

9.2.5. Setting Automatic Deployment for Nodes

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When a node is created with the proper port and cluster settings, it can either join the cluster immediately or it can wait, essentially on standby, and then be deployed manually later. This is determined by a cluster-wide setting.
This can be useful if machines are being provisioned and taken offline repeatedly (such as in virtual environments) or if nodes should only be online during certain periods.
  1. Click the Administration tab in the top navigation bar.
  2. In the Topology area on the left, select the Storage Nodes item.
  3. Open the Cluster Settings tab.
  4. The Automatic Deployment option sets whether to deploy a storage node to the cluster as soon as it is installed in JBoss ON or to wait to deploy it manually.
    The default is to deploy nodes automatically. This can be changed if the environment has other provisioning rules in place.
  5. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
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