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6.8. Dynamic VDB ZIP Deployment

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For more complicated scenarios you can deploy a VDB via a ZIP file similar. In a VDB ZIP deployment:
  • The deployment must end with the extension .vdb.
  • The VDB XML file must be named vdb.xml and placed in the ZIP under the META-INF directory.
  • If a lib folder exists, any JARs found underneath will automatically be added to the VDB classpath.
  • For backwards compatibility with Teiid Designer VDBs, if any .INDEX file exists, the default metadata repository will be assumed to be INDEX.
  • Files within the VDB ZIP are accessible by a Custom Metadata Repository using the MetadataFactory.getVDBResources() method, which returns a map of all VDBResources in the VDB keyed by absolute path relative to the VDB root. See Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Development Guide: Server Development for more information about custom metadata repositories.
  • The built-in DDL-FILE metadata repository type may be used to define DDL-based metadata in files outside of the vdb.xml. This improves the memory footprint of the VDB metadata and the maintainability of vdb.xml.

Example 6.2. Example VDB Zip Structure

In the above example the vdb.xml could use a DDL-FILE metadata type for schema1:
<model name="schema1" ...
   <metadata type="DDL-FILE">/ddl/schema1.ddl<metadata>
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