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Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4

Configuring Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS networking

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document provides information about networking for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) clusters.

Chapter 1. About networking

Red Hat OpenShift Networking is an ecosystem of features, plugins, and advanced networking capabilities that enhance Kubernetes networking with advanced networking-related features that your cluster needs to manage network traffic for one or multiple hybrid clusters. This ecosystem of networking capabilities integrates ingress, egress, load balancing, high-performance throughput, security, and inter- and intra-cluster traffic management. The Red Hat OpenShift Networking ecosystem also provides role-based observability tooling to reduce its natural complexities.

The following are some of the most commonly used Red Hat OpenShift Networking features available on your cluster:

  • Primary cluster network provided by either of the following Container Network Interface (CNI) plugins:

  • Cluster Network Operator for network plugin management

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters created with OpenShift 4.11 and above use OVN-Kubernetes network plugin by default. Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters created before OpenShift version 4.11 use the OpenShift SDN plugin after they are upgraded to OpenShift version 4.11 and above.


Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS follows the life cycle of SDN according to OpenShift Core Platform:

  • SDN is deprecated for clusters as of OpenShift version 4.14.
  • Clusters that already use the OpenShift SDN plugin continue to use the plugin after they are upgraded to OpenShift versions 4.11 and above.
  • Clusters can be upgraded up to OpenShift version 4.16.
  • Clusters running on OpenShift 4.16:

    • Clusters using OpenShift version 4.16 cannot upgrade if the clusters are using the SDN plugin.
  • The SDN plugin will be discontinued in OpenShift version 4.17.

You will soon be able to migrate from OpenShift SDN to OVN for clusters running on OpenShift version 4.15 and later. This migration tool is not currently available. For more information about the OpenShift SDN deprecation and the OVN migration, see the KCS article about OpenShift SDN CNI removal in OCP 4.17.

Chapter 2. DNS Operator in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

In Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS, the DNS Operator deploys and manages a CoreDNS instance to provide a name resolution service to pods inside the cluster, enables DNS-based Kubernetes Service discovery, and resolves internal cluster.local names.

2.1. Using DNS forwarding

You can use DNS forwarding to override the default forwarding configuration in the /etc/resolv.conf file in the following ways:

  • Specify name servers (spec.servers) for every zone. If the forwarded zone is the ingress domain managed by Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS, then the upstream name server must be authorized for the domain.


    You must specify at least one zone. Otherwise, your cluster can lose functionality.

  • Provide a list of upstream DNS servers (spec.upstreamResolvers).
  • Change the default forwarding policy.

A DNS forwarding configuration for the default domain can have both the default servers specified in the /etc/resolv.conf file and the upstream DNS servers.


  1. Modify the DNS Operator object named default:

    $ oc edit dns.operator/default

    After you issue the previous command, the Operator creates and updates the config map named dns-default with additional server configuration blocks based on spec.servers.


    When specifying values for the zones parameter, ensure that you only forward to specific zones, such as your intranet. You must specify at least one zone. Otherwise, your cluster can lose functionality.

    If none of the servers have a zone that matches the query, then name resolution falls back to the upstream DNS servers.

    Configuring DNS forwarding

    kind: DNS
      name: default
        negativeTTL: 0s
        positiveTTL: 0s
      logLevel: Normal
      nodePlacement: {}
      operatorLogLevel: Normal
      - name: example-server 1
        - 2
          policy: Random 3
          upstreams: 4
      upstreamResolvers: 5
        policy: Random 6
        protocolStrategy: ""  7
        transportConfig: {}  8
        - type: SystemResolvConf 9
        - type: Network
          address: 10
          port: 53 11
          clusterDomain: cluster.local
          clusterIP: x.y.z.10

    Must comply with the rfc6335 service name syntax.
    Must conform to the definition of a subdomain in the rfc1123 service name syntax. The cluster domain, cluster.local, is an invalid subdomain for the zones field.
    Defines the policy to select upstream resolvers listed in the forwardPlugin. Default value is Random. You can also use the values RoundRobin, and Sequential.
    A maximum of 15 upstreams is allowed per forwardPlugin.
    You can use upstreamResolvers to override the default forwarding policy and forward DNS resolution to the specified DNS resolvers (upstream resolvers) for the default domain. If you do not provide any upstream resolvers, the DNS name queries go to the servers declared in /etc/resolv.conf.
    Determines the order in which upstream servers listed in upstreams are selected for querying. You can specify one of these values: Random, RoundRobin, or Sequential. The default value is Sequential.
    When omitted, the platform chooses a default, normally the protocol of the original client request. Set to TCP to specify that the platform should use TCP for all upstream DNS requests, even if the client request uses UDP.
    Used to configure the transport type, server name, and optional custom CA or CA bundle to use when forwarding DNS requests to an upstream resolver.
    You can specify two types of upstreams: SystemResolvConf or Network. SystemResolvConf configures the upstream to use /etc/resolv.conf and Network defines a Networkresolver. You can specify one or both.
    If the specified type is Network, you must provide an IP address. The address field must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
    If the specified type is Network, you can optionally provide a port. The port field must have a value between 1 and 65535. If you do not specify a port for the upstream, the default port is 853.

Additional resources

Chapter 3. Ingress Operator in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

3.1. Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS Ingress Operator

When you create your Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster, pods and services running on the cluster are each allocated their own IP addresses. The IP addresses are accessible to other pods and services running nearby but are not accessible to outside clients. The Ingress Operator implements the IngressController API and is the component responsible for enabling external access to Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster services.

The Ingress Operator makes it possible for external clients to access your service by deploying and managing one or more HAProxy-based Ingress Controllers to handle routing. Red Hat Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) manage the Ingress Operator for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters. While you cannot alter the settings for the Ingress Operator, you may view the default Ingress Controller configurations, status, and logs as well as the Ingress Operator status.

3.2. The Ingress configuration asset

The installation program generates an asset with an Ingress resource in the API group, cluster-ingress-02-config.yml.

YAML Definition of the Ingress resource

kind: Ingress
  name: cluster

The installation program stores this asset in the cluster-ingress-02-config.yml file in the manifests/ directory. This Ingress resource defines the cluster-wide configuration for Ingress. This Ingress configuration is used as follows:

  • The Ingress Operator uses the domain from the cluster Ingress configuration as the domain for the default Ingress Controller.
  • The OpenShift API Server Operator uses the domain from the cluster Ingress configuration. This domain is also used when generating a default host for a Route resource that does not specify an explicit host.

3.3. Ingress Controller configuration parameters

The IngressController custom resource (CR) includes optional configuration parameters that you can configure to meet specific needs for your organization.



domain is a DNS name serviced by the Ingress Controller and is used to configure multiple features:

  • For the LoadBalancerService endpoint publishing strategy, domain is used to configure DNS records. See endpointPublishingStrategy.
  • When using a generated default certificate, the certificate is valid for domain and its subdomains. See defaultCertificate.
  • The value is published to individual Route statuses so that users know where to target external DNS records.

The domain value must be unique among all Ingress Controllers and cannot be updated.

If empty, the default value is .spec.domain.


replicas is the number of Ingress Controller replicas. If not set, the default value is 2.


endpointPublishingStrategy is used to publish the Ingress Controller endpoints to other networks, enable load balancer integrations, and provide access to other systems.

For cloud environments, use the loadBalancer field to configure the endpoint publishing strategy for your Ingress Controller.

You can configure the following endpointPublishingStrategy fields:

  • loadBalancer.scope
  • loadBalancer.allowedSourceRanges

If not set, the default value is based on .status.platform:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): LoadBalancerService (with External scope)


The defaultCertificate value is a reference to a secret that contains the default certificate that is served by the Ingress Controller. When Routes do not specify their own certificate, defaultCertificate is used.

The secret must contain the following keys and data: * tls.crt: certificate file contents * tls.key: key file contents

If not set, a wildcard certificate is automatically generated and used. The certificate is valid for the Ingress Controller domain and subdomains, and the generated certificate’s CA is automatically integrated with the cluster’s trust store.

The in-use certificate, whether generated or user-specified, is automatically integrated with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS built-in OAuth server.


namespaceSelector is used to filter the set of namespaces serviced by the Ingress Controller. This is useful for implementing shards.


routeSelector is used to filter the set of Routes serviced by the Ingress Controller. This is useful for implementing shards.


nodePlacement enables explicit control over the scheduling of the Ingress Controller.

If not set, the defaults values are used.


The nodePlacement parameter includes two parts, nodeSelector and tolerations. For example:

   matchLabels: linux
 - effect: NoSchedule
   operator: Exists


tlsSecurityProfile specifies settings for TLS connections for Ingress Controllers.

If not set, the default value is based on the resource.

When using the Old, Intermediate, and Modern profile types, the effective profile configuration is subject to change between releases. For example, given a specification to use the Intermediate profile deployed on release X.Y.Z, an upgrade to release X.Y.Z+1 may cause a new profile configuration to be applied to the Ingress Controller, resulting in a rollout.

The minimum TLS version for Ingress Controllers is 1.1, and the maximum TLS version is 1.3.


Ciphers and the minimum TLS version of the configured security profile are reflected in the TLSProfile status.


The Ingress Operator converts the TLS 1.0 of an Old or Custom profile to 1.1.


clientTLS authenticates client access to the cluster and services; as a result, mutual TLS authentication is enabled. If not set, then client TLS is not enabled.

clientTLS has the required subfields, spec.clientTLS.clientCertificatePolicy and spec.clientTLS.ClientCA.

The ClientCertificatePolicy subfield accepts one of the two values: Required or Optional. The ClientCA subfield specifies a config map that is in the openshift-config namespace. The config map should contain a CA certificate bundle.

The AllowedSubjectPatterns is an optional value that specifies a list of regular expressions, which are matched against the distinguished name on a valid client certificate to filter requests. The regular expressions must use PCRE syntax. At least one pattern must match a client certificate’s distinguished name; otherwise, the Ingress Controller rejects the certificate and denies the connection. If not specified, the Ingress Controller does not reject certificates based on the distinguished name.


routeAdmission defines a policy for handling new route claims, such as allowing or denying claims across namespaces.

namespaceOwnership describes how hostname claims across namespaces should be handled. The default is Strict.

  • Strict: does not allow routes to claim the same hostname across namespaces.
  • InterNamespaceAllowed: allows routes to claim different paths of the same hostname across namespaces.

wildcardPolicy describes how routes with wildcard policies are handled by the Ingress Controller.

  • WildcardsAllowed: Indicates routes with any wildcard policy are admitted by the Ingress Controller.
  • WildcardsDisallowed: Indicates only routes with a wildcard policy of None are admitted by the Ingress Controller. Updating wildcardPolicy from WildcardsAllowed to WildcardsDisallowed causes admitted routes with a wildcard policy of Subdomain to stop working. These routes must be recreated to a wildcard policy of None to be readmitted by the Ingress Controller. WildcardsDisallowed is the default setting.


logging defines parameters for what is logged where. If this field is empty, operational logs are enabled but access logs are disabled.

  • access describes how client requests are logged. If this field is empty, access logging is disabled.

    • destination describes a destination for log messages.

      • type is the type of destination for logs:

        • Container specifies that logs should go to a sidecar container. The Ingress Operator configures the container, named logs, on the Ingress Controller pod and configures the Ingress Controller to write logs to the container. The expectation is that the administrator configures a custom logging solution that reads logs from this container. Using container logs means that logs may be dropped if the rate of logs exceeds the container runtime capacity or the custom logging solution capacity.
        • Syslog specifies that logs are sent to a Syslog endpoint. The administrator must specify an endpoint that can receive Syslog messages. The expectation is that the administrator has configured a custom Syslog instance.
      • container describes parameters for the Container logging destination type. Currently there are no parameters for container logging, so this field must be empty.
      • syslog describes parameters for the Syslog logging destination type:

        • address is the IP address of the syslog endpoint that receives log messages.
        • port is the UDP port number of the syslog endpoint that receives log messages.
        • maxLength is the maximum length of the syslog message. It must be between 480 and 4096 bytes. If this field is empty, the maximum length is set to the default value of 1024 bytes.
        • facility specifies the syslog facility of log messages. If this field is empty, the facility is local1. Otherwise, it must specify a valid syslog facility: kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp, cron, auth2, ftp, ntp, audit, alert, cron2, local0, local1, local2, local3. local4, local5, local6, or local7.
    • httpLogFormat specifies the format of the log message for an HTTP request. If this field is empty, log messages use the implementation’s default HTTP log format. For HAProxy’s default HTTP log format, see the HAProxy documentation.


httpHeaders defines the policy for HTTP headers.

By setting the forwardedHeaderPolicy for the IngressControllerHTTPHeaders, you specify when and how the Ingress Controller sets the Forwarded, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port, X-Forwarded-Proto, and X-Forwarded-Proto-Version HTTP headers.

By default, the policy is set to Append.

  • Append specifies that the Ingress Controller appends the headers, preserving any existing headers.
  • Replace specifies that the Ingress Controller sets the headers, removing any existing headers.
  • IfNone specifies that the Ingress Controller sets the headers if they are not already set.
  • Never specifies that the Ingress Controller never sets the headers, preserving any existing headers.

By setting headerNameCaseAdjustments, you can specify case adjustments that can be applied to HTTP header names. Each adjustment is specified as an HTTP header name with the desired capitalization. For example, specifying X-Forwarded-For indicates that the x-forwarded-for HTTP header should be adjusted to have the specified capitalization.

These adjustments are only applied to cleartext, edge-terminated, and re-encrypt routes, and only when using HTTP/1.

For request headers, these adjustments are applied only for routes that have the annotation. For response headers, these adjustments are applied to all HTTP responses. If this field is empty, no request headers are adjusted.

actions specifies options for performing certain actions on headers. Headers cannot be set or deleted for TLS passthrough connections. The actions field has additional subfields spec.httpHeader.actions.response and spec.httpHeader.actions.request:

  • The response subfield specifies a list of HTTP response headers to set or delete.
  • The request subfield specifies a list of HTTP request headers to set or delete.


httpCompression defines the policy for HTTP traffic compression.

  • mimeTypes defines a list of MIME types to which compression should be applied. For example, text/css; charset=utf-8, text/html, text/*, image/svg+xml, application/octet-stream, X-custom/customsub, using the format pattern, type/subtype; [;attribute=value]. The types are: application, image, message, multipart, text, video, or a custom type prefaced by X-; e.g. To see the full notation for MIME types and subtypes, see RFC1341


httpErrorCodePages specifies custom HTTP error code response pages. By default, an IngressController uses error pages built into the IngressController image.


httpCaptureCookies specifies HTTP cookies that you want to capture in access logs. If the httpCaptureCookies field is empty, the access logs do not capture the cookies.

For any cookie that you want to capture, the following parameters must be in your IngressController configuration:

  • name specifies the name of the cookie.
  • maxLength specifies tha maximum length of the cookie.
  • matchType specifies if the field name of the cookie exactly matches the capture cookie setting or is a prefix of the capture cookie setting. The matchType field uses the Exact and Prefix parameters.

For example:

  - matchType: Exact
    maxLength: 128
    name: MYCOOKIE


httpCaptureHeaders specifies the HTTP headers that you want to capture in the access logs. If the httpCaptureHeaders field is empty, the access logs do not capture the headers.

httpCaptureHeaders contains two lists of headers to capture in the access logs. The two lists of header fields are request and response. In both lists, the name field must specify the header name and the maxlength field must specify the maximum length of the header. For example:

    - maxLength: 256
      name: Connection
    - maxLength: 128
      name: User-Agent
    - maxLength: 256
      name: Content-Type
    - maxLength: 256
      name: Content-Length


tuningOptions specifies options for tuning the performance of Ingress Controller pods.

  • clientFinTimeout specifies how long a connection is held open while waiting for the client response to the server closing the connection. The default timeout is 1s.
  • clientTimeout specifies how long a connection is held open while waiting for a client response. The default timeout is 30s.
  • headerBufferBytes specifies how much memory is reserved, in bytes, for Ingress Controller connection sessions. This value must be at least 16384 if HTTP/2 is enabled for the Ingress Controller. If not set, the default value is 32768 bytes. Setting this field not recommended because headerBufferBytes values that are too small can break the Ingress Controller, and headerBufferBytes values that are too large could cause the Ingress Controller to use significantly more memory than necessary.
  • headerBufferMaxRewriteBytes specifies how much memory should be reserved, in bytes, from headerBufferBytes for HTTP header rewriting and appending for Ingress Controller connection sessions. The minimum value for headerBufferMaxRewriteBytes is 4096. headerBufferBytes must be greater than headerBufferMaxRewriteBytes for incoming HTTP requests. If not set, the default value is 8192 bytes. Setting this field not recommended because headerBufferMaxRewriteBytes values that are too small can break the Ingress Controller and headerBufferMaxRewriteBytes values that are too large could cause the Ingress Controller to use significantly more memory than necessary.
  • healthCheckInterval specifies how long the router waits between health checks. The default is 5s.
  • serverFinTimeout specifies how long a connection is held open while waiting for the server response to the client that is closing the connection. The default timeout is 1s.
  • serverTimeout specifies how long a connection is held open while waiting for a server response. The default timeout is 30s.
  • threadCount specifies the number of threads to create per HAProxy process. Creating more threads allows each Ingress Controller pod to handle more connections, at the cost of more system resources being used. HAProxy supports up to 64 threads. If this field is empty, the Ingress Controller uses the default value of 4 threads. The default value can change in future releases. Setting this field is not recommended because increasing the number of HAProxy threads allows Ingress Controller pods to use more CPU time under load, and prevent other pods from receiving the CPU resources they need to perform. Reducing the number of threads can cause the Ingress Controller to perform poorly.
  • tlsInspectDelay specifies how long the router can hold data to find a matching route. Setting this value too short can cause the router to fall back to the default certificate for edge-terminated, reencrypted, or passthrough routes, even when using a better matched certificate. The default inspect delay is 5s.
  • tunnelTimeout specifies how long a tunnel connection, including websockets, remains open while the tunnel is idle. The default timeout is 1h.
  • maxConnections specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be established per HAProxy process. Increasing this value allows each ingress controller pod to handle more connections at the cost of additional system resources. Permitted values are 0, -1, any value within the range 2000 and 2000000, or the field can be left empty.

    • If this field is left empty or has the value 0, the Ingress Controller will use the default value of 50000. This value is subject to change in future releases.
    • If the field has the value of -1, then HAProxy will dynamically compute a maximum value based on the available ulimits in the running container. This process results in a large computed value that will incur significant memory usage compared to the current default value of 50000.
    • If the field has a value that is greater than the current operating system limit, the HAProxy process will not start.
    • If you choose a discrete value and the router pod is migrated to a new node, it is possible the new node does not have an identical ulimit configured. In such cases, the pod fails to start.
    • If you have nodes with different ulimits configured, and you choose a discrete value, it is recommended to use the value of -1 for this field so that the maximum number of connections is calculated at runtime.


logEmptyRequests specifies connections for which no request is received and logged. These empty requests come from load balancer health probes or web browser speculative connections (preconnect) and logging these requests can be undesirable. However, these requests can be caused by network errors, in which case logging empty requests can be useful for diagnosing the errors. These requests can be caused by port scans, and logging empty requests can aid in detecting intrusion attempts. Allowed values for this field are Log and Ignore. The default value is Log.

The LoggingPolicy type accepts either one of two values:

  • Log: Setting this value to Log indicates that an event should be logged.
  • Ignore: Setting this value to Ignore sets the dontlognull option in the HAproxy configuration.


HTTPEmptyRequestsPolicy describes how HTTP connections are handled if the connection times out before a request is received. Allowed values for this field are Respond and Ignore. The default value is Respond.

The HTTPEmptyRequestsPolicy type accepts either one of two values:

  • Respond: If the field is set to Respond, the Ingress Controller sends an HTTP 400 or 408 response, logs the connection if access logging is enabled, and counts the connection in the appropriate metrics.
  • Ignore: Setting this option to Ignore adds the http-ignore-probes parameter in the HAproxy configuration. If the field is set to Ignore, the Ingress Controller closes the connection without sending a response, then logs the connection, or incrementing metrics.

These connections come from load balancer health probes or web browser speculative connections (preconnect) and can be safely ignored. However, these requests can be caused by network errors, so setting this field to Ignore can impede detection and diagnosis of problems. These requests can be caused by port scans, in which case logging empty requests can aid in detecting intrusion attempts.

3.3.1. Ingress Controller TLS security profiles

TLS security profiles provide a way for servers to regulate which ciphers a connecting client can use when connecting to the server. Understanding TLS security profiles

You can use a TLS (Transport Layer Security) security profile to define which TLS ciphers are required by various Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS components. The Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS TLS security profiles are based on Mozilla recommended configurations.

You can specify one of the following TLS security profiles for each component:

Table 3.1. TLS security profiles


This profile is intended for use with legacy clients or libraries. The profile is based on the Old backward compatibility recommended configuration.

The Old profile requires a minimum TLS version of 1.0.


For the Ingress Controller, the minimum TLS version is converted from 1.0 to 1.1.


This profile is the recommended configuration for the majority of clients. It is the default TLS security profile for the Ingress Controller, kubelet, and control plane. The profile is based on the Intermediate compatibility recommended configuration.

The Intermediate profile requires a minimum TLS version of 1.2.


This profile is intended for use with modern clients that have no need for backwards compatibility. This profile is based on the Modern compatibility recommended configuration.

The Modern profile requires a minimum TLS version of 1.3.


This profile allows you to define the TLS version and ciphers to use.


Use caution when using a Custom profile, because invalid configurations can cause problems.


When using one of the predefined profile types, the effective profile configuration is subject to change between releases. For example, given a specification to use the Intermediate profile deployed on release X.Y.Z, an upgrade to release X.Y.Z+1 might cause a new profile configuration to be applied, resulting in a rollout. Configuring the TLS security profile for the Ingress Controller

To configure a TLS security profile for an Ingress Controller, edit the IngressController custom resource (CR) to specify a predefined or custom TLS security profile. If a TLS security profile is not configured, the default value is based on the TLS security profile set for the API server.

Sample IngressController CR that configures the Old TLS security profile

kind: IngressController
    old: {}
    type: Old

The TLS security profile defines the minimum TLS version and the TLS ciphers for TLS connections for Ingress Controllers.

You can see the ciphers and the minimum TLS version of the configured TLS security profile in the IngressController custom resource (CR) under Status.Tls Profile and the configured TLS security profile under Spec.Tls Security Profile. For the Custom TLS security profile, the specific ciphers and minimum TLS version are listed under both parameters.


The HAProxy Ingress Controller image supports TLS 1.3 and the Modern profile.

The Ingress Operator also converts the TLS 1.0 of an Old or Custom profile to 1.1.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Edit the IngressController CR in the openshift-ingress-operator project to configure the TLS security profile:

    $ oc edit IngressController default -n openshift-ingress-operator
  2. Add the spec.tlsSecurityProfile field:

    Sample IngressController CR for a Custom profile

    kind: IngressController
        type: Custom 1
        custom: 2
          ciphers: 3
          - ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305
          - ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305
          - ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
          - ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
          minTLSVersion: VersionTLS11

    Specify the TLS security profile type (Old, Intermediate, or Custom). The default is Intermediate.
    Specify the appropriate field for the selected type:
    • old: {}
    • intermediate: {}
    • custom:
    For the custom type, specify a list of TLS ciphers and minimum accepted TLS version.
  3. Save the file to apply the changes.


