Configuring and managing cluster networking
Chapter 1. About networking
Red Hat OpenShift Networking is an ecosystem of features, plugins and advanced networking capabilities that extend Kubernetes networking with the advanced networking-related features that your cluster needs to manage its network traffic for one or multiple hybrid clusters. This ecosystem of networking capabilities integrates ingress, egress, load balancing, high-performance throughput, security, inter- and intra-cluster traffic management and provides role-based observability tooling to reduce its natural complexities.
OpenShift SDN CNI is deprecated as of OpenShift Container Platform 4.14. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.15, the network plugin is not an option for new installations. In a subsequent future release, the OpenShift SDN network plugin is planned to be removed and no longer supported. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature until it is removed, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements. As an alternative to OpenShift SDN CNI, you can use OVN Kubernetes CNI instead. For more information, see OpenShift SDN CNI removal.
The following list highlights some of the most commonly used Red Hat OpenShift Networking features available on your cluster:
Primary cluster network provided by either of the following Container Network Interface (CNI) plugins:
- OVN-Kubernetes network plugin, the default plugin
- OpenShift SDN network plugin
- Certified 3rd-party alternative primary network plugins
- Cluster Network Operator for network plugin management
- Ingress Operator for TLS encrypted web traffic
- DNS Operator for name assignment
- MetalLB Operator for traffic load balancing on bare metal clusters
- IP failover support for high-availability
- Additional hardware network support through multiple CNI plugins, including for macvlan, ipvlan, and SR-IOV hardware networks
- IPv4, IPv6, and dual stack addressing
- Hybrid Linux-Windows host clusters for Windows-based workloads
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh for discovery, load balancing, service-to-service authentication, failure recovery, metrics, and monitoring of services
- Single-node OpenShift
- Network Observability Operator for network debugging and insights
- Submariner for inter-cluster networking
- Red Hat Service Interconnect for layer 7 inter-cluster networking
Chapter 2. Understanding networking
Cluster Administrators have several options for exposing applications that run inside a cluster to external traffic and securing network connections:
- Service types, such as node ports or load balancers
API resources, such as
By default, Kubernetes allocates each pod an internal IP address for applications running within the pod. Pods and their containers can network, but clients outside the cluster do not have networking access. When you expose your application to external traffic, giving each pod its own IP address means that pods can be treated like physical hosts or virtual machines in terms of port allocation, networking, naming, service discovery, load balancing, application configuration, and migration.
Some cloud platforms offer metadata APIs that listen on the IP address, a link-local IP address in the IPv4
CIDR block.
This CIDR block is not reachable from the pod network. Pods that need access to these IP addresses must be given host network access by setting the spec.hostNetwork
field in the pod spec to true
If you allow a pod host network access, you grant the pod privileged access to the underlying network infrastructure.
2.1. OpenShift Container Platform DNS
If you are running multiple services, such as front-end and back-end services for use with multiple pods, environment variables are created for user names, service IPs, and more so the front-end pods can communicate with the back-end services. If the service is deleted and recreated, a new IP address can be assigned to the service, and requires the front-end pods to be recreated to pick up the updated values for the service IP environment variable. Additionally, the back-end service must be created before any of the front-end pods to ensure that the service IP is generated properly, and that it can be provided to the front-end pods as an environment variable.
For this reason, OpenShift Container Platform has a built-in DNS so that the services can be reached by the service DNS as well as the service IP/port.
2.2. OpenShift Container Platform Ingress Operator
When you create your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, pods and services running on the cluster are each allocated their own IP addresses. The IP addresses are accessible to other pods and services running nearby but are not accessible to outside clients. The Ingress Operator implements the IngressController
API and is the component responsible for enabling external access to OpenShift Container Platform cluster services.
The Ingress Operator makes it possible for external clients to access your service by deploying and managing one or more HAProxy-based Ingress Controllers to handle routing. You can use the Ingress Operator to route traffic by specifying OpenShift Container Platform Route
and Kubernetes Ingress
resources. Configurations within the Ingress Controller, such as the ability to define endpointPublishingStrategy
type and internal load balancing, provide ways to publish Ingress Controller endpoints.
