

1.6. Kernel

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Support for Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) target mode
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 includes support for Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) target mode as a Technology Preview. This kernel feature is configurable via targetadmin, supplied by the fcoe-target-utils package. FCoE is designed to be used on a network supporting Data Center Bridging (DCB). Further details are available in the dcbtool(8) and targetadmin(8) man pages.


This feature uses the new SCSI target layer, which falls under this Technology Preview, and should not be used independently from the FCoE target support. This package contains the AGPL license.
Kernel Media support
The following features are presented as Technology Previews:
  • The latest upstream video4linux
  • Digital video broadcasting
  • Primarily infrared remote control device support
  • Various webcam support fixes and improvements
Remote audit logging
The audit package contains the user space utilities for storing and searching the audit records generated by the audit subsystem in the Linux 2.6 kernel. Within the audispd-plugins subpackage is a utility that allows for the transmission of audit events to a remote aggregating machine. This remote audit logging application, audisp-remote, is considered a Technology Preview in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
Linux (NameSpace) Container [LXC]
Linux containers provide a flexible approach to application runtime containment on bare-metal systems without the need to fully virtualize the workload. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 provides application level containers to separate and control the application resource usage policies via cgroup and namespaces. This release introduces basic management of container life-cycle by allowing creation, editing and deletion of containers via the libvirt API and the virt-manager GUI. Linux Containers are a Technology Preview.
Diagnostic pulse for the fence_ipmilan agent, BZ#655764
A diagnostic pulse can now be issued on the IPMI interface using the fence_ipmilan agent. This new Technology Preview is used to force a kernel dump of a host if the host is configured to do so. Note that this feature is not a substitute for the off operation in a production cluster.
EDAC driver support, BZ#647700
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2's EDAC driver support for the latest Intel chipset is available as a Technical Preview.
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