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12.5. Base Execution Properties

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The following execution properties are shared by all translators.
Table 12.1. Base Execution Properties
Name Description Default
Immutable Set to true to indicate that the source never changes. false
RequiresCriteria Set to true to indicate that source SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE queries require a WHERE clause. false
SupportsOrderBy Set to true to indicate that the ORDER BY clause is supported. false
SupportsOuterJoins Set to true to indicate that OUTER JOINs are supported. false
SupportsFullOuterJoins If outer joins are supported, true indicates that FULL OUTER JOINs are supported. false
SupportsInnerJoins Set to true to indicate that INNER JOINs are supported. false
SupportedJoinCriteria If joins are supported, defines what criteria may be used as the join criteria. May be one of (ANY, THETA, EQUI, or KEY). ANY
MaxInCriteriaSize If in criteria are supported, defines what the maximum number of in entries are per predicate. -1 indicates no limit. -1
MaxDependentInPredicates If IN criteria are supported, defines what the maximum number of predicates that can be used for a dependent join. Values less than 1 indicate to use only one IN predicate per dependent value pushed. -1
f the direct query procedure is supported on the translator, this property indicates the name of the procedure.
Set to true to indicate the translator supports the direct execution of commands
Set to true to indicate the translator's Executions should be processed by only a single thread
If true, then returned LOBs (clob, blob, sql/xml) will be copied by the engine in a memory-safe manner. Use this option if the source does not support memory-safe LOBs or you want to disconnect LOBs from the source connection.


Only a subset of the supports metadata can be set through execution properties. If more control is needed, see Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Development Guide: Server Development.
There are no base importer settings.
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