  • Verify that the profile is set in the IngressController CR:

    $ oc describe IngressController default -n openshift-ingress-operator

    Example output

    Name:         default
    Namespace:    openshift-ingress-operator
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:
    Kind:         IngressController
      Tls Security Profile:
          Min TLS Version:  VersionTLS11
        Type:               Custom
     ... Configuring mutual TLS authentication

You can configure the Ingress Controller to enable mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication by setting a spec.clientTLS value. The clientTLS value configures the Ingress Controller to verify client certificates. This configuration includes setting a clientCA value, which is a reference to a config map. The config map contains the PEM-encoded CA certificate bundle that is used to verify a client’s certificate. Optionally, you can also configure a list of certificate subject filters.

If the clientCA value specifies an X509v3 certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution point, the Ingress Operator downloads and manages a CRL config map based on the HTTP URI X509v3 CRL Distribution Point specified in each provided certificate. The Ingress Controller uses this config map during mTLS/TLS negotiation. Requests that do not provide valid certificates are rejected.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have a PEM-encoded CA certificate bundle.
  • If your CA bundle references a CRL distribution point, you must have also included the end-entity or leaf certificate to the client CA bundle. This certificate must have included an HTTP URI under CRL Distribution Points, as described in RFC 5280. For example:

     Issuer: C=US, O=Example Inc, CN=Example Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1
             Subject: SOME SIGNED CERT            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:
                    Full Name:


  1. In the openshift-config namespace, create a config map from your CA bundle:

    $ oc create configmap \
       router-ca-certs-default \
       --from-file=ca-bundle.pem=client-ca.crt \1
       -n openshift-config
    The config map data key must be ca-bundle.pem, and the data value must be a CA certificate in PEM format.
  2. Edit the IngressController resource in the openshift-ingress-operator project:

    $ oc edit IngressController default -n openshift-ingress-operator
  3. Add the spec.clientTLS field and subfields to configure mutual TLS:

    Sample IngressController CR for a clientTLS profile that specifies filtering patterns

      kind: IngressController
        name: default
        namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
          clientCertificatePolicy: Required
            name: router-ca-certs-default
          - "^/$"

  4. Optional, get the Distinguished Name (DN) for allowedSubjectPatterns by entering the following command.
$ openssl  x509 -in custom-cert.pem  -noout -subject
subject= /

3.4. View the default Ingress Controller

The Ingress Operator is a core feature of Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS and is enabled out of the box.

Every new Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS installation has an ingresscontroller named default. It can be supplemented with additional Ingress Controllers. If the default ingresscontroller is deleted, the Ingress Operator will automatically recreate it within a minute.


  • View the default Ingress Controller:

    $ oc describe --namespace=openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontroller/default

3.5. View Ingress Operator status

You can view and inspect the status of your Ingress Operator.


  • View your Ingress Operator status:

    $ oc describe clusteroperators/ingress

3.6. View Ingress Controller logs

You can view your Ingress Controller logs.


  • View your Ingress Controller logs:

    $ oc logs --namespace=openshift-ingress-operator deployments/ingress-operator -c <container_name>

3.7. View Ingress Controller status

Your can view the status of a particular Ingress Controller.


  • View the status of an Ingress Controller:

    $ oc describe --namespace=openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontroller/<name>

3.8. Creating a custom Ingress Controller

As a cluster administrator, you can create a new custom Ingress Controller. Because the default Ingress Controller might change during Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS updates, creating a custom Ingress Controller can be helpful when maintaining a configuration manually that persists across cluster updates.

This example provides a minimal spec for a custom Ingress Controller. To further customize your custom Ingress Controller, see "Configuring the Ingress Controller".


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a YAML file that defines the custom IngressController object:

    Example custom-ingress-controller.yaml file

    kind: IngressController
        name: <custom_name> 1
        namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
            name: <custom-ingress-custom-certs> 2
        replicas: 1 3
        domain: <custom_domain> 4

    Specify the a custom name for the IngressController object.
    Specify the name of the secret with the custom wildcard certificate.
    Minimum replica needs to be ONE
    Specify the domain to your domain name. The domain specified on the IngressController object and the domain used for the certificate must match. For example, if the domain value is "", then the certificate must have SAN * (with the *. added to the domain).
  2. Create the object by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f custom-ingress-controller.yaml

3.9. Configuring the Ingress Controller

3.9.1. Setting a custom default certificate

As an administrator, you can configure an Ingress Controller to use a custom certificate by creating a Secret resource and editing the IngressController custom resource (CR).


  • You must have a certificate/key pair in PEM-encoded files, where the certificate is signed by a trusted certificate authority or by a private trusted certificate authority that you configured in a custom PKI.
  • Your certificate meets the following requirements:

    • The certificate is valid for the ingress domain.
    • The certificate uses the subjectAltName extension to specify a wildcard domain, such as *
  • You must have an IngressController CR. You may use the default one:

    $ oc --namespace openshift-ingress-operator get ingresscontrollers

    Example output

    NAME      AGE
    default   10m


If you have intermediate certificates, they must be included in the tls.crt file of the secret containing a custom default certificate. Order matters when specifying a certificate; list your intermediate certificate(s) after any server certificate(s).


The following assumes that the custom certificate and key pair are in the tls.crt and tls.key files in the current working directory. Substitute the actual path names for tls.crt and tls.key. You also may substitute another name for custom-certs-default when creating the Secret resource and referencing it in the IngressController CR.


This action will cause the Ingress Controller to be redeployed, using a rolling deployment strategy.

  1. Create a Secret resource containing the custom certificate in the openshift-ingress namespace using the tls.crt and tls.key files.

    $ oc --namespace openshift-ingress create secret tls custom-certs-default --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key
  2. Update the IngressController CR to reference the new certificate secret:

    $ oc patch --type=merge --namespace openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontrollers/default \
      --patch '{"spec":{"defaultCertificate":{"name":"custom-certs-default"}}}'
  3. Verify the update was effective:

    $ echo Q |\
      openssl s_client -connect console-openshift-console.apps.<domain>:443 -showcerts 2>/dev/null |\
      openssl x509 -noout -subject -issuer -enddate


    Specifies the base domain name for your cluster.

    Example output

    subject=C = US, ST = NC, L = Raleigh, O = RH, OU = OCP4, CN = *
    issuer=C = US, ST = NC, L = Raleigh, O = RH, OU = OCP4, CN =
    notAfter=May 10 08:32:45 2022 GM


    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to set a custom default certificate:

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
        name: custom-certs-default

    The certificate secret name should match the value used to update the CR.

Once the IngressController CR has been modified, the Ingress Operator updates the Ingress Controller’s deployment to use the custom certificate.

3.9.2. Removing a custom default certificate

As an administrator, you can remove a custom certificate that you configured an Ingress Controller to use.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You previously configured a custom default certificate for the Ingress Controller.


  • To remove the custom certificate and restore the certificate that ships with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS, enter the following command:

    $ oc patch -n openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontrollers/default \
      --type json -p $'- op: remove\n  path: /spec/defaultCertificate'

    There can be a delay while the cluster reconciles the new certificate configuration.


  • To confirm that the original cluster certificate is restored, enter the following command:

    $ echo Q | \
      openssl s_client -connect console-openshift-console.apps.<domain>:443 -showcerts 2>/dev/null | \
      openssl x509 -noout -subject -issuer -enddate


    Specifies the base domain name for your cluster.

    Example output

    subject=CN = *.apps.<domain>
    issuer=CN = ingress-operator@1620633373
    notAfter=May 10 10:44:36 2023 GMT

3.9.3. Autoscaling an Ingress Controller

You can automatically scale an Ingress Controller to dynamically meet routing performance or availability requirements, such as the requirement to increase throughput.

The following procedure provides an example for scaling up the default Ingress Controller.


  • You have the OpenShift CLI (oc) installed.
  • You have access to an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You installed the Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator and an associated KEDA Controller.

    • You can install the Operator by using OperatorHub on the web console. After you install the Operator, you can create an instance of KedaController.


  1. Create a service account to authenticate with Thanos by running the following command:

    $ oc create -n openshift-ingress-operator serviceaccount thanos && oc describe -n openshift-ingress-operator serviceaccount thanos

    Example output

    Name:                thanos
    Namespace:           openshift-ingress-operator
    Labels:              <none>
    Annotations:         <none>
    Image pull secrets:  thanos-dockercfg-kfvf2
    Mountable secrets:   thanos-dockercfg-kfvf2
    Tokens:              <none>
    Events:              <none>

  2. Manually create the service account secret token with the following command:

    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: thanos-token
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      annotations: thanos
  3. Define a TriggerAuthentication object within the openshift-ingress-operator namespace by using the service account’s token.

    1. Create the TriggerAuthentication object and pass the value of the secret variable to the TOKEN parameter:

      $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
      kind: TriggerAuthentication
        name: keda-trigger-auth-prometheus
        namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
        - parameter: bearerToken
          name: thanos-token
          key: token
        - parameter: ca
          name: thanos-token
          key: ca.crt
  4. Create and apply a role for reading metrics from Thanos:

    1. Create a new role, thanos-metrics-reader.yaml, that reads metrics from pods and nodes:


      kind: Role
        name: thanos-metrics-reader
        namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      - apiGroups:
        - ""
        - pods
        - nodes
        - get
      - apiGroups:
        - pods
        - nodes
        - get
        - list
        - watch
      - apiGroups:
        - ""
        - namespaces
        - get

    2. Apply the new role by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f thanos-metrics-reader.yaml
  5. Add the new role to the service account by entering the following commands:

    $ oc adm policy -n openshift-ingress-operator add-role-to-user thanos-metrics-reader -z thanos --role-namespace=openshift-ingress-operator
    $ oc adm policy -n openshift-ingress-operator add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z thanos

    The argument add-cluster-role-to-user is only required if you use cross-namespace queries. The following step uses a query from the kube-metrics namespace which requires this argument.

  6. Create a new ScaledObject YAML file, ingress-autoscaler.yaml, that targets the default Ingress Controller deployment:

    Example ScaledObject definition

    kind: ScaledObject
      name: ingress-scaler
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      scaleTargetRef: 1
        kind: IngressController
        name: default
        envSourceContainerName: ingress-operator
      minReplicaCount: 1
      maxReplicaCount: 20 2
      cooldownPeriod: 1
      pollingInterval: 1
      - type: prometheus
        metricType: AverageValue
          serverAddress: https://thanos-querier.openshift-monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9091 3
          namespace: openshift-ingress-operator 4
          metricName: 'kube-node-role'
          threshold: '1'
          query: 'sum(kube_node_role{role="worker",service="kube-state-metrics"})' 5
          authModes: "bearer"
          name: keda-trigger-auth-prometheus

    The custom resource that you are targeting. In this case, the Ingress Controller.
    Optional: The maximum number of replicas. If you omit this field, the default maximum is set to 100 replicas.
    The Thanos service endpoint in the openshift-monitoring namespace.
    The Ingress Operator namespace.
    This expression evaluates to however many worker nodes are present in the deployed cluster.

    If you are using cross-namespace queries, you must target port 9091 and not port 9092 in the serverAddress field. You also must have elevated privileges to read metrics from this port.

  7. Apply the custom resource definition by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f ingress-autoscaler.yaml


  • Verify that the default Ingress Controller is scaled out to match the value returned by the kube-state-metrics query by running the following commands:

    • Use the grep command to search the Ingress Controller YAML file for replicas:

      $ oc get -n openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontroller/default -o yaml | grep replicas:

      Example output

        replicas: 3

    • Get the pods in the openshift-ingress project:

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-ingress

      Example output

      NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      router-default-7b5df44ff-l9pmm   2/2     Running   0          17h
      router-default-7b5df44ff-s5sl5   2/2     Running   0          3d22h
      router-default-7b5df44ff-wwsth   2/2     Running   0          66s

3.9.4. Scaling an Ingress Controller

Manually scale an Ingress Controller to meeting routing performance or availability requirements such as the requirement to increase throughput. oc commands are used to scale the IngressController resource. The following procedure provides an example for scaling up the default IngressController.


Scaling is not an immediate action, as it takes time to create the desired number of replicas.


  1. View the current number of available replicas for the default IngressController:

    $ oc get -n openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontrollers/default -o jsonpath='{$.status.availableReplicas}'

    Example output


  2. Scale the default IngressController to the desired number of replicas using the oc patch command. The following example scales the default IngressController to 3 replicas:

    $ oc patch -n openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontroller/default --patch '{"spec":{"replicas": 3}}' --type=merge

    Example output patched

  3. Verify that the default IngressController scaled to the number of replicas that you specified:

    $ oc get -n openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontrollers/default -o jsonpath='{$.status.availableReplicas}'

    Example output



    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to scale an Ingress Controller to three replicas:

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      replicas: 3               1
    If you need a different amount of replicas, change the replicas value.

3.9.5. Configuring Ingress access logging

You can configure the Ingress Controller to enable access logs. If you have clusters that do not receive much traffic, then you can log to a sidecar. If you have high traffic clusters, to avoid exceeding the capacity of the logging stack or to integrate with a logging infrastructure outside of Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS, you can forward logs to a custom syslog endpoint. You can also specify the format for access logs.

Container logging is useful to enable access logs on low-traffic clusters when there is no existing Syslog logging infrastructure, or for short-term use while diagnosing problems with the Ingress Controller.

Syslog is needed for high-traffic clusters where access logs could exceed the OpenShift Logging stack’s capacity, or for environments where any logging solution needs to integrate with an existing Syslog logging infrastructure. The Syslog use-cases can overlap.


  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


Configure Ingress access logging to a sidecar.

  • To configure Ingress access logging, you must specify a destination using spec.logging.access.destination. To specify logging to a sidecar container, you must specify Container spec.logging.access.destination.type. The following example is an Ingress Controller definition that logs to a Container destination:

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      replicas: 2
            type: Container
  • When you configure the Ingress Controller to log to a sidecar, the operator creates a container named logs inside the Ingress Controller Pod:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress logs deployment.apps/router-default -c logs

    Example output

    2020-05-11T19:11:50.135710+00:00 router-default-57dfc6cd95-bpmk6 router-default-57dfc6cd95-bpmk6 haproxy[108]: [11/May/2020:19:11:50.133] public be_http:hello-openshift:hello-openshift/pod:hello-openshift:hello-openshift: 0/0/1/0/1 200 142 - - --NI 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET / HTTP/1.1"

Configure Ingress access logging to a Syslog endpoint.

  • To configure Ingress access logging, you must specify a destination using spec.logging.access.destination. To specify logging to a Syslog endpoint destination, you must specify Syslog for spec.logging.access.destination.type. If the destination type is Syslog, you must also specify a destination endpoint using spec.logging.access.destination.syslog.address and you can specify a facility using spec.logging.access.destination.syslog.facility. The following example is an Ingress Controller definition that logs to a Syslog destination:

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      replicas: 2
            type: Syslog
              port: 10514

    The syslog destination port must be UDP.

    The syslog destination address must be an IP address. It does not support DNS hostname.

Configure Ingress access logging with a specific log format.

  • You can specify spec.logging.access.httpLogFormat to customize the log format. The following example is an Ingress Controller definition that logs to a syslog endpoint with IP address and port 10514:

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      replicas: 2
            type: Syslog
              port: 10514
          httpLogFormat: '%ci:%cp [%t] %ft %b/%s %B %bq %HM %HU %HV'

Disable Ingress access logging.

  • To disable Ingress access logging, leave spec.logging or spec.logging.access empty:

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      replicas: 2
        access: null

Allow the Ingress Controller to modify the HAProxy log length when using a sidecar.

  • Use spec.logging.access.destination.syslog.maxLength if you are using spec.logging.access.destination.type: Syslog.

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      replicas: 2
            type: Syslog
              maxLength: 4096
              port: 10514
  • Use spec.logging.access.destination.container.maxLength if you are using spec.logging.access.destination.type: Container.

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      replicas: 2
            type: Container
              maxLength: 8192

3.9.6. Setting Ingress Controller thread count

A cluster administrator can set the thread count to increase the amount of incoming connections a cluster can handle. You can patch an existing Ingress Controller to increase the amount of threads.


  • The following assumes that you already created an Ingress Controller.


  • Update the Ingress Controller to increase the number of threads:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontroller/default --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"tuningOptions": {"threadCount": 8}}}'

    If you have a node that is capable of running large amounts of resources, you can configure spec.nodePlacement.nodeSelector with labels that match the capacity of the intended node, and configure spec.tuningOptions.threadCount to an appropriately high value.

3.9.7. Configuring an Ingress Controller to use an internal load balancer

When creating an Ingress Controller on cloud platforms, the Ingress Controller is published by a public cloud load balancer by default. As an administrator, you can create an Ingress Controller that uses an internal cloud load balancer.


If you want to change the scope for an IngressController, you can change the .spec.endpointPublishingStrategy.loadBalancer.scope parameter after the custom resource (CR) is created.

Figure 3.1. Diagram of LoadBalancer

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS Ingress LoadBalancerService endpoint publishing strategy

The preceding graphic shows the following concepts pertaining to Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS Ingress LoadBalancerService endpoint publishing strategy:

  • You can load balance externally, using the cloud provider load balancer, or internally, using the OpenShift Ingress Controller Load Balancer.
  • You can use the single IP address of the load balancer and more familiar ports, such as 8080 and 4200 as shown on the cluster depicted in the graphic.
  • Traffic from the external load balancer is directed at the pods, and managed by the load balancer, as depicted in the instance of a down node. See the Kubernetes Services documentation for implementation details.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create an IngressController custom resource (CR) in a file named <name>-ingress-controller.yaml, such as in the following example:

    kind: IngressController
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      name: <name> 1
      domain: <domain> 2
        type: LoadBalancerService
          scope: Internal 3
    Replace <name> with a name for the IngressController object.
    Specify the domain for the application published by the controller.
    Specify a value of Internal to use an internal load balancer.
  2. Create the Ingress Controller defined in the previous step by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <name>-ingress-controller.yaml 1
    Replace <name> with the name of the IngressController object.
  3. Optional: Confirm that the Ingress Controller was created by running the following command:

    $ oc --all-namespaces=true get ingresscontrollers

3.9.8. Setting the Ingress Controller health check interval

A cluster administrator can set the health check interval to define how long the router waits between two consecutive health checks. This value is applied globally as a default for all routes. The default value is 5 seconds.


  • The following assumes that you already created an Ingress Controller.


  • Update the Ingress Controller to change the interval between back end health checks:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontroller/default --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"tuningOptions": {"healthCheckInterval": "8s"}}}'

    To override the healthCheckInterval for a single route, use the route annotation

3.9.9. Configuring the default Ingress Controller for your cluster to be internal

You can configure the default Ingress Controller for your cluster to be internal by deleting and recreating it.


If you want to change the scope for an IngressController, you can change the .spec.endpointPublishingStrategy.loadBalancer.scope parameter after the custom resource (CR) is created.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Configure the default Ingress Controller for your cluster to be internal by deleting and recreating it.

    $ oc replace --force --wait --filename - <<EOF
    kind: IngressController
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      name: default
        type: LoadBalancerService
          scope: Internal

3.9.10. Configuring the route admission policy

Administrators and application developers can run applications in multiple namespaces with the same domain name. This is for organizations where multiple teams develop microservices that are exposed on the same hostname.


Allowing claims across namespaces should only be enabled for clusters with trust between namespaces, otherwise a malicious user could take over a hostname. For this reason, the default admission policy disallows hostname claims across namespaces.


  • Cluster administrator privileges.


  • Edit the .spec.routeAdmission field of the ingresscontroller resource variable using the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontroller/default --patch '{"spec":{"routeAdmission":{"namespaceOwnership":"InterNamespaceAllowed"}}}' --type=merge

    Sample Ingress Controller configuration

        namespaceOwnership: InterNamespaceAllowed


    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to configure the route admission policy:

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
        namespaceOwnership: InterNamespaceAllowed

3.9.11. Using wildcard routes

The HAProxy Ingress Controller has support for wildcard routes. The Ingress Operator uses wildcardPolicy to configure the ROUTER_ALLOW_WILDCARD_ROUTES environment variable of the Ingress Controller.

The default behavior of the Ingress Controller is to admit routes with a wildcard policy of None, which is backwards compatible with existing IngressController resources.


  1. Configure the wildcard policy.

    1. Use the following command to edit the IngressController resource:

      $ oc edit IngressController
    2. Under spec, set the wildcardPolicy field to WildcardsDisallowed or WildcardsAllowed:

          wildcardPolicy: WildcardsDisallowed # or WildcardsAllowed

3.9.12. HTTP header configuration

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS provides different methods for working with HTTP headers. When setting or deleting headers, you can use specific fields in the Ingress Controller or an individual route to modify request and response headers. You can also set certain headers by using route annotations. The various ways of configuring headers can present challenges when working together.


You can only set or delete headers within an IngressController or Route CR, you cannot append them. If an HTTP header is set with a value, that value must be complete and not require appending in the future. In situations where it makes sense to append a header, such as the X-Forwarded-For header, use the spec.httpHeaders.forwardedHeaderPolicy field, instead of spec.httpHeaders.actions. Order of precedence

When the same HTTP header is modified both in the Ingress Controller and in a route, HAProxy prioritizes the actions in certain ways depending on whether it is a request or response header.

  • For HTTP response headers, actions specified in the Ingress Controller are executed after the actions specified in a route. This means that the actions specified in the Ingress Controller take precedence.
  • For HTTP request headers, actions specified in a route are executed after the actions specified in the Ingress Controller. This means that the actions specified in the route take precedence.

For example, a cluster administrator sets the X-Frame-Options response header with the value DENY in the Ingress Controller using the following configuration:

Example IngressController spec

kind: IngressController
# ...
      - name: X-Frame-Options
          type: Set
            value: DENY

A route owner sets the same response header that the cluster administrator set in the Ingress Controller, but with the value SAMEORIGIN using the following configuration:

Example Route spec

kind: Route
# ...
      - name: X-Frame-Options
          type: Set
            value: SAMEORIGIN

When both the IngressController spec and Route spec are configuring the X-Frame-Options response header, then the value set for this header at the global level in the Ingress Controller takes precedence, even if a specific route allows frames. For a request header, the Route spec value overrides the IngressController spec value.

This prioritization occurs because the haproxy.config file uses the following logic, where the Ingress Controller is considered the front end and individual routes are considered the back end. The header value DENY applied to the front end configurations overrides the same header with the value SAMEORIGIN that is set in the back end:

frontend public
  http-response set-header X-Frame-Options 'DENY'

frontend fe_sni
  http-response set-header X-Frame-Options 'DENY'

frontend fe_no_sni
  http-response set-header X-Frame-Options 'DENY'

backend be_secure:openshift-monitoring:alertmanager-main
  http-response set-header X-Frame-Options 'SAMEORIGIN'

Additionally, any actions defined in either the Ingress Controller or a route override values set using route annotations. Special case headers

The following headers are either prevented entirely from being set or deleted, or allowed under specific circumstances:

Table 3.2. Special case header configuration options
Header nameConfigurable using IngressController specConfigurable using Route specReason for disallowmentConfigurable using another method




The proxy HTTP request header can be used to exploit vulnerable CGI applications by injecting the header value into the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. The proxy HTTP request header is also non-standard and prone to error during configuration.





