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Chapter 37. LDAP connection

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Business Central provides a dedicated UserGroupCallback implementation for LDAP servers with Red Hat Process Automation Manager to enable the user task service to retrieve information on users, groups, and roles directly from an LDAP service.

You can configure the following LDAP UserGroupCallback implementation properties:

Table 37.1. LDAP UserGroupCallback properties


User name for connecting to the LDAP server.

This property is optional if it is not specified and the LDAP server accepts anonymous access.


Password for connecting to the LDAP server.

This property is optional if it is not specified and the LDAP server accepts anonymous access.


Context in LDAP with user information.


Context in LDAP with group and role.


Context in LDAP with user group and role membership information.

This property is optional if it is not specified and the ldap.role.ctx property is used instead.


Filter for searching user information.

This property usually contains substitution keys {0} that are replaced with parameters.


Filter for searching group and role information.

This property usually contains substitution keys {0} that are replaced with parameters.


Filter for searching user group and role membership information.

This property usually contains substitution keys {0} that are replaced with parameters.

Attribute name of the user ID in LDAP.

This property is optional if it is not specified and the uid property is used instead.

Attribute name of the group and role ID in LDAP.

This property is optional if it is not specified and the cn property is used instead.

User ID in a DN, instructs the callback to query for user DN before searching for roles. This is optional and is false by default.


Initial context factory class name; is com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory by default.

Authentication type where the possible values are none, simple, and strong. This is simple by default.

Security protocol to be used, for example, ssl.


LDAP url (by default ldap://localhost:389; if the protocol is set to ssl then ldap://localhost:636)

37.1. LDAP UserGroupCallback implementation

You can use the LDAP UserGroupCallback implementation by configuring the respective LDAP properties in one of the following ways:

  • Programmatically: Build a properties object with the respective LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl properties and create LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl using the same properties object as its parameter.

    For example:

    import org.kie.api.PropertiesConfiguration;
    import org.kie.api.task.UserGroupCallback;
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.setProperty(LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl.USER_CTX, "ou=People,dc=my-domain,dc=com");
    properties.setProperty(LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl.ROLE_CTX, "ou=Roles,dc=my-domain,dc=com");
    properties.setProperty(LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl.USER_ROLES_CTX, "ou=Roles,dc=my-domain,dc=com");
    properties.setProperty(LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl.USER_FILTER, "(uid={0})");
    properties.setProperty(LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl.ROLE_FILTER, "(cn={0})");
    properties.setProperty(LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl.USER_ROLES_FILTER, "(member={0})");
    UserGroupCallback ldapUserGroupCallback = new LDAPUserGroupCallbackImpl(properties);
  • Declaratively: Create the file in the root of your application or specify the file location as a system property.

    For example:

    Ensure that you register the LDAP callback when starting the user task server.

    For example:


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