2.2.1. Comparing routes and Ingress
The Kubernetes Ingress resource in OpenShift Container Platform implements the Ingress Controller with a shared router service that runs as a pod inside the cluster. The most common way to manage Ingress traffic is with the Ingress Controller. You can scale and replicate this pod like any other regular pod. This router service is based on HAProxy, which is an open source load balancer solution.
The OpenShift Container Platform route provides Ingress traffic to services in the cluster. Routes provide advanced features that might not be supported by standard Kubernetes Ingress Controllers, such as TLS re-encryption, TLS passthrough, and split traffic for blue-green deployments.
Ingress traffic accesses services in the cluster through a route. Routes and Ingress are the main resources for handling Ingress traffic. Ingress provides features similar to a route, such as accepting external requests and delegating them based on the route. However, with Ingress you can only allow certain types of connections: HTTP/2, HTTPS and server name identification (SNI), and TLS with certificate. In OpenShift Container Platform, routes are generated to meet the conditions specified by the Ingress resource.
2.3. Glossary of common terms for OpenShift Container Platform networking
This glossary defines common terms that are used in the networking content.
- authentication
- To control access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, a cluster administrator can configure user authentication and ensure only approved users access the cluster. To interact with an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you must authenticate to the OpenShift Container Platform API. You can authenticate by providing an OAuth access token or an X.509 client certificate in your requests to the OpenShift Container Platform API.
- AWS Load Balancer Operator
The AWS Load Balancer (ALB) Operator deploys and manages an instance of the
. - Cluster Network Operator
- The Cluster Network Operator (CNO) deploys and manages the cluster network components in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. This includes deployment of the Container Network Interface (CNI) network plugin selected for the cluster during installation.
- config map
A config map provides a way to inject configuration data into pods. You can reference the data stored in a config map in a volume of type
. Applications running in a pod can use this data. - custom resource (CR)
- A CR is extension of the Kubernetes API. You can create custom resources.
- Cluster DNS is a DNS server which serves DNS records for Kubernetes services. Containers started by Kubernetes automatically include this DNS server in their DNS searches.
- DNS Operator
- The DNS Operator deploys and manages CoreDNS to provide a name resolution service to pods. This enables DNS-based Kubernetes Service discovery in OpenShift Container Platform.
- deployment
- A Kubernetes resource object that maintains the life cycle of an application.
- domain
- Domain is a DNS name serviced by the Ingress Controller.
- egress
- The process of data sharing externally through a network’s outbound traffic from a pod.
- External DNS Operator
- The External DNS Operator deploys and manages ExternalDNS to provide the name resolution for services and routes from the external DNS provider to OpenShift Container Platform.
- HTTP-based route
- An HTTP-based route is an unsecured route that uses the basic HTTP routing protocol and exposes a service on an unsecured application port.
- Ingress
- The Kubernetes Ingress resource in OpenShift Container Platform implements the Ingress Controller with a shared router service that runs as a pod inside the cluster.
- Ingress Controller
- The Ingress Operator manages Ingress Controllers. Using an Ingress Controller is the most common way to allow external access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
- installer-provisioned infrastructure
- The installation program deploys and configures the infrastructure that the cluster runs on.
- kubelet
- A primary node agent that runs on each node in the cluster to ensure that containers are running in a pod.
- Kubernetes NMState Operator
- The Kubernetes NMState Operator provides a Kubernetes API for performing state-driven network configuration across the OpenShift Container Platform cluster’s nodes with NMState.
- kube-proxy
- Kube-proxy is a proxy service which runs on each node and helps in making services available to the external host. It helps in forwarding the request to correct containers and is capable of performing primitive load balancing.
- load balancers
- OpenShift Container Platform uses load balancers for communicating from outside the cluster with services running in the cluster.
- MetalLB Operator
As a cluster administrator, you can add the MetalLB Operator to your cluster so that when a service of type
is added to the cluster, MetalLB can add an external IP address for the service. - multicast
- With IP multicast, data is broadcast to many IP addresses simultaneously.
