
3.18. 追踪准入调度

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病人护理准入调度(PAS) (也称为 letleting)计划,为每个受监管的病人分配获奖。在病人安排的期间,会分配给病人人为病人的病人。每个机构都属于一个房间,每个房间均属于一个部门。病人人为主办方的辅助日期得到修复。您只需要分配一个 bed。




  • 不得将两个病人分配到同一晚上。weight: -1000hard * conflictNightCount.
  • 房间可能会存在一些限制:只有人意,只是在同一晚上相同的 gender 或 nogender 限制。weight: -50hard * nightCount.
  • 部门可以具有最短或最长期限。weight: -100hard * nightCount.
  • 病人可能需要带有特定设备的空间。weight: -50hard * nightCount.


  • 除非 dataset 受限,否则给每个病人分配有一定的病人。weight: -1medium * nightCount.


  • 病人可以为最大房间大小指定优先权,例如,如果病人想要单个房间。weight: -8soft * nightCount.
  • 病人最好地分配给一个专门在病人医疗问题中的部门。weight: -10soft * nightCount.
  • 病人最好地分配给一个在病人类问题中特别存在的房间。weight: -20soft * nightCount.

    • 房间特殊性应优先级 1。weight: -10soft *(priority - 1)* nightCount.
  • 病人可以为具有特定设备的空间指定优先权。weight: -20soft * nightCount.

问题是 Kaho 的 Patient Scheduling 中的一个变体,数据集来自真实世界的 Heury。


overconstrained01 has 6 specialisms, 4 equipments, 1 departments,  25 rooms,  69 beds, 14 nights,  519 patients and  519 admissions with a search space of 10^958.
testdata01        has 4 specialisms, 2 equipments, 4 departments,  98 rooms, 286 beds, 14 nights,  652 patients and  652 admissions with a search space of 10^1603.
testdata02        has 6 specialisms, 2 equipments, 6 departments, 151 rooms, 465 beds, 14 nights,  755 patients and  755 admissions with a search space of 10^2015.
testdata03        has 5 specialisms, 2 equipments, 5 departments, 131 rooms, 395 beds, 14 nights,  708 patients and  708 admissions with a search space of 10^1840.
testdata04        has 6 specialisms, 2 equipments, 6 departments, 155 rooms, 471 beds, 14 nights,  746 patients and  746 admissions with a search space of 10^1995.
testdata05        has 4 specialisms, 2 equipments, 4 departments, 102 rooms, 325 beds, 14 nights,  587 patients and  587 admissions with a search space of 10^1476.
testdata06        has 4 specialisms, 2 equipments, 4 departments, 104 rooms, 313 beds, 14 nights,  685 patients and  685 admissions with a search space of 10^1711.
testdata07        has 6 specialisms, 4 equipments, 6 departments, 162 rooms, 472 beds, 14 nights,  519 patients and  519 admissions with a search space of 10^1389.
testdata08        has 6 specialisms, 4 equipments, 6 departments, 148 rooms, 441 beds, 21 nights,  895 patients and  895 admissions with a search space of 10^2368.
testdata09        has 4 specialisms, 4 equipments, 4 departments, 105 rooms, 310 beds, 28 nights, 1400 patients and 1400 admissions with a search space of 10^3490.
testdata10        has 4 specialisms, 4 equipments, 4 departments, 104 rooms, 308 beds, 56 nights, 1575 patients and 1575 admissions with a search space of 10^3922.
testdata11        has 4 specialisms, 4 equipments, 4 departments, 107 rooms, 318 beds, 91 nights, 2514 patients and 2514 admissions with a search space of 10^6295.
testdata12        has 4 specialisms, 4 equipments, 4 departments, 105 rooms, 310 beds, 84 nights, 2750 patients and 2750 admissions with a search space of 10^6856.
testdata13        has 5 specialisms, 4 equipments, 5 departments, 125 rooms, 368 beds, 28 nights,  907 patients and 1109 admissions with a search space of 10^2847.

图 3.13. 域模型

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