Bean エラーハンドラー
Bean エラーハンドラーでは、エラーハンドラーとして使用するカスタム Bean を指定して、Error Handler の機能を拡張できます。type には、ErrorHandlerBuilder の完全修飾名を指定します。プロパティーでは、型に仕様した ErrorHandlerBuilder が必要とするプロパティーを設定します。
Within a kamelet binding, Camel components in URIs require dependency declarations. The Camel K operator generates an integration from a kamelet binding at runtime. For integrations not generated by a kamelet binding, Camel K automatically handles the dependency management and imports all the required libraries from the Camel catalog. However, for this release, you must specify any Camel components that you reference in a URI within a kamelet binding as a dependency. In the following example, because the kamelet binding references the `camel-log` component in the `deadLetterUri`, it includes the `camel-log` as a dependency in the `spec.integration.dependencies` section.
apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1 kind: KameletBinding metadata: name: my-kamelet-binding spec: integration: dependencies: - camel:log source: source: ... sink: ... errorHandler: bean: type: "org.apache.camel.builder.DeadLetterChannelBuilder" properties: deadLetterUri: log:error