Fuse 6 is no longer supported
As of February 2025, Red Hat Fuse 6 is no longer supported. If you are using Fuse 6, please upgrade to Red Hat build of Apache Camel.Este conteúdo não está disponível no idioma selecionado.
5.6. Fuse Fabric
Table 5.6, “Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.2” lists the issues resolved in version 6.2.
Issue Number | Description |
CURATOR-208 | InterProcessSemaphoreV2 swallows InterruptedException |
ENTESB-1209 | Incorrect feature definition: jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us-1.6.2-incubating |
ENTESB-1210 | Incorrect feature definition: jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk-1.6.2-incubating |
ENTESB-1237 | Quickstart examples has SNAPSHOT dependency instead of build number |
ENTESB-1257 | Error: Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Repeater: q in panel.query key: string:e |
ENTESB-1302 | jboss-fuse-minimal - Does not have hawtio installed |
ENTESB-1332 | Cannot delete profile version |
ENTESB-1341 | camel-cxf-contract-first-archetype 1.0.0.redhat-355 creates an incorrect wsdl |
ENTESB-1358 | Maven warnings when building the quickstarts |
ENTESB-1405 | Fabric - Runtime - Manage: Cannot delete profiles version...sometimes |
ENTESB-1414 | Fabric - Wiki / root/fabric/profiles: "jclouds" link has no address set |
ENTESB-1434 | profile-create throws NPE when passing not existing parent reference |
ENTESB-1435 | fabric:container-create-ssh --help does not load DETAILS section |
ENTESB-1441 | fabric:export uses the same flag -p for 2 different options |
ENTESB-1442 | fabric:export --path returns a confusing error message when running example |
ENTESB-1530 | Our Maven-Notice-Plugin do not work on Windows if it generates a too long command |
ENTESB-1629 | Duplicate property in "etc/config.propetries" |
ENTESB-1666 | fabric:container-upgrade, container-rollback - completers work in wrong order |
ENTESB-1671 | Fuse/A-MQ does not fully respect KARAF_ETC environment variable |
ENTESB-1678 | 2nd level descendant of root container can't be created in hawtio (but can be created from shell), and the one which were created are not displayed |
ENTESB-1684 | Creating a container with hawtio profile - Provision Exception: |
ENTESB-1695 | HTTP Gateway leaks memory and file descriptors |
ENTESB-1739 | Error in determining local repository path in patch service |
ENTESB-1758 | --external-git-url option is not validated |
ENTESB-1825 | Archetype commands stopped working |
ENTESB-1831 | EIP Quickstart fails with repeated errors |
ENTESB-1833 | SOAP and SECURE-SOAP quickstarts fail to install |
ENTESB-1850 | Unable to create a Fabric |
ENTESB-1961 | unable to create a fabric in 6.2 |
ENTESB-1976 | Protocol detecting gateway does not work with websocket connections |
ENTESB-2072 | fabric-jolokia's JolokiaSecureHttpContext only allows one role |
ENTESB-2077 | "Connection refused" when creating fabric with --zookeeper-server-port 4004 |
ENTESB-2096 | Install time for the cartridge takes too long. |
ENTESB-2111 | Listener (io.fabric8.service.FabricMBeanRegistrationListener) exception when curator connection SUSPENDED / RECONNECTED |
ENTESB-2126 | Fuse 6.1 Rollup up breaks HTTP proxy support for access to remote Maven repository |
ENTESB-2147 | Unable to create fabric when using --min-port and --max-port |
ENTESB-2170 | fabric:create fails on 6.2 build 042 with NoClassDefFoundError on PaxLevelImpl |
ENTESB-2171 | Git operations (pull from the master node to child node) go through http proxy |
ENTESB-2172 | Insight Camel assumes Karaf runtime |
ENTESB-2178 | Version with invalid name is created and stored to git |
