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Chapter 7. Backing up and restoring Red Hat Quay managed by the Red Hat Quay Operator

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Use the content within this section to back up and restore Red Hat Quay when managed by the Red Hat Quay Operator on OpenShift Container Platform

7.1. Optional: Enabling read-only mode for Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform

Enabling read-only mode for your Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployment allows you to manage the registry’s operations. Administrators can enable read-only mode to restrict write access to the registry, which helps ensure data integrity, mitigate risks during maintenance windows, and provide a safeguard against unintended modifications to registry data. It also helps to ensure that your Red Hat Quay registry remains online and available to serve images to users.

When backing up and restoring, you are required to scale down your Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployment. This results in service unavailability during the backup period which, in some cases, might be unacceptable. Enabling read-only mode ensures service availability during the backup and restore procedure for Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployments.


  • If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.x:

    • You have enabled the Red Hat Software Collections List (RHSCL).
    • You have installed Python 3.6.
    • You have downloaded the virtualenv package.
    • You have installed the git CLI.
  • If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8:

    • You have installed Python 3 on your machine.
    • You have downloaded the python3-virtualenv package.
    • You have installed the git CLI.
  • You have cloned the repository.
  • You have installed the oc CLI.
  • You have access to the cluster with cluster-admin privileges.

7.1.1. Creating service keys for Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat Quay uses service keys to communicate with various components. These keys are used to sign completed requests, such as requesting to scan images, login, storage access, and so on.


  1. Enter the following command to obtain a list of Red Hat Quay pods:

    $ oc get pods -n <namespace>

    Example output

    example-registry-clair-app-7dc7ff5844-4skw5           0/1     Error                    0             70d
    example-registry-clair-app-7dc7ff5844-nvn4f           1/1     Running                  0             31d
    example-registry-clair-app-7dc7ff5844-x4smw           0/1     ContainerStatusUnknown   6 (70d ago)   70d
    example-registry-clair-app-7dc7ff5844-xjnvt           1/1     Running                  0             60d
    example-registry-clair-postgres-547d75759-75c49       1/1     Running                  0             70d
    example-registry-quay-app-76c8f55467-52wjz            1/1     Running                  0             70d
    example-registry-quay-app-76c8f55467-hwz4c            1/1     Running                  0             70d
    example-registry-quay-app-upgrade-57ghs               0/1     Completed                1             70d
    example-registry-quay-database-7c55899f89-hmnm6       1/1     Running                  0             70d
    example-registry-quay-mirror-6cccbd76d-btsnb          1/1     Running                  0             70d
    example-registry-quay-mirror-6cccbd76d-x8g42          1/1     Running                  0             70d
    example-registry-quay-redis-85cbdf96bf-4vk5m          1/1     Running                  0             70d
  2. Open a remote shell session to the Quay container by entering the following command:

    $ oc rsh example-registry-quay-app-76c8f55467-52wjz
  3. Enter the following command to create the necessary service keys:

    sh-4.4$ python3 tools/ quay-readonly

    Example output

    Writing public key to quay-readonly.jwk
    Writing key ID to quay-readonly.kid
    Writing private key to quay-readonly.pem

7.1.2. Adding keys to the PostgreSQL database

Use the following procedure to add your service keys to the PostgreSQL database.


  • You have created the service keys.


  1. Enter the following command to enter your Red Hat Quay database environment:

    $ oc rsh example-registry-quay-app-76c8f55467-52wjz psql -U <database_username> -d <database_name>
  2. Display the approval types and associated notes of the servicekeyapproval by entering the following command:

    quay=# select * from servicekeyapproval;

    Example output

     id | approver_id |          approval_type           |       approved_date        | notes
      1 |             | ServiceKeyApprovalType.AUTOMATIC | 2024-05-07 03:47:48.181347 |
      2 |             | ServiceKeyApprovalType.AUTOMATIC | 2024-05-07 03:47:55.808087 |
      3 |             | ServiceKeyApprovalType.AUTOMATIC | 2024-05-07 03:49:04.27095  |
      4 |             | ServiceKeyApprovalType.AUTOMATIC | 2024-05-07 03:49:05.46235  |
      5 |           1 | ServiceKeyApprovalType.SUPERUSER | 2024-05-07 04:05:10.296796 |
  3. Add the service key to your Red Hat Quay database by entering the following query:

    quay=# INSERT INTO servicekey
      (name, service, metadata, kid, jwk, created_date, expiration_date)
      VALUES ('quay-readonly',

