8.8. Storage Tasks
8.8.1. Uploading Images to a Data Storage Domain
You can upload virtual disk images and ISO images to your data storage domain in the Administration Portal or with the REST API.
To upload images with the REST API, see IMAGETRANSFERS and IMAGETRANSFER in the REST API Guide.
QEMU-compatible virtual disks can be attached to virtual machines. Virtual disk types must be either QCOW2 or raw. Disks created from a QCOW2 virtual disk cannot be shareable, and the QCOW2 virtual disk file must not have a backing file.
ISO images can be attached to virtual machines as CDROMs or used to boot virtual machines.
The upload function uses HTML 5 APIs, which requires your environment to have the following:
Image I/O Proxy (
), configured withengine-setup
. See Configuring the Red Hat Virtualization Manager in the Installation Guide for details. Certificate authority, imported into the web browser used to access the Administration Portal.
To import the certificate authority, browse to
and enable all the trust settings. Refer to the instructions to install the certificate authority in Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome.- Browser that supports HTML 5, such as Firefox 35, Internet Explorer 10, Chrome 13, or later.
Uploading an Image to a Data Storage Domain
. - Select Start from the Upload menu.
- Click Choose File and select the image to upload.
- Fill in the Disk Options fields. See Section 10.6.2, “Explanation of Settings in the New Virtual Disk Window” for descriptions of the relevant fields.
Click OK.
A progress bar indicates the status of the upload. You can pause, cancel, or resume uploads from the Upload menu.
Increasing the Upload Timeout Value
If the upload times out and you see the message, Reason: timeout due to transfer inactivity, increase the timeout value:
# engine-config -s TransferImageClientInactivityTimeoutInSeconds=6000
Restart the
service:# systemctl restart ovirt-engine
8.8.2. Moving Storage Domains to Maintenance Mode
A storage domain must be in maintenance mode before it can be detached and removed. This is required to redesignate another data domain as the master data domain.
You cannot move a storage domain into maintenance mode if a virtual machine has a lease on the storage domain. The virtual machine needs to be shut down, or the lease needs to be to removed or moved to a different storage domain first. See the Virtual Machine Management Guide for information about virtual machine leases.
Expanding iSCSI domains by adding more LUNs can only be done when the domain is active.
Moving storage domains to maintenance mode
- Shut down all the virtual machines running on the storage domain.
. - Click the storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Data Center tab.
Click Maintenance.
Ignore OVF update failure
check box allows the storage domain to go into maintenance mode even if the OVF update fails.- Click OK.
The storage domain is deactivated and has an Inactive
status in the results list. You can now edit, detach, remove, or reactivate the inactive storage domains from the data center.
You can also activate, detach, and place domains into maintenance mode using the Storage tab in the details view of the data center it is associated with.
8.8.3. Editing Storage Domains
You can edit storage domain parameters through the Administration Portal. Depending on the state of the storage domain, either active or inactive, different fields are available for editing. Fields such as Data Center, Domain Function, Storage Type, and Format cannot be changed.
- Active: When the storage domain is in an active state, the Name, Description, Comment, Warning Low Space Indicator (%), Critical Space Action Blocker (GB), Wipe After Delete, and Discard After Delete fields can be edited. The Name field can only be edited while the storage domain is active. All other fields can also be edited while the storage domain is inactive.
- Inactive: When the storage domain is in maintenance mode or unattached, thus in an inactive state, you can edit all fields except Name, Data Center, Domain Function, Storage Type, and Format. The storage domain must be inactive to edit storage connections, mount options, and other advanced parameters. This is only supported for NFS, POSIX, and Local storage types.
iSCSI storage connections cannot be edited via the Administration Portal, but can be edited via the REST API. See Updating Storage Connections in the REST API Guide.
Editing an Active Storage Domain
and select a storage domain. - Click Manage Domain.
- Edit the available fields as required.
- Click OK.
Editing an Inactive Storage Domain
. If the storage domain is active, move it to maintenance mode:
- Click the storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Data Center tab.
- Click Maintenance.
- Click OK.
- Click Manage Domain.
- Edit the storage path and other details as required. The new connection details must be of the same storage type as the original connection.
- Click OK.
Activate the storage domain:
- Click the storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Data Center tab.
