Fuse 6 is no longer supported
As of February 2025, Red Hat Fuse 6 is no longer supported. If you are using Fuse 6, please upgrade to Red Hat build of Apache Camel.Este conteúdo não está disponível no idioma selecionado.
6.2. Messaging
Table 6.2, “Messaging Enhancements in 6.2” lists the enhancements in version 6.2.
Enhancement | Description |
ENTMQ-1024 | In the logs add remote IP address in case of authentication failure |
ENTMQ-673 | Please add an additional check to slave broker to check if lock file exists |
ENTMQ-809 | Update ActiveMQ RAR to take TLS parameters truststore/keystore details and use TLS when they are present |
ENTMQ-948 | Support Jasypt encryption in Spring XML files, particularly etc/broker.xml |
ENTMQ-981 | ensure all connections to broker timeout if not used. |
AMQ-2354 | Default the ServerUrl to vm://brokerName?create=false when an embedded broker is specified with brokerXmlConfig |
AMQ-2388 | improve logging configuration for broker & examples |
AMQ-4399 | jdbcPersistenceAdapter takes a long time to shutdown, causing journal recovery |
AMQ-4818 | Update JMX views for transport connector |
AMQ-4999 | Disable jar indexing |
AMQ-5015 | Temp Queue gets deleted on close of wrong connection |
AMQ-5122 | Unnecessary log of Stacktrace within DiscoveryNetworkConnector |
AMQ-5171 | Boreker configured as zeroconf service is not discovered by Bonjour browser running in ios |
AMQ-5175 | exclude bouncycastle dependency from unit tests run |
AMQ-5183 | Switch to using Proton's Event logic for detecting AMQP state changes |
AMQ-5209 | Add additional properties to advisory for consumed, delivered and discarded |
AMQ-5229 | Queue; be able to pause/resume dispatch of message to all consumers |
AMQ-5231 | Failover Transport timeout option causes connection failures in some cases where it shouldn't |
AMQ-5239 | Enable access to BrokerService instances |
AMQ-5289 | Track forwards across a network in destination statistics |
AMQ-5290 | MQTT clients using durable subscriptions on networked brokers received duplicates |
AMQ-5294 | Unify client and sampler timings in activemq-perf-maven-plugin |
AMQ-5301 | Destination should not have numerical suffix for single-dest perf tests |
AMQ-5305 | runtime configuration - allow changes to <destinations> configuration elements |
AMQ-5308 | MQTT NIO and NIO+SSL transports can be slow when reading in larger messages |
AMQ-5312 | activemq-pool - Should not log expired connection when the pool is stopped as that causes log floods during shutdown |
AMQ-5346 | Update Proton to version 0.8 |
AMQ-5371 | ignoreNetworkConsumers should be available in AbortSlowConsumerStrategy |
AMQ-5378 | Initscript refactoring: setup function seems to be broken, removal of uneccessary files, fix various problems |
AMQ-5402 | enable support for using byte values in destination type annotations |
AMQ-5405 | Update the AMQP JMS client used in tests from 0.26 to 0.30 |
AMQ-5406 | Support of jms.consumerExpiryCheck=false to avoid JMS Consumers ignoring some messages in case of out-of-synch clocks |
AMQ-5436 | Performance Test does not cater for temporary destinations |
AMQ-5464 | enable use of 'Configuration' TerminusDurability to signal a DurableSubscription |
AMQ-5479 | bin/activemq batch script error message prints wrong variable |
AMQ-5480 | Provider fine-grained control for SelectorManager's threadpool |
AMQ-5481 | Trace logs in MQTT Protocol Converter |
AMQ-5495 | ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory should support different keystore and key passwords |
AMQ-5499 | Add means to dynamically allocate port number for integration testing using maven plugin |
AMQ-5505 | Add support for the BrokerView MBean to get the up-time in milliseconds |
AMQ-5515 | upgrade to jetty 8 |
AMQ-5521 | Average message size attribute on destination mbean should not have decimals |
AMQ-5523 | Average message size attribute on statistics plugin should not have decimals |
AMQ-5526 | upgrade to karaf 2.4.1 |
AMQ-5530 | Change default mqtt subscription prefetch |
AMQ-5541 | Support preemptive redelivery flag for non persistent messages |
AMQ-5573 | Configurable messages size for Stomp producer |
AMQ-5578 | preallocate journal files |
AMQ-5587 | AMQP shutdown transport if no connection attempt received after a configurable delay. |
AMQ-5589 | AMQP Module tests run much longer than necessary. |
AMQ-5590 | Reduce the time to run STOMP tests where possible. |
AMQ-5591 | AMQP Implement the JMS Mapping spec as it evolves. |
AMQ-5607 | MQTT Tests can be sped up with some minimal changes |
AMQ-5614 | Support message expiration in DLQ |
AMQ-5616 | Declare variables as ConcurrentMap not ConcurrentHashMap to avoid issues after compiling on Java 8 |
AMQ-5621 | Unit tests cleanup |
AMQ-5636 | Upgrade the bundled DBCP component. The current one is very old and buggy. |
AMQ-5639 | Allow advisory messages to traverse a broker network |
AMQ-5640 | negative TotalMessageCount in JMX Broker MBean |
AMQ-5642 | Add ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory to ra.xml |
AMQ-5656 | Support selective MBean creation |
AMQ-5657 | Upgrade to Camel 2.15.0 |
AMQ-5672 | Add an option to virtual topic selector cache to enforce only a single selector at a given time |
AMQ-5693 | Expose camel component meta model like camel-catalog does |
AMQ-5709 | Logging of "Database ... is locked" should be done on level DEBUG |
AMQ-5719 | Add clientId and subscriptionName to all durable-related exceptions and log messages within TopicRegion |
AMQ-5734 | Support MQTT 3.1 silent subscription fail |
AMQ-5737 | AMQP: Receiver uses case sensitive string compare to lookup transformer. |
AMQ-5750 | Add exception handler to TaskRunnerFactory |
AMQ-5754 | Disable /fileserver feature by default |
AMQ-5755 | Add some tests for STOMP over WebSockets and fix and improve close handling |
AMQ-5760 | ActiveMQ - Output url to the rest api when starting AMQ |
AMQ-5768 | Exclude Advisory Topics from expired message processing. |
AMQ-5772 | Improve removeConnection() |
AMQ-5794 | Cleanup connections that open but don't initiate a protocol handshake. |
AMQ-5795 | AMQP: Allow delivery transformer to fallback to lower level transformer when transformation fails |
AMQ-5799 | AMQP: Return a more complete Source when client looks up an existing durable subscription |
AMQ-3758 | Recover scheduler database option |
AMQ-5008 | Support for certificate revocation checking (with patch) |
AMQ-5176 | Support building ActiveMQ using Java 8 JDK |
AMQ-5213 | Allow for changing logger levels via JMX |
AMQ-5218 | Provide a way to export/import destinations created during runtime |
AMQ-5271 | Add an in-memory JobSchedulerStore implementation |
AMQ-5351 | Create a Camel routes plugin to load routes dynamically into the broker |
AMQ-5391 | Support for anonymous style producers in AMQP |
AMQ-5458 | MBean to help testing replicated levelDB |
AMQ-5491 | Standalone Web console Session timeout with user/password input |
AMQ-5558 | Make some activemq jar executable and able to send/receive messages |
AMQ-5630 | Provide a way to disable durable subscriptions from configuration. |
AMQ-5757 | AMQP: Add support for heartbeats and inactivity monitoring. |
AMQ-5771 | In the logs add remote IP address in case of authentication failure |
AMQ-5776 | Implement and test maxFrameSize across all protocols |
AMQ-5366 | Upgrade to Camel 2.14 |
AMQ-5596 | Remove the deprecated JMS streams code |
AMQ-5699 | AMQP: Update to released Proton-J 0.9.1 |
AMQ-5707 | AMQP: Investigate the affact of abort slow consumer strategy on sender links |
ENTESB-1556 | Align dependency versions |