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Chapter 8. Fixed issues in Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13

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Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13 provides increased stability and fixed issues listed in this section.

8.1. Business Central

  • When you migrate to 7.12.0 version from a previous version, Business Central fails to start with the no marshaller for type: org.guvnor.structure.contributors.Contributor error [RHPAM-4152]
  • Importing a project via SSH is not working over a proxy [RHPAM-3954]
  • The guided rule expression editor text box splits the expression in multiple text boxes separated by dot(.) [RHPAM-3679]
  • In guided decision table, allow the search feature for the data from an external datasource [RHPAM-3415]

8.2. Build and assembly

  • When you are reading a specifically crafted TAR archive, an Apache Ant build allocates a large amount of memory that leads to an out-of-memory error even for small inputs [RHPAM-3802]

8.3. KIE Server

  • if JSONMarshaller cannot find a class com.nonexisting.Person from a classloader, it deserializes the object as a LinkedHashMap with a com.nonexisting.Person key and it may result in no matching rule [RHPAM-4134]
  • The GET "instances/{processInstanceId}/timers" is not returning the timers for process SLA [RHPAM-4055]

8.4. Process engine

  • With the large number of timers the loop in the EJBTimerScheduler.getTimerByName() function is inefficient and it leads to a bad performance due to a large number of database requests [RHPAM-4289]
  • You can add username and password as parameters to the WebserviceWorkItemHandler [RHPAM-4199]
  • In some multi-node environments, when you set org.jbpm.ejb.timer.tx property to true and correct config, you receive an error with the null pointer exception [RHPAM-4192]
  • Database failure during TX in WorkItemHandler spawns the error handling process [RHPAM-4156]
  • A high number of instances waiting for the signal adversely impacts an execution time [RHPAM-4150]
  • Allow to define number of retries using RETRY handling strategy to handle the exception with REST WorkItemHandler [RHPAM-4103]
  • In human task notification, if you include a newline in a mail body and try to send an email notification, it fails to work with the warning, and the notification is not sent [RHPAM-4089]
  • When org.kie.server.bypass.auth.user property is used with JAASUserGroupCallbackImpl, you receive an incorrect response for REST service [RHPAM-4087]
  • It is not possible to create an AsyncSignalEventCommand through REST API, it fails with ClassCastException exception [RHPAM-4059]
  • Process instance migration does not the update command data [RHPAM-4057]
  • A process with multiple timer startNodes only triggers once [RHPAM-4051]
  • Process Instance Migration (PIM) tool UI does not support an option to select all the process instances [RHPAM-4029]
  • Process Instance Migration (PIM) tool UI does not support migration of a large number of process instances [RHPAM-4028]
  • When you execute a LogCleanupCommand with skipExecutorLog=false set, it deletes the records from an ExecutionErrorInfo [RHPAM-3996]
  • Make the kieservice client timeout value configurable in RestKieServicesClientProvider used by a controller [RHPAM-3988]
  • When the process variables are fetched, the process instance is not retrieved in read-only mode and you receive an OptimisticLockException exception [RHPAM-3943]

8.5. Process Designer

  • Business Central with lots of process instances blocks the query filters [RHPAM-4170]

8.6. Red Hat build of Kogito

  • It is not possible to run the tests for Red Hat build of Kogito examples which contain scenario simulation dependency. The Surefire plugin fails with an exception [RHPAM-4068]

8.7. DMN designer

  • When you try to invoke a Business Knowledge Model (BKM) function from included DMN model, the validation fails [RHDM-1395]
  • When you are validating a DMN file invoking a java function, you receive an error message [RHPAM-3500]
  • Elbow lines for object connections do not work [RHDM-1856]
  • When you are publishing a decision model using the Documentation tab in the DMN Modeller, a PDF file is generated. In the Data Types section, data type names are not readable when they are longer. The part of the data type names are replaced with three dots. [RHDM-1690]
  • A standalone DMN editor is missing isDirty indication and fails to reflect changes in the data types or included models [RHDM-1560]

8.8. Certification

  • Dropping the support of HA CEP reference implementation due to end of life of AMQ Streams 1.x [RHPAM-4416]

8.9. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

  • When LDAP is integrated by an operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4, the LDAP authentication fails because direct-verification=true is not set in LDAP realm [RHPAM-4148]
  • Add a capability to configure route termination from CRD files [RHPAM-4125]
  • when a script is introduced as an extension, it is not executed as custom KieServer S2I script unless an another script is present [RHPAM-3665]
  • The ImageStreams objects are not updated with the new image releases, it needs importPolicy [RHPAM-4167]

8.10. Decision engine

  • The KJAR build fails with an executable model when you are comparing a BigDecimal type and String type property [RHDM-1880]
  • The varargs argument invocations are not jitted correctly, the varargs argument is wrapped into an array even when not necessary [RHPAM-4186]
  • Inconsistent property reactivity with JoinNode and FromNode [RHDM-1881]
  • An executable model generates BigDecimal expressions without using a MathContext [RHDM-1878]
  • The SegmentPropagator does not deal with a tuple staged as update and you receive an error [RHDM-1875]
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