the image-based installation process.

You can create additional partitions by using the coreosInstallerArgs specification. For example, in hard disks with adequate storage, you might need an additional partition for storage options, such as Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Storage.


The /var/lib/containers partition requires at least 500 GB to ensure adequate disk space for precached images. You must create additional partitions with a starting position larger than the partition for /var/lib/containers.


  1. Edit the image-based-installation-config.yaml file to configure additional partitions:

    Example image-based-installation-config.yaml file

    apiVersion: v1beta1
    kind: ImageBasedInstallationConfig
      name: example-extra-partition
    seedImage: quay.io/repo-id/seed:latest
    seedVersion: "4.17.0"
    installationDisk: /dev/sda
    pullSecret: '{"auths": ...}'
    # ...
    skipDiskCleanup: true 1
       - "--save-partindex" 2
       - "6" 3
    ignitionConfigOverride: |
        "ignition": {
          "version": "3.2.0"
        "storage": {
          "disks": [
              "device": "/dev/sda", 4
              "partitions": [
                  "label": "storage", 5
                  "number": 6, 6
                  "sizeMiB": 380000, 7
                  "startMiB": 500000 8

    Specify true to skip disk formatting during the installation process.
    Specify this argument to preserve a partition.
    The live installation ISO requires five partitions. Specify a number greater than five to identify the additional partition to preserve.
    Specify the installation disk on the target host.
    Specify the label for the partition.
    Specify the number for the partition.
    Specify the size of parition in MiB.
    Specify the starting position on the disk in MiB for the additional partition. You must specify a starting point larger that the partition for var/lib/containers.


  • When you complete the preinstallation of the host with the live installation ISO, login to the target host and run the following command to view the partitions:

    $ lsblk

    Example output

    sda    8:0    0  140G  0 disk
    ├─sda1 8:1    0    1M  0 part
    ├─sda2 8:2    0  127M  0 part
    ├─sda3 8:3    0  384M  0 part /var/mnt/boot
    ├─sda4 8:4    0  120G  0 part /var/mnt
    ├─sda5 8:5    0  500G  0 part /var/lib/containers
    └─sda6 8:6    0  380G  0 part

16.3.2. Provisioning the live installation ISO to a host

Using your preferred method, boot the target bare-metal host from the rhcos-ibi.iso live installation ISO to preinstall single-node OpenShift.


  1. Login to the target host.
  2. View the system logs by running the following command:

    $ journalctl -b

    Example output

    Aug 13 17:01:44 install-rhcos-and-restore-seed.sh[2876]: time="2024-08-13T17:01:44Z" level=info msg="All the precaching threads have finished."
    Aug 13 17:01:44 install-rhcos-and-restore-seed.sh[2876]: time="2024-08-13T17:01:44Z" level=info msg="Total Images: 125"
    Aug 13 17:01:44 install-rhcos-and-restore-seed.sh[2876]: time="2024-08-13T17:01:44Z" level=info msg="Images Pulled Successfully: 125"
    Aug 13 17:01:44 install-rhcos-and-restore-seed.sh[2876]: time="2024-08-13T17:01:44Z" level=info msg="Images Failed to Pull: 0"
    Aug 13 17:01:44 install-rhcos-and-restore-seed.sh[2876]: time="2024-08-13T17:01:44Z" level=info msg="Completed executing pre-caching"
    Aug 13 17:01:44 install-rhcos-and-restore-seed.sh[2876]: time="2024-08-13T17:01:44Z" level=info msg="Pre-cached images successfully."
    Aug 13 17:01:44 install-rhcos-and-restore-seed.sh[2876]: time="2024-08-13 17:01:44" level=info msg="Skipping shutdown"
    Aug 13 17:01:44 install-rhcos-and-restore-seed.sh[2876]: time="2024-08-13 17:01:44" level=info msg="IBI preparation process finished successfully!"
    Aug 13 17:01:44 systemd[1]: var-lib-containers-storage-overlay.mount: Deactivated successfully.
    Aug 13 17:01:44 systemd[1]: Finished SNO Image-based Installation.
    Aug 13 17:01:44 systemd[1]: Reached target Multi-User System.
    Aug 13 17:01:44 systemd[1]: Reached target Graphical Interface.

16.3.3. Reference specifications for the image-based-installation-config.yaml manifest

The following content describes the specifications for the image-based-installation-config.yaml manifest.

The openshift-install program uses the image-based-installation-config.yaml manifest to create a live installation ISO for image-based installations of single-node OpenShift.

Table 16.4. Required specifications



Specifies the seed image to use in the ISO generation process.



Specifies the OpenShift Container Platform release version of the seed image. The release version in the seed image must match the release version that you specify in the seedVersion field.



Specifies the disk that will be used for the installation process.

Because the disk discovery order is not guaranteed, the kernel name of the disk can change across booting options for machines with multiple disks. For example, /dev/sda becomes /dev/sdb and vice versa. To avoid this issue, you must use a persistent disk attribute, such as the disk World Wide Name (WWN), for example: /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-<disk-id>.



Specifies the pull secret to use during the precache process. The pull secret contains authentication credentials for pulling the release payload images from the container registry.

If the seed image requires a separate private registry authentication, add the authentication details to the pull secret.

Table 16.5. Optional specifications



Specifies if the host shuts down after the installation process completes. The default value is false.



Specifies the start of the extra partition used for /var/lib/containers. The default value is -40G, which means that the partition will be exactly 40GiB in size and uses the space 40GiB from the end of the disk. If you specify a positive value, the partition will start at that position of the disk and extend to the end of the disk.



The label of the extra partition you use for /var/lib/containers. The default partition label is var-lib-containers.


You must ensure that the partition label in the installation ISO matches the partition label set in the machine configuration for the seed image. If the partition labels are different, the partition mount fails during installation on the host. For more information, see "Configuring a shared container partition between ostree stateroots".


unsigned integer

The number of the extra partition you use for /var/lib/containers. The default number is 5.



The installation process formats the disk on the host. Set this specification to 'true' to skip this step. The default is false.



Specifies networking configurations for the host, for example:

      - name: ens1f0
        type: ethernet
        state: up

If you require static networking, you must install the nmstatectl library on the host that creates the live installation ISO. For further information about defining network configurations by using nmstate, see nmstate.io.


The name of the interface must match the actual NIC name as shown in the operating system.



Specifies proxy settings to use during the installation ISO generation, for example:

  httpProxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080"
  httpsProxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080"
  noProxy: "no_proxy.example.com"



Specifies the sources or repositories for the release-image content, for example:

  - mirrors:
      - "registry.example.com:5000/ocp4/openshift4"
    source: "quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release"



Specifies the PEM-encoded X.509 certificate bundle. The installation program adds this to the /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ directory in the installation ISO.

additionalTrustBundle: |



Specifies the SSH key to authenticate access to the host.



Specifies a JSON string containing the user overrides for the Ignition config. The configuration merges with the Ignition config file generated by the installation program. This feature requires Ignition version is 3.2 or later.



Specifies custom arguments for the coreos-install command that you can use to configure kernel arguments and disk partitioning options.

16.4. Deploying single-node OpenShift clusters

16.4.1. About image-based deployments for managed single-node OpenShift

When a host preinstalled with single-node OpenShift using an image-based installation arrives at a remote site, a technician can easily reconfigure and deploy the host in a matter of minutes.

For clusters with a hub-and-spoke architecture, to complete the deployment of a preinstalled host, you must first define site-specific configuration resources on the hub cluster for each host. These resources contain configuration information such as the properties of the bare-metal host, authentication details, and other deployment and networking information.

The Image Based Install (IBI) Operator creates a configuration ISO from these resources, and then boots the host with the configuration ISO attached. The host mounts the configuration ISO and runs the reconfiguration process. When the reconfiguration completes, the single-node OpenShift cluster is ready.


You must create distinct configuration resources for each bare-metal host.

See the following high-level steps to deploy a preinstalled host in a cluster with a hub-and-spoke architecture:

  1. Install the IBI Operator on the hub cluster.
  2. Create site-specific configuration resources in the hub cluster for each host.
  3. The IBI Operator creates a configuration ISO from these resources and boots the target host with the configuration ISO attached.
  4. The host mounts the configuration ISO and runs the reconfiguration process. When the reconfiguration completes, the single-node OpenShift cluster is ready.

Alternatively, you can manually deploy a preinstalled host for a cluster without using a hub cluster. You must define an ImageBasedConfig resource and an installation manifest, and provide these as inputs to the openshift-install installation program. For more information, see "Deploying a single-node OpenShift cluster using the openshift-install program". Installing the Image Based Install Operator

The Image Based Install (IBI) Operator is part of the image-based deployment workflow for preinstalled single-node OpenShift on bare-metal hosts.


The IBI Operator is part of the multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator from MCE version 2.7.


  • You logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You deployed a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) hub cluster or you deployed the multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator.
  • You reviewed the required versions of software components in the section "Software prerequisites for an image-based installation".


  • Set the enabled specification to true for the image-based-install-operator component in the MultiClusterEngine resource by running the following command:

    $ oc patch multiclusterengines.multicluster.openshift.io multiclusterengine --type json \
    --patch '[{"op": "add", "path":"/spec/overrides/components/-", "value": {"name":"image-based-install-operator","enabled": true}}]'


  • Check that the Image Based Install Operator pod is running by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -A | grep image-based

    Example output

    multicluster-engine             image-based-install-operator-57fb8sc423-bxdj8             2/2     Running     0               5m Deploying a managed single-node OpenShift cluster using the IBI Operator

Create the site-specific configuration resources in the hub cluster to initiate the image-based deployment of a preinstalled host.

When you create these configuration resources in the hub cluster, the Image Based Install (IBI) Operator generates a configuration ISO and attaches it to the target host to begin the site-specific configuration process. When the configuration process completes, the single-node OpenShift cluster is ready.


For more information about the configuration resources that you must configure in the hub cluster, see "Cluster configuration resources for deploying a preinstalled host".


  • You preinstalled a host with single-node OpenShift using an image-based installation.
  • You logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You deployed a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) hub cluster or you deployed the multicluster engine for Kubernetes operator (MCE).
  • You installed the IBI Operator on the hub cluster.
  • You created a pull secret to authenticate pull requests. For more information, see "Using image pull secrets".


  1. Create the ibi-ns namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc create namespace ibi-ns
  2. Create the Secret resource for your image registry:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the Secret resource for your image registry:

      Example secret-image-registry.yaml file

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: ibi-image-pull-secret
        namespace: ibi-ns
        .dockerconfigjson: <base64-docker-auth-code> 1
      type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

      You must provide base64-encoded credential details. See the "Additional resources" section for more information about using image pull secrets.
    2. Create the Secret resource for your image registry by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f secret-image-registry.yaml
  3. Optional: Configure static networking for the host:

    1. Create a Secret resource containing the static network configuration in nmstate format:

      Example host-network-config-secret.yaml file

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
       name: host-network-config-secret 1
       namespace: ibi-ns
      type: Opaque
       nmstate: | 2
          - name: ens1f0 3
            type: ethernet
            state: up
              enabled: true
                - ip:
                  prefix-length: 24
              dhcp: false 4
              enabled: false
              - 5
          config: 6
            - destination:
              metric: 150
              next-hop-interface: ens1f0
              table-id: 254

      Specify the name for the Secret resource.
      Define the static network configuration in nmstate format.
      Specify the name of the interface on the host. The name of the interface must match the actual NIC name as shown in the operating system. To use your MAC address for NIC matching, set the identifier field to mac-address.
      You must specify dhcp: false to ensure nmstate assigns the static IP address to the interface.
      Specify one or more DNS servers that the system will use to resolve domain names.
      In this example, the default route is configured through the ens1f0 interface to the next hop IP address
  4. Create the BareMetalHost and Secret resources:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the BareMetalHost and Secret resources:

      Example ibi-bmh.yaml file

      apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
      kind: BareMetalHost
        name: ibi-bmh 1
        namespace: ibi-ns
        online: false 2
        bootMACAddress: 00:a5:12:55:62:64 3
          address: redfish-virtualmedia+ 4
          credentialsName: ibi-bmh-bmc-secret 5
        preprovisioningNetworkDataName: host-network-config-secret 6
        automatedCleaningMode: disabled 7
        externallyProvisioned: true 8
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: ibi-bmh-secret 9
        namespace: ibi-ns
      type: Opaque
        username: <user_name> 10
        password: <password> 11

      Specify the name for the BareMetalHost resource.
      Specify if the host should be online.
      Specify the host boot MAC address.
      Specify the BMC address. You can only use bare-metal host drivers that support virtual media networking booting, for example redfish-virtualmedia and idrac-virtualmedia.
      Specify the name of the bare-metal host Secret resource.
      Optional: If you require static network configuration for the host, specify the name of the Secret resource containing the configuration.
      You must specify automatedCleaningMode:disabled to prevent the provisioning service from deleting all preinstallation artifacts, such as the seed image, during disk inspection.
      You must specify externallyProvisioned: true to enable the host to boot from the preinstalled disk, instead of the configuration ISO.
      Specify the name for the Secret resource.
      Specify the username.
      Specify the password.
    2. Create the BareMetalHost and Secret resources by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f ibi-bmh.yaml
  5. Create the ClusterImageSet resource:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the ClusterImageSet resource:

      Example ibi-cluster-image-set.yaml file

      apiVersion: hive.openshift.io/v1
      kind: ClusterImageSet
        name: ibi-img-version-arch 1
        releaseImage: ibi.example.com:path/to/release/images:version-arch 2

      Specify the name for the ClusterImageSet resource.
      Specify the address for the release image to use for the deployment. If you use a different image registry compared to the image registry used during seed image generation, ensure that the OpenShift Container Platform version for the release image remains the same.
    2. Create the ClusterImageSet resource by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f ibi-cluster-image-set.yaml
  6. Create the ImageClusterInstall resource:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the ImageClusterInstall resource:

      Example ibi-image-cluster-install.yaml file

      apiVersion: extensions.hive.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: ImageClusterInstall
        name: ibi-image-install 1
        namespace: ibi-ns
          name: ibi-bmh 2
          namespace: ibi-ns
          name: ibi-cluster-deployment 3
        hostname: ibi-host 4
          name: ibi-img-version-arch 5
        machineNetwork: 6
        proxy: 7
          httpProxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080"
          #httpsProxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080"
          #noProxy: "no_proxy.example.com"

      Specify the name for the ImageClusterInstall resource.
      Specify the BareMetalHost resource that you want to target for the image-based installation.
      Specify the name of the ClusterDeployment resource that you want to use for the image-based installation of the target host.
      Specify the hostname for the cluster.
      Specify the name of the ClusterImageSet resource you used to define the container release images to use for deployment.
      Specify the public CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) of the external network.
      Optional: Specify a proxy to use for the cluster deployment.

      If your cluster deployment requires a proxy configuration, you must do the following:

      • Create a seed image from a seed cluster featuring a proxy configuration. The proxy configurations do not have to match.
      • Configure the machineNetwork field in your installation manifest.
    2. Create the ImageClusterInstall resource by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f ibi-image-cluster-install.yaml
  7. Create the ClusterDeployment resource:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the ClusterDeployment resource:

      Example ibi-cluster-deployment.yaml file

      apiVersion: hive.openshift.io/v1
      kind: ClusterDeployment
        name: ibi-cluster-deployment 1
        namespace: ibi-ns 2
        baseDomain: example.com 3
          group: extensions.hive.openshift.io
          kind: ImageClusterInstall
          name: ibi-image-install 4
          version: v1alpha1
        clusterName: ibi-cluster 5
          none: {}
          name: ibi-image-pull-secret 6

      Specify the name for the ClusterDeployment resource.
      Specify the namespace for the ClusterDeployment resource.
      Specify the base domain that the cluster should belong to.
      Specify the name of the ImageClusterInstall in which you defined the container images to use for the image-based installation of the target host.
      Specify a name for the cluster.
      Specify the secret to use for pulling images from your image registry.
    2. Create the ClusterDeployment resource by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f ibi-cluster-deployment.yaml
  8. Create the ManagedCluster resource:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the ManagedCluster resource:

      Example ibi-managed.yaml file

      apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1
      kind: ManagedCluster
        name: sno-ibi 1
        hubAcceptsClient: true 2

      Specify the name for the ManagedCluster resource.
      Specify true to enable RHACM to manage the cluster.
    2. Create the ManagedCluster resource by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f ibi-managed.yaml


  1. Check the status of the ImageClusterInstall in the hub cluster to monitor the progress of the target host installation by running the following command:

    $ oc get imageclusterinstall

    Example output

    target-0   HostValidationSucceeded   ClusterInstallationSucceeded  ibi-bmh


    If the ImageClusterInstall resource is deleted, the IBI Operator reattaches the BareMetalHost resource and reboots the machine.

  2. When the installation completes, you can retrieve the kubeconfig secret to log in to the managed cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc extract secret/<cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig -n <cluster_namespace>  --to - > <directory>/<cluster_name>-kubeconfig
    • <cluster_name> is the name of the cluster.
    • <cluster_namespace> is the namespace of the cluster.
    • <directory> is the directory in which to create the file. Cluster configuration resources for deploying a preinstalled host

To complete a deployment for a preinstalled host at a remote site, you must configure the following site-specifc cluster configuration resources in the hub cluster for each bare-metal host.

Table 16.6. Cluster configuration resources reference


Namespace for the managed single-node OpenShift cluster.


Describes the physical host and its properties, such as the provisioning and hardware configuration.

