

4.213. pacemaker

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Updated pacemaker packages that fix several bugs and add various enhancements are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The Pacemaker Cluster Resource Manager provides the ability to create and manage high-availability server applications in the event of system downtime.
The pacemaker packages have been upgraded to upstream version 1.1.6, which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version. In particular, this update fixes the following bugs:
Prior to this update, when the pacemaker daemon did not have permission to write to the /var/log/cluster/corosync.log file, it wrote the following error to the system log:
attrd: Cannot append to /var/log/cluster/corosync.log: Permission denied
This update applies a patch to ensure that when such an error occurs, Pacemaker logs this problem on startup and no longer tries to access this file.
When using the CRM command line interface, running the "configure", "template", and "list" commands in this particular order caused the crm process to terminate unexpectedly with the following error:
NameError: global name 'listconfigs' is not defined
With this update, the underlying source code has been modified to address this issue so that CRM no longer crashes.
Under certain circumstances, an attempt to fence a node may have caused Pacemaker to stop responding when accessing the /var/run/cluster/fenced_override file. With this update, this error no longer occurs, and Pacemaker now works as expected in this scenario.
Prior to this update, an error in the interaction between Pacemaker and CMAN's fencing subsystem prevented reliable fencing operation. This update applies a patch that corrects this error so that such fencing operations are now reliable.
In the previous version of the crm(8) manual page, the EXAMPLES section incorrectly listed several example commands on a single line. This made it particularly difficult for a reader to distinguish these commands. This update introduces a new, completely rewritten manual page, which lists each example command on a separate line.
All users who want to use the pacemaker Technology Preview should upgrade to these updated packages, which provide numerous bug fixes and enhancements.
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