    Example output

    INSERT 0 1
  4. Next, add the key approval with the following query:

    quay=# INSERT INTO servicekeyapproval ('approval_type', 'approved_date', 'notes')
      VALUES ("ServiceKeyApprovalType.SUPERUSER", "CURRENT_DATE",

    Example output

    INSERT 0 1
  5. Set the approval_id field on the created service key row to the id field from the created service key approval. You can use the following SELECT statements to get the necessary IDs:

    UPDATE servicekey
    SET approval_id = (SELECT id FROM servicekeyapproval WHERE approval_type = 'ServiceKeyApprovalType.SUPERUSER')
    WHERE name = 'quay-readonly';
    UPDATE 1

7.1.3. Configuring read-only mode Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform

After the service keys have been created and added to your PostgreSQL database, you must restart the Quay container on your OpenShift Container Platform deployment.


Deploying Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform in read-only mode requires you to modify the secrets stored inside of your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. It is highly recommended that you create a backup of the secret prior to making changes to it.


  • You have created the service keys and added them to your PostgreSQL database.


  1. Enter the following command to read the secret name of your Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployment:

    $ oc get deployment -o yaml <quay_main_app_deployment_name>
  2. Use the base64 command to encode the quay-readonly.kid and quay-readonly.pem files:

    $ base64 -w0 quay-readonly.kid

    Example output

    $ base64 -w0 quay-readonly.pem

    Example output

  3. Obtain the current configuration bundle and secret by entering the following command:

    $ oc get secret quay-config-secret-name -o json | jq '.data."config.yaml"' | cut -d '"' -f2 | base64 -d -w0 > config.yaml
  4. Edit the config.yaml file and add the following information:

    # ...
    REGISTRY_STATE: readonly
    INSTANCE_SERVICE_KEY_KID_LOCATION: 'conf/stack/quay-readonly.kid'
    INSTANCE_SERVICE_KEY_LOCATION: 'conf/stack/quay-readonly.pem'
    # ...
  5. Save the file and base64 encode it by running the following command:

    $ base64 -w0 quay-config.yaml
  6. Scale down the Red Hat Quay Operator pods to 0. This ensures that the Operator does not reconcile the secret after editing it.

    $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment quay-operator -n openshift-operators
  7. Edit the secret to include the new content:

    $ oc edit secret quay-config-secret-name -n quay-namespace
    # ...
      "quay-readonly.kid": "ZjUyNDFm..."
      "quay-readonly.pem": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0E..."
      "config.yaml": "QUNUSU9OX0xPR19..."
    # ...

    With your Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployment on read-only mode, you can safely manage your registry’s operations and perform such actions as backup and restore. Scaling up the Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform from a read-only deployment

When you no longer want Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform to be in read-only mode, you can scale the deployment back up and remove the content added from the secret.


  1. Edit the config.yaml file and remove the following information:

    # ...
    REGISTRY_STATE: readonly
    INSTANCE_SERVICE_KEY_KID_LOCATION: 'conf/stack/quay-readonly.kid'
    INSTANCE_SERVICE_KEY_LOCATION: 'conf/stack/quay-readonly.pem'
    # ...
  2. Scale the Red Hat Quay Operator back up by entering the following command:

    oc scale --replicas=1 deployment quay-operator -n openshift-operators

7.2. Backing up Red Hat Quay

Database backups should be performed regularly using either the supplied tools on the PostgreSQL image or your own backup infrastructure. The Red Hat Quay Operator does not ensure that the PostgreSQL database is backed up.


This procedure covers backing up your Red Hat Quay PostgreSQL database. It does not cover backing up the Clair PostgreSQL database. Strictly speaking, backing up the Clair PostgreSQL database is not needed because it can be recreated. If you opt to recreate it from scratch, you will wait for the information to be repopulated after all images inside of your Red Hat Quay deployment are scanned. During this downtime, security reports are unavailable.