- Click Activate.
8.8.4. Updating OVFs
By default, OVFs are updated every 60 minutes. However, if you have imported an important virtual machine or made a critical update, you can update OVFs manually.
Updating OVFs
. Select the storage domain and click
. The OVFs are updated and a message appears in Events.
8.8.5. Activating Storage Domains from Maintenance Mode
If you have been making changes to a data center’s storage, you have to put storage domains into maintenance mode. Activate a storage domain to resume using it.
. - Click an inactive storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Data Centers tab.
- Click Activate.
If you attempt to activate the ISO domain before activating the data domain, an error message displays and the domain is not activated.
8.8.6. Detaching a Storage Domain from a Data Center
Detach a storage domain from one data center to migrate it to another data center.
Detaching a Storage Domain from the Data Center
. - Click the storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Data Center tab.
- Click Maintenance.
- Click OK to initiate maintenance mode.
- Click Detach.
- Click OK to detach the storage domain.
The storage domain has been detached from the data center, ready to be attached to another data center.
8.8.7. Attaching a Storage Domain to a Data Center
Attach a storage domain to a data center.
Attaching a Storage Domain to a Data Center
. - Click the storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Data Center tab.
- Click Attach.
- Select the appropriate data center.
- Click OK.
The storage domain is attached to the data center and is automatically activated.
8.8.8. Removing a Storage Domain
You have a storage domain in your data center that you want to remove from the virtualized environment.
. Move the storage domain to maintenance mode and detach it:
- Click the storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Data Center tab.
- Click Maintenance, then click OK.
- Click Detach, then click OK.
- Click Remove.
- Optionally select the Format Domain, i.e. Storage Content will be lost! check box to erase the content of the domain.
- Click OK.
The storage domain is permanently removed from the environment.
8.8.9. Destroying a Storage Domain
A storage domain encountering errors may not be able to be removed through the normal procedure. Destroying a storage domain forcibly removes the storage domain from the virtualized environment.
Destroying a Storage Domain
. -
Select the storage domain and click
. - Select the Approve operation check box.
- Click OK.
8.8.10. Creating a Disk Profile
Disk profiles define the maximum level of throughput and the maximum level of input and output operations for a virtual disk in a storage domain. Disk profiles are created based on storage profiles defined under data centers, and must be manually assigned to individual virtual disks for the profile to take effect.
This procedure assumes you have already defined one or more storage quality of service entries under the data center to which the storage domain belongs.
Creating a Disk Profile
. - Click the data storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Disk Profiles tab.
- Click New.
- Enter a Name and a Description for the disk profile.
- Select the quality of service to apply to the disk profile from the QoS list.
- Click OK.
8.8.11. Removing a Disk Profile
Remove an existing disk profile from your Red Hat Virtualization environment.
Removing a Disk Profile
. - Click the data storage domain’s name to open the details view.
- Click the Disk Profiles tab.
- Select the disk profile to remove.
- Click Remove.
- Click OK.
If the disk profile was assigned to any virtual disks, the disk profile is removed from those virtual disks.
8.8.12. Viewing the Health Status of a Storage Domain
Storage domains have an external health status in addition to their regular Status. The external health status is reported by plug-ins or external systems, or set by an administrator, and appears to the left of the storage domain’s Name as one of the following icons:
- OK: No icon
To view further details about the storage domain’s health status, click the storage domain’s name to open the details view, and click the Events tab.
The storage domain’s health status can also be viewed using the REST API. A GET
request on a storage domain will include the external_status
element, which contains the health status.
You can set a storage domain’s health status in the REST API via the events
collection. For more information, see Adding Events in the REST API Guide.
8.8.13. Setting Discard After Delete for a Storage Domain
When the Discard After Delete check box is selected, a blkdiscard
command is called on a logical volume when it is removed and the underlying storage is notified that the blocks are free. The storage array can use the freed space and allocate it when requested. Discard After Delete only works on block storage. The flag is not available on the Red Hat Virtualization Manager for file storage, for example NFS.
- Discard After Delete is only available on block storage domains, such as iSCSI or Fibre Channel.
The underlying storage must support
Discard After Delete can be enabled both when creating a block storage domain or when editing a block storage domain. See ] and xref:Editing_Storage_Domains[.