When the host HTTP request header is set using the IngressController CR, HAProxy can fail when looking up the correct route.





The strict-transport-security HTTP response header is already handled using route annotations and does not need a separate implementation.

Yes: the route annotation

cookie and set-cookie



The cookies that HAProxy sets are used for session tracking to map client connections to particular back-end servers. Allowing these headers to be set could interfere with HAProxy’s session affinity and restrict HAProxy’s ownership of a cookie.


  • the route annotation
  • the route annotation

3.9.13. Setting or deleting HTTP request and response headers in an Ingress Controller

You can set or delete certain HTTP request and response headers for compliance purposes or other reasons. You can set or delete these headers either for all routes served by an Ingress Controller or for specific routes.

For example, you might want to migrate an application running on your cluster to use mutual TLS, which requires that your application checks for an X-Forwarded-Client-Cert request header, but the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS default Ingress Controller provides an X-SSL-Client-Der request header.

The following procedure modifies the Ingress Controller to set the X-Forwarded-Client-Cert request header, and delete the X-SSL-Client-Der request header.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Edit the Ingress Controller resource:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator edit ingresscontroller/default
  2. Replace the X-SSL-Client-Der HTTP request header with the X-Forwarded-Client-Cert HTTP request header:

    kind: IngressController
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
        actions: 1
          request: 2
          - name: X-Forwarded-Client-Cert 3
              type: Set 4
               value: "%{+Q}[ssl_c_der,base64]" 5
          - name: X-SSL-Client-Der
              type: Delete
    The list of actions you want to perform on the HTTP headers.
    The type of header you want to change. In this case, a request header.
    The name of the header you want to change. For a list of available headers you can set or delete, see HTTP header configuration.
    The type of action being taken on the header. This field can have the value Set or Delete.
    When setting HTTP headers, you must provide a value. The value can be a string from a list of available directives for that header, for example DENY, or it can be a dynamic value that will be interpreted using HAProxy’s dynamic value syntax. In this case, a dynamic value is added.

    For setting dynamic header values for HTTP responses, allowed sample fetchers are res.hdr and ssl_c_der. For setting dynamic header values for HTTP requests, allowed sample fetchers are req.hdr and ssl_c_der. Both request and response dynamic values can use the lower and base64 converters.

  3. Save the file to apply the changes.

3.9.14. Using X-Forwarded headers

You configure the HAProxy Ingress Controller to specify a policy for how to handle HTTP headers including Forwarded and X-Forwarded-For. The Ingress Operator uses the HTTPHeaders field to configure the ROUTER_SET_FORWARDED_HEADERS environment variable of the Ingress Controller.


  1. Configure the HTTPHeaders field for the Ingress Controller.

    1. Use the following command to edit the IngressController resource:

      $ oc edit IngressController
    2. Under spec, set the HTTPHeaders policy field to Append, Replace, IfNone, or Never:

      kind: IngressController
        name: default
        namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
          forwardedHeaderPolicy: Append
Example use cases

As a cluster administrator, you can:

  • Configure an external proxy that injects the X-Forwarded-For header into each request before forwarding it to an Ingress Controller.

    To configure the Ingress Controller to pass the header through unmodified, you specify the never policy. The Ingress Controller then never sets the headers, and applications receive only the headers that the external proxy provides.

  • Configure the Ingress Controller to pass the X-Forwarded-For header that your external proxy sets on external cluster requests through unmodified.

    To configure the Ingress Controller to set the X-Forwarded-For header on internal cluster requests, which do not go through the external proxy, specify the if-none policy. If an HTTP request already has the header set through the external proxy, then the Ingress Controller preserves it. If the header is absent because the request did not come through the proxy, then the Ingress Controller adds the header.

As an application developer, you can:

  • Configure an application-specific external proxy that injects the X-Forwarded-For header.

    To configure an Ingress Controller to pass the header through unmodified for an application’s Route, without affecting the policy for other Routes, add an annotation if-none or never on the Route for the application.


    You can set the annotation on a per route basis, independent from the globally set value for the Ingress Controller.

3.9.15. Enabling HTTP/2 Ingress connectivity

You can enable transparent end-to-end HTTP/2 connectivity in HAProxy. It allows application owners to make use of HTTP/2 protocol capabilities, including single connection, header compression, binary streams, and more.

You can enable HTTP/2 connectivity for an individual Ingress Controller or for the entire cluster.

To enable the use of HTTP/2 for the connection from the client to HAProxy, a route must specify a custom certificate. A route that uses the default certificate cannot use HTTP/2. This restriction is necessary to avoid problems from connection coalescing, where the client re-uses a connection for different routes that use the same certificate.

The connection from HAProxy to the application pod can use HTTP/2 only for re-encrypt routes and not for edge-terminated or insecure routes. This restriction is because HAProxy uses Application-Level Protocol Negotiation (ALPN), which is a TLS extension, to negotiate the use of HTTP/2 with the back-end. The implication is that end-to-end HTTP/2 is possible with passthrough and re-encrypt and not with insecure or edge-terminated routes.


For non-passthrough routes, the Ingress Controller negotiates its connection to the application independently of the connection from the client. This means a client may connect to the Ingress Controller and negotiate HTTP/1.1, and the Ingress Controller may then connect to the application, negotiate HTTP/2, and forward the request from the client HTTP/1.1 connection using the HTTP/2 connection to the application. This poses a problem if the client subsequently tries to upgrade its connection from HTTP/1.1 to the WebSocket protocol, because the Ingress Controller cannot forward WebSocket to HTTP/2 and cannot upgrade its HTTP/2 connection to WebSocket. Consequently, if you have an application that is intended to accept WebSocket connections, it must not allow negotiating the HTTP/2 protocol or else clients will fail to upgrade to the WebSocket protocol.


Enable HTTP/2 on a single Ingress Controller.

  • To enable HTTP/2 on an Ingress Controller, enter the oc annotate command:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator annotate ingresscontrollers/<ingresscontroller_name>

    Replace <ingresscontroller_name> with the name of the Ingress Controller to annotate.

Enable HTTP/2 on the entire cluster.

  • To enable HTTP/2 for the entire cluster, enter the oc annotate command:

    $ oc annotate ingresses.config/cluster

    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to add the annotation:

    kind: Ingress
      name: cluster
      annotations: "true"

3.9.16. Configuring the PROXY protocol for an Ingress Controller

A cluster administrator can configure the PROXY protocol when an Ingress Controller uses either the HostNetwork, NodePortService, or Private endpoint publishing strategy types. The PROXY protocol enables the load balancer to preserve the original client addresses for connections that the Ingress Controller receives. The original client addresses are useful for logging, filtering, and injecting HTTP headers. In the default configuration, the connections that the Ingress Controller receives only contain the source address that is associated with the load balancer.


The default Ingress Controller with installer-provisioned clusters on non-cloud platforms that use a Keepalived Ingress Virtual IP (VIP) do not support the PROXY protocol.

The PROXY protocol enables the load balancer to preserve the original client addresses for connections that the Ingress Controller receives. The original client addresses are useful for logging, filtering, and injecting HTTP headers. In the default configuration, the connections that the Ingress Controller receives contain only the source IP address that is associated with the load balancer.


For a passthrough route configuration, servers in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters cannot observe the original client source IP address. If you need to know the original client source IP address, configure Ingress access logging for your Ingress Controller so that you can view the client source IP addresses.

For re-encrypt and edge routes, the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS router sets the Forwarded and X-Forwarded-For headers so that application workloads check the client source IP address.

For more information about Ingress access logging, see "Configuring Ingress access logging".

Configuring the PROXY protocol for an Ingress Controller is not supported when using the LoadBalancerService endpoint publishing strategy type. This restriction is because when Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS runs in a cloud platform, and an Ingress Controller specifies that a service load balancer should be used, the Ingress Operator configures the load balancer service and enables the PROXY protocol based on the platform requirement for preserving source addresses.


You must configure both Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS and the external load balancer to use either the PROXY protocol or TCP.

This feature is not supported in cloud deployments. This restriction is because when Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS runs in a cloud platform, and an Ingress Controller specifies that a service load balancer should be used, the Ingress Operator configures the load balancer service and enables the PROXY protocol based on the platform requirement for preserving source addresses.


You must configure both Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS and the external load balancer to either use the PROXY protocol or to use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).


  • You created an Ingress Controller.


  1. Edit the Ingress Controller resource by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator edit ingresscontroller/default
  2. Set the PROXY configuration:

    • If your Ingress Controller uses the HostNetwork endpoint publishing strategy type, set the spec.endpointPublishingStrategy.hostNetwork.protocol subfield to PROXY:

      Sample hostNetwork configuration to PROXY

      # ...
              protocol: PROXY
            type: HostNetwork
      # ...

    • If your Ingress Controller uses the NodePortService endpoint publishing strategy type, set the spec.endpointPublishingStrategy.nodePort.protocol subfield to PROXY:

      Sample nodePort configuration to PROXY

      # ...
              protocol: PROXY
            type: NodePortService
      # ...

    • If your Ingress Controller uses the Private endpoint publishing strategy type, set the spec.endpointPublishingStrategy.private.protocol subfield to PROXY:

      Sample private configuration to PROXY

      # ...
              protocol: PROXY
          type: Private
      # ...

3.9.17. Specifying an alternative cluster domain using the appsDomain option

As a cluster administrator, you can specify an alternative to the default cluster domain for user-created routes by configuring the appsDomain field. The appsDomain field is an optional domain for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS to use instead of the default, which is specified in the domain field. If you specify an alternative domain, it overrides the default cluster domain for the purpose of determining the default host for a new route.

For example, you can use the DNS domain for your company as the default domain for routes and ingresses for applications running on your cluster.


  • You deployed an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster.
  • You installed the oc command line interface.


  1. Configure the appsDomain field by specifying an alternative default domain for user-created routes.

    1. Edit the ingress cluster resource:

      $ oc edit ingresses.config/cluster -o yaml
    2. Edit the YAML file:

      Sample appsDomain configuration to

      kind: Ingress
        name: cluster
        domain:            1
        appsDomain: <>      2

      Specifies the default domain. You cannot modify the default domain after installation.
      Optional: Domain for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS infrastructure to use for application routes. Instead of the default prefix, apps, you can use an alternative prefix like test.
  2. Verify that an existing route contains the domain name specified in the appsDomain field by exposing the route and verifying the route domain change:


    Wait for the openshift-apiserver finish rolling updates before exposing the route.

    1. Expose the route:

      $ oc expose service hello-openshift exposed

      Example output

      $ oc get routes
      NAME              HOST/PORT                                   PATH   SERVICES          PORT       TERMINATION   WILDCARD
      hello-openshift   hello_openshift-<my_project>
      hello-openshift   8080-tcp                 None

3.9.18. Converting HTTP header case

HAProxy lowercases HTTP header names by default; for example, changing Host: to host: If legacy applications are sensitive to the capitalization of HTTP header names, use the Ingress Controller spec.httpHeaders.headerNameCaseAdjustments API field for a solution to accommodate legacy applications until they can be fixed.


Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS includes HAProxy 2.8. If you want to update to this version of the web-based load balancer, ensure that you add the spec.httpHeaders.headerNameCaseAdjustments section to your cluster’s configuration file.

As a cluster administrator, you can convert the HTTP header case by entering the oc patch command or by setting the HeaderNameCaseAdjustments field in the Ingress Controller YAML file.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  • Capitalize an HTTP header by using the oc patch command.

    1. Change the HTTP header from host to Host by running the following command:

      $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontrollers/default --type=merge --patch='{"spec":{"httpHeaders":{"headerNameCaseAdjustments":["Host"]}}}'
    2. Create a Route resource YAML file so that the annotation can be applied to the application.

      Example of a route named my-application

      kind: Route
 true 1
        name: <application_name>
        namespace: <application_name>
      # ...

      Set so that the Ingress Controller can adjust the host request header as specified.
  • Specify adjustments by configuring the HeaderNameCaseAdjustments field in the Ingress Controller YAML configuration file.

    1. The following example Ingress Controller YAML file adjusts the host header to Host for HTTP/1 requests to appropriately annotated routes:

      Example Ingress Controller YAML

      kind: IngressController
        name: default
        namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
          - Host

    2. The following example route enables HTTP response header name case adjustments by using the annotation:

      Example route YAML

      kind: Route
 true 1
        name: my-application
        namespace: my-application
          kind: Service
          name: my-application

      Set to true.

3.9.19. Using router compression

You configure the HAProxy Ingress Controller to specify router compression globally for specific MIME types. You can use the mimeTypes variable to define the formats of MIME types to which compression is applied. The types are: application, image, message, multipart, text, video, or a custom type prefaced by "X-". To see the full notation for MIME types and subtypes, see RFC1341.


Memory allocated for compression can affect the max connections. Additionally, compression of large buffers can cause latency, like heavy regex or long lists of regex.

Not all MIME types benefit from compression, but HAProxy still uses resources to try to compress if instructed to. Generally, text formats, such as html, css, and js, formats benefit from compression, but formats that are already compressed, such as image, audio, and video, benefit little in exchange for the time and resources spent on compression.


  1. Configure the httpCompression field for the Ingress Controller.

    1. Use the following command to edit the IngressController resource:

      $ oc edit -n openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontrollers/default
    2. Under spec, set the httpCompression policy field to mimeTypes and specify a list of MIME types that should have compression applied:

      kind: IngressController
        name: default
        namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
          - "text/html"
          - "text/css; charset=utf-8"
          - "application/json"

3.9.20. Exposing router metrics

You can expose the HAProxy router metrics by default in Prometheus format on the default stats port, 1936. The external metrics collection and aggregation systems such as Prometheus can access the HAProxy router metrics. You can view the HAProxy router metrics in a browser in the HTML and comma separated values (CSV) format.


  • You configured your firewall to access the default stats port, 1936.


  1. Get the router pod name by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-ingress

    Example output

    NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    router-default-76bfffb66c-46qwp   1/1     Running   0          11h

  2. Get the router’s username and password, which the router pod stores in the /var/lib/haproxy/conf/metrics-auth/statsUsername and /var/lib/haproxy/conf/metrics-auth/statsPassword files:

    1. Get the username by running the following command:

      $ oc rsh <router_pod_name> cat metrics-auth/statsUsername
    2. Get the password by running the following command:

      $ oc rsh <router_pod_name> cat metrics-auth/statsPassword
  3. Get the router IP and metrics certificates by running the following command:

    $ oc describe pod <router_pod>
  4. Get the raw statistics in Prometheus format by running the following command:

    $ curl -u <user>:<password> http://<router_IP>:<stats_port>/metrics
  5. Access the metrics securely by running the following command:

    $ curl -u user:password https://<router_IP>:<stats_port>/metrics -k
  6. Access the default stats port, 1936, by running the following command:

    $ curl -u <user>:<password> http://<router_IP>:<stats_port>/metrics

    Example 3.1. Example output

    # HELP haproxy_backend_connections_total Total number of connections.
    # TYPE haproxy_backend_connections_total gauge
    haproxy_backend_connections_total{backend="http",namespace="default",route="hello-route"} 0
    haproxy_backend_connections_total{backend="http",namespace="default",route="hello-route-alt"} 0
    haproxy_backend_connections_total{backend="http",namespace="default",route="hello-route01"} 0
    # HELP haproxy_exporter_server_threshold Number of servers tracked and the current threshold value.
    # TYPE haproxy_exporter_server_threshold gauge
    haproxy_exporter_server_threshold{type="current"} 11
    haproxy_exporter_server_threshold{type="limit"} 500
    # HELP haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total Current total of incoming bytes.
    # TYPE haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total gauge
    haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total{frontend="fe_no_sni"} 0
    haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total{frontend="fe_sni"} 0
    haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total{frontend="public"} 119070
    # HELP haproxy_server_bytes_in_total Current total of incoming bytes.
    # TYPE haproxy_server_bytes_in_total gauge
    haproxy_server_bytes_in_total{namespace="",pod="",route="",server="fe_no_sni",service=""} 0
    haproxy_server_bytes_in_total{namespace="",pod="",route="",server="fe_sni",service=""} 0
    haproxy_server_bytes_in_total{namespace="default",pod="docker-registry-5-nk5fz",route="docker-registry",server="",service="docker-registry"} 0
    haproxy_server_bytes_in_total{namespace="default",pod="hello-rc-vkjqx",route="hello-route",server="",service="hello-svc-1"} 0
  7. Launch the stats window by entering the following URL in a browser:

  8. Optional: Get the stats in CSV format by entering the following URL in a browser:


3.9.21. Customizing HAProxy error code response pages

As a cluster administrator, you can specify a custom error code response page for either 503, 404, or both error pages. The HAProxy router serves a 503 error page when the application pod is not running or a 404 error page when the requested URL does not exist. For example, if you customize the 503 error code response page, then the page is served when the application pod is not running, and the default 404 error code HTTP response page is served by the HAProxy router for an incorrect route or a non-existing route.

Custom error code response pages are specified in a config map then patched to the Ingress Controller. The config map keys have two available file names as follows: error-page-503.http and error-page-404.http.

Custom HTTP error code response pages must follow the HAProxy HTTP error page configuration guidelines. Here is an example of the default Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS HAProxy router http 503 error code response page. You can use the default content as a template for creating your own custom page.

By default, the HAProxy router serves only a 503 error page when the application is not running or when the route is incorrect or non-existent. This default behavior is the same as the behavior on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4.8 and earlier. If a config map for the customization of an HTTP error code response is not provided, and you are using a custom HTTP error code response page, the router serves a default 404 or 503 error code response page.


If you use the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS default 503 error code page as a template for your customizations, the headers in the file require an editor that can use CRLF line endings.


  1. Create a config map named my-custom-error-code-pages in the openshift-config namespace:

    $ oc -n openshift-config create configmap my-custom-error-code-pages \
    --from-file=error-page-503.http \

    If you do not specify the correct format for the custom error code response page, a router pod outage occurs. To resolve this outage, you must delete or correct the config map and delete the affected router pods so they can be recreated with the correct information.

  2. Patch the Ingress Controller to reference the my-custom-error-code-pages config map by name:

    $ oc patch -n openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontroller/default --patch '{"spec":{"httpErrorCodePages":{"name":"my-custom-error-code-pages"}}}' --type=merge

    The Ingress Operator copies the my-custom-error-code-pages config map from the openshift-config namespace to the openshift-ingress namespace. The Operator names the config map according to the pattern, <your_ingresscontroller_name>-errorpages, in the openshift-ingress namespace.

  3. Display the copy:

    $ oc get cm default-errorpages -n openshift-ingress

    Example output

    NAME                       DATA   AGE
    default-errorpages         2      25s  1

    The example config map name is default-errorpages because the default Ingress Controller custom resource (CR) was patched.
  4. Confirm that the config map containing the custom error response page mounts on the router volume where the config map key is the filename that has the custom HTTP error code response:

    • For 503 custom HTTP custom error code response:

      $ oc -n openshift-ingress rsh <router_pod> cat /var/lib/haproxy/conf/error_code_pages/error-page-503.http
    • For 404 custom HTTP custom error code response:

      $ oc -n openshift-ingress rsh <router_pod> cat /var/lib/haproxy/conf/error_code_pages/error-page-404.http


Verify your custom error code HTTP response:

  1. Create a test project and application:

     $ oc new-project test-ingress
    $ oc new-app django-psql-example
  2. For 503 custom http error code response:

    1. Stop all the pods for the application.
    2. Run the following curl command or visit the route hostname in the browser:

      $ curl -vk <route_hostname>
  3. For 404 custom http error code response:

    1. Visit a non-existent route or an incorrect route.
    2. Run the following curl command or visit the route hostname in the browser:

      $ curl -vk <route_hostname>
  4. Check if the errorfile attribute is properly in the haproxy.config file:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress rsh <router> cat /var/lib/haproxy/conf/haproxy.config | grep errorfile

3.9.22. Setting the Ingress Controller maximum connections

A cluster administrator can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections for OpenShift router deployments. You can patch an existing Ingress Controller to increase the maximum number of connections.


  • The following assumes that you already created an Ingress Controller


  • Update the Ingress Controller to change the maximum number of connections for HAProxy:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontroller/default --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"tuningOptions": {"maxConnections": 7500}}}'

    If you set the spec.tuningOptions.maxConnections value greater than the current operating system limit, the HAProxy process will not start. See the table in the "Ingress Controller configuration parameters" section for more information about this parameter.

3.10. Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS Ingress Operator configurations

The following table details the components of the Ingress Operator and if Red Hat Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) maintains this component on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters.

Table 3.3. Ingress Operator Responsibility Chart
Ingress componentManaged byDefault configuration?

Scaling Ingress Controller



Ingress Operator thread count



Ingress Controller access logging



Ingress Controller sharding



Ingress Controller route admission policy



Ingress Controller wildcard routes



Ingress Controller X-Forwarded headers



Ingress Controller route compression



Chapter 4. AWS Load Balancer Operator

The AWS Load Balancer Operator (ALBO) is an Operator supported by Red Hat that users can optionally install on SRE-managed Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) clusters. The ALBO manages the lifecycle of the AWS-managed AWS Load Balancer Controller (ALBC) that provisions AWS Elastic Load Balancing v2 (ELBv2) services for applications running in ROSA clusters.

4.1. Installing an AWS Load Balancer Operator

You can install an AWS Load Balancer Operator (ALBO) if you meet certain requirements.


  • You have an existing Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster with bring-your-own-VPC (BYO-VPC) configuration across multiple availability zones (AZ) installed in STS mode.
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the dedicated-admin role.
  • You have access to modify the VPC and subnets of the created ROSA cluster.
  • You have installed the ROSA CLI (rosa).
  • You have installed the Amazon Web Services (AWS) CLI.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are using OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.13 or later.

When installing an ALBO for use with a ROSA cluster in an AWS Local Zone (LZ), you must enable the AWS LZ for the account, and AWS Elastic Load Balancing v2 (ELBv2) services must be available in the AWS LZ.


  1. Identify the cluster infrastructure ID and the cluster OpenID Connect (OIDC) DNS by running the following commands:

    1. Identify the ROSA cluster INFRA ID:

      $ rosa describe cluster --cluster=<cluster_name> | grep -i 'Infra ID'


      $ oc get infrastructure cluster -o json | jq -r '.status.infrastructureName'
    2. Identify the ROSA cluster OIDC DNS:

      $ rosa describe cluster --cluster=<cluster_name> | grep -i 'OIDC'

      Save the output from the commands. You will use this information in future steps within this procedure.

  2. Create the AWS IAM policy required for the ALBO:

    1. Log in to the ROSA cluster as a user with the dedicated-admin role and create a new project using the following command:

      $ oc new-project aws-load-balancer-operator
    2. Assign the following trust policy to the newly-created AWS IAM role:

      $ IDP='{Cluster_OIDC_Endpoint}'
      $ IDP_ARN="arn:aws:iam::{AWS_AccountNo}:oidc-provider/${IDP}" 1
      $ cat <<EOF > albo-operator-trusted-policy.json
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": {
                      "Federated": "${IDP_ARN}"
                  "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
                  "Condition": {
                      "StringEquals": {
                          "${IDP}:sub": "system:serviceaccount:aws-load-balancer-operator:aws-load-balancer-operator-controller-manager"
      Replace '{AWS_AccountNo}' with your AWS account number and '{Cluster_OIDC_Endpoint}' with the OIDC DNS identified earlier in this procedure.

