
5.2. About Encrypted Disk

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Red Hat Gluster Storage provides the ability to create bricks on encrypted devices to restrict data access. Encrypted bricks can be used to create Red Hat Gluster Storage volumes.
For information on creating encrypted disk, refer to the following product documentation:
  • For RHEL 6, refer to Disk Encryption Appendix of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Installation Guide.


    Red Hat Gluster Storage is not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) from 3.5 Batch Update 1 onwards. See Version Details table in section Red Hat Gluster Storage Software Components and Versions of the Installation Guide
  • For RHEL 7, refer to Encryption of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Guide.
  • Starting in RHEL 7.5, Red Hat has implemented an additional component that can be used to enable LUKS disks remotely during startup called as Network Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE). For more information on NBDE, refer to Configuring Automated Unlocking of Encrypted Volumes using Policy-Based Decryption of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Guide.
  • For RHEL 8, refer to Encrypting Block Devices Using LUKS of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Security Guide.
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