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Chapter 2. New features

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This section highlights new features in Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13.

2.1. Ability to only enable decision management components and functionality

You can now configure the deployment to only enable decision management related components and functionality so that jBPM and case management features are disabled.

2.2. Ability to change the route termination and enable edge termination

During configuration of the environment, you can now change the route termination, enable edge termination, and set optional credentials.

2.3. Ability to use a custom registry and specific images

You can now configure the custom registry to use specific images during the configuration of the environment.

2.4. Ability to output error logs of Eager initialization of Kafka emitters

You can now set the org.kie.jbpm.event.emitters.eagerInit property to true to output the error log when KIE Server starts and initializes the Kafka emitter.

2.5. Ability to use a secret for Admin user during KieApp configuration

You can now use a secret containing the credentials for the Admin user during KieApp configuration.

2.6. Ability to change the route termination and enable edge termination

During configuration of the environment, you can now change the route termination, enable edge termination and set optional credentials.

2.7. Process Designer

2.7.1. Ability to set the priority of a task as a process variable in Business Central

It is now possible to set the priority of a task as an MVEL expression.

2.8. Process engine

2.8.1. Support for exploded installation of Spring Boot business automation applications

It is now possible to get support for exploded installations of Spring Boot business automation applications. If the application working directory is not the default directory, you can set it with the org.kie.maven.resolver.folder=/my-workspace/ variable. Note that for the Spring Boot image you must copy this variable into the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-Dorg.kie.maven.resolver.folder=…​" environment variable.

2.8.2. Ability to remove the process ID from the EJB timer column

It is now possible to remove the process ID from the EJB timer column. You can now correlate process-instance-id and ejb-timer-id.

2.9. DMN Designer

2.9.1. Drools DMN Engine support for DMN Specification v1.4

Red Hat Process Automation Manager now provides runtime support for DMN Specification v1.4 in the Drools DMN engine.

2.10. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

2.10.1. Process Instance Migration Service now uses Quarkus

Process Instance Migration Service now uses Quarkus instead of Thorntail.

2.10.2. Configurable startup strategy when using the Operator installer

When you deploy Red Hat Process Automation Manager on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform using the operator installer, by default the deployment uses the OpenShiftStartupStrategy setting. You can now switch to the Controller startup strategy in the configuration user interface if necessary.

2.10.3. Custom hostname routes

You can now set custom hostnames for external routes by using the routeHostname property.

2.10.4. Improved SSL configurability

You can now enable or disable SSL in the operator and expose the SSL route.

2.10.5. Default configuration for Cross Domain Resource Sharing (CORS)

You can now specify whether to use a default or user customized CORS configuration.

2.10.6. Red Hat Data Grid user name and password configuration on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

When deploying a high-availability Red Hat Process Automation Manager environment on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, you can now configure the user name and password for the Red Hat Data Grid component.

2.11. Red Hat build of OptaPlanner

2.11.1. Red Hat build of OptaPlanner solver with Micrometer

Additional metrics are available for monitoring the OptaPlanner solver with Micrometer.

2.12. Spring Boot

The website is no longer available. To create Spring Boot business applications use Maven archetype commands.

2.13. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

2.13.1. Custom host name routes

You can now set custom host names for external routes by using the routeHostname property.

2.13.2. Improved SSL configurability

You can now enable or disable SSL in the operator and expose the SSL route.

2.13.3. Default configuration for cross domain resource sharing (CORS)

You can now specify whether to use a default or user-customized CORS configuration.

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