Secret for the bare-metal host

Credentials for the host BMC.

Secret for the bare-metal host static network configuration

Optional: Describes static network configuration for the target host.

Secret for the image registry

Credentials for the image registry. The secret for the image registry must be of type kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson.


References the bare-metal host, deployment, and image set resources.


Describes the release images to use for the cluster.


Describes networking, authentication, and platform-specific settings.


Describes cluster details to enable Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) to register and manage.


Optional: Describes additional configurations for the cluster deployment, such as adding a bundle of trusted certificates for the host to ensure trusted communications for cluster services. ImageClusterInstall resource API specifications

The following content describes the API specifications for the ImageClusterInstall resource. This resource is the endpoint for the Image Based Install Operator.

Table 16.7. Required specifications



Specify the name of the ClusterImageSet resource that defines the release images for the deployment.



Specify the hostname for the cluster.



Specify your SSH key to provide SSH access to the target host.

Table 16.8. Optional specifications



Specify the name of the ClusterDeployment resource that you want to use for the image-based installation of the target host.



After the deployment completes, this specification is automatically populated with metadata information about the cluster, including the cluster-admin kubeconfig credentials for logging in to the cluster.



Specifies the sources or repositories for the release-image content, for example:

  - mirrors:
      - "registry.example.com:5000/ocp4/openshift4"
    source: "quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release"



Specify a ConfigMap resource containing additional manifests to be applied to the target cluster.



Specify the bareMetalHost resource to use for the cluster deployment



Specify the public CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) of the external network.



Specifies proxy settings for the cluster, for example:

  httpProxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080"
  httpsProxy: "http://proxy.example.com:8080"
  noProxy: "no_proxy.example.com"



Specify a ConfigMap resource containing the new bundle of trusted certificates for the host. ConfigMap resources for extra manifests

You can optionally create a ConfigMap resource to define additional manifests in an image-based deployment for managed single-node OpenShift clusters.

After you create the ConfigMap resource, reference it in the ImageClusterInstall resource. During deployment, the IBI Operator includes the extra manifests in the deployment. Creating a ConfigMap resource to add extra manifests in an image-based deployment

You can use a ConfigMap resource to add extra manifests to the image-based deployment for single-node OpenShift clusters.

The following example adds an single-root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) network to the deployment.


Filenames for extra manifests must not exceed 30 characters. Longer filenames might cause deployment failures.


  • You preinstalled a host with single-node OpenShift using an image-based installation.
  • You logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create the SriovNetworkNodePolicy and SriovNetwork resources:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the resources:

      Example sriov-extra-manifest.yaml file

      apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
      kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy
        name: "example-sriov-node-policy"
        namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
        deviceType: vfio-pci
        isRdma: false
          pfNames: [ens1f0]
          node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
        mtu: 1500
        numVfs: 8
        priority: 99
        resourceName: example-sriov-node-policy
      apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
      kind: SriovNetwork
        name: "example-sriov-network"
        namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
        ipam: |-
        linkState: auto
        networkNamespace: sriov-namespace
        resourceName: example-sriov-node-policy
        spoofChk: "on"
        trust: "off"

    2. Create the ConfigMap resource by running the following command:

      $ oc create configmap sr-iov-extra-manifest --from-file=sriov-extra-manifest.yaml -n ibi-ns 1
      Specify the namespace that has the ImageClusterInstall resource.

      Example output

      configmap/sr-iov-extra-manifest created


      If you add more than one extra manifest, and the manifests must be applied in a specific order, you must prefix the filenames of the manifests with numbers that represent the required order. For example, 00-namespace.yaml, 01-sriov-extra-manifest.yaml, and so on.

  2. Reference the ConfigMap resource in the spec.extraManifestsRefs field of the ImageClusterInstall resource:

        - name: sr-iov-extra-manifest
    #... Creating a ConfigMap resource to add a CA bundle in an image-based deployment

You can use a ConfigMap resource to add a certificate authority (CA) bundle to the host to ensure trusted communications for cluster services.

After you create the ConfigMap resource, reference it in the spec.caBundleRef field of the ImageClusterInstall resource.


  • You preinstalled a host with single-node OpenShift using an image-based installation.
  • You logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a CA bundle file called tls-ca-bundle.pem:

    Example tls-ca-bundle.pem file

    ...Custom CA certificate bundle...
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

  2. Create the ConfigMap object by running the following command:

    $ oc create configmap custom-ca --from-file=tls-ca-bundle.pem -n ibi-ns
    • custom-ca specifies the name for the ConfigMap resource.
    • tls-ca-bundle.pem defines the key for the data entry in the ConfigMap resource. You must include a data entry with the tls-ca-bundle.pem key.
    • ibi-ns specifies the namespace that has the ImageClusterInstall resource.

      Example output

      configmap/custom-ca created

  3. Reference the ConfigMap resource in the spec.caBundleRef field of the ImageClusterInstall resource:

          name: custom-ca

16.4.2. About image-based deployments for single-node OpenShift

You can manually generate a configuration ISO by using the openshift-install program. Attach the configuration ISO to your preinstalled target host to complete the deployment. Deploying a single-node OpenShift cluster using the openshift-install program

You can use the openshift-install program to configure and deploy a host that you preinstalled with an image-based installation. To configure the target host with site-specific details, you must create the following resources:

  • The install-config.yaml installation manifest
  • The image-based-config.yaml manifest

The openshift-install program uses these resources to generate a configuration ISO that you attach to the preinstalled target host to complete the deployment.


For more information about the specifications for the image-based-config.yaml manifest, see "Reference specifications for the image-based-config.yaml manifest".


  • You preinstalled a host with single-node OpenShift using an image-based installation.
  • You downloaded the latest version of the openshift-install program.
  • You created a pull secret to authenticate pull requests. For more information, see "Using image pull secrets".


  1. Create a working directory by running the following:

    $ mkdir ibi-config-iso-workdir 1
    Replace ibi-config-iso-workdir with the name of your working directory.
  2. Create the installation manifest:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the install-config manifest:

      Example install-config.yaml file

      apiVersion: v1
        name: sno-cluster-name
      baseDomain: host.example.com
        - architecture: amd64
          hyperthreading: Enabled
          name: worker
          replicas: 0
        architecture: amd64
        hyperthreading: Enabled
        name: master
        replicas: 1
        - cidr:
          hostPrefix: 23
        - cidr:
        networkType: OVNKubernetes
        none: {}
      fips: false
      cpuPartitioningMode: "AllNodes"
      pullSecret: '{"auths":{"<your_pull_secret>"}}}'
      sshKey: 'ssh-rsa <your_ssh_pub_key>'


      If your cluster deployment requires a proxy configuration, you must do the following:

      • Create a seed image from a seed cluster featuring a proxy configuration. The proxy configurations do not have to match.
      • Configure the machineNetwork field in your installation manifest.
    2. Save the file in your working directory.
  3. Optional. Create a configuration template in your working directory by running the following command:

    $ openshift-install image-based create config-template --dir ibi-config-iso-workdir/

    Example output

    INFO Config-Template created in: ibi-config-iso-workdir

    The command creates the image-based-config.yaml configuration template in your working directory:

    # Note: This is a sample ImageBasedConfig file showing
    # which fields are available to aid you in creating your
    # own image-based-config.yaml file.
    apiVersion: v1beta1
    kind: ImageBasedConfig
      name: example-image-based-config
      - 0.rhel.pool.ntp.org
      - 1.rhel.pool.ntp.org
    hostname: change-to-hostname
    releaseRegistry: quay.io
    # networkConfig contains the network configuration for the host in NMState format.
    # See https://nmstate.io/examples.html for examples.
        - name: eth0
          type: ethernet
          state: up
          mac-address: 00:00:00:00:00:00
            enabled: true
              - ip:
                prefix-length: 23
            dhcp: false
  4. Edit your configuration file:

    Example image-based-config.yaml file

    # Note: This is a sample ImageBasedConfig file showing
    # which fields are available to aid you in creating your
    # own image-based-config.yaml file.
    apiVersion: v1beta1
    kind: ImageBasedConfig
      name: sno-cluster-name
      - 0.rhel.pool.ntp.org
      - 1.rhel.pool.ntp.org
    hostname: host.example.com
    releaseRegistry: quay.io
    # networkConfig contains the network configuration for the host in NMState format.
    # See https://nmstate.io/examples.html for examples.
          - name: ens1f0
            type: ethernet
            state: up
              enabled: true
              dhcp: false
              auto-dns: false
                - ip:
                  prefix-length: 24
              enabled: false
          - destination:
            metric: 150
            next-hop-interface: ens1f0

  5. Create the configuration ISO in your working directory by running the following command:

    $ openshift-install image-based create config-image --dir ibi-config-iso-workdir/

    Example output

    INFO Adding NMConnection file <ens1f0.nmconnection>
    INFO Consuming Install Config from target directory
    INFO Consuming Image-based Config ISO configuration from target directory
    INFO Config-Image created in: ibi-config-iso-workdir/auth

    View the output in the working directory:

    Example output

    ├── auth
    │   ├── kubeadmin-password
    │   └── kubeconfig
    └── imagebasedconfig.iso

  6. Attach the imagebasedconfig.iso to the preinstalled host using your preferred method and restart the host to complete the configuration process and deploy the cluster.


When the configuration process completes on the host, access the cluster to verify its status.

  1. Export the kubeconfig environment variable to your kubeconfig file by running the following command:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=ibi-config-iso-workdir/auth/kubeconfig
  2. Verify that the cluster is responding by running the following command:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME                                         STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    node/sno-cluster-name.host.example.com       Ready    control-plane,master   5h15m   v1.30.3 Reference specifications for the image-based-config.yaml manifest

The following content describes the specifications for the image-based-config.yaml manifest.

The openshift-install program uses the image-based-config.yaml manifest to create a site-specific configuration ISO for image-based deployments of single-node OpenShift.

Table 16.9. Required specifications



Define the name of the node for the single-node OpenShift cluster.

Table 16.10. Optional specifications



Specifies networking configurations for the host, for example:

      - name: ens1f0
        type: ethernet
        state: up

If you require static networking, you must install the nmstatectl library on the host that creates the live installation ISO. For further information about defining network configurations by using nmstate, see nmstate.io.


The name of the interface must match the actual NIC name as shown in the operating system.



Specifies a list of NTP sources for all cluster hosts. These NTP sources are added to any existing NTP sources in the cluster. You can use the hostname or IP address for the NTP source.



Specifies the container image registry that you used for the release image of the seed cluster.



Specifies custom node labels for the single-node OpenShift node, for example:

  node-role.kubernetes.io/edge: true
  environment: production Configuring resources for extra manifests

You can optionally define additional resources in an image-based deployment for single-node OpenShift clusters.

Create the additional resources in an extra-manifests folder in the same working directory that has the install-config.yaml and image-based-config.yaml manifests.


Filenames for additional resources in the extra-manifests directory must not exceed 30 characters. Longer filenames might cause deployment failures. Creating a resource in the extra-manifests folder

You can create a resource in the extra-manifests folder of your working directory to add extra manifests to the image-based deployment for single-node OpenShift clusters.

The following example adds an single-root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) network to the deployment.


If you add more than one extra manifest, and the manifests must be applied in a specific order, you must prefix the filenames of the manifests with numbers that represent the required order. For example, 00-namespace.yaml, 01-sriov-extra-manifest.yaml, and so on.


  • You created a working directory with the install-config.yaml and image-based-config.yaml manifests


  1. Go to your working directory and create the extra-manifests folder by running the following command:

    $ mkdir extra-manifests
  2. Create the SriovNetworkNodePolicy and SriovNetwork resources in the extra-manifests folder:

    1. Create a YAML file that defines the resources:

      Example sriov-extra-manifest.yaml file

      apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
      kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy
        name: "example-sriov-node-policy"
        namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
        deviceType: vfio-pci
        isRdma: false
          pfNames: [ens1f0]
          node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
        mtu: 1500
        numVfs: 8
        priority: 99
        resourceName: example-sriov-node-policy
      apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1
      kind: SriovNetwork
        name: "example-sriov-network"
        namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
        ipam: |-
        linkState: auto
        networkNamespace: sriov-namespace
        resourceName: example-sriov-node-policy
        spoofChk: "on"
        trust: "off"


  • When you create the configuration ISO, you can view the reference to the extra manifests in the .openshift_install_state.json file in your working directory:

     "*configimage.ExtraManifests": {
            "FileList": [
                    "Filename": "extra-manifests/sriov-extra-manifest.yaml",
                    "Data": "YXBFDFFD..."

Chapter 17. Day 2 operations for telco core CNF clusters

17.1. Upgrading telco core CNF clusters

17.1.1. Upgrading a telco core CNF cluster

OpenShift Container Platform has long term support or extended update support (EUS) on all even releases and update paths between EUS releases. You can update from one EUS version to the next EUS version. It is also possible to update between y-stream and z-stream versions. Cluster updates for telco core CNF clusters

Updating your cluster is a critical task that ensures that bugs and potential security vulnerabilities are patched. Often, updates to cloud-native network functions (CNF) require additional functionality from the platform that comes when you update the cluster version. You also must update the cluster periodically to ensure that the cluster platform version is supported.

You can minimize the effort required to stay current with updates by keeping up-to-date with EUS releases and upgrading to select important z-stream releases only.


The update path for the cluster can vary depending on the size and topology of the cluster. The update procedures described here are valid for most clusters from 3-node clusters up to the largest size clusters certified by the telco scale team. This includes some scenarios for mixed-workload clusters.

The following update scenarios are described:

  • Control Plane Only updates
  • Y-stream updates
  • Z-stream updates

Control Plane Only updates were previously known as EUS-to-EUS updates. Control Plane Only updates are only viable between even-numbered minor versions of OpenShift Container Platform.

17.1.2. Verifying cluster API versions between update versions

APIs change over time as components are updated. It is important to verify that cloud-native network function (CNF) APIs are compatible with the updated cluster version. OpenShift Container Platform API compatibility

When considering what z-stream release to update to as part of a new y-stream update, you must be sure that all the patches that are in the z-stream version you are moving from are in the new z-stream version. If the version you update to does not have all the required patches, the built-in compatibility of Kubernetes is broken.

For example, if the cluster version is 4.15.32, you must update to 4.16 z-stream release that has all of the patches that are applied to 4.15.32. About Kubernetes version skew

Each cluster Operator supports specific API versions. Kubernetes APIs evolve over time, and newer versions can be deprecated or change existing APIs. This is referred to as "version skew". For every new release, you must review the API changes. The APIs might be compatible across several releases of an Operator, but compatibility is not guaranteed. To mitigate against problems that arise from version skew, follow a well-defined update strategy. Determining the cluster version update path

Use the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Update Graph tool to determine if the path is valid for the z-stream release you want to update to. Verify the update with your Red Hat Technical Account Manager to ensure that the update path is valid for telco implementations.


The <4.y+1.z> or <4.y+2.z> version that you update to must have the same patch level as the <4.y.z> release you are updating from.

The OpenShift update process mandates that if a fix is present in a specific <4.y.z> release, then the that fix must be present in the <4.y+1.z> release that you update to.

Figure 17.1. Bug fix backporting and the update graph

Bug fix backporting and the update graph

OpenShift development has a strict backport policy that prevents regressions. For example, a bug must be fixed in 4.16.z before it is fixed in 4.15.z. This means that the update graph does not allow for updates to chronologically older releases even if the minor version is greater, for example, updating from 4.15.24 to 4.16.2. Selecting the target release

Use the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Update Graph or the cincinnati-graph-data repository to determine what release to update to. Determining what z-stream updates are available

Before you can update to a new z-stream release, you need to know what versions are available.


You do not need to change the channel when performing a z-stream update.


  1. Determine which z-stream releases are available. Run the following command:

    $ oc adm upgrade

    Example output

    Cluster version is 4.14.34
    Upstream is unset, so the cluster will use an appropriate default.
    Channel: stable-4.14 (available channels: candidate-4.14, candidate-4.15, eus-4.14, eus-4.16, fast-4.14, fast-4.15, stable-4.14, stable-4.15)
    Recommended updates:
      4.14.37     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:14e6ba3975e6c73b659fa55af25084b20ab38a543772ca70e184b903db73092b
      4.14.36     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:4bc4925e8028158e3f313aa83e59e181c94d88b4aa82a3b00202d6f354e8dfed
      4.14.35     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:883088e3e6efa7443b0ac28cd7682c2fdbda889b576edad626769bf956ac0858 Changing the channel for a Control Plane Only update

You must change the channel to the required version for a Control Plane Only update.


You do not need to change the channel when performing a z-stream update.


  1. Determine the currently configured update channel:

    $ oc get clusterversion -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].spec}' | jq

    Example output

      "channel": "stable-4.14",
      "clusterID": "01eb9a57-2bfb-4f50-9d37-dc04bd5bac75"

  2. Change the channel to point to the new channel you want to update to:

    $ oc adm upgrade channel eus-4.16
  3. Confirm the updated channel:

    $ oc get clusterversion -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].spec}' | jq

    Example output

      "channel": "eus-4.16",
      "clusterID": "01eb9a57-2bfb-4f50-9d37-dc04bd5bac75"
    } Changing the channel for an early EUS to EUS update

The update path to a brand new release of OpenShift Container Platform is not available in either the EUS channel or the stable channel until 45 to 90 days after the initial GA of a minor release.

To begin testing an update to a new release, you can use the fast channel.


