
Specialized hardware and driver enablement

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OpenShift Container Platform 4.17

Learn about hardware enablement on OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document provides an overview of hardware enablement in OpenShift Container Platform.

Chapter 1. About specialized hardware and driver enablement

The Driver Toolkit (DTK) is a container image in the OpenShift Container Platform payload which is meant to be used as a base image on which to build driver containers. The Driver Toolkit image contains the kernel packages commonly required as dependencies to build or install kernel modules as well as a few tools needed in driver containers. The version of these packages will match the kernel version running on the RHCOS nodes in the corresponding OpenShift Container Platform release.

Driver containers are container images used for building and deploying out-of-tree kernel modules and drivers on container operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS). Kernel modules and drivers are software libraries running with a high level of privilege in the operating system kernel. They extend the kernel functionalities or provide the hardware-specific code required to control new devices. Examples include hardware devices like field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) or graphics processing units (GPU), and software-defined storage solutions, which all require kernel modules on client machines. Driver containers are the first layer of the software stack used to enable these technologies on OpenShift Container Platform deployments.

Chapter 2. Driver Toolkit

Learn about the Driver Toolkit and how you can use it as a base image for driver containers for enabling special software and hardware devices on OpenShift Container Platform deployments.

2.1. About the Driver Toolkit


The Driver Toolkit is a container image in the OpenShift Container Platform payload used as a base image on which you can build driver containers. The Driver Toolkit image includes the kernel packages commonly required as dependencies to build or install kernel modules, as well as a few tools needed in driver containers. The version of these packages will match the kernel version running on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) nodes in the corresponding OpenShift Container Platform release.

Driver containers are container images used for building and deploying out-of-tree kernel modules and drivers on container operating systems like RHCOS. Kernel modules and drivers are software libraries running with a high level of privilege in the operating system kernel. They extend the kernel functionalities or provide the hardware-specific code required to control new devices. Examples include hardware devices like Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) or GPUs, and software-defined storage (SDS) solutions, such as Lustre parallel file systems, which require kernel modules on client machines. Driver containers are the first layer of the software stack used to enable these technologies on Kubernetes.

The list of kernel packages in the Driver Toolkit includes the following and their dependencies:

  • kernel-core
  • kernel-devel
  • kernel-headers
  • kernel-modules
  • kernel-modules-extra

In addition, the Driver Toolkit also includes the corresponding real-time kernel packages:

  • kernel-rt-core
  • kernel-rt-devel
  • kernel-rt-modules
  • kernel-rt-modules-extra

The Driver Toolkit also has several tools that are commonly needed to build and install kernel modules, including:

  • elfutils-libelf-devel
  • kmod
  • binutilskabi-dw
  • kernel-abi-whitelists
  • dependencies for the above

Prior to the Driver Toolkit’s existence, users would install kernel packages in a pod or build config on OpenShift Container Platform using entitled builds or by installing from the kernel RPMs in the hosts machine-os-content. The Driver Toolkit simplifies the process by removing the entitlement step, and avoids the privileged operation of accessing the machine-os-content in a pod. The Driver Toolkit can also be used by partners who have access to pre-released OpenShift Container Platform versions to prebuild driver-containers for their hardware devices for future OpenShift Container Platform releases.

The Driver Toolkit is also used by the Kernel Module Management (KMM), which is currently available as a community Operator on OperatorHub. KMM supports out-of-tree and third-party kernel drivers and the support software for the underlying operating system. Users can create modules for KMM to build and deploy a driver container, as well as support software like a device plugin, or metrics. Modules can include a build config to build a driver container-based on the Driver Toolkit, or KMM can deploy a prebuilt driver container.

2.2. Pulling the Driver Toolkit container image

The driver-toolkit image is available from the Container images section of the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog and in the OpenShift Container Platform release payload. The image corresponding to the most recent minor release of OpenShift Container Platform will be tagged with the version number in the catalog. The image URL for a specific release can be found using the oc adm CLI command.

2.2.1. Pulling the Driver Toolkit container image from

Instructions for pulling the driver-toolkit image from with podman or in OpenShift Container Platform can be found on the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. The driver-toolkit image for the latest minor release are tagged with the minor release version on, for example:

2.2.2. Finding the Driver Toolkit image URL in the payload



  1. Use the oc adm command to extract the image URL of the driver-toolkit corresponding to a certain release:

    • For an x86 image, the command is as follows:

      $ oc adm release info --image-for=driver-toolkit
    • For an ARM image, the command is as follows:

      $ oc adm release info --image-for=driver-toolkit

    Example output

  2. Obtain this image using a valid pull secret, such as the pull secret required to install OpenShift Container Platform:

    $ podman pull --authfile=path/to/pullsecret.json<SHA>

2.3. Using the Driver Toolkit

As an example, the Driver Toolkit can be used as the base image for building a very simple kernel module called simple-kmod.


The Driver Toolkit includes the necessary dependencies, openssl, mokutil, and keyutils, needed to sign a kernel module. However, in this example, the simple-kmod kernel module is not signed and therefore cannot be loaded on systems with Secure Boot enabled.

2.3.1. Build and run the simple-kmod driver container on a cluster


  • You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You set the Image Registry Operator state to Managed for your cluster.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged into the OpenShift CLI as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


Create a namespace. For example:

$ oc new-project simple-kmod-demo
  1. The YAML defines an ImageStream for storing the simple-kmod driver container image, and a BuildConfig for building the container. Save this YAML as 0000-buildconfig.yaml.template.

    kind: ImageStream
        app: simple-kmod-driver-container
      name: simple-kmod-driver-container
      namespace: simple-kmod-demo
    spec: {}
    kind: BuildConfig
        app: simple-kmod-driver-build
      name: simple-kmod-driver-build
      namespace: simple-kmod-demo
      nodeSelector: ""
      runPolicy: "Serial"
        - type: "ConfigChange"
        - type: "ImageChange"
        dockerfile: |
          ARG DTK
          FROM ${DTK} as builder
          ARG KVER
          WORKDIR /build/
          RUN git clone
          WORKDIR /build/simple-kmod
          RUN make all install KVER=${KVER}
          ARG KVER
          # Required for installing `modprobe`
          RUN microdnf install kmod
          COPY --from=builder /lib/modules/${KVER}/simple-kmod.ko /lib/modules/${KVER}/
          COPY --from=builder /lib/modules/${KVER}/simple-procfs-kmod.ko /lib/modules/${KVER}/
          RUN depmod ${KVER}
            - name: KMODVER
              value: DEMO
              # $ oc adm release info<cluster version>-x86_64 --image-for=driver-toolkit
            - name: DTK
            - name: KVER
              value: 4.18.0-372.26.1.el8_6.x86_64
          kind: ImageStreamTag
          name: simple-kmod-driver-container:demo
  2. Substitute the correct driver toolkit image for the OpenShift Container Platform version you are running in place of “DRIVER_TOOLKIT_IMAGE” with the following commands.

    $ OCP_VERSION=$(oc get clusterversion/version -ojsonpath={.status.desired.version})
    $ DRIVER_TOOLKIT_IMAGE=$(oc adm release info $OCP_VERSION --image-for=driver-toolkit)
    $ sed "s#DRIVER_TOOLKIT_IMAGE#${DRIVER_TOOLKIT_IMAGE}#" 0000-buildconfig.yaml.template > 0000-buildconfig.yaml
  3. Create the image stream and build config with

    $ oc create -f 0000-buildconfig.yaml
  4. After the builder pod completes successfully, deploy the driver container image as a DaemonSet.

    1. The driver container must run with the privileged security context in order to load the kernel modules on the host. The following YAML file contains the RBAC rules and the DaemonSet for running the driver container. Save this YAML as 1000-drivercontainer.yaml.

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ServiceAccount
        name: simple-kmod-driver-container
      kind: Role
        name: simple-kmod-driver-container
      - apiGroups:
        - securitycontextconstraints
        - use
        - privileged
      kind: RoleBinding
        name: simple-kmod-driver-container
        kind: Role
        name: simple-kmod-driver-container
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: simple-kmod-driver-container
      - system:serviceaccount:simple-kmod-demo:simple-kmod-driver-container
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: DaemonSet
        name: simple-kmod-driver-container
            app: simple-kmod-driver-container
              app: simple-kmod-driver-container
            serviceAccount: simple-kmod-driver-container
            serviceAccountName: simple-kmod-driver-container
            - image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/simple-kmod-demo/simple-kmod-driver-container:demo
              name: simple-kmod-driver-container
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              command: [sleep, infinity]
                    command: ["modprobe", "-v", "-a" , "simple-kmod", "simple-procfs-kmod"]
                    command: ["modprobe", "-r", "-a" , "simple-kmod", "simple-procfs-kmod"]
                privileged: true
    2. Create the RBAC rules and daemon set:

      $ oc create -f 1000-drivercontainer.yaml
  5. After the pods are running on the worker nodes, verify that the simple_kmod kernel module is loaded successfully on the host machines with lsmod.

    1. Verify that the pods are running:

      $ oc get pod -n simple-kmod-demo

      Example output

      NAME                                 READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
      simple-kmod-driver-build-1-build     0/1     Completed   0          6m
      simple-kmod-driver-container-b22fd   1/1     Running     0          40s
      simple-kmod-driver-container-jz9vn   1/1     Running     0          40s
      simple-kmod-driver-container-p45cc   1/1     Running     0          40s

    2. Execute the lsmod command in the driver container pod:

      $ oc exec -it pod/simple-kmod-driver-container-p45cc -- lsmod | grep simple

      Example output

      simple_procfs_kmod     16384  0
      simple_kmod            16384  0

2.4. Additional resources

Chapter 3. Node Feature Discovery Operator

Learn about the Node Feature Discovery (NFD) Operator and how you can use it to expose node-level information by orchestrating Node Feature Discovery, a Kubernetes add-on for detecting hardware features and system configuration.

The Node Feature Discovery Operator (NFD) manages the detection of hardware features and configuration in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster by labeling the nodes with hardware-specific information. NFD labels the host with node-specific attributes, such as PCI cards, kernel, operating system version, and so on.

The NFD Operator can be found on the Operator Hub by searching for “Node Feature Discovery”.

3.1. Installing the Node Feature Discovery Operator

The Node Feature Discovery (NFD) Operator orchestrates all resources needed to run the NFD daemon set. As a cluster administrator, you can install the NFD Operator by using the OpenShift Container Platform CLI or the web console.

3.1.1. Installing the NFD Operator using the CLI

As a cluster administrator, you can install the NFD Operator using the CLI.


  • An OpenShift Container Platform cluster
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a namespace for the NFD Operator.

    1. Create the following Namespace custom resource (CR) that defines the openshift-nfd namespace, and then save the YAML in the nfd-namespace.yaml file. Set cluster-monitoring to "true".