If you are considering backing up the Clair PostgreSQL database, you must consider that its size is dependent upon the number of images stored inside of Red Hat Quay. As a result, the database can be extremely large.

This procedure describes how to create a backup of Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform using the Operator.


  • A healthy Red Hat Quay deployment on OpenShift Container Platform using the Red Hat Quay Operator. The status condition Available is set to true.
  • The components quay, postgres and objectstorage are set to managed: true
  • If the component clair is set to managed: true the component clairpostgres is also set to managed: true (starting with Red Hat Quay v3.7 or later)

If your deployment contains partially unmanaged database or storage components and you are using external services for PostgreSQL or S3-compatible object storage to run your Red Hat Quay deployment, you must refer to the service provider or vendor documentation to create a backup of the data. You can refer to the tools described in this guide as a starting point on how to backup your external PostgreSQL database or object storage.

7.2.1. Red Hat Quay configuration backup

Use the following procedure to back up your Red Hat Quay configuration.


  1. To back the QuayRegistry custom resource by exporting it, enter the following command:

    $ oc get quayregistry <quay_registry_name> -n <quay_namespace> -o yaml > quay-registry.yaml
  2. Edit the resulting quayregistry.yaml and remove the status section and the following metadata fields:

  3. Backup the managed keys secret by entering the following command:


    If you are running a version older than Red Hat Quay 3.7.0, this step can be skipped. Some secrets are automatically generated while deploying Red Hat Quay for the first time. These are stored in a secret called <quay_registry_name>-quay_registry_managed_secret_keys in the namespace of the QuayRegistry resource.

    $ oc get secret -n <quay_namespace> <quay_registry_name>_quay_registry_managed_secret_keys -o yaml > managed_secret_keys.yaml
  4. Edit the resulting managed_secret_keys.yaml file and remove the entry metadata.ownerReferences. Your managed_secret_keys.yaml file should look similar to the following:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    type: Opaque
      name: <quayname>_quay_registry_managed_secret_keys>
      namespace: <quay_namespace>
      CONFIG_EDITOR_PW: <redacted>
      DATABASE_SECRET_KEY: <redacted>
      DB_ROOT_PW: <redacted>
      DB_URI: <redacted>
      SECRET_KEY: <redacted>
      SECURITY_SCANNER_V4_PSK: <redacted>

    All information under the data property should remain the same.

  5. Redirect the current Quay configuration file by entering the following command:

    $ oc get secret -n <quay-namespace>  $(oc get quayregistry <quay_registry_name> -n <quay_namespace>  -o jsonpath='{.spec.configBundleSecret}') -o yaml > config-bundle.yaml
  6. Backup the /conf/stack/config.yaml file mounted inside of the Quay pods:

    $ oc exec -it quay_pod_name -- cat /conf/stack/config.yaml > quay_config.yaml

7.2.2. Scaling down your Red Hat Quay deployment

Use the following procedure to scale down your Red Hat Quay deployment.


This step is needed to create a consistent backup of the state of your Red Hat Quay deployment. Do not omit this step, including in setups where PostgreSQL databases and/or S3-compatible object storage are provided by external services (unmanaged by the Red Hat Quay Operator).


  1. Depending on the version of your Red Hat Quay deployment, scale down your deployment using one of the following options.

    1. For Operator version 3.7 and newer: Scale down the Red Hat Quay deployment by disabling auto scaling and overriding the replica count for Red Hat Quay, mirror workers, and Clair (if managed). Your QuayRegistry resource should look similar to the following:

      kind: QuayRegistry
        name: registry
        namespace: ns
          - kind: horizontalpodautoscaler
            managed: false 1
          - kind: quay
            managed: true
            overrides: 2
              replicas: 0
          - kind: clair
            managed: true
              replicas: 0
          - kind: mirror
            managed: true
              replicas: 0
      Disable auto scaling of Quay, Clair and Mirroring workers
      Set the replica count to 0 for components accessing the database and objectstorage
    2. For Operator version 3.6 and earlier: Scale down the Red Hat Quay deployment by scaling down the Red Hat Quay registry first and then the managed Red Hat Quay resources:

      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-operator-namespace>|awk '/^quay-operator/ {print $1}') -n <quay-operator-namespace>
      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace>|awk '/quay-app/ {print $1}') -n <quay-namespace>
      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace>|awk '/quay-mirror/ {print $1}') -n <quay-namespace>
      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace>|awk '/clair-app/ {print $1}') -n <quay-namespace>
  2. Wait for the registry-quay-app, registry-quay-mirror and registry-clair-app pods (depending on which components you set to be managed by the Red Hat Quay Operator) to disappear. You can check their status by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n <quay_namespace>

    Example output:

    $ oc get pod

    Example output

    quay-operator.v3.7.1-6f9d859bd-p5ftc               1/1     Running     0             12m
    quayregistry-clair-postgres-7487f5bd86-xnxpr       1/1     Running     1 (12m ago)   12m
    quayregistry-quay-app-upgrade-xq2v6                0/1     Completed   0             12m
    quayregistry-quay-database-859d5445ff-cqthr        1/1     Running     0             12m
    quayregistry-quay-redis-84f888776f-hhgms           1/1     Running     0             12m

7.2.3. Backing up the Red Hat Quay managed database

Use the following procedure to back up the Red Hat Quay managed database.


If your Red Hat Quay deployment is configured with external, or unmanged, PostgreSQL database(s), refer to your vendor’s documentation on how to create a consistent backup of these databases.


  1. Identify the Quay PostgreSQL pod name:

    $ oc get pod -l quay-component=postgres -n <quay_namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'

    Example output:

  2. Obtain the Quay database name:

    $ oc -n <quay_namespace> rsh $(oc get pod -l app=quay -o NAME -n <quay_namespace> |head -n 1) cat /conf/stack/config.yaml|awk -F"/" '/^DB_URI/ {print $4}'
  3. Download a backup database:

    $ oc exec quayregistry-quay-database-59f54bb7-58xs7 -- /usr/bin/pg_dump -C quayregistry-quay-database  > backup.sql Backing up the Red Hat Quay managed object storage

Use the following procedure to back up the Red Hat Quay managed object storage. The instructions in this section apply to the following configurations:

  • Standalone, multi-cloud object gateway configurations
  • OpenShift Data Foundations storage requires that the Red Hat Quay Operator provisioned an S3 object storage bucket from, through the ObjectStorageBucketClaim API

If your Red Hat Quay deployment is configured with external (unmanged) object storage, refer to your vendor’s documentation on how to create a copy of the content of Quay’s storage bucket.


  1. Decode and export the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID by entering the following command:

    $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc get secret -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace>  -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}' |base64 -d)
  2. Decode and export the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID by entering the following command:

    $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc get secret -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}' |base64 -d)
  3. Create a new directory:

    $ mkdir blobs

You can also use rclone or sc3md instead of the AWS command line utility.

  1. Copy all blobs to the directory by entering the following command:

    $ aws s3 sync --no-verify-ssl --endpoint https://$(oc get route s3 -n openshift-storage  -o jsonpath='{}')  s3://$(oc get cm -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.BUCKET_NAME}') ./blobs

7.2.4. Scale the Red Hat Quay deployment back up

  1. Depending on the version of your Red Hat Quay deployment, scale up your deployment using one of the following options.

    1. For Operator version 3.7 and newer: Scale up the Red Hat Quay deployment by re-enabling auto scaling, if desired, and removing the replica overrides for Quay, mirror workers and Clair as applicable. Your QuayRegistry resource should look similar to the following:

      kind: QuayRegistry
        name: registry
        namespace: ns
          - kind: horizontalpodautoscaler
            managed: true 1
          - kind: quay 2
            managed: true
          - kind: clair
            managed: true
          - kind: mirror
            managed: true
      Re-enables auto scaling of Quay, Clair and Mirroring workers again (if desired)
      Replica overrides are removed again to scale the Quay components back up
    2. For Operator version 3.6 and earlier: Scale up the Red Hat Quay deployment by scaling up the Red Hat Quay registry:

      $ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay_operator_namespace> | awk '/^quay-operator/ {print $1}') -n <quay_operator_namespace>
  2. Check the status of the Red Hat Quay deployment by entering the following command:

    $ oc wait quayregistry registry --for=condition=Available=true -n <quay_namespace>

    Example output:

    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: registry
      namespace: <quay-namespace>
      - lastTransitionTime: '2022-06-20T05:31:17Z'
        lastUpdateTime: '2022-06-20T17:31:13Z'
        message: All components reporting as healthy
        reason: HealthChecksPassing
        status: 'True'
        type: Available

7.3. Restoring Red Hat Quay

Use the following procedures to restore Red Hat Quay when the Red Hat Quay Operator manages the database. It should be performed after a backup of your Red Hat Quay registry has been performed. See Backing up Red Hat Quay for more information.


  • Red Hat Quay is deployed on OpenShift Container Platform using the Red Hat Quay Operator.
  • A backup of the Red Hat Quay configuration managed by the Red Hat Quay Operator has been created following the instructions in the Backing up Red Hat Quay section
  • Your Red Hat Quay database has been backed up.
  • The object storage bucket used by Red Hat Quay has been backed up.
  • The components quay, postgres and objectstorage are set to managed: true
  • If the component clair is set to managed: true, the component clairpostgres is also set to managed: true (starting with Red Hat Quay v3.7 or later)
  • There is no running Red Hat Quay deployment managed by the Red Hat Quay Operator in the target namespace on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster

If your deployment contains partially unmanaged database or storage components and you are using external services for PostgreSQL or S3-compatible object storage to run your Red Hat Quay deployment, you must refer to the service provider or vendor documentation to restore their data from a backup prior to restore Red Hat Quay

7.3.1. Restoring Red Hat Quay and its configuration from a backup

Use the following procedure to restore Red Hat Quay and its configuration files from a backup.


These instructions assume you have followed the process in the Backing up Red Hat Quay guide and create the backup files with the same names.


  1. Restore the backed up Red Hat Quay configuration by entering the following command:

    $ oc create -f ./config-bundle.yaml

    If you receive the error Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "./config-bundle.yaml": secrets "config-bundle-secret" already exists, you must delete your existing resource with $ oc delete Secret config-bundle-secret -n <quay-namespace> and recreate it with $ oc create -f ./config-bundle.yaml.

  2. Restore the generated keys from the backup by entering the following command:

    $ oc create -f ./managed-secret-keys.yaml
  3. Restore the QuayRegistry custom resource:

    $ oc create -f ./quay-registry.yaml
  4. Check the status of the Red Hat Quay deployment and wait for it to be available:

    $ oc wait quayregistry registry --for=condition=Available=true -n <quay-namespace>

7.3.2. Scaling down your Red Hat Quay deployment

Use the following procedure to scale down your Red Hat Quay deployment.


  1. Depending on the version of your Red Hat Quay deployment, scale down your deployment using one of the following options.

    1. For Operator version 3.7 and newer: Scale down the Red Hat Quay deployment by disabling auto scaling and overriding the replica count for Quay, mirror workers and Clair (if managed). Your QuayRegistry resource should look similar to the following:

      kind: QuayRegistry
        name: registry
        namespace: ns
          - kind: horizontalpodautoscaler
            managed: false 1
          - kind: quay
            managed: true
            overrides: 2
              replicas: 0
          - kind: clair
            managed: true
              replicas: 0
          - kind: mirror
            managed: true
              replicas: 0
      Disable auto scaling of Quay, Clair and Mirroring workers
      Set the replica count to 0 for components accessing the database and objectstorage
    2. For Operator version 3.6 and earlier: Scale down the Red Hat Quay deployment by scaling down the Red Hat Quay registry first and then the managed Red Hat Quay resources:

      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-operator-namespace>|awk '/^quay-operator/ {print $1}') -n <quay-operator-namespace>
      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace>|awk '/quay-app/ {print $1}') -n <quay-namespace>
      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace>|awk '/quay-mirror/ {print $1}') -n <quay-namespace>
      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace>|awk '/clair-app/ {print $1}') -n <quay-namespace>
  2. Wait for the registry-quay-app, registry-quay-mirror and registry-clair-app pods (depending on which components you set to be managed by Red Hat Quay Operator) to disappear. You can check their status by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n <quay-namespace>

    Example output:

    registry-quay-config-editor-77847fc4f5-nsbbv   1/1     Running            0          9m1s
    registry-quay-database-66969cd859-n2ssm        1/1     Running            0          6d1h
    registry-quay-redis-7cc5f6c977-956g8           1/1     Running            0          5d21h

7.3.3. Restoring your Red Hat Quay database

Use the following procedure to restore your Red Hat Quay database.


