

5.5. Managing Partition Events

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When an agent is assigned to be managed by a server, that is a partition. Partition events are almost like log messages that occur whenever a change in the partition configuration occurs.

5.5.1. Viewing Partition Events

The partition events log is accessed in the high availability configuration.
  1. Click the Administration tab in the top menu.
  2. In the Topology menu table on the left, select the Partition Events item.
  3. The partition events page lists all of the events that have been recorded. (Table 9, “Partition Events Entries” describes the different fields.) Click the type name of any partition event opens up that record with more information about how the partition assignments were affected.
    The partition events log can be filtered to display entries which match the type, status, or details in the event record.
There are basically four categories of partition events that are recorded.
  • Affinity group changes
  • Agent events
  • Server events
  • Partition changes
All of the recorded events are listed in Table 8, “Types of Partition Events”.
Table 8. Types of Partition Events
Partition Event Description
Affinity Group Changes
AFFINITY_GROUP_CHANGE Registers a change in the agent or server assignments for an affinity group or that a group was added.
AFFINITY_GROUP_DELETE Registers an affinity group was deleted from the JBoss ON configuration.
AGENT_AFFINITY_GROUP_ASSIGN Registers that an agent was added to an affinity group.
AGENT_AFFINITY_GROUP_REMOVE Registers that an agent was removed from an affinity group.
SERVER_AFFINITY_GROUP_ASSIGN Registers that a server was added to an affinity group.
SERVER_AFFINITY_GROUP_REMOVE Registers that a server was removed from an affinity group.
Agent Events
AGENT_CONNECT Shows that a JBoss ON agent was started.
AGENT_SHUTDOWN Shows that a JBoss ON agent was stopped.
AGENT_LEAVE Shows that a JBoss ON agent was permanently removed from the JBoss ON configuration.
AGENT_REGISTRATION Shows that a new JBoss ON agent was added to the JBoss ON configuration.
Server Events
SERVER_DELETION Shows that a JBoss ON server was permanently removed from the JBoss ON configuration.
OPERATION_MODE_CHANGE Shows that a server went stopped, was started, or was newly installed. The type also shows how the mode transitioned (such as server.example.com: DOWN --> NORMAL).
Partition Changes
SYSTEM_INITIATED_PARTITION Shows that JBoss ON initiated a repartition of the servers.
ADMIN_INITIATED_PARTITION Shows that a JBoss ON user initiated a repartition of the servers.
Table 9. Partition Events Entries
Field Description
Execution Time The time of the partition event.
Type Shows the partition event type. This indicates what happened in the system affecting agent partition.
Details Gives detailed information about the partition event; the type of information given varies based on the partition event type.
Initiated By Shows the name of the user who initiated the action generating the partition event. Events initiated by the JBoss ON server itself show they were initiated by admin.
Execution Status Shows low for status descriptions. There are four different status settings:
  • Audit shows that a change was made, but not an event that affects the partition topology.
  • Immediate shows that a partition change was made at the time of the event.
  • Requested shows that a partition change was requested and deferred until the next execution of the JBoss ON server cloud job (usually once a minute). Repartition requests usually have a requested status.
  • Completed shows that a change has been completed.
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