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: openshift-nfd
          name: openshift-nfd
    2. Create the namespace by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f nfd-namespace.yaml
  2. Install the NFD Operator in the namespace you created in the previous step by creating the following objects:

    1. Create the following OperatorGroup CR and save the YAML in the nfd-operatorgroup.yaml file:

      kind: OperatorGroup
        generateName: openshift-nfd-
        name: openshift-nfd
        namespace: openshift-nfd
        - openshift-nfd
    2. Create the OperatorGroup CR by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f nfd-operatorgroup.yaml
    3. Create the following Subscription CR and save the YAML in the nfd-sub.yaml file:

      Example Subscription

      kind: Subscription
        name: nfd
        namespace: openshift-nfd
        channel: "stable"
        installPlanApproval: Automatic
        name: nfd
        source: redhat-operators
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

    4. Create the subscription object by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f nfd-sub.yaml
    5. Change to the openshift-nfd project:

      $ oc project openshift-nfd


  • To verify that the Operator deployment is successful, run:

    $ oc get pods

    Example output

    NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    nfd-controller-manager-7f86ccfb58-vgr4x   2/2     Running   0          10m

    A successful deployment shows a Running status.

3.1.2. Installing the NFD Operator using the web console

As a cluster administrator, you can install the NFD Operator using the web console.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click OperatorsOperatorHub.
  2. Choose Node Feature Discovery from the list of available Operators, and then click Install.
  3. On the Install Operator page, select A specific namespace on the cluster, and then click Install. You do not need to create a namespace because it is created for you.


To verify that the NFD Operator installed successfully:

  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.
  2. Ensure that Node Feature Discovery is listed in the openshift-nfd project with a Status of InstallSucceeded.


    During installation an Operator might display a Failed status. If the installation later succeeds with an InstallSucceeded message, you can ignore the Failed message.


If the Operator does not appear as installed, troubleshoot further:

  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page and inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failure or errors under Status.
  2. Navigate to the WorkloadsPods page and check the logs for pods in the openshift-nfd project.

3.2. Using the Node Feature Discovery Operator

The Node Feature Discovery (NFD) Operator orchestrates all resources needed to run the Node-Feature-Discovery daemon set by watching for a NodeFeatureDiscovery custom resource (CR). Based on the NodeFeatureDiscovery CR, the Operator creates the operand (NFD) components in the selected namespace. You can edit the CR to use another namespace, image, image pull policy, and nfd-worker-conf config map, among other options.

As a cluster administrator, you can create a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR by using the OpenShift CLI (oc) or the web console.

3.2.1. Creating a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR by using the CLI

As a cluster administrator, you can create a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR instance by using the OpenShift CLI (oc).


The spec.operand.image setting requires a -rhel9 image to be defined for use with OpenShift Container Platform releases 4.13 and later.

The following example shows the use of -rhel9 to acquire the correct image.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You installed the NFD Operator.


  1. Create a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR:

    Example NodeFeatureDiscovery CR

    kind: NodeFeatureDiscovery
      name: nfd-instance
      namespace: openshift-nfd
      instance: "" # instance is empty by default
      topologyupdater: false # False by default
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        configData: |
          #  labelWhiteList:
          #  noPublish: false
            sleepInterval: 60s
          #  sources: [all]
          #  klog:
          #    addDirHeader: false
          #    alsologtostderr: false
          #    logBacktraceAt:
          #    logtostderr: true
          #    skipHeaders: false
          #    stderrthreshold: 2
          #    v: 0
          #    vmodule:
          ##   NOTE: the following options are not dynamically run-time configurable
          ##         and require a nfd-worker restart to take effect after being changed
          #    logDir:
          #    logFile:
          #    logFileMaxSize: 1800
          #    skipLogHeaders: false
          #     NOTE: whitelist has priority over blacklist
                  - "BMI1"
                  - "BMI2"
                  - "CLMUL"
                  - "CMOV"
                  - "CX16"
                  - "ERMS"
                  - "F16C"
                  - "HTT"
                  - "LZCNT"
                  - "MMX"
                  - "MMXEXT"
                  - "NX"
                  - "POPCNT"
                  - "RDRAND"
                  - "RDSEED"
                  - "RDTSCP"
                  - "SGX"
                  - "SSE"
                  - "SSE2"
                  - "SSE3"
                  - "SSE4.1"
                  - "SSE4.2"
                  - "SSSE3"
              kconfigFile: "/path/to/kconfig"
                - "NO_HZ"
                - "X86"
                - "DMI"
                - "0200"
                - "03"
                - "12"
                - "class"
        configData: |
              - name: "more.kernel.features"
                - loadedKMod: ["example_kmod3"]

  2. Create the NodeFeatureDiscovery CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>


  1. Check that the NodeFeatureDiscovery CR was created by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods

    Example output

    NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    nfd-controller-manager-7f86ccfb58-vgr4x   2/2     Running   0          11m
    nfd-master-hcn64                          1/1     Running   0          60s
    nfd-master-lnnxx                          1/1     Running   0          60s
    nfd-master-mp6hr                          1/1     Running   0          60s
    nfd-worker-vgcz9                          1/1     Running   0          60s
    nfd-worker-xqbws                          1/1     Running   0          60s

    A successful deployment shows a Running status.

3.2.2. Creating a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR by using the CLI in a disconnected environment

As a cluster administrator, you can create a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR instance by using the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You installed the NFD Operator.
  • You have access to a mirror registry with the required images.
  • You installed the skopeo CLI tool.


  1. Determine the digest of the registry image:

    1. Run the following command:

      $ skopeo inspect docker://<openshift_version>

      Example command

      $ skopeo inspect docker://

    2. Inspect the output to identify the image digest:

      Example output

        "Digest": "sha256:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",

  2. Use the skopeo CLI tool to copy the image from to your mirror registry, by running the following command:

    skopeo copy docker://<image_digest> docker://<mirror_registry>/openshift4/ose-node-feature-discovery@<image_digest>

    Example command

    skopeo copy docker:// docker://<your-mirror-registry>/openshift4/ose-node-feature-discovery@sha256:1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef

  3. Create a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR:

    Example NodeFeatureDiscovery CR

    kind: NodeFeatureDiscovery
      name: nfd-instance
        image: <mirror_registry>/openshift4/ose-node-feature-discovery@<image_digest>
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        configData: |
          #  labelWhiteList:
          #  noPublish: false
            sleepInterval: 60s
          #  sources: [all]
          #  klog:
          #    addDirHeader: false
          #    alsologtostderr: false
          #    logBacktraceAt:
          #    logtostderr: true
          #    skipHeaders: false
          #    stderrthreshold: 2
          #    v: 0
          #    vmodule:
          ##   NOTE: the following options are not dynamically run-time configurable
          ##         and require a nfd-worker restart to take effect after being changed
          #    logDir:
          #    logFile:
          #    logFileMaxSize: 1800
          #    skipLogHeaders: false
          #     NOTE: whitelist has priority over blacklist
                  - "BMI1"
                  - "BMI2"
                  - "CLMUL"
                  - "CMOV"
                  - "CX16"
                  - "ERMS"
                  - "F16C"
                  - "HTT"
                  - "LZCNT"
                  - "MMX"
                  - "MMXEXT"
                  - "NX"
                  - "POPCNT"
                  - "RDRAND"
                  - "RDSEED"
                  - "RDTSCP"
                  - "SGX"
                  - "SSE"
                  - "SSE2"
                  - "SSE3"
                  - "SSE4.1"
                  - "SSE4.2"
                  - "SSSE3"
              kconfigFile: "/path/to/kconfig"
                - "NO_HZ"
                - "X86"
                - "DMI"
                - "0200"
                - "03"
                - "12"
                - "class"
        configData: |
              - name: "more.kernel.features"
                - loadedKMod: ["example_kmod3"]

  4. Create the NodeFeatureDiscovery CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>


  1. Check the status of the NodeFeatureDiscovery CR by running the following command:

    $ oc get nodefeaturediscovery nfd-instance -o yaml
  2. Check that the pods are running without ImagePullBackOff errors by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n <nfd_namespace>

3.2.3. Creating a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR by using the web console

As a cluster administrator, you can create a NodeFeatureDiscovery CR by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster
  • You logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You installed the NFD Operator.


  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.
  2. In the Node Feature Discovery section, under Provided APIs, click Create instance.
  3. Edit the values of the NodeFeatureDiscovery CR.
  4. Click Create.

3.3. Configuring the Node Feature Discovery Operator

3.3.1. core

The core section contains common configuration settings that are not specific to any particular feature source.


core.sleepInterval specifies the interval between consecutive passes of feature detection or re-detection, and thus also the interval between node re-labeling. A non-positive value implies infinite sleep interval; no re-detection or re-labeling is done.

This value is overridden by the deprecated --sleep-interval command line flag, if specified.

Example usage

  sleepInterval: 60s 1

The default value is 60s.


core.sources specifies the list of enabled feature sources. A special value all enables all feature sources.

This value is overridden by the deprecated --sources command line flag, if specified.

Default: [all]

Example usage

    - system
    - custom


core.labelWhiteList specifies a regular expression for filtering feature labels based on the label name. Non-matching labels are not published.

The regular expression is only matched against the basename part of the label, the part of the name after '/'. The label prefix, or namespace, is omitted.

This value is overridden by the deprecated --label-whitelist command line flag, if specified.

Default: null

Example usage

  labelWhiteList: '^cpu-cpuid'


Setting core.noPublish to true disables all communication with the nfd-master. It is effectively a dry run flag; nfd-worker runs feature detection normally, but no labeling requests are sent to nfd-master.

This value is overridden by the --no-publish command line flag, if specified.


Example usage

  noPublish: true 1

The default value is false.


The following options specify the logger configuration, most of which can be dynamically adjusted at run-time.

The logger options can also be specified using command line flags, which take precedence over any corresponding config file options.


If set to true, core.klog.addDirHeader adds the file directory to the header of the log messages.

Default: false

Run-time configurable: yes


Log to standard error as well as files.

Default: false

Run-time configurable: yes


When logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace.

Default: empty

Run-time configurable: yes


If non-empty, write log files in this directory.

Default: empty

Run-time configurable: no


If not empty, use this log file.

Default: empty

Run-time configurable: no


core.klog.logFileMaxSize defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited.

Default: 1800

Run-time configurable: no


Log to standard error instead of files

Default: true

Run-time configurable: yes


If core.klog.skipHeaders is set to true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages.

Default: false

Run-time configurable: yes


If core.klog.skipLogHeaders is set to true, avoid headers when opening log files.

Default: false

Run-time configurable: no


Logs at or above this threshold go to stderr.

Default: 2

Run-time configurable: yes


core.klog.v is the number for the log level verbosity.

Default: 0

Run-time configurable: yes


core.klog.vmodule is a comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging.

Default: empty

Run-time configurable: yes

3.3.2. sources

The sources section contains feature source specific configuration parameters.


Prevent publishing cpuid features listed in this option.

This value is overridden by sources.cpu.cpuid.attributeWhitelist, if specified.


Example usage

      attributeBlacklist: [MMX, MMXEXT]


Only publish the cpuid features listed in this option.

sources.cpu.cpuid.attributeWhitelist takes precedence over sources.cpu.cpuid.attributeBlacklist.