ENTESB-2190 | io.fabric8.common.util.MultiException when deploying more broker instances in fabric |
ENTESB-2198 | Registry value created by container-default-jvm-options is ignored |
ENTESB-2210 | Restore OSGi PropertiesProvider |
ENTESB-2222 | Fabric profile mq-replicated does not define ssl-broker.xml resource |
ENTESB-2225 | The fabric8/quickstarts/karaf/cxf/camel-cxf-code-first generates tons of NullPointerExceptions |
ENTESB-2236 | Fabric very instable when insights is deployed |
ENTESB-2242 | Insight plugin does not list any Camel exchanges |
ENTESB-2252 | InstanceNotFoundException during fabric creation |
ENTESB-2269 | Fabric: Default profile doesn't load it's icon image |
ENTESB-2270 | CBR Quickstart tests included in distribution are failing due to bad xmlns definiton |
ENTESB-2279 | [user experience] command fabric:encrypt-message NullPointerException |
ENTESB-2294 | NPE when fabric:container-create-openshift |
ENTESB-2296 | example-cxf-cxf.server binds to localhost:9000 instead of $[bind.address]:$[app1.port] |
ENTESB-2298 | Cannot install pax-cdi |
ENTESB-2300 | Fabric provisioning error on OSE |
ENTESB-2303 | Provision status of stopped fabric container differs for child and ssh container |
ENTESB-2309 | mq-base profile ssl-broker.xml#openshift file uses OPENSHIFT_FUSE_AMQ_PORT instead of OPENSHIFT_FUSE_OPENWIRE_PORT |
ENTESB-2314 | Fabric - Dashboard: Delete button doesn't delete all selected dashboards |
ENTESB-2315 | Fabric - Dashboard: Unable to rename dashboards |
ENTESB-2317 | Broken features:list command in fabric container |
ENTESB-2323 | Show 'Command not found: fabric:welcome' error when ssh into container |
ENTESB-2324 | Can't add 'dns' profile to container |
ENTESB-2329 | fabric:create -g option not working |
ENTESB-2350 | Can't add 'kubernetes' profile to container |
ENTESB-2370 | OSE Maven artifacts uploaded to fabric proxy cannot be resolved by containers |
ENTESB-2380 | Failed downloads from the maven proxy servlet |
ENTESB-2382 | Missing feature "mq-fabric-camel" in Fuse 6.2 |
ENTESB-2387 | Karaf command "osgi:list -l" still shows location of old bundles even after patch is installed successfully in fabric |
ENTESB-2389 | double login required when connecting to another fabric container |
ENTESB-2390 | support-features-1.2.0.redhat-054-features.xml contains unresolved versions |
ENTESB-2391 | Fabric - Profiles: Error: Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. |
ENTESB-2392 | Container cannot be opened in a new window when Insight Jetty profile added |
ENTESB-2393 | Container's detail page: Container name cut from bottom |
ENTESB-2395 | Rest quickstart tests are failing |
ENTESB-2409 | fabric8 MavenProxyServletSupportTest#testDownloadMetadata is hanging |
ENTESB-2410 | Soap-quickstart tests included in distribution are failing due to bad xmlns definiton |
ENTESB-2411 | Swagger REST API details are not bundle-specific |
ENTESB-2413 | Standalone Broker is shut down when Fabric is shut down / unaccessible |
ENTESB-2438 | Double authentication in Red Hat Customer Portal |
ENTESB-2439 | git clone http://fuse-test.apps.example.com/git/fabric hangs on 48-core machine |
ENTESB-2452 | fabric8 build fails with JDK8 |
ENTESB-2466 | Red Hat Support - Enlarge Window |
ENTESB-2467 | fabric example-cxf profile missing |
ENTESB-2470 | Adding bundles and features to profile from Fuse terminal doesn't work properly |
ENTESB-2473 | It should not be possible to delete the default version from the command line |
ENTESB-2474 | Adding artifact to a profile by drag and drop file action doesn't work |
ENTESB-2477 | Still can't find activemq-camel feature |
ENTESB-2487 | Insight - CamelEvents: popup exception at page's load |
