
1.3. Configuration

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Once you have downloaded and added all required dependencies to your application you have to add a couple of properties to your hibernate configuration file. If you are using Hibernate directly this can be done in or hibernate.cfg.xml. If you are using Hibernate via JPA you can also add the properties to persistence.xml. The good news is that for standard use most properties offer a sensible default. An example persistence.xml configuration could look like this:

Example 1.3. Basic configuration options to be added to, hibernate.cfg.xml or persistence.xml

<property name="" 

<property name="" value="/var/lucene/indexes"/> 
First you have to tell Hibernate Search which DirectoryProvider to use. This can be achieved by setting the property. Apache Lucene has the notion of a Directory to store the index files. Hibernate Search handles the initialization and configuration of a Lucene Directory instance via a DirectoryProvider. In this tutorial we will use a subclass of DirectoryProvider called FSDirectoryProvider. This will give us the ability to physically inspect the Lucene indexes created by Hibernate Search (eg via Luke). Once you have a working configuration you can start experimenting with other directory providers (see Section 3.1, “Directory configuration”). Next to the directory provider you also have to specify the default root directory for all indexes via
Lets assume that your application contains the Hibernate managed classes example.Book and example.Author and you want to add free text search capabilities to your application in order to search the books contained in your database.

Example 1.4. Example entities Book and Author before adding Hibernate Search specific annotations

package example;
public class Book {

  private Integer id; 

  private String title;  

  private String subtitle; 

  private Set<Author> authors = new HashSet<Author>();

  private Date publicationDate;
  public Book() {
  // standard getters/setters follow here
package example;
public class Author {

  private Integer id;

  private String name;

  public Author() {
  // standard getters/setters follow here

To achieve this you have to add a few annotations to the Book and Author class. The first annotation @Indexed marks Book as indexable. By design Hibernate Search needs to store an untokenized id in the index to ensure index unicity for a given entity. @DocumentId marks the property to use for this purpose and is in most cases the same as the database primary key. In fact since the 3.1.0 release of Hibernate Search @DocumentId is optional in the case where an @Id annotation exists.
Next you have to mark the fields you want to make searchable. Let us start with title and subtitle and annotate both with @Field. The parameter index=Index.TOKENIZED will ensure that the text will be tokenized using the default Lucene analyzer. Usually, tokenizing means chunking a sentence into individual words and potentially excluding common words like 'a' or 'the'. We will talk more about analyzers a little later on. The second parameter we specify within @Field, store=Store.NO, ensures that the actual data will not be stored in the index. Whether this data is stored in the index or not has nothing to do with the ability to search for it. From Lucene's perspective it is not necessary to keep the data once the index is created. The benefit of storing it is the ability to retrieve it via projections (Section, “Projection”).
Without projections, Hibernate Search will per default execute a Lucene query in order to find the database identifiers of the entities matching the query criteria and use these identifiers to retrieve managed objects from the database. The decision for or against projection has to be made on a case to case basis. The default behavior - Store.NO - is recommended since it returns managed objects whereas projections only return object arrays.
After this short look under the hood let us go back to annotating the Book class. Another annotation we have not yet discussed is @DateBridge. This annotation is one of the built-in field bridges in Hibernate Search. The Lucene index is purely string based. For this reason Hibernate Search must convert the data types of the indexed fields to strings and vice versa. A range of predefined bridges are provided, including the DateBridge which will convert a java.util.Date into a String with the specified resolution. For more details see Section 4.2, “Property/Field Bridge”.
This leaves us with @IndexedEmbedded. This annotation is used to index associated entities (@ManyToMany, @*ToOne and @Embedded) as part of the owning entity. This is needed since a Lucene index document is a flat data structure which does not know anything about object relations. To ensure that the authors' name will be searchable you have to make sure that the names are indexed as part of the book itself. On top of @IndexedEmbedded you will also have to mark all fields of the associated entity you want to have included in the index with @Indexed. For more details see Section 4.1.3, “Embedded and associated objects”.
These settings should be sufficient for now. For more details on entity mapping refer to Section 4.1, “Mapping an entity”.

Example 1.5. Example entities after adding Hibernate Search annotations

package example;
public class Book {

  private Integer id;
  @Field(index=Index.TOKENIZED, store=Store.NO)
  private String title;
  @Field(index=Index.TOKENIZED, store=Store.NO)
  private String subtitle; 

  private Set<Author> authors = new HashSet<Author>();

 @Field(index = Index.UN_TOKENIZED, store = Store.YES) @DateBridge(resolution = Resolution.DAY)
  private Date publicationDate;
  public Book() {
  // standard getters/setters follow here
package example;
public class Author {

  private Integer id;

  @Field(index=Index.TOKENIZED, store=Store.NO)
  private String name;

  public Author() {
  // standard getters/setters follow here
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