
12.4. Configuring the Log Level

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Every log message has a log level associated with it. The levels, in descending order, are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE. Red Hat Gluster Storage can be configured to generate log messages only for certain log levels. Only those messages that have log levels above or equal to the configured log level are logged.
For example, if the log level is set to INFO, only CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, and INFO messages are logged.
The components can be configured to log at one of the following levels:
  • INFO


Setting the log level to TRACE or DEBUG generates a very large number of log messages and can lead to disks running out of space very quickly.
To configure the log level on bricks
# gluster volume set VOLNAME diagnostics.brick-log-level <value>

Example 12.7. Set the log level to warning on a brick

# gluster volume set testvol diagnostics.brick-log-level WARNING
To configure the syslog level on bricks
# gluster volume set VOLNAME diagnostics.brick-sys-log-level <value>

Example 12.8. Set the syslog level to warning on a brick

# gluster volume set testvol diagnostics.brick-sys-log-level WARNING
To configure the log level on clients
# gluster volume set VOLNAME diagnostics.client-log-level <value>

Example 12.9. Set the log level to error on a client

# gluster volume set testvol diagnostics.client-log-level ERROR
To configure the syslog level on clients
# gluster volume set VOLNAME diagnostics.client-sys-log-level <value>

Example 12.10. Set the syslog level to error on a client

# gluster volume set testvol diagnostics.client-sys-log-level ERROR
To configure the log level for glusterd persistently
Edit the /etc/sysconfig/glusterd file, and set the value of the LOG_LEVEL parameter to the log level that you want glusterd to use.
## Set custom log file and log level (below are defaults)
This change does not take effect until glusterd is started or restarted with the service or systemctl command.

Example 12.11. Set the log level to WARNING on glusterd

Run the following commands to set the log level to WARNING:
  1. Edit the glusterd service file:
    On Red Hat Enterprise 7(RHEL 7) and RHEL 8, the glusterd service file is available at /usr/lib/systemd/system/glusterd.service
    On RHEL 6, the glusterd service file is available at /etc/sysconfig/glusterd


    Red Hat Gluster Storage is not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) from 3.5 Batch Update 1 onwards. See Version Details table in section Red Hat Gluster Storage Software Components and Versions of the Installation Guide
  2. Change the LOG_LEVEL variable to the required debug level.
    ## Set custom log file and log level (below are defaults)
  3. Reload the daemon:
    On RHEL 7 and RHEL 8, run
    systemctl daemon-reload
    On RHEL 6, run
    service glusterd reload


    Red Hat Gluster Storage is not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) from 3.5 Batch Update 1 onwards. See Version Details table in section Red Hat Gluster Storage Software Components and Versions of the Installation Guide
  4. Restart the glusterd service.
    On RHEL 7 and RHEL 8, run
    systemctl restart glusterd
    On RHEL 6, run
    service glusterd restart


    Red Hat Gluster Storage is not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) from 3.5 Batch Update 1 onwards. See Version Details table in section Red Hat Gluster Storage Software Components and Versions of the Installation Guide

Example 12.12. Run volume status with a log level of ERROR

# gluster --log-level=ERROR volume status
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