Fuse 6 is no longer supported
As of February 2025, Red Hat Fuse 6 is no longer supported. If you are using Fuse 6, please upgrade to Red Hat build of Apache Camel.Este conteúdo não está disponível no idioma selecionado.
- @Converter, Implement an annotated converter class
- AsyncCallback, Asynchronous processing
- asynchronous producer
- implementing, How to implement an asynchronous producer
- AsyncProcessor, Asynchronous processing
- auto-discovery
- configuration, Configuring auto-discovery
- Component
- createEndpoint(), URI parsing
- definition, The Component interface
- methods, Component methods
- component prefix, Component
- components, Component
- bean properties, Define bean properties on your component class
- configuring, Installing and configuring the component
- implementation steps, Implementation steps
- installing, Installing and configuring the component
- interfaces to implement, Which interfaces do you need to implement?
- parameter injection, Parameter injection
- Spring configuration, Configure the component in Spring
- Consumer, Consumer
- consumers, Consumer
- event-driven, Event-driven pattern, Implementation steps
- polling, Polling pattern, Implementation steps
- scheduled, Scheduled poll pattern, Implementation steps
- threading, Overview
- DefaultComponent
- createEndpoint(), URI parsing
- DefaultEndpoint, Event-driven endpoint implementation
- createExchange(), Event-driven endpoint implementation
- createPollingConsumer(), Event-driven endpoint implementation
- getCamelConext(), Event-driven endpoint implementation
- getComponent(), Event-driven endpoint implementation
- getEndpointUri(), Event-driven endpoint implementation
- Endpoint, Endpoint
- createConsumer(), Endpoint methods
- createExchange(), Endpoint methods
- createPollingConsumer(), Endpoint methods
- createProducer(), Endpoint methods
- getCamelContext(), Endpoint methods
- getEndpointURI(), Endpoint methods
- interface definition, The Endpoint interface
- isLenientProperties(), Endpoint methods
- isSingleton(), Endpoint methods
- setCamelContext(), Endpoint methods
- endpoint
- event-driven, Event-driven endpoint implementation
- scheduled, Scheduled poll endpoint implementation
- endpoints, Endpoint
- Exchange, Exchange, The Exchange interface
- copy(), Exchange methods
- getExchangeId(), Exchange methods
- getIn(), Accessing message headers, Exchange methods
- getOut(), Exchange methods
- getPattern(), Exchange methods
- getProperties(), Exchange methods
- getProperty(), Exchange methods
- getUnitOfWork(), Exchange methods
- removeProperty(), Exchange methods
- setExchangeId(), Exchange methods
- setIn(), Exchange methods
- setOut(), Exchange methods
- setProperty(), Exchange methods
- setUnitOfWork(), Exchange methods
- exchange
- in capable, Testing the exchange pattern
- out capable, Testing the exchange pattern
- exchange properties
- accessing, Wrapping the exchange accessors
- ExchangeHelper, The ExchangeHelper Class
- getContentType(), Get the In message's MIME content type
- getMandatoryHeader(), Accessing message headers, Wrapping the exchange accessors
- getMandatoryInBody(), Wrapping the exchange accessors
- getMandatoryOutBody(), Wrapping the exchange accessors
- getMandatoryProperty(), Wrapping the exchange accessors
- isInCapable(), Testing the exchange pattern
- isOutCapable(), Testing the exchange pattern
- resolveEndpoint(), Resolve an endpoint
- exchanges, Exchange
- in message
- MIME type, Get the In message's MIME content type
- Message, Message
- getHeader(), Accessing message headers
- message headers
- accessing, Accessing message headers
- messages, Message
- performer, Overview
- pipeline, Pipelining model
- Processor, Processor interface
- implementing, Implementing the Processor interface
- producer, Producer
- Producer, Producer
- createExchange(), Producer methods
- getEndpoint(), Producer methods
- process(), Producer methods
- producers
- asynchronous, Asynchronous producer
- synchronous, Synchronous producer
- ScheduledPollEndpoint, Scheduled poll endpoint implementation
- simple processor
- implementing, Implementing the Processor interface
- synchronous producer
- implementing, How to implement a synchronous producer
- type conversion
- runtime process, Type conversion process
- type converter
- annotating the implementation, Implement an annotated converter class
- discovery file, Create a TypeConverter file
- implementation steps, How to implement a type converter
- mater, Master type converter
- packaging, Package the type converter
- slave, Master type converter
- TypeConverter, Type converter interface
- TypeConverterLoader, Type converter loader
- useIntrospectionOnEndpoint(), Disabling endpoint parameter injection
- wire tap pattern, System Management