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6.4. VDB Definition: The model Element

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  • name
    This is the name of the model is used as a top level schema name for all of the metadata imported from the connector. The name must be unique among all Models in the VDB and must not contain the '.' character.
  • version
    This is the version of the VDB (it should be an positive integer). This determines the deployed directory location (see Name), and provides an explicit versioning mechanism for the VDB name.
  • visibility
    By default this value is set to "true". When the value is set to "false", this model will not be visible to JDBC metadata queries. Usually it is used to hide a model from client applications that must not directly issue queries against it. However, this does not prohibit either client applications or other view models from using it, if they know its schema.

Source Element

A source is a named binding of a translator and connection source to a model.
  • name
    The name of the source to use for this model. This can be any name you like, but will typically be the same as the model name. Having a name different from the model name is only useful in multi-source scenarios. In multi-source, the source names under a given model must be unique. If you have the same source bound to multiple models it may have the same name for each. An exception will be raised if the same source name is used for different sources.
  • translator-name
    The name or type of the JBoss Data Virtualization Translator to use. Possible values include the built-in types (ws, file, ldap, oracle, sqlserver, db2, derby, etc.) and translators defined in the translators section.
  • connection-jndi-name
    The JNDI name of this source's connection factory. Check out the deploying VDB dependencies section for info. You also need to deploy these connection factories before you can deploy the VDB.

Property Elements

  • importer.<propertyname>
    Property to be used by the connector importer for the model for purposes importing metadata. See possible property name/values in the Translator specific section. Note that using these properties you can narrow or widen the data elements available for integration.

Metadata Element

  • The optional metadata element defines the metadata repository type and optional raw metadata to be consumed by the metadata repository.
    • type
      The metadata repository type. Defaults to INDEX for Designer VDBs and NATIVE for non-Designer VDB source models. For all other deployments/models a value must be specified. Built-in types include DDL, NATIVE, INDEX, and DDL-FILE. The usage of the raw text varies with the by type. The raw text is not used with NATIVE and INDEX (only for Designer VDBs) metadata repositories. The raw text for DDL is expected to be a series of DDL statements that define the schema. DDL-FILE (used only with zip deployments) is similar to DDL, except that the raw text specifies an absolute path relative to the vdb root of the location of a file containing the DDL. See also about a Custom Metadata Repository in Red Hat JBoss Development Guide: Server Development.
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