
Chapter 7. Integrating Red Hat Gluster Storage with Windows Active Directory

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In this chapter, the tasks necessary for integrating Red Hat Gluster Storage nodes into an existing Windows Active Directory domain are described. The following diagram describes the architecture of integrating Red Hat Gluster Storage with Windows Active Directory.
Active Directory Integration

Figure 7.1. Active Directory Integration

This section assumes that you have an active directory domain installed. Before we go ahead with the configuration details, following is a list of data along with examples that will be used in the sections ahead.
Table 7.1. Active Directory Integration information
InformationExample Value
DNS domain name /
NetBIOS domain nameADDOM
Name of administrative accountadministrator
Red Hat Gluster Storage,,,
Netbios name of the clusterRHS-SMB

7.1. Prerequisites

Before integration, the following steps have to be completed on an existing Red Hat Gluster Storage environment:
  • Name Resolution

    The Red Hat Gluster Storage nodes must be able to resolve names from the AD domain via DNS. To verify the same you can use the following command:

    where, is the AD domain and dc1 is the name of a domain controller.
    For example, the /etc/resolv.conf file in a static network configuration could look like this:
    nameserver #
    nameserver #
    This example assumes that both the domain controllers are also the DNS servers of the domain.
  • Kerberos Packages

    If you want to use the kerberos client utilities, like kinit and klist, then manually install the krb5-workstation using the following command:

    # yum -y install krb5-workstation
  • Synchronize Time Service

    It is essential that the time service on each Red Hat Gluster Storage node and the Windows Active Directory server are synchronized, else the Kerberos authentication may fail due to clock skew. In environments where time services are not reliable, the best practice is to configure the Red Hat Gluster Storage nodes to synchronize time from the Windows Server.

    On each Red Hat Storage node, edit the file /etc/ntp.conf for RHEL 7 or /etc/chrony.conf for RHEL 8 so the time is synchronized from a known, reliable time service:
    # Enable writing of statistics records.
    #statistics clockstats cryptostats loopstats peerstats
    server iburst
    server iburst
    driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
    makestep 1.0 3
    logdir /var/log/chrony
    Activate the change on each Red Hat Gluster Storage node by stopping the NTP or chrony daemon, updating the time, then starting the chrony daemon. Verify the change on both servers using the following commands:
    For RHEL 7 and RHEL 8, run:
    # systemctl stop ntpd
    # systemctl start ntpd
    # systemctl stop chrony
    # systemctl start chrony
    For RHEL 6, run:
    # service ntpd stop
    # service ntpd start
    # service chrony stop
    # service chrony stop
  • Samba Packages

    Ensure to install the following Samba packages along with its dependencies:

    • CTDB
    • samba
    • samba-client
    • samba-winbind
    • samba-winbind-modules
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