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Chapter 19. Authenticating third-party clients through RH-SSO

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To use the different remote services provided by Business Central or by KIE Server, your client, such as curl, wget, web browser, or a custom REST client, must authenticate through the RH-SSO server and have a valid token to perform the requests. To use the remote services, the authenticated user must have the following roles:

  • rest-all for using Business Central remote services.
  • kie-server for using the KIE Server remote services.

Use the RH-SSO Admin Console to create these roles and assign them to the users that will consume the remote services.

Your client can authenticate through RH-SSO using one of these options:

  • Basic authentication, if it is supported by the client
  • Token-based authentication

19.1. Basic authentication

If you enabled basic authentication in the RH-SSO client adapter configuration for both Business Central and KIE Server, you can avoid the token grant and refresh calls and call the services as shown in the following examples:

  • For web based remote repositories endpoint:

    curl http://admin:password@localhost:8080/business-central/rest/repositories
  • For KIE Server:

    curl http://admin:password@localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/
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