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Chapter 11. Integrating Red Hat Quay into OpenShift Container Platform with the Quay Bridge Operator

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The Quay Bridge Operator duplicates the features of the integrated OpenShift Container Platform registry into the new Red Hat Quay registry. Using the Quay Bridge Operator, you can replace the integrated container registry in OpenShift Container Platform with a Red Hat Quay registry.

The features enabled with the Quay Bridge Operator include:

  • Synchronizing OpenShift Container Platform namespaces as Red Hat Quay organizations.
  • Creating robot accounts for each default namespace service account.
  • Creating secrets for each created robot account, and associating each robot secret to a service account as Mountable and Image Pull Secret.
  • Synchronizing OpenShift Container Platform image streams as Red Hat Quay repositories.
  • Automatically rewriting new builds making use of image streams to output to Red Hat Quay.
  • Automatically importing an image stream tag after a build completes.

By using the following procedures, you can enable bi-directional communication between your Red Hat Quay and OpenShift Container Platform clusters.

11.1. Setting up Red Hat Quay for the Quay Bridge Operator

In this procedure, you will create a dedicated Red Hat Quay organization, and from a new application created within that organization you will generate an OAuth token to be used with the Quay Bridge Operator in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Log in to Red Hat Quay through the web UI.
  2. Select the organization for which the external application will be configured.
  3. On the navigation pane, select Applications.
  4. Select Create New Application and enter a name for the new application, for example, openshift.
  5. On the OAuth Applications page, select your application, for example, openshift.
  6. On the navigation pane, select Generate Token.
  7. Select the following fields:

    • Administer Organization
    • Administer Repositories
    • Create Repositories
    • View all visible repositories
    • Read/Write to any accessible repositories
    • Administer User
    • Read User Information
  8. Review the assigned permissions.
  9. Select Authorize Application and then confirm confirm the authorization by selecting Authorize Application.
  10. Save the generated access token.


    Red Hat Quay does not offer token management. You cannot list tokens, delete tokens, or modify tokens. The generated access token is only shown once and cannot be re-obtained after closing the page.

11.2. Installing the Quay Bridge Operator on OpenShift Container Platform

In this procedure, you will install the Quay Bridge Operator on OpenShift Container Platform.


  • You have set up Red Hat Quay and obtained an Access Token.
  • An OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 or greater environment for which you have cluster administrator permissions.


  1. Open the Administrator perspective of the web console and navigate to Operators OperatorHub on the navigation pane.
  2. Search for Quay Bridge Operator, click the Quay Bridge Operator title, and then click Install.
  3. Select the version to install, for example, stable-3.7, and then click Install.
  4. Click View Operator when the installation finishes to go to the Quay Bridge Operator’s Details page. Alternatively, you can click Installed Operators Red Hat Quay Bridge Operator to go to the Details page.

11.3. Creating an OpenShift Container Platform secret for the OAuth token

In this procedure, you will add the previously obtained access token to communicate with your Red Hat Quay deployment. The access token will be stored within OpenShift Container Platform as a secret.


  • You have set up Red Hat Quay and obtained an access token.
  • You have deployed the Quay Bridge Operator on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • An OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 or greater environment for which you have cluster administrator permissions.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • Create a secret that contains the access token in the openshift-operators namespace:

    $ oc create secret -n openshift-operators generic <secret-name> --from-literal=token=<access_token>

11.4. Creating the QuayIntegration custom resource

In this procedure, you will create a QuayIntegration custom resource, which can be completed from either the web console or from the command line.


  • You have set up Red Hat Quay and obtained an access token.
  • You have deployed the Quay Bridge Operator on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • An OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 or greater environment for which you have cluster administrator permissions.
  • Optional: You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

11.4.1. Optional: Creating the QuayIntegration custom resource using the CLI

Follow this procedure to create the QuayIntegration custom resource using the command line.


  1. Create a quay-integration.yaml:

    $ touch quay-integration.yaml
  2. Use the following configuration for a minimal deployment of the QuayIntegration custom resource:

      kind: QuayIntegration
        name: example-quayintegration
        clusterID: openshift  1
          namespace: openshift-operators
          name: quay-integration2
        quayHostname: https://<QUAY_URL>   3
        insecureRegistry: false 4
    The clusterID value should be unique across the entire ecosystem. This value is required and defaults to openshift.
    The credentialsSecret property refers to the namespace and name of the secret containing the token that was previously created.
    Replace the QUAY_URL with the hostname of your Red Hat Quay instance.
    If Red Hat Quay is using self signed certificates, set the property to insecureRegistry: true.

For a list of all configuration fields, see "QuayIntegration configuration fields".

  1. Create the QuayIntegration custom resource:

    $ oc create -f quay-integration.yaml

11.4.2. Optional: Creating the QuayIntegration custom resource using the web console

Follow this procedure to create the QuayIntegration custom resource using the web console.


  1. Open the Administrator perspective of the web console and navigate to Operators Installed Operators.
  2. Click Red Hat Quay Bridge Operator.
  3. On the Details page of the Quay Bridge Operator, click Create Instance on the Quay Integration API card.
  4. On the Create QuayIntegration page, enter the following required information in either Form view or YAML view:

    • Name: The name that will refer to the QuayIntegration custom resource object.
    • Cluster ID: The ID associated with this cluster. This value should be unique across the entire ecosystem. Defaults to openshift if left unspecified.
    • Credentials secret: Refers to the namespace and name of the secret containing the token that was previously created.
    • Quay hostname: The hostname of the Quay registry.

