
4.3. 安装和配置 Cockpit Ceph 安装程序

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在使用 Cockpit Ceph 安装程序安装 Red Hat Ceph Storage 集群之前,您必须在 Ansible 管理节点上安装 Cockpit Ceph 安装程序。


  • 对 Ansible 管理节点的根级别访问权限.
  • 用于 Ansible 应用的 ansible 用户帐户。


  1. 验证已安装了 Cockpit。

    $ rpm -q cockpit


    [admin@jb-ceph4-admin ~]$ rpm -q cockpit

    如果您看到与上例类似的输出,请跳到验证 Cockpit 正在运行的步骤。如果输出是 package cockpit is not installed,继续安装 Cockpit 步骤。

  2. 可选:安装 Cockpit。

    1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8:

      # dnf install cockpit
    2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7:

      # yum install cockpit
  3. 验证 Cockpit 正在运行。

    # systemctl status cockpit.socket

    如果您在输出中看到 Active: active (listening),请跳到为 Red Hat Ceph Storage 安装 Cockpit 插件的步骤。如果您看到 Active: inactive(dead),请继续执行启用 Cockpit 步骤。

  4. 可选:启用 Cockpit。

    1. 使用 systemctl 命令启用 Cockpit:

      # systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket


      Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/cockpit.socket  /usr/lib/systemd/system/cockpit.socket.
    2. 验证 Cockpit 是否正在运行:

      # systemctl status cockpit.socket


      Active: active (listening) since Tue 2020-01-07 18:49:07 EST; 7min ago
  5. 安装 Red Hat Ceph Storage 的 Cockpit Ceph 安装程序。

    1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8:

      # dnf install cockpit-ceph-installer
    2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7:

      # yum install cockpit-ceph-installer
  6. 以 Ansible 用户身份,使用 sudo 登录容器目录:


    默认情况下,Cockpit Ceph 安装程序使用 root 用户安装 Ceph。若要使用作为安装 Ceph 的先决条件一部分创建的 Ansible 用户,请以 Ansible 用户身份通过 sudo 运行此流程中的其余命令。

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

    $ sudo docker login -u CUSTOMER_PORTAL_USERNAME https://registry.redhat.io


    [admin@jb-ceph4-admin ~]$ sudo docker login -u myusername https://registry.redhat.io
    Login Succeeded!

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

    $ sudo podman login -u CUSTOMER_PORTAL_USERNAME https://registry.redhat.io


    [admin@jb-ceph4-admin ~]$ sudo podman login -u myusername https://registry.redhat.io
    Login Succeeded!

  7. 确定 registry.redhat.io 位于容器 registry 搜索路径中。

    1. 打开以编辑 /etc/containers/registries.conf 文件:

      registries = [ 'registry.access.redhat.com', 'registry.fedoraproject.org', 'registry.centos.org', 'docker.io']

      如果文件中没有包括 registry.redhat.io,请添加它:

      registries = ['registry.redhat.io', 'registry.access.redhat.com', 'registry.fedoraproject.org', 'registry.centos.org', 'docker.io']
  8. 以 Ansible 用户身份,使用 sudo 启动 ansible-runner-service

    $ sudo ansible-runner-service.sh -s


    [admin@jb-ceph4-admin ~]$ sudo ansible-runner-service.sh -s
    Checking environment is ready
    Checking/creating directories
    Checking SSL certificate configuration
    Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus (2 primes)
    e is 65537 (0x010001)
    Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus (2 primes)
    e is 65537 (0x010001)
    writing RSA key
    Signature ok
    subject=C = US, ST = North Carolina, L = Raleigh, O = Red Hat, OU = RunnerServer, CN = jb-ceph4-admin
    Getting CA Private Key
    Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus (2 primes)
    e is 65537 (0x010001)
    writing RSA key
    Signature ok
    subject=C = US, ST = North Carolina, L = Raleigh, O = Red Hat, OU = RunnerClient, CN = jb-ceph4-admin
    Getting CA Private Key
    Setting ownership of the certs to your user account(admin)
    Setting target user for ansible connections to admin
    Applying SELINUX container_file_t context to '/etc/ansible-runner-service'
    Applying SELINUX container_file_t context to '/usr/share/ceph-ansible'
    Ansible API (runner-service) container set to rhceph/ansible-runner-rhel8:latest
    Fetching Ansible API container (runner-service). Please wait...
    Trying to pull registry.redhat.io/rhceph/ansible-runner-rhel8:latest...Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob c585fd5093c6 done
    Copying blob 217d30c36265 done
    Copying blob e61d8721e62e done
    Copying config b96067ea93 done
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures
    Starting Ansible API container (runner-service)
    Started runner-service container
    Waiting for Ansible API container (runner-service) to respond
    The Ansible API container (runner-service) is available and responding to requests
    Login to the cockpit UI at https://jb-ceph4-admin:9090/cockpit-ceph-installer to start the install

    输出的最后一行包含 Cockpit Ceph 安装程序的 URL。在上例中,URL 是 https://jb-ceph4-admin:9090/cockpit-ceph-installer。记录下在环境中输出的 URL。

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