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5.2. Messaging

Table 5.2, “Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.2” lists the issues resolved in version 6.2.
Table 5.2. Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.2
Issue NumberDescription
AMQ-4107Message order can be broken for Topic under a high load when topicPrefetch=1 and comsumer is slow
AMQ-4636JDBCPersistence DB stopped during message send; JMSException is sent back to client rather than shutting down connection
AMQ-4727Unable to add camel routes to activemq running in a karaf container
AMQ-4900With AMQP transport, Delivery Annotations are stored with the message
AMQ-4929remove old and unused
AMQ-5004Dispatching large messages over AMQP is very slow.
AMQ-5016BitArrayBin doesn't work well with index larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE
AMQ-5052DemandForwardingBridgeSupport has noisy log
AMQ-5082ActiveMQ replicatedLevelDB cluster breaks, all nodes stop listening
AMQ-5086vm transport create=false&waitForStart race condition
AMQ-5105leveldb fails to startup because of NoSuchMethodError
AMQ-5107In-flight queue message redelivered to multiple listeners upon broker shutdown
AMQ-5116batchStatment is misspelled for JDBC adaptors
AMQ-5124Exception logged on startup: jolokia-agent: Cannot start discovery multicast handler
AMQ-5125Broker and clients hang
AMQ-5126OnePrefetchAsyncConsumerTest fails intermittently
AMQ-5127MQTT Subscriber with QoS.EXACTLY_ONCE receives messages even after unsubscribing from topic
AMQ-5128Provide SSL_OPTS to all tasks in shell scripts
AMQ-5131Add proton META_INF/services to the activemq-osgi bundle definition so AMQP works inside Karaf
AMQ-5136MemoryUsage is not decremented on a JMS topic when rolling back a transacted session
AMQ-5138Useless code in VMTransport class
AMQ-5141Message expiry that is done as part of a removeSubscription command should not use the clients credentials.
AMQ-5144stomp+nio+ssl very slow message sending
AMQ-5149Potential deadlock
AMQ-5153LevelDB does not store subscribedDestination for durable subscriptions
AMQ-5155Heartbeat fails in STOMP over WebSockets
AMQ-5159STOMP browse gets null pointer exception if ACK mode is not AUTO
AMQ-5160Wildcard subscriptions bypass Authentication / Authorization
AMQ-5162Slave broker does not shutdown after persistence store lockout.
AMQ-5164QueueMasterSlaveSingleUrlTest.testAdvisory fails
AMQ-5165Fix destination statistics queue name
AMQ-5166MessageDatabase does not consistently apply tracker settings
AMQ-5167ActiveMQ web-console fails to start in Karaf - missing import
AMQ-5174Cannot use the JDBCIOExceptionHandler when kahadb is configured with lease-database-locker
AMQ-5182ActiveMQ web demo - chat example - Very slow on JBoss7 after AMQ-4801
AMQ-5186AMQP producers aren't removed
AMQ-5187Virtual destination consumers do not support retroactive message recovery
AMQ-5193Java Files Started Appearing in activemq-all jar starting in 5.9.0
AMQ-5195AMQP protocol handler doesn't set session incoming capacity
AMQ-5198MessageConsumer and Producer are not thread safe
AMQ-5211ActiveMQDestination.createDestination() should prevent empty destination name
AMQ-5216BrokerXmlConfigStartTest fails on Windows
AMQ-5220Advisory messages are still empty when received with a Stomp subscription
AMQ-5222Issue with Purge Inactive Destination feature
AMQ-5223activemq-jms-pool is missing OSGi metadata
AMQ-5224XA pooled connection factories are not recoverable
AMQ-5226When create on start is set to true, the JMS Pool can return the same connection twice in a row
AMQ-5233MQTT broker with ACL, try to connect using bad credential sends first connection event and next disconnect event to client
AMQ-5237Link stealing doesn't work for MQTT + Webscokets
AMQ-5242Most Stomp tests fail or hang on AIX
AMQ-5251Scheduler missing some synchronization
AMQ-5253Typo In settings parameter for policyEntries
AMQ-5258Connection reference leak in PooledConnectionFactory leading to expired connections stuck in the pool
AMQ-5262ActiveMQ hangs on shutdown when JMS Bridge is created
AMQ-5265JMX destination entires fail due to race condition in MBeanBridgeDestination
AMQ-5267Some MQTT tests hang on HP-UX
AMQ-5268PooledConnectionFactory gets in endless loop when storing into JNDI
AMQ-5269NIO transports using blocking accept calls, very slow shutdown
AMQ-5277JDBC ack does not use messageId.entryLocator
AMQ-5281Incorrect handling of unknown values in selectors
AMQ-5295HTTPS Network Connector doesn't work with Mutual authentication- HTTPSClientTransport uses wrong SSLSocketFactory
AMQ-5298MQTT Transport can generate class cast exception when subscription is to a Virtual Topic
AMQ-5299MQTT does to calls to unsubscribe on a duplicate subscription request.