ENTESB-2488 | Wrong record for master component in the zookeper registry |
ENTESB-2507 | Provision list is not updated during provisioning |
ENTESB-2519 | Fabric profile with uppercase can be created |
ENTESB-2539 | Insight - Camel Events: Exception when interval without events is displayed |
ENTESB-2552 | NPE when using gateway |
ENTESB-2570 | fabric8-maven-plugin doesn't deploy profile zip |
ENTESB-2577 | RH Access - support case detail: "Server File(s) To Attach:" section is empty when support-base profile deployed to fabric container |
ENTESB-2581 | Git repo very slow after adding 100s of profiles |
ENTESB-2588 | support:collect generate output with dev:classloaders command which is not found |
ENTESB-2591 | RH Access - List Cases: filter by group drop-down list contains strange inactive items |
ENTESB-2597 | fabric8-maven-plugin ignores custom user settings file for deployments |
ENTESB-2598 | Fabric8 FileWatcherTest fails on Windows |
ENTESB-2606 | Sometimes failed to create containers. |
ENTESB-2613 | Missing requirement while trying to deploy fabric-cxf feature after upgrading to R2 |
ENTESB-2615 | [Fuse cartridge] Commands features:* throws "Could not find port within range [8282,8383]" |
ENTESB-2636 | hawt.io APIs Swagger view stuck in "fetching resource list: ..." |
ENTESB-2637 | Container-create-child suggestion produces "root" on each TAB press |
ENTESB-2648 | [OSE] [6.1.R2] CXF regression, FabricLoadBalancerFeature does not translate OpenShift addresses anymore |
ENTESB-2685 | FabricLoadBalancerFeature should wait (or at least allow to wait) for addresses to become available |
ENTESB-2712 | [OSE] [6.2] mq-create doesn't reuse existing keystore.jks |
ENTESB-2733 | Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException when trying to connect to ssh container |
ENTESB-2736 | secure-rest quickstarts getProductOrderTest fails |
ENTESB-2749 | RH Access - List Cases: Going to the ticket and back in history increases count of items in "EmailNotification Recipients" select box |
ENTESB-2754 | fabric:create performance regression |
ENTESB-2761 | Broker fails to start at the first attempt and FileNotFoundException: class path resource [profile:broker.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist is printed in container log when starting a container with replicated LevelDB profile |
ENTESB-2772 | Karaf command 'profile-change-parents' doesn't change, but appends a parent to the specified profile |
ENTESB-2774 | Fabric - Services - MQ: Operation saveBrokerConfigurationJSON failed due to: java.lang.NullPointerException |
ENTESB-2807 | [OSE] [6.2] when not fully initialiazed profile is removed container hangs in updating state |
ENTESB-2831 | support for webbundle protocol in Karaf install command |
ENTESB-2844 | Settings for HTTP maven proxy does not work |
ENTESB-2885 | multiple versions of jclouds (1.8.0 and 1.8.1) in fuse 6.2 |
ENTESB-2888 | [Hawt.io] Add version select to MQ tab |
ENTESB-2901 | ActiveMQ doesn't start in containers, created based on mq-replicated profile, when system or config property 'org.apache.activemq.leveldb.test=true (or ='false') specified |
ENTESB-2906 | fabric:create does not create the admin users with the required roles |
ENTESB-2922 | ZooKeeperServerFactory : Placeholder in DEBUG message |
ENTESB-2926 | "Declarative Services" Hawtio page does not auto-refresh |
ENTESB-2932 | Brokers are stopped after zk connection timout and reconnect |
ENTESB-2939 | Creating replicated brokers with ssl fails |
ENTESB-2948 | Warning 'javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: io.fabric8.cxf:bus.id=io.fabric8.fabric-rest-cxf .... ' in karaf.log of ssh container |
