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5.4. Web Services

Table 5.4, “Web Services Issues Resolved in 6.2” lists the issues resolved in version 6.2.
Table 5.4. Web Services Issues Resolved in 6.2
CXF-3272WS-RM returns Fault for duplicate message received, should probably return acknowledgement instead
CXF-4866WSRM in combination with WS-Security: timestamp problem
CXF-4910Bad handling of Schema imports (WSDLGetInterceptor)
CXF-4919UriInfo.relativize (and HttpUtils.relativize) broken
CXF-4927HttpHeaders.getRequestHeader has to return null if no header is available
CXF-4928CXF-rt-frontend-simple - incorrect "location" attribute with "wsdl:import" tag
CXF-4984JAX-RS server has to set Content-Type to application/octet-stream if it is not available
CXF-5028XKMS: configurable LDAP schema parameters
CXF-5029XKMS: id and RequestId attributes are not schema compatible
CXF-5085Fixed package imports in BasicIntegrationTest
CXF-5325error when having alternative transport bindings in WSDL
CXF-5369XKMS Crypto provider throws exceptions due not found certificate instead returning empty array
CXF-5380JAX-RS JAXB provider does not support XmlType and xsi:type combination well
CXF-5388Can't register two similar callbacks to different services
CXF-5410Auto-registration of HTTP destinations in Blueprint should be optional
CXF-5418WebClient QName representation can get a query added to it
CXF-5424JAX-RS Security Code can not validate signed SAML2 bearer assertions without KeyInfo
CXF-5425Async HTTP Conduit may not initialize HTTP client when many threads use it
CXF-5428Sevice list page default stylesheet is not effective
CXF-5456Generated "Impls" should be based off the service/port, not portType
CXF-5475wadl2java fails when using representation reference
CXF-5485Apache CXF kit bin directory is not set with access right
CXF-5501NettyHttpServletPipelineFactory doesn't shutdown the executor for running application
CXF-5504AbstractLoggingInterceptor.getMessageLogger throws NPE when MultipleEndpointObserver is used
CXF-5531STS can only create SAML Tokens with a NotOnOrAfter Condition specified in minutes
CXF-5537Support an X.509 Token as a EndorsingEncryptedSupportingTokens
CXF-5539WS-A with JMS for OneWay: empty response is sent to client queue
CXF-5546NPE may be thrown and logged during WS-RM's retransmission
CXF-5550CXF JAX-WS frontend DispatchImpl ignores setting of MessageContext.WSDL_OPERATION
CXF-5554OAuth1 params not read from POST on Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
CXF-5556CXF JAX-RS 2.0 is not backward compatible with JAX-RS 1.1 on the exception path
CXF-5558JsonpInInterceptor ignores custom callback parameters
CXF-5559Async jaxrs call : Inifinite loop when connexion socket timeout /connexion refused occurs and no action can stop this loop
CXF-5561AccessTokenValidatorService is not secure
CXF-5562value of @QueryParam/@PathParam Annotation inside @BeanParam Classes will be ignored
CXF-5564Asynchronous broken http-hc
CXF-5567Policy attached to messages input/output of the binding not picked for dispatch case.
CXF-5571Policy Alternative compatibility checking rely on not overriden equals() method
CXF-5572EHCacheManagerHolder returning wrong CacheConfiguration
CXF-5575Extra slash ('/') is prefixed to redirect URL in "redirects-list"
CXF-5577WebApplicationException thrown when matrix parameters used with a path that ends with "/"
CXF-5578oauth sample: requires commons-logging dependency
CXF-5580Stax properties controlling the payload size have no effect on JAX-RS path if set as contextual properties
CXF-5585SignatureConfirmation does not work with the Asymmetric Binding + EncryptBeforeSigning
CXF-5589JSONP interceptors are not effective if Jackson is used
CXF-5590On socket timeout an IllegalStateException is thrown
CXF-5591Search Parser code can not handle multiple collections of non primitive types
CXF-5592HttpServletRequestFilter in RequestDispatcherProvider do not returns correct RequestURI path
CXF-5593CXF does not pass parameter annotations to ParamConverterProvider
CXF-5596Schema element generated from exception class doesn't honor @XmlElement annotation
CXF-5598Header field name comparison not correct in CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter
CXF-5600WSDL generation at WS-RM endpoint leads to NPE in the server's log
CXF-5601Blueprint property placeholder does not work with http conduit configuration.
CXF-5602HttpServletRequestSnapshot is not created for requests with WSA ReplyTo prop set
CXF-5603The DefaultSecurityContext should use a supplied username to help find the User Principal
CXF-5609Won't pass verification of explicit WSS Policy AsymmetricBinding -> Layout -> Policy -> Lax
CXF-5612doGetAnnotatedMethod implementation issues
CXF-5614CachedOutputStream may fail to read the data when encryption is turned on
CXF-5615MinResponseTime and AvgResponseTime are not correctly reset
CXF-5616Netty transport should warn the user if the endpoint address conflicts with published service
CXF-5619JSONUtils ignores non UTF-8 encoding values when creating Jettison writer
CXF-5622Wrong WSS4J version number in 2.7.11-SNAPSHOT feature file
CXF-5626MessageContext is lost when JAX-WS client is invoked from within a JAX-WS endpoint impl
CXF-5628Base64URLUtility is incorrectly implemented, HMacUtils too tied to Hawk
CXF-5629In robust one-way fault the fault message is written twice
CXF-5630In robust one-way fault the fault message should result in SOAPFaultException
CXF-5640CXF bundle is not compatible with new spring features from Karaf
CXF-5645wsp:Optional isn't adhered to for WS-RM policy in WSDL
CXF-5649Enable configuration for JMS message type to be "byte" when use MTOM
CXF-5656ContentType is removed for InternalServerError and doesn't seem to be a way to set a charset
CXF-5657HttpConduit loses cookies during auto-redirects with the session support enabled
CXF-5659IllegalStateException on Async call
CXF-5660UsernameTokenInterceptor cannot use subject from WSSecurityEngineResult
CXF-5664CXF STS does not support wst:Participants
CXF-5665Java First WS-Policy duplicate PolicyReferences when using annotations and no separate Java Interface
CXF-5675java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.String when adding Location to Response
CXF-5676IllegalArgumentException: wrong number of arguments while invoking operation with only an implicit header parameter
CXF-5681OASISCatalogManager silently swallows Exceptions in getResolver()
CXF-5684Flaw in token storing logic when configured to allow token renewal after expiry
CXF-5686Outbound XSD validation fails using
CXF-5687Schema validation does not validate soap:Fault
CXF-5688Problem Parsing FIQL Involving Enums
CXF-5689NPE at ThreadLocalProviders.getContextResolver()
CXF-5695Async http conduitfactory initialized too early.
CXF-5699IdleStateHandler cannot be shared across the channel
CXF-5700IllegalStateException is throw when using netty server transport
CXF-5702CXF 3.0 ApplicationPath issue with JAX-RS
CXF-5706wadl2java: Return types aren't generated properly on server interfaces for methods with more than 1 response element.
CXF-5707camel-netty-http-server buf leak
CXF-5708cxf-netty-http-server doesn't apply the setting of application thread pool size
CXF-5709WSRM 1.1 TerminateSequence should not overwrite the default replyTo to none
CXF-5711SOAP 1.2 fault reason xml:lang attribute should follow XML standard
CXF-5713FIQL: the % character is not taken into account in FIQL expression
CXF-5717FiqlParser with joda DateTime (SearchContext)
CXF-5719NoSuchElementException in ClientFaultConverter when stack trace message contains * or #
CXF-5720FIQL: No replace '*' character in the middle expression by '%' character
CXF-5721Special characters not escaped in FIQL expression
CXF-5722JAXB generated Enum throws IllegalArgumentException by unmarshalling as @QueryParam
CXF-5725WS-RM CreateSequenceResponse with no Accept for Offer causes NPE
CXF-5726WS-RM should not include Offer in CreateSequence for oneway endpoint
CXF-5730ServiceConstructionException thrown when refreshing a child Spring context
CXF-5732Wrong faultcode in case failed schema validation on server side
CXF-5733StaxSource doesn't produce correct SAX events with default namespace
CXF-5735WS-RM does not handle AckRequested action, resulting in NPE
CXF-5739FIQL: java.sql.Timestamp no taken into account
CXF-5740CXF-5610 is preventing applications from using the same endpoint url for multiple hadlers
CXF-5741The properties in the requestContext are not copied into RMClient
CXF-5744@XmlTransient behavior change in WSDL fault content
CXF-5749Nullpointer on ClientProxyImpl
CXF-5752Unable to find the target operation when using websocket transport without atmosphere
CXF-5753Unmarshalling error is thrown with CXF 2.7.9 (and later versions) when a JAXWS handler is configured.
CXF-5761InInterceptor throws exception with PrettyLogging and big message size
CXF-5763ClassCast Exception in AsyncHTTPConduit$AsyncWrappedOutputStream.close() method when using async and HttpAsyncClient
CXF-5765Response is invalid
CXF-5766Caching nonces to disk may not work if the service QName is too long
CXF-5778JMS Subscription: durableSubscriptionName is not propagated into AbstractMessageListenerContainer
CXF-5781Port ou of Range: -1
CXF-5783Port getter method not renamed in the generated Service class
CXF-5785JAX-RS XML Schemas at CXF site need to support multiple CXF versions
CXF-5790Response-Code is logged for the response sent over a decoupled endpoint
CXF-5791Could not send a message. Caused by HTTP response '404: Not Found'
CXF-5793wsdl2java NPE
CXF-5794DynamicClientFactory createClient fails for Simple Rpc Service (java.lang.IllegalStateException: no source files )
CXF-5795Reading the entity from a Response with 202 - Accepted causes NullPointerException
CXF-5798WebSocket transport fails to transport a large message
CXF-5805Invalid SOAP Envelope names are accepted
CXF-5806FIQL: Problem with mapping on ManyToMany or OnToMany associations of 2nd level
CXF-5807Fix STSClient configuration when Issuer EPR has an "anonymous" address
CXF-5808jax_rs content_negotiation test fails on successive calls
CXF-5810Empty response is returned when both security policy and handler chain are enabled
CXF-5811Client fails with UnmarshalException if WSS4JInInterceptor is used
CXF-5817CXF's STSClient does not handle additional Schemas properly when parsing a WS-MEX response
CXF-5818StackOverflowError caused by HttpsURLConnectionFactory
CXF-5822NullPointerException in PropertiesLoaderUtils
CXF-5823Base64Utility encodeChunk method works only if the offset is zero
CXF-5825ToolContext.isVerbose logic not correct resulting in -verbose flag not being honored
CXF-5826Issue on QueryParam with @BeanParam Annotation
CXF-5834WS-RM's JAXB marshalling/unmarshalling is not thread-safe
CXF-5835Two issues in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.DataSourceProvider
CXF-5836NullPointerException in AsyncHTTPConduit if http.noProxyHosts set
CXF-5837Upload size limit status 500 for files twice bigger than the limit
CXF-5838@QueryParam char return incorrect default value
CXF-5839ResponseTimeCounter doesn't count the schema validation fault
CXF-5840ResponseTimeCounter counts the one-way fault message twice
CXF-5841PolicyReferences when using annotations and no separate Java Interface
CXF-5842CacheSizeExceededException attachment tempfile leak
CXF-5844Annotations inherited from interface not merged with annotations from implementing method
CXF-5845HTTPTransportActivator does not clean up old configuration while updating
CXF-5846ClassCastException in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.BinaryDataProvider & SourceProvider
CXF-5851JAX-RS proxy throws NPE if a null multipart parameter is passed
CXF-5853Mutlipart JAXB model + InputStream using JacksonJsonProvider cause NPE
CXF-5856NPE in SwaggerFeature
CXF-5857jms examples do not work
CXF-5860JAXRS ThreadLocalProxy not visible in OSGI
CXF-5861JAX-RS ResourceContext beans get their context values injected too late
CXF-5862NullPointerException in class CustomizationParser
CXF-5863JettyHTTPServerEngineFactoryHolder does not support Handlers
CXF-5864Anonymous users are denied to call unprotected methods since 2.6.3
CXF-5865WebClient.close should not auto-close Response
CXF-5869Temporary file caching using encryption may get corrupted data in some ciphers
CXF-5870wadl2java -inheritResourceParams generate parameter twice
CXF-5871Dispatch.invokeAsync does not calculate operation
CXF-5872JAXB Dispatch clients try to create a JAX-WS exception and NPE
CXF-5873Exception in SoapOutInterceptor causes lots of warnings in log
CXF-5876AtomPojoProvider generates warnings if atom handlers have no setMessageContext method
CXF-5877SCT in a (SAML1.1 + SCT) scenario failing to renew ore reissue
CXF-5878Disabling policy engine causes NPE
CXF-5880Concurrent issue in ResponseTimeCounter
CXF-5881wadl2java failed on nexus wadl
CXF-5888Unwrapped operation detection not looking for attributes of extended types
CXF-5889No root resource matching request when using atmosphere websocket
CXF-5893Websocket transport sporadically fails with corrupted data
CXF-5897Relax setter method name restriction for @context injection
CXF-5898Feature wss4j should be updated after saaj-impl version change
CXF-5899JAX-RS 2.0 Configuration injection is not supported if DynamicFeature is not registered
CXF-5900websocket destination in osgi fails to start after being stopped
CXF-5904wadl2java -inheritResourceParams don't generate parent parameter
CXF-5906Claim Manager only parses first claim value
CXF-5910Filters registered by DynamicFeatures match on overloaded resource methods.
CXF-5911SoapFault's lang property is not set in case of SOAP 1.1 faults
CXF-5913logStacktrace Property Not Implemented in MapEventLogger
CXF-5916WADL contains wrong parameter name for parameter beans
CXF-5917SAMLP Response Validator does not decrypt if EncryptedKey is the assertion element child
CXF-5920JAX-RS Link implementation (LinkBuilder) looses context path
CXF-5943Throw error in exceptionmapper
CXF-5946ensure unregister cxf http transport Servlet OSGi service before we re-register it
CXF-5949LogBrowser not working
CXF-5952wadl2java: process representation params
CXF-5953wadl2java: generate full class name for representation parameter
CXF-5958incorrect OSGi header in cxf-core bundle
CXF-5961wadl2java: 'required = false' don't generated for @Multipart argument
CXF-5964JAX-RS Contexts are injected into Application class too late
CXF-5966NPE in MessageContextImpl when setting ResponseBuilder entity in an ExceptionMapper
CXF-5968Setting use.async.http.conduit property causes IllegalArgumentException
CXF-5969CXF does not pass a generic type to ParamConverterProvider
CXF-5970review org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.ProviderFactory.Message*ReaderComparator
CXF-5972Fix all karaf features definitions
CXF-5974WADLGenerator sets representation media type to application/octet-stream by default
CXF-5976incompatible with javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement error when using List<JAXBElement<Book>> as resource method param
CXF-5978Incomplete dependencies in archetype cxf-jaxrs-service
CXF-5980JAX-RS 2.0 client: response.readEntity(new GenericType<...>{}) fails with "unexpected element" UnmarshalException
CXF-5988Provide support for a pluggable parameter conversion mechanism for JAX-RS client side proxies
CXF-5989Query Params not showing up in WADL when declared using @BeanParam
CXF-5992Cannot set org.apache.cxf.stax.maxAttributeCount
CXF-5995ClientProxyImpl problem with handling @BeanParams with null headers/cookies.
CXF-5999Moving JiBX related systests into its own module.
CXF-6000Wrong default algorithm is used for TrustManagerFactory instantiation
CXF-6003jaxrs:server "basePackages" attribute doesn't initialize REST services properly
CXF-6007WebClient does not resend request in Digest authentication for HTTP methods GET, HEAD, DELETE, OPTIONS (with no body).
CXF-6010NPE in MessageModeOutInterceptor.validateFaultDetail for faults with no <detail>
CXF-6015Path parameters containing semicolon are truncated due to missing encoding
CXF-6020UrilInfo.getAbsolutePath() missing path separator between servlet url and relative url
CXF-6021WebClient has Accept defaulted to application/xml
CXF-6027oauth2 client redirect uris are never valid Fault string, and possibly fault code, not set for cxf.
CXF-6032NullPointerException while validating cert for SAML HOK
CXF-6034Wrong schemaLocation if jax-ws-catalog is used
CXF-6037in JAX-RS search there is no support for java.sql.Time in fiql
CXF-6038Repeatedly invoking setHandlerChain() can cause a build up of handler interceptors on the chain
CXF-6040need use servicemix wrapped opensaml 2.6.1_2
CXF-6041Corba Binding is throwing a ObjectNotActive Corba exception being thrown back to application code on endpoint/bus shutdown
CXF-6045Setting an entity from ClientRequestFilter has no effect if no entity is already set
CXF-6057WADL to Java code generator does not support the documented "encoding" flag
CXF-6058NPE in cxf-rt-transports-http org.apache.cxf.transport.http.Headers line 280
CXF-6059wsdl:fault wsdl2java fails with IllegalArgumentException
CXF-6060Calling readEntity() on Response created by causes NullPointerException
CXF-6061The publish attribute on jaxws:endpoint doesn't support placeholder in spring configuration
CXF-6062Interceptors added in Spring Bus configuration are ignored
CXF-6066JAX-RS 2.0 Client implementation is OOM prone due to its strongly referencing WebTargets
CXF-6067ProviderFactory fails to analyze generic types correctly with some class hierachies
CXF-6071CXF's WSDL2Java tool can generate impl classes that jdk compiler will refuse to compile
CXF-6072jaxrs securityContext.getUserPrincipal is broken if login is done during the request
CXF-6073cxf-wsn installation in Karaf fails
CXF-6075NPE may occur at websocket destination under high load
CXF-6076MediaType parameter not parsed correctly
CXF-6077In OSGi, the wsdl extensor loaders may not be able to generate their special ExtensibilityELements
CXF-6078AnnotationUtils.getAnnotatedMethod for abstract classes not inherit from interface
CXF-6089XmlAccessorOrder.ALPHABETICAL, Exception.getMessage() duplicate WSDL elements generated
CXF-6090java.lang.NullPointerException when running wsdl2java
CXF-6091Server is not properly stopped with MultipleEndpointObserver
CXF-6092When there is bad connection/timeout, ClientImpl throws NullPointerException
CXF-6094wsdl2java - Default key managers cannot be initialized
CXF-6096http components transport is missing a dependency on commons-logging
CXF-6101Accept Header not Respected with Response from Custom MessageReader
CXF-6103Nillable field, in a json payload, was sent as "@nil":"true" instead of an empty string
CXF-6105CXF 3.x does not use the older WS-SecurityPolicy 1.1 namespace
CXF-6106ClientResponseFilterInterceptor wraps client response exchange message into ClientRequestContextImpl - as a result code can't access client request context
CXF-6109Incorrect TrustException constructor in AbstractSTSClient
CXF-6111JavascriptGetInterceptor.isRecognizedQuery is always false
CXF-6112org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResourceContextImpl#getResource should support a custom ResourceProvider
CXF-6115Transferable.transferTo can cause infinite loop or stack overflow
CXF-6118Schema Validation refinements
CXF-6122JAX-RS proxy client with @QueryParam is not encoding the parameter value
CXF-6127Check thrown Exception's cause for SOAPFaultException
CXF-6137WADL generation does not correctly support query parameters
CXF-6138JAXB unmarshaller Properties can't be configured
CXF-6139WADLGenerator may produce a schema invalid resource id
CXF-6143SSL/TLS hostname verification does not strictly follow HTTPS RFC2818
CXF-6145WS-RM demo server throws exception
CXF-6146Demo wsdl_first_xmlbeans fails to build
CXF-6147Part of demo wsdl_first_soap12 doesnt work
CXF-6149ContainerRequestContextImpl hasEntity() always returns true for non-GET requests. Similar for ClientResponseContextImpl
CXF-6151Apache-cxf wsdlvalidator returns error in mime:part
CXF-6152WSDLValidator may throw ClassCastException under verbose mode
CXF-6153OAuthRequestFilter throws NullPointerException when "Authorization" header is missing
CXF-6155Exceptions thrown from ParamConverter generate 500 response
CXF-6160AsyncResponse infinite loops
CXF-6163WSDL Javascript generator for xsd:any elements is not correct when any is optional
CXF-6166Parsing Bug in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.json.JsonMapObjectReaderWriter
CXF-6170Demo jax_rs/spring_security throws exception
CXF-6176org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.bus.providers property is not taken in account in cxf bus
CXF-6178Missing io.netty.util.Version
CXF-6184HTTPConduit "transport.retransmit.url" property may have side-effects in case of non-redirect retransmits
CXF-6187JMS sample fails "connectionFactory may not be null"
CXF-6188Authorization loop using "CurrentWindowsCredentials"
CXF-6189Improve memory usage of UrlUtils
CXF-6192Cxf Clustering Blueprint handler doesn't create the distribute feature rightly
CXF-6194[multipart] Server handle Collection argument as single element
CXF-6204JAX-RS Set-Cookie parser uses case-sensitive keys
CXF-6209Bug in processing Signed/Encrypted Elements policies with multiple XPaths
CXF-6210XPath evaluation failure on the client side causes all subsequent evaluations to fail
CXF-6211JAX-RS client runtime ignores Content-Type set directly from MessageBodyWriter
CXF-6217JmsPullPoint does not protect against external entities
CXF-6221CDI integration extension does not detect annotations on Karaf
CXF-6222Password can end up in log file
CXF-6228Using XSLTFeature with large messages creates unremovable temporary files
CXF-6229EndpointReferenceUtils.getSchema does NOT cache negative schema parsing
CXF-6233STS client only sends AppliesTo on first RST call
CXF-6234Invalid ?wsdl response with relative imports/includes when using jaxws-catalog.xml
CXF-6235wsdl2java behaves differently from cxf-codegen-plugin
CXF-6236proxyAuthSupplier not used in HTTPConduit.setHeadersByAuthorizationPolicy
CXF-6241WS-RM doesn't work with WS-Security configured with @EndpointProperties
CXF-6245Loading non-existent class org.apache.cxf.xmlbeans.XmlBeansWrapperHelper in WrapperClassOutInterceptor is causing performance issues
CXF-6246missing osgi import of javax.jws
CXF-6250WebSocket conduit fails to process String based responses and throws NPE
CXF-6252JAXRS Async Client hangs in case of Connection errors
ENTESB-2149Broken CXF features
ENTESB-2411Swagger REST API details are not bundle-specific
ENTESB-2609cxf-3.0.2.redhat-6-2-x-patch build has test failures with JDK8
HTTPASYNC-65[HTTPASYNC-65] HttpAsyncClient does not work in OSGi
WSS-437Error in using StaX WS-Security + CXF WS-Addressing
WSS-443Treat tokens received over TLS as "encrypted"
WSS-446Enable SignatureConfirmation without a Signature
WSS-457Incorrect validation of ProtectTokens assertion
WSS-458Allow no security header in certain use-cases
WSS-462ProtectionOrderAssertionState.testProtectionOrder is not working
WSS-468Symmetric Binding + EncryptBeforeSigning puts the Signature in front of the EncryptedKey
WSS-470AsymmetricBinding + ProtectTokens validation not working
WSS-479Inbound streaming does not handle Symmetric Holder-Of-Key correctly
WSS-480Streaming code hangs on a symmetric derived key response
WSS-481Problem with EncryptSignature + EndorsingSupportingTokens
WSS-482EncryptedElements + SignedElements validation not working
WSS-484Streaming code can't process a Key reference pointing to an EncryptedData element
WSS-490Derived Endorsing policy validation error
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