      Do not include the https portion of the OIDC DNS URL when replacing {Cluster_OIDC_Endpoint} with the OIDC DNS you identified earlier. Only the alphanumeric information that follows the / within the URL is needed.

      For more information on assigning trust policies to AWS IAM roles, see How to use trust policies with IAM roles.

    3. Create and verify the role by using the generated trust policy:

      $ aws iam create-role --role-name albo-operator --assume-role-policy-document file://albo-operator-trusted-policy.json
      $ OPERATOR_ROLE_ARN=$(aws iam get-role --role-name albo-operator --output json | jq -r '.Role.Arn')
      $ echo $OPERATOR_ROLE_ARN

      For more information on creating AWS IAM roles, see Creating IAM roles.

    4. Attach the operator’s permission policy to the role:

      $ curl -o albo-operator-permission-policy.json
      $ aws iam put-role-policy --role-name albo-operator --policy-name perms-policy-albo-operator --policy-document file://albo-operator-permission-policy.json

      For more information on adding AWS IAM permissions to AWS IAM roles, see Adding and removing IAM identity permissions.

    5. Generate the operator’s AWS credentials:

      $ cat <<EOF> albo-operator-aws-credentials.cfg
      sts_regional_endpoints = regional
      role_arn = ${OPERATOR_ROLE_ARN}
      web_identity_token_file = /var/run/secrets/openshift/serviceaccount/token

      For more information about formatting credentials files, see Using manual mode with Amazon Web Services Security Token Service.

    6. Create the operator’s credentials secret with the generated AWS credentials:

      $ oc -n aws-load-balancer-operator create secret generic aws-load-balancer-operator --from-file=credentials=albo-operator-aws-credentials.cfg
  3. Create the AWS IAM policy required for the AWS Load Balancer Controller:

    1. Generate a trust policy file for your identity provider. The following example uses OpenID Connect:

      $ IDP='{Cluster_OIDC_Endpoint}'
      $ IDP_ARN="arn:aws:iam::{AWS_AccountNo}:oidc-provider/${IDP}"
      $ cat <<EOF > albo-controller-trusted-policy.json
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": {
                      "Federated": "${IDP_ARN}"
                  "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
                  "Condition": {
                      "StringEquals": {
                          "${IDP}:sub": "system:serviceaccount:aws-load-balancer-operator:aws-load-balancer-controller-cluster"
    2. Create and verify the role by using the generated trust policy:

      $ aws iam create-role --role-name albo-controller --assume-role-policy-document file://albo-controller-trusted-policy.json
      $ CONTROLLER_ROLE_ARN=$(aws iam get-role --role-name albo-controller --output json | jq -r '.Role.Arn')
    3. Attach the controller’s permission policy to the role:

      $ curl -o albo-controller-permission-policy.json
      $ aws iam put-role-policy --role-name albo-controller --policy-name perms-policy-albo-controller --policy-document file://albo-controller-permission-policy.json
    4. Generate the controller’s AWS credentials:

      $ cat <<EOF > albo-controller-aws-credentials.cfg
      sts_regional_endpoints = regional
      role_arn = ${CONTROLLER_ROLE_ARN}
      web_identity_token_file = /var/run/secrets/openshift/serviceaccount/token
    5. Create the controller’s credentials secret by using the generated AWS credentials:

      $ oc -n aws-load-balancer-operator create secret generic aws-load-balancer-controller-cluster --from-file=credentials=albo-controller-aws-credentials.cfg
  4. Add the tags necessary for subnet discovery:

    1. Add the following {Key: Value} tag to the VPC hosting the ROSA cluster and to all its subnets. Replace {Cluster Infra ID} with the Infra ID specified previously:

      *${Cluster Infra ID}:owned
    2. Add the following ELBv2 {Key: Value} tags to the private subnets and, optionally, to the public subnets:

      • Private subnets:
      • Public subnets:


        Internet-facing and internal load balancers will be created within the AZ to which these subnets belong.

        For more information on adding tags to AWS resources, including VPCs and subnets, see Tag your Amazon EC2 resources.


        ELBv2 resources (such as ALBs and NLBs) created by ALBO do not inherit custom tags set for ROSA clusters. You must set tags separately for these resources.

  5. Create ALBO:

    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: aws-load-balancer-operator
      namespace: aws-load-balancer-operator
      upgradeStrategy: Default
    kind: Subscription
      name: aws-load-balancer-operator
      namespace: aws-load-balancer-operator
      channel: stable-v1.0
      installPlanApproval: Automatic
      name: aws-load-balancer-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      startingCSV: aws-load-balancer-operator.v1.0.0
  6. Create an AWS ALBC:

    kind: AWSLoadBalancerController
      name: cluster
      subnetTagging: Manual
        name: aws-load-balancer-controller-cluster

    Because AWS ALBCs do not support creating ALBs associated with both AZs and AWS LZs, ROSA clusters can have ALBs associated exclusively with either AWS LZs or AZs but not both simultaneously.

    For more information regarding AWS ALBC configurations, see the following topics:


  • Confirm successful installation by running the following commands:

    1. Gather information about pods within the project:

      $ oc get pods -n aws-load-balancer-operator
    2. View the logs within the project:

      $ oc logs -n aws-load-balancer-operator deployment/aws-load-balancer-operator-controller-manager -c manager

      For detailed instructions on verifying that the ELBv2 was created for the application running in the ROSA cluster, see Creating an instance of AWS Load Balancer Controller.

4.2. Uninstalling an AWS Load Balancer Operator

To uninstall an AWS Load Balancer Operator (ALBO) and perform an overall cleanup of the associated resources, perform the following procedure.


  1. Clean up the sample application by deleting the Load Balancers created and managed by the ALBO. For more information about deleting Load Balancers, see Delete an Application Load Balancer.
  2. Clean up the AWS VPC tags by removing the VPC tags that were added to the subnets for discovering subnets and for creating Application Load Balancers (ALBs). For more information, see Tag basics.
  3. Clean up ALBO components by deleting both the ALBO and the Application Load Balancer Controller (ALBC). For more information, see Deleting Operators from a cluster.

Chapter 5. OpenShift SDN default CNI network provider

5.1. Enabling multicast for a project


OpenShift SDN CNI is deprecated as of Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4.14. As of Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4.15, the network plugin is not an option for new installations. In a subsequent future release, the OpenShift SDN network plugin is planned to be removed and no longer supported. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature until it is removed, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements. As an alternative to OpenShift SDN CNI, you can use OVN Kubernetes CNI instead. For more information, see OpenShift SDN CNI removal.

5.1.1. About multicast

With IP multicast, data is broadcast to many IP addresses simultaneously.

  • At this time, multicast is best used for low-bandwidth coordination or service discovery and not a high-bandwidth solution.
  • By default, network policies affect all connections in a namespace. However, multicast is unaffected by network policies. If multicast is enabled in the same namespace as your network policies, it is always allowed, even if there is a deny-all network policy. Cluster administrators should consider the implications to the exemption of multicast from network policies before enabling it.

Multicast traffic between Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS pods is disabled by default. If you are using the OpenShift SDN network plugin, you can enable multicast on a per-project basis.

When using the OpenShift SDN network plugin in networkpolicy isolation mode:

  • Multicast packets sent by a pod will be delivered to all other pods in the project, regardless of NetworkPolicy objects. Pods might be able to communicate over multicast even when they cannot communicate over unicast.
  • Multicast packets sent by a pod in one project will never be delivered to pods in any other project, even if there are NetworkPolicy objects that allow communication between the projects.

When using the OpenShift SDN network plugin in multitenant isolation mode:

  • Multicast packets sent by a pod will be delivered to all other pods in the project.
  • Multicast packets sent by a pod in one project will be delivered to pods in other projects only if each project is joined together and multicast is enabled in each joined project.

5.1.2. Enabling multicast between pods

You can enable multicast between pods for your project.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You must log in to the cluster with a user that has the cluster-admin or the dedicated-admin role.


  • Run the following command to enable multicast for a project. Replace <namespace> with the namespace for the project you want to enable multicast for.

    $ oc annotate netnamespace <namespace> \


To verify that multicast is enabled for a project, complete the following procedure:

  1. Change your current project to the project that you enabled multicast for. Replace <project> with the project name.

    $ oc project <project>
  2. Create a pod to act as a multicast receiver:

    $ cat <<EOF| oc create -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: mlistener
        app: multicast-verify
        - name: mlistener
          command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
            ["dnf -y install socat hostname && sleep inf"]
            - containerPort: 30102
              name: mlistener
              protocol: UDP
  3. Create a pod to act as a multicast sender:

    $ cat <<EOF| oc create -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: msender
        app: multicast-verify
        - name: msender
          command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
            ["dnf -y install socat && sleep inf"]
  4. In a new terminal window or tab, start the multicast listener.

    1. Get the IP address for the Pod:

      $ POD_IP=$(oc get pods mlistener -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}')
    2. Start the multicast listener by entering the following command:

      $ oc exec mlistener -i -t -- \
          socat UDP4-RECVFROM:30102,ip-add-membership=$POD_IP,fork EXEC:hostname
  5. Start the multicast transmitter.

    1. Get the pod network IP address range:

      $ CIDR=$(oc get cluster \
          -o jsonpath='{.status.clusterNetwork[0].cidr}')
    2. To send a multicast message, enter the following command:

      $ oc exec msender -i -t -- \
          /bin/bash -c "echo | socat STDIO UDP4-DATAGRAM:,range=$CIDR,ip-multicast-ttl=64"

      If multicast is working, the previous command returns the following output:


Chapter 6. Network verification for ROSA clusters

Network verification checks run automatically when you deploy a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster into an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) or create an additional machine pool with a subnet that is new to your cluster. The checks validate your network configuration and highlight errors, enabling you to resolve configuration issues prior to deployment.

You can also run the network verification checks manually to validate the configuration for an existing cluster.

6.1. Understanding network verification for ROSA clusters

When you deploy a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster into an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) or create an additional machine pool with a subnet that is new to your cluster, network verification runs automatically. This helps you identify and resolve configuration issues prior to deployment.

When you prepare to install your cluster by using Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager, the automatic checks run after you input a subnet into a subnet ID field on the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) subnet settings page. If you create your cluster by using the ROSA CLI (rosa) with the interactive mode, the checks run after you provide the required VPC network information. If you use the CLI without the interactive mode, the checks begin immediately prior to the cluster creation.

When you add a machine pool with a subnet that is new to your cluster, the automatic network verification checks the subnet to ensure that network connectivity is available before the machine pool is provisioned.

After automatic network verification completes, a record is sent to the service log. The record provides the results of the verification check, including any network configuration errors. You can resolve the identified issues before a deployment and the deployment has a greater chance of success.

You can also run the network verification manually for an existing cluster. This enables you to verify the network configuration for your cluster after making configuration changes. For steps to run the network verification checks manually, see Running the network verification manually.

6.2. Scope of the network verification checks

The network verification includes checks for each of the following requirements:

  • The parent Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) exists.
  • All specified subnets belong to the VPC.
  • The VPC has enableDnsSupport enabled.
  • The VPC has enableDnsHostnames enabled.
  • Egress is available to the required domain and port combinations that are specified in the AWS firewall prerequisites section.

6.3. Automatic network verification bypassing

You can bypass the automatic network verification if you want to deploy a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster with known network configuration issues into an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

If you bypass the network verification when you create a cluster, the cluster has a limited support status. After installation, you can resolve the issues and then manually run the network verification. The limited support status is removed after the verification succeeds.

Bypassing automatic network verification by using OpenShift Cluster Manager

When you install a cluster into an existing VPC by using Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager, you can bypass the automatic verification by selecting Bypass network verification on the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) subnet settings page.

6.4. Running the network verification manually

After installing a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster, you can run the network verification checks manually by using Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager or the ROSA CLI (rosa).

Running the network verification manually using OpenShift Cluster Manager

You can manually run the network verification checks for an existing Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster by using Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.


  • You have an existing ROSA cluster.
  • You are the cluster owner or you have the cluster editor role.


  1. Navigate to OpenShift Cluster Manager and select your cluster.
  2. Select Verify networking from the Actions drop-down menu.
Running the network verification manually using the CLI

You can manually run the network verification checks for an existing Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster by using the ROSA CLI (rosa).

When you run the network verification, you can specify a set of VPC subnet IDs or a cluster name.


  • You have installed and configured the latest ROSA CLI (rosa) on your installation host.
  • You have an existing ROSA cluster.
  • You are the cluster owner or you have the cluster editor role.


  • Verify the network configuration by using one of the following methods:

    • Verify the network configuration by specifying the cluster name. The subnet IDs are automatically detected:

      $ rosa verify network --cluster <cluster_name> 1
      Replace <cluster_name> with the name of your cluster.

      Example output

      I: Verifying the following subnet IDs are configured correctly: [subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc]
      I: subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb: pending
      I: subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc: passed
      I: Run the following command to wait for verification to all subnets to complete:
      rosa verify network --watch --status-only --region us-east-1 --subnet-ids subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb,subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc

      • Ensure that verification to all subnets has been completed:

        $ rosa verify network --watch \ 1
                              --status-only \ 2
                              --region <region_name> \ 3
                              --subnet-ids subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb,subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc 4
        The watch flag causes the command to complete after all the subnets under test are in a failed or passed state.
        The status-only flag does not trigger a run of network verification but returns the current state, for example, subnet-123 (verification still in-progress). By default, without this option, a call to this command always triggers a verification of the specified subnets.
        Use a specific AWS region that overrides the AWS_REGION environment variable.
        Enter a list of subnet IDs separated by commas to verify. If any of the subnets do not exist, the error message Network verification for subnet 'subnet-<subnet_number> not found displays and no subnets are checked.

        Example output

        I: Checking the status of the following subnet IDs: [subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc]
        I: subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb: passed
        I: subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc: passed


        To output the full list of verification tests, you can include the --debug argument when you run the rosa verify network command.

    • Verify the network configuration by specifying the VPC subnets IDs. Replace <region_name> with your AWS region and <AWS_account_ID> with your AWS account ID:

      $ rosa verify network --subnet-ids 03146b9b52b6024cb,subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc --region <region_name> --role-arn arn:aws:iam::<AWS_account_ID>:role/my-Installer-Role

      Example output

      I: Verifying the following subnet IDs are configured correctly: [subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc]
      I: subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb: pending
      I: subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc: passed
      I: Run the following command to wait for verification to all subnets to complete:
      rosa verify network --watch --status-only --region us-east-1 --subnet-ids subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb,subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc

      • Ensure that verification to all subnets has been completed:

        $ rosa verify network --watch --status-only --region us-east-1 --subnet-ids subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb,subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc

        Example output

        I: Checking the status of the following subnet IDs: [subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc]
        I: subnet-03146b9b52b6024cb: passed
        I: subnet-03146b9b52b2034cc: passed

Chapter 7. Configuring a cluster-wide proxy

If you are using an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you can configure a cluster-wide proxy during a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster installation or after the cluster is installed. When you enable a proxy, the core cluster components are denied direct access to the internet, but the proxy does not affect user workloads.


Only cluster system egress traffic is proxied, including calls to the cloud provider API.

If you use a cluster-wide proxy, you are responsible for maintaining the availability of the proxy to the cluster. If the proxy becomes unavailable, then it might impact the health and supportability of the cluster.

7.1. Prerequisites for configuring a cluster-wide proxy

To configure a cluster-wide proxy, you must meet the following requirements. These requirements are valid when you configure a proxy during installation or postinstallation.

General requirements
  • You are the cluster owner.
  • Your account has sufficient privileges.
  • You have an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for your cluster.
  • The proxy can access the VPC for the cluster and the private subnets of the VPC. The proxy is also accessible from the VPC for the cluster and from the private subnets of the VPC.
  • You have added the following endpoints to your VPC endpoint:

    • ec2.<aws_region>
    • elasticloadbalancing.<aws_region>
    • s3.<aws_region>

      These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works at the container level and not at the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not enough.


      When using a cluster-wide proxy, you must configure the s3.<aws_region> endpoint as type Gateway.

Network requirements
  • If your proxy re-encrypts egress traffic, you must create exclusions to the domain and port combinations. The following table offers guidance into these exceptions.

    • Your proxy must exclude re-encrypting the following OpenShift URLs:



      Required. Used for Managed OpenShift-specific telemetry.


      The site uses authentication from to download the cluster pull secret and use Red Hat SaaS solutions to facilitate monitoring of your subscriptions, cluster inventory, and chargeback reporting.

    • Your proxy must exclude re-encrypting the following site reliability engineering (SRE) and management URLs:






      Used by the splunk-forwarder-operator as a log forwarding endpoint to be used by Red Hat SRE for log-based alerting.


      Used by the splunk-forwarder-operator as a log forwarding endpoint to be used by Red Hat SRE for log-based alerting.

Additional resources

7.2. Responsibilities for additional trust bundles

If you supply an additional trust bundle, you are responsible for the following requirements:

  • Ensuring that the contents of the additional trust bundle are valid
  • Ensuring that the certificates, including intermediary certificates, contained in the additional trust bundle have not expired
  • Tracking the expiry and performing any necessary renewals for certificates contained in the additional trust bundle
  • Updating the cluster configuration with the updated additional trust bundle

7.3. Configuring a proxy during installation

You can configure an HTTP or HTTPS proxy when you install a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster into an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You can configure the proxy during installation by using Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager or the ROSA CLI (rosa).

7.3.1. Configuring a proxy during installation using OpenShift Cluster Manager

If you are installing a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster into an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you can use Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager to enable a cluster-wide HTTP or HTTPS proxy during installation.

Prior to the installation, you must verify that the proxy is accessible from the VPC that the cluster is being installed into. The proxy must also be accessible from the private subnets of the VPC.

For detailed steps to configure a cluster-wide proxy during installation by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, see Creating a cluster with customizations by using OpenShift Cluster Manager.

7.3.2. Configuring a proxy during installation using the CLI

If you are installing a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster into an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you can use the ROSA CLI (rosa) to enable a cluster-wide HTTP or HTTPS proxy during installation.

The following procedure provides details about the ROSA CLI (rosa) arguments that are used to configure a cluster-wide proxy during installation. For general installation steps using the ROSA CLI, see Creating a cluster with customizations using the CLI.


  • You have verified that the proxy is accessible from the VPC that the cluster is being installed into. The proxy must also be accessible from the private subnets of the VPC.


  • Specify a proxy configuration when you create your cluster:

    $ rosa create cluster \
     <other_arguments_here> \
     --additional-trust-bundle-file <path_to_ca_bundle_file> \ 1 2 3
     --http-proxy http://<username>:<password>@<ip>:<port> \ 4 5
     --https-proxy https://<username>:<password>@<ip>:<port> \ 6 7
     --no-proxy 8
    1 4 6
    The additional-trust-bundle-file, http-proxy, and https-proxy arguments are all optional.
    The additional-trust-bundle-file argument is a file path pointing to a bundle of PEM-encoded X.509 certificates, which are all concatenated together. The additional-trust-bundle-file argument is required for users who use a TLS-inspecting proxy unless the identity certificate for the proxy is signed by an authority from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) trust bundle. This applies regardless of whether the proxy is transparent or requires explicit configuration using the http-proxy and https-proxy arguments.
    3 5 7
    The http-proxy and https-proxy arguments must point to a valid URL.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or network CIDRs to exclude proxying.

    Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass proxy for all destinations. If you scale up workers that are not included in the network defined by the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr field from the installation configuration, you must add them to this list to prevent connection issues.

    This field is ignored if neither the httpProxy or httpsProxy fields are set.

7.4. Configuring a proxy after installation

You can configure an HTTP or HTTPS proxy after you install a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster into an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You can configure the proxy after installation by using Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager or the ROSA CLI (rosa).

7.4.1. Configuring a proxy after installation using OpenShift Cluster Manager

You can use Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager to add a cluster-wide proxy configuration to an existing Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

You can also use OpenShift Cluster Manager to update an existing cluster-wide proxy configuration. For example, you might need to update the network address for the proxy or replace the additional trust bundle if any of the certificate authorities for the proxy expire.


The cluster applies the proxy configuration to the control plane and compute nodes. While applying the configuration, each cluster node is temporarily placed in an unschedulable state and drained of its workloads. Each node is restarted as part of the process.


  • You have an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster .
  • Your cluster is deployed in a VPC.


  1. Navigate to OpenShift Cluster Manager and select your cluster.
  2. Under the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) section on the Networking page, click Edit cluster-wide proxy.
  3. On the Edit cluster-wide proxy page, provide your proxy configuration details:

    1. Enter a value in at least one of the following fields:

      • Specify a valid HTTP proxy URL.
      • Specify a valid HTTPS proxy URL.
      • In the Additional trust bundle field, provide a PEM encoded X.509 certificate bundle. If you are replacing an existing trust bundle file, select Replace file to view the field. The bundle is added to the trusted certificate store for the cluster nodes. An additional trust bundle file is required if you use a TLS-inspecting proxy unless the identity certificate for the proxy is signed by an authority from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) trust bundle. This requirement applies regardless of whether the proxy is transparent or requires explicit configuration using the http-proxy and https-proxy arguments.
    2. Click Confirm.


  • Under the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) section on the Networking page, verify that the proxy configuration for your cluster is as expected.

7.4.2. Configuring a proxy after installation using the CLI

You can use the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI (rosa) to add a cluster-wide proxy configuration to an existing ROSA cluster in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

You can also use rosa to update an existing cluster-wide proxy configuration. For example, you might need to update the network address for the proxy or replace the additional trust bundle if any of the certificate authorities for the proxy expire.


The cluster applies the proxy configuration to the control plane and compute nodes. While applying the configuration, each cluster node is temporarily placed in an unschedulable state and drained of its workloads. Each node is restarted as part of the process.


  • You have installed and configured the latest ROSA (rosa) and OpenShift (oc) CLIs on your installation host.
  • You have a ROSA cluster that is deployed in a VPC.


  • Edit the cluster configuration to add or update the cluster-wide proxy details:

    $ rosa edit cluster \
     --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
     --additional-trust-bundle-file <path_to_ca_bundle_file> \ 1 2 3
     --http-proxy http://<username>:<password>@<ip>:<port> \ 4 5
     --https-proxy https://<username>:<password>@<ip>:<port> \ 6 7
      --no-proxy 8
    1 4 6
    The additional-trust-bundle-file, http-proxy, and https-proxy arguments are all optional.
    The additional-trust-bundle-file argument is a file path pointing to a bundle of PEM-encoded X.509 certificates, which are all concatenated together. The additional-trust-bundle-file argument is a file path pointing to a bundle of PEM-encoded X.509 certificates, which are all concatenated together. The additional-trust-bundle-file argument is required for users who use a TLS-inspecting proxy unless the identity certificate for the proxy is signed by an authority from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) trust bundle. This applies regardless of whether the proxy is transparent or requires explicit configuration using the http-proxy and https-proxy arguments.

    You should not attempt to change the proxy or additional trust bundle configuration on the cluster directly. These changes must be applied by using the ROSA CLI (rosa) or Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager. Any changes that are made directly to the cluster will be reverted automatically.

    3 5 7
    The http-proxy and https-proxy arguments must point to a valid URL.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or network CIDRs to exclude proxying.

    Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass proxy for all destinations. If you scale up workers that are not included in the network defined by the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr field from the installation configuration, you must add them to this list to prevent connection issues.