AMQ-5300Inifinite loop when attempting to replay levelDB logs to rebuild index
AMQ-5304groupClass not applied to TempDestinationAuthorizationEntry
AMQ-5306Composite destination creation in perf test always builds topics
AMQ-5315NullPointerException in DemandForwardingBridgeSupport.collectBrokerInfos
AMQ-5316LoggingBrokerPluggin, configuration variable logMessageEvents is not used
AMQ-5317NPE on brokerView addConnector
AMQ-5318JDBC store; commit called on connection that uses autocommit during "deleteAllMessages" .
AMQ-5320Incorrect Documentation in
AMQ-5323ActiveMQ Message getProperty and setProperty inconsistent behaviour
AMQ-5333XPath selector - make xml parser features configurable
AMQ-5337Bug in ConcurrentLinkedQueue leads to excessive CPU-consumption by ActiveMQ process
AMQ-5345Improve LDAP communication
AMQ-5347persistJMSRedelivered flag doesn't work correctly when exceptions occur
AMQ-5350Separate the AMQP maxFrameSize setting from the WireFormat maxFrameSize setting.
AMQ-5352AMQP messages published transactionally should be accepted using a TransactionalState
AMQ-5353Mismatch of camel versions allowed
AMQ-5354persistJMSRedelivered feature breaks the ability for KahaDB to compact its journal files
AMQ-5365MQTT topic name in received message is wrong in network of brokers scenario
AMQ-5372UdpTransportTests fail with JDK8 in teardown
AMQ-5377Incorrect wild card replacement in mqtt topics
AMQ-5381ActiveMQBytesMessage mishandles restoration of old message contents
AMQ-5384Deadlock on DB connections in JDBCMessageStore.removeMessage
AMQ-5385MQTT Link Stealing fails when client reconnects more than once
AMQ-5387MQTT Codec - buffer mis-alignment on NIO when Back-2-Back packets are received
AMQ-5389MQTTCodec headerParser - not reducing readSize if nulls are read
AMQ-5390MQTT pending durable subscriber messages are not delievered after broker restart
AMQ-5394Incorrect handling of duplicate update message commands in KahaDB can lead to broker startup errors
AMQ-5395AmqpJMSVendor clips destination names if no prefix set
AMQ-5396Linkstealing causes deadlock when old client disconnects before link stealing adds the connection
AMQ-5399MQTT - out of order acks
AMQ-5401AMQP transport handling of durable consumer unsubscribe if incorrect
AMQ-5403remove extra expiration and timestamp manipulaton which will cause problems
AMQ-5407TransportConnector nio+ssl ignores transport.enabledProtocols settings
AMQ-5413AMQP test client delivery/redelivery anomoly
AMQ-5417Use correct classloader in TaskRunnerFactory
AMQ-5421AbortSlowAckConsumerStratagy can cause errors due to concurrent access to internal state
AMQ-5423STOMP protocol converter tracks pending ACKS but doesn't remove the state once ACK'd
AMQ-5431lack of link context when processing AMQP detach response results in NPE and stopping connection
AMQ-5433AMQP messages stuck in broker when receiver detaches while receiving
AMQ-5438Archiving mKahaDB log files cause broker restart
AMQ-5441PersistanceAdapter returns all Durable Subscriptions - this does not scale at all when durable subscribers are used
AMQ-5442NullPointerException in SimpleDiscoveryEvent on Shutdown
AMQ-5444KahaDB bug that skips doing a sync on recoveryFile
AMQ-5447Memory Leak after shutdown embeded broker with JDBC persistence
AMQ-5450mKahaDB filtered wildcard <filteredKahaDB queue="*.DLQ"> doesn't pick up myqueue.DLQ
AMQ-5455Build Failure due to missing paho dependency
AMQ-5456AMQP messages accepted transactionally by a consumer should retain the TransactionalState until commit/rollback
AMQ-5457prefetched messages go bottom in a message list of a JMX queue.browse