- namespaces
- A namespace isolates specific system resources that are visible to all processes. Inside a namespace, only processes that are members of that namespace can see those resources.
- networking
- Network information of a OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
- node
- A worker machine in the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. A node is either a virtual machine (VM) or a physical machine.
- OpenShift Container Platform Ingress Operator
The Ingress Operator implements the
API and is the component responsible for enabling external access to OpenShift Container Platform services. - pod
- One or more containers with shared resources, such as volume and IP addresses, running in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. A pod is the smallest compute unit defined, deployed, and managed.
- PTP Operator
The PTP Operator creates and manages the
services. - route
- The OpenShift Container Platform route provides Ingress traffic to services in the cluster. Routes provide advanced features that might not be supported by standard Kubernetes Ingress Controllers, such as TLS re-encryption, TLS passthrough, and split traffic for blue-green deployments.
- scaling
- Increasing or decreasing the resource capacity.
- service
- Exposes a running application on a set of pods.
- Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Network Operator
- The Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Network Operator manages the SR-IOV network devices and network attachments in your cluster.
- software-defined networking (SDN)
- OpenShift Container Platform uses a software-defined networking (SDN) approach to provide a unified cluster network that enables communication between pods across the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
OpenShift SDN CNI is deprecated as of OpenShift Container Platform 4.14. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.15, the network plugin is not an option for new installations. In a subsequent future release, the OpenShift SDN network plugin is planned to be removed and no longer supported. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature until it is removed, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements. As an alternative to OpenShift SDN CNI, you can use OVN Kubernetes CNI instead. For more information, see OpenShift SDN CNI removal.
- Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
- SCTP is a reliable message based protocol that runs on top of an IP network.
- taint
- Taints and tolerations ensure that pods are scheduled onto appropriate nodes. You can apply one or more taints on a node.
- toleration
- You can apply tolerations to pods. Tolerations allow the scheduler to schedule pods with matching taints.
- web console
- A user interface (UI) to manage OpenShift Container Platform.
Chapter 3. Zero trust networking
Zero trust is an approach to designing security architectures based on the premise that every interaction begins in an untrusted state. This contrasts with traditional architectures, which might determine trustworthiness based on whether communication starts inside a firewall. More specifically, zero trust attempts to close gaps in security architectures that rely on implicit trust models and one-time authentication.
OpenShift Container Platform can add some zero trust networking capabilities to containers running on the platform without requiring changes to the containers or the software running in them. There are also several products that Red Hat offers that can further augment the zero trust networking capabilities of containers. If you have the ability to change the software running in the containers, then there are other projects that Red Hat supports that can add further capabilities.
Explore the following targeted capabilities of zero trust networking.
3.1. Root of trust
Public certificates and private keys are critical to zero trust networking. These are used to identify components to one another, authenticate, and to secure traffic. The certificates are signed by other certificates, and there is a chain of trust to a root certificate authority (CA). Everything participating in the network needs to ultimately have the public key for a root CA so that it can validate the chain of trust. For public-facing things, these are usually the set of root CAs that are globally known, and whose keys are distributed with operating systems, web browsers, and so on. However, it is possible to run a private CA for a cluster or a corporation if the certificate of the private CA is distributed to all parties.
- OpenShift Container Platform: OpenShift creates a cluster CA at installation that is used to secure the cluster resources. However, OpenShift Container Platform can also create and sign certificates for services in the cluster, and can inject the cluster CA bundle into a pod if requested. Service certificates created and signed by OpenShift Container Platform have a 26-month time to live (TTL) and are rotated automatically at 13 months. They can also be rotated manually if necessary.
- OpenShift cert-manager Operator: cert-manager allows you to request keys that are signed by an external root of trust. There are many configurable issuers to integrate with external issuers, along with ways to run with a delegated signing certificate. The cert-manager API can be used by other software in zero trust networking to request the necessary certificates (for example, Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh), or can be used directly by customer software.
