Fuse 6 is no longer supported
As of February 2025, Red Hat Fuse 6 is no longer supported. If you are using Fuse 6, please upgrade to Red Hat build of Apache Camel.Este conteúdo não está disponível no idioma selecionado.
29.6. Variable Reference
Table of variables
Table 29.1, “Variables for the Simple Language” shows all of the variables supported by the simple language.
Variable | Type | Description |
camelContext | Object | The Camel context. Supports OGNL expressions. |
camelId | String | The Camel context's ID value. |
exchangeId | String | The exchange's ID value. |
id | String | The In message ID value. |
body | Object |
The In message body. Supports OGNL expressions.
in.body | Object | The In message body. Supports OGNL expressions. |
out.body | Object |
The Out message body.
bodyAs(Type) | Type | The In message body, converted to the specified type. All types, Type, must be specified using their fully-qualified Java name, except for the types: byte[] , String , Integer , and Long . The converted body can be null. |
mandatoryBodyAs(Type) | Type | The In message body, converted to the specified type. All types, Type, must be specified using their fully-qualified Java name, except for the types: byte[] , String , Integer , and Long . The converted body is expected to be non-null. |
header. HeaderName | Object |
The In message's HeaderName header. Supports OGNL expressions.
header[ HeaderName] | Object |
The In message's HeaderName header (alternative syntax).
headers. HeaderName | Object | The In message's HeaderName header. |
headers[ HeaderName] | Object | The In message's HeaderName header (alternative syntax). |
in.header. HeaderName | Object | The In message's HeaderName header. Supports OGNL expressions. |
in.header[ HeaderName] | Object | The In message's HeaderName header (alternative syntax). |
in.headers. HeaderName | Object | The In message's HeaderName header. Supports OGNL expressions. |
in.headers[ HeaderName] | Object | The In message's HeaderName header (alternative syntax). |
out.header. HeaderName | Object |
The Out message's HeaderName header.
out.header[ HeaderName] | Object |
The Out message's HeaderName header (alternative syntax).
out.headers. HeaderName | Object | The Out message's HeaderName header. |
out.headers[ HeaderName] | Object | The Out message's HeaderName header (alternative syntax). |
headerAs(Key,Type) | Type | The Key header, converted to the specified type. All types, Type, must be specified using their fully-qualified Java name, except for the types: byte[] , String , Integer , and Long . The converted value can be null. |
headers | Map | All of the In headers (as a java.util.Map type). |
in.headers | Map | All of the In headers (as a java.util.Map type). |
property. PropertyName | Object |
The PropertyName property on the exchange.
property[ PropertyName] | Object |
The PropertyName property on the exchange (alternative syntax).
sys. SysPropertyName | String | The SysPropertyName Java system property. |
sysenv. SysEnvVar | String | The SysEnvVar system environment variable. |
exception | String | Either the exception object from Exchange.getException() or, if this value is null, the caught exception from the Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT property; otherwise null. Supports OGNL expressions. |
exception.message | String | If an exception is set on the exchange, returns the value of Exception.getMessage() ; otherwise, returns null . |
exception.stacktrace | String | If an exception is set on the exchange, returns the value of Exception.getStackTrace() ; otherwise, returns null . Note: The simple language first tries to retrieve an exception from Exchange.getException() . If that property is not set, it checks for a caught exception, by calling Exchange.getProperty(Exchange.CAUGHT_EXCEPTION) . |
date: command: pattern | String | A date formatted using a java.text.SimpleDateFormat pattern. The following commands are supported: now , for the current date and time; header. HeaderName, or in.header. HeaderName to use a java.util.Date object in the HeaderName header from the In message; out.header. HeaderName to use a java.util.Date object in the HeaderName header from the Out message; |
bean: beanID.Method | Object | Invokes a method on the referenced bean and returns the result of the method invocation. To specify a method name, you can either use the beanID.Method syntax; or you can use the beanID?method= methodName syntax. |
ref: beanID | Object | Looks up the bean with the ID, beanID, in the registry and returns a reference to the bean itself. For example, if you are using the splitter EIP, you could use this variable to reference the bean that implements the splitting algorithm. |
properties:Key | String | The value of the Key property placeholder (see Section 2.7, “Property Placeholders”). |
properties:Location:Key | String | The value of the Key property placeholder, where the location of the properties file is given by Location (see Section 2.7, “Property Placeholders”). |
threadName | String | The name of the current thread. |
routeId | String | Returns the ID of the current route through which the Exchange is being routed. |
type:Name[.Field] | Object | References a type or field by its Fully-Qualified-Name (FQN). To refer to a field, append .Field . For example, you can refer to the FILE_NAME constant field from the Exchange class as type:org.apache.camel.Exchange.FILE_NAME |