Default: empty

Example usage

      attributeWhitelist: [AVX512BW, AVX512CD, AVX512DQ, AVX512F, AVX512VL]


sources.kernel.kconfigFile is the path of the kernel config file. If empty, NFD runs a search in the well-known standard locations.

Default: empty

Example usage

    kconfigFile: "/path/to/kconfig"


sources.kernel.configOpts represents kernel configuration options to publish as feature labels.


Example usage

    configOpts: [NO_HZ, X86, DMI]


sources.pci.deviceClassWhitelist is a list of PCI device class IDs for which to publish a label. It can be specified as a main class only (for example, 03) or full class-subclass combination (for example 0300). The former implies that all subclasses are accepted. The format of the labels can be further configured with deviceLabelFields.

Default: ["03", "0b40", "12"]

Example usage

    deviceClassWhitelist: ["0200", "03"]


sources.pci.deviceLabelFields is the set of PCI ID fields to use when constructing the name of the feature label. Valid fields are class, vendor, device, subsystem_vendor and subsystem_device.

Default: [class, vendor]

Example usage

    deviceLabelFields: [class, vendor, device]

With the example config above, NFD would publish labels such as<class-id>_<vendor-id>_<device-id>.present=true


sources.usb.deviceClassWhitelist is a list of USB device class IDs for which to publish a feature label. The format of the labels can be further configured with deviceLabelFields.

Default: ["0e", "ef", "fe", "ff"]

Example usage

    deviceClassWhitelist: ["ef", "ff"]


sources.usb.deviceLabelFields is the set of USB ID fields from which to compose the name of the feature label. Valid fields are class, vendor, and device.

Default: [class, vendor, device]

Example usage

    deviceLabelFields: [class, vendor]

With the example config above, NFD would publish labels like:<class-id>_<vendor-id>.present=true.


sources.custom is the list of rules to process in the custom feature source to create user-specific labels.

Default: empty

Example usage

  - name: "my.custom.feature"
    - loadedKMod: ["e1000e"]
    - pciId:
        class: ["0200"]
        vendor: ["8086"]

3.4. About the NodeFeatureRule custom resource

NodeFeatureRule objects are a NodeFeatureDiscovery custom resource designed for rule-based custom labeling of nodes. Some use cases include application-specific labeling or distribution by hardware vendors to create specific labels for their devices.

NodeFeatureRule objects provide a method to create vendor- or application-specific labels and taints. It uses a flexible rule-based mechanism for creating labels and optionally taints based on node features.

3.5. Using the NodeFeatureRule custom resource

Create a NodeFeatureRule object to label nodes if a set of rules match the conditions.


  1. Create a custom resource file named nodefeaturerule.yaml that contains the following text:

    kind: NodeFeatureRule
      name: example-rule
        - name: "example rule"
            "example-custom-feature": "true"
          # Label is created if all of the rules below match
            # Match if "veth" kernel module is loaded
            - feature: kernel.loadedmodule
                veth: {op: Exists}
            # Match if any PCI device with vendor 8086 exists in the system
            - feature: pci.device
                vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]}

    This custom resource specifies that labelling occurs when the veth module is loaded and any PCI device with vendor code 8086 exists in the cluster.

  2. Apply the nodefeaturerule.yaml file to your cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f

    The example applies the feature label on nodes with the veth module loaded and any PCI device with vendor code 8086 exists.


    A relabeling delay of up to 1 minute might occur.

3.6. Using the NFD Topology Updater

The Node Feature Discovery (NFD) Topology Updater is a daemon responsible for examining allocated resources on a worker node. It accounts for resources that are available to be allocated to new pod on a per-zone basis, where a zone can be a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) node. The NFD Topology Updater communicates the information to nfd-master, which creates a NodeResourceTopology custom resource (CR) corresponding to all of the worker nodes in the cluster. One instance of the NFD Topology Updater runs on each node of the cluster.

To enable the Topology Updater workers in NFD, set the topologyupdater variable to true in the NodeFeatureDiscovery CR, as described in the section Using the Node Feature Discovery Operator.

3.6.1. NodeResourceTopology CR

When run with NFD Topology Updater, NFD creates custom resource instances corresponding to the node resource hardware topology, such as:

kind: NodeResourceTopology
  name: node1
topologyPolicies: ["SingleNUMANodeContainerLevel"]
  - name: node-0
    type: Node
      - name: cpu
        capacity: 20
        allocatable: 16
        available: 10
      - name: vendor/nic1
        capacity: 3
        allocatable: 3
        available: 3
  - name: node-1
    type: Node
      - name: cpu
        capacity: 30
        allocatable: 30
        available: 15
      - name: vendor/nic2
        capacity: 6
        allocatable: 6
        available: 6
  - name: node-2
    type: Node
      - name: cpu
        capacity: 30
        allocatable: 30
        available: 15
      - name: vendor/nic1
        capacity: 3
        allocatable: 3
        available: 3

3.6.2. NFD Topology Updater command line flags

To view available command line flags, run the nfd-topology-updater -help command. For example, in a podman container, run the following command:

$ podman run nfd-topology-updater -help

The -ca-file flag is one of the three flags, together with the -cert-file and `-key-file`flags, that controls the mutual TLS authentication on the NFD Topology Updater. This flag specifies the TLS root certificate that is used for verifying the authenticity of nfd-master.

Default: empty


The -ca-file flag must be specified together with the -cert-file and -key-file flags.


$ nfd-topology-updater -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt -cert-file=/opt/nfd/updater.crt -key-file=/opt/nfd/updater.key


The -cert-file flag is one of the three flags, together with the -ca-file and -key-file flags, that controls mutual TLS authentication on the NFD Topology Updater. This flag specifies the TLS certificate presented for authenticating outgoing requests.

Default: empty


The -cert-file flag must be specified together with the -ca-file and -key-file flags.


$ nfd-topology-updater -cert-file=/opt/nfd/updater.crt -key-file=/opt/nfd/updater.key -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt

-h, -help

Print usage and exit.


The -key-file flag is one of the three flags, together with the -ca-file and -cert-file flags, that controls the mutual TLS authentication on the NFD Topology Updater. This flag specifies the private key corresponding the given certificate file, or -cert-file, that is used for authenticating outgoing requests.

Default: empty


The -key-file flag must be specified together with the -ca-file and -cert-file flags.


$ nfd-topology-updater -key-file=/opt/nfd/updater.key -cert-file=/opt/nfd/updater.crt -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt


The -kubelet-config-file specifies the path to the Kubelet’s configuration file.

Default: /host-var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml


$ nfd-topology-updater -kubelet-config-file=/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml


The -no-publish flag disables all communication with the nfd-master, making it a dry run flag for nfd-topology-updater. NFD Topology Updater runs resource hardware topology detection normally, but no CR requests are sent to nfd-master.

Default: false


$ nfd-topology-updater -no-publish -oneshot

The -oneshot flag causes the NFD Topology Updater to exit after one pass of resource hardware topology detection.

Default: false


$ nfd-topology-updater -oneshot -no-publish


The -podresources-socket flag specifies the path to the Unix socket where kubelet exports a gRPC service to enable discovery of in-use CPUs and devices, and to provide metadata for them.

Default: /host-var/liblib/kubelet/pod-resources/kubelet.sock


$ nfd-topology-updater -podresources-socket=/var/lib/kubelet/pod-resources/kubelet.sock


The -server flag specifies the address of the nfd-master endpoint to connect to.

Default: localhost:8080


$ nfd-topology-updater -server=nfd-master.nfd.svc.cluster.local:443


The -server-name-override flag specifies the common name (CN) which to expect from the nfd-master TLS certificate. This flag is mostly intended for development and debugging purposes.

Default: empty


$ nfd-topology-updater -server-name-override=localhost


The -sleep-interval flag specifies the interval between resource hardware topology re-examination and custom resource updates. A non-positive value implies infinite sleep interval and no re-detection is done.

Default: 60s


$ nfd-topology-updater -sleep-interval=1h


Print version and exit.


The -watch-namespace flag specifies the namespace to ensure that resource hardware topology examination only happens for the pods running in the specified namespace. Pods that are not running in the specified namespace are not considered during resource accounting. This is particularly useful for testing and debugging purposes. A * value means that all of the pods across all namespaces are considered during the accounting process.

Default: *


$ nfd-topology-updater -watch-namespace=rte

Chapter 4. Kernel Module Management Operator

Learn about the Kernel Module Management (KMM) Operator and how you can use it to deploy out-of-tree kernel modules and device plugins on OpenShift Container Platform clusters.

4.1. About the Kernel Module Management Operator

The Kernel Module Management (KMM) Operator manages, builds, signs, and deploys out-of-tree kernel modules and device plugins on OpenShift Container Platform clusters.

KMM adds a new Module CRD which describes an out-of-tree kernel module and its associated device plugin. You can use Module resources to configure how to load the module, define ModuleLoader images for kernel versions, and include instructions for building and signing modules for specific kernel versions.

KMM is designed to accommodate multiple kernel versions at once for any kernel module, allowing for seamless node upgrades and reduced application downtime.

4.2. Installing the Kernel Module Management Operator

As a cluster administrator, you can install the Kernel Module Management (KMM) Operator by using the OpenShift CLI or the web console.

The KMM Operator is supported on OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 and later. Installing KMM on version 4.11 does not require specific additional steps. For details on installing KMM on version 4.10 and earlier, see the section "Installing the Kernel Module Management Operator on earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform".

4.2.1. Installing the Kernel Module Management Operator using the web console

As a cluster administrator, you can install the Kernel Module Management (KMM) Operator using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. Install the Kernel Module Management Operator:

    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click OperatorsOperatorHub.
    2. Select Kernel Module Management Operator from the list of available Operators, and then click Install.
    3. From the Installed Namespace list, select the openshift-kmm namespace.
    4. Click Install.


To verify that KMM Operator installed successfully:

  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.
  2. Ensure that Kernel Module Management Operator is listed in the openshift-kmm project with a Status of InstallSucceeded.


    During installation, an Operator might display a Failed status. If the installation later succeeds with an InstallSucceeded message, you can ignore the Failed message.


  1. To troubleshoot issues with Operator installation:

    1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page and inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failure or errors under Status.
    2. Navigate to the WorkloadsPods page and check the logs for pods in the openshift-kmm project.

4.2.2. Installing the Kernel Module Management Operator by using the CLI

As a cluster administrator, you can install the Kernel Module Management (KMM) Operator by using the OpenShift CLI.