3.2. Traffic authentication and encryption
Ensure that all traffic on the wire is encrypted and the endpoints are identifiable. An example of this is Mutual TLS, or mTLS, which is a method for mutual authentication.
- OpenShift Container Platform: With transparent pod-to-pod IPsec, the source and destination of the traffic can be identified by the IP address. There is the capability for egress traffic to be encrypted using IPsec. By using the egress IP feature, the source IP address of the traffic can be used to identify the source of the traffic inside the cluster.
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: Provides powerful mTLS capabilities that can transparently augment traffic leaving a pod to provide authentication and encryption.
- OpenShift cert-manager Operator: Use custom resource definitions (CRDs) to request certificates that can be mounted for your programs to use for SSL/TLS protocols.
3.3. Identification and authentication
After you have the ability to mint certificates using a CA, you can use it to establish trust relationships by verification of the identity of the other end of a connection — either a user or a client machine. This also requires management of certificate lifecycles to limit use if compromised.
- OpenShift Container Platform: Cluster-signed service certificates to ensure that a client is talking to a trusted endpoint. This requires that the service uses SSL/TLS and that the client uses the cluster CA. The client identity must be provided using some other means.
- Red Hat Single Sign-On: Provides request authentication integration with enterprise user directories or third-party identity providers.
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: Transparent upgrade of connections to mTLS, auto-rotation, custom certificate expiration, and request authentication with JSON web token (JWT).
- OpenShift cert-manager Operator: Creation and management of certificates for use by your application. Certificates can be controlled by CRDs and mounted as secrets, or your application can be changed to interact directly with the cert-manager API.
3.4. Inter-service authorization
It is critical to be able to control access to services based on the identity of the requester. This is done by the platform and does not require each application to implement it. That allows better auditing and inspection of the policies.
OpenShift Container Platform: Can enforce isolation in the networking layer of the platform using the Kubernetes
objects. - Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: Sophisticated L4 and L7 control of traffic using standard Istio objects and using mTLS to identify the source and destination of traffic and then apply policies based on that information.
3.5. Transaction-level verification
In addition to the ability to identify and authenticate connections, it is also useful to control access to individual transactions. This can include rate-limiting by source, observability, and semantic validation that a transaction is well formed.
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: Perform L7 inspection of requests, rejecting malformed HTTP requests, transaction-level observability and reporting. Service Mesh can also provide request-based authentication using JWT.
3.6. Risk assessment
As the number of security policies in a cluster increase, visualization of what the policies allow and deny becomes increasingly important. These tools make it easier to create, visualize, and manage cluster security policies.
Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: Create and visualize Kubernetes
, and OpenShift NetworkingEgressFirewall
objects using the OpenShift web console. - Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes: Advanced visualization of objects.
3.7. Site-wide policy enforcement and distribution
After deploying applications on a cluster, it becomes challenging to manage all of the objects that make up the security rules. It becomes critical to be able to apply site-wide policies and audit the deployed objects for compliance with the policies. This should allow for delegation of some permissions to users and cluster administrators within defined bounds, and should allow for exceptions to the policies if necessary.
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: RBAC to control policy objects and delegate control.
- Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes: Policy enforcement engine.
- Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) for Kubernetes: Centralized policy control.
3.8. Observability for constant, and retrospective, evaluation
After you have a running cluster, you want to be able to observe the traffic and verify that the traffic comports with the defined rules. This is important for intrusion detection, forensics, and is helpful for operational load management.
- Network Observability Operator: Allows for inspection, monitoring, and alerting on network connections to pods and nodes in the cluster.
- Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) for Kubernetes: Monitors, collects, and evaluates system-level events such as process execution, network connections and flows, and privilege escalation. It can determine a baseline for a cluster, and then detect anomalous activity and alert you about it.
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: Can monitor traffic entering and leaving a pod.
- Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform: For suitably instrumented applications, you can see all traffic associated with a particular action as it splits into sub-requests to microservices. This allows you to identify bottlenecks within a distributed application.
