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Chapter 30. Customizing project preferences

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In Business Central, a project is a part of your space and stores the related assets. You can add multiple projects in a space.

For example, an organization includes various departments, such as HR, Payroll, Engineering, and R&D. You can map each department to a space in Business Central, along with adding respective projects.

You can customize the project settings in Business Central. Also, you can create a new project or clone projects from an existing Git repository.


  1. In Business Central, select the Admin icon in the upper-right corner and select Projects.
  2. In the Project Preferences panel, select the preference you want to modify. The project preferences include:

    • Project Importing: This preference consists of the following property:

      • Select the Allow multiple projects to be imported on cluster to import multiple projects on a cluster.
    • File exporting: This preference consists of the following properties:

      Table 30.1. File exporting properties

      PDF orientation

      Determines whether the PDF orientation is portrait or landscape.

      PDF units

      Determines whether the PDF unit is PT, MM, CN, or IN.

      PDF page format

      Determines whether the PDF page format is A[0-10], B[0-10], or C[0-10].

    • Spaces: This preference consists of the following properties:

      Table 30.2. Spaces properties


      The default name of the space that is created automatically if none exists.


      The default owner of the space that is created automatically if none exists.

      Group ID

      The default group ID of the space that is created automatically if none exists.

      Alias (in singular)

      Determines the customized alias (singular) of the space.

      Alias (in plural)

      Determines the customized alias (plural) of the space.

    • Default values: This preference consists of the following properties:

      Table 30.3. Default values properties


      The default version number of a project when creating projects.


      The default description of a project when creating projects.


      The default branch to be used when using a Git repository.

      Assets Per Page

      Used to customize the number of assets per page in the project. The default value is 15.

    • Advanced GAV preferences: This preference consists of the following properties:

      Table 30.4. Advanced GAV preference properties

      Disable GAV conflict check?

      Determines whether to enable or disable the GAV conflict check. Disabling this checkbox enables the projects to contain the same GAV (group ID, artifact, and version).

      Allow child GAV edition?

      Determines whether to allow child or subprojects to contain GAV edition.


      Duplicate GAV detection is disabled for projects in the development mode. To enable duplicate GAV detection for a project in Business Central, go to project Settings General Settings Version and toggle the Development Mode option to OFF (if applicable).

  3. Click Save.
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