  1. Change the channel to fast-<y+1>. For example, run the following command:

    $ oc adm upgrade channel fast-4.16
  2. Check the update path from the new channel. Run the following command:

    $ oc adm upgrade
    Cluster version is 4.15.33
      Reason: AdminAckRequired
      Message: Kubernetes 1.28 and therefore OpenShift 4.16 remove several APIs which require admin consideration. Please see the knowledge article https://access.redhat.com/articles/6958394 for details and instructions.
    Upstream is unset, so the cluster will use an appropriate default.
    Channel: fast-4.16 (available channels: candidate-4.15, candidate-4.16, eus-4.15, eus-4.16, fast-4.15, fast-4.16, stable-4.15, stable-4.16)
    Recommended updates:
      4.16.14     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:6618dd3c0f5
      4.16.13     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:7a72abc3
      4.16.12     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:1c8359fc2
      4.16.11     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:bc9006febfe
      4.16.10     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:dece7b61b1
      4.15.36     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:c31a56d19
      4.15.35     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:f21253
      4.15.34     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:2dd69c5
  3. Follow the update procedure to get to version 4.16 (<y+1> from version 4.15)


    You can keep your worker nodes paused between EUS releases even if you are using the fast channel.

  4. When you get to the required <y+1> release, change the channel again, this time to fast-<y+2>.
  5. Follow the EUS update procedure to get to the required <y+2> release. Changing the channel for a y-stream update

In a y-stream update you change the channel to the next release channel.


Use the stable or EUS release channels for production clusters.


  1. Change the update channel:

    $ oc adm upgrade channel stable-4.15
  2. Check the update path from the new channel. Run the following command:

    $ oc adm upgrade

    Example output

    Cluster version is 4.14.34
      Reason: AdminAckRequired
      Message: Kubernetes 1.27 and therefore OpenShift 4.15 remove several APIs which require admin consideration. Please see the knowledge article https://access.redhat.com/articles/6958394 for details and instructions.
    Upstream is unset, so the cluster will use an appropriate default.
    Channel: stable-4.15 (available channels: candidate-4.14, candidate-4.15, eus-4.14, eus-4.15, fast-4.14, fast-4.15, stable-4.14, stable-4.15)
    Recommended updates:
      4.15.33     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:7142dd4b560
      4.15.32     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:cda8ea5b13dc9
      4.15.31     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:07cf61e67d3eeee
      4.15.30     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:6618dd3c0f5
      4.15.29     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:7a72abc3
      4.15.28     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:1c8359fc2
      4.15.27     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:bc9006febfe
      4.15.26     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:dece7b61b1
      4.14.38     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:c93914c62d7
      4.14.37     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:c31a56d19
      4.14.36     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:f21253
      4.14.35     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:2dd69c5

17.1.3. Preparing the telco core cluster platform for update

Typically, telco clusters run on bare-metal hardware. Often you must update the firmware to take on important security fixes, take on new functionality, or maintain compatibility with the new release of OpenShift Container Platform. Ensuring the host firmware is compatible with the update

You are responsible for the firmware versions that you run in your clusters. Updating host firmware is not a part of the OpenShift Container Platform update process. It is not recommended to update firmware in conjunction with the OpenShift Container Platform version.


Hardware vendors advise that it is best to apply the latest certified firmware version for the specific hardware that you are running. For telco use cases, always verify firmware updates in test environments before applying them in production. The high throughput nature of telco CNF workloads can be adversely affected by sub-optimal host firmware.

You should thoroughly test new firmware updates to ensure that they work as expected with the current version of OpenShift Container Platform. Ideally, you test the latest firmware version with the target OpenShift Container Platform update version. Ensuring that layered products are compatible with the update

Verify that all layered products run on the version of OpenShift Container Platform that you are updating to before you begin the update. This generally includes all Operators.


  1. Verify the currently installed Operators in the cluster. For example, run the following command:

    $ oc get csv -A

    Example output

    NAMESPACE                              NAME            DISPLAY          VERSION   REPLACES                             PHASE
    gitlab-operator-kubernetes.v0.17.2     GitLab                           0.17.2    gitlab-operator-kubernetes.v0.17.1   Succeeded
    openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager   packageserver   Package Server   0.19.0                                         Succeeded

  2. Check that Operators that you install with OLM are compatible with the update version.

    Operators that are installed with the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) are not part of the standard cluster Operators set.

    Use the Operator Update Information Checker to understand if you must update an Operator after each y-stream update or if you can wait until you have fully updated to the next EUS release.


    You can also use the Operator Update Information Checker to see what versions of OpenShift Container Platform are compatible with specific releases of an Operator.

  3. Check that Operators that you install outside of OLM are compatible with the update version.

    For all OLM-installed Operators that are not directly supported by Red Hat, contact the Operator vendor to ensure release compatibility.

    • Some Operators are compatible with several releases of OpenShift Container Platform. You might not must update the Operators until after you complete the cluster update. See "Updating the worker nodes" for more information.
    • See "Updating all the OLM Operators" for information about updating an Operator after performing the first y-stream control plane update. Applying MachineConfigPool labels to nodes before the update

Prepare MachineConfigPool (mcp) node labels to group nodes together in groups of roughly 8 to 10 nodes. With mcp groups, you can reboot groups of nodes independently from the rest of the cluster.

You use the mcp node labels to pause and unpause the set of nodes during the update process so that you can do the update and reboot at a time of your choosing. Staggering the cluster update

Sometimes there are problems during the update. Often the problem is related to hardware failure or nodes needing to be reset. Using mcp node labels, you can update nodes in stages by pausing the update at critical moments, tracking paused and unpaused nodes as you proceed. When a problem occurs, you use the nodes that are in an unpaused state to ensure that there are enough nodes running to keep all applications pods running. Dividing worker nodes into MachineConfigPool groups

How you divide worker nodes into mcp groups can vary depending on how many nodes are in the cluster or how many nodes you assign to a node role. By default the 2 roles in a cluster are control plane and worker.

In clusters that run telco workloads, you can further split the worker nodes between CNF control plane and CNF data plane roles. Add mcp role labels that split the worker nodes into each of these two groups.


Larger clusters can have as many as 100 worker nodes in the CNF control plane role. No matter how many nodes there are in the cluster, keep each MachineConfigPool group to around 10 nodes. This allows you to control how many nodes are taken down at a time. With multiple MachineConfigPool groups, you can unpause several groups at a time to accelerate the update, or separate the update over 2 or more maintenance windows.

Example cluster with 15 worker nodes

Consider a cluster with 15 worker nodes:

  • 10 worker nodes are CNF control plane nodes.
  • 5 worker nodes are CNF data plane nodes.

Split the CNF control plane and data plane worker node roles into at least 2 mcp groups each. Having 2 mcp groups per role means that you can have one set of nodes that are not affected by the update.

Example cluster with 6 worker nodes

Consider a cluster with 6 worker nodes:

  • Split the worker nodes into 3 mcp groups of 2 nodes each.

Upgrade one of the mcp groups. Allow the updated nodes to sit through a day to allow for verification of CNF compatibility before completing the update on the other 4 nodes.


The process and pace at which you unpause the mcp groups is determined by your CNF applications and configuration.

If your CNF pod can handle being scheduled across nodes in a cluster, you can unpause several mcp groups at a time and set the MaxUnavailable in the mcp custom resource (CR) to as high as 50%. This allows up to half of the nodes in an mcp group to restart and get updated. Reviewing configured cluster MachineConfigPool roles

Review the currently configured MachineConfigPool roles in the cluster.


  1. Get the currently configured mcp groups in the cluster:

    $ oc get mcp

    Example output

    master   rendered-master-bere83   True      False      False      3              3                   3                     0                      25d
    worker   rendered-worker-245c4f   True      False      False      2              2                   2                     0                      25d

  2. Compare the list of mcp roles to list of nodes in the cluster:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   39d   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   39d   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   39d   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-0       Ready    worker                 39d   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    worker                 39d   v1.27.15+6147456


    When you apply an mcp group change, the node roles are updated.

    Determine how you want to separate the worker nodes into mcp groups. Creating MachineConfigPool groups for the cluster

Creating mcp groups is a 2-step process:

  1. Add an mcp label to the nodes in the cluster
  2. Apply an mcp CR to the cluster that organizes the nodes based on their labels


  1. Label the nodes so that they can be put into mcp groups. Run the following commands:

    $ oc label node worker-0 node-role.kubernetes.io/mcp-1=
    $ oc label node worker-1 node-role.kubernetes.io/mcp-2=

    The mcp-1 and mcp-2 labels are applied to the nodes. For example:

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   39d   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   39d   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   39d   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           39d   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           39d   v1.27.15+6147456

  2. Create YAML custom resources (CRs) that apply the labels as mcp CRs in the cluster. Save the following YAML in the mcps.yaml file:

    apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
    kind: MachineConfigPool
      name: mcp-2
          - {
             key: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role,
             operator: In,
             values: [worker,mcp-2]
          node-role.kubernetes.io/mcp-2: ""
    apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
    kind: MachineConfigPool
      name: mcp-1
          - {
             key: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role,
             operator: In,
             values: [worker,mcp-1]
          node-role.kubernetes.io/mcp-1: ""
  3. Create the MachineConfigPool resources:

    $ oc apply -f mcps.yaml

    Example output

    machineconfigpool.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/mcp-2 created


Monitor the MachineConfigPool resources as they are applied in the cluster. After you apply the mcp resources, the nodes are added into the new machine config pools. This takes a few minutes.


The nodes do not reboot while being added into the mcp groups. The original worker and master mcp groups remain unchanged.

  • Check the status of the new mcp resources:

    $ oc get mcp

    Example output

    master   rendered-master-be3e83   True      False      False      3              3                 3                     0                      25d
    mcp-1    rendered-mcp-1-2f4c4f    False     True       True       1              0                 0                     0                      10s
    mcp-2    rendered-mcp-2-2r4s1f    False     True       True       1              0                 0                     0                      10s
    worker   rendered-worker-23fc4f   False     True       True       0              0                 0                     2                      25d

    Eventually, the resources are fully applied:

    master   rendered-master-be3e83   True      False      False      3              3                 3                     0                      25d
    mcp-1    rendered-mcp-1-2f4c4f    True      False      False      1              1                 1                     0                      7m33s
    mcp-2    rendered-mcp-2-2r4s1f    True      False      False      1              1                 1                     0                      51s
    worker   rendered-worker-23fc4f   True      False      False      0              0                 0                     0                      25d Telco deployment environment considerations

In telco environments, most clusters are in disconnected networks. To update clusters in these environments, you must update your offline image repository. Preparing the cluster platform for update

Before you update the cluster, perform some basic checks and verifications to make sure that the cluster is ready for the update.


  1. Verify that there are no failed or in progress pods in the cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -A | grep -E -vi 'complete|running'

    You might have to run this command more than once if there are pods that are in a pending state.

  2. Verify that all nodes in the cluster are available:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   32d   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   32d   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   32d   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           32d   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           32d   v1.27.15+6147456

  3. Verify that all bare-metal nodes are provisioned and ready.

    $ oc get bmh -n openshift-machine-api

    Example output

    NAME           STATE         CONSUMER                   ONLINE   ERROR   AGE
    ctrl-plane-0   unmanaged     cnf-58879-master-0         true             33d
    ctrl-plane-1   unmanaged     cnf-58879-master-1         true             33d
    ctrl-plane-2   unmanaged     cnf-58879-master-2         true             33d
    worker-0       unmanaged     cnf-58879-worker-0-45879   true             33d
    worker-1       progressing   cnf-58879-worker-0-dszsh   false            1d 1

    An error occurred while provisioning the worker-1 node.


  • Verify that all cluster Operators are ready:

    $ oc get co

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    authentication                             4.14.34   True        False         False      17h
    baremetal                                  4.14.34   True        False         False      32d
    service-ca                                 4.14.34   True        False         False      32d
    storage                                    4.14.34   True        False         False      32d

Additional resources

17.1.4. Configuring CNF pods before updating the telco core CNF cluster

Follow the guidance in Red Hat best practices for Kubernetes when developing cloud-native network functions (CNFs) to ensure that the cluster can schedule pods during an update.


Always deploy pods in groups by using Deployment resources. Deployment resources spread the workload across all of the available pods ensuring there is no single point of failure. When a pod that is managed by a Deployment resource is deleted, a new pod takes its place automatically. Ensuring that CNF workloads run uninterrupted with pod disruption budgets

You can configure the minimum number of pods in a deployment to allow the CNF workload to run uninterrupted by setting a pod disruption budget in a PodDisruptionBudget custom resource (CR) that you apply. Be careful when setting this value; setting it improperly can cause an update to fail.

For example, if you have 4 pods in a deployment and you set the pod disruption budget to 4, the cluster scheduler keeps 4 pods running at all times - no pods can be scaled down.

Instead, set the pod disruption budget to 2, letting 2 of the 4 pods be scheduled as down. Then, the worker nodes where those pods are located can be rebooted.


Setting the pod disruption budget to 2 does not mean that your deployment runs on only 2 pods for a period of time, for example, during an update. The cluster scheduler creates 2 new pods to replace the 2 older pods. However, there is short period of time between the new pods coming online and the old pods being deleted. Ensuring that pods do not run on the same cluster node

High availability in Kubernetes requires duplicate processes to be running on separate nodes in the cluster. This ensures that the application continues to run even if one node becomes unavailable. In OpenShift Container Platform, processes can be automatically duplicated in separate pods in a deployment. You configure anti-affinity in the Pod spec to ensure that the pods in a deployment do not run on the same cluster node.

During an update, setting pod anti-affinity ensures that pods are distributed evenly across nodes in the cluster. This means that node reboots are easier during an update. For example, if there are 4 pods from a single deployment on a node, and the pod disruption budget is set to only allow 1 pod to be deleted at a time, then it will take 4 times as long for that node to reboot. Setting pod anti-affinity spreads pods across the cluster to prevent such occurrences.

Additional resources Application liveness, readiness, and startup probes

You can use liveness, readiness and startup probes to check the health of your live application containers before you schedule an update. These are very useful tools to use with pods that are dependent upon keeping state for their application containers.

Liveness health check
Determines if a container is running. If the liveness probe fails for a container, the pod responds based on the restart policy.
Readiness probe
Determines if a container is ready to accept service requests. If the readiness probe fails for a container, the kubelet removes the container from the list of available service endpoints.
Startup probe
A startup probe indicates whether the application within a container is started. All other probes are disabled until the startup succeeds. If the startup probe does not succeed, the kubelet kills the container, and the container is subject to the pod restartPolicy setting.

Additional resources

17.1.5. Before you update the telco core CNF cluster

Before you start the cluster update, you must pause worker nodes, back up the etcd database, and do a final cluster health check before proceeding. Pausing worker nodes before the update

You must pause the worker nodes before you proceed with the update. In the following example, there are 2 mcp groups, mcp-1 and mcp-2. You patch the spec.paused field to true for each of these MachineConfigPool groups.


  1. Patch the mcp CRs to pause the nodes and drain and remove the pods from those nodes by running the following command:

    $ oc patch mcp/mcp-1 --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"paused":true}}'
    $ oc patch mcp/mcp-2 --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"paused":true}}'
  2. Get the status of the paused mcp groups:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   true
    mcp-2   true


The default control plane and worker mcp groups are not changed during an update. Backup the etcd database before you proceed with the update

You must backup the etcd database before you proceed with the update. Backing up etcd data

Follow these steps to back up etcd data by creating an etcd snapshot and backing up the resources for the static pods. This backup can be saved and used at a later time if you need to restore etcd.


Only save a backup from a single control plane host. Do not take a backup from each control plane host in the cluster.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have checked whether the cluster-wide proxy is enabled.


    You can check whether the proxy is enabled by reviewing the output of oc get proxy cluster -o yaml. The proxy is enabled if the httpProxy, httpsProxy, and noProxy fields have values set.


  1. Start a debug session as root for a control plane node:

    $ oc debug --as-root node/<node_name>
  2. Change your root directory to /host in the debug shell:

    sh-4.4# chroot /host
  3. If the cluster-wide proxy is enabled, export the NO_PROXY, HTTP_PROXY, and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables by running the following commands:

    $ export HTTP_PROXY=http://<your_proxy.example.com>:8080
    $ export HTTPS_PROXY=https://<your_proxy.example.com>:8080
    $ export NO_PROXY=<example.com>
  4. Run the cluster-backup.sh script in the debug shell and pass in the location to save the backup to.


    The cluster-backup.sh script is maintained as a component of the etcd Cluster Operator and is a wrapper around the etcdctl snapshot save command.

    sh-4.4# /usr/local/bin/cluster-backup.sh /home/core/assets/backup

    Example script output

    found latest kube-apiserver: /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/kube-apiserver-pod-6
    found latest kube-controller-manager: /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/kube-controller-manager-pod-7
    found latest kube-scheduler: /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/kube-scheduler-pod-6
    found latest etcd: /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/etcd-pod-3
    etcdctl version: 3.4.14
    API version: 3.4
    {"level":"info","ts":1624647639.0188997,"caller":"snapshot/v3_snapshot.go:119","msg":"created temporary db file","path":"/home/core/assets/backup/snapshot_2021-06-25_190035.db.part"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2021-06-25T19:00:39.030Z","caller":"clientv3/maintenance.go:200","msg":"opened snapshot stream; downloading"}
    {"level":"info","ts":1624647639.0301006,"caller":"snapshot/v3_snapshot.go:127","msg":"fetching snapshot","endpoint":""}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2021-06-25T19:00:40.215Z","caller":"clientv3/maintenance.go:208","msg":"completed snapshot read; closing"}
    {"level":"info","ts":1624647640.6032252,"caller":"snapshot/v3_snapshot.go:142","msg":"fetched snapshot","endpoint":"","size":"114 MB","took":1.584090459}
    Snapshot saved at /home/core/assets/backup/snapshot_2021-06-25_190035.db
    snapshot db and kube resources are successfully saved to /home/core/assets/backup

    In this example, two files are created in the /home/core/assets/backup/ directory on the control plane host:

    • snapshot_<datetimestamp>.db: This file is the etcd snapshot. The cluster-backup.sh script confirms its validity.
    • static_kuberesources_<datetimestamp>.tar.gz: This file contains the resources for the static pods. If etcd encryption is enabled, it also contains the encryption keys for the etcd snapshot.