    This field is ignored if neither the httpProxy or httpsProxy fields are set.


  1. List the status of the machine config pools and verify that they are updated:

    $ oc get machineconfigpools

    Example output

    master   rendered-master-d9a03f612a432095dcde6dcf44597d90   True      False      False      3              3                   3                     0                      31h
    worker   rendered-worker-f6827a4efe21e155c25c21b43c46f65e   True      False      False      6              6                   6                     0                      31h

  2. Display the proxy configuration for your cluster and verify that the details are as expected:

    $ oc get proxy cluster -o yaml

    Example output

    kind: Proxy

7.5. Removing a cluster-wide proxy

You can remove your cluster-wide proxy by using the ROSA CLI. After removing the cluster, you should also remove any trust bundles that are added to the cluster.

7.5.1. Removing the cluster-wide proxy using CLI

You must use the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa, to remove the proxy’s address from your cluster.


  • You must have cluster administrator privileges.
  • You have installed the ROSA CLI (rosa).


  • Use the rosa edit command to modify the proxy. You must pass empty strings to the --http-proxy and --https-proxy arguments to clear the proxy from the cluster:

    $ rosa edit cluster -c <cluster_name> --http-proxy "" --https-proxy ""

    While your proxy might only use one of the proxy arguments, the empty fields are ignored, so passing empty strings to both the --http-proxy and --https-proxy arguments do not cause any issues.

    Example Output

    I: Updated cluster <cluster_name>


  • You can verify that the proxy has been removed from the cluster by using the rosa describe command:

    $ rosa describe cluster -c <cluster_name>

    Before removal, the proxy IP displays in a proxy section:

    Name:                       <cluster_name>
    ID:                         <cluster_internal_id>
    External ID:                <cluster_external_id>
    OpenShift Version:          4.0
    Channel Group:              stable
    DNS:                        <dns>
    AWS Account:                <aws_account_id>
    API URL:                    <api_url>
    Console URL:                <console_url>
    Region:                     us-east-1
    Multi-AZ:                   false
     - Control plane:           3
     - Infra:                   2
     - Compute:                 2
     - Type:                    OVNKubernetes
     - Service CIDR:            <service_cidr>
     - Machine CIDR:            <machine_cidr>
     - Pod CIDR:                <pod_cidr>
     - Host Prefix:             <host_prefix>
     - HTTPProxy:               <proxy_url>
    Additional trust bundle:    REDACTED

    After removing the proxy, the proxy section is removed:

    Name:                       <cluster_name>
    ID:                         <cluster_internal_id>
    External ID:                <cluster_external_id>
    OpenShift Version:          4.0
    Channel Group:              stable
    DNS:                        <dns>
    AWS Account:                <aws_account_id>
    API URL:                    <api_url>
    Console URL:                <console_url>
    Region:                     us-east-1
    Multi-AZ:                   false
     - Control plane:           3
     - Infra:                   2
     - Compute:                 2
     - Type:                    OVNKubernetes
     - Service CIDR:            <service_cidr>
     - Machine CIDR:            <machine_cidr>
     - Pod CIDR:                <pod_cidr>
     - Host Prefix:             <host_prefix>
    Additional trust bundle:    REDACTED

7.5.2. Removing certificate authorities on a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster

You can remove certificate authorities (CA) from your cluster with the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa.


  • You must have cluster administrator privileges.
  • You have installed the ROSA CLI (rosa).
  • Your cluster has certificate authorities added.


  • Use the rosa edit command to modify the CA trust bundle. You must pass empty strings to the --additional-trust-bundle-file argument to clear the trust bundle from the cluster:

    $ rosa edit cluster -c <cluster_name> --additional-trust-bundle-file ""

    Example Output

    I: Updated cluster <cluster_name>


  • You can verify that the trust bundle has been removed from the cluster by using the rosa describe command:

    $ rosa describe cluster -c <cluster_name>

    Before removal, the Additional trust bundle section appears, redacting its value for security purposes:

    Name:                       <cluster_name>
    ID:                         <cluster_internal_id>
    External ID:                <cluster_external_id>
    OpenShift Version:          4.0
    Channel Group:              stable
    DNS:                        <dns>
    AWS Account:                <aws_account_id>
    API URL:                    <api_url>
    Console URL:                <console_url>
    Region:                     us-east-1
    Multi-AZ:                   false
     - Control plane:           3
     - Infra:                   2
     - Compute:                 2
     - Type:                    OVNKubernetes
     - Service CIDR:            <service_cidr>
     - Machine CIDR:            <machine_cidr>
     - Pod CIDR:                <pod_cidr>
     - Host Prefix:             <host_prefix>
     - HTTPProxy:               <proxy_url>
    Additional trust bundle:    REDACTED

    After removing the proxy, the Additional trust bundle section is removed:

    Name:                       <cluster_name>
    ID:                         <cluster_internal_id>
    External ID:                <cluster_external_id>
    OpenShift Version:          4.0
    Channel Group:              stable
    DNS:                        <dns>
    AWS Account:                <aws_account_id>
    API URL:                    <api_url>
    Console URL:                <console_url>
    Region:                     us-east-1
    Multi-AZ:                   false
     - Control plane:           3
     - Infra:                   2
     - Compute:                 2
     - Type:                    OVNKubernetes
     - Service CIDR:            <service_cidr>
     - Machine CIDR:            <machine_cidr>
     - Pod CIDR:                <pod_cidr>
     - Host Prefix:             <host_prefix>
     - HTTPProxy:               <proxy_url>

Chapter 8. CIDR range definitions

You must specify non-overlapping ranges for the following CIDR ranges.


Machine CIDR ranges cannot be changed after creating your cluster.

When specifying subnet CIDR ranges, ensure that the subnet CIDR range is within the defined Machine CIDR. You must verify that the subnet CIDR ranges allow for enough IP addresses for all intended workloads depending on which platform the cluster is hosted.


OVN-Kubernetes, the default network provider in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4.14 and later versions, uses the following IP address ranges internally:,,, fd98::/64, fd69::/125, and fd97::/64. If your cluster uses OVN-Kubernetes, do not include any of these IP address ranges in any other CIDR definitions in your cluster or infrastructure.

8.1. Machine CIDR

In the Machine classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) field, you must specify the IP address range for machines or cluster nodes. This range must encompass all CIDR address ranges for your virtual private cloud (VPC) subnets. Subnets must be contiguous. A minimum IP address range of 128 addresses, using the subnet prefix /25, is supported for single availability zone deployments. A minimum address range of 256 addresses, using the subnet prefix /24, is supported for deployments that use multiple availability zones.

The default is This range must not conflict with any connected networks.


When using ROSA with HCP, the static IP address is reserved for the internal Kubernetes API address. The machine, pod, and service CIDRs ranges must not conflict with this IP address.

8.2. Service CIDR

In the Service CIDR field, you must specify the IP address range for services. It is recommended, but not required, that the address block is the same between clusters. This will not create IP address conflicts. The range must be large enough to accommodate your workload. The address block must not overlap with any external service accessed from within the cluster. The default is

8.3. Pod CIDR

In the pod CIDR field, you must specify the IP address range for pods.

It is recommended, but not required, that the address block is the same between clusters. This will not create IP address conflicts. The range must be large enough to accommodate your workload. The address block must not overlap with any external service accessed from within the cluster. The default is

8.4. Host Prefix

In the Host Prefix field, you must specify the subnet prefix length assigned to pods scheduled to individual machines. The host prefix determines the pod IP address pool for each machine.

For example, if the host prefix is set to /23, each machine is assigned a /23 subnet from the pod CIDR address range. The default is /23, allowing 512 cluster nodes, and 512 pods per node (both of which are beyond our maximum supported).

Chapter 9. Network security

9.1. Understanding network policy APIs

Kubernetes offers two features that users can use to enforce network security. One feature that allows users to enforce network policy is the NetworkPolicy API that is designed mainly for application developers and namespace tenants to protect their namespaces by creating namespace-scoped policies.

The second feature is AdminNetworkPolicy which consists of two APIs: the AdminNetworkPolicy (ANP) API and the BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy (BANP) API. ANP and BANP are designed for cluster and network administrators to protect their entire cluster by creating cluster-scoped policies. Cluster administrators can use ANPs to enforce non-overridable policies that take precedence over NetworkPolicy objects. Administrators can use BANP to set up and enforce optional cluster-scoped network policy rules that are overridable by users using NetworkPolicy objects when necessary. When used together, ANP, BANP, and network policy can achieve full multi-tenant isolation that administrators can use to secure their cluster.

OVN-Kubernetes CNI in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS implements these network policies using Access Control List (ACL) Tiers to evaluate and apply them. ACLs are evaluated in descending order from Tier 1 to Tier 3.

Tier 1 evaluates AdminNetworkPolicy (ANP) objects. Tier 2 evaluates NetworkPolicy objects. Tier 3 evaluates BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy (BANP) objects.

OVK-Kubernetes Access Control List (ACL)

ANPs are evaluated first. When the match is an ANP allow or deny rule, any existing NetworkPolicy and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy (BANP) objects in the cluster are skipped from evaluation. When the match is an ANP pass rule, then evaluation moves from tier 1 of the ACL to tier 2 where the NetworkPolicy policy is evaluated. If no NetworkPolicy matches the traffic then evaluation moves from tier 2 ACLs to tier 3 ACLs where BANP is evaluated.

9.1.1. Key differences between AdminNetworkPolicy and NetworkPolicy custom resources

The following table explains key differences between the cluster scoped AdminNetworkPolicy API and the namespace scoped NetworkPolicy API.

Policy elementsAdminNetworkPolicyNetworkPolicy

Applicable user

Cluster administrator or equivalent

Namespace owners




Drop traffic

Supported with an explicit Deny action set as a rule.

Supported via implicit Deny isolation at policy creation time.

Delegate traffic

Supported with an Pass action set as a rule.

Not applicable

Allow traffic

Supported with an explicit Allow action set as a rule.

The default action for all rules is to allow.

Rule precedence within the policy

Depends on the order in which they appear within an ANP. The higher the rule’s position the higher the precedence.

Rules are additive

Policy precedence

Among ANPs the priority field sets the order for evaluation. The lower the priority number higher the policy precedence.

There is no policy ordering between policies.

Feature precedence

Evaluated first via tier 1 ACL and BANP is evaluated last via tier 3 ACL.

Enforced after ANP and before BANP, they are evaluated in tier 2 of the ACL.

Matching pod selection

Can apply different rules across namespaces.

Can apply different rules across pods in single namespace.

Cluster egress traffic

Supported via nodes and networks peers

Supported through ipBlock field along with accepted CIDR syntax.

Cluster ingress traffic

Not supported

Not supported

Fully qualified domain names (FQDN) peer support

Not supported

Not supported

Namespace selectors

Supports advanced selection of Namespaces with the use of namespaces.matchLabels field

Supports label based namespace selection with the use of namespaceSelector field

9.2. Admin network policy

9.2.1. OVN-Kubernetes AdminNetworkPolicy AdminNetworkPolicy

An AdminNetworkPolicy (ANP) is a cluster-scoped custom resource definition (CRD). As a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS administrator, you can use ANP to secure your network by creating network policies before creating namespaces. Additionally, you can create network policies on a cluster-scoped level that is non-overridable by NetworkPolicy objects.

The key difference between AdminNetworkPolicy and NetworkPolicy objects are that the former is for administrators and is cluster scoped while the latter is for tenant owners and is namespace scoped.

An ANP allows administrators to specify the following:

  • A priority value that determines the order of its evaluation. The lower the value the higher the precedence.
  • A set of pods that consists of a set of namespaces or namespace on which the policy is applied.
  • A list of ingress rules to be applied for all ingress traffic towards the subject.
  • A list of egress rules to be applied for all egress traffic from the subject.
AdminNetworkPolicy example

Example 9.1. Example YAML file for an ANP

kind: AdminNetworkPolicy
  name: sample-anp-deny-pass-rules 1
  priority: 50 2
  ingress: 4
  - name: "deny-all-ingress-tenant-1" 5
    action: "Deny"
    - pods:
            custom-anp: tenant-1
            custom-anp: tenant-1 6
  - name: "pass-all-egress-to-tenant-1"
    action: "Pass"
    - pods:
            custom-anp: tenant-1
            custom-anp: tenant-1
Specify a name for your ANP.
The spec.priority field supports a maximum of 100 ANP in the values of 0-99 in a cluster. The lower the value the higher the precedence. Creating AdminNetworkPolicy with the same priority creates a nondeterministic outcome.
Specify the namespace to apply the ANP resource.
ANP have both ingress and egress rules. ANP rules for spec.ingress field accepts values of Pass, Deny, and Allow for the action field.
Specify a name for the
Specify podSelector.matchLabels to select pods within the namespaces selected by namespaceSelector.matchLabels as ingress peers.
ANPs have both ingress and egress rules. ANP rules for spec.egress field accepts values of Pass, Deny, and Allow for the action field.

Additional resources AdminNetworkPolicy actions for rules

As an administrator, you can set Allow, Deny, or Pass as the action field for your AdminNetworkPolicy rules. Because OVN-Kubernetes uses a tiered ACLs to evaluate network traffic rules, ANP allow you to set very strong policy rules that can only be changed by an administrator modifying them, deleting the rule, or overriding them by setting a higher priority rule.

AdminNetworkPolicy Allow example

The following ANP that is defined at priority 9 ensures all ingress traffic is allowed from the monitoring namespace towards any tenant (all other namespaces) in the cluster.

Example 9.2. Example YAML file for a strong Allow ANP

kind: AdminNetworkPolicy
  name: allow-monitoring
  priority: 9
    namespaces: {} # Use the empty selector with caution because it also selects OpenShift namespaces as well.
  - name: "allow-ingress-from-monitoring"
    action: "Allow"
    - namespaces:
# ...

This is an example of a strong Allow ANP because it is non-overridable by all the parties involved. No tenants can block themselves from being monitored using NetworkPolicy objects and the monitoring tenant also has no say in what it can or cannot monitor.

AdminNetworkPolicy Deny example

The following ANP that is defined at priority 5 ensures all ingress traffic from the monitoring namespace is blocked towards restricted tenants (namespaces that have labels security: restricted).

Example 9.3. Example YAML file for a strong Deny ANP

kind: AdminNetworkPolicy
  name: block-monitoring
  priority: 5
        security: restricted
  - name: "deny-ingress-from-monitoring"
    action: "Deny"
    - namespaces:
# ...

This is a strong Deny ANP that is non-overridable by all the parties involved. The restricted tenant owners cannot authorize themselves to allow monitoring traffic, and the infrastructure’s monitoring service cannot scrape anything from these sensitive namespaces.

When combined with the strong Allow example, the block-monitoring ANP has a lower priority value giving it higher precedence, which ensures restricted tenants are never monitored.

AdminNetworkPolicy Pass example

TThe following ANP that is defined at priority 7 ensures all ingress traffic from the monitoring namespace towards internal infrastructure tenants (namespaces that have labels security: internal) are passed on to tier 2 of the ACLs and evaluated by the namespaces’ NetworkPolicy objects.

Example 9.4. Example YAML file for a strong Pass ANP

kind: AdminNetworkPolicy
  name: pass-monitoring
  priority: 7
        security: internal
  - name: "pass-ingress-from-monitoring"
    action: "Pass"
    - namespaces:
# ...

This example is a strong Pass action ANP because it delegates the decision to NetworkPolicy objects defined by tenant owners. This pass-monitoring ANP allows all tenant owners grouped at security level internal to choose if their metrics should be scraped by the infrastructures' monitoring service using namespace scoped NetworkPolicy objects.

9.2.2. OVN-Kubernetes BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy

BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy (BANP) is a cluster-scoped custom resource definition (CRD). As a Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS administrator, you can use BANP to setup and enforce optional baseline network policy rules that are overridable by users using NetworkPolicy objects if need be. Rule actions for BANP are allow or deny.

The BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy resource is a cluster singleton object that can be used as a guardrail policy incase a passed traffic policy does not match any NetworkPolicy objects in the cluster. A BANP can also be used as a default security model that provides guardrails that intra-cluster traffic is blocked by default and a user will need to use NetworkPolicy objects to allow known traffic. You must use default as the name when creating a BANP resource.

A BANP allows administrators to specify:

  • A subject that consists of a set of namespaces or namespace.
  • A list of ingress rules to be applied for all ingress traffic towards the subject.
  • A list of egress rules to be applied for all egress traffic from the subject.
BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy example

Example 9.5. Example YAML file for BANP

kind: BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
  name: default 1
  ingress: 3
  - name: "deny-all-ingress-from-tenant-1" 4
    action: "Deny"
    - pods:
            custom-banp: tenant-1 5
            custom-banp: tenant-1 6
  - name: "allow-all-egress-to-tenant-1"
    action: "Allow"
    - pods:
            custom-banp: tenant-1
            custom-banp: tenant-1
The policy name must be default because BANP is a singleton object.
Specify the namespace to apply the ANP to.
BANP have both ingress and egress rules. BANP rules for spec.ingress and spec.egress fields accepts values of Deny and Allow for the action field.
Specify a name for the
Specify the namespaces to select the pods from to apply the BANP resource.
Specify podSelector.matchLabels name of the pods to apply the BANP resource.
BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy Deny example

The following BANP singleton ensures that the administrator has set up a default deny policy for all ingress monitoring traffic coming into the tenants at internal security level. When combined with the "AdminNetworkPolicy Pass example", this deny policy acts as a guardrail policy for all ingress traffic that is passed by the ANP pass-monitoring policy.

Example 9.6. Example YAML file for a guardrail Deny rule

kind: BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
  name: default
        security: internal
  - name: "deny-ingress-from-monitoring"
    action: "Deny"
    - namespaces:
# ...

You can use an AdminNetworkPolicy resource with a Pass value for the action field in conjunction with the BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy resource to create a multi-tenant policy. This multi-tenant policy allows one tenant to collect monitoring data on their application while simultaneously not collecting data from a second tenant.

As an administrator, if you apply both the "AdminNetworkPolicy Pass action example" and the "BaselineAdminNetwork Policy Deny example", tenants are then left with the ability to choose to create a NetworkPolicy resource that will be evaluated before the BANP.

For example, Tenant 1 can set up the following NetworkPolicy resource to monitor ingress traffic:

Example 9.7. Example NetworkPolicy

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-monitoring
  namespace: tenant 1
    - Ingress
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
# ...

In this scenario, Tenant 1’s policy would be evaluated after the "AdminNetworkPolicy Pass action example" and before the "BaselineAdminNetwork Policy Deny example", which denies all ingress monitoring traffic coming into tenants with security level internal. With Tenant 1’s NetworkPolicy object in place, they will be able to collect data on their application. Tenant 2, however, who does not have any NetworkPolicy objects in place, will not be able to collect data. As an administrator, you have not by default monitored internal tenants, but instead, you created a BANP that allows tenants to use NetworkPolicy objects to override the default behavior of your BANP.

9.3. Network policy

9.3.1. About network policy

As a developer, you can define network policies that restrict traffic to pods in your cluster. About network policy

In a cluster using a network plugin that supports Kubernetes network policy, network isolation is controlled entirely by NetworkPolicy objects. In Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4, OpenShift SDN supports using network policy in its default network isolation mode.


Network policy does not apply to the host network namespace. Pods with host networking enabled are unaffected by network policy rules. However, pods connecting to the host-networked pods might be affected by the network policy rules.

Network policies cannot block traffic from localhost or from their resident nodes.

By default, all pods in a project are accessible from other pods and network endpoints. To isolate one or more pods in a project, you can create NetworkPolicy objects in that project to indicate the allowed incoming connections. Project administrators can create and delete NetworkPolicy objects within their own project.

If a pod is matched by selectors in one or more NetworkPolicy objects, then the pod will accept only connections that are allowed by at least one of those NetworkPolicy objects. A pod that is not selected by any NetworkPolicy objects is fully accessible.

A network policy applies to only the TCP, UDP, ICMP, and SCTP protocols. Other protocols are not affected.

The following example NetworkPolicy objects demonstrate supporting different scenarios:

  • Deny all traffic:

    To make a project deny by default, add a NetworkPolicy object that matches all pods but accepts no traffic:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: deny-by-default
      podSelector: {}
      ingress: []
  • Only allow connections from the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS Ingress Controller:

    To make a project allow only connections from the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS Ingress Controller, add the following NetworkPolicy object.

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: allow-from-openshift-ingress
      - from:
        - namespaceSelector:
      podSelector: {}
      - Ingress
  • Only accept connections from pods within a project:


    To allow ingress connections from hostNetwork pods in the same namespace, you need to apply the allow-from-hostnetwork policy together with the allow-same-namespace policy.

    To make pods accept connections from other pods in the same project, but reject all other connections from pods in other projects, add the following NetworkPolicy object:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: allow-same-namespace
      podSelector: {}
      - from:
        - podSelector: {}
  • Only allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic based on pod labels:

    To enable only HTTP and HTTPS access to the pods with a specific label (role=frontend in following example), add a NetworkPolicy object similar to the following:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: allow-http-and-https
          role: frontend
      - ports:
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 80
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 443
  • Accept connections by using both namespace and pod selectors:

    To match network traffic by combining namespace and pod selectors, you can use a NetworkPolicy object similar to the following:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: allow-pod-and-namespace-both
          name: test-pods
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
                project: project_name
                name: test-pods

NetworkPolicy objects are additive, which means you can combine multiple NetworkPolicy objects together to satisfy complex network requirements.

For example, for the NetworkPolicy objects defined in previous samples, you can define both allow-same-namespace and allow-http-and-https policies within the same project. Thus allowing the pods with the label role=frontend, to accept any connection allowed by each policy. That is, connections on any port from pods in the same namespace, and connections on ports 80 and 443 from pods in any namespace. Using the allow-from-router network policy

Use the following NetworkPolicy to allow external traffic regardless of the router configuration:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-from-router
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress
1"" label supports both OpenShift-SDN and OVN-Kubernetes. Using the allow-from-hostnetwork network policy

Add the following allow-from-hostnetwork NetworkPolicy object to direct traffic from the host network pods.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-from-hostnetwork
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress Optimizations for network policy with OpenShift SDN

Use a network policy to isolate pods that are differentiated from one another by labels within a namespace.

It is inefficient to apply NetworkPolicy objects to large numbers of individual pods in a single namespace. Pod labels do not exist at the IP address level, so a network policy generates a separate Open vSwitch (OVS) flow rule for every possible link between every pod selected with a podSelector.

For example, if the spec podSelector and the ingress podSelector within a NetworkPolicy object each match 200 pods, then 40,000 (200*200) OVS flow rules are generated. This might slow down a node.

When designing your network policy, refer to the following guidelines:

  • Reduce the number of OVS flow rules by using namespaces to contain groups of pods that need to be isolated.

    NetworkPolicy objects that select a whole namespace, by using the namespaceSelector or an empty podSelector, generate only a single OVS flow rule that matches the VXLAN virtual network ID (VNID) of the namespace.

