6.8.7. Message Groups Demonstration
The following Python program demonstrates the use and behavior of message groups. To run this program, copy and paste the code into a text file and save it as
, then run it using Python on a machine with the messaging broker started.
The program creates an auto-deleting queue with messaging enabled or disabled, then sends messages to the queue with a message group header that matches the group header for the queue. When messaging is enabled it demonstrates how consumers are given ownership of a message group by the broker, and how this affects what they see and do not see on the queue. It also demonstrates how consumers release ownership of a group by acknowledging all the messages they have fetched from that group, and how group ownership is not released by partially acknowledging the fetched messages.
The program uses two different connections to simulate two consumers, who would usually be running as separate processes, perhaps on different machines.
- Python
import sys from qpid.messaging import * def sendmsg(group, num): # send the message to the broker and add it to our in-memory representation of the broker queue global memoryqueue global tx msg = Message(group + num) msg.properties = {'ourGroupID': group} tx.send(msg) memoryqueue.append(group + num) def pullmsg(consumer): # fetch a message from the broker and print it to the console global counter global memoryqueue msg = consumers[consumer - 1].fetch(timeout = 1) print "\nQueued message: " + memoryqueue[counter] print "Consumer " + str(consumer) + " got: " + msg.content counter +=1 return msg # Two connections are used to simulate two distinct consumers connection = Connection("localhost:5672") connection2 = Connection("localhost:5672") connection.open() connection2.open() try: session = connection.session() session2 = connection2.session() x = raw_input('Enable message grouping [Y/n]?') if x == 'N' or x == 'n': # Create the queue without message groups tx = session.sender("test-nogroup-queue; {create: always, node:{x-declare:{auto-delete:True}}}") rx1 = session.receiver("test-nogroup-queue") rx2 = session2.receiver("test-nogroup-queue") print "\nMessage grouping is disabled" msggroup = False else: # Create the queue with message groups enabled tx = session.sender("test-group-queue; {create: always, node:{x-declare:{auto-delete: True, arguments: {'qpid.group_header_key': 'ourGroupID', 'qpid.shared_msg_group' : 1}}}}") rx1 = session.receiver("test-group-queue") rx2 = session2.receiver("test-group-queue") print "\nMessage grouping is enabled" msggroup = True # Put the receivers in an array so we can use a function to fetch messages consumers = [] consumers.append(rx1) consumers.append(rx2) print "Sending interleaved messages from two different groups to the queue..." # We create an in-memory picture of the queue, to see what order the messages are on the broker memoryqueue = [] sendmsg('A', '1') sendmsg('B', '1') sendmsg('B', '2') sendmsg('A', '2') sendmsg('B', '3') sendmsg('A', '3') counter = 0 pullmsg(1) pullmsg(2) if msggroup: print "\nConsumer 1 now owns message group A. Consumer 2 now owns message group B." msgc1 = pullmsg(1) msgc2 = pullmsg(2) if msggroup: print "\nThe consumers will now acknowledge all the messages, or only the last one." resp = raw_input('Should they acknowlege all messages? [Y/n]') if resp == 'N' or resp == 'n': print "\nAcknowledging only part of the group. The consumers retain ownership of the group. This is an anti-pattern! See the source code comments for details." session.acknowledge(msgc1) session2.acknowledge(msgc2) antipattern = True # Acknowledging only part of a group is an anti-pattern. Messages are grouped to ensure that a single consumer can deal with the whole group. If this consumer now fails before completing the rest of the group, the unacknowledged messages in the group will be released and redelivered by the broker, but the acknowledged messages in the group are now missing in action! else: print "\nAcknowledging all fetched messages. The consumers will release ownership of the groups." session.acknowledge() session2.acknowledge() antipattern = False print "\nPulling more messages from the queue:" pullmsg(1) pullmsg(2) if msggroup: if antipattern == False: print "\nConsumer 1 now owns message group B. Consumer 2 now owns message group A." print "\nSending some more messages to the queue..." sendmsg('B', '4') sendmsg('B', '5') sendmsg('A', '4') sendmsg('A', '5') pullmsg(1) pullmsg(2) pullmsg(1) pullmsg(2) finally: connection.close() connection2.close()
Example program output
The program sends messages from two different Groups - A
and B
- to a queue. Here is an example of the output when message groups are disabled:
$ python message-groups.py Enable message grouping [Y/n]?n Message grouping is disabled Sending interleaved messages from two different groups to the queue... Queued message: A1 Consumer 1 got: A1 Queued message: B1 Consumer 2 got: B1 Queued message: B2 Consumer 1 got: B2 Queued message: A2 Consumer 2 got: A2 Queued message: B3 Consumer 1 got: B3 Queued message: A3 Consumer 2 got: A3 Queued message: B4 Consumer 1 got: B4 Queued message: B5 Consumer 2 got: B5 Queued message: A4 Consumer 1 got: A4 Queued message: A5 Consumer 2 got: A5
The consumers are pulling messages from the queue in a round-robin fashion, and they see the messages on the queue in the order the messages were sent there.
Running the program with message groups enabled demonstrates how message groups influence how consumers see the messages on the queue:
$ python message-groups.py Enable message grouping [Y/n]?y Message grouping is enabled Sending interleaved messages from two different groups to the queue... Queued message: A1 Consumer 1 got: A1 Queued message: B1 Consumer 2 got: B1 Consumer 1 now owns message group A. Consumer 2 now owns message group B. Queued message: B2 Consumer 1 got: A2 Queued message: A2 Consumer 2 got: B2
At this point of the program you can choose to acknowledge all of the acquired messages, or only some of them. Acknowledging all of the messages that have been acquired so far releases ownership of the group, and the next messages that the consumers see will be the next messages on the queue:
The consumers will now acknowledge all the messages, or only the last one. Should they acknowlege all messages? [Y/n]y Acknowledging all fetched messages. The consumers will release ownership of the groups. Pulling more messages from the queue: Queued message: B3 Consumer 1 got: B3 Queued message: A3 Consumer 2 got: A3
They will then take ownership of the groups of those messages:
Consumer 1 now owns message group B. Consumer 2 now owns message group A. Sending some more messages to the queue... Queued message: B4 Consumer 1 got: B4 Queued message: B5 Consumer 2 got: A4 Queued message: A4 Consumer 1 got: B5 Queued message: A5 Consumer 2 got: A5
If you instead choose to acknowledge only the last message, rather than all the acquired messages in the group, then the program will warn you that this is an anti-pattern, and demonstrate that the consumers retain ownership of the group:
The consumers will now acknowledge all the messages, or only the last one. Should they acknowlege all messages? [Y/n]n Acknowledging only part of the group. The consumers retain ownership of the group. This is an anti-pattern! See the source code comments for details. Pulling more messages from the queue: Queued message: B3 Consumer 1 got: A3 Queued message: A3 Consumer 2 got: B3 Sending some more messages to the queue... Queued message: B4 Consumer 1 got: A4 Queued message: B5 Consumer 2 got: B4 Queued message: A4 Consumer 1 got: A5 Queued message: A5 Consumer 2 got: B5