3.9. Endpoint security
It is important to be able to trust that the software running the services in your cluster has not been compromised. For example, you might need to ensure that certified images are run on trusted hardware, and have policies to only allow connections to or from an endpoint based on endpoint characteristics.
- OpenShift Container Platform: Secureboot can ensure that the nodes in the cluster are running trusted software, so the platform itself (including the container runtime) have not been tampered with. You can configure OpenShift Container Platform to only run images that have been signed by certain signatures.
- Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer: This can be used in a trusted build chain and produce signed container images.
3.10. Extending trust outside of the cluster
You might want to extend trust outside of the cluster by allowing a cluster to mint CAs for a subdomain. Alternatively, you might want to attest to workload identity in the cluster to a remote endpoint.
- OpenShift cert-manager Operator: You can use cert-manager to manage delegated CAs so that you can distribute trust across different clusters, or through your organization.
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: Can use SPIFFE to provide remote attestation of workloads to endpoints running in remote or local clusters.
Chapter 4. Accessing hosts
Learn how to create a bastion host to access OpenShift Container Platform instances and access the control plane nodes with secure shell (SSH) access.
4.1. Accessing hosts on Amazon Web Services in an installer-provisioned infrastructure cluster
The OpenShift Container Platform installer does not create any public IP addresses for any of the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that it provisions for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. To be able to SSH to your OpenShift Container Platform hosts, you must follow this procedure.
Create a security group that allows SSH access into the virtual private cloud (VPC) created by the
command. - Create an Amazon EC2 instance on one of the public subnets the installer created.
Associate a public IP address with the Amazon EC2 instance that you created.
Unlike with the OpenShift Container Platform installation, you should associate the Amazon EC2 instance you created with an SSH keypair. It does not matter what operating system you choose for this instance, as it will simply serve as an SSH bastion to bridge the internet into your OpenShift Container Platform cluster’s VPC. The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) you use does matter. With Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS), for example, you can provide keys via Ignition, like the installer does.
After you provisioned your Amazon EC2 instance and can SSH into it, you must add the SSH key that you associated with your OpenShift Container Platform installation. This key can be different from the key for the bastion instance, but does not have to be.
NoteDirect SSH access is only recommended for disaster recovery. When the Kubernetes API is responsive, run privileged pods instead.
oc get nodes
, inspect the output, and choose one of the nodes that is a master. The hostname looks similar toip-10-0-1-163.ec2.internal
. From the bastion SSH host you manually deployed into Amazon EC2, SSH into that control plane host. Ensure that you use the same SSH key you specified during the installation:
$ ssh -i <ssh-key-path> core@<master-hostname>
Chapter 5. Networking dashboards
Networking metrics are viewable in dashboards within the OpenShift Container Platform web console, under Observe → Dashboards.
5.1. Network Observability Operator
If you have the Network Observability Operator installed, you can view network traffic metrics dashboards by selecting the Netobserv dashboard from the Dashboards drop-down list. For more information about metrics available in this Dashboard, see Network Observability metrics dashboards.
5.2. Networking and OVN-Kubernetes dashboard
You can view both general networking metrics as well as OVN-Kubernetes metrics from the dashboard.
To view general networking metrics, select Networking/Linux Subsystem Stats from the Dashboards drop-down list. You can view the following networking metrics from the dashboard: Network Utilisation, Network Saturation, and Network Errors.
To view OVN-Kubernetes metrics select Networking/Infrastructure from the Dashboards drop-down list. You can view the following OVN-Kuberenetes metrics: Networking Configuration, TCP Latency Probes, Control Plane Resources, and Worker Resources.
5.3. Ingress Operator dashboard
You can view networking metrics handled by the Ingress Operator from the dashboard. This includes metrics like the following:
- Incoming and outgoing bandwidth
- HTTP error rates
- HTTP server response latency
To view these Ingress metrics, select Networking/Ingress from the Dashboards drop-down list. You can view Ingress metrics for the following categories: Top 10 Per Route, Top 10 Per Namespace, and Top 10 Per Shard.