      If etcd encryption is enabled, it is recommended to store this second file separately from the etcd snapshot for security reasons. However, this file is required to restore from the etcd snapshot.

      Keep in mind that etcd encryption only encrypts values, not keys. This means that resource types, namespaces, and object names are unencrypted. Creating a single etcd backup

Follow these steps to create a single etcd backup by creating and applying a custom resource (CR).


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have access to the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • If dynamically-provisioned storage is available, complete the following steps to create a single automated etcd backup:

    1. Create a persistent volume claim (PVC) named etcd-backup-pvc.yaml with contents such as the following example:

      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      apiVersion: v1
        name: etcd-backup-pvc
        namespace: openshift-etcd
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 200Gi 1
        volumeMode: Filesystem
      The amount of storage available to the PVC. Adjust this value for your requirements.
    2. Apply the PVC by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f etcd-backup-pvc.yaml
    3. Verify the creation of the PVC by running the following command:

      $ oc get pvc

      Example output

      etcd-backup-pvc   Bound                                                       51s


      Dynamic PVCs stay in the Pending state until they are mounted.

    4. Create a CR file named etcd-single-backup.yaml with contents such as the following example:

      apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: EtcdBackup
        name: etcd-single-backup
        namespace: openshift-etcd
        pvcName: etcd-backup-pvc 1
      The name of the PVC to save the backup to. Adjust this value according to your environment.
    5. Apply the CR to start a single backup:

      $ oc apply -f etcd-single-backup.yaml
  • If dynamically-provisioned storage is not available, complete the following steps to create a single automated etcd backup:

    1. Create a StorageClass CR file named etcd-backup-local-storage.yaml with the following contents:

      apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
      kind: StorageClass
        name: etcd-backup-local-storage
      provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
      volumeBindingMode: Immediate
    2. Apply the StorageClass CR by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f etcd-backup-local-storage.yaml
    3. Create a PV named etcd-backup-pv-fs.yaml with contents such as the following example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolume
        name: etcd-backup-pv-fs
          storage: 100Gi 1
        volumeMode: Filesystem
        - ReadWriteOnce
        persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
        storageClassName: etcd-backup-local-storage
          path: /mnt
            - matchExpressions:
            - key: kubernetes.io/hostname
               operator: In
               - <example_master_node> 2
      The amount of storage available to the PV. Adjust this value for your requirements.
      Replace this value with the node to attach this PV to.
    4. Verify the creation of the PV by running the following command:

      $ oc get pv

      Example output

      etcd-backup-pv-fs       100Gi      RWO            Retain           Available           etcd-backup-local-storage            10s

    5. Create a PVC named etcd-backup-pvc.yaml with contents such as the following example:

      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      apiVersion: v1
        name: etcd-backup-pvc
        namespace: openshift-etcd
        - ReadWriteOnce
        volumeMode: Filesystem
            storage: 10Gi 1
      The amount of storage available to the PVC. Adjust this value for your requirements.
    6. Apply the PVC by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f etcd-backup-pvc.yaml
    7. Create a CR file named etcd-single-backup.yaml with contents such as the following example:

      apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: EtcdBackup
        name: etcd-single-backup
        namespace: openshift-etcd
        pvcName: etcd-backup-pvc 1
      The name of the persistent volume claim (PVC) to save the backup to. Adjust this value according to your environment.
    8. Apply the CR to start a single backup:

      $ oc apply -f etcd-single-backup.yaml

Additional resources Checking the cluster health

You should check the cluster health often during the update. Check for the node status, cluster Operators status and failed pods.


  1. Check the status of the cluster Operators by running the following command:

    $ oc get co

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    authentication                             4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    baremetal                                  4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    cloud-controller-manager                   4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    cloud-credential                           4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    config-operator                            4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    console                                    4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    service-ca                                 4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    storage                                    4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h

  2. Check the status of the cluster nodes:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   4d22h   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   4d22h   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   4d22h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           4d22h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           4d22h   v1.27.15+6147456

  3. Check that there are no in-progress or failed pods. There should be no pods returned when you run the following command.

    $ oc get po -A | grep -E -iv 'running|complete'

17.1.6. Completing the Control Plane Only cluster update

Follow these steps to perform the Control Plane Only cluster update and monitor the update through to completion.


Control Plane Only updates were previously known as EUS-to-EUS updates. Control Plane Only updates are only viable between even-numbered minor versions of OpenShift Container Platform. Acknowledging the Control Plane Only or y-stream update

When you update to all versions from 4.11 and later, you must manually acknowledge that the update can continue.


Before you acknowledge the update, verify that there are no Kubernetes APIs in use that are removed in the version you are updating to. For example, in OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, there are no API removals. See "Kubernetes API removals" for more information.


  1. Run the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-config patch cm admin-acks --patch '{"data":{"ack-<update_version_from>-kube-<kube_api_version>-api-removals-in-<update_version_to>":"true"}}' --type=merge


    Is the cluster version you are moving from, for example, 4.14.
    Is kube API version, for example, 1.28.
    Is the cluster version you are moving to, for example, 4.15.


  • Verify the update. Run the following command:

    $ oc get configmap admin-acks -n openshift-config -o json | jq .data

    Example output

      "ack-4.14-kube-1.28-api-removals-in-4.15": "true",
      "ack-4.15-kube-1.29-api-removals-in-4.16": "true"


    In this example, the cluster is updated from version 4.14 to 4.15, and then from 4.15 to 4.16 in a Control Plane Only update.

Additional resources Starting the cluster update

When updating from one y-stream release to the next, you must ensure that the intermediate z-stream releases are also compatible.


You can verify that you are updating to a viable release by running the oc adm upgrade command. The oc adm upgrade command lists the compatible update releases.


  1. Start the update:

    $ oc adm upgrade --to=4.15.33
    • Control Plane Only update: Make sure you point to the interim <y+1> release path
    • Y-stream update - Make sure you use the correct <y.z> release that follows the Kubernetes version skew policy.
    • Z-stream update - Verify that there are no problems moving to that specific release

    Example output

    Requested update to 4.15.33 1

    The Requested update value changes depending on your particular update.

Additional resources Monitoring the cluster update

You should check the cluster health often during the update. Check for the node status, cluster Operators status and failed pods.


  • Monitor the cluster update. For example, to monitor the cluster update from version 4.14 to 4.15, run the following command:

    $ watch "oc get clusterversion; echo; oc get co | head -1; oc get co | grep 4.14; oc get co | grep 4.15; echo; oc get no; echo; oc get po -A | grep -E -iv 'running|complete'"

    Example output

    version   4.14.34   True        True          4m6s    Working towards 4.15.33: 111 of 873 done (12% complete), waiting on kube-apiserver
    authentication                 4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    baremetal                      4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    cloud-controller-manager       4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    cloud-credential               4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    cluster-autoscaler             4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    console                        4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    storage                        4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    config-operator                4.15.33   True        False         False      4d23h
    etcd                           4.15.33   True        False         False      4d23h
    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    NAMESPACE               NAME                       READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    openshift-marketplace   redhat-marketplace-rf86t   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          0s


During the update the watch command cycles through one or several of the cluster Operators at a time, providing a status of the Operator update in the MESSAGE column.

When the cluster Operators update process is complete, each control plane nodes is rebooted, one at a time.


During this part of the update, messages are reported that state cluster Operators are being updated again or are in a degraded state. This is because the control plane node is offline while it reboots nodes.

As soon as the last control plane node reboot is complete, the cluster version is displayed as updated.

When the control plane update is complete a message such as the following is displayed. This example shows an update completed to the intermediate y-stream release.

version   4.15.33   True        False         28m     Cluster version is 4.15.33

authentication               4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
baremetal                    4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
cloud-controller-manager     4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d1h
cloud-credential             4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d1h
cluster-autoscaler           4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
config-operator              4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
console                      4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d


service-ca                   4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
storage                      4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d

NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23
ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23
ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23
worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23
worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23 Updating the OLM Operators

In telco environments, software needs to vetted before it is loaded onto a production cluster. Production clusters are also configured in a disconnected network, which means that they are not always directly connected to the internet. Because the clusters are in a disconnected network, the OpenShift Operators are configured for manual update during installation so that new versions can be managed on a cluster-by-cluster basis. Perform the following procedure to move the Operators to the newer versions.


  1. Check to see which Operators need to be updated:

    $ oc get installplan -A | grep -E 'APPROVED|false'

    Example output

    NAMESPACE           NAME            CSV                                               APPROVAL   APPROVED
    metallb-system      install-nwjnh   metallb-operator.v4.16.0-202409202304             Manual     false
    openshift-nmstate   install-5r7wr   kubernetes-nmstate-operator.4.16.0-202409251605   Manual     false

  2. Patch the InstallPlan resources for those Operators:

    $ oc patch installplan -n metallb-system install-nwjnh --type merge --patch \

    Example output

    installplan.operators.coreos.com/install-nwjnh patched

  3. Monitor the namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc get all -n metallb-system

    Example output

    NAME                                                       READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/metallb-operator-controller-manager-69b5f884c-8bp22    0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
    pod/metallb-operator-controller-manager-77895bdb46-bqjdx   1/1     Running             0          4m1s
    pod/metallb-operator-webhook-server-5d9b968896-vnbhk       0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
    pod/metallb-operator-webhook-server-d76f9c6c8-57r4w        1/1     Running             0          4m1s
    NAME                                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-69b5f884c    1         1         0       4s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-77895bdb46   1         1         1       4m1s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-99b76f88     0         0         0       4m40s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-5d9b968896       1         1         0       4s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-6f7dbfdb88       0         0         0       4m40s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-d76f9c6c8        1         1         1       4m1s

    When the update is complete, the required pods should be in a Running state, and the required ReplicaSet resources should be ready:

    NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/metallb-operator-controller-manager-69b5f884c-8bp22   1/1     Running   0          25s
    pod/metallb-operator-webhook-server-5d9b968896-vnbhk      1/1     Running   0          25s
    NAME                                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-69b5f884c    1         1         1       25s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-77895bdb46   0         0         0       4m22s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-5d9b968896       1         1         1       25s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-d76f9c6c8        0         0         0       4m22s


  • Verify that the Operators do not need to be updated for a second time:

    $ oc get installplan -A | grep -E 'APPROVED|false'

    There should be no output returned.


    Sometimes you have to approve an update twice because some Operators have interim z-stream release versions that need to be installed before the final version.

Additional resources Performing the second y-stream update

After completing the first y-stream update, you must update the y-stream control plane version to the new EUS version.


  1. Verify that the <4.y.z> release that you selected is still listed as a good channel to move to:

    $ oc adm upgrade

    Example output

    Cluster version is 4.15.33
      Reason: AdminAckRequired
      Message: Kubernetes 1.29 and therefore OpenShift 4.16 remove several APIs which require admin consideration. Please see the knowledge article https://access.redhat.com/articles/7031404 for details and instructions.
    Upstream is unset, so the cluster will use an appropriate default.
    Channel: eus-4.16 (available channels: candidate-4.15, candidate-4.16, eus-4.16, fast-4.15, fast-4.16, stable-4.15, stable-4.16)
    Recommended updates:
      4.16.14     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:0521a0f1acd2d1b77f76259cb9bae9c743c60c37d9903806a3372c1414253658
      4.16.13     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:6078cb4ae197b5b0c526910363b8aff540343bfac62ecb1ead9e068d541da27b
      4.15.34     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:f2e0c593f6ed81250c11d0bac94dbaf63656223477b7e8693a652f933056af6e


    If you update soon after the initial GA of a new Y-stream release, you might not see new y-stream releases available when you run the oc adm upgrade command.

  2. Optional: View the potential update releases that are not recommended. Run the following command:

    $ oc adm upgrade --include-not-recommended

    Example output

    Cluster version is 4.15.33
      Reason: AdminAckRequired
      Message: Kubernetes 1.29 and therefore OpenShift 4.16 remove several APIs which require admin consideration. Please see the knowledge article https://access.redhat.com/articles/7031404 for details and instructions.
    Upstream is unset, so the cluster will use an appropriate default.Channel: eus-4.16 (available channels: candidate-4.15, candidate-4.16, eus-4.16, fast-4.15, fast-4.16, stable-4.15, stable-4.16)
    Recommended updates:
      4.16.14     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:0521a0f1acd2d1b77f76259cb9bae9c743c60c37d9903806a3372c1414253658
      4.16.13     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:6078cb4ae197b5b0c526910363b8aff540343bfac62ecb1ead9e068d541da27b
      4.15.34     quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:f2e0c593f6ed81250c11d0bac94dbaf63656223477b7e8693a652f933056af6e
    Supported but not recommended updates:
      Version: 4.16.15
      Image: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:671bc35e
      Recommended: Unknown
      Reason: EvaluationFailed
      Message: Exposure to AzureRegistryImagePreservation is unknown due to an evaluation failure: invalid PromQL result length must be one, but is 0
      In Azure clusters, the in-cluster image registry may fail to preserve images on update. https://issues.redhat.com/browse/IR-461


    The example shows a potential error that can affect clusters hosted in Microsoft Azure. It does not show risks for bare-metal clusters. Acknowledging the y-stream release update

When moving between y-stream releases, you must run a patch command to explicitly acknowledge the update. In the output of the oc adm upgrade command, a URL is provided that shows the specific command to run.


Before you acknowledge the update, verify that there are no Kubernetes APIs in use that are removed in the version you are updating to. For example, in OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, there are no API removals. See "Kubernetes API removals" for more information.


  1. Acknowledge the y-stream release upgrade by patching the admin-acks config map in the openshift-config namespace. For example, run the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-config patch cm admin-acks --patch '{"data":{"ack-4.15-kube-1.29-api-removals-in-4.16":"true"}}' --type=merge

    Example output

    configmap/admin-acks patched Starting the y-stream control plane update

After you have determined the full new release that you are moving to, you can run the oc adm upgrade –to=x.y.z command.


  • Start the y-stream control plane update. For example, run the following command:

    $ oc adm upgrade --to=4.16.14

    Example output

    Requested update to 4.16.14

    You might move to a z-stream release that has potential issues with platforms other than the one you are running on. The following example shows a potential problem for cluster updates on Microsoft Azure:

    $ oc adm upgrade --to=4.16.15

    Example output

    error: the update 4.16.15 is not one of the recommended updates, but is available as a conditional update. To accept the Recommended=Unknown risk and to proceed with update use --allow-not-recommended.
      Reason: EvaluationFailed
      Message: Exposure to AzureRegistryImagePreservation is unknown due to an evaluation failure: invalid PromQL result length must be one, but is 0
      In Azure clusters, the in-cluster image registry may fail to preserve images on update. https://issues.redhat.com/browse/IR-461


    The example shows a potential error that can affect clusters hosted in Microsoft Azure. It does not show risks for bare-metal clusters.

    $ oc adm upgrade --to=4.16.15 --allow-not-recommended

    Example output

    warning: with --allow-not-recommended you have accepted the risks with 4.14.11 and bypassed Recommended=Unknown EvaluationFailed: Exposure to AzureRegistryImagePreservation is unknown due to an evaluation failure: invalid PromQL result length must be one, but is 0
    In Azure clusters, the in-cluster image registry may fail to preserve images on update. https://issues.redhat.com/browse/IR-461
    Requested update to 4.16.15 Monitoring the second part of a <y+1> cluster update

Monitor the second part of the cluster update to the <y+1> version.


  • Monitor the progress of the second part of the <y+1> update. For example, to monitor the update from 4.15 to 4.16, run the following command:

    $ watch "oc get clusterversion; echo; oc get co | head -1; oc get co | grep 4.15; oc get co | grep 4.16; echo; oc get no; echo; oc get po -A | grep -E -iv 'running|complete'"

    Example output

    version   4.15.33   True        True          10m     Working towards 4.16.14: 132 of 903 done (14% complete), waiting on kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler
    authentication               4.15.33   True        False         False      5d3h
    baremetal                    4.15.33   True        False         False      5d4h
    cloud-controller-manager     4.15.33   True        False         False      5d4h
    cloud-credential             4.15.33   True        False         False      5d4h
    cluster-autoscaler           4.15.33   True        False         False      5d4h
    console                      4.15.33   True        False         False      5d3h
    config-operator              4.16.14   True        False         False      5d4h
    etcd                         4.16.14   True        False         False      5d4h
    kube-apiserver               4.16.14   True        True          False      5d4h    NodeInstallerProgressing: 1 node is at revision 15; 2 nodes are at revision 17
    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d4h   v1.28.13+2ca1a23
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d4h   v1.28.13+2ca1a23
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d4h   v1.28.13+2ca1a23
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d4h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d4h   v1.27.15+6147456
    NAMESPACE                                          NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS       AGE
    openshift-kube-apiserver                           kube-apiserver-ctrl-plane-0                                       0/5     Pending     0              <invalid>

    As soon as the last control plane node is complete, the cluster version is updated to the new EUS release. For example:

    version   4.16.14   True        False         123m    Cluster version is 4.16.14
    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    authentication                             4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d6h
    baremetal                                  4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d7h
    cloud-controller-manager                   4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d7h
    cloud-credential                           4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d7h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d7h
    config-operator                            4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d7h
    console                                    4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d6h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d7h
    service-ca                                 4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d7h
    storage                                    4.16.14   True        False         False	  5d7h
    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d7h    v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d7h    v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d7h    v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d7h    v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d7h    v1.27.15+6147456

Additional resources Updating all the OLM Operators

In the second phase of a multi-version upgrade, you must approve all of the Operators and additionally add installations plans for any other Operators that you want to upgrade.

