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Chapter 13. Fixed issues in Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13.3

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Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13.3 provides increased stability and fixed issues listed in this section.

13.1. Business Central

  • Dashbuilder does not support the type MILLISECOND [RHPAM-4659]
  • An exception occurs while using expressions with the $ character in BRL condition in GDST [RHDM-1938]

13.2. Process engine

  • IntermediateThrowingSignal node from subprocess and the subprocess is not getting marked as executed. [RHPAM-4653]
  • With jbpm-kie-services and Servicesorm.xml the incorrect version of orm is used [RHPAM-4649]
  • Error code: 404 on History button for Process Variable of type: org.jbpm.document.DocumentCollection [RHPAM-4648]
  • Unable to abort process instances that encounter the issue reported in RHPAM-4296 [RHPAM-4625]
  • Some events are missed in event emitters (elastic search) [RHPAM-4584]
  • Update Quarkus version in PIM to support Keystore and trustore passwords to be stored on vault [RHPAM-4423]

13.3. Red Hat build of Kogito

  • BPMN files contaning (Java) ServiceTask created using VSCode BPMN Editor causes parser errors in maven build [RHPAM-4604]

13.4. DMN Designer

  • [GSS](7.13.3) DMN extend rule to catch non-normalized named elements [RHDM-1957]

13.5. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

  • Red Hat Process Automation Manager Kogito Operator 7.x installation is failing with OOMKilled and CrashLoopBackOff [RHPAM-4629]

13.6. Decision engine

  • NullPointerException in mvel MathProcessor with equality check when null property is on right side [RHPAM-4642]
  • executable-model fails with BigDecimal arithmetic when it’s a scope of a method call [RHDM-1966]
  • The str operator with bind variable fails after mvel jitting [RHDM-1965]
  • The executable model build fails when setting negative BigDecimal literal value [RHDM-1959]
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