  • Keep the pods that do not need to be isolated in their original namespace, and move the pods that require isolation into one or more different namespaces.
  • Create additional targeted cross-namespace network policies to allow the specific traffic that you do want to allow from the isolated pods. Optimizations for network policy with OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

When designing your network policy, refer to the following guidelines:

  • For network policies with the same spec.podSelector spec, it is more efficient to use one network policy with multiple ingress or egress rules, than multiple network policies with subsets of ingress or egress rules.
  • Every ingress or egress rule based on the podSelector or namespaceSelector spec generates the number of OVS flows proportional to number of pods selected by network policy + number of pods selected by ingress or egress rule. Therefore, it is preferable to use the podSelector or namespaceSelector spec that can select as many pods as you need in one rule, instead of creating individual rules for every pod.

    For example, the following policy contains two rules:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: test-network-policy
      podSelector: {}
      - from:
        - podSelector:
              role: frontend
      - from:
        - podSelector:
              role: backend

    The following policy expresses those same two rules as one:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: test-network-policy
      podSelector: {}
      - from:
        - podSelector:
            - {key: role, operator: In, values: [frontend, backend]}

    The same guideline applies to the spec.podSelector spec. If you have the same ingress or egress rules for different network policies, it might be more efficient to create one network policy with a common spec.podSelector spec. For example, the following two policies have different rules:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: policy1
          role: db
      - from:
        - podSelector:
              role: frontend
    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: policy2
          role: client
      - from:
        - podSelector:
              role: frontend

    The following network policy expresses those same two rules as one:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: policy3
        - {key: role, operator: In, values: [db, client]}
      - from:
        - podSelector:
              role: frontend

    You can apply this optimization when only multiple selectors are expressed as one. In cases where selectors are based on different labels, it may not be possible to apply this optimization. In those cases, consider applying some new labels for network policy optimization specifically. Next steps

9.3.2. Creating a network policy

As a user with the admin role, you can create a network policy for a namespace. Example NetworkPolicy object

The following annotates an example NetworkPolicy object:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-27107 1
  podSelector: 2
      app: mongodb
  - from:
    - podSelector: 3
          app: app
    ports: 4
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 27017
The name of the NetworkPolicy object.
A selector that describes the pods to which the policy applies. The policy object can only select pods in the project that defines the NetworkPolicy object.
A selector that matches the pods from which the policy object allows ingress traffic. The selector matches pods in the same namespace as the NetworkPolicy.
A list of one or more destination ports on which to accept traffic. Creating a network policy using the CLI

To define granular rules describing ingress or egress network traffic allowed for namespaces in your cluster, you can create a network policy.


If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.


  • Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.
  • You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.


  1. Create a policy rule:

    1. Create a <policy_name>.yaml file:

      $ touch <policy_name>.yaml


      Specifies the network policy file name.
    2. Define a network policy in the file that you just created, such as in the following examples:

      Deny ingress from all pods in all namespaces

      This is a fundamental policy, blocking all cross-pod networking other than cross-pod traffic allowed by the configuration of other Network Policies.

      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: deny-by-default
        podSelector: {}
        - Ingress
        ingress: []

      Allow ingress from all pods in the same namespace

      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-same-namespace
        - from:
          - podSelector: {}

      Allow ingress traffic to one pod from a particular namespace

      This policy allows traffic to pods labelled pod-a from pods running in namespace-y.

      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-traffic-pod
            pod: pod-a
        - Ingress
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
  2. To create the network policy object, enter the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <policy_name>.yaml -n <namespace>


    Specifies the network policy file name.
    Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.

    Example output created


If you log in to the web console with cluster-admin privileges, you have a choice of creating a network policy in any namespace in the cluster directly in YAML or from a form in the web console. Creating a default deny all network policy

This is a fundamental policy, blocking all cross-pod networking other than network traffic allowed by the configuration of other deployed network policies. This procedure enforces a default deny-by-default policy.


If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.


  • Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.
  • You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.


  1. Create the following YAML that defines a deny-by-default policy to deny ingress from all pods in all namespaces. Save the YAML in the deny-by-default.yaml file:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: deny-by-default
      namespace: default 1
      podSelector: {} 2
      ingress: [] 3
    namespace: default deploys this policy to the default namespace.
    podSelector: is empty, this means it matches all the pods. Therefore, the policy applies to all pods in the default namespace.
    There are no ingress rules specified. This causes incoming traffic to be dropped to all pods.
  2. Apply the policy by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f deny-by-default.yaml

    Example output created Creating a network policy to allow traffic from external clients

With the deny-by-default policy in place you can proceed to configure a policy that allows traffic from external clients to a pod with the label app=web.


If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.

Follow this procedure to configure a policy that allows external service from the public Internet directly or by using a Load Balancer to access the pod. Traffic is only allowed to a pod with the label app=web.


  • Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.
  • You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.


  1. Create a policy that allows traffic from the public Internet directly or by using a load balancer to access the pod. Save the YAML in the web-allow-external.yaml file:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: web-allow-external
      namespace: default
      - Ingress
          app: web
        - {}
  2. Apply the policy by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f web-allow-external.yaml

    Example output created

    This policy allows traffic from all resources, including external traffic as illustrated in the following diagram:

Allow traffic from external clients Creating a network policy allowing traffic to an application from all namespaces

If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.

Follow this procedure to configure a policy that allows traffic from all pods in all namespaces to a particular application.


  • Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.
  • You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.


  1. Create a policy that allows traffic from all pods in all namespaces to a particular application. Save the YAML in the web-allow-all-namespaces.yaml file:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: web-allow-all-namespaces
      namespace: default
          app: web 1
      - Ingress
      - from:
        - namespaceSelector: {} 2
    Applies the policy only to app:web pods in default namespace.
    Selects all pods in all namespaces.

    By default, if you omit specifying a namespaceSelector it does not select any namespaces, which means the policy allows traffic only from the namespace the network policy is deployed to.

  2. Apply the policy by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f web-allow-all-namespaces.yaml

    Example output created


  1. Start a web service in the default namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc run web --namespace=default --image=nginx --labels="app=web" --expose --port=80
  2. Run the following command to deploy an alpine image in the secondary namespace and to start a shell:

    $ oc run test-$RANDOM --namespace=secondary --rm -i -t --image=alpine -- sh
  3. Run the following command in the shell and observe that the request is allowed:

    # wget -qO- --timeout=2 http://web.default

    Expected output

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    html { color-scheme: light dark; }
    body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto;
    font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }
    <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
    <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
    working. Further configuration is required.</p>
    <p>For online documentation and support please refer to
    <a href=""></a>.<br/>
    Commercial support is available at
    <a href=""></a>.</p>
    <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>
    </html> Creating a network policy allowing traffic to an application from a namespace

If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.

Follow this procedure to configure a policy that allows traffic to a pod with the label app=web from a particular namespace. You might want to do this to:

  • Restrict traffic to a production database only to namespaces where production workloads are deployed.
  • Enable monitoring tools deployed to a particular namespace to scrape metrics from the current namespace.


  • Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.
  • You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.


  1. Create a policy that allows traffic from all pods in a particular namespaces with a label purpose=production. Save the YAML in the web-allow-prod.yaml file:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: web-allow-prod
      namespace: default
          app: web 1
      - Ingress
      - from:
        - namespaceSelector:
              purpose: production 2
    Applies the policy only to app:web pods in the default namespace.
    Restricts traffic to only pods in namespaces that have the label purpose=production.
  2. Apply the policy by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f web-allow-prod.yaml

    Example output created


  1. Start a web service in the default namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc run web --namespace=default --image=nginx --labels="app=web" --expose --port=80
  2. Run the following command to create the prod namespace:

    $ oc create namespace prod
  3. Run the following command to label the prod namespace:

    $ oc label namespace/prod purpose=production
  4. Run the following command to create the dev namespace:

    $ oc create namespace dev
  5. Run the following command to label the dev namespace:

    $ oc label namespace/dev purpose=testing
  6. Run the following command to deploy an alpine image in the dev namespace and to start a shell:

    $ oc run test-$RANDOM --namespace=dev --rm -i -t --image=alpine -- sh
  7. Run the following command in the shell and observe that the request is blocked:

    # wget -qO- --timeout=2 http://web.default

    Expected output

    wget: download timed out

  8. Run the following command to deploy an alpine image in the prod namespace and start a shell:

    $ oc run test-$RANDOM --namespace=prod --rm -i -t --image=alpine -- sh
  9. Run the following command in the shell and observe that the request is allowed:

    # wget -qO- --timeout=2 http://web.default

    Expected output

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    html { color-scheme: light dark; }
    body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto;
    font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }
    <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
    <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
    working. Further configuration is required.</p>
    <p>For online documentation and support please refer to
    <a href=""></a>.<br/>
    Commercial support is available at
    <a href=""></a>.</p>
    <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>
    </html> Creating a network policy using OpenShift Cluster Manager

To define granular rules describing the ingress or egress network traffic allowed for namespaces in your cluster, you can create a network policy.


  • You logged in to OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  • You created an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster.
  • You configured an identity provider for your cluster.
  • You added your user account to the configured identity provider.
  • You created a project within your Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster.


  1. From OpenShift Cluster Manager, click on the cluster you want to access.
  2. Click Open console to navigate to the OpenShift web console.
  3. Click on your identity provider and provide your credentials to log in to the cluster.
  4. From the administrator perspective, under Networking, click NetworkPolicies.
  5. Click Create NetworkPolicy.
  6. Provide a name for the policy in the Policy name field.
  7. Optional: You can provide the label and selector for a specific pod if this policy applies only to one or more specific pods. If you do not select a specific pod, then this policy will be applicable to all pods on the cluster.
  8. Optional: You can block all ingress and egress traffic by using the Deny all ingress traffic or Deny all egress traffic checkboxes.
  9. You can also add any combination of ingress and egress rules, allowing you to specify the port, namespace, or IP blocks you want to approve.
  10. Add ingress rules to your policy:

    1. Select Add ingress rule to configure a new rule. This action creates a new Ingress rule row with an Add allowed source drop-down menu that enables you to specify how you want to limit inbound traffic. The drop-down menu offers three options to limit your ingress traffic:

      • Allow pods from the same namespace limits traffic to pods within the same namespace. You can specify the pods in a namespace, but leaving this option blank allows all of the traffic from pods in the namespace.
      • Allow pods from inside the cluster limits traffic to pods within the same cluster as the policy. You can specify namespaces and pods from which you want to allow inbound traffic. Leaving this option blank allows inbound traffic from all namespaces and pods within this cluster.
      • Allow peers by IP block limits traffic from a specified Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) IP block. You can block certain IPs with the exceptions option. Leaving the CIDR field blank allows all inbound traffic from all external sources.
    2. You can restrict all of your inbound traffic to a port. If you do not add any ports then all ports are accessible to traffic.
  11. Add egress rules to your network policy:

    1. Select Add egress rule to configure a new rule. This action creates a new Egress rule row with an Add allowed destination"* drop-down menu that enables you to specify how you want to limit outbound traffic. The drop-down menu offers three options to limit your egress traffic:

      • Allow pods from the same namespace limits outbound traffic to pods within the same namespace. You can specify the pods in a namespace, but leaving this option blank allows all of the traffic from pods in the namespace.
      • Allow pods from inside the cluster limits traffic to pods within the same cluster as the policy. You can specify namespaces and pods from which you want to allow outbound traffic. Leaving this option blank allows outbound traffic from all namespaces and pods within this cluster.
      • Allow peers by IP block limits traffic from a specified CIDR IP block. You can block certain IPs with the exceptions option. Leaving the CIDR field blank allows all outbound traffic from all external sources.
    2. You can restrict all of your outbound traffic to a port. If you do not add any ports then all ports are accessible to traffic.

9.3.3. Viewing a network policy

As a user with the admin role, you can view a network policy for a namespace. Example NetworkPolicy object

The following annotates an example NetworkPolicy object:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-27107 1
  podSelector: 2
      app: mongodb
  - from:
    - podSelector: 3
          app: app
    ports: 4
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 27017
The name of the NetworkPolicy object.
A selector that describes the pods to which the policy applies. The policy object can only select pods in the project that defines the NetworkPolicy object.
A selector that matches the pods from which the policy object allows ingress traffic. The selector matches pods in the same namespace as the NetworkPolicy.
A list of one or more destination ports on which to accept traffic. Viewing network policies using the CLI

You can examine the network policies in a namespace.


If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin role, then you can view any network policy in the cluster.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.
  • You are working in the namespace where the network policy exists.


  • List network policies in a namespace:

    • To view network policy objects defined in a namespace, enter the following command:

      $ oc get networkpolicy
    • Optional: To examine a specific network policy, enter the following command:

      $ oc describe networkpolicy <policy_name> -n <namespace>


      Specifies the name of the network policy to inspect.
      Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.

      For example:

      $ oc describe networkpolicy allow-same-namespace

      Output for oc describe command

      Name:         allow-same-namespace
      Namespace:    ns1
      Created on:   2021-05-24 22:28:56 -0400 EDT
      Labels:       <none>
      Annotations:  <none>
        PodSelector:     <none> (Allowing the specific traffic to all pods in this namespace)
        Allowing ingress traffic:
          To Port: <any> (traffic allowed to all ports)
            PodSelector: <none>
        Not affecting egress traffic
        Policy Types: Ingress


If you log in to the web console with cluster-admin privileges, you have a choice of viewing a network policy in any namespace in the cluster directly in YAML or from a form in the web console. Viewing network policies using OpenShift Cluster Manager

You can view the configuration details of your network policy in Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.


  • You logged in to OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  • You created an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster.
  • You configured an identity provider for your cluster.
  • You added your user account to the configured identity provider.
  • You created a network policy.


  1. From the Administrator perspective in the OpenShift Cluster Manager web console, under Networking, click NetworkPolicies.
  2. Select the desired network policy to view.
  3. In the Network Policy details page, you can view all of the associated ingress and egress rules.
  4. Select YAML on the network policy details to view the policy configuration in YAML format.


    You can only view the details of these policies. You cannot edit these policies.

9.3.4. Editing a network policy

As a user with the admin role, you can edit an existing network policy for a namespace. Editing a network policy

You can edit a network policy in a namespace.


If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin role, then you can edit a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.


  • Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.
  • You are working in the namespace where the network policy exists.


  1. Optional: To list the network policy objects in a namespace, enter the following command:

    $ oc get networkpolicy


    Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
  2. Edit the network policy object.

    • If you saved the network policy definition in a file, edit the file and make any necessary changes, and then enter the following command.

      $ oc apply -n <namespace> -f <policy_file>.yaml


      Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
      Specifies the name of the file containing the network policy.
    • If you need to update the network policy object directly, enter the following command:

      $ oc edit networkpolicy <policy_name> -n <namespace>


      Specifies the name of the network policy.
      Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
  3. Confirm that the network policy object is updated.

    $ oc describe networkpolicy <policy_name> -n <namespace>


    Specifies the name of the network policy.
    Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.

If you log in to the web console with cluster-admin privileges, you have a choice of editing a network policy in any namespace in the cluster directly in YAML or from the policy in the web console through the Actions menu. Example NetworkPolicy object

The following annotates an example NetworkPolicy object:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-27107 1
  podSelector: 2
      app: mongodb
  - from:
    - podSelector: 3
          app: app
    ports: 4
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 27017
The name of the NetworkPolicy object.
A selector that describes the pods to which the policy applies. The policy object can only select pods in the project that defines the NetworkPolicy object.
A selector that matches the pods from which the policy object allows ingress traffic. The selector matches pods in the same namespace as the NetworkPolicy.
A list of one or more destination ports on which to accept traffic. Additional resources

9.3.5. Deleting a network policy

As a user with the admin role, you can delete a network policy from a namespace. Deleting a network policy using the CLI

You can delete a network policy in a namespace.


If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin role, then you can delete any network policy in the cluster.


  • Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.
  • You are working in the namespace where the network policy exists.


  • To delete a network policy object, enter the following command:

    $ oc delete networkpolicy <policy_name> -n <namespace>


    Specifies the name of the network policy.
    Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.

    Example output deleted


If you log in to the web console with cluster-admin privileges, you have a choice of deleting a network policy in any namespace in the cluster directly in YAML or from the policy in the web console through the Actions menu. Deleting a network policy using OpenShift Cluster Manager

You can delete a network policy in a namespace.


  • You logged in to OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  • You created an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster.
  • You configured an identity provider for your cluster.
  • You added your user account to the configured identity provider.


  1. From the Administrator perspective in the OpenShift Cluster Manager web console, under Networking, click NetworkPolicies.
  2. Use one of the following methods for deleting your network policy:

    • Delete the policy from the Network Policies table:

      1. From the Network Policies table, select the stack menu on the row of the network policy you want to delete and then, click Delete NetworkPolicy.
    • Delete the policy using the Actions drop-down menu from the individual network policy details:

      1. Click on Actions drop-down menu for your network policy.
      2. Select Delete NetworkPolicy from the menu.

9.3.6. Defining a default network policy for projects

As a cluster administrator, you can modify the new project template to automatically include network policies when you create a new project. If you do not yet have a customized template for new projects, you must first create one. Modifying the template for new projects

As a cluster administrator, you can modify the default project template so that new projects are created using your custom requirements.

To create your own custom project template:


  • You have access to an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster using an account with dedicated-admin permissions.


  1. Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  2. Generate the default project template:

    $ oc adm create-bootstrap-project-template -o yaml > template.yaml
  3. Use a text editor to modify the generated template.yaml file by adding objects or modifying existing objects.
  4. The project template must be created in the openshift-config namespace. Load your modified template:

    $ oc create -f template.yaml -n openshift-config
  5. Edit the project configuration resource using the web console or CLI.

    • Using the web console:

      1. Navigate to the AdministrationCluster Settings page.
      2. Click Configuration to view all configuration resources.
      3. Find the entry for Project and click Edit YAML.
    • Using the CLI:

      1. Edit the resource:

        $ oc edit
  6. Update the spec section to include the projectRequestTemplate and name parameters, and set the name of your uploaded project template. The default name is project-request.

    Project configuration resource with custom project template

    kind: Project
    # ...
        name: <template_name>
    # ...

  7. After you save your changes, create a new project to verify that your changes were successfully applied. Adding network policies to the new project template

As a cluster administrator, you can add network policies to the default template for new projects. Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS will automatically create all the NetworkPolicy objects specified in the template in the project.


  • Your cluster uses a default CNI network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You must log in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You must have created a custom default project template for new projects.


  1. Edit the default template for a new project by running the following command:

    $ oc edit template <project_template> -n openshift-config

    Replace <project_template> with the name of the default template that you configured for your cluster. The default template name is project-request.

  2. In the template, add each NetworkPolicy object as an element to the objects parameter. The objects parameter accepts a collection of one or more objects.

    In the following example, the objects parameter collection includes several NetworkPolicy objects.

    - apiVersion:
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-from-same-namespace
        podSelector: {}
        - from:
          - podSelector: {}
    - apiVersion:
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-from-openshift-ingress
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
        podSelector: {}
        - Ingress
    - apiVersion:
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-from-kube-apiserver-operator
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
                app: kube-apiserver-operator
        - Ingress
  3. Optional: Create a new project to confirm that your network policy objects are created successfully by running the following commands:

    1. Create a new project:

      $ oc new-project <project> 1
      Replace <project> with the name for the project you are creating.
    2. Confirm that the network policy objects in the new project template exist in the new project:

      $ oc get networkpolicy
      NAME                           POD-SELECTOR   AGE
      allow-from-openshift-ingress   <none>         7s
      allow-from-same-namespace      <none>         7s

9.3.7. Configuring multitenant isolation with network policy

As a cluster administrator, you can configure your network policies to provide multitenant network isolation.


If you are using the OpenShift SDN network plugin, configuring network policies as described in this section provides network isolation similar to multitenant mode but with network policy mode set. Configuring multitenant isolation by using network policy

You can configure your project to isolate it from pods and services in other project namespaces.


  • Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin with mode: NetworkPolicy set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with admin privileges.


  1. Create the following NetworkPolicy objects:

    1. A policy named allow-from-openshift-ingress.

      $ cat << EOF| oc create -f -
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-from-openshift-ingress
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
        podSelector: {}
        - Ingress
      Note "" is the preferred namespace selector label for OpenShift SDN. You can use the ingress namespace selector label, but this is a legacy label.

    2. A policy named allow-from-openshift-monitoring:

      $ cat << EOF| oc create -f -
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-from-openshift-monitoring
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
        podSelector: {}
        - Ingress
    3. A policy named allow-same-namespace:

      $ cat << EOF| oc create -f -
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-same-namespace
        - from:
          - podSelector: {}
    4. A policy named allow-from-kube-apiserver-operator:

      $ cat << EOF| oc create -f -
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-from-kube-apiserver-operator
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
                app: kube-apiserver-operator
        - Ingress

      For more details, see New kube-apiserver-operator webhook controller validating health of webhook.

  2. Optional: To confirm that the network policies exist in your current project, enter the following command:

    $ oc describe networkpolicy

    Example output

    Name:         allow-from-openshift-ingress
    Namespace:    example1
    Created on:   2020-06-09 00:28:17 -0400 EDT
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
      PodSelector:     <none> (Allowing the specific traffic to all pods in this namespace)
      Allowing ingress traffic:
        To Port: <any> (traffic allowed to all ports)
          NamespaceSelector: ingress
      Not affecting egress traffic
      Policy Types: Ingress
    Name:         allow-from-openshift-monitoring
    Namespace:    example1
    Created on:   2020-06-09 00:29:57 -0400 EDT
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
      PodSelector:     <none> (Allowing the specific traffic to all pods in this namespace)
      Allowing ingress traffic:
        To Port: <any> (traffic allowed to all ports)
          NamespaceSelector: monitoring
      Not affecting egress traffic
      Policy Types: Ingress

9.4. Ingress Node Firewall Operator in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

The Ingress Node Firewall Operator allows administrators to manage firewall configurations at the node level.

9.4.1. Ingress Node Firewall Operator

The Ingress Node Firewall Operator provides ingress firewall rules at a node level by deploying the daemon set to nodes you specify and manage in the firewall configurations. To deploy the daemon set, you create an IngressNodeFirewallConfig custom resource (CR). The Operator applies the IngressNodeFirewallConfig CR to create ingress node firewall daemon set daemon, which run on all nodes that match the nodeSelector.

You configure rules of the IngressNodeFirewall CR and apply them to clusters using the nodeSelector and setting values to "true".


The Ingress Node Firewall Operator supports only stateless firewall rules.

Network interface controllers (NICs) that do not support native XDP drivers will run at a lower performance.

For Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4.14 or later, you must run Ingress Node Firewall Operator on RHEL 9.0 or later.

9.4.2. Installing the Ingress Node Firewall Operator

As a cluster administrator, you can install the Ingress Node Firewall Operator by using the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS CLI or the web console. Installing the Ingress Node Firewall Operator using the CLI

As a cluster administrator, you can install the Operator using the CLI.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have an account with administrator privileges.


  1. To create the openshift-ingress-node-firewall namespace, enter the following command:

    $ cat << EOF| oc create -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      labels: privileged v1.24
      name: openshift-ingress-node-firewall
  2. To create an OperatorGroup CR, enter the following command:

    $ cat << EOF| oc create -f -
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: ingress-node-firewall-operators
      namespace: openshift-ingress-node-firewall
  3. Subscribe to the Ingress Node Firewall Operator.