Follow the same procedure as outlined in "Updating the OLM Operators". Ensure that you also update any non-OLM Operators as required.


  1. Monitor the cluster update. For example, to monitor the cluster update from version 4.14 to 4.15, run the following command:

    $ watch "oc get clusterversion; echo; oc get co | head -1; oc get co | grep 4.14; oc get co | grep 4.15; echo; oc get no; echo; oc get po -A | grep -E -iv 'running|complete'"
  2. Check to see which Operators need to be updated:

    $ oc get installplan -A | grep -E 'APPROVED|false'
  3. Patch the InstallPlan resources for those Operators:

    $ oc patch installplan -n metallb-system install-nwjnh --type merge --patch \
  4. Monitor the namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc get all -n metallb-system

    When the update is complete, the required pods should be in a Running state, and the required ReplicaSet resources should be ready.


During the update the watch command cycles through one or several of the cluster Operators at a time, providing a status of the Operator update in the MESSAGE column.

When the cluster Operators update process is complete, each control plane nodes is rebooted, one at a time.


During this part of the update, messages are reported that state cluster Operators are being updated again or are in a degraded state. This is because the control plane node is offline while it reboots nodes. Updating the worker nodes

You upgrade the worker nodes after you have updated the control plane by unpausing the relevant mcp groups you created. Unpausing the mcp group starts the upgrade process for the worker nodes in that group. Each of the worker nodes in the cluster reboot to upgrade to the new EUS, y-stream or z-stream version as required.

In the case of Control Plane Only upgrades note that when a worker node is updated it will only require one reboot and will jump <y+2>-release versions. This is a feature that was added to decrease the amount of time that it takes to upgrade large bare-metal clusters.


This is a potential holding point. You can have a cluster version that is fully supported to run in production with the control plane that is updated to a new EUS release while the worker nodes are at a <y-2>-release. This allows large clusters to upgrade in steps across several maintenance windows.

  1. You can check how many nodes are managed in an mcp group. Run the following command to get the list of mcp groups:

    $ oc get mcp

    Example output

    master   rendered-master-c9a52144456dbff9c9af9c5a37d1b614   True      False      False      3              3                   3                     0                      36d
    mcp-1    rendered-mcp-1-07fe50b9ad51fae43ed212e84e1dcc8e    False     False      False      1              0                   0                     0                      47h
    mcp-2    rendered-mcp-2-07fe50b9ad51fae43ed212e84e1dcc8e    False     False      False      1              0                   0                     0                      47h
    worker   rendered-worker-f1ab7b9a768e1b0ac9290a18817f60f0   True      False      False      0              0                   0                     0                      36d


    You decide how many mcp groups to upgrade at a time. This depends on how many CNF pods can be taken down at a time and how your pod disruption budget and anti-affinity settings are configured.

  2. Get the list of nodes in the cluster:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456

  3. Confirm the MachineConfigPool groups that are paused:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   true
    mcp-2   true


    Each MachineConfigPool can be unpaused independently. Therefore, if a maintenance window runs out of time other MCPs do not need to be unpaused immediately. The cluster is supported to run with some worker nodes still at <y-2>-release version.

  4. Unpause the required mcp group to begin the upgrade:

    $ oc patch mcp/mcp-1 --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"paused":false}}'

    Example output

    machineconfigpool.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/mcp-1 patched

  5. Confirm that the required mcp group is unpaused:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   false
    mcp-2   true

  6. As each mcp group is upgraded, continue to unpause and upgrade the remaining nodes.

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS                        ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready                         mcp-1,worker           5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-1       NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   mcp-2,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456 Verifying the health of the newly updated cluster

Run the following commands after updating the cluster to verify that the cluster is back up and running.


  1. Check the cluster version by running the following command:

    $ oc get clusterversion

    Example output

    version   4.16.14   True        False         4h38m   Cluster version is 4.16.14

    This should return the new cluster version and the PROGRESSING column should return False.

  2. Check that all nodes are ready:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d

    All nodes in the cluster should be in a Ready status and running the same version.

  3. Check that there are no paused mcp resources in the cluster:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   false
    mcp-2   false

  4. Check that all cluster Operators are available:

    $ oc get co

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    authentication                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    baremetal                                  4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    cloud-controller-manager                   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d10h
    cloud-credential                           4.16.14   True        False         False      5d10h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    config-operator                            4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    console                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    control-plane-machine-set                  4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    csi-snapshot-controller                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    dns                                        4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    etcd                                       4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    image-registry                             4.16.14   True        False         False      85m
    ingress                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    insights                                   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-apiserver                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-controller-manager                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-scheduler                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-storage-version-migrator              4.16.14   True        False         False      4h48m
    machine-api                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    machine-approver                           4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    machine-config                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    marketplace                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    monitoring                                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    network                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    node-tuning                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d7h
    openshift-apiserver                        4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    openshift-controller-manager               4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    openshift-samples                          4.16.14   True        False         False      5h24m
    operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    service-ca                                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    storage                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h

    All cluster Operators should report True in the AVAILABLE column.

  5. Check that all pods are healthy:

    $ oc get po -A | grep -E -iv 'complete|running'

    This should not return any pods.


    You might see a few pods still moving after the update. Watch this for a while to make sure all pods are cleared.

17.1.7. Completing the y-stream cluster update

Follow these steps to perform the y-stream cluster update and monitor the update through to completion. Completing a y-stream update is more straightforward than a Control Plane Only update. Acknowledging the Control Plane Only or y-stream update

When you update to all versions from 4.11 and later, you must manually acknowledge that the update can continue.


Before you acknowledge the update, verify that there are no Kubernetes APIs in use that are removed in the version you are updating to. For example, in OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, there are no API removals. See "Kubernetes API removals" for more information.


  1. Run the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-config patch cm admin-acks --patch '{"data":{"ack-<update_version_from>-kube-<kube_api_version>-api-removals-in-<update_version_to>":"true"}}' --type=merge


    Is the cluster version you are moving from, for example, 4.14.
    Is kube API version, for example, 1.28.
    Is the cluster version you are moving to, for example, 4.15.


  • Verify the update. Run the following command:

    $ oc get configmap admin-acks -n openshift-config -o json | jq .data

    Example output

      "ack-4.14-kube-1.28-api-removals-in-4.15": "true",
      "ack-4.15-kube-1.29-api-removals-in-4.16": "true"


    In this example, the cluster is updated from version 4.14 to 4.15, and then from 4.15 to 4.16 in a Control Plane Only update.

Additional resources Starting the cluster update

When updating from one y-stream release to the next, you must ensure that the intermediate z-stream releases are also compatible.


You can verify that you are updating to a viable release by running the oc adm upgrade command. The oc adm upgrade command lists the compatible update releases.


  1. Start the update:

    $ oc adm upgrade --to=4.15.33
    • Control Plane Only update: Make sure you point to the interim <y+1> release path
    • Y-stream update - Make sure you use the correct <y.z> release that follows the Kubernetes version skew policy.
    • Z-stream update - Verify that there are no problems moving to that specific release

    Example output

    Requested update to 4.15.33 1

    The Requested update value changes depending on your particular update.

Additional resources Monitoring the cluster update

You should check the cluster health often during the update. Check for the node status, cluster Operators status and failed pods.


  • Monitor the cluster update. For example, to monitor the cluster update from version 4.14 to 4.15, run the following command:

    $ watch "oc get clusterversion; echo; oc get co | head -1; oc get co | grep 4.14; oc get co | grep 4.15; echo; oc get no; echo; oc get po -A | grep -E -iv 'running|complete'"

    Example output

    version   4.14.34   True        True          4m6s    Working towards 4.15.33: 111 of 873 done (12% complete), waiting on kube-apiserver
    authentication                 4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    baremetal                      4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    cloud-controller-manager       4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    cloud-credential               4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    cluster-autoscaler             4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    console                        4.14.34   True        False         False      4d22h
    storage                        4.14.34   True        False         False      4d23h
    config-operator                4.15.33   True        False         False      4d23h
    etcd                           4.15.33   True        False         False      4d23h
    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           4d23h   v1.27.15+6147456
    NAMESPACE               NAME                       READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    openshift-marketplace   redhat-marketplace-rf86t   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          0s


During the update the watch command cycles through one or several of the cluster Operators at a time, providing a status of the Operator update in the MESSAGE column.

When the cluster Operators update process is complete, each control plane nodes is rebooted, one at a time.


During this part of the update, messages are reported that state cluster Operators are being updated again or are in a degraded state. This is because the control plane node is offline while it reboots nodes.

As soon as the last control plane node reboot is complete, the cluster version is displayed as updated.

When the control plane update is complete a message such as the following is displayed. This example shows an update completed to the intermediate y-stream release.

version   4.15.33   True        False         28m     Cluster version is 4.15.33

authentication               4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
baremetal                    4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
cloud-controller-manager     4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d1h
cloud-credential             4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d1h
cluster-autoscaler           4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
config-operator              4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
console                      4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d


service-ca                   4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d
storage                      4.15.33   True        False         False	  5d

NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23
ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23
ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23
worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23
worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d    v1.28.13+2ca1a23 Updating the OLM Operators

In telco environments, software needs to vetted before it is loaded onto a production cluster. Production clusters are also configured in a disconnected network, which means that they are not always directly connected to the internet. Because the clusters are in a disconnected network, the OpenShift Operators are configured for manual update during installation so that new versions can be managed on a cluster-by-cluster basis. Perform the following procedure to move the Operators to the newer versions.


  1. Check to see which Operators need to be updated:

    $ oc get installplan -A | grep -E 'APPROVED|false'

    Example output

    NAMESPACE           NAME            CSV                                               APPROVAL   APPROVED
    metallb-system      install-nwjnh   metallb-operator.v4.16.0-202409202304             Manual     false
    openshift-nmstate   install-5r7wr   kubernetes-nmstate-operator.4.16.0-202409251605   Manual     false

  2. Patch the InstallPlan resources for those Operators:

    $ oc patch installplan -n metallb-system install-nwjnh --type merge --patch \

    Example output

    installplan.operators.coreos.com/install-nwjnh patched

  3. Monitor the namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc get all -n metallb-system

    Example output

    NAME                                                       READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/metallb-operator-controller-manager-69b5f884c-8bp22    0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
    pod/metallb-operator-controller-manager-77895bdb46-bqjdx   1/1     Running             0          4m1s
    pod/metallb-operator-webhook-server-5d9b968896-vnbhk       0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
    pod/metallb-operator-webhook-server-d76f9c6c8-57r4w        1/1     Running             0          4m1s
    NAME                                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-69b5f884c    1         1         0       4s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-77895bdb46   1         1         1       4m1s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-99b76f88     0         0         0       4m40s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-5d9b968896       1         1         0       4s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-6f7dbfdb88       0         0         0       4m40s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-d76f9c6c8        1         1         1       4m1s

    When the update is complete, the required pods should be in a Running state, and the required ReplicaSet resources should be ready:

    NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/metallb-operator-controller-manager-69b5f884c-8bp22   1/1     Running   0          25s
    pod/metallb-operator-webhook-server-5d9b968896-vnbhk      1/1     Running   0          25s
    NAME                                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-69b5f884c    1         1         1       25s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-controller-manager-77895bdb46   0         0         0       4m22s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-5d9b968896       1         1         1       25s
    replicaset.apps/metallb-operator-webhook-server-d76f9c6c8        0         0         0       4m22s


  • Verify that the Operators do not need to be updated for a second time:

    $ oc get installplan -A | grep -E 'APPROVED|false'

    There should be no output returned.


    Sometimes you have to approve an update twice because some Operators have interim z-stream release versions that need to be installed before the final version.

Additional resources Updating the worker nodes

You upgrade the worker nodes after you have updated the control plane by unpausing the relevant mcp groups you created. Unpausing the mcp group starts the upgrade process for the worker nodes in that group. Each of the worker nodes in the cluster reboot to upgrade to the new EUS, y-stream or z-stream version as required.

In the case of Control Plane Only upgrades note that when a worker node is updated it will only require one reboot and will jump <y+2>-release versions. This is a feature that was added to decrease the amount of time that it takes to upgrade large bare-metal clusters.


This is a potential holding point. You can have a cluster version that is fully supported to run in production with the control plane that is updated to a new EUS release while the worker nodes are at a <y-2>-release. This allows large clusters to upgrade in steps across several maintenance windows.

  1. You can check how many nodes are managed in an mcp group. Run the following command to get the list of mcp groups:

    $ oc get mcp

    Example output

    master   rendered-master-c9a52144456dbff9c9af9c5a37d1b614   True      False      False      3              3                   3                     0                      36d
    mcp-1    rendered-mcp-1-07fe50b9ad51fae43ed212e84e1dcc8e    False     False      False      1              0                   0                     0                      47h
    mcp-2    rendered-mcp-2-07fe50b9ad51fae43ed212e84e1dcc8e    False     False      False      1              0                   0                     0                      47h
    worker   rendered-worker-f1ab7b9a768e1b0ac9290a18817f60f0   True      False      False      0              0                   0                     0                      36d


    You decide how many mcp groups to upgrade at a time. This depends on how many CNF pods can be taken down at a time and how your pod disruption budget and anti-affinity settings are configured.

  2. Get the list of nodes in the cluster:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456

  3. Confirm the MachineConfigPool groups that are paused:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   true
    mcp-2   true


    Each MachineConfigPool can be unpaused independently. Therefore, if a maintenance window runs out of time other MCPs do not need to be unpaused immediately. The cluster is supported to run with some worker nodes still at <y-2>-release version.

  4. Unpause the required mcp group to begin the upgrade:

    $ oc patch mcp/mcp-1 --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"paused":false}}'

    Example output

    machineconfigpool.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/mcp-1 patched

  5. Confirm that the required mcp group is unpaused:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   false
    mcp-2   true

  6. As each mcp group is upgraded, continue to unpause and upgrade the remaining nodes.

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS                        ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready                         mcp-1,worker           5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-1       NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   mcp-2,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456 Verifying the health of the newly updated cluster

Run the following commands after updating the cluster to verify that the cluster is back up and running.


  1. Check the cluster version by running the following command:

    $ oc get clusterversion

    Example output

    version   4.16.14   True        False         4h38m   Cluster version is 4.16.14

    This should return the new cluster version and the PROGRESSING column should return False.

  2. Check that all nodes are ready:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d

    All nodes in the cluster should be in a Ready status and running the same version.

  3. Check that there are no paused mcp resources in the cluster:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   false
    mcp-2   false

  4. Check that all cluster Operators are available:

    $ oc get co

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    authentication                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    baremetal                                  4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    cloud-controller-manager                   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d10h
    cloud-credential                           4.16.14   True        False         False      5d10h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    config-operator                            4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    console                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    control-plane-machine-set                  4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    csi-snapshot-controller                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    dns                                        4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    etcd                                       4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    image-registry                             4.16.14   True        False         False      85m
    ingress                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    insights                                   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-apiserver                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-controller-manager                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-scheduler                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-storage-version-migrator              4.16.14   True        False         False      4h48m
    machine-api                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    machine-approver                           4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    machine-config                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    marketplace                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    monitoring                                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    network                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    node-tuning                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d7h
    openshift-apiserver                        4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    openshift-controller-manager               4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    openshift-samples                          4.16.14   True        False         False      5h24m
    operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    service-ca                                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    storage                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h

    All cluster Operators should report True in the AVAILABLE column.

  5. Check that all pods are healthy:

    $ oc get po -A | grep -E -iv 'complete|running'

    This should not return any pods.


    You might see a few pods still moving after the update. Watch this for a while to make sure all pods are cleared.

17.1.8. Completing the z-stream cluster update

Follow these steps to perform the z-stream cluster update and monitor the update through to completion. Completing a z-stream update is more straightforward than a Control Plane Only or y-stream update. Starting the cluster update

When updating from one y-stream release to the next, you must ensure that the intermediate z-stream releases are also compatible.


You can verify that you are updating to a viable release by running the oc adm upgrade command. The oc adm upgrade command lists the compatible update releases.


  1. Start the update:

    $ oc adm upgrade --to=4.15.33
    • Control Plane Only update: Make sure you point to the interim <y+1> release path
    • Y-stream update - Make sure you use the correct <y.z> release that follows the Kubernetes version skew policy.
    • Z-stream update - Verify that there are no problems moving to that specific release

    Example output

    Requested update to 4.15.33 1

    The Requested update value changes depending on your particular update.

