5.14. NormalTUISpoke を使用したテキストインターフェイススポークの定義

シンプルな TUI スポークの定義 の例では、利用可能なデータと提供されたデータの出力と処理をメソッドによって扱う TUI スポークを実装する方法を示しました。しかし、これは別の方法でも実現できます。pyanaconda.ui.tui.spokes パッケージの NormalTUISpoke クラスを使用する方法です。このクラスを継承することで、設定する必要のあるフィールドと属性を指定するだけで、一般的な TUI スポークを実装できます。以下の例で説明します。


  • Anaconda アドオン構造 で説明されているように、TUI ディレクトリーの下に新しいサブパッケージのセットを追加しました。


  • 以下の例に従って、アドオン Text User Interface (TUI) のサポートを追加するために必要なすべての定義を含むモジュールを作成します。

例5.12 NormalTUISpoke を使用したテキストインターフェイススポークの定義

class HelloWorldEditSpoke(NormalTUISpoke):
    """Example class demonstrating usage of editing in TUI"""
    category = HelloWorldCategory

    def init(self, data, storage, payload):
        :see: simpleline.render.screen.UIScreen
        :param data: data object passed to every spoke to load/store data
                     from/to it
        :type data: pykickstart.base.BaseHandler
        :param storage: object storing storage-related information
                        (disks, partitioning, boot loader, etc.)
        :type storage: blivet.Blivet
        :param payload: object storing packaging-related information
        :type payload: pyanaconda.packaging.Payload
        super().init(self, *args, **Kwargs)

        self.title = N_("Hello World Edit")
        self._container = None

        # values for user to set
        self._checked = False
        self._unconditional_input = ""
        self._conditional_input = ""

    def refresh(self, args=None):
        The refresh method that is called every time the spoke is displayed.
        It should update the UI elements according to the contents of self.data.
        :see: pyanaconda.ui.common.UIObject.refresh
        :see: simpleline.render.screen.UIScreen.refresh
        :param args: optional argument that may be used when the screen is
        :type args: anything
        self._container = ListColumnContainer(columns=1)

        # add ListColumnContainer to window (main window container)
        # this will automatically add numbering and will call callbacks when required

        self._container.add(CheckboxWidget(title="Simple checkbox", completed=self._checked),
        self._container.add(EntryWidget(title="Unconditional text input",

        # show conditional input only if the checkbox is checked
        if self._checked:
            self._container.add(EntryWidget(title="Conditional password input",
                                            value="Password set" if self._conditional_input
                                            else ""),

    def _checkbox_called(self, data):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Callback when user wants to switch checkbox.

        :param data: can be passed when adding callback in container (not used here)
        :type data: anything
        self._checked = not self._checked

    def _get_unconditional_input(self, data):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Callback when the user wants to set unconditional input.

        :param data: can be passed when adding callback in container (not used here)
        :type data: anything
        dialog = Dialog(
            "Unconditional input",
        self._unconditional_input = dialog.run()

    def _get_conditional_input(self, data):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Callback when the user wants to set conditional input.

        :param data: can be passed when adding callback in container (not used here)
        :type data: anything
        dialog = PasswordDialog(
            "Unconditional password input",
        self._conditional_input = dialog.run()

    def _check_user_input(self, user_input, report_func):
        """Check if the user has written a valid value.

        :param user_input: user input for validation
        :type user_input: str

        :param report_func: function for reporting errors on user input
        :type report_func: func with one param
        if re.match(r'^\w+$', user_input):
            return True
            report_func("You must set at least one word")
            return False

    def input(self, args, key):
        The input method that is called by the main loop on user's input.

        :param args: optional argument that may be used when the screen is
        :type args: anything
        :param key: user's input
        :type key: unicode
        :return: if the input should not be handled here, return it, otherwise
                 return InputState.PROCESSED or InputState.DISCARDED if the input was
                 processed successfully or not respectively
        :rtype: enum InputState
        if self._container.process_user_input(key):
            return InputState.PROCESSED_AND_REDRAW
            return super().input(args, key)

    def completed(self):
        # completed if user entered something non-empty to the Conditioned input
        return bool(self._conditional_input)

    def status(self):
        return "Hidden input %s" % ("entered" if self._conditional_input
                                    else "not entered")

    def apply(self):
        # nothing needed here, values are set in the self.args tree
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