    1. To create a Subscription CR for the Ingress Node Firewall Operator, enter the following command:

      $ cat << EOF| oc create -f -
      kind: Subscription
        name: ingress-node-firewall-sub
        namespace: openshift-ingress-node-firewall
        name: ingress-node-firewall
        channel: stable
        source: redhat-operators
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  4. To verify that the Operator is installed, enter the following command:

    $ oc get ip -n openshift-ingress-node-firewall

    Example output

    NAME            CSV                                         APPROVAL    APPROVED
    install-5cvnz   ingress-node-firewall.4.0-202211122336   Automatic   true

  5. To verify the version of the Operator, enter the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-ingress-node-firewall

    Example output

    NAME                                        DISPLAY                          VERSION               REPLACES                                    PHASE
    ingress-node-firewall.4.0-202211122336   Ingress Node Firewall Operator   4.0-202211122336   ingress-node-firewall.4.0-202211102047   Succeeded Installing the Ingress Node Firewall Operator using the web console

As a cluster administrator, you can install the Operator using the web console.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have an account with administrator privileges.


  1. Install the Ingress Node Firewall Operator:

    1. In the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS web console, click OperatorsOperatorHub.
    2. Select Ingress Node Firewall Operator from the list of available Operators, and then click Install.
    3. On the Install Operator page, under Installed Namespace, select Operator recommended Namespace.
    4. Click Install.
  2. Verify that the Ingress Node Firewall Operator is installed successfully:

    1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.
    2. Ensure that Ingress Node Firewall Operator is listed in the openshift-ingress-node-firewall project with a Status of InstallSucceeded.


      During installation an Operator might display a Failed status. If the installation later succeeds with an InstallSucceeded message, you can ignore the Failed message.

      If the Operator does not have a Status of InstallSucceeded, troubleshoot using the following steps:

      • Inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failures or errors under Status.
      • Navigate to the WorkloadsPods page and check the logs for pods in the openshift-ingress-node-firewall project.
      • Check the namespace of the YAML file. If the annotation is missing, you can add the annotation to the Operator namespace with the following command:

        $ oc annotate ns/openshift-ingress-node-firewall

        For single-node OpenShift clusters, the openshift-ingress-node-firewall namespace requires the annotation.

9.4.3. Deploying Ingress Node Firewall Operator


  • The Ingress Node Firewall Operator is installed.


To deploy the Ingress Node Firewall Operator, create a IngressNodeFirewallConfig custom resource that will deploy the Operator’s daemon set. You can deploy one or multiple IngressNodeFirewall CRDs to nodes by applying firewall rules.

  1. Create the IngressNodeFirewallConfig inside the openshift-ingress-node-firewall namespace named ingressnodefirewallconfig.
  2. Run the following command to deploy Ingress Node Firewall Operator rules:

    $ oc apply -f rule.yaml Ingress Node Firewall configuration object

The fields for the Ingress Node Firewall configuration object are described in the following table:

Table 9.1. Ingress Node Firewall Configuration object


The name of the CR object. The name of the firewall rules object must be ingressnodefirewallconfig.



Namespace for the Ingress Firewall Operator CR object. The IngressNodeFirewallConfig CR must be created inside the openshift-ingress-node-firewall namespace.



A node selection constraint used to target nodes through specified node labels. For example:

  nodeSelector: ""

One label used in nodeSelector must match a label on the nodes in order for the daemon set to start. For example, if the node labels and are applied to a node, then at least one label must be set using nodeSelector for the daemon set to start.


The Operator consumes the CR and creates an ingress node firewall daemon set on all the nodes that match the nodeSelector.

Ingress Node Firewall Operator example configuration

A complete Ingress Node Firewall Configuration is specified in the following example:

Example Ingress Node Firewall Configuration object

kind: IngressNodeFirewallConfig
  name: ingressnodefirewallconfig
  namespace: openshift-ingress-node-firewall
  nodeSelector: ""


The Operator consumes the CR and creates an ingress node firewall daemon set on all the nodes that match the nodeSelector. Ingress Node Firewall rules object

The fields for the Ingress Node Firewall rules object are described in the following table:

Table 9.2. Ingress Node Firewall rules object


The name of the CR object.



The fields for this object specify the interfaces to apply the firewall rules to. For example, - en0 and - en1.



You can use nodeSelector to select the nodes to apply the firewall rules to. Set the value of your named nodeselector labels to true to apply the rule.



ingress allows you to configure the rules that allow outside access to the services on your cluster.

Ingress object configuration

The values for the ingress object are defined in the following table:

Table 9.3. ingress object



Allows you to set the CIDR block. You can configure multiple CIDRs from different address families.


Different CIDRs allow you to use the same order rule. In the case that there are multiple IngressNodeFirewall objects for the same nodes and interfaces with overlapping CIDRs, the order field will specify which rule is applied first. Rules are applied in ascending order.



Ingress firewall rules.order objects are ordered starting at 1 for each source.CIDR with up to 100 rules per CIDR. Lower order rules are executed first.

rules.protocolConfig.protocol supports the following protocols: TCP, UDP, SCTP, ICMP and ICMPv6. ICMP and ICMPv6 rules can match against ICMP and ICMPv6 types or codes. TCP, UDP, and SCTP rules can match against a single destination port or a range of ports using <start : end-1> format.

Set rules.action to allow to apply the rule or deny to disallow the rule.


Ingress firewall rules are verified using a verification webhook that blocks any invalid configuration. The verification webhook prevents you from blocking any critical cluster services such as the API server.

Ingress Node Firewall rules object example

A complete Ingress Node Firewall configuration is specified in the following example:

Example Ingress Node Firewall configuration

kind: IngressNodeFirewall
  name: ingressnodefirewall
  - eth0
      <ingress_firewall_label_name>: <label_value> 1
  - sourceCIDRs:
    - order: 10
        protocol: ICMP
          icmpType: 8 #ICMP Echo request
      action: Deny
    - order: 20
        protocol: TCP
          ports: "8000-9000"
      action: Deny
  - sourceCIDRs:
       - fc00:f853:ccd:e793::0/64
    - order: 10
        protocol: ICMPv6
          icmpType: 128 #ICMPV6 Echo request
      action: Deny

A <label_name> and a <label_value> must exist on the node and must match the nodeselector label and value applied to the nodes you want the ingressfirewallconfig CR to run on. The <label_value> can be true or false. By using nodeSelector labels, you can target separate groups of nodes to apply different rules to using the ingressfirewallconfig CR.
Zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rules object example

Zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rules can provide additional security to multi-interface clusters. For example, you can use zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rules to drop all traffic on a specific interface except for SSH.

A complete configuration of a zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rule set is specified in the following example:


Users need to add all ports their application will use to their allowlist in the following case to ensure proper functionality.

Example zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rules

kind: IngressNodeFirewall
 name: ingressnodefirewall-zero-trust
 - eth1 1
     <ingress_firewall_label_name>: <label_value> 2
 - sourceCIDRs:
      - 3
   - order: 10
       protocol: TCP
         ports: 22
     action: Allow
   - order: 20
     action: Deny 4

Network-interface cluster
The <label_name> and <label_value> needs to match the nodeSelector label and value applied to the specific nodes with which you wish to apply the ingressfirewallconfig CR.
3 set to match any CIDR
action set to Deny

9.4.4. Viewing Ingress Node Firewall Operator rules


  1. Run the following command to view all current rules :

    $ oc get ingressnodefirewall
  2. Choose one of the returned <resource> names and run the following command to view the rules or configs:

    $ oc get <resource> <name> -o yaml

9.4.5. Troubleshooting the Ingress Node Firewall Operator

  • Run the following command to list installed Ingress Node Firewall custom resource definitions (CRD):

    $ oc get crds | grep ingressnodefirewall

    Example output

    NAME               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE       2022-08-25T10:03:01Z    2022-08-25T10:03:00Z             2022-08-25T10:03:00Z

  • Run the following command to view the state of the Ingress Node Firewall Operator:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-ingress-node-firewall

    Example output

    NAME                                       READY  STATUS         RESTARTS  AGE
    ingress-node-firewall-controller-manager   2/2    Running        0         5d21h
    ingress-node-firewall-daemon-pqx56         3/3    Running        0         5d21h

    The following fields provide information about the status of the Operator: READY, STATUS, AGE, and RESTARTS. The STATUS field is Running when the Ingress Node Firewall Operator is deploying a daemon set to the assigned nodes.

  • Run the following command to collect all ingress firewall node pods' logs:

    $ oc adm must-gather – gather_ingress_node_firewall

    The logs are available in the sos node’s report containing eBPF bpftool outputs at /sos_commands/ebpf. These reports include lookup tables used or updated as the ingress firewall XDP handles packet processing, updates statistics, and emits events.

Chapter 10. OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

10.1. About the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

The Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster uses a virtualized network for pod and service networks.

Part of Red Hat OpenShift Networking, the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin is the default network provider for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS. OVN-Kubernetes is based on Open Virtual Network (OVN) and provides an overlay-based networking implementation. A cluster that uses the OVN-Kubernetes plugin also runs Open vSwitch (OVS) on each node. OVN configures OVS on each node to implement the declared network configuration.


OVN-Kubernetes is the default networking solution for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS and single-node OpenShift deployments.

OVN-Kubernetes, which arose from the OVS project, uses many of the same constructs, such as open flow rules, to determine how packets travel through the network. For more information, see the Open Virtual Network website.

OVN-Kubernetes is a series of daemons for OVS that translate virtual network configurations into OpenFlow rules. OpenFlow is a protocol for communicating with network switches and routers, providing a means for remotely controlling the flow of network traffic on a network device, allowing network administrators to configure, manage, and monitor the flow of network traffic.

OVN-Kubernetes provides more of the advanced functionality not available with OpenFlow. OVN supports distributed virtual routing, distributed logical switches, access control, DHCP and DNS. OVN implements distributed virtual routing within logic flows which equate to open flows. So for example if you have a pod that sends out a DHCP request on the network, it sends out that broadcast looking for DHCP address there will be a logic flow rule that matches that packet, and it responds giving it a gateway, a DNS server an IP address and so on.

OVN-Kubernetes runs a daemon on each node. There are daemon sets for the databases and for the OVN controller that run on every node. The OVN controller programs the Open vSwitch daemon on the nodes to support the network provider features; egress IPs, firewalls, routers, hybrid networking, IPSEC encryption, IPv6, network policy, network policy logs, hardware offloading and multicast.

10.1.1. OVN-Kubernetes purpose

The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin is an open-source, fully-featured Kubernetes CNI plugin that uses Open Virtual Network (OVN) to manage network traffic flows. OVN is a community developed, vendor-agnostic network virtualization solution. The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin:

  • Uses OVN (Open Virtual Network) to manage network traffic flows. OVN is a community developed, vendor-agnostic network virtualization solution.
  • Implements Kubernetes network policy support, including ingress and egress rules.
  • Uses the Geneve (Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation) protocol rather than VXLAN to create an overlay network between nodes.

The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin provides the following advantages over OpenShift SDN.

  • Full support for IPv6 single-stack and IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack networking on supported platforms
  • Support for hybrid clusters with both Linux and Microsoft Windows workloads
  • Optional IPsec encryption of intra-cluster communications
  • Offload of network data processing from host CPU to compatible network cards and data processing units (DPUs)

10.1.2. Supported network plugin feature matrix

Red Hat OpenShift Networking offers two options for the network plugin, OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes, for the network plugin. The following table summarizes the current feature support for both network plugins:

Table 10.1. Default CNI network plugin feature comparison
FeatureOVN-KubernetesOpenShift SDN

Egress IPs



Egress firewall [1]



Egress router

Supported [2]


Hybrid networking


Not supported

IPsec encryption for intra-cluster communication


Not supported


Supported [3] [4]

Not supported

Kubernetes network policy



Kubernetes network policy logs


Not supported

Hardware offloading


Not supported




  1. Egress firewall is also known as egress network policy in OpenShift SDN. This is not the same as network policy egress.
  2. Egress router for OVN-Kubernetes supports only redirect mode.
  3. IPv6 is supported only on bare metal, vSphere, IBM Power®, IBM Z®, and Red Hat OpenStack clusters.
  4. IPv6 single stack is not supported on IBM Power®, IBM Z®, and Red Hat OpenStack clusters.

10.1.3. OVN-Kubernetes IPv6 and dual-stack limitations

The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin has the following limitations:

  • For clusters configured for dual-stack networking, both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic must use the same network interface as the default gateway. If this requirement is not met, pods on the host in the ovnkube-node daemon set enter the CrashLoopBackOff state. If you display a pod with a command such as oc get pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node -o yaml, the status field contains more than one message about the default gateway, as shown in the following output:

    I1006 16:09:50.985852   60651 helper_linux.go:73] Found default gateway interface br-ex
    I1006 16:09:50.985923   60651 helper_linux.go:73] Found default gateway interface ens4 fe80::5054:ff:febe:bcd4
    F1006 16:09:50.985939   60651 ovnkube.go:130] multiple gateway interfaces detected: br-ex ens4

    The only resolution is to reconfigure the host networking so that both IP families use the same network interface for the default gateway.

  • For clusters configured for dual-stack networking, both the IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables must contain the default gateway. If this requirement is not met, pods on the host in the ovnkube-node daemon set enter the CrashLoopBackOff state. If you display a pod with a command such as oc get pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node -o yaml, the status field contains more than one message about the default gateway, as shown in the following output:

    I0512 19:07:17.589083  108432 helper_linux.go:74] Found default gateway interface br-ex
    F0512 19:07:17.589141  108432 ovnkube.go:133] failed to get default gateway interface

    The only resolution is to reconfigure the host networking so that both IP families contain the default gateway.

10.1.4. Session affinity

Session affinity is a feature that applies to Kubernetes Service objects. You can use session affinity if you want to ensure that each time you connect to a <service_VIP>:<Port>, the traffic is always load balanced to the same back end. For more information, including how to set session affinity based on a client’s IP address, see Session affinity.

Stickiness timeout for session affinity

The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS calculates the stickiness timeout for a session from a client based on the last packet. For example, if you run a curl command 10 times, the sticky session timer starts from the tenth packet not the first. As a result, if the client is continuously contacting the service, then the session never times out. The timeout starts when the service has not received a packet for the amount of time set by the timeoutSeconds parameter.

10.2. Configuring an egress IP address

As a cluster administrator, you can configure the OVN-Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI) network plugin to assign one or more egress IP addresses to a namespace, or to specific pods in a namespace.

10.2.1. Egress IP address architectural design and implementation

The Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS egress IP address functionality allows you to ensure that the traffic from one or more pods in one or more namespaces has a consistent source IP address for services outside the cluster network.

For example, you might have a pod that periodically queries a database that is hosted on a server outside of your cluster. To enforce access requirements for the server, a packet filtering device is configured to allow traffic only from specific IP addresses. To ensure that you can reliably allow access to the server from only that specific pod, you can configure a specific egress IP address for the pod that makes the requests to the server.

An egress IP address assigned to a namespace is different from an egress router, which is used to send traffic to specific destinations.

In ROSA with HCP clusters, application pods and ingress router pods run on the same node. If you configure an egress IP address for an application project in this scenario, the IP address is not used when you send a request to a route from the application project.


The assignment of egress IP addresses to control plane nodes with the EgressIP feature is not supported.

The following examples illustrate the annotation from nodes on several public cloud providers. The annotations are indented for readability.

Example annotation on AWS [

The following sections describe the IP address capacity for supported public cloud environments for use in your capacity calculation. Amazon Web Services (AWS) IP address capacity limits

On AWS, constraints on IP address assignments depend on the instance type configured. For more information, see IP addresses per network interface per instance type Assignment of egress IPs to pods

To assign one or more egress IPs to a namespace or specific pods in a namespace, the following conditions must be satisfied:

  • At least one node in your cluster must have the "" label.
  • An EgressIP object exists that defines one or more egress IP addresses to use as the source IP address for traffic leaving the cluster from pods in a namespace.

If you create EgressIP objects prior to labeling any nodes in your cluster for egress IP assignment, Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS might assign every egress IP address to the first node with the "" label.

To ensure that egress IP addresses are widely distributed across nodes in the cluster, always apply the label to the nodes you intent to host the egress IP addresses before creating any EgressIP objects. Assignment of egress IPs to nodes

When creating an EgressIP object, the following conditions apply to nodes that are labeled with the "" label:

  • An egress IP address is never assigned to more than one node at a time.
  • An egress IP address is equally balanced between available nodes that can host the egress IP address.
  • If the spec.EgressIPs array in an EgressIP object specifies more than one IP address, the following conditions apply:

    • No node will ever host more than one of the specified IP addresses.
    • Traffic is balanced roughly equally between the specified IP addresses for a given namespace.
  • If a node becomes unavailable, any egress IP addresses assigned to it are automatically reassigned, subject to the previously described conditions.

When a pod matches the selector for multiple EgressIP objects, there is no guarantee which of the egress IP addresses that are specified in the EgressIP objects is assigned as the egress IP address for the pod.

Additionally, if an EgressIP object specifies multiple egress IP addresses, there is no guarantee which of the egress IP addresses might be used. For example, if a pod matches a selector for an EgressIP object with two egress IP addresses, and, either might be used for each TCP connection or UDP conversation. Architectural diagram of an egress IP address configuration

The following diagram depicts an egress IP address configuration. The diagram describes four pods in two different namespaces running on three nodes in a cluster. The nodes are assigned IP addresses from the CIDR block on the host network.

Both Node 1 and Node 3 are labeled with "" and thus available for the assignment of egress IP addresses.

The dashed lines in the diagram depict the traffic flow from pod1, pod2, and pod3 traveling through the pod network to egress the cluster from Node 1 and Node 3. When an external service receives traffic from any of the pods selected by the example EgressIP object, the source IP address is either or The traffic is balanced roughly equally between these two nodes.

The following resources from the diagram are illustrated in detail:

Namespace objects

The namespaces are defined in the following manifest:

Namespace objects

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: namespace1
    env: prod
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: namespace2
    env: prod

EgressIP object

The following EgressIP object describes a configuration that selects all pods in any namespace with the env label set to prod. The egress IP addresses for the selected pods are and

EgressIP object

kind: EgressIP
  name: egressips-prod
      env: prod
  - node: node1
  - node: node3

For the configuration in the previous example, Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS assigns both egress IP addresses to the available nodes. The status field reflects whether and where the egress IP addresses are assigned.

10.2.2. EgressIP object

The following YAML describes the API for the EgressIP object. The scope of the object is cluster-wide; it is not created in a namespace.

kind: EgressIP
  name: <name> 1
  egressIPs: 2
  - <ip_address>
  namespaceSelector: 3
  podSelector: 4
The name for the EgressIPs object.
An array of one or more IP addresses.
One or more selectors for the namespaces to associate the egress IP addresses with.
Optional: One or more selectors for pods in the specified namespaces to associate egress IP addresses with. Applying these selectors allows for the selection of a subset of pods within a namespace.

The following YAML describes the stanza for the namespace selector:

Namespace selector stanza

namespaceSelector: 1
    <label_name>: <label_value>

One or more matching rules for namespaces. If more than one match rule is provided, all matching namespaces are selected.

The following YAML describes the optional stanza for the pod selector:

Pod selector stanza

podSelector: 1
    <label_name>: <label_value>

Optional: One or more matching rules for pods in the namespaces that match the specified namespaceSelector rules. If specified, only pods that match are selected. Others pods in the namespace are not selected.

In the following example, the EgressIP object associates the and egress IP addresses with pods that have the app label set to web and are in the namespaces that have the env label set to prod:

Example EgressIP object

kind: EgressIP
  name: egress-group1
      app: web
      env: prod

In the following example, the EgressIP object associates the and egress IP addresses with any pods that do not have the environment label set to development:

Example EgressIP object

kind: EgressIP
  name: egress-group2
    - key: environment
      operator: NotIn
      - development

10.2.3. Labeling a node to host egress IP addresses

You can apply the"" label to a node in your cluster so that Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS can assign one or more egress IP addresses to the node.


  • Install the ROSA CLI (rosa).
  • Log in to the cluster as a cluster administrator.


  • To label a node so that it can host one or more egress IP addresses, enter the following command:

    $ rosa edit machinepool <machinepool_name> --cluster=<cluster_name> --labels ""

    This command replaces any exciting node labels on your machinepool. You should include any of the desired labels to the --labels field to ensure that your existing node labels persist.

10.2.4. Next steps

10.2.5. Additional resources

Chapter 11. Configuring Routes

11.1. Route configuration

11.1.1. Creating an HTTP-based route

A route allows you to host your application at a public URL. It can either be secure or unsecured, depending on the network security configuration of your application. An HTTP-based route is an unsecured route that uses the basic HTTP routing protocol and exposes a service on an unsecured application port.

The following procedure describes how to create a simple HTTP-based route to a web application, using the hello-openshift application as an example.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in as an administrator.
  • You have a web application that exposes a port and a TCP endpoint listening for traffic on the port.


  1. Create a project called hello-openshift by running the following command:

    $ oc new-project hello-openshift
  2. Create a pod in the project by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f
  3. Create a service called hello-openshift by running the following command:

    $ oc expose pod/hello-openshift
  4. Create an unsecured route to the hello-openshift application by running the following command:

    $ oc expose svc hello-openshift


  • To verify that the route resource that you created, run the following command:

    $ oc get routes -o yaml <name of resource> 1
    In this example, the route is named hello-openshift.

Sample YAML definition of the created unsecured route

kind: Route
  name: hello-openshift
  host: hello-openshift-hello-openshift.<Ingress_Domain> 1
    targetPort: 8080 2
    kind: Service
    name: hello-openshift

<Ingress_Domain> is the default ingress domain name. The ingresses.config/cluster object is created during the installation and cannot be changed. If you want to specify a different domain, you can specify an alternative cluster domain using the appsDomain option.
targetPort is the target port on pods that is selected by the service that this route points to.

To display your default ingress domain, run the following command:

$ oc get ingresses.config/cluster -o jsonpath={.spec.domain}

11.1.2. Configuring route timeouts

You can configure the default timeouts for an existing route when you have services in need of a low timeout, which is required for Service Level Availability (SLA) purposes, or a high timeout, for cases with a slow back end.


  • You need a deployed Ingress Controller on a running cluster.


  1. Using the oc annotate command, add the timeout to the route:

    $ oc annotate route <route_name> \
        --overwrite<timeout><time_unit> 1
    Supported time units are microseconds (us), milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), or days (d).

    The following example sets a timeout of two seconds on a route named myroute:

    $ oc annotate route myroute --overwrite

11.1.3. HTTP Strict Transport Security

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) policy is a security enhancement, which signals to the browser client that only HTTPS traffic is allowed on the route host. HSTS also optimizes web traffic by signaling HTTPS transport is required, without using HTTP redirects. HSTS is useful for speeding up interactions with websites.

When HSTS policy is enforced, HSTS adds a Strict Transport Security header to HTTP and HTTPS responses from the site. You can use the insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy value in a route to redirect HTTP to HTTPS. When HSTS is enforced, the client changes all requests from the HTTP URL to HTTPS before the request is sent, eliminating the need for a redirect.

Cluster administrators can configure HSTS to do the following:

  • Enable HSTS per-route
  • Disable HSTS per-route
  • Enforce HSTS per-domain, for a set of domains, or use namespace labels in combination with domains

HSTS works only with secure routes, either edge-terminated or re-encrypt. The configuration is ineffective on HTTP or passthrough routes. Enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security per-route

HTTP strict transport security (HSTS) is implemented in the HAProxy template and applied to edge and re-encrypt routes that have the annotation.


