
A.3. Changing Passwords

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The ldappasswd command can either set a new user-defined password or generate a new password for an account. Other settings (for bind information, connection information, or other command settings) may be required and are listed in the OpenLDAP manpages.
# ldappasswd -x -D bind_dn -W -p server_port -h server_hostname [-A | -a oldPassword] [-S | -s newPassword] [user]


Password change operations must be run over a secure connection, such as TLS, STARTTLS, or SASL. For information on how to configure TLS for LDAP clients, see Section 9.9.4, “Authenticating Using a Certificate”.

Example A.3. Directory Manager Changing a User's Password Over TLS

The Directory Manager changes the password of the user uid=tuser1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to new_password over TLS.
# ldappasswd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -ZZ -p 389 -h -x -s new_password "uid=tuser1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"

Example A.4. Directory Manager Generating a User's Password

The Directory Manager generates the password of the user uid=tuser2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com over TLS.
# ldappasswd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -ZZ -p 389 -h -x "uid=tuser2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"

Example A.5. User Changing His Own Password

A user, tuser3, changes the password from old_newpassword to new_password over TLS.
# ldappasswd -p 389 -h -ZZ -x -D "uid=tuser3,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" -W -a old_password -s new_password

Example A.6. User Authenticating with DIGEST_MD5 and Changing His Password

A user, jsmith, authenticates with GSS-API and changes the password to new_password.
# ldappasswd -p 389 -h -O noplain,minssf=1,maxbufsize=512 -Y GSSAPI -U "dn:uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -R EXAMPLE.COM -W -s new_password

Example A.7. User Already Authenticated by Kerberos Prompts for a New Password

A user, who has already authenticated by Kerberos, prompts for the new password. This is not performed over TLS.
# ldappasswd -p 389 -h -O noplain,minssf=1,maxbufsize=512 -I
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