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Chapter 9. Known issues in Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13.1

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This section lists known issues with Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13.1.

9.1. Business Central

Unable to deploy Business Central using JDK version 11.0.16 [RHPAM-4497]

Issue: It is not possible to deploy Business Central if your installation uses JDK version 11.0.16.

Actual result: Business Central does not deploy when launched.

Expected result: Business Central deploys successfully.

Workaround: Use a previous JDK version such as 11.0.5 or earlier.

9.2. Form Modeler

Date type process variable is empty when the process is started using Business Central form with the showTime set to false [RHPAM-4514]

Issue: When you use the default form rendering in Business Central and the process variable field has showTime=false, the started process instance shows that the variable is empty. The affected types are java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, and java.util.Date.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Define the process variable with a specific type.
  2. Generate a form.
  3. Open a form and set showTime=false for a specified field.
  4. Deploy the project.
  5. Open the process form.
  6. Specify the value in the process form.
  7. Check the process instance variables. The value for the specified variable is empty.

Workaround: None.

Form in KIE Server with a java.util.Date field does not allow the time to be inserted [RHPAM-4513]

Issue: When a process has a variable of type java.util.Date, the generated form, if the showTime attribute is true, does not allow inserting the time part. Then after submitting the Date variable shows all zeros in the time part of the datatype.

Workaround: None.

9.3. Process Designer

BPMN2 files in XML editor have a Properties panel that contains a data from other processes [RHPAM-4468]

Issue: If two processes are open, where one process is open in the XML editor (a legacy process with the BPMN2 extension) and one process is open in the new process designer, the properties in the Properties panel, as well as the diagram in the Explore Diagram window from the new process designer, are shown in the XML editor of the other process. The XML editor should not have any Properties or Diagram panel.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open any new process designer process.
  2. Do not close the process.
  3. Open the legacy process, for example legacy.bpmn2, in the XML editor.
  4. Open the Properties panel. Actual result: The Properties and Explore diagram from a new process designer process are shown in the XML editor panel.

Expected result: No Properties or Explore diagram panels are present in the XML editor.

Workaround: None.

A custom data object in multiple variables causes an error in a case project [RHPAM-4422]

Issue: The custom data object in the multiple variables causes an error in a case project. You receive a UI exception with the following error:

Uncaught exception: Exception caught: Duplicate value: CustomDataObject [com.myspace.caseproject] Caused by: Duplicate value: CustomDataObject [com.myspace.caseproject]

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a case definition in a case project.
  2. Create a custom data object in the same project.
  3. Add a procVar process variable and caseVar case file variable with the same CustomDataObject type.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Create a multiple instance node or a Data Object on the canvas.
  6. In the multiple instance node, set MI Collection input/output and try to change the Data Input/Output type.
  7. In the Data Object on the canvas, try to change the data type.

Actual result:

  • On a Chrome browser: It is not possible to set the type with the first click. The custom type is chosen.
  • On a Firefox browser: An unexpected error occurs.

Expected result: It is possible to set the type correctly. No errors occur.

Workaround: None.

9.4. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

PostgreSQL 13 Pod won’t start because of an incompatible data dirctory [RHPAM-4464]

Issue: When you start a PostgreSQL pod after you upgrade the operator, the pod fails to start and you receive the following message:

Incompatible data directory. This container image provides PostgreSQL '13', but data directory is of version '10'. This image supports automatic data directory upgrade from '12', please carefully consult image documentation about how to use the '$POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE' startup option.


  1. Check the version of PostgreSQL:

    $ postgres -V
  2. If the PostgreSQL version returned is 12.x or earlier, upgrade PostgreSQL:

    Red Hat Process Automation Manager versionPostgreSQL versionUpgrade instructions



    Follow the instructions in Upgrading database (by switching to newer PostgreSQL image version) to upgrade to PostgreSQL 12.x.



    1. Follow the instructions in Upgrading database (by switching to newer PostgreSQL image version) to upgrade to PostgreSQL 12.x.

    2. Follow the instructions in Upgrading database (by switching to newer PostgreSQL image version) to upgrade to PostgreSQL 13.x.



    Follow the instructions in Upgrading database (by switching to newer PostgreSQL image version) to upgrade to PostgreSQL 13.x.

  3. Verify that PostpreSQL has been upgraded to your required version:

    $ postgres -V
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