For a list of all configuration fields, see "QuayIntegration configuration fields".

After the QuayIntegration custom resource is created, your OpenShift Container Platform cluster will be linked to your Red Hat Quay instance. Organizations within your Red Hat Quay registry should be created for the related namespace for the OpenShift Container Platform environment.

11.5. Using Quay Bridge Operator

Use the following procedure to use the Quay Bridge Operator.


  • You have installed the Red Hat Quay Operator.
  • You have logged into OpenShift Container Platform as a cluster administrator.
  • You have logged into your Red Hat Quay registry.
  • You have installed the Quay Bridge Operator.
  • You have configured the QuayIntegration custom resource.


  1. Enter the following command to create a new OpenShift Container Platform project called e2e-demo:

    $ oc new-project e2e-demo
  2. After you have created a new project, a new Organization is created in Red Hat Quay. Navigate to the Red Hat Quay registry and confirm that you have created a new Organization named openshift_e2e-demo.


    The openshift value of the Organization might different if the clusterID in your QuayIntegration resource used a different value.

  3. On the Red Hat Quay UI, click the name of the new Organization, for example, openshift_e2e-demo.
  4. Click Robot Accounts in the navigation pane. As part of new project, the following Robot Accounts should have been created:

    • openshift_e2e-demo+deployer
    • openshift_e2e-demo+default
    • openshift_e2e-demo+builder
  5. Enter the following command to confirm three secrets containing Docker configuration associated with the applicable Robot Accounts were created:

    $ oc get secrets builder-quay-openshift deployer-quay-openshift default-quay-openshift

    Example output

    stevsmit@stevsmit ocp-quay $ oc get secrets builder-quay-openshift deployer-quay-openshift default-quay-openshift
    NAME                      TYPE                             DATA   AGE
    builder-quay-openshift   1      77m
    deployer-quay-openshift   1      77m
    default-quay-openshift   1      77m

  6. Enter the following command to display detailed information about builder ServiceAccount (SA), including its secrets, token expiration, and associated roles and role bindings. This ensures that the project is integrated via the Quay Bridge Operator.

    $ oc describe sa builder default deployer

    Example output

    Name:                builder
    Namespace:           e2e-demo
    Labels:              <none>
    Annotations:         <none>
    Image pull secrets:  builder-dockercfg-12345
    Mountable secrets:   builder-dockercfg-12345
    Tokens:              builder-token-12345
    Events:              <none>

  7. Enter the following command to create and deploy a new application called httpd-template:

    $ oc new-app --template=httpd-example

    Example output

    --> Deploying template "e2e-demo/httpd-example" to project e2e-demo
    --> Creating resources ...
        service "httpd-example" created "httpd-example" created "httpd-example" created "httpd-example" created "httpd-example" created
    --> Success
        Access your application via route ''
        Build scheduled, use 'oc logs -f buildconfig/httpd-example' to track its progress.
        Run 'oc status' to view your app.

    After running this command, BuildConfig, ImageStream, Service, Route, and DeploymentConfig resources are created. When the ImageStream resource is created, an associated repository is created in Red Hat Quay. For example:

    Example repository

  8. The ImageChangeTrigger for the BuildConfig triggers a new Build when the Apache HTTPD image, located in the openshift namespace, is resolved. As the new Build is created, the MutatingWebhookConfiguration automatically rewriters the output to point at Red Hat Quay. You can confirm that the build is complete by querying the output field of the build by running the following command:

    $ oc get build httpd-example-1 --template='{{ }}'

    Example output

  9. On the Red Hat Quay UI, navigate to the openshift_e2e-demo Organization and select the httpd-example repository.
  10. Click Tags in the navigation pane and confirm that the latest tag has been successfully pushed.
  11. Enter the following command to ensure that the latest tag has been resolved:

    $ oc describe is httpd-example

    Example output

    Name:			httpd-example
    Namespace:		e2e-demo
    Created:		55 minutes ago
    Labels:			app=httpd-example
    Description:		Keeps track of changes in the application image
    Image Repository:	image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/e2e-demo/httpd-example
    Image Lookup:		local=false
    Unique Images:		0
    Tags:			1
      tagged from

  12. After the ImageStream is resolwillved, a new deployment should have been triggered. Enter the following command to generate a URL output:

    $ oc get route httpd-example --template='{{ }}'

    Example output

  13. Navigate to the URL. If a sample webpage appears, the deployment was successful.
  14. Enter the following command to delete the resources and clean up your Red Hat Quay repository:

    $ oc delete project e2e-demo

    The command waits until the project resources have been removed. This can be bypassed by adding the --wait=false to the above command

  15. After the command completes, navigate to your Red Hat Quay repository and confirm that the openshift_e2e-demo Organization is no longer available.

Additional resources

  • Best practices dictate that all communication between a client and an image registry be facilitated through secure means. Communication should leverage HTTPS/TLS with a certificate trust between the parties. While Red Hat Quay can be configured to serve an insecure configuration, proper certificates should be utilized on the server and configured on the client. Follow the OpenShift Container Platform documentation for adding and managing certificates at the container runtime level.
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