
4.2.2. Custom Bridge

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Sometimes, the built-in bridges of Hibernate Search do not cover some of your property types, or the String representation used by the bridge does not meet your requirements. The following paragraphs describe several solutions to this problem. StringBridge

The simplest custom solution is to give Hibernate Search an implementation of your expected Object to String bridge. To do so you need to implements the interface. All implementations have to be thread-safe as they are used concurrently.

Example 4.14. Implementing your own StringBridge

 * Padding Integer bridge.
 * All numbers will be padded with 0 to match 5 digits
 * @author Emmanuel Bernard
public class PaddedIntegerBridge implements StringBridge {

    private int PADDING = 5;

    public String objectToString(Object object) {
        String rawInteger = ( (Integer) object ).toString();
        if (rawInteger.length() > PADDING) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Try to pad on a number too big" );
        StringBuilder paddedInteger = new StringBuilder( );
        for ( int padIndex = rawInteger.length() ; padIndex < PADDING ; padIndex++ ) {
        return paddedInteger.append( rawInteger ).toString();
Then any property or field can use this bridge thanks to the @FieldBridge annotation
@FieldBridge(impl = PaddedIntegerBridge.class)
private Integer length;
Parameters can be passed to the Bridge implementation making it more flexible. The Bridge implementation implements a ParameterizedBridge interface, and the parameters are passed through the @FieldBridge annotation.

Example 4.15. Passing parameters to your bridge implementation

public class PaddedIntegerBridge implements StringBridge, ParameterizedBridge {

    public static String PADDING_PROPERTY = "padding";
    private int padding = 5; //default

    public void setParameterValues(Map parameters) {
        Object padding = parameters.get( PADDING_PROPERTY );
        if (padding != null) this.padding = (Integer) padding;

    public String objectToString(Object object) {
        String rawInteger = ( (Integer) object ).toString();
        if (rawInteger.length() > padding) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Try to pad on a number too big" );
        StringBuilder paddedInteger = new StringBuilder( );
        for ( int padIndex = rawInteger.length() ; padIndex < padding ; padIndex++ ) {
        return paddedInteger.append( rawInteger ).toString();

@FieldBridge(impl = PaddedIntegerBridge.class,
             params = @Parameter(name="padding", value="10")
private Integer length;
The ParameterizedBridge interface can be implemented by StringBridge , TwoWayStringBridge , FieldBridge implementations.
All implementations have to be thread-safe, but the parameters are set during initialization and no special care is required at this stage.
If you expect to use your bridge implementation on an id property (ie annotated with @DocumentId ), you need to use a slightly extended version of StringBridge named TwoWayStringBridge. Hibernate Search needs to read the string representation of the identifier and generate the object out of it. There is not difference in the way the @FieldBridge annotation is used.

Example 4.16. Implementing a TwoWayStringBridge which can for example be used for id properties

public class PaddedIntegerBridge implements TwoWayStringBridge, ParameterizedBridge {

    public static String PADDING_PROPERTY = "padding";
    private int padding = 5; //default

    public void setParameterValues(Map parameters) {
        Object padding = parameters.get( PADDING_PROPERTY );
        if (padding != null) this.padding = (Integer) padding;

    public String objectToString(Object object) {
        String rawInteger = ( (Integer) object ).toString();
        if (rawInteger.length() > padding) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Try to pad on a number too big" );
        StringBuilder paddedInteger = new StringBuilder( );
        for ( int padIndex = rawInteger.length() ; padIndex < padding ; padIndex++ ) {
        return paddedInteger.append( rawInteger ).toString();

    public Object stringToObject(String stringValue) {
        return new Integer(stringValue);

//id property
@FieldBridge(impl = PaddedIntegerBridge.class,
             params = @Parameter(name="padding", value="10") 
private Integer id;
It is critically important for the two-way process to be idempotent (ie object = stringToObject( objectToString( object ) ) ).
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