  • You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged into the OpenShift CLI as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Install KMM in the openshift-kmm namespace:

    1. Create the following Namespace CR and save the YAML file, for example, kmm-namespace.yaml:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: openshift-kmm
    2. Create the following OperatorGroup CR and save the YAML file, for example, kmm-op-group.yaml:

      kind: OperatorGroup
        name: kernel-module-management
        namespace: openshift-kmm
    3. Create the following Subscription CR and save the YAML file, for example, kmm-sub.yaml:

      kind: Subscription
        name: kernel-module-management
        namespace: openshift-kmm
        channel: release-1.0
        installPlanApproval: Automatic
        name: kernel-module-management
        source: redhat-operators
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
        startingCSV: kernel-module-management.v1.0.0
    4. Create the subscription object by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f kmm-sub.yaml


  • To verify that the Operator deployment is successful, run the following command:

    $ oc get -n openshift-kmm deployments.apps kmm-operator-controller

    Example output

    NAME                              READY UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE AGE
    kmm-operator-controller           1/1   1           1         97s

    The Operator is available.

4.2.3. Installing the Kernel Module Management Operator on earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform

The KMM Operator is supported on OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 and later. For version 4.10 and earlier, you must create a new SecurityContextConstraint object and bind it to the Operator’s ServiceAccount. As a cluster administrator, you can install the Kernel Module Management (KMM) Operator by using the OpenShift CLI.


  • You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged into the OpenShift CLI as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Install KMM in the openshift-kmm namespace:

    1. Create the following Namespace CR and save the YAML file, for example, kmm-namespace.yaml file:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: openshift-kmm
    2. Create the following SecurityContextConstraint object and save the YAML file, for example, kmm-security-constraint.yaml:

      allowHostDirVolumePlugin: false
      allowHostIPC: false
      allowHostNetwork: false
      allowHostPID: false
      allowHostPorts: false
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
      allowPrivilegedContainer: false
      defaultAddCapabilities: null
        type: MustRunAs
      groups: []
      kind: SecurityContextConstraints
        name: restricted-v2
      priority: null
      readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
        - ALL
        type: MustRunAsRange
        type: MustRunAs
        - runtime/default
        type: RunAsAny
      users: []
        - configMap
        - downwardAPI
        - emptyDir
        - persistentVolumeClaim
        - projected
        - secret
    3. Bind the SecurityContextConstraint object to the Operator’s ServiceAccount by running the following commands:

      $ oc apply -f kmm-security-constraint.yaml
      $ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user kmm-security-constraint -z kmm-operator-controller -n openshift-kmm
    4. Create the following OperatorGroup CR and save the YAML file, for example, kmm-op-group.yaml:

      kind: OperatorGroup
        name: kernel-module-management
        namespace: openshift-kmm
    5. Create the following Subscription CR and save the YAML file, for example, kmm-sub.yaml:

      kind: Subscription
        name: kernel-module-management
        namespace: openshift-kmm
        channel: release-1.0
        installPlanApproval: Automatic
        name: kernel-module-management
        source: redhat-operators
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
        startingCSV: kernel-module-management.v1.0.0
    6. Create the subscription object by running the following command:

      $ oc create -f kmm-sub.yaml


  • To verify that the Operator deployment is successful, run the following command:

    $ oc get -n openshift-kmm deployments.apps kmm-operator-controller

    Example output

    NAME                              READY UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE AGE
    kmm-operator-controller           1/1   1           1         97s

    The Operator is available.

4.3. Configuring the Kernel Module Management Operator

In most cases, the default configuration for the Kernel Module Management (KMM) Operator does not need to be modified. However, you can modify the Operator settings to suit your environment using the following procedure.

The Operator configuration is set in the kmm-operator-manager-config ConfigMap in the Operator namespace.


  1. To modify the settings, edit the ConfigMap data by entering the following command:

    $ oc edit configmap -n "$namespace" kmm-operator-manager-config

    Example output

    healthProbeBindAddress: :8081
      gcDelay: 1h
      enabled: true
      disableHTTP2: true  # CVE-2023-44487
      port: 9443
      enableAuthnAuthz: true
      disableHTTP2: true  # CVE-2023-44487
      secureServing: true
      runAsUser: 0
      seLinuxType: spc_t
      setFirmwareClassPath: /var/lib/firmware

    Table 4.1. Operator configuration parameters


    Defines the address on which the Operator monitors for kubelet health probes. The recommended value is :8081.


    Defines the duration that successful build pods should be preserved for before they are deleted. There is no recommended value for this setting. For information about the valid values for this setting, see ParseDuration.


    Determines whether leader election is used to ensure that only one replica of the KMM Operator is running at any time. For more information, see Leases. The recommended value is true.


    Determines the name of the resource that leader election uses for holding the leader lock. The recommended value is


    If true, disables HTTP/2 for the webhook server, as a mitigation for cve-2023-44487. The recommended value is true.


    Defines the port on which the Operator monitors webhook requests. The recommended value is 9443.


    Determines if metrics are authenticated using TokenReviews and authorized using SubjectAccessReviews with the kube-apiserver.

    For authentication and authorization, the controller needs a ClusterRole with the following rules:

    • apiGroups:, resources: tokenreviews, verbs: create
    • apiGroups:, resources: subjectaccessreviews, verbs: create

    To scrape metrics, for example, using Prometheus, the client needs a ClusterRole with the following rule:

    • nonResourceURLs: "/metrics", verbs: get

    The recommended value is true.


    If true, disables HTTP/2 for the metrics server as a mitigation for CVE-2023-44487. The recommended value is true.


    Determines the bind address for the metrics server. If unspecified, the default is :8080. To disable the metrics server, set to 0. The recommended value is


    Determines whether the metrics are served over HTTPS instead of HTTP. The recommended value is true.


    Determines the value of the runAsUser field of the worker container’s security context. For more information, see SecurityContext. The recommended value is 9443.


    Determines the value of the seLinuxOptions.type field of the worker container’s security context. For more information, see SecurityContext. The recommended value is spc_t.


    Sets the kernel’s firmware search path into the /sys/module/firmware_class/parameters/path file on the node. The recommended value is /var/lib/firmware if you need to set that value through the worker app. Otherwise, unset.

  2. After modifying the settings, restart the controller with the following command:

    $ oc delete pod -n "<namespace>" -l

    The value of <namespace> depends on your original installation method.

Additional resources

4.3.1. Unloading the kernel module

You must unload the kernel modules when moving to a newer version or if they introduce some undesirable side effect on the node.


  • To unload a module loaded with KMM from nodes, delete the corresponding Module resource. KMM then creates worker pods, where required, to run modprobe -r and unload the kernel module from the nodes.


    When unloading worker pods, KMM needs all the resources it uses when loading the kernel module. This includes the ServiceAccount referenced in the Module as well as any RBAC defined to allow privileged KMM worker Pods to run. It also includes any pull secret referenced in .spec.imageRepoSecret.

    To avoid situations where KMM is unable to unload the kernel module from nodes, make sure those resources are not deleted while the Module resource is still present in the cluster in any state, including Terminating. KMM includes a validating admission webhook that rejects the deletion of namespaces that contain at least one Module resource.

4.3.2. Setting the kernel firmware search path

The Linux kernel accepts the firmware_class.path parameter as a search path for firmware, as explained in Firmware search paths.

KMM worker pods can set this value on nodes by writing to sysfs before attempting to load kmods.


  • To define a firmware search path, set worker.setFirmwareClassPath to /var/lib/firmware in the Operator configuration.

Additional resources

4.4. Uninstalling the Kernel Module Management Operator

Use one of the following procedures to uninstall the Kernel Module Management (KMM) Operator, depending on how the KMM Operator was installed.

4.4.1. Uninstalling a Red Hat catalog installation

Use this procedure if KMM was installed from the Red Hat catalog.


Use the following method to uninstall the KMM Operator:

  • Use the OpenShift console under Operators -→ Installed Operators to locate and uninstall the Operator.

Alternatively, you can delete the Subscription resource in the KMM namespace.

4.4.2. Uninstalling a CLI installation

Use this command if the KMM Operator was installed using the OpenShift CLI.


  • Run the following command to uninstall the KMM Operator:

    $ oc delete -k

    Using this command deletes the Module CRD and all Module instances in the cluster.

4.5. Kernel module deployment

Kernel Module Management (KMM) monitors Node and Module resources in the cluster to determine if a kernel module should be loaded on or unloaded from a node.

To be eligible for a module, a node must contain the following:

  • Labels that match the module’s .spec.selector field.
  • A kernel version matching one of the items in the module’s .spec.moduleLoader.container.kernelMappings field.
  • If ordered upgrade ( is configured in the module, a label that matches its .spec.moduleLoader.container.version field.

When KMM reconciles nodes with the desired state as configured in the Module resource, it creates worker pods on the target nodes to run the necessary action. The KMM Operator monitors the outcome of the pods and records the information. The Operator uses this information to label the Node objects when the module is successfully loaded, and to run the device plugin, if configured.

Worker pods run the KMM worker binary that performs the following tasks:

  • Pulls the kmod image configured in the Module resource. Kmod images are standard OCI images that contain .ko files.
  • Extracts the image in the pod’s filesystem.
  • Runs modprobe with the specified arguments to perform the necessary action.

4.5.1. The Module custom resource definition

The Module custom resource definition (CRD) represents a kernel module that can be loaded on all or select nodes in the cluster, through a kmod image. A Module custom resource (CR) specifies one or more kernel versions with which it is compatible, and a node selector.

The compatible versions for a Module resource are listed under .spec.moduleLoader.container.kernelMappings. A kernel mapping can either match a literal version, or use regexp to match many of them at the same time.

The reconciliation loop for the Module resource runs the following steps:

  1. List all nodes matching .spec.selector.
  2. Build a set of all kernel versions running on those nodes.
  3. For each kernel version:

    1. Go through .spec.moduleLoader.container.kernelMappings and find the appropriate container image name. If the kernel mapping has build or sign defined and the container image does not already exist, run the build, the signing pod, or both, as needed.
    2. Create a worker pod to pull the container image determined in the previous step and run modprobe.
    3. If .spec.devicePlugin is defined, create a device plugin daemon set using the configuration specified under .spec.devicePlugin.container.
  4. Run garbage-collect on:

    1. Obsolete device plugin DaemonSets that do not target any node.
    2. Successful build pods.
    3. Successful signing pods.

4.5.2. Set soft dependencies between kernel modules

Some configurations require that several kernel modules be loaded in a specific order to work properly, even though the modules do not directly depend on each other through symbols. These are called soft dependencies. depmod is usually not aware of these dependencies, and they do not appear in the files it produces. For example, if mod_a has a soft dependency on mod_b, modprobe mod_a will not load mod_b.

You can resolve these situations by declaring soft dependencies in the Module custom resource definition (CRD) using the modulesLoadingOrder field.

# ...
        moduleName: mod_a
        dirName: /opt
        firmwarePath: /firmware
          - param=1
          - mod_a
          - mod_b

In the configuration above, the worker pod will first try to unload the in-tree mod_b before loading mod_a from the kmod image. When the worker pod is terminated and mod_a is unloaded, mod_b will not be loaded again.


The first value in the list, to be loaded last, must be equivalent to the moduleName.

4.6. Security and permissions


Loading kernel modules is a highly sensitive operation. After they are loaded, kernel modules have all possible permissions to do any kind of operation on the node.