Additional resources Updating the worker nodes

You upgrade the worker nodes after you have updated the control plane by unpausing the relevant mcp groups you created. Unpausing the mcp group starts the upgrade process for the worker nodes in that group. Each of the worker nodes in the cluster reboot to upgrade to the new EUS, y-stream or z-stream version as required.

In the case of Control Plane Only upgrades note that when a worker node is updated it will only require one reboot and will jump <y+2>-release versions. This is a feature that was added to decrease the amount of time that it takes to upgrade large bare-metal clusters.


This is a potential holding point. You can have a cluster version that is fully supported to run in production with the control plane that is updated to a new EUS release while the worker nodes are at a <y-2>-release. This allows large clusters to upgrade in steps across several maintenance windows.

  1. You can check how many nodes are managed in an mcp group. Run the following command to get the list of mcp groups:

    $ oc get mcp

    Example output

    master   rendered-master-c9a52144456dbff9c9af9c5a37d1b614   True      False      False      3              3                   3                     0                      36d
    mcp-1    rendered-mcp-1-07fe50b9ad51fae43ed212e84e1dcc8e    False     False      False      1              0                   0                     0                      47h
    mcp-2    rendered-mcp-2-07fe50b9ad51fae43ed212e84e1dcc8e    False     False      False      1              0                   0                     0                      47h
    worker   rendered-worker-f1ab7b9a768e1b0ac9290a18817f60f0   True      False      False      0              0                   0                     0                      36d


    You decide how many mcp groups to upgrade at a time. This depends on how many CNF pods can be taken down at a time and how your pod disruption budget and anti-affinity settings are configured.

  2. Get the list of nodes in the cluster:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456

  3. Confirm the MachineConfigPool groups that are paused:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   true
    mcp-2   true


    Each MachineConfigPool can be unpaused independently. Therefore, if a maintenance window runs out of time other MCPs do not need to be unpaused immediately. The cluster is supported to run with some worker nodes still at <y-2>-release version.

  4. Unpause the required mcp group to begin the upgrade:

    $ oc patch mcp/mcp-1 --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"paused":false}}'

    Example output

    machineconfigpool.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/mcp-1 patched

  5. Confirm that the required mcp group is unpaused:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   false
    mcp-2   true

  6. As each mcp group is upgraded, continue to unpause and upgrade the remaining nodes.

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS                        ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready                         control-plane,master   5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready                         mcp-1,worker           5d8h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-1       NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   mcp-2,worker           5d8h   v1.27.15+6147456 Verifying the health of the newly updated cluster

Run the following commands after updating the cluster to verify that the cluster is back up and running.


  1. Check the cluster version by running the following command:

    $ oc get clusterversion

    Example output

    version   4.16.14   True        False         4h38m   Cluster version is 4.16.14

    This should return the new cluster version and the PROGRESSING column should return False.

  2. Check that all nodes are ready:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
    ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-0       Ready    mcp-1,worker           5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d
    worker-1       Ready    mcp-2,worker           5d9h   v1.29.8+f10c92d

    All nodes in the cluster should be in a Ready status and running the same version.

  3. Check that there are no paused mcp resources in the cluster:

    $ oc get mcp -o json | jq -r '["MCP","Paused"], ["---","------"], (.items[] | [(.metadata.name), (.spec.paused)]) | @tsv' | grep -v worker

    Example output

    MCP     Paused
    ---     ------
    master  false
    mcp-1   false
    mcp-2   false

  4. Check that all cluster Operators are available:

    $ oc get co

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    authentication                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    baremetal                                  4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    cloud-controller-manager                   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d10h
    cloud-credential                           4.16.14   True        False         False      5d10h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    config-operator                            4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    console                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    control-plane-machine-set                  4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    csi-snapshot-controller                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    dns                                        4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    etcd                                       4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    image-registry                             4.16.14   True        False         False      85m
    ingress                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    insights                                   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-apiserver                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-controller-manager                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-scheduler                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    kube-storage-version-migrator              4.16.14   True        False         False      4h48m
    machine-api                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    machine-approver                           4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    machine-config                             4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    marketplace                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    monitoring                                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    network                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    node-tuning                                4.16.14   True        False         False      5d7h
    openshift-apiserver                        4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    openshift-controller-manager               4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    openshift-samples                          4.16.14   True        False         False      5h24m
    operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    service-ca                                 4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h
    storage                                    4.16.14   True        False         False      5d9h

    All cluster Operators should report True in the AVAILABLE column.

  5. Check that all pods are healthy:

    $ oc get po -A | grep -E -iv 'complete|running'

    This should not return any pods.


    You might see a few pods still moving after the update. Watch this for a while to make sure all pods are cleared.

17.2. Troubleshooting and maintaining telco core CNF clusters

17.2.1. Troubleshooting and maintaining telco core CNF clusters

Troubleshooting and maintenance are weekly tasks that can be a challenge if you do not have the tools to reach your goal, whether you want to update a component or investigate an issue. Part of the challenge is knowing where and how to search for tools and answers.

To maintain and troubleshoot a bare-metal environment where high-bandwidth network throughput is required, see the following procedures.


This troubleshooting information is not a reference for configuring OpenShift Container Platform or developing Cloud-native Network Function (CNF) applications.

For information about developing CNF applications for telco, see Red Hat Best Practices for Kubernetes. Cloud-native Network Functions

If you are starting to use OpenShift Container Platform for telecommunications Cloud-native Network Function (CNF) applications, learning about CNFs can help you understand the issues that you might encounter.

To learn more about CNFs and their evolution, see VNF and CNF, what’s the difference?. Getting Support

If you experience difficulty with a procedure, visit the Red Hat Customer Portal. From the Customer Portal, you can find help in various ways:

  • Search or browse through the Red Hat Knowledgebase of articles and solutions about Red Hat products.
  • Submit a support case to Red Hat Support.
  • Access other product documentation.

To identify issues with your deployment, you can use the debugging tool or check the health endpoint of your deployment. After you have debugged or obtained health information about your deployment, you can search the Red Hat Knowledgebase for a solution or file a support ticket. About the Red Hat Knowledgebase

The Red Hat Knowledgebase provides rich content aimed at helping you make the most of Red Hat’s products and technologies. The Red Hat Knowledgebase consists of articles, product documentation, and videos outlining best practices on installing, configuring, and using Red Hat products. In addition, you can search for solutions to known issues, each providing concise root cause descriptions and remedial steps. Searching the Red Hat Knowledgebase

In the event of an OpenShift Container Platform issue, you can perform an initial search to determine if a solution already exists within the Red Hat Knowledgebase.


  • You have a Red Hat Customer Portal account.


  1. Log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Click Search.
  3. In the search field, input keywords and strings relating to the problem, including:

    • OpenShift Container Platform components (such as etcd)
    • Related procedure (such as installation)
    • Warnings, error messages, and other outputs related to explicit failures
  4. Click the Enter key.
  5. Optional: Select the OpenShift Container Platform product filter.
  6. Optional: Select the Documentation content type filter. Submitting a support case


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have a Red Hat Customer Portal account.
  • You have a Red Hat Standard or Premium subscription.


  1. Log in to the Customer Support page of the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Click Get support.
  3. On the Cases tab of the Customer Support page:

    1. Optional: Change the pre-filled account and owner details if needed.
    2. Select the appropriate category for your issue, such as Bug or Defect, and click Continue.
  4. Enter the following information:

    1. In the Summary field, enter a concise but descriptive problem summary and further details about the symptoms being experienced, as well as your expectations.
    2. Select OpenShift Container Platform from the Product drop-down menu.
    3. Select 4.17 from the Version drop-down.
  5. Review the list of suggested Red Hat Knowledgebase solutions for a potential match against the problem that is being reported. If the suggested articles do not address the issue, click Continue.
  6. Review the updated list of suggested Red Hat Knowledgebase solutions for a potential match against the problem that is being reported. The list is refined as you provide more information during the case creation process. If the suggested articles do not address the issue, click Continue.
  7. Ensure that the account information presented is as expected, and if not, amend accordingly.
  8. Check that the autofilled OpenShift Container Platform Cluster ID is correct. If it is not, manually obtain your cluster ID.

    • To manually obtain your cluster ID using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Navigate to HomeOverview.
      2. Find the value in the Cluster ID field of the Details section.
    • Alternatively, it is possible to open a new support case through the OpenShift Container Platform web console and have your cluster ID autofilled.

      1. From the toolbar, navigate to (?) HelpOpen Support Case.
      2. The Cluster ID value is autofilled.
    • To obtain your cluster ID using the OpenShift CLI (oc), run the following command:

      $ oc get clusterversion -o jsonpath='{.items[].spec.clusterID}{"\n"}'
  9. Complete the following questions where prompted and then click Continue:

    • What are you experiencing? What are you expecting to happen?
    • Define the value or impact to you or the business.
    • Where are you experiencing this behavior? What environment?
    • When does this behavior occur? Frequency? Repeatedly? At certain times?
  10. Upload relevant diagnostic data files and click Continue. It is recommended to include data gathered using the oc adm must-gather command as a starting point, plus any issue specific data that is not collected by that command.
  11. Input relevant case management details and click Continue.
  12. Preview the case details and click Submit.

17.2.2. General troubleshooting

When you encounter a problem, the first step is to find the specific area where the issue is happening. To narrow down the potential problematic areas, complete one or more tasks:

  • Query your cluster
  • Check your pod logs
  • Debug a pod
  • Review events Querying your cluster

Get information about your cluster so that you can more accurately find potential problems.


  1. Switch into a project by running the following command:

    $ oc project <project_name>
  2. Query your cluster version, cluster Operator, and node within that namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc get clusterversion,clusteroperator,node

    Example output

    NAME                                         VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   SINCE   STATUS
    clusterversion.config.openshift.io/version   4.16.11   True        False         62d     Cluster version is 4.16.11
    NAME                                                                           VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/authentication                             4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/baremetal                                  4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/cloud-controller-manager                   4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/cloud-credential                           4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/cluster-autoscaler                         4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/config-operator                            4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/console                                    4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/control-plane-machine-set                  4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/csi-snapshot-controller                    4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/dns                                        4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/etcd                                       4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/image-registry                             4.16.11   True        False         False      55d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/ingress                                    4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/insights                                   4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/kube-apiserver                             4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/kube-controller-manager                    4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/kube-scheduler                             4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/kube-storage-version-migrator              4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/machine-api                                4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/machine-approver                           4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/machine-config                             4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/marketplace                                4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/monitoring                                 4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/network                                    4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/node-tuning                                4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/openshift-apiserver                        4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/openshift-controller-manager               4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/openshift-samples                          4.16.11   True        False         False      35d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/service-ca                                 4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/storage                                    4.16.11   True        False         False      62d
    NAME                STATUS   ROLES                         AGE   VERSION
    node/ctrl-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master,worker   62d   v1.29.7
    node/ctrl-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master,worker   62d   v1.29.7
    node/ctrl-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master,worker   62d   v1.29.7

For more information, see "oc get" and "Reviewing pod status".

Additional resources Checking pod logs

Get logs from the pod so that you can review the logs for issues.


  1. List the pods by running the following command:

    $ oc get pod

    Example output

    NAME        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS          AGE
    busybox-1   1/1     Running   168 (34m ago)     7d
    busybox-2   1/1     Running   119 (9m20s ago)   4d23h
    busybox-3   1/1     Running   168 (43m ago)     7d
    busybox-4   1/1     Running   168 (43m ago)     7d

  2. Check pod log files by running the following command:

    $ oc logs -n <namespace> busybox-1

For more information, see "oc logs", "Logging", and "Inspecting pod and container logs". Describing a pod

Describing a pod gives you information about that pod to help with troubleshooting. The Events section provides detailed information about the pod and the containers inside of it.


  • Describe a pod by running the following command:

    $ oc describe pod -n <namespace> busybox-1

    Example output

    Name:             busybox-1
    Namespace:        busy
    Priority:         0
    Service Account:  default
    Node:             worker-3/
    Start Time:       Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:41:25 -0500
    Labels:           app=busybox
    Annotations:      k8s.ovn.org/pod-networks:
      Type    Reason   Age                   From     Message
      ----    ------   ----                  ----     -------
      Normal  Pulled   41m (x170 over 7d1h)  kubelet  Container image "quay.io/quay/busybox:latest" already present on machine
      Normal  Created  41m (x170 over 7d1h)  kubelet  Created container busybox
      Normal  Started  41m (x170 over 7d1h)  kubelet  Started container busybox

For more information, see "oc describe".

Additional resources Reviewing events

You can review the events in a given namespace to find potential issues.


  1. Check for events in your namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc get events -n <namespace> --sort-by=".metadata.creationTimestamp" 1
    Adding the --sort-by=".metadata.creationTimestamp" flag places the most recent events at the end of the output.
  2. Optional: If the events within your specified namespace do not provide enough information, expand your query to all namespaces by running the following command:

    $ oc get events -A --sort-by=".metadata.creationTimestamp" 1
    The --sort-by=".metadata.creationTimestamp" flag places the most recent events at the end of the output.

    To filter the results of all events from a cluster, you can use the grep command. For example, if you are looking for errors, the errors can appear in two different sections of the output: the TYPE or MESSAGE sections. With the grep command, you can search for keywords, such as error or failed.

  3. For example, search for a message that contains warning or error by running the following command:

    $ oc get events -A | grep -Ei "warning|error"

    Example output

    NAMESPACE    LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON          OBJECT              MESSAGE
    openshift    59s         Warning   FailedMount     pod/openshift-1     MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "v4-0-config-user-idp-0-file-data" : references non-existent secret key: test

  4. Optional: To clean up the events and see only recurring events, you can delete the events in the relevant namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc delete events -n <namespace> --all

For more information, see "Watching cluster events".

Additional resources Connecting to a pod

You can directly connect to a currently running pod with the oc rsh command, which provides you with a shell on that pod.


In pods that run a low-latency application, latency issues can occur when you run the oc rsh command. Use the oc rsh command only if you cannot connect to the node by using the oc debug command.


  • Connect to your pod by running the following command:

    $ oc rsh -n <namespace> busybox-1

For more information, see "oc rsh" and "Accessing running pods".

Additional resources Debugging a pod

In certain cases, you do not want to directly interact with your pod that is in production.

To avoid interfering with running traffic, you can use a secondary pod that is a copy of your original pod. The secondary pod uses the same components as that of the original pod but does not have running traffic.


  1. List the pods by running the following command:

    $ oc get pod

    Example output

    NAME        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS          AGE
    busybox-1   1/1     Running   168 (34m ago)     7d
    busybox-2   1/1     Running   119 (9m20s ago)   4d23h
    busybox-3   1/1     Running   168 (43m ago)     7d
    busybox-4   1/1     Running   168 (43m ago)     7d

  2. Debug a pod by running the following command:

    $ oc debug -n <namespace> busybox-1

    Example output

    Starting pod/busybox-1-debug, command was: sleep 3600
    Pod IP:

    If you do not see a shell prompt, press Enter.

For more information, see "oc debug" and "Starting debug pods with root access". Running a command on a pod

If you want to run a command or set of commands on a pod without directly logging into it, you can use the oc exec -it command. You can interact with the pod quickly to get process or output information from the pod. A common use case is to run the oc exec -it command inside a script to run the same command on multiple pods in a replica set or deployment.


In pods that run a low-latency application, the oc exec command can cause latency issues.


  • To run a command on a pod without logging into it, run the following command:

    $ oc exec -it <pod> -- <command>

For more information, see "oc exec" and "Executing remote commands in containers".

17.2.3. Cluster maintenance

In telco networks, you must pay more attention to certain configurations due the nature of bare-metal deployments. You can troubleshoot more effectively by completing these tasks:

  • Monitor for failed or failing hardware components
  • Periodically check the status of the cluster Operators

For hardware monitoring, contact your hardware vendor to find the appropriate logging tool for your specific hardware. Checking cluster Operators

Periodically check the status of your cluster Operators to find issues early.


  • Check the status of the cluster Operators by running the following command:

    $ oc get co Watching for failed pods

To reduce troubleshooting time, regularly monitor for failed pods in your cluster.


  • To watch for failed pods, run the following command:

    $ oc get po -A | grep -Eiv 'complete|running'

17.2.4. Security

Implementing a robust cluster security profile is important for building resilient telco networks. Authentication

Determine which identity providers are in your cluster. For more information about supported identity providers, see "Supported identity providers" in Authentication and authorization.

After you know which providers are configured, you can inspect the openshift-authentication namespace to determine if there are potential issues.


  1. Check the events in the openshift-authentication namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc get events -n openshift-authentication --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp'
  2. Check the pods in the openshift-authentication namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc get pod -n openshift-authentication
  3. Optional: If you need more information, check the logs of one of the running pods by running the following command:

    $ oc logs -n openshift-authentication <pod_name>

Additional resources

17.2.5. Certificate maintenance

Certificate maintenance is required for continuous cluster authentication. As a cluster administrator, you must manually renew certain certificates, while others are automatically renewed by the cluster.

Learn about certificates in OpenShift Container Platform and how to maintain them by using the following resources: Certificates manually managed by the administrator

The following certificates must be renewed by a cluster administrator:

  • Proxy certificates
  • User-provisioned certificates for the API server Managing proxy certificates

Proxy certificates allow users to specify one or more custom certificate authority (CA) certificates that are used by platform components when making egress connections.


Certain CAs set expiration dates and you might need to renew these certificates every two years.

If you did not originally set the requested certificates, you can determine the certificate expiration in several ways. Most Cloud-native Network Functions (CNFs) use certificates that are not specifically designed for browser-based connectivity. Therefore, you need to pull the certificate from the ConfigMap object of your deployment.