Chapter 6. Network security
6.1. Understanding network policy APIs
Kubernetes offers two features that users can use to enforce network security. One feature that allows users to enforce network policy is the NetworkPolicy
API that is designed mainly for application developers and namespace tenants to protect their namespaces by creating namespace-scoped policies.
The second feature is AdminNetworkPolicy
which consists of two APIs: the AdminNetworkPolicy
(ANP) API and the BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
(BANP) API. ANP and BANP are designed for cluster and network administrators to protect their entire cluster by creating cluster-scoped policies. Cluster administrators can use ANPs to enforce non-overridable policies that take precedence over NetworkPolicy
objects. Administrators can use BANP to set up and enforce optional cluster-scoped network policy rules that are overridable by users using NetworkPolicy
objects when necessary. When used together, ANP, BANP, and network policy can achieve full multi-tenant isolation that administrators can use to secure their cluster.
OVN-Kubernetes CNI in OpenShift Container Platform implements these network policies using Access Control List (ACL) Tiers to evaluate and apply them. ACLs are evaluated in descending order from Tier 1 to Tier 3.
Tier 1 evaluates AdminNetworkPolicy
(ANP) objects. Tier 2 evaluates NetworkPolicy
objects. Tier 3 evaluates BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
(BANP) objects.
ANPs are evaluated first. When the match is an ANP allow
or deny
rule, any existing NetworkPolicy
and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
(BANP) objects in the cluster are skipped from evaluation. When the match is an ANP pass
rule, then evaluation moves from tier 1 of the ACL to tier 2 where the NetworkPolicy
policy is evaluated. If no NetworkPolicy
matches the traffic then evaluation moves from tier 2 ACLs to tier 3 ACLs where BANP is evaluated.
6.1.1. Key differences between AdminNetworkPolicy and NetworkPolicy custom resources
The following table explains key differences between the cluster scoped AdminNetworkPolicy
API and the namespace scoped NetworkPolicy
Policy elements | AdminNetworkPolicy | NetworkPolicy |
Applicable user | Cluster administrator or equivalent | Namespace owners |
Scope | Cluster | Namespaced |
Drop traffic |
Supported with an explicit |
Supported via implicit |
Delegate traffic |
Supported with an | Not applicable |
Allow traffic |
Supported with an explicit | The default action for all rules is to allow. |
Rule precedence within the policy | Depends on the order in which they appear within an ANP. The higher the rule’s position the higher the precedence. | Rules are additive |
Policy precedence |
Among ANPs the | There is no policy ordering between policies. |
Feature precedence | Evaluated first via tier 1 ACL and BANP is evaluated last via tier 3 ACL. | Enforced after ANP and before BANP, they are evaluated in tier 2 of the ACL. |
Matching pod selection | Can apply different rules across namespaces. | Can apply different rules across pods in single namespace. |
Cluster egress traffic |
Supported via |
Supported through |
Cluster ingress traffic | Not supported | Not supported |
Fully qualified domain names (FQDN) peer support | Not supported | Not supported |
Namespace selectors |
Supports advanced selection of Namespaces with the use of |
Supports label based namespace selection with the use of |
6.2. Admin network policy
6.2.1. OVN-Kubernetes AdminNetworkPolicy AdminNetworkPolicy
An AdminNetworkPolicy
(ANP) is a cluster-scoped custom resource definition (CRD). As a OpenShift Container Platform administrator, you can use ANP to secure your network by creating network policies before creating namespaces. Additionally, you can create network policies on a cluster-scoped level that is non-overridable by NetworkPolicy
The key difference between AdminNetworkPolicy
and NetworkPolicy
objects are that the former is for administrators and is cluster scoped while the latter is for tenant owners and is namespace scoped.
An ANP allows administrators to specify the following:
value that determines the order of its evaluation. The lower the value the higher the precedence. - A set of pods that consists of a set of namespaces or namespace on which the policy is applied.