ENTESB-2949 | Sometimes (rare) NullPointerException on broker startup and mq replicated container hangs on finalizing (stopping bundles) |
ENTESB-2951 | Sometimes container creation takes a long time (5 min) and there are NullPointerExceptions are in karaf.log |
ENTESB-2952 | Session expired in the middle of working with Insight |
ENTESB-2953 | Insight - Logs: several columns ordering is not right |
ENTESB-2965 | fabric:version-create --description - descriptions are messed up |
ENTESB-2976 | [OSE] [6.2] container-delete removes openshift-created container from fabric without --force |
ENTESB-2982 | fabric8-maven-plugin 'branch' goal does not accept secure git repo connections |
ENTESB-2984 | fabric8-maven-plugin branch goal does not allow pushing new branch |
ENTESB-2999 | Fabric profile resource editor does not save files |
ENTESB-3010 | Can't create MQ config for version other than default one |
ENTESB-3038 | WS in child containers aren't recognized by ZK sometimes |
ENTESB-3077 | Fabric8 InvocationTest hangs on HPUX |
ENTESB-3081 | etc/config.properties repeated keys |
ENTESB-3091 | Command jaas:groupadd allows adding duplicite groups |
ENTESB-3096 | Potential NPE when applying patch with files |
ENTESB-3099 | Quickstarts should build without warnings; most should work without fabric |
ENTESB-3127 | Camel SAP + Spring - timing problem with configuration |
ENTESB-3147 | Rollbacking patch throws exception into the console |
ENTESB-3151 | Fail to provsion ssh container - invalid zip |
ENTESB-3188 | Unable to apply patch in fabric |
ENTESB-3225 | Fabric8 has 28 test failures on Windows |
ENTESB-3231 | [ER5] Odd behavior with brokers (and group membership) and container restarts |
ENTESB-3232 | Fabric8 PatchTheServiceTest fails intermittently |
ENTESB-3270 | Proxy settings from provided maven settings.xml file is not picked up |
ENTESB-3293 | Http Gateway profile default servlet mapping does not work |
ENTESB-3296 | [6.2] app1.port not set on child containers, example-cxf-cxf.server cannot be deployed on child containers |
ENTESB-3301 | StandAlone brokers created in fabric aren't registered in ZooKeeper |
ENTESB-3302 | NoSuchMethodError when accessing swagger api-docs for JBoss Fuse Quickstart: rest |
ENTESB-3338 | Unable to create ssh-container on machine with OpenJDK 1.8 |
ENTESB-3359 | [OSE] [6.2] hawtio logs don't show up for containers with mq-amq profile |
ENTESB-3361 | Unable to upgrade root container to newer version with applied patch |
ENTESB-3367 | [6.2] example-camel-loanbroker-mq.loanBroker profile should not have uppercase 'B' character in profile name |
ENTMQ-1005 | After creating a Fabric in JBoss A-MQ, RBAC is not enabled |
ENTMQ-598 | The configured JAAS authentication realm seems ignored at runtime |
FABRIC-1036 | ProjectDeployerTest creates 'null' directory on every build |
FABRIC-1042 | Possible resolution problem with fragments |
FABRIC-1045 | ResolverTest broken now we've moved to apache aries |
FABRIC-1046 | facade tests fail when moving back to perfectus camel/cxf |
FABRIC-1047 | jboss-fuse-medium profile should change one of it's parent profile from "mq-amq" to "mq-default" profile |
FABRIC-1050 | [DOC] Adding a comma separated list of features to a deployed Fabric profile raises "Unable to resolve dummy/0.0.0:" |
FABRIC-1067 | Not all bundles are installed when a feature is added to a profile |
FABRIC-1072 | fabric:export does not work on Windows (7) |
FABRIC-1078 | Terminating a container with the "exit" command after updating the ensemble resets the zookeeper.url |
FABRIC-1079 | Problems adding a container to the fabric using fabric:join and changing the container name |