4.6.1. ServiceAccounts and SecurityContextConstraints

Kernel Module Management (KMM) creates a privileged workload to load the kernel modules on nodes. That workload needs ServiceAccounts allowed to use the privileged SecurityContextConstraint (SCC) resource.

The authorization model for that workload depends on the namespace of the Module resource, as well as its spec.

  • If the .spec.moduleLoader.serviceAccountName or .spec.devicePlugin.serviceAccountName fields are set, they are always used.
  • If those fields are not set, then:

    • If the Module resource is created in the Operator’s namespace (openshift-kmm by default), then KMM uses its default, powerful ServiceAccounts to run the worker and device plugin pods.
    • If the Module resource is created in any other namespace, then KMM runs the pods with the namespace’s default ServiceAccount. The Module resource cannot run a privileged workload unless you manually enable it to use the privileged SCC.

openshift-kmm is a trusted namespace.

When setting up RBAC permissions, remember that any user or ServiceAccount creating a Module resource in the openshift-kmm namespace results in KMM automatically running privileged workloads on potentially all nodes in the cluster.

To allow any ServiceAccount to use the privileged SCC and run worker or device plugin pods, you can use the oc adm policy command, as in the following example:

$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z "${serviceAccountName}" [ -n "${namespace}" ]

4.6.2. Pod security standards

OpenShift runs a synchronization mechanism that sets the namespace Pod Security level automatically based on the security contexts in use. No action is needed.

4.7. Replacing in-tree modules with out-of-tree modules

You can use Kernel Module Management (KMM) to build kernel modules that can be loaded or unloaded into the kernel on demand. These modules extend the functionality of the kernel without the need to reboot the system. Modules can be configured as built-in or dynamically loaded.

Dynamically loaded modules include in-tree modules and out-of-tree (OOT) modules. In-tree modules are internal to the Linux kernel tree, that is, they are already part of the kernel. Out-of-tree modules are external to the Linux kernel tree. They are generally written for development and testing purposes, such as testing the new version of a kernel module that is shipped in-tree, or to deal with incompatibilities.

Some modules that are loaded by KMM could replace in-tree modules that are already loaded on the node. To unload in-tree modules before loading your module, set the value of the .spec.moduleLoader.container.inTreeModulesToRemove field to the modules that you want to unload. The following example demonstrates module replacement for all kernel mappings:

# ...
        moduleName: mod_a

      inTreeModulesToRemove: [mod_a, mod_b]

In this example, the moduleLoader pod uses inTreeModulesToRemove to unload the in-tree mod_a and mod_b before loading mod_a from the moduleLoader image. When the moduleLoader`pod is terminated and `mod_a is unloaded, mod_b is not loaded again.

The following is an example for module replacement for specific kernel mappings:

# ...
        - literal: 6.0.15-300.fc37.x86_64
          containerImage: "some.registry/org/my-kmod:${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}"
          inTreeModulesToRemove: [<module_name>, <module_name>]

Additional resources

4.7.1. Example Module CR

The following is an annotated Module example:

kind: Module
  name: <my_kmod>
        moduleName: <my_kmod> 1
        dirName: /opt 2
        firmwarePath: /firmware 3
        parameters:  4
          - param=1
      kernelMappings:  5
        - literal: 6.0.15-300.fc37.x86_64
          containerImage: some.registry/org/my-kmod:6.0.15-300.fc37.x86_64
        - regexp: '^.+\fc37\.x86_64$' 6
          containerImage: "some.other.registry/org/<my_kmod>:${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}"
        - regexp: '^.+$' 7
          containerImage: "some.registry/org/<my_kmod>:${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}"
            buildArgs:  8
              - name: ARG_NAME
                value: <some_value>
              - name: <some_kubernetes_secret>  9
            baseImageRegistryTLS: 10
              insecure: false
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: false 11
            dockerfileConfigMap:  12
              name: <my_kmod_dockerfile>
              name: <cert_secret>  13
              name: <key_secret>  14
              - /opt/lib/modules/${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}/<my_kmod>.ko
          registryTLS: 15
            insecure: false 16
            insecureSkipTLSVerify: false
    serviceAccountName: <sa_module_loader>  17
  devicePlugin:  18
      image: some.registry/org/device-plugin:latest  19
        - name: MY_DEVICE_PLUGIN_ENV_VAR
          value: SOME_VALUE
      volumeMounts:  20
        - mountPath: /some/mountPath
          name: <device_plugin_volume>
    volumes:  21
      - name: <device_plugin_volume>
          name: <some_configmap>
    serviceAccountName: <sa_device_plugin> 22
  imageRepoSecret:  23
    name: <secret_name>
  selector: ""
1 1 1
Optional: Copies /firmware/* into /var/lib/firmware/ on the node.
At least one kernel item is required.
For each node running a kernel matching the regular expression, KMM checks if you have included a tag or a digest. If you have not specified a tag or digest in the container image, then the validation webhook returns an error and does not apply the module.
For any other kernel, build the image using the Dockerfile in the my-kmod ConfigMap.
Optional: A value for some-kubernetes-secret can be obtained from the build environment at /run/secrets/some-kubernetes-secret.
This field has no effect. When building kmod images or signing kmods within a kmod image, you might sometimes need to pull base images from a registry that serves a certificate signed by an untrusted Certificate Authority (CA). In order for KMM to trust that CA, it must also trust the new CA by replacing the cluster’s CA bundle.

See "Additional resources" to learn how to replace the cluster’s CA bundle.

Optional: Avoid using this parameter. If set to true, the build will skip any TLS server certificate validation when pulling the image in the Dockerfile FROM instruction using plain HTTP.
Required: A secret holding the public secureboot key with the key 'cert'.
Required: A secret holding the private secureboot key with the key 'key'.
Optional: Avoid using this parameter. If set to true, KMM will be allowed to check if the container image already exists using plain HTTP.
Optional: Avoid using this parameter. If set to true, KMM will skip any TLS server certificate validation when checking if the container image already exists.
Required: If the device plugin section is present.
Optional: Used to pull module loader and device plugin images.

4.9. Creating a kmod image

Kernel Module Management (KMM) works with purpose-built kmod images, which are standard OCI images that contain .ko files. The location of the .ko files must match the following pattern: <prefix>/lib/modules/[kernel-version]/.

Keep the following in mind when working with the .ko files:

  • In most cases, <prefix> should be equal to /opt. This is the Module CRD’s default value.
  • kernel-version must not be empty and must be equal to the kernel version the kernel modules were built for.

4.9.1. Running depmod

It is recommended to run depmod at the end of the build process to generate modules.dep and .map files. This is especially useful if your kmod image contains several kernel modules and if one of the modules depends on another module.


You must have a Red Hat subscription to download the kernel-devel package.


  • Generate modules.dep and .map files for a specific kernel version by running the following command:

    $ depmod -b /opt ${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}+`. Example Dockerfile

If you are building your image on OpenShift Container Platform, consider using the Driver Tool Kit (DTK).

For further information, see using an entitled build.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: kmm-ci-dockerfile
  dockerfile: |
    FROM ${DTK_AUTO} as builder
    WORKDIR /usr/src
    RUN ["git", "clone", ""]
    WORKDIR /usr/src/kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod
    RUN KERNEL_SRC_DIR=/lib/modules/${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}/build make all
    RUN microdnf install kmod
    COPY --from=builder /usr/src/kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/kmm_ci_a.ko /opt/lib/modules/${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}/
    COPY --from=builder /usr/src/kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/kmm_ci_b.ko /opt/lib/modules/${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}/
    RUN depmod -b /opt ${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}

Additional resources

4.9.2. Building in the cluster

KMM can build kmod images in the cluster. Follow these guidelines:

  • Provide build instructions using the build section of a kernel mapping.
  • Copy the Dockerfile for your container image into a ConfigMap resource, under the dockerfile key.
  • Ensure that the ConfigMap is located in the same namespace as the Module.

KMM checks if the image name specified in the containerImage field exists. If it does, the build is skipped.

Otherwise, KMM creates a Build resource to build your image. After the image is built, KMM proceeds with the Module reconciliation. See the following example.

# ...
- regexp: '^.+$'
  containerImage: "some.registry/org/<my_kmod>:${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}"
    buildArgs:  1
      - name: ARG_NAME
        value: <some_value>
    secrets: 2
      - name: <some_kubernetes_secret> 3
      insecure: false 4
      insecureSkipTLSVerify: false 5
    dockerfileConfigMap:  6
      name: <my_kmod_dockerfile>
    insecure: false 7
    insecureSkipTLSVerify: false 8
Will be mounted in the build pod as /run/secrets/some-kubernetes-secret.
Optional: Avoid using this parameter. If set to true, the build will be allowed to pull the image in the Dockerfile FROM instruction using plain HTTP.
Optional: Avoid using this parameter. If set to true, the build will skip any TLS server certificate validation when pulling the image in the Dockerfile FROM instruction using plain HTTP.
Optional: Avoid using this parameter. If set to true, KMM will be allowed to check if the container image already exists using plain HTTP.
Optional: Avoid using this parameter. If set to true, KMM will skip any TLS server certificate validation when checking if the container image already exists.

Successful build pods are garbage collected immediately, unless the job.gcDelay parameter is set in the Operator configuration. Failed build pods are always preserved and must be deleted manually by the administrator for the build to be restarted.

4.9.3. Using the Driver Toolkit

The Driver Toolkit (DTK) is a convenient base image for building build kmod loader images. It contains tools and libraries for the OpenShift version currently running in the cluster.


Use DTK as the first stage of a multi-stage Dockerfile.

  1. Build the kernel modules.
  2. Copy the .ko files into a smaller end-user image such as ubi-minimal.
  3. To leverage DTK in your in-cluster build, use the DTK_AUTO build argument. The value is automatically set by KMM when creating the Build resource. See the following example.

    FROM ${DTK_AUTO} as builder
    WORKDIR /usr/src
    RUN ["git", "clone", ""]
    WORKDIR /usr/src/kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod
    RUN KERNEL_SRC_DIR=/lib/modules/${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}/build make all
    FROM ubi9/ubi-minimal
    RUN microdnf install kmod
    COPY --from=builder /usr/src/kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/kmm_ci_a.ko /opt/lib/modules/${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}/
    COPY --from=builder /usr/src/kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/kmm_ci_b.ko /opt/lib/modules/${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}/
    RUN depmod -b /opt ${KERNEL_FULL_VERSION}

Additional resources

4.10. Using signing with Kernel Module Management (KMM)

On a Secure Boot enabled system, all kernel modules (kmods) must be signed with a public/private key-pair enrolled into the Machine Owner’s Key (MOK) database. Drivers distributed as part of a distribution should already be signed by the distribution’s private key, but for kernel modules build out-of-tree, KMM supports signing kernel modules using the sign section of the kernel mapping.

For more details on using Secure Boot, see Generating a public and private key pair


  • A public private key pair in the correct (DER) format.
  • At least one secure-boot enabled node with the public key enrolled in its MOK database.
  • Either a pre-built driver container image, or the source code and Dockerfile needed to build one in-cluster.