A list of ingress rules to be applied for all ingress traffic towards the
. -
A list of egress rules to be applied for all egress traffic from the
AdminNetworkPolicy example
Example 6.1. Example YAML file for an ANP
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: sample-anp-deny-pass-rules 1 spec: priority: 50 2 subject: namespaces: matchLabels: 3 ingress: 4 - name: "deny-all-ingress-tenant-1" 5 action: "Deny" from: - pods: namespaceSelector: matchLabels: custom-anp: tenant-1 podSelector: matchLabels: custom-anp: tenant-1 6 egress:7 - name: "pass-all-egress-to-tenant-1" action: "Pass" to: - pods: namespaceSelector: matchLabels: custom-anp: tenant-1 podSelector: matchLabels: custom-anp: tenant-1
- 1
- Specify a name for your ANP.
- 2
- The
field supports a maximum of 100 ANP in the values of 0-99 in a cluster. The lower the value the higher the precedence. CreatingAdminNetworkPolicy
with the same priority creates a nondeterministic outcome. - 3
- Specify the namespace to apply the ANP resource.
- 4
- ANP have both ingress and egress rules. ANP rules for
field accepts values ofPass
, andAllow
for theaction
field. - 5
- Specify a name for the
. - 6
- Specify
to select pods within the namespaces selected bynamespaceSelector.matchLabels
as ingress peers. - 7
- ANPs have both ingress and egress rules. ANP rules for
field accepts values ofPass
, andAllow
for theaction
Additional resources AdminNetworkPolicy actions for rules
As an administrator, you can set Allow
, Deny
, or Pass
as the action
field for your AdminNetworkPolicy
rules. Because OVN-Kubernetes uses a tiered ACLs to evaluate network traffic rules, ANP allow you to set very strong policy rules that can only be changed by an administrator modifying them, deleting the rule, or overriding them by setting a higher priority rule.
AdminNetworkPolicy Allow example
The following ANP that is defined at priority 9 ensures all ingress traffic is allowed from the monitoring
namespace towards any tenant (all other namespaces) in the cluster.
Example 6.2. Example YAML file for a strong Allow
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-monitoring spec: priority: 9 subject: namespaces: {} # Use the empty selector with caution because it also selects OpenShift namespaces as well. ingress: - name: "allow-ingress-from-monitoring" action: "Allow" from: - namespaces: matchLabels: monitoring # ...
This is an example of a strong Allow
ANP because it is non-overridable by all the parties involved. No tenants can block themselves from being monitored using NetworkPolicy
objects and the monitoring tenant also has no say in what it can or cannot monitor.
AdminNetworkPolicy Deny example
The following ANP that is defined at priority 5 ensures all ingress traffic from the monitoring
namespace is blocked towards restricted tenants (namespaces that have labels security: restricted
Example 6.3. Example YAML file for a strong Deny
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: block-monitoring spec: priority: 5 subject: namespaces: matchLabels: security: restricted ingress: - name: "deny-ingress-from-monitoring" action: "Deny" from: - namespaces: matchLabels: monitoring # ...
This is a strong Deny
ANP that is non-overridable by all the parties involved. The restricted tenant owners cannot authorize themselves to allow monitoring traffic, and the infrastructure’s monitoring service cannot scrape anything from these sensitive namespaces.
When combined with the strong Allow
example, the block-monitoring
ANP has a lower priority value giving it higher precedence, which ensures restricted tenants are never monitored.
AdminNetworkPolicy Pass example
TThe following ANP that is defined at priority 7 ensures all ingress traffic from the monitoring
namespace towards internal infrastructure tenants (namespaces that have labels security: internal
) are passed on to tier 2 of the ACLs and evaluated by the namespaces’ NetworkPolicy
Example 6.4. Example YAML file for a strong Pass
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: pass-monitoring spec: priority: 7 subject: namespaces: matchLabels: security: internal ingress: - name: "pass-ingress-from-monitoring" action: "Pass" from: - namespaces: matchLabels: monitoring # ...