AMQ-5467AMQP transaction may fail to commit, or process unexpected messages, if consumer acks are not in a single unbroken sequential range
AMQ-5468AMQ MQTT doesn't reject remote connection after a long time
AMQ-5472RAR; stopped connection (due to SecurityException) not evicted from JCA pool
AMQ-5473Race condition caused by Linkstealing might make durable subs inactive
AMQ-5475AMQP transport does not send correct response to unsupported clients
AMQ-5476Batch transactions of priority messages: javax.jms.JMSException: Unmatched acknowledge: MessageAck {commandId = 14, responseRequired = false, ackType = 2, ...Could not find Message-ID XXX in dispatched-list (start of ack)
AMQ-5483LRU cached message group map eviction is not reflected in consumer assigned counts
AMQ-5484AMQP Memory leaks in the AMQP Protocol converter on sender link close
AMQ-5493KahaDB MessageDatabase race condition while stopping the broker and cleaning up
AMQ-5506typo in ZkSessionTmeout attribute of leveldb replication
AMQ-5511Retained messages for zero-byte clientId connections
AMQ-5513redelivery count incremented in error for unconsumed prefetched messages
AMQ-5514Create Release 5.10.1
AMQ-5517Support for Jetty 9
AMQ-5519use the "amqp:not-found" condition to indicate attempt to remove a DurableSubscription that does not exist
AMQ-5520MulticastDiscoveryAgent may use a network that is not multicast enabled, fails to startup
AMQ-5525error converting collection entry - activemq:browse karaf command via itests
AMQ-5534Generic JMS connection pool should be able to renew connections after JMSException
AMQ-5535deadlock on close and failover reconnect around org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection.getScheduler
AMQ-5542KahaDB data files containing acknowledgements are deleted during cleanup
AMQ-5550Close of an AMQP consumer that failed to open because it was unauthorized causes exception in broker logs.
AMQ-5551The DiskBenchmark util doesn't sync (fsync) to disk for sync writes
AMQ-5563activemq-camel - Wrong default value in javadoc
AMQ-5564activemq-pool - Either adds new mbeans or add/remove pair of mbean for each producer in use
AMQ-5567JDBC XA - Store COMMIT FAILED: Could not remove prepared transaction state from message add for sequenceId
AMQ-5568Deleting lock file on broker shut down can take a master broker down
AMQ-5580Thread unsafe operations on the PersistenceAdapters in the mKahaDB implementation
AMQ-5585Messages not reachable after moving
AMQ-5594Virtual topic wildcard consumers don't receive some messages
AMQ-5598MQTT+NIO+SSL: Concurrent connections lead to 100% CPU usage
AMQ-5608connecting with username and SimpleAuthenticationPlugin defined without any users leads to NPE
AMQ-5620deadlock on shutdown - kahadb and local tx rollback
AMQ-5622STOMP clients can only delete durable subscriptions when clientId equals subscriptionName
AMQ-5626kahadb - inconsumable low/med priority message after restart
AMQ-5628MapMessage.getDouble uses Float when converting from String/UTF8
AMQ-5629MapMessage.getChar does not handle if the backing map contains String or UTF8
AMQ-5632MapMessage.getBytes crashes with NPE if no value present
AMQ-5644Autorization map doesn't handle wildcard subscriptions properly
AMQ-5645CronParser.getNextScheduledTime() for the first day of every month
AMQ-5647AMQP: Close busy receiver link to queue and open new link: new link never receives
AMQ-5649Maximum producers allowed per connection doesn't work for anonymous producers
AMQ-5652IdGenerator not optimal in port restricted enviroments.