4.11. Adding the keys for secureboot

To use KMM Kernel Module Management (KMM) to sign kernel modules, a certificate and private key are required. For details on how to create these, see Generating a public and private key pair.

For details on how to extract the public and private key pair, see Signing kernel modules with the private key. Use steps 1 through 4 to extract the keys into files.


  1. Create the sb_cert.cer file that contains the certificate and the sb_cert.priv file that contains the private key:

    $ openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -utf8 -sha256 -days 36500 -batch -config configuration_file.config -outform DER -out my_signing_key_pub.der -keyout my_signing_key.priv
  2. Add the files by using one of the following methods:

    • Add the files as secrets directly:

      $ oc create secret generic my-signing-key --from-file=key=<my_signing_key.priv>
      $ oc create secret generic my-signing-key-pub --from-file=cert=<my_signing_key_pub.der>
    • Add the files by base64 encoding them:

      $ cat sb_cert.priv | base64 -w 0 > my_signing_key2.base64
      $ cat sb_cert.cer | base64 -w 0 > my_signing_key_pub.base64
  3. Add the encoded text to a YAML file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: my-signing-key-pub
      namespace: default 1
    type: Opaque
      cert: <base64_encoded_secureboot_public_key>
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: my-signing-key
      namespace: default 2
    type: Opaque
      key: <base64_encoded_secureboot_private_key>
    1 2
    namespace - Replace default with a valid namespace.
  4. Apply the YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <yaml_filename>

4.11.1. Checking the keys

After you have added the keys, you must check them to ensure they are set correctly.


  1. Check to ensure the public key secret is set correctly:

    $ oc get secret -o yaml <certificate secret name> | awk '/cert/{print $2; exit}' | base64 -d  | openssl x509 -inform der -text

    This should display a certificate with a Serial Number, Issuer, Subject, and more.

  2. Check to ensure the private key secret is set correctly:

    $ oc get secret -o yaml <private key secret name> | awk '/key/{print $2; exit}' | base64 -d

    This should display the key enclosed in the -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY----- lines.

4.12. Signing kmods in a pre-built image

Use this procedure if you have a pre-built image, such as an image either distributed by a hardware vendor or built elsewhere.

The following YAML file adds the public/private key-pair as secrets with the required key names - key for the private key, cert for the public key. The cluster then pulls down the unsignedImage image, opens it, signs the kernel modules listed in filesToSign, adds them back, and pushes the resulting image as containerImage.

KMM then loads the signed kmods onto all the nodes with that match the selector. The kmods are successfully loaded on any nodes that have the public key in their MOK database, and any nodes that are not secure-boot enabled, which will ignore the signature.


  • The keySecret and certSecret secrets have been created in the same namespace as the rest of the resources.


  • Apply the YAML file:

    kind: Module
      name: example-module
        serviceAccountName: default
          modprobe: 1
            moduleName: '<module_name>'
            # the kmods will be deployed on all nodes in the cluster with a kernel that matches the regexp
            - regexp: '^.*\.x86_64$'
              # the container to produce containing the signed kmods
              containerImage: <image_name> 2
                # the image containing the unsigned kmods (we need this because we are not building the kmods within the cluster)
                unsignedImage: <image_name> 3
                keySecret: # a secret holding the private secureboot key with the key 'key'
                  name: <private_key_secret_name>
                certSecret: # a secret holding the public secureboot key with the key 'cert'
                  name: <certificate_secret_name>
                filesToSign: # full path within the unsignedImage container to the kmod(s) to sign
                  - /opt/lib/modules/4.18.0-348.2.1.el8_5.x86_64/kmm_ci_a.ko
        # the name of a secret containing credentials to pull unsignedImage and push containerImage to the registry
        name: repo-pull-secret
      selector: amd64
The name of the kmod to load.
The name of the container image. For example,<kernelversion.
The name of the unsigned image. For example,<kernelversion.

4.13. Building and signing a kmod image

Use this procedure if you have source code and must build your image first.

The following YAML file builds a new container image using the source code from the repository. The image produced is saved back in the registry with a temporary name, and this temporary image is then signed using the parameters in the sign section.

The temporary image name is based on the final image name and is set to be <containerImage>:<tag>-<namespace>_<module name>_kmm_unsigned.

For example, using the following YAML file, Kernel Module Management (KMM) builds an image named containing the build with unsigned kmods and pushes it to the registry. Then it creates a second image named that contains the signed kmods. It is this second image that is pulled by the worker pods and contains the kmods to be loaded on the cluster nodes.

After it is signed, you can safely delete the temporary image from the registry. It will be rebuilt, if needed.


  • The keySecret and certSecret secrets have been created in the same namespace as the rest of the resources.


  • Apply the YAML file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: example-module-dockerfile
      namespace: <namespace> 1
      Dockerfile: |
        ARG DTK_AUTO
        FROM ${DTK_AUTO} as builder
        WORKDIR /build/
        RUN git clone -b main --single-branch
        WORKDIR kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/
        RUN make
        RUN yum -y install kmod && yum clean all
        RUN mkdir -p /opt/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}
        COPY --from=builder /build/kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/*.ko /opt/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/
        RUN /usr/sbin/depmod -b /opt
    kind: Module
      name: example-module
      namespace: <namespace> 2
        serviceAccountName: default 3
            moduleName: simple_kmod
            - regexp: '^.*\.x86_64$'
              containerImage: <final_driver_container_name>
                  name: example-module-dockerfile
                  name: <private_key_secret_name>
                  name: <certificate_secret_name>
                  - /opt/lib/modules/4.18.0-348.2.1.el8_5.x86_64/kmm_ci_a.ko
      imageRepoSecret: 4
        name: repo-pull-secret
      selector: # top-level selector amd64
1 2
Replace default with a valid namespace.
The default serviceAccountName does not have the required permissions to run a module that is privileged. For information on creating a service account, see "Creating service accounts" in the "Additional resources" of this section.
Used as imagePullSecrets in the DaemonSet object and to pull and push for the build and sign features.

Additional resources

4.14. KMM hub and spoke

In hub and spoke scenarios, many spoke clusters are connected to a central, powerful hub cluster. Kernel Module Management (KMM) depends on Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) to operate in hub and spoke environments.

KMM is compatible with hub and spoke environments through decoupling KMM features. A ManagedClusterModule custom resource definition (CRD) is provided to wrap the existing Module CRD and extend it to select Spoke clusters. Also provided is KMM-Hub, a new standalone controller that builds images and signs modules on the hub cluster.

In hub and spoke setups, spokes are focused, resource-constrained clusters that are centrally managed by a hub cluster. Spokes run the single-cluster edition of KMM, with those resource-intensive features disabled. To adapt KMM to this environment, you should reduce the workload running on the spokes to the minimum, while the hub takes care of the expensive tasks.

Building kernel module images and signing the .ko files, should run on the hub. The scheduling of the Module Loader and Device Plugin DaemonSets can only happen on the spokes.

4.14.1. KMM-Hub

The KMM project provides KMM-Hub, an edition of KMM dedicated to hub clusters. KMM-Hub monitors all kernel versions running on the spokes and determines the nodes on the cluster that should receive a kernel module.

KMM-Hub runs all compute-intensive tasks such as image builds and kmod signing, and prepares the trimmed-down Module to be transferred to the spokes through RHACM.


KMM-Hub cannot be used to load kernel modules on the hub cluster. Install the regular edition of KMM to load kernel modules.

Additional resources

4.14.2. Installing KMM-Hub

You can use one of the following methods to install KMM-Hub:

  • With the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)
  • Creating KMM resources

Additional resources Installing KMM-Hub using the Operator Lifecycle Manager

Use the Operators section of the OpenShift console to install KMM-Hub. Installing KMM-Hub by creating KMM resources


  • If you want to install KMM-Hub programmatically, you can use the following resources to create the Namespace, OperatorGroup and Subscription resources:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: openshift-kmm-hub
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: kernel-module-management-hub
  namespace: openshift-kmm-hub
kind: Subscription
  name: kernel-module-management-hub
  namespace: openshift-kmm-hub
  channel: stable
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: kernel-module-management-hub
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

4.14.3. Using the ManagedClusterModule CRD

Use the ManagedClusterModule Custom Resource Definition (CRD) to configure the deployment of kernel modules on spoke clusters. This CRD is cluster-scoped, wraps a Module spec and adds the following additional fields:

kind: ManagedClusterModule
  name: <my-mcm>
  # No namespace, because this resource is cluster-scoped.
  moduleSpec: 1
    selector: 2
      node-wants-my-mcm: 'true'

  spokeNamespace: <some-namespace> 3

  selector: 4
    wants-my-mcm: 'true'
moduleSpec: Contains moduleLoader and devicePlugin sections, similar to a Module resource.
Selects nodes within the ManagedCluster.
Specifies in which namespace the Module should be created.
Selects ManagedCluster objects.

If build or signing instructions are present in .spec.moduleSpec, those pods are run on the hub cluster in the operator’s namespace.

When the .spec.selector matches one or more ManagedCluster resources, then KMM-Hub creates a ManifestWork resource in the corresponding namespace(s). ManifestWork contains a trimmed-down Module resource, with kernel mappings preserved but all build and sign subsections are removed. containerImage fields that contain image names ending with a tag are replaced with their digest equivalent.

4.14.4. Running KMM on the spoke

After installing Kernel Module Management (KMM) on the spoke, no further action is required. Create a ManagedClusterModule object from the hub to deploy kernel modules on spoke clusters.


You can install KMM on the spokes cluster through a RHACM Policy object. In addition to installing KMM from the OperatorHub and running it in a lightweight spoke mode, the Policy configures additional RBAC required for the RHACM agent to be able to manage Module resources.

  • Use the following RHACM policy to install KMM on spoke clusters:

    kind: Policy
      name: install-kmm
      remediationAction: enforce
      disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
              name: install-kmm
              severity: high
              - complianceType: mustonlyhave
                  apiVersion: v1
                  kind: Namespace
                    name: openshift-kmm
              - complianceType: mustonlyhave
                  kind: OperatorGroup
                    name: kmm
                    namespace: openshift-kmm
                    upgradeStrategy: Default
              - complianceType: mustonlyhave
                  kind: Subscription
                    name: kernel-module-management
                    namespace: openshift-kmm
                    channel: stable
                        - name: KMM_MANAGED 1
                          value: "1"
                    installPlanApproval: Automatic
                    name: kernel-module-management
                    source: redhat-operators
                    sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
              - complianceType: mustonlyhave
                  kind: ClusterRole
                    name: kmm-module-manager
                    - apiGroups: []
                      resources: [modules]
                      verbs: [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch]
              - complianceType: mustonlyhave
                  kind: ClusterRoleBinding
                    name: klusterlet-kmm
                  - kind: ServiceAccount
                    name: klusterlet-work-sa
                    namespace: open-cluster-management-agent
                    kind: ClusterRole
                    name: kmm-module-manager
    kind: PlacementRule
      name: all-managed-clusters
      clusterSelector: 2
        matchExpressions: []
    kind: PlacementBinding
      name: install-kmm
      kind: PlacementRule
      name: all-managed-clusters
      - apiGroup:
        kind: Policy
        name: install-kmm
    This environment variable is required when running KMM on a spoke cluster.
    The spec.clusterSelector field can be customized to target select clusters only.

