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9.3. Example VDB with REST Properties

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<vdb name="sample" version="1">
    <property name="UseConnectorMetadata" value="true" />
    <property name="{}auto-generate" value="true"/>

    <model name="PM1">
        <source name="text-connector" translator-name="loopback" />
         <metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[
                CREATE FOREIGN TABLE G1 (e1 string, e2 integer);
                CREATE FOREIGN TABLE G2 (e1 string, e2 integer);
        ]]> </metadata>
    <model name="View" type ="VIRTUAL">
         <metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[
            SET NAMESPACE '' AS REST;
            CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE g1Table(IN p1 integer) RETURNS TABLE (xml_out xml) OPTIONS (UPDATECOUNT 0, "REST:METHOD" 'GET', "REST:URI" 'g1/{p1}')
                SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME "rows", XMLATTRIBUTES (g1Table.p1 as p1), XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(NAME "row", XMLFOREST(e1, e2)))) AS xml_out FROM PM1.G1;
            ]]> </metadata>

The REST VDB is deployed with "{vdb-name}_{vdb-version}" context. The model name is prepended to uri of the service call. For example the procedure in above example can be accessed as
where "sample_1" is context, "view" is model name, "g1" is URI, and 123 is parameter {p1} from URI.


<property name="{ }auto-generate" value="true"/>, can be used to control the generation of the REST based WAR based on the VDB. This property along with at least one procedure with REST based extension metadata is required to generate a REST WAR file. Also, the procedure will return the result set with single column of either XML, CLOB, BLOB or String. When PRODUCES property is not defined, this property is derived from the result column that is projected out.
When designing the procedures that will be invoked through GET based call, the input parameters for procedures can be defined in the PATH of the URI, as the {p1} example above, or they can also be defined as query parameter, or combination of both. Here is an example:
Make sure that the number of parameters defined on the URI and query match to the parameters defined on procedure definition. If you defined a default value for a parameter on the procedure, and that parameter going to be passed in query parameter on URL then you have choice to omit that query parameter, if you defined as PATH you must supply a value for it.
'POST' methods MUST not be defined with URI with PATHS for parameters as in GET operations, the procedure parameters are automatically added as @FormParam annotations on the generated procedure. A client invoking this service must use FORM to post the values for the parameters. The FORM field names MUST match the names of the procedure parameters names.
If any one of the procedure parameters are BLOB, CLOB or XML type, then POST operation can be only invoked using "multipart/form-data" RFC-2388 protocol. This allows user to upload large binary or XML files efficiently to Teiid using streaming".
If a parameter to the procedure is VARBINARY type then the value of the parameter must be properly BASE64 encoded, irrespective of the HTTP method used to execute the procedure. If this VARBINARY has large content, then consider using BLOB.
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