  • To get the expiration date, run the following command against the certificate file:

    $ openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in <cert_file_name>.pem

For more information about determining how and when to renew your proxy certificates, see "Proxy certificates" in Security and compliance.

Additional resources User-provisioned API server certificates

The API server is accessible by clients that are external to the cluster at api.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>. You might want clients to access the API server at a different hostname or without the need to distribute the cluster-managed certificate authority (CA) certificates to the clients. You must set a custom default certificate to be used by the API server when serving content.

For more information, see "User-provided certificates for the API server" in Security and compliance Certificates managed by the cluster

You only need to check cluster-managed certificates if you detect an issue in the logs. The following certificates are automatically managed by the cluster:

  • Service CA certificates
  • Node certificates
  • Bootstrap certificates
  • etcd certificates
  • OLM certificates
  • Machine Config Operator certificates
  • Monitoring and cluster logging Operator component certificates
  • Control plane certificates
  • Ingress certificates Certificates managed by etcd

The etcd certificates are used for encrypted communication between etcd member peers as well as encrypted client traffic. The certificates are renewed automatically within the cluster provided that communication between all nodes and all services is current. Therefore, if your cluster might lose communication between components during a specific period of time, which is close to the end of the etcd certificate lifetime, it is recommended to renew the certificate in advance. For example, communication can be lost during an upgrade due to nodes rebooting at different times.

  • You can manually renew etcd certificates by running the following command:

    $ for each in $(oc get secret -n openshift-etcd | grep "kubernetes.io/tls" | grep -e \
    "etcd-peer\|etcd-serving" | awk '{print $1}'); do oc get secret $each -n openshift-etcd -o \
    jsonpath="{.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d | openssl x509 -noout -enddate; done

For more information about updating etcd certificates, see Checking etcd certificate expiry in OpenShift 4. For more information about etcd certificates, see "etcd certificates" in Security and compliance.

Additional resources Node certificates

Node certificates are self-signed certificates, which means that they are signed by the cluster and they originate from an internal certificate authority (CA) that is generated by the bootstrap process.

After the cluster is installed, the cluster automatically renews the node certificates.

For more information, see "Node certificates" in Security and compliance.

Additional resources Service CA certificates

The service-ca is an Operator that creates a self-signed certificate authority (CA) when an OpenShift Container Platform cluster is deployed. This allows user to add certificates to their deployments without manually creating them. Service CA certificates are self-signed certificates.

For more information, see "Service CA certificates" in Security and compliance.

Additional resources

17.2.6. Machine Config Operator

The Machine Config Operator provides useful information to cluster administrators and controls what is running directly on the bare-metal host.

The Machine Config Operator differentiates between different groups of nodes in the cluster, allowing control plane nodes and worker nodes to run with different configurations. These groups of nodes run worker or application pods, which are called MachineConfigPool (mcp) groups. The same machine config is applied on all nodes or only on one MCP in the cluster.

For more information about how and why to apply MCPs in a telco core cluster, see Applying MachineConfigPool labels to nodes before the update.

For more information about the Machine Config Operator, see Machine Config Operator. Purpose of the Machine Config Operator

The Machine Config Operator (MCO) manages and applies configuration and updates of Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) and container runtime, including everything between the kernel and kubelet. Managing RHCOS is important since most telecommunications companies run on bare-metal hardware and use some sort of hardware accelerator or kernel modification. Applying machine configuration to RHCOS manually can cause problems because the MCO monitors each node and what is applied to it.

You must consider these minor components and how the MCO can help you manage your clusters effectively.


You must use the MCO to perform all changes on worker or control plane nodes. Do not manually make changes to RHCOS or node files. Applying several machine config files at the same time

When you need to change the machine config for a group of nodes in the cluster, also known as machine config pools (MCPs), sometimes the changes must be applied with several different machine config files. The nodes need to restart for the machine config file to be applied. After each machine config file is applied to the cluster, all nodes restart that are affected by the machine config file.

To prevent the nodes from restarting for each machine config file, you can apply all of the changes at the same time by pausing each MCP that is updated by the new machine config file.


  1. Pause the affected MCP by running the following command:

    $ oc patch mcp/<mcp_name> --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"paused":true}}'
  2. After you apply all machine config changes to the cluster, run the following command:

    $ oc patch mcp/<mcp_name> --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"paused":false}}'

This allows the nodes in your MCP to reboot into the new configurations.

17.2.7. Bare-metal node maintenance

You can connect to a node for general troubleshooting. However, in some cases, you need to perform troubleshooting or maintenance tasks on certain hardware components. This section discusses topics that you need to perform that hardware maintenance. Connecting to a bare-metal node in your cluster

You can connect to bare-metal cluster nodes for general maintenance tasks.


Configuring the cluster node from the host operating system is not recommended or supported.

To troubleshoot your nodes, you can do the following tasks:

  • Retrieve logs from node
  • Use debugging
  • Use SSH to connect to the node

Use SSH only if you cannot connect to the node with the oc debug command.


  1. Retrieve the logs from a node by running the following command:

    $ oc adm node-logs <node_name> -u crio
  2. Use debugging by running the following command:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name>
  3. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths:

    # chroot /host


    You are now logged in as root on the node

  4. Optional: Use SSH to connect to the node by running the following command:

    $ ssh core@<node_name> Moving applications to pods within the cluster

For scheduled hardware maintenance, you need to consider how to move your application pods to other nodes within the cluster without affecting the pod workload.


  • Mark the node as unschedulable by running the following command:

    $ oc adm cordon <node_name>

When the node is unschedulable, no pods can be scheduled on the node. For more information, see "Working with nodes".


When moving CNF applications, you might need to verify ahead of time that there are enough additional worker nodes in the cluster due to anti-affinity and pod disruption budget.

Additional resources DIMM memory replacement

Dual in-line memory module (DIMM) problems sometimes only appear after a server reboots. You can check the log files for these problems.

When you perform a standard reboot and the server does not start, you can see a message in the console that there is a faulty DIMM memory. In that case, you can acknowledge the faulty DIMM and continue rebooting if the remaining memory is sufficient. Then, you can schedule a maintenance window to replace the faulty DIMM.

Sometimes, a message in the event logs indicates a bad memory module. In these cases, you can schedule the memory replacement before the server is rebooted. Disk replacement

If you do not have disk redundancy configured on your node through hardware or software redundant array of independent disks (RAID), you need to check the following:

  • Does the disk contain running pod images?
  • Does the disk contain persistent data for pods?

For more information, see "OpenShift Container Platform storage overview" in Storage. Cluster network card replacement

When you replace a network card, the MAC address changes. The MAC address can be part of the DHCP or SR-IOV Operator configuration, router configuration, firewall rules, or application Cloud-native Network Function (CNF) configuration. Before you bring back a node online after replacing a network card, you must verify that these configurations are up-to-date.


If you do not have specific procedures for MAC address changes within the network, contact your network administrator or network hardware vendor.

17.3. Observability

17.3.1. Observability in OpenShift Container Platform

OpenShift Container Platform generates a large amount of data, such as performance metrics and logs from both the platform and the workloads running on it. As an administrator, you can use various tools to collect and analyze all the data available. What follows is an outline of best practices for system engineers, architects, and administrators configuring the observability stack.

Unless explicitly stated, the material in this document refers to both Edge and Core deployments. Understanding the monitoring stack

The monitoring stack uses the following components:

  • Prometheus collects and analyzes metrics from OpenShift Container Platform components and from workloads, if configured to do so.
  • Alertmanager is a component of Prometheus that handles routing, grouping, and silencing of alerts.
  • Thanos handles long term storage of metrics.

Figure 17.2. OpenShift Container Platform monitoring architecture

OpenShift Container Platform monitoring architecture

For a single-node OpenShift cluster, you should disable Alertmanager and Thanos because the cluster sends all metrics to the hub cluster for analysis and retention. Key performance metrics

Depending on your system, there can be hundreds of available measurements.

Here are some key metrics that you should pay attention to:

  • etcd response times
  • API response times
  • Pod restarts and scheduling
  • Resource usage
  • OVN health
  • Overall cluster operator health

A good rule to follow is that if you decide that a metric is important, there should be an alert for it.


You can check the available metrics by running the following command:

$ oc -n openshift-monitoring exec -c prometheus prometheus-k8s-0 -- curl -qsk http://localhost:9090/api/v1/metadata | jq '.data Example queries in PromQL

The following tables show some queries that you can explore in the metrics query browser using the OpenShift Container Platform console.


The URL for the console is https://<OpenShift Console FQDN>/monitoring/query-browser. You can get the OpenShift Console FQDN by running the following command:

$ oc get routes -n openshift-console console -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}'
Table 17.1. Node memory & CPU usage

CPU % requests by node

sum by (node) (sum_over_time(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="cpu"}[60m]))/sum by (node) (sum_over_time(kube_node_status_allocatable{resource="cpu"}[60m])) *100

Overall cluster CPU % utilization

sum by (managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="memory"}[60m]))/sum by (managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(kube_node_status_allocatable{resource="cpu"}[60m])) *100

Memory % requests by node

sum by (node) (sum_over_time(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="memory"}[60m]))/sum by (node) (sum_over_time(kube_node_status_allocatable{resource="memory"}[60m])) *100

Overall cluster memory % utilization

(1-(sum by (managed_cluster)(avg_over_timenode_memory_MemAvailable_bytes[60m] ))/sum by (managed_cluster)(avg_over_time(kube_node_status_allocatable{resource="memory"}[60m])))*100

Table 17.2. API latency by verb


histogram_quantile (0.99, sum by (le,managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket{apiserver=~"kube-apiserver|openshift-apiserver", verb="GET"}[60m])))


histogram_quantile (0.99, sum by (le,managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket{apiserver="kube-apiserver|openshift-apiserver", verb="PATCH"}[60m])))


histogram_quantile (0.99, sum by (le,managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket{apiserver="kube-apiserver|openshift-apiserver", verb="POST"}[60m])))


histogram_quantile (0.99, sum by (le,managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket{apiserver="kube-apiserver|openshift-apiserver", verb="LIST"}[60m])))


histogram_quantile (0.99, sum by (le,managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket{apiserver="kube-apiserver|openshift-apiserver", verb="PUT"}[60m])))


histogram_quantile (0.99, sum by (le,managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket{apiserver="kube-apiserver|openshift-apiserver", verb="DELETE"}[60m])))


histogram_quantile(0.99, sum by (le,managed_cluster) (sum_over_time(apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket{apiserver=~"(openshift-apiserver|kube-apiserver)", verb!="WATCH"}[60m])))

Table 17.3. etcd

fsync 99th percentile latency (per instance)

histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucket[2m]))

fsync 99th percentile latency (per cluster)

sum by (managed_cluster) ( histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucket[60m])))

Leader elections


Network latency

histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(etcd_network_peer_round_trip_time_seconds_bucket[5m]))

Table 17.4. Operator health

Degraded operators

sum by (managed_cluster, name) (avg_over_time(cluster_operator_conditions{condition="Degraded", name!="version"}[60m]))

Total degraded operators per cluster

sum by (managed_cluster) (avg_over_time(cluster_operator_conditions{condition="Degraded", name!="version"}[60m] )) Recommendations for storage of metrics

Out of the box, Prometheus does not back up saved metrics with persistent storage. If you restart the Prometheus pods, all metrics data are lost. You should configure the monitoring stack to use the back-end storage that is available on the platform. To meet the high IO demands of Prometheus you should use local storage.

For Telco core clusters, you can use the Local Storage Operator for persistent storage for Prometheus.

Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF), which deploys a ceph cluster for block, file, and object storage, is also a suitable candidate for a Telco core cluster.

To keep system resource requirements low on a RAN single-node OpenShift or far edge cluster, you should not provision backend storage for the monitoring stack. Such clusters forward all metrics to the hub cluster where you can provision a third party monitoring platform. Monitoring the edge

Single-node OpenShift at the edge keeps the footprint of the platform components to a minimum. The following procedure is an example of how you can configure a single-node OpenShift node with a small monitoring footprint.


  • For environments that use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), you have enabled the Observability service.
  • The hub cluster is running Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF).


  1. Create a ConfigMap CR, and save it as monitoringConfigMap.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
     name: cluster-monitoring-config
     namespace: openshift-monitoring
     config.yaml: |
         enabled: false
         enabled: false
          retention: 24h
  2. On the single-node OpenShift, apply the ConfigMap CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringConfigMap.yaml
  3. Create a NameSpace CR, and save it as monitoringNamespace.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: open-cluster-management-observability
  4. On the hub cluster, apply the Namespace CR on the hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringNamespace.yaml
  5. Create an ObjectBucketClaim CR, and save it as monitoringObjectBucketClaim.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: objectbucket.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ObjectBucketClaim
      name: multi-cloud-observability
      namespace: open-cluster-management-observability
      storageClassName: openshift-storage.noobaa.io
      generateBucketName: acm-multi
  6. On the hub cluster, apply the ObjectBucketClaim CR, by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringObjectBucketClaim.yaml
  7. Create a Secret CR, and save it as monitoringSecret.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: multiclusterhub-operator-pull-secret
      namespace: open-cluster-management-observability
      .dockerconfigjson: 'PULL_SECRET'
  8. On the hub cluster, apply the Secret CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringSecret.yaml
  9. Get the keys for the NooBaa service and the backend bucket name from the hub cluster by running the following commands:

    $ NOOBAA_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc get secret noobaa-admin -n openshift-storage -o json | jq -r '.data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID|@base64d')
    $ NOOBAA_SECRET_KEY=$(oc get secret noobaa-admin -n openshift-storage -o json | jq -r '.data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY|@base64d')
    $ OBJECT_BUCKET=$(oc get objectbucketclaim -n open-cluster-management-observability multi-cloud-observability -o json | jq -r .spec.bucketName)
  10. Create a Secret CR for bucket storage and save it as monitoringBucketSecret.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: thanos-object-storage
      namespace: open-cluster-management-observability
    type: Opaque
      thanos.yaml: |
        type: s3
          bucket: ${OBJECT_BUCKET}
          endpoint: s3.openshift-storage.svc
          insecure: true
          access_key: ${NOOBAA_ACCESS_KEY}
          secret_key: ${NOOBAA_SECRET_KEY}
  11. On the hub cluster, apply the Secret CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringBucketSecret.yaml
  12. Create the MultiClusterObservability CR and save it as monitoringMultiClusterObservability.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: observability.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta2
    kind: MultiClusterObservability
      name: observability
          blockDuration: 2h
          deleteDelay: 48h
          retentionInLocal: 24h
          retentionResolutionRaw: 3d
      enableDownsampling: false
        enableMetrics: true
        interval: 300
        alertmanagerStorageSize: 10Gi
        compactStorageSize: 100Gi
          key: thanos.yaml
          name: thanos-object-storage
        receiveStorageSize: 25Gi
        ruleStorageSize: 10Gi
        storeStorageSize: 25Gi
  13. On the hub cluster, apply the MultiClusterObservability CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringMultiClusterObservability.yaml


  1. Check the routes and pods in the namespace to validate that the services have deployed on the hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get routes,pods -n open-cluster-management-observability

    Example output

    NAME                                         HOST/PORT                                                                                        PATH      SERVICES                          PORT          TERMINATION          WILDCARD
    route.route.openshift.io/alertmanager        alertmanager-open-cluster-management-observability.cloud.example.com        /api/v2   alertmanager                      oauth-proxy   reencrypt/Redirect   None
    route.route.openshift.io/grafana             grafana-open-cluster-management-observability.cloud.example.com                       grafana                           oauth-proxy   reencrypt/Redirect   None 1
    route.route.openshift.io/observatorium-api   observatorium-api-open-cluster-management-observability.cloud.example.com             observability-observatorium-api   public        passthrough/None     None
    route.route.openshift.io/rbac-query-proxy    rbac-query-proxy-open-cluster-management-observability.cloud.example.com              rbac-query-proxy                  https         reencrypt/Redirect   None
    NAME                                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/observability-alertmanager-0                               3/3     Running   0          1d
    pod/observability-alertmanager-1                               3/3     Running   0          1d
    pod/observability-alertmanager-2                               3/3     Running   0          1d
    pod/observability-grafana-685b47bb47-dq4cw                     3/3     Running   0          1d
    pod/observability-thanos-store-shard-0-0                       1/1     Running   0          1d
    pod/observability-thanos-store-shard-1-0                       1/1     Running   0          1d
    pod/observability-thanos-store-shard-2-0                       1/1     Running   0          1d

    A dashboard is accessible at the grafana route listed. You can use this to view metrics across all managed clusters.

For more information on observability in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, see Observability. Alerting

OpenShift Container Platform includes a large number of alert rules, which can change from release to release. Viewing default alerts

Use the following procedure to review all of the alert rules in a cluster.


  • To review all the alert rules in a cluster, you can run the following command:

    $ oc get cm -n openshift-monitoring prometheus-k8s-rulefiles-0 -o yaml

    Rules can include a description and provide a link to additional information and mitigation steps. For example, this is the rule for etcdHighFsyncDurations:

          - alert: etcdHighFsyncDurations
              description: 'etcd cluster "{{ $labels.job }}": 99th percentile fsync durations
                are {{ $value }}s on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }}.'
              runbook_url: https://github.com/openshift/runbooks/blob/master/alerts/cluster-etcd-operator/etcdHighFsyncDurations.md
              summary: etcd cluster 99th percentile fsync durations are too high.
            expr: |
              histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucket{job=~".*etcd.*"}[5m]))
              > 1
            for: 10m
              severity: critical Alert notifications

You can view alerts in the OpenShift Container Platform console, however an administrator should configure an external receiver to forward the alerts to. OpenShift Container Platform supports the following receiver types:

  • PagerDuty: a 3rd party incident response platform
  • Webhook: an arbitrary API endpoint that receives an alert via a POST request and can take any necessary action
  • Email: sends an email to designated address
  • Slack: sends a notification to either a slack channel or an individual user

Additional resources Workload monitoring

By default, OpenShift Container Platform does not collect metrics for application workloads. You can configure a cluster to collect workload metrics.


  • You have defined endpoints to gather workload metrics on the cluster.


  1. Create a ConfigMap CR and save it as monitoringConfigMap.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: cluster-monitoring-config
      namespace: openshift-monitoring
      config.yaml: |
        enableUserWorkload: true 1
    Set to true to enable workload monitoring.
  2. Apply the ConfigMap CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringConfigMap.yaml
  3. Create a ServiceMonitor CR, and save it as monitoringServiceMonitor.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
        app: ui
      name: myapp
      namespace: myns
      endpoints: 1
      - interval: 30s
        port: ui-http
        scheme: http
        path: /healthz 2
          app: ui
    Use endpoints to define workload metrics.
    Prometheus scrapes the path /metrics by default. You can define a custom path here.
  4. Apply the ServiceMonitor CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringServiceMonitor.yaml

Prometheus scrapes the path /metrics by default, however you can define a custom path. It is up to the vendor of the application to expose this endpoint for scraping, with metrics that they deem relevant. Creating a workload alert

You can enable alerts for user workloads on a cluster.


  1. Create a ConfigMap CR, and save it as monitoringConfigMap.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: cluster-monitoring-config
      namespace: openshift-monitoring
      config.yaml: |
        enableUserWorkload: true 1
    # ...
    Set to true to enable workload monitoring.
  2. Apply the ConfigMap CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringConfigMap.yaml
  3. Create a YAML file for alerting rules, monitoringAlertRule.yaml, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: PrometheusRule
      name: myapp-alert
      namespace: myns
      - name: example
        - alert: InternalErrorsAlert
          expr: flask_http_request_total{status="500"} > 0
    # ...
  4. Apply the alert rule by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f monitoringAlertRule.yaml

17.4. Security

17.4.1. Security basics

Security is a critical component of telecommunications deployments on OpenShift Container Platform, particularly when running cloud-native network functions (CNFs).

You can enhance security for high-bandwidth network deployments in telecommunications (telco) environments by following key security considerations. By implementing these standards and best practices, you can strengthen security in telco-specific use cases. RBAC overview

Role-based access control (RBAC) objects determine whether a user is allowed to perform a given action within a project.

Cluster administrators can use the cluster roles and bindings to control who has various access levels to the OpenShift Container Platform platform itself and all projects.

Developers can use local roles and bindings to control who has access to their projects. Note that authorization is a separate step from authentication, which is more about determining the identity of who is taking the action.

Authorization is managed using the following authorization objects:

Are sets of permitted actions on specific objects. For example, a rule can determine whether a user or service account can create pods. Each rule specifies an API resource, the resource within that API, and the allowed action.

Are collections of rules that define what actions users or groups can perform. You can associate or bind rules to multiple users or groups. A role file can contain one or more rules that specify the actions and resources allowed for that role.

Roles are categorized into the following types:

  • Cluster roles: You can define cluster roles at the cluster level. They are not tied to a single namespace. They can apply across all namespaces or specific namespaces when you bind them to users, groups, or service accounts.
  • Project roles: You can create project roles within a specific namespace, and they only apply to that namespace. You can assign permissions to specific users to create roles and role bindings within their namespace, ensuring they do not affect other namespaces.

Are associations between users and/or groups with a role. You can create a role binding to connect the rules in a role to a specific user ID or group. This brings together the role and the user or group, defining what actions they can perform.


You can bind more than one role to a user or group.

For more information on RBAC, see "Using RBAC to define and apply permissions".

Operational RBAC considerations

To reduce operational overhead, it is important to manage access through groups rather than handling individual user IDs across multiple clusters. By managing groups at an organizational level, you can streamline access control and simplify administration across your organization. Security accounts overview

A service account is an OpenShift Container Platform account that allows a component to directly access the API. Service accounts are API objects that exist within each project. Service accounts provide a flexible way to control API access without sharing a regular user’s credentials.

You can use service accounts to apply role-based access control (RBAC) to pods. By assigning service accounts to workloads, such as pods and deployments, you can grant additional permissions, such as pulling from different registries. This also allows you to assign lower privileges to service accounts, reducing the security footprint of the pods that run under them.

For more information about service accounts, see "Understanding and creating service accounts". Identity provider configuration

Configuring an identity provider is the first step in setting up users on the cluster. You can manage groups at the organizational level by using an identity provider.

The identity provider can pull in specific user groups that are maintained at the organizational level, rather than the cluster level. This allows you to add and remove users from groups that follow your organization’s established practices.


You must set up a cron job to run frequently to pull any changes into the cluster.

You can use an identity provider to manage access levels for specific groups within your organization. For example, you can perform the following actions to manage access levels:

  • Assign the cluster-admin role to teams that require cluster-level privileges.
  • Grant application administrators specific privileges to manage only their respective projects.
  • Provide operational teams with view access across the cluster to enable monitoring without allowing modifications.

For information about configuring an identity provider, see "Understanding identity provider configuration". Replacing the kubeadmin user with a cluster-admin user

The kubeadmin user with the cluster-admin privileges is created on every cluster by default. To enhance the cluster security, you can replace the`kubeadmin` user with a cluster-admin user and then disable or remove the kubeadmin user.


  • You have created a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have administrative access to a virtual vault for secure storage.


  1. Create an emergency cluster-admin user by using the htpasswd identity provider. For more information, see "About htpasswd authentication".
  2. Assign the cluster-admin privileges to the new user by running the following command:

    $ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin <emergency_user>
  3. Verify the emergency user access:

    1. Log in to the cluster using the new emergency user.
    2. Confirm that the user has cluster-admin privileges by running the following command:

      $ oc whoami

      Ensure the output shows the emergency user’s ID.

  4. Store the password or authentication key for the emergency user securely in a virtual vault.


    Follow the best practices of your organization for securing sensitive credentials.

  5. Disable or remove the kubeadmin user to reduce security risks by running the following command:

    $ oc delete secrets kubeadmin -n kube-system

Additional resources Security considerations for telco CNFs

Telco workloads handle vast amounts of sensitive data and demand high reliability. A single security vulnerability can lead to broader cluster-wide compromises. With numerous components running on a single-node OpenShift cluster, each component must be secured to prevent any breach from escalating. Ensuring security across the entire infrastructure, including all components, is essential to maintaining the integrity of the telco network and avoiding vulnerabilities.

The following key security features are essential for telco:

  • Security Context Constraints (SCCs): Provide granular control over pod security in the OpenShift clusters.
  • Pod Security Admission (PSA): Kubernetes-native pod security controls.
  • Encryption: Ensures data confidentiality in high-throughput network environments. Advancement of pod security in Kubernetes and OpenShift Container Platform

Kubernetes initially had limited pod security. When OpenShift Container Platform integrated Kubernetes, Red Hat added pod security through Security Context Constraints (SCCs). In Kubernetes version 1.3, PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) was introduced as a similar feature. However, Pod Security Admission (PSA) was introduced in Kubernetes version 1.21, which resulted in the deprecation of PSP in Kubernetes version 1.25.

PSA also became available in OpenShift Container Platform version 4.11. While PSA improves pod security, it lacks some features provided by SCCs that are still necessary for telco use cases. Therefore, OpenShift Container Platform continues to support both PSA and SCCs. Key areas for CNF deployment

The cloud-native network function (CNF) deployment contains the following key areas:

The first deployments of CNFs occurred in the core of the wireless network. Deploying CNFs in the core typically means racks of servers placed in central offices or data centers. These servers are connected to both the internet and the Radio Access Network (RAN), but they are often behind multiple security firewalls or sometimes disconnected from the internet altogether. This type of setup is called an offline or disconnected cluster.
After CNFs were successfully tested in the core network and found to be effective, they were considered for deployment in the Radio Access Network (RAN). Deploying CNFs in RAN requires a large number of servers (up to 100,000 in a large deployment). These servers are located near cellular towers and typically run as single-node OpenShift clusters, with the need for high scalability. Telco-specific infrastructure
Hardware requirements
In telco networks, clusters are primarily built on bare-metal hardware. This means that the operating system (op-system-first) is installed directly on the physical machines, without using virtual machines. This reduces network connectivity complexity, minimizes latency, and optimizes CPU usage for applications.
Network requirements
Telco networks require much higher bandwidth compared to standard IT networks. Telco networks commonly use dual-port 25 GB connections or 100 GB Network Interface Cards (NICs) to handle massive data throughput. Security is critical, requiring encrypted connections and secure endpoints to protect sensitive personal data. Lifecycle management

Upgrades are critical for security. When a vulnerability is discovered, it is patched in the latest z-stream release. This fix is then rolled back through each lower y-stream release until all supported versions are patched. Releases that are no longer supported do not receive patches. Therefore, it is important to upgrade OpenShift Container Platform clusters regularly to stay within a supported release and ensure they remain protected against vulnerabilities.

For more information about lifecycle management and upgrades, see "Upgrading a telco core CNF clusters". Evolution of Network Functions to CNFs

Network Functions (NFs) began as Physical Network Functions (PNFs), which were purpose-built hardware devices operating independently. Over time, PNFs evolved into Virtual Network Functions (VNFs), which virtualized their capabilities while controlling resources like CPU, memory, storage, and network.

As technology advanced further, VNFs transitioned to cloud-native network functions (CNFs). CNFs run in lightweight, secure, and scalable containers. They enforce stringent restrictions, including non-root execution and minimal host interference, to enhance security and performance.

PNFs had unrestricted root access to operate independently without interference. With the shift to VNFs, resource usage was controlled, but processes could still run as root within their virtual machines. In contrast, CNFs restrict root access and limit container capabilities to prevent interference with other containers or the host operating system.

The main challenges in migrating to CNFs are as follows:

  • Breaking down monolithic network functions into smaller, containerized processes.
  • Adhering to cloud-native principles, such as non-root execution and isolation, while maintaining telco-grade performance and reliability.

17.4.2. Host security Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) is different from Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in key areas. For more information, see "About RHCOS".

From a telco perspective, a major distinction is the control of rpm-ostree, which is updated through the Machine Config Operator.

RHCOS follows the same immutable design used for pods in OpenShift Container Platform. This ensures that the operating system remains consistent across the cluster. For information about RHCOS architecture, see "Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS)".

To manage hosts effectively while maintaining security, avoid direct access whenever possible. Instead, you can use the following methods for host management:

  • Debug pod
  • Direct SSHs
  • Console access

Review the following RHCOS secruity mechanisms that are integral to maintaining host security:

Linux namespaces
Provide isolation for processes and resources. Each container keeps its processes and files within its own namespace. If a user escapes from the container namespace, they could gain access to the host operating system, potentially compromising security.
Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)

Enforces mandatory access controls to restrict access to files and directories by processes. It adds an extra layer of security by preventing unauthorized access to files if a process tries to break its confinement.

SELinux follows the security policy of denying everything unless explicitly allowed. If a process attempts to modify or access a file without permission, SELinux denies access. For more information, see Introduction to SELinux.

Linux capabilities
Assign specific privileges to processes at a granular level, minimizing the need for full root permissions. For more information, see "Linux capabilities".
Control groups (cgroups)
Allocate and manage system resources, such as CPU and memory for processes and containers, ensuring efficient usage. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.16, there are two versions of cgroups. cgroup v2 is now configured by default.
Serves as a lightweight container runtime that enforces security boundaries and manages container workloads. Command-line host access

Direct access to a host must be restricted to avoid modifying the host or accessing pods that should not be accessed. For users who need direct access to a host, it is recommended to use an external authenticator, like SSSD with LDAP, to manage access. This helps maintain consistency across the cluster through the Machine Config Operator.


Do not configure direct access to the root ID on any OpenShift Container Platform cluster server.

You can connect to a node in the cluster using the following methods:

Using debug pod

This is the recommended method to access a node. To debug or connect to a node, run the following command:

$ oc debug node/<worker_node_name>

After connecting to the node, run the following command to get access to the root file system:

# chroot /host

This gives you root access within a debug pod on the node. For more information, see "Starting debug pods with root access".

Direct SSH

Avoid using the root user. Instead, use the core user ID (or your own ID). To connect to the node using SSH, run the following command:

$ ssh core@<worker_node_name>

The core user ID is initially given sudo privileges within the cluster.

If you cannot connect to a node using SSH, see How to connect to OpenShift Container Platform 4.x Cluster nodes using SSH bastion pod to add your SSH key to the core user.

After connecting to the node using SSH, run the following command to get access to the root shell:

$ sudo -i
Console Access

Ensure that consoles are secure. Do not allow direct login with the root ID, instead use individual IDs.


Follow the best practices of your organization for securing console access. Linux capabilities

Linux capabilities define the actions a process can perform on the host system. By default, pods are granted several capabilities unless security measures are applied. These default capabilities are as follows:

  • KILL

You can modify which capabilities that a pod can receive by configuring Security Context Constraints (SCCs).


You must not assign the following capabilities to a pod:

  • SYS_ADMIN: A powerful capability that grants elevated privileges. Allowing this capability can break security boundaries and pose a significant security risk.
  • NET_ADMIN: Allows control over networking, like SR-IOV ports, but can be replaced with alternative solutions in modern setups.

For more information about Linux capabilities, see Linux capabilities man page.

17.4.3. Security context constraints

Similar to the way that RBAC resources control user access, administrators can use security context constraints (SCCs) to control permissions for pods. These permissions determine the actions that a pod can perform and what resources it can access. You can use SCCs to define a set of conditions that a pod must run.

Security context constraints allow an administrator to control the following security constraints:

  • Whether a pod can run privileged containers with the allowPrivilegedContainer flag
  • Whether a pod is constrained with the allowPrivilegeEscalation flag
  • The capabilities that a container can request
  • The use of host directories as volumes
  • The SELinux context of the container
  • The container user ID
  • The use of host namespaces and networking
  • The allocation of an FSGroup that owns the pod volumes
  • The configuration of allowable supplemental groups
  • Whether a container requires write access to its root file system
  • The usage of volume types
  • The configuration of allowable seccomp profiles

Default SCCs are created during installation and when you install some Operators or other components. As a cluster administrator, you can also create your own SCCs by using the OpenShift CLI (oc).

For information about default security context constraints, see Default security context constraints.


Do not modify the default SCCs. Customizing the default SCCs can lead to issues when some of the platform pods deploy or OpenShift Container Platform is upgraded. Additionally, the default SCC values are reset to the defaults during some cluster upgrades, which discards all customizations to those SCCs.

Instead of modifying the default SCCs, create and modify your own SCCs as needed. For detailed steps, see Creating security context constraints.

You can use the following basic SCCs:

  • restricted
  • restricted-v2

The restricted-v2 SCC is the most restrictive SCC provided by a new installation and is used by default for authenticated users. It aligns with Pod Security Admission (PSA) restrictions and improves security, as the original restricted SCC is less restrictive. It also helps transition from the original SCCs to v2 across multiple releases. Eventually, the original SCCs get deprecated. Therefore, it is recommended to use the restricted-v2 SCC.

You can examine the restricted-v2 SCC by running the following command:

$ oc describe scc restricted-v2

Example output

Name:                                           restricted-v2
Priority:                                       <none>
  Users:                                        <none>
  Groups:                                       <none>
  Allow Privileged:                             false
  Allow Privilege Escalation:                   false
  Default Add Capabilities:                     <none>
  Required Drop Capabilities:                   ALL
  Allowed Capabilities:                         NET_BIND_SERVICE
  Allowed Seccomp Profiles:                     runtime/default
  Allowed Volume Types:                         configMap,downwardAPI,emptyDir,ephemeral,persistentVolumeClaim,projected,secret
  Allowed Flexvolumes:                          <all>
  Allowed Unsafe Sysctls:                       <none>
  Forbidden Sysctls:                            <none>
  Allow Host Network:                           false
  Allow Host Ports:                             false
  Allow Host PID:                               false
  Allow Host IPC:                               false
  Read Only Root Filesystem:                    false
  Run As User Strategy: MustRunAsRange
    UID:                                        <none>
    UID Range Min:                              <none>
    UID Range Max:                              <none>
  SELinux Context Strategy: MustRunAs
    User:                                       <none>
    Role:                                       <none>
    Type:                                       <none>
    Level:                                      <none>
  FSGroup Strategy: MustRunAs
    Ranges:                                     <none>
  Supplemental Groups Strategy: RunAsAny
    Ranges:                                     <none>

The restricted-v2 SCC explicitly denies everything except what it explicitly allows. The following settings define the allowed capabilities and security restrictions:

  • Default add capabilities: Set to <none>. It means that no capabilities are added to a pod by default.
  • Required drop capabilities: Set to ALL. This drops all the default Linux capabilities of a pod.
  • Allowed capabilities: NET_BIND_SERVICE. A pod can request this capability, but it is not added by default.
  • Allowed seccomp profiles: runtime/default.

For more information, see Managing security context constraints.

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