
1.7. What's next

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The above paragraphs hopefully helped you getting an overview of Hibernate Search. Using the maven archetype plug-in and the following command you can create an initial runnable maven project structure populated with the example code of this tutorial.

Example 1.11. Using the maven archetype to create tutorial sources

mvn archetype:create \ 
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.hibernate \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=hibernate-search-quickstart \ 
    -DarchetypeVersion=3.1.0.GA \ -DartifactId=quickstart
Using the maven project you can execute the examples, inspect the file system based index and search and retrieve a list of managed objects. Just run mvn package to compile the sources and run the unit tests.
The next step after this tutorial is to get more familiar with the overall architecture of Hibernate Search (Chapter 2, Architecture) and explore the basic features in more detail. Two topics which were only briefly touched in this tutorial were analyzer configuration (Section 4.1.6, “Analyzer”) and field bridges (Section 4.2, “Property/Field Bridge”), both important features required for more fine-grained indexing. More advanced topics cover clustering (Section 3.5, “JMS Master/Slave configuration”) and large indexes handling (Section 3.2, “Sharding indexes”).
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