  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with administrator privileges for the project.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • To enable HSTS on a route, add the value to the edge-terminated or re-encrypt route. You can use the oc annotate tool to do this by running the following command:

    $ oc annotate route <route_name> -n <namespace> --overwrite=true ""="max-age=31536000;\ 1
    In this example, the maximum age is set to 31536000 ms, which is approximately 8.5 hours.

    In this example, the equal sign (=) is in quotes. This is required to properly execute the annotate command.

    Example route configured with an annotation

    kind: Route
      annotations: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains;preload 1 2 3
        termination: "reencrypt"
      wildcardPolicy: "Subdomain"

    Required. max-age measures the length of time, in seconds, that the HSTS policy is in effect. If set to 0, it negates the policy.
    Optional. When included, includeSubDomains tells the client that all subdomains of the host must have the same HSTS policy as the host.
    Optional. When max-age is greater than 0, you can add preload in to allow external services to include this site in their HSTS preload lists. For example, sites such as Google can construct a list of sites that have preload set. Browsers can then use these lists to determine which sites they can communicate with over HTTPS, even before they have interacted with the site. Without preload set, browsers must have interacted with the site over HTTPS, at least once, to get the header. Disabling HTTP Strict Transport Security per-route

To disable HTTP strict transport security (HSTS) per-route, you can set the max-age value in the route annotation to 0.


  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with administrator privileges for the project.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • To disable HSTS, set the max-age value in the route annotation to 0, by entering the following command:

    $ oc annotate route <route_name> -n <namespace> --overwrite=true ""="max-age=0"

    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to create the config map:

    Example of disabling HSTS per-route

      annotations: max-age=0

  • To disable HSTS for every route in a namespace, enter the following command:

    $ oc annotate route --all -n <namespace> --overwrite=true ""="max-age=0"


  1. To query the annotation for all routes, enter the following command:

    $ oc get route  --all-namespaces -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if .metadata.annotations}}{{$a := index .metadata.annotations ""}}{{$n :=}}{{with $a}}Name: {{$n}} HSTS: {{$a}}{{"\n"}}{{else}}{{""}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}'

    Example output

    Name: routename HSTS: max-age=0

11.1.4. Using cookies to keep route statefulness

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS provides sticky sessions, which enables stateful application traffic by ensuring all traffic hits the same endpoint. However, if the endpoint pod terminates, whether through restart, scaling, or a change in configuration, this statefulness can disappear.

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS can use cookies to configure session persistence. The ingress controller selects an endpoint to handle any user requests, and creates a cookie for the session. The cookie is passed back in the response to the request and the user sends the cookie back with the next request in the session. The cookie tells the ingress controller which endpoint is handling the session, ensuring that client requests use the cookie so that they are routed to the same pod.


Cookies cannot be set on passthrough routes, because the HTTP traffic cannot be seen. Instead, a number is calculated based on the source IP address, which determines the backend.

If backends change, the traffic can be directed to the wrong server, making it less sticky. If you are using a load balancer, which hides source IP, the same number is set for all connections and traffic is sent to the same pod.

11.1.5. Path-based routes

Path-based routes specify a path component that can be compared against a URL, which requires that the traffic for the route be HTTP based. Thus, multiple routes can be served using the same hostname, each with a different path. Routers should match routes based on the most specific path to the least.

The following table shows example routes and their accessibility:

Table 11.1. Route availability
RouteWhen Compared toAccessible


No and



Yes (Matched by the host, not the route)


An unsecured route with a path

kind: Route
  name: route-unsecured
  path: "/test" 1
    kind: Service
    name: service-name

The path is the only added attribute for a path-based route.

Path-based routing is not available when using passthrough TLS, as the router does not terminate TLS in that case and cannot read the contents of the request.

11.1.6. HTTP header configuration

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS provides different methods for working with HTTP headers. When setting or deleting headers, you can use specific fields in the Ingress Controller or an individual route to modify request and response headers. You can also set certain headers by using route annotations. The various ways of configuring headers can present challenges when working together.


You can only set or delete headers within an IngressController or Route CR, you cannot append them. If an HTTP header is set with a value, that value must be complete and not require appending in the future. In situations where it makes sense to append a header, such as the X-Forwarded-For header, use the spec.httpHeaders.forwardedHeaderPolicy field, instead of spec.httpHeaders.actions. Order of precedence

When the same HTTP header is modified both in the Ingress Controller and in a route, HAProxy prioritizes the actions in certain ways depending on whether it is a request or response header.

  • For HTTP response headers, actions specified in the Ingress Controller are executed after the actions specified in a route. This means that the actions specified in the Ingress Controller take precedence.
  • For HTTP request headers, actions specified in a route are executed after the actions specified in the Ingress Controller. This means that the actions specified in the route take precedence.

For example, a cluster administrator sets the X-Frame-Options response header with the value DENY in the Ingress Controller using the following configuration:

Example IngressController spec

kind: IngressController
# ...
      - name: X-Frame-Options
          type: Set
            value: DENY

A route owner sets the same response header that the cluster administrator set in the Ingress Controller, but with the value SAMEORIGIN using the following configuration:

Example Route spec

kind: Route
# ...
      - name: X-Frame-Options
          type: Set
            value: SAMEORIGIN

When both the IngressController spec and Route spec are configuring the X-Frame-Options response header, then the value set for this header at the global level in the Ingress Controller takes precedence, even if a specific route allows frames. For a request header, the Route spec value overrides the IngressController spec value.

This prioritization occurs because the haproxy.config file uses the following logic, where the Ingress Controller is considered the front end and individual routes are considered the back end. The header value DENY applied to the front end configurations overrides the same header with the value SAMEORIGIN that is set in the back end:

frontend public
  http-response set-header X-Frame-Options 'DENY'

frontend fe_sni
  http-response set-header X-Frame-Options 'DENY'

frontend fe_no_sni
  http-response set-header X-Frame-Options 'DENY'

backend be_secure:openshift-monitoring:alertmanager-main
  http-response set-header X-Frame-Options 'SAMEORIGIN'

Additionally, any actions defined in either the Ingress Controller or a route override values set using route annotations. Special case headers

The following headers are either prevented entirely from being set or deleted, or allowed under specific circumstances:

Table 11.2. Special case header configuration options
Header nameConfigurable using IngressController specConfigurable using Route specReason for disallowmentConfigurable using another method




The proxy HTTP request header can be used to exploit vulnerable CGI applications by injecting the header value into the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. The proxy HTTP request header is also non-standard and prone to error during configuration.





When the host HTTP request header is set using the IngressController CR, HAProxy can fail when looking up the correct route.





The strict-transport-security HTTP response header is already handled using route annotations and does not need a separate implementation.

Yes: the route annotation

cookie and set-cookie



The cookies that HAProxy sets are used for session tracking to map client connections to particular back-end servers. Allowing these headers to be set could interfere with HAProxy’s session affinity and restrict HAProxy’s ownership of a cookie.


  • the route annotation
  • the route annotation

11.1.7. Setting or deleting HTTP request and response headers in a route

You can set or delete certain HTTP request and response headers for compliance purposes or other reasons. You can set or delete these headers either for all routes served by an Ingress Controller or for specific routes.

For example, you might want to enable a web application to serve content in alternate locations for specific routes if that content is written in multiple languages, even if there is a default global location specified by the Ingress Controller serving the routes.

The following procedure creates a route that sets the Content-Location HTTP request header so that the URL associated with the application,, directs to the location Directing application traffic to this location means that anyone using that specific route is accessing web content written in American English.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged into an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster as a project administrator.
  • You have a web application that exposes a port and an HTTP or TLS endpoint listening for traffic on the port.


  1. Create a route definition and save it in a file called app-example-route.yaml:

    YAML definition of the created route with HTTP header directives

    kind: Route
    # ...
        termination: edge
        kind: Service
        name: app-example
        actions: 1
          response: 2
          - name: Content-Location 3
              type: Set 4
                value: /lang/en-us 5

    The list of actions you want to perform on the HTTP headers.
    The type of header you want to change. In this case, a response header.
    The name of the header you want to change. For a list of available headers you can set or delete, see HTTP header configuration.
    The type of action being taken on the header. This field can have the value Set or Delete.
    When setting HTTP headers, you must provide a value. The value can be a string from a list of available directives for that header, for example DENY, or it can be a dynamic value that will be interpreted using HAProxy’s dynamic value syntax. In this case, the value is set to the relative location of the content.
  2. Create a route to your existing web application using the newly created route definition:

    $ oc -n app-example create -f app-example-route.yaml

For HTTP request headers, the actions specified in the route definitions are executed after any actions performed on HTTP request headers in the Ingress Controller. This means that any values set for those request headers in a route will take precedence over the ones set in the Ingress Controller. For more information on the processing order of HTTP headers, see HTTP header configuration.

11.1.8. Route-specific annotations

The Ingress Controller can set the default options for all the routes it exposes. An individual route can override some of these defaults by providing specific configurations in its annotations. Red Hat does not support adding a route annotation to an operator-managed route.


To create a whitelist with multiple source IPs or subnets, use a space-delimited list. Any other delimiter type causes the list to be ignored without a warning or error message.

Table 11.3. Route annotations
VariableDescriptionEnvironment variable used as default

Sets the load-balancing algorithm. Available options are random, source, roundrobin, and leastconn. The default value is source for TLS passthrough routes. For all other routes, the default is random.


Disables the use of cookies to track related connections. If set to 'true' or 'TRUE', the balance algorithm is used to choose which back-end serves connections for each incoming HTTP request.

Specifies an optional cookie to use for this route. The name must consist of any combination of upper and lower case letters, digits, "_", and "-". The default is the hashed internal key name for the route.

Sets the maximum number of connections that are allowed to a backing pod from a router.
Note: If there are multiple pods, each can have this many connections. If you have multiple routers, there is no coordination among them, each may connect this many times. If not set, or set to 0, there is no limit.

Setting 'true' or 'TRUE' enables rate limiting functionality which is implemented through stick-tables on the specific backend per route.
Note: Using this annotation provides basic protection against denial-of-service attacks.

Limits the number of concurrent TCP connections made through the same source IP address. It accepts a numeric value.
Note: Using this annotation provides basic protection against denial-of-service attacks.

Limits the rate at which a client with the same source IP address can make HTTP requests. It accepts a numeric value.
Note: Using this annotation provides basic protection against denial-of-service attacks.

Limits the rate at which a client with the same source IP address can make TCP connections. It accepts a numeric value.
Note: Using this annotation provides basic protection against denial-of-service attacks.

Sets a server-side timeout for the route. (TimeUnits)


This timeout applies to a tunnel connection, for example, WebSocket over cleartext, edge, reencrypt, or passthrough routes. With cleartext, edge, or reencrypt route types, this annotation is applied as a timeout tunnel with the existing timeout value. For the passthrough route types, the annotation takes precedence over any existing timeout value set.



You can set either an IngressController or the ingress config . This annotation redeploys the router and configures the HA proxy to emit the haproxy hard-stop-after global option, which defines the maximum time allowed to perform a clean soft-stop.


Sets the interval for the back-end health checks. (TimeUnits)


Sets an allowlist for the route. The allowlist is a space-separated list of IP addresses and CIDR ranges for the approved source addresses. Requests from IP addresses that are not in the allowlist are dropped.

The maximum number of IP addresses and CIDR ranges directly visible in the haproxy.config file is 61. [1]

Sets a Strict-Transport-Security header for the edge terminated or re-encrypt route.

Sets the rewrite path of the request on the backend.

Sets a value to restrict cookies. The values are:

Lax: the browser does not send cookies on cross-site requests, but does send cookies when users navigate to the origin site from an external site. This is the default browser behavior when the SameSite value is not specified.

Strict: the browser sends cookies only for same-site requests.

None: the browser sends cookies for both cross-site and same-site requests.

This value is applicable to re-encrypt and edge routes only. For more information, see the SameSite cookies documentation.

Sets the policy for handling the Forwarded and X-Forwarded-For HTTP headers per route. The values are:

append: appends the header, preserving any existing header. This is the default value.

replace: sets the header, removing any existing header.

never: never sets the header, but preserves any existing header.

if-none: sets the header if it is not already set.


  1. If the number of IP addresses and CIDR ranges in an allowlist exceeds 61, they are written into a separate file that is then referenced from haproxy.config. This file is stored in the var/lib/haproxy/router/whitelists folder.


    To ensure that the addresses are written to the allowlist, check that the full list of CIDR ranges are listed in the Ingress Controller configuration file. The etcd object size limit restricts how large a route annotation can be. Because of this, it creates a threshold for the maximum number of IP addresses and CIDR ranges that you can include in an allowlist.


Environment variables cannot be edited.

Router timeout variables

TimeUnits are represented by a number followed by the unit: us *(microseconds), ms (milliseconds, default), s (seconds), m (minutes), h *(hours), d (days).

The regular expression is: [1-9][0-9]*(us\|ms\|s\|m\|h\|d).




Length of time between subsequent liveness checks on back ends.



Controls the TCP FIN timeout period for the client connecting to the route. If the FIN sent to close the connection does not answer within the given time, HAProxy closes the connection. This is harmless if set to a low value and uses fewer resources on the router.



Length of time that a client has to acknowledge or send data.



The maximum connection time.



Controls the TCP FIN timeout from the router to the pod backing the route.



Length of time that a server has to acknowledge or send data.



Length of time for TCP or WebSocket connections to remain open. This timeout period resets whenever HAProxy reloads.



Set the maximum time to wait for a new HTTP request to appear. If this is set too low, it can cause problems with browsers and applications not expecting a small keepalive value.

Some effective timeout values can be the sum of certain variables, rather than the specific expected timeout. For example, ROUTER_SLOWLORIS_HTTP_KEEPALIVE adjusts timeout http-keep-alive. It is set to 300s by default, but HAProxy also waits on tcp-request inspect-delay, which is set to 5s. In this case, the overall timeout would be 300s plus 5s.



Length of time the transmission of an HTTP request can take.



Allows the minimum frequency for the router to reload and accept new changes.



Timeout for the gathering of HAProxy metrics.

A route setting custom timeout

kind: Route
  annotations: 5500ms 1

Specifies the new timeout with HAProxy supported units (us, ms, s, m, h, d). If the unit is not provided, ms is the default.

Setting a server-side timeout value for passthrough routes too low can cause WebSocket connections to timeout frequently on that route.

A route that allows only one specific IP address


A route that allows several IP addresses


A route that allows an IP address CIDR network


A route that allows both IP an address and IP address CIDR networks


A route specifying a rewrite target

kind: Route
  annotations: / 1

Sets / as rewrite path of the request on the backend.

Setting the annotation on a route specifies that the Ingress Controller should rewrite paths in HTTP requests using this route before forwarding the requests to the backend application. The part of the request path that matches the path specified in spec.path is replaced with the rewrite target specified in the annotation.

The following table provides examples of the path rewriting behavior for various combinations of spec.path, request path, and rewrite target.

Table 11.4. rewrite-target examples
Route.spec.pathRequest pathRewrite targetForwarded request path




































N/A (request path does not match route path)









Certain special characters in require special handling because they must be escaped properly. Refer to the following table to understand how these characters are handled.

Table 11.5. Special character handling
For characterUse charactersNotes



Avoid # because it terminates the rewrite expression


% or %%

Avoid odd sequences such as %%%


Avoid ‘ because it is ignored

All other valid URL characters can be used without escaping.

11.1.9. Creating a route using the default certificate through an Ingress object

If you create an Ingress object without specifying any TLS configuration, Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS generates an insecure route. To create an Ingress object that generates a secure, edge-terminated route using the default ingress certificate, you can specify an empty TLS configuration as follows.


  • You have a service that you want to expose.
  • You have access to the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a YAML file for the Ingress object. In this example, the file is called example-ingress.yaml:

    YAML definition of an Ingress object

    kind: Ingress
      name: frontend
      - {} 1

    Use this exact syntax to specify TLS without specifying a custom certificate.
  2. Create the Ingress object by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f example-ingress.yaml


  • Verify that Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS has created the expected route for the Ingress object by running the following command:

    $ oc get routes -o yaml

    Example output

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion:
      kind: Route
        name: frontend-j9sdd 1
        tls: 2
          insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect
          termination: edge 3

    The name of the route includes the name of the Ingress object followed by a random suffix.
    In order to use the default certificate, the route should not specify spec.certificate.
    The route should specify the edge termination policy.

11.1.10. Creating a route using the destination CA certificate in the Ingress annotation

The annotation can be used on an Ingress object to define a route with a custom destination CA certificate.


  • You may have a certificate/key pair in PEM-encoded files, where the certificate is valid for the route host.
  • You may have a separate CA certificate in a PEM-encoded file that completes the certificate chain.
  • You must have a separate destination CA certificate in a PEM-encoded file.
  • You must have a service that you want to expose.


  1. Add the to the Ingress annotations:

    kind: Ingress
      name: frontend
      annotations: "reencrypt" secret-ca-cert 1
    The annotation references a kubernetes secret.
  2. The secret referenced in this annotation will be inserted into the generated route.

    Example output

    kind: Route
      name: frontend
      annotations: reencrypt secret-ca-cert
        insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect
        termination: reencrypt
        destinationCACertificate: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----

11.2. Secured routes

Secure routes provide the ability to use several types of TLS termination to serve certificates to the client. The following sections describe how to create re-encrypt, edge, and passthrough routes with custom certificates.

11.2.1. Creating a re-encrypt route with a custom certificate

You can configure a secure route using reencrypt TLS termination with a custom certificate by using the oc create route command.


  • You must have a certificate/key pair in PEM-encoded files, where the certificate is valid for the route host.
  • You may have a separate CA certificate in a PEM-encoded file that completes the certificate chain.
  • You must have a separate destination CA certificate in a PEM-encoded file.
  • You must have a service that you want to expose.

Password protected key files are not supported. To remove a passphrase from a key file, use the following command:

$ openssl rsa -in password_protected_tls.key -out tls.key


This procedure creates a Route resource with a custom certificate and reencrypt TLS termination. The following assumes that the certificate/key pair are in the tls.crt and tls.key files in the current working directory. You must also specify a destination CA certificate to enable the Ingress Controller to trust the service’s certificate. You may also specify a CA certificate if needed to complete the certificate chain. Substitute the actual path names for tls.crt, tls.key, cacert.crt, and (optionally) ca.crt. Substitute the name of the Service resource that you want to expose for frontend. Substitute the appropriate hostname for

  • Create a secure Route resource using reencrypt TLS termination and a custom certificate:

    $ oc create route reencrypt --service=frontend --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key --dest-ca-cert=destca.crt --ca-cert=ca.crt

    If you examine the resulting Route resource, it should look similar to the following:

    YAML Definition of the Secure Route

    kind: Route
      name: frontend
        kind: Service
        name: frontend
        termination: reencrypt
        key: |-
          -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
          -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
        certificate: |-
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        caCertificate: |-
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        destinationCACertificate: |-
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    See oc create route reencrypt --help for more options.

11.2.2. Creating an edge route with a custom certificate

You can configure a secure route using edge TLS termination with a custom certificate by using the oc create route command. With an edge route, the Ingress Controller terminates TLS encryption before forwarding traffic to the destination pod. The route specifies the TLS certificate and key that the Ingress Controller uses for the route.


  • You must have a certificate/key pair in PEM-encoded files, where the certificate is valid for the route host.
  • You may have a separate CA certificate in a PEM-encoded file that completes the certificate chain.
  • You must have a service that you want to expose.

Password protected key files are not supported. To remove a passphrase from a key file, use the following command:

$ openssl rsa -in password_protected_tls.key -out tls.key


This procedure creates a Route resource with a custom certificate and edge TLS termination. The following assumes that the certificate/key pair are in the tls.crt and tls.key files in the current working directory. You may also specify a CA certificate if needed to complete the certificate chain. Substitute the actual path names for tls.crt, tls.key, and (optionally) ca.crt. Substitute the name of the service that you want to expose for frontend. Substitute the appropriate hostname for

  • Create a secure Route resource using edge TLS termination and a custom certificate.

    $ oc create route edge --service=frontend --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key --ca-cert=ca.crt

    If you examine the resulting Route resource, it should look similar to the following:

    YAML Definition of the Secure Route

    kind: Route
      name: frontend
        kind: Service
        name: frontend
        termination: edge
        key: |-
          -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
          -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
        certificate: |-
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        caCertificate: |-
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    See oc create route edge --help for more options.

11.2.3. Creating a passthrough route

You can configure a secure route using passthrough termination by using the oc create route command. With passthrough termination, encrypted traffic is sent straight to the destination without the router providing TLS termination. Therefore no key or certificate is required on the route.


  • You must have a service that you want to expose.


  • Create a Route resource:

    $ oc create route passthrough route-passthrough-secured --service=frontend --port=8080

    If you examine the resulting Route resource, it should look similar to the following:

    A Secured Route Using Passthrough Termination

    kind: Route
      name: route-passthrough-secured 1
        targetPort: 8080
        termination: passthrough 2
        insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: None 3
        kind: Service
        name: frontend

    The name of the object, which is limited to 63 characters.
    The termination field is set to passthrough. This is the only required tls field.
    Optional insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy. The only valid values are None, Redirect, or empty for disabled.

    The destination pod is responsible for serving certificates for the traffic at the endpoint. This is currently the only method that can support requiring client certificates, also known as two-way authentication.

11.2.4. Creating a route with externally managed certificate


Securing route with external certificates in TLS secrets is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

You can configure Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS routes with third-party certificate management solutions by using the .spec.tls.externalCertificate field of the route API. You can reference externally managed TLS certificates via secrets, eliminating the need for manual certificate management. Using the externally managed certificate reduces errors ensuring a smoother rollout of certificate updates, enabling the OpenShift router to serve renewed certificates promptly.


This feature applies to both edge routes and re-encrypt routes.


  • You must enable the RouteExternalCertificate feature gate.
  • You must have the create and update permissions on the routes/custom-host.
  • You must have a secret containing a valid certificate/key pair in PEM-encoded format of type, which includes both tls.key and tls.crt keys.
  • You must place the referenced secret in the same namespace as the route you want to secure.


  1. Create a role in the same namespace as the secret to allow the router service account read access by running the following command:

    $ oc create role secret-reader --verb=get,list,watch --resource=secrets --resource-name=<secret-name> \ 1
    --namespace=<current-namespace> 2
    Specify the actual name of your secret.
    Specify the namespace where both your secret and route reside.
  2. Create a rolebinding in the same namespace as the secret and bind the router service account to the newly created role by running the following command:

    $ oc create rolebinding secret-reader-binding --role=secret-reader --serviceaccount=openshift-ingress:router --namespace=<current-namespace> 1
    Specify the namespace where both your secret and route reside.
  3. Create a YAML file that defines the route and specifies the secret containing your certificate using the following example.

    YAML definition of the secure route

    kind: Route
      name: myedge
      namespace: test
          name: <secret-name> 1
        termination: edge

    Specify the actual name of your secret.
  4. Create a route resource by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <route.yaml> 1
    Specify the generated YAML filename.

If the secret exists and has a certificate/key pair, the router will serve the generated certificate if all prerequisites are met.


If .spec.tls.externalCertificate is not provided, the router will use default generated certificates.

You cannot provide the .spec.tls.certificate field or the .spec.tls.key field when using the .spec.tls.externalCertificate field.

Additional resources

  • For troubleshooting routes with externally managed certificates, check the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS router pod logs for errors, see Investigating pod issues.

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