2.13. Topic
To configure subscription queues in AMQP 1.0, a new broker entity of type 'topic' has been added.
A topic references an existing exchange and additionally specifies the queue options to use when creating the subscription queue for any receiver link attached to that topic. There can be topics with different names all referencing the same exchange where different policies should be applied to queues.
Topics can be created and deleted using the qpid-config tool, e.g.
qpid-config add topic my-topic --argument exchange=amq.topic\ --argument qpid.max_count=500 --argument qpid.policy_type=self-destruct
If a receiver is established for address '
' over 1.0 now, it will result in a subscription queue being created with a limit of 500 messages, that deletes itself (thus ending the subscription) if that limit is exceeded and is bound to 'amq.topic
' with the key 'my-key