4.15. Customizing upgrades for kernel modules

Use this procedure to upgrade the kernel module while running maintenance operations on the node, including rebooting the node, if needed. To minimize the impact on the workloads running in the cluster, run the kernel upgrade process sequentially, one node at a time.


This procedure requires knowledge of the workload utilizing the kernel module and must be managed by the cluster administrator.


  • Before upgrading, set the<module_namespace>.<module_name>=$moduleVersion label on all the nodes that are used by the kernel module.
  • Terminate all user application workloads on the node or move them to another node.
  • Unload the currently loaded kernel module.
  • Ensure that the user workload (the application running in the cluster that is accessing kernel module) is not running on the node prior to kernel module unloading and that the workload is back running on the node after the new kernel module version has been loaded.


  1. Ensure that the device plugin managed by KMM on the node is unloaded.
  2. Update the following fields in the Module custom resource (CR):

    • containerImage (to the appropriate kernel version)
    • version

      The update should be atomic; that is, both the containerImage and version fields must be updated simultaneously.

  3. Terminate any workload using the kernel module on the node being upgraded.
  4. Remove the<module_namespace>.<module_name> label on the node. Run the following command to unload the kernel module from the node:

    $ oc label node/<node_name><module_namespace>.<module_name>-
  5. If required, as the cluster administrator, perform any additional maintenance required on the node for the kernel module upgrade.

    If no additional upgrading is needed, you can skip Steps 3 through 6 by updating the<module_namespace>.<module_name> label value to the new $moduleVersion as set in the Module.

  6. Run the following command to add the<module_namespace>.<module_name>=$moduleVersion label to the node. The $moduleVersion must be equal to the new value of the version field in the Module CR.

    $ oc label node/<node_name><module_namespace>.<module_name>=<desired_version>

    Because of Kubernetes limitations in label names, the combined length of Module name and namespace must not exceed 39 characters.

  7. Restore any workload that leverages the kernel module on the node.
  8. Reload the device plugin managed by KMM on the node.

4.16. Day 1 kernel module loading

Kernel Module Management (KMM) is typically a Day 2 Operator. Kernel modules are loaded only after the complete initialization of a Linux (RHCOS) server. However, in some scenarios the kernel module must be loaded at an earlier stage. Day 1 functionality allows you to use the Machine Config Operator (MCO) to load kernel modules during the Linux systemd initialization stage.

Additional resources

4.16.1. Day 1 supported use cases

The Day 1 functionality supports a limited number of use cases. The main use case is to allow loading out-of-tree (OOT) kernel modules prior to NetworkManager service initialization. It does not support loading kernel module at the initramfs stage.

The following are the conditions needed for Day 1 functionality:

  • The kernel module is not loaded in the kernel.
  • The in-tree kernel module is loaded into the kernel, but can be unloaded and replaced by the OOT kernel module. This means that the in-tree module is not referenced by any other kernel modules.
  • In order for Day 1 functionlity to work, the node must have a functional network interface, that is, an in-tree kernel driver for that interface. The OOT kernel module can be a network driver that will replace the functional network driver.

4.16.2. OOT kernel module loading flow

The loading of the out-of-tree (OOT) kernel module leverages the Machine Config Operator (MCO). The flow sequence is as follows:


  1. Apply a MachineConfig resource to the existing running cluster. In order to identify the necessary nodes that need to be updated, you must create an appropriate MachineConfigPool resource.
  2. MCO applies the reboots node by node. On any rebooted node, two new systemd services are deployed: pull service and load service.
  3. The load service is configured to run prior to the NetworkConfiguration service. The service tries to pull a predefined kernel module image and then, using that image, to unload an in-tree module and load an OOT kernel module.
  4. The pull service is configured to run after NetworkManager service. The service checks if the preconfigured kernel module image is located on the node’s filesystem. If it is, the service exists normally, and the server continues with the boot process. If not, it pulls the image onto the node and reboots the node afterwards.

4.16.3. The kernel module image

The Day 1 functionality uses the same DTK based image leveraged by Day 2 KMM builds. The out-of-tree kernel module should be located under /opt/lib/modules/${kernelVersion}.

Additional resources

4.16.4. In-tree module replacement

The Day 1 functionality always tries to replace the in-tree kernel module with the OOT version. If the in-tree kernel module is not loaded, the flow is not affected; the service proceeds and loads the OOT kernel module.

4.16.5. MCO yaml creation

KMM provides an API to create an MCO YAML manifest for the Day 1 functionality:

ProduceMachineConfig(machineConfigName, machineConfigPoolRef, kernelModuleImage, kernelModuleName string) (string, error)

The returned output is a string representation of the MCO YAML manifest to be applied. It is up to the customer to apply this YAML.

The parameters are:

The name of the MCO YAML manifest. This parameter is set as the name parameter of the metadata of the MCO YAML manifest.
The MachineConfigPool name used to identify the targeted nodes.
The name of the container image that includes the OOT kernel module.
The name of the OOT kernel module. This parameter is used both to unload the in-tree kernel module (if loaded into the kernel) and to load the OOT kernel module.

The API is located under pkg/mcproducer package of the KMM source code. The KMM operator does not need to be running to use the Day 1 functionality. You only need to import the pkg/mcproducer package into their operator/utility code, call the API, and apply the produced MCO YAML to the cluster.

4.16.6. The MachineConfigPool

The MachineConfigPool identifies a collection of nodes that are affected by the applied MCO.

kind: MachineConfigPool
  name: sfc
  machineConfigSelector: 1
      - {key:, operator: In, values: [worker, sfc]}
  nodeSelector: 2
    matchLabels: ""
  paused: false
  maxUnavailable: 1
Matches the labels in the MachineConfig.
Matches the labels on the node.

There are predefined MachineConfigPools in the OCP cluster:

  • worker: Targets all worker nodes in the cluster
  • master: Targets all master nodes in the cluster

Define the following MachineConfig to target the master MachineConfigPool:

  labels: master

Define the following MachineConfig to target the worker MachineConfigPool:

  labels: worker

Additional resources

4.17. Debugging and troubleshooting

If the kmods in your driver container are not signed or are signed with the wrong key, then the container can enter a PostStartHookError or CrashLoopBackOff status. You can verify by running the oc describe command on your container, which displays the following message in this scenario:

modprobe: ERROR: could not insert '<your_kmod_name>': Required key not available

4.18. KMM firmware support

Kernel modules sometimes need to load firmware files from the file system. KMM supports copying firmware files from the kmod image to the node’s file system.

The contents of .spec.moduleLoader.container.modprobe.firmwarePath are copied into the /var/lib/firmware path on the node before running the modprobe command to insert the kernel module.

All files and empty directories are removed from that location before running the modprobe -r command to unload the kernel module, when the pod is terminated.

4.18.1. Configuring the lookup path on nodes

On OpenShift Container Platform nodes, the set of default lookup paths for firmwares does not include the /var/lib/firmware path.


  1. Use the Machine Config Operator to create a MachineConfig custom resource (CR) that contains the /var/lib/firmware path:

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: worker 1
      name: 99-worker-kernel-args-firmware-path
        - 'firmware_class.path=/var/lib/firmware'
    You can configure the label based on your needs. In the case of single-node OpenShift, use either control-pane or master objects.
  2. By applying the MachineConfig CR, the nodes are automatically rebooted.

Additional resources

4.18.2. Building a kmod image


  • In addition to building the kernel module itself, include the binary firmware in the builder image:

    FROM as builder
    # Build the kmod
    RUN ["mkdir", "/firmware"]
    RUN ["curl", "-o", "/firmware/firmware.bin", ""]
    # Copy the kmod, install modprobe, run depmod
    COPY --from=builder /firmware /firmware

4.18.3. Tuning the Module resource


  • Set .spec.moduleLoader.container.modprobe.firmwarePath in the Module custom resource (CR):

    kind: Module
      name: my-kmod
            moduleName: my-kmod  # Required
            firmwarePath: /firmware 1
    Optional: Copies /firmware/* into /var/lib/firmware/ on the node.

4.19. Day 0 through Day 2 kmod installation

You can install some kernel modules (kmods) during Day 0 through Day 2 operations without Kernel Module Management (KMM). This could assist in the transition of the kmods to KMM.

Use the following criteria to determine suitable kmod installations.

Day 0

The most basic kmods that are required for a node to become Ready in the cluster. Examples of these types of kmods include:

  • A storage driver that is required to mount the rootFS as part of the boot process
  • A network driver that is required for the machine to access machine-config-server on the bootstrap node to pull the ignition and join the cluster
Day 1

Kmods that are not required for a node to become Ready in the cluster but cannot be unloaded when the node is Ready.

An example of this type of kmod is an out-of-tree (OOT) network driver that replaces an outdated in-tree driver to exploit the full potential of the NIC while NetworkManager depends on it. When the node is Ready, you cannot unload the driver because of the NetworkManager dependency.

Day 2

Kmods that can be dynamically loaded to the kernel or removed from it without interfering with the cluster infrastructure, for example, connectivity.

Examples of these types of kmods include:

  • GPU operators
  • Secondary network adapters
  • field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)

4.19.1. Layering background

When a Day 0 kmod is installed in the cluster, layering is applied through the Machine Config Operator (MCO) and OpenShift Container Platform upgrades do not trigger node upgrades.

You only need to recompile the driver if you add new features to it, because the node’s operating system will remain the same.

4.19.2. Lifecycle management

You can leverage KMM to manage the Day 0 through Day 2 lifecycle of kmods without a reboot when the driver allows it.


This will not work if the upgrade requires a node reboot, for example, when rebuilding initramfs files is needed.

Use one of the following options for lifecycle management. Treat the kmod as an in-tree driver

Use this method when you want to upgrade the kmods. In this case, treat the kmod as an in-tree driver and create a Module in the cluster with the inTreeRemoval field to unload the old version of the driver.

Note the following characteristics of treating the kmod as an in-tree driver:

  • Downtime might occur as KMM tries to unload and load the kmod on all the selected nodes simultaneously.
  • This works if removing the driver makes the node lose connectivity because KMM uses a single pod to unload and load the driver. Use ordered upgrade

You can use ordered upgrade ( to create a versioned Module in the cluster representing the kmods with no effect, because the kmods are already loaded.

Note the following characteristics of using ordered upgrade:

  • There is no cluster downtime because you control the pace of the upgrade and how many nodes are upgraded at the same time; therefore, an upgrade with no downtime is possible.
  • This method will not work if unloading the driver results in losing connection to the node, because KMM creates two different worker pods for unloading and another for loading. These pods will not be scheduled.

4.20. Troubleshooting KMM

When troubleshooting KMM installation issues, you can monitor logs to determine at which stage issues occur. Then, retrieve diagnostic data relevant to that stage.