This example is a strong Pass
action ANP because it delegates the decision to NetworkPolicy
objects defined by tenant owners. This pass-monitoring
ANP allows all tenant owners grouped at security level internal
to choose if their metrics should be scraped by the infrastructures' monitoring service using namespace scoped NetworkPolicy
6.2.2. OVN-Kubernetes BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
(BANP) is a cluster-scoped custom resource definition (CRD). As a OpenShift Container Platform administrator, you can use BANP to setup and enforce optional baseline network policy rules that are overridable by users using NetworkPolicy
objects if need be. Rule actions for BANP are allow
or deny
The BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
resource is a cluster singleton object that can be used as a guardrail policy incase a passed traffic policy does not match any NetworkPolicy
objects in the cluster. A BANP can also be used as a default security model that provides guardrails that intra-cluster traffic is blocked by default and a user will need to use NetworkPolicy
objects to allow known traffic. You must use default
as the name when creating a BANP resource.
A BANP allows administrators to specify:
that consists of a set of namespaces or namespace. -
A list of ingress rules to be applied for all ingress traffic towards the
. -
A list of egress rules to be applied for all egress traffic from the
BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy example
Example 6.5. Example YAML file for BANP
apiVersion: kind: BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: default 1 spec: subject: namespaces: matchLabels: 2 ingress: 3 - name: "deny-all-ingress-from-tenant-1" 4 action: "Deny" from: - pods: namespaceSelector: matchLabels: custom-banp: tenant-1 5 podSelector: matchLabels: custom-banp: tenant-1 6 egress: - name: "allow-all-egress-to-tenant-1" action: "Allow" to: - pods: namespaceSelector: matchLabels: custom-banp: tenant-1 podSelector: matchLabels: custom-banp: tenant-1
- 1
- The policy name must be
because BANP is a singleton object. - 2
- Specify the namespace to apply the ANP to.
- 3
- BANP have both ingress and egress rules. BANP rules for
fields accepts values ofDeny
for theaction
field. - 4
- Specify a name for the
- 5
- Specify the namespaces to select the pods from to apply the BANP resource.
- 6
- Specify
name of the pods to apply the BANP resource.
BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy Deny example
The following BANP singleton ensures that the administrator has set up a default deny policy for all ingress monitoring traffic coming into the tenants at internal
security level. When combined with the "AdminNetworkPolicy Pass example", this deny policy acts as a guardrail policy for all ingress traffic that is passed by the ANP pass-monitoring
Example 6.6. Example YAML file for a guardrail Deny
apiVersion: kind: BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: default spec: subject: namespaces: matchLabels: security: internal ingress: - name: "deny-ingress-from-monitoring" action: "Deny" from: - namespaces: matchLabels: monitoring # ...
You can use an AdminNetworkPolicy
resource with a Pass
value for the action
field in conjunction with the BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
resource to create a multi-tenant policy. This multi-tenant policy allows one tenant to collect monitoring data on their application while simultaneously not collecting data from a second tenant.
As an administrator, if you apply both the "AdminNetworkPolicy Pass
action example" and the "BaselineAdminNetwork Policy Deny
example", tenants are then left with the ability to choose to create a NetworkPolicy
resource that will be evaluated before the BANP.
For example, Tenant 1 can set up the following NetworkPolicy
resource to monitor ingress traffic:
Example 6.7. Example NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-monitoring namespace: tenant 1 spec: podSelector: policyTypes: - Ingress ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: monitoring # ...
In this scenario, Tenant 1’s policy would be evaluated after the "AdminNetworkPolicy Pass
action example" and before the "BaselineAdminNetwork Policy Deny
example", which denies all ingress monitoring traffic coming into tenants with security
level internal
. With Tenant 1’s NetworkPolicy
object in place, they will be able to collect data on their application. Tenant 2, however, who does not have any NetworkPolicy
objects in place, will not be able to collect data. As an administrator, you have not by default monitored internal tenants, but instead, you created a BANP that allows tenants to use NetworkPolicy
objects to override the default behavior of your BANP.
6.2.3. Monitoring ANP and BANP
and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
resources have metrics that can be used for monitoring and managing your policies. See the following table for more details on the metrics. Metrics