
5.2.4. Understanding results

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You will find yourself sometimes puzzled by a result showing up in a query or a result not showing up in a query. Luke is a great tool to understand those mysteries. However, Hibernate Search also gives you access to the Lucene Explanation object for a given result (in a given query). This class is considered fairly advanced to Lucene users but can provide a good understanding of the scoring of an object. You have two ways to access the Explanation object for a given result:
  • Use the fullTextQuery.explain(int) method
  • Use projection
The first approach takes a document id as a parameter and return the Explanation object. The document id can be retrieved using projection and the FullTextQuery.DOCUMENT_ID constant.


The Document id has nothing to do with the entity id. Do not mess up these two notions.
The second approach let us you project the Explanation object using the FullTextQuery.EXPLANATION constant.

Example 5.13. Retrieving the Lucene Explanation object using projection

FullTextQuery ftQuery = s.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery, Dvd.class )
        .setProjection( FullTextQuery.DOCUMENT_ID, FullTextQuery.EXPLANATION, FullTextQuery.THIS );
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> results = ftQuery.list();
for (Object[] result : results) {
    Explanation e = (Explanation) result[1];
    System.out.println( e.toString() );
Be careful, building the explanation object is quite expensive, it is roughly as expensive as running the Lucene query again. Do not do it if you do not need the object
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