  1. Identify your Quay database pod by entering the following command:

    $ oc get pod -l quay-component=postgres -n  <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'

    Example output:

  2. Upload the backup by copying it from the local environment and into the pod:

    $ oc cp ./backup.sql -n <quay-namespace> registry-quay-database-66969cd859-n2ssm:/tmp/backup.sql
  3. Open a remote terminal to the database by entering the following command:

    $ oc rsh -n <quay-namespace> registry-quay-database-66969cd859-n2ssm
  4. Enter psql by running the following command:

    bash-4.4$ psql
  5. You can list the database by running the following command:

    postgres=# \l

    Example output

                                                      List of databases
               Name            |           Owner            | Encoding |  Collate   |   Ctype    |   Access privileges
    postgres                   | postgres                   | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
    quayregistry-quay-database | quayregistry-quay-database | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |

  6. Drop the database by entering the following command:

    postgres=# DROP DATABASE "quayregistry-quay-database";

    Example output


  7. Exit the postgres CLI to re-enter bash-4.4:

  8. Redirect your PostgreSQL database to your backup database:

    sh-4.4$ psql < /tmp/backup.sql
  9. Exit bash by entering the following command:

    sh-4.4$ exit

7.3.4. Restore your Red Hat Quay object storage data

Use the following procedure to restore your Red Hat Quay object storage data.


  1. Export the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID by entering the following command:

    $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc get secret -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace>  -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}' |base64 -d)
  2. Export the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY by entering the following command:

    $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc get secret -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}' |base64 -d)
  3. Upload all blobs to the bucket by running the following command:

    $ aws s3 sync --no-verify-ssl --endpoint https://$(oc get route s3 -n openshift-storage  -o jsonpath='{}') ./blobs  s3://$(oc get cm -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.BUCKET_NAME}')

You can also use rclone or sc3md instead of the AWS command line utility.

7.3.5. Scaling up your Red Hat Quay deployment

  1. Depending on the version of your Red Hat Quay deployment, scale up your deployment using one of the following options.

    1. For Operator version 3.7 and newer: Scale up the Red Hat Quay deployment by re-enabling auto scaling, if desired, and removing the replica overrides for Quay, mirror workers and Clair as applicable. Your QuayRegistry resource should look similar to the following:

      kind: QuayRegistry
        name: registry
        namespace: ns
          - kind: horizontalpodautoscaler
            managed: true 1
          - kind: quay 2
            managed: true
          - kind: clair
            managed: true
          - kind: mirror
            managed: true
      Re-enables auto scaling of Red Hat Quay, Clair and mirroring workers again (if desired)
      Replica overrides are removed again to scale the Red Hat Quay components back up
    2. For Operator version 3.6 and earlier: Scale up the Red Hat Quay deployment by scaling up the Red Hat Quay registry again:

      $ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-operator-namespace> | awk '/^quay-operator/ {print $1}') -n <quay-operator-namespace>
  2. Check the status of the Red Hat Quay deployment:

    $ oc wait quayregistry registry --for=condition=Available=true -n <quay-namespace>

    Example output:

    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: registry
      namespace: <quay-namespace>
      - lastTransitionTime: '2022-06-20T05:31:17Z'
        lastUpdateTime: '2022-06-20T17:31:13Z'
        message: All components reporting as healthy
        reason: HealthChecksPassing
        status: 'True'
        type: Available
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Rendre l’open source plus inclusif

Red Hat s'engage à remplacer le langage problématique dans notre code, notre documentation et nos propriétés Web. Pour plus de détails, consultez leBlog Red Hat.

À propos de Red Hat

Nous proposons des solutions renforcées qui facilitent le travail des entreprises sur plusieurs plates-formes et environnements, du centre de données central à la périphérie du réseau.

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