

4.230. piranha

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An updated piranha package that fixes various bugs is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
Piranha provides high-availability and load balancing services for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The piranha package contains various tools to administer and configure the Linux Virtual Server (LVS), as well as the heartbeat and failover components. LVS is a dynamically-adjusted kernel routing mechanism that provides load balancing, primarily for Web and FTP servers.

Bug Fixes

Previously, failure to start a single nanny daemon could terminate all the other nanny daemons. As a result, piranha could stop routing requests to real servers if one service monitor failed. This update adds a new option in the lvs.cf file, "hard_shutdown". The old behavior is retained with the default setting of 1. If a 0 value is set, a single nanny does not kill all nannies but the system needs manual intervention.
Previously, the piranha-gui init script searched for programs in the current working directory. As a consequence, SELinux Access Vector Cache (AVC) denials could be generated when starting the piranha-gui service in unusual locations without the "service" utility. The init script has been modified to avoid this problem. Now, SELinux denials are no longer logged.
Adding or removing Virtual Service descriptions in the LVS configuration requires restarting the pulse daemon (service pulse reload). Prior to this update all services (running or not) were started. When reloading the pulse daemon, if a service did not have any servers defined, the pulse daemon terminated unexpectedly with a segmentation fault. With this update, only running services are restarted. Now, the pulse daemon reloads as expected.
Prior to this update, terminating a nanny or an lvs daemon did not trigger a failover to the backup server. As a consequence, the load balancer stopped working. With this update, the pulse daemon shuts down if either the nanny daemon or the lvs daemon terminates. Now, the load balancer works as expected.
Previously, the piranha-gui utility reported an HTTP 414 error (Request-URI Too Long) if too many virtual servers were defined. As a consequence, when trying to edit a virtual server, the error message "Too many arguments in the URL" appeared. With this update, the number of defined virtual servers does not affect the length of the URI. Now, error messages are no longer reported.
This update adds the network mask to the piranha-gui drop-down menus.
All users of piranha are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which fixes these bugs.
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