AMQ-5665memory store is broken in 5.11.0 for advisories (and probably other issues as well)
AMQ-5674initialRedeliveryDelay not respected
AMQ-5680MessageBrokerView.getTempQueues() have test for destination.isTopic() instead of destination.isQueue()
AMQ-5684AMQP: messages get stuck
AMQ-5685Purge does not work when simple authorisation plugin is used
AMQ-5686ProxyMessageStore doesn't properly delegate
AMQ-5689Queue dispatching hangs when there are redelivered messages that don't match current consumer's selectors
AMQ-5697Authorization map doesn't handle composite destinations properly
AMQ-5698AMQP: Transport factories are not applying wireFormat.* options to newly created Transport instances.
AMQ-5703kahadb - index recovery - corrupt journal records cannot be skipped
AMQ-5704AMQP: SASL Mechanisms sent in the wrong order.
AMQ-5710ActiveMQConnection cleanup should not close the connection on the broker
AMQ-5711[AMQP] Consumer on named temporary queue results in NullPointerException
AMQ-5718Prevent adding a message to topic subscriber while we're discarding a message
AMQ-5721Update AMQ to commons-pool2
AMQ-5723AMQP: Presettle deliveries miss calling local settle which leaks resources
AMQ-5724Query command don't filter properly
AMQ-5729Audit log shows plaintext password for QueueView.sendTextMessage
AMQ-5731AMQP: corrupted incoming frame can cause the connection to drop but not be unregistered on the Broker.
AMQ-5735increment redeliverCounter in the absence of client supplied information
AMQ-5738AMQP memory leak of sender links while closing non-durable consumers
AMQ-5742Destination dispatched count statistic not reflecting redelivery/redispatch
AMQ-5743purged of 0 messages | logged when clearing a temp queue
AMQ-5744Password encryption is broken in OSGi
AMQ-5746Slave broker not registering JMX mBean when scheduler is enabled
AMQ-5752Move and copy message does not work in web console
AMQ-5758DefaultIOExceptionHandler causing NPE
AMQ-5762Severe memory leak in the MQTT connector
AMQ-5763Consume messages in transactions with AMQP stop after 500 messages
AMQ-5775Web console queue graph encoding
AMQ-5782Resource Adapter doesn't support SSL
AMQ-5783Failed to browse Topic: XXXXX Chunk stream does not exist, page: y is marked free
AMQ-5787VMTransport uses broken double checked locking
AMQ-5793swiss army knife example broken
ENTESB-2653[OSE] [6.1] WARN apache.activemq.util.IdGenerator could not generate unique stub by using DNS and binding to local port: Permission denied
ENTMQ-1010Memory leak possible in KahaDB when MQTT clients connect and lookup previous durable topic subscriptions
ENTMQ-1019TCK Tests multiple test failures for AMQP1.0 and JMS 1.1
ENTMQ-841Slave broker not registering JMX mBean when scheduler is enabled
ENTMQ-975ActiveMQ split-brain after SyncFailedException on NFS filesystem
ENTMQ-977KeepAlive timer in shared file lock doesn't detect lock deletion in time
PROTON-833transport can emit frames with an invalid channel number after local session close
ZOOKEEPER-1751[ZOOKEEPER-1751] ClientCnxn#run could miss the second ping or connection get dropped before a ping
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