4.20.1. Reading Operator logs

You can use the oc logs command to read Operator logs, as in the following examples.

Example command for KMM controller

$ oc logs -fn openshift-kmm deployments/kmm-operator-controller

Example command for KMM webhook server

$ oc logs -fn openshift-kmm deployments/kmm-operator-webhook-server

Example command for KMM-Hub controller

$ oc logs -fn openshift-kmm-hub deployments/kmm-operator-hub-controller

Example command for KMM-Hub webhook server

$ oc logs -fn openshift-kmm deployments/kmm-operator-hub-webhook-server

4.20.2. Observing events

Use the following methods to view KMM events.

Build & sign

KMM publishes events whenever it starts a kmod image build or observes its outcome. These events are attached to Module objects and are available at the end of the output of oc describe module command, as in the following example:

$ oc describe kmm-ci-a
  Type    Reason          Age                From  Message
  ----    ------          ----               ----  -------
  Normal  BuildCreated    2m29s              kmm   Build created for kernel 6.6.2-201.fc39.x86_64
  Normal  BuildSucceeded  63s                kmm   Build job succeeded for kernel 6.6.2-201.fc39.x86_64
  Normal  SignCreated     64s (x2 over 64s)  kmm   Sign created for kernel 6.6.2-201.fc39.x86_64
  Normal  SignSucceeded   57s                kmm   Sign job succeeded for kernel 6.6.2-201.fc39.x86_64
Module load or unload

KMM publishes events whenever it successfully loads or unloads a kernel module on a node. These events are attached to Node objects and are available at the end of the output of oc describe node command, as in the following example:

$ oc describe node my-node
  Type    Reason          Age    From  Message
  ----    ------          ----   ----  -------
  Normal  ModuleLoaded    4m17s  kmm   Module default/kmm-ci-a loaded into the kernel
  Normal  ModuleUnloaded  2s     kmm   Module default/kmm-ci-a unloaded from the kernel

4.20.3. Using the must-gather tool

The oc adm must-gather command is the preferred way to collect a support bundle and provide debugging information to Red Hat Support. Collect specific information by running the command with the appropriate arguments as described in the following sections.

Additional resources Gathering data for KMM


  1. Gather the data for the KMM Operator controller manager:

    1. Set the MUST_GATHER_IMAGE variable:

      $ export MUST_GATHER_IMAGE=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-kmm kmm-operator-controller -ojsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?("manager")].env[?("RELATED_IMAGE_MUST_GATHER")].value}')
      $ oc adm must-gather --image="${MUST_GATHER_IMAGE}" -- /usr/bin/gather

      Use the -n <namespace> switch to specify a namespace if you installed KMM in a custom namespace.

    2. Run the must-gather tool:

      $ oc adm must-gather --image="${MUST_GATHER_IMAGE}" -- /usr/bin/gather
  2. View the Operator logs:

    $ oc logs -fn openshift-kmm deployments/kmm-operator-controller

    Example 4.1. Example output

    I0228 09:36:37.352405       1 request.go:682] Waited for 1.001998746s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
    I0228 09:36:40.767060       1 listener.go:44] kmm/controller-runtime/metrics "msg"="Metrics server is starting to listen" "addr"=""
    I0228 09:36:40.769483       1 main.go:234] kmm/setup "msg"="starting manager"
    I0228 09:36:40.769907       1 internal.go:366] kmm "msg"="Starting server" "addr"={"IP":"","Port":8080,"Zone":""} "kind"="metrics" "path"="/metrics"
    I0228 09:36:40.770025       1 internal.go:366] kmm "msg"="Starting server" "addr"={"IP":"::","Port":8081,"Zone":""} "kind"="health probe"
    I0228 09:36:40.770128       1 leaderelection.go:248] attempting to acquire leader lease openshift-kmm/
    I0228 09:36:40.784396       1 leaderelection.go:258] successfully acquired lease openshift-kmm/
    I0228 09:36:40.784876       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="Module" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Module" "source"="kind source: *v1beta1.Module"
    I0228 09:36:40.784925       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="Module" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Module" "source"="kind source: *v1.DaemonSet"
    I0228 09:36:40.784968       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="Module" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Module" "source"="kind source: *v1.Build"
    I0228 09:36:40.785001       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="Module" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Module" "source"="kind source: *v1.Job"
    I0228 09:36:40.785025       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="Module" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Module" "source"="kind source: *v1.Node"
    I0228 09:36:40.785039       1 controller.go:193] kmm "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="Module" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Module"
    I0228 09:36:40.785458       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="PodNodeModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Pod" "source"="kind source: *v1.Pod"
    I0228 09:36:40.786947       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="PreflightValidation" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PreflightValidation" "source"="kind source: *v1beta1.PreflightValidation"
    I0228 09:36:40.787406       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="PreflightValidation" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PreflightValidation" "source"="kind source: *v1.Build"
    I0228 09:36:40.787474       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="PreflightValidation" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PreflightValidation" "source"="kind source: *v1.Job"
    I0228 09:36:40.787488       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="PreflightValidation" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PreflightValidation" "source"="kind source: *v1beta1.Module"
    I0228 09:36:40.787603       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="NodeKernel" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Node" "source"="kind source: *v1.Node"
    I0228 09:36:40.787634       1 controller.go:193] kmm "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="NodeKernel" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Node"
    I0228 09:36:40.787680       1 controller.go:193] kmm "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="PreflightValidation" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PreflightValidation"
    I0228 09:36:40.785607       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="imagestream" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ImageStream" "source"="kind source: *v1.ImageStream"
    I0228 09:36:40.787822       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="preflightvalidationocp" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PreflightValidationOCP" "source"="kind source: *v1beta1.PreflightValidationOCP"
    I0228 09:36:40.787853       1 controller.go:193] kmm "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="imagestream" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ImageStream"
    I0228 09:36:40.787879       1 controller.go:185] kmm "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="preflightvalidationocp" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PreflightValidationOCP" "source"="kind source: *v1beta1.PreflightValidation"
    I0228 09:36:40.787905       1 controller.go:193] kmm "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="preflightvalidationocp" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PreflightValidationOCP"
    I0228 09:36:40.786489       1 controller.go:193] kmm "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="PodNodeModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="Pod" Gathering data for KMM-Hub


  1. Gather the data for the KMM Operator hub controller manager:

    1. Set the MUST_GATHER_IMAGE variable:

      $ export MUST_GATHER_IMAGE=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-kmm-hub kmm-operator-hub-controller -ojsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?("manager")].env[?("RELATED_IMAGE_MUST_GATHER")].value}')
      $ oc adm must-gather --image="${MUST_GATHER_IMAGE}" -- /usr/bin/gather -u

      Use the -n <namespace> switch to specify a namespace if you installed KMM in a custom namespace.

    2. Run the must-gather tool:

      $ oc adm must-gather --image="${MUST_GATHER_IMAGE}" -- /usr/bin/gather -u
  2. View the Operator logs:

    $ oc logs -fn openshift-kmm-hub deployments/kmm-operator-hub-controller

    Example 4.2. Example output

    I0417 11:34:08.807472       1 request.go:682] Waited for 1.023403273s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
    I0417 11:34:12.373413       1 listener.go:44] kmm-hub/controller-runtime/metrics "msg"="Metrics server is starting to listen" "addr"=""
    I0417 11:34:12.376253       1 main.go:150] kmm-hub/setup "msg"="Adding controller" "name"="ManagedClusterModule"
    I0417 11:34:12.376621       1 main.go:186] kmm-hub/setup "msg"="starting manager"
    I0417 11:34:12.377690       1 leaderelection.go:248] attempting to acquire leader lease openshift-kmm-hub/
    I0417 11:34:12.378078       1 internal.go:366] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting server" "addr"={"IP":"","Port":8080,"Zone":""} "kind"="metrics" "path"="/metrics"
    I0417 11:34:12.378222       1 internal.go:366] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting server" "addr"={"IP":"::","Port":8081,"Zone":""} "kind"="health probe"
    I0417 11:34:12.395703       1 leaderelection.go:258] successfully acquired lease openshift-kmm-hub/
    I0417 11:34:12.396334       1 controller.go:185] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="ManagedClusterModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ManagedClusterModule" "source"="kind source: *v1beta1.ManagedClusterModule"
    I0417 11:34:12.396403       1 controller.go:185] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="ManagedClusterModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ManagedClusterModule" "source"="kind source: *v1.ManifestWork"
    I0417 11:34:12.396430       1 controller.go:185] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="ManagedClusterModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ManagedClusterModule" "source"="kind source: *v1.Build"
    I0417 11:34:12.396469       1 controller.go:185] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="ManagedClusterModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ManagedClusterModule" "source"="kind source: *v1.Job"
    I0417 11:34:12.396522       1 controller.go:185] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="ManagedClusterModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ManagedClusterModule" "source"="kind source: *v1.ManagedCluster"
    I0417 11:34:12.396543       1 controller.go:193] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="ManagedClusterModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ManagedClusterModule"
    I0417 11:34:12.397175       1 controller.go:185] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="imagestream" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ImageStream" "source"="kind source: *v1.ImageStream"
    I0417 11:34:12.397221       1 controller.go:193] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="imagestream" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ImageStream"
    I0417 11:34:12.498335       1 filter.go:196] kmm-hub "msg"="Listing all ManagedClusterModules" "managedcluster"="local-cluster"
    I0417 11:34:12.498570       1 filter.go:205] kmm-hub "msg"="Listed ManagedClusterModules" "count"=0 "managedcluster"="local-cluster"
    I0417 11:34:12.498629       1 filter.go:238] kmm-hub "msg"="Adding reconciliation requests" "count"=0 "managedcluster"="local-cluster"
    I0417 11:34:12.498687       1 filter.go:196] kmm-hub "msg"="Listing all ManagedClusterModules" "managedcluster"="sno1-0"
    I0417 11:34:12.498750       1 filter.go:205] kmm-hub "msg"="Listed ManagedClusterModules" "count"=0 "managedcluster"="sno1-0"
    I0417 11:34:12.498801       1 filter.go:238] kmm-hub "msg"="Adding reconciliation requests" "count"=0 "managedcluster"="sno1-0"
    I0417 11:34:12.501947       1 controller.go:227] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting workers" "controller"="imagestream" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ImageStream" "worker count"=1
    I0417 11:34:12.501948       1 controller.go:227] kmm-hub "msg"="Starting workers" "controller"="ManagedClusterModule" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ManagedClusterModule" "worker count"=1
    I0417 11:34:12.502285       1 imagestream_reconciler.go:50] kmm-hub "msg"="registered imagestream info mapping" "ImageStream"={"name":"driver-toolkit","namespace":"openshift"} "controller"="imagestream" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="ImageStream" "dtkImage"="" "name"="driver-toolkit" "namespace"="openshift" "osImageVersion"="412.86.202302211547-0" "reconcileID"="e709ff0a-5664-4007-8270-49b5dff8bae9"

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