FABRIC-1080 | NullPointerException using the fabric:join command and the zookeeper-password is not provided |
FABRIC-1093 | Fix fabric-maven-proxy tests |
FABRIC-1094 | Fix insight-maven tests |
FABRIC-1095 | Fix basic ExampleCxfProfileLongTest |
FABRIC-1096 | Fix archetype-builder tests |
FABRIC-1108 | MQProfileTest fails with immutable version/profile |
FABRIC-1109 | Camel tests fail with immutable version/profile |
FABRIC-1112 | Cannot reliably authenticate with Zookeeper from GitDataStore |
FABRIC-1113 | AbstractProfileMojoTest reliably fails with clean repo |
FABRIC-1115 | Possible race when using fabric:create -n |
FABRIC-1116 | ProcessControllerTest fails consistently and prevents PR processing |
FABRIC-1117 | PaxLoggingTest reliably fails with clean repo |
FABRIC-1118 | NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.felix.utils.properties.Properties.setProperty |
FABRIC-1120 | Fix autoscale integration tests |
FABRIC-1127 | Fix EnsembleTest |
FABRIC-1128 | Git TransportException in basic karaf tests |
FABRIC-1134 | Fabric8 ensemble administration consoles behave unhelpfully in below-quorum situations |
FABRIC-1148 | Feature verification does not work with 'mvn -pl ...' |
FABRIC-1149 | Git Master Repo changes without notification |
FABRIC-1151 | Fix common FabricCreateCommandTest |
FABRIC-1152 | Restore TomEE container |
FABRIC-1156 | Fix ExampleMQProfileTest |
FABRIC-1162 | 1.2.0.Beta4 - Fails updating containers with all changes if profile is changed |
FABRIC-1168 | Tomcat ARQ tests may hang |
FABRIC-1173 | Cannot reliably delete profile version |
FABRIC-1179 | container cannot start after repeatedly stopping and starting |
FABRIC-1182 | Many tests failing with "Container failed to provision" |
FABRIC-1185 | after creating numerous child containers and assigning them an MQ broker profile, Fuse console operations fail with a message |
FABRIC-1190 | Fragment bundles exception: Resource already loaded |
FABRIC-1194 | Fabric ensemble does not recover after VM disconnection |
FABRIC-1198 | ssl-broker.xml is missing in mq-replicated profile |
FABRIC-1200 | fabric8 Karaf console and hawtio handle profile editing differently |
FABRIC-1202 | NPE when trying to create ssh container via hawtio |
FABRIC-1224 | Passwords in logs are clear text |
FABRIC-1227 | Non-Ensemble Fabric Server IllegalArgumentException - A HostProvider may not be empty! |
FABRIC-1230 | Failover Transport becomes null when Fabric disconnects |
FABRIC-1239 | fabric:create --no-import |
FABRIC-719 | Fabric creates a /null directory in WildFly home |
FABRIC-720 | Fabric creates a /data directory in WildFly home |
FABRIC-721 | Remove dependency on hard coded port values from sysprops |
FABRIC-763 | Unable to set SSH timeout of child container in Fabric |
FABRIC-907 | Boot commands do not respect RuntimeProperties |
FABRIC-910 | Creating container with underscore does not work on OpenShift |
FABRIC-923 | insight-log / insight-camel don't work |
FABRIC-950 | Decouple 6.1.x versions from master |
FABRIC-960 | joining a fabric with a distro with a different fabric version to the one defined in the io.fabric8.version.properties file causes failure |
FABRIC-962 | Fix ContainerLifecycleCommandsTest for SCR commands |
FABRIC-964 | Make sure all default modules are reverse reachable |
FABRIC-981 | Fix basic ExampleCamelClusterTest |
MR-916 | FUSE "master" component conflicts with camel-quartz2 |
WAGON-416 | Lightweight HTTP Wagon doesn't set Proxy-Authorization header |
ZOOKEEPER-1576 | [ZOOKEEPER-1576] Zookeeper cluster - failed to connect to cluster if one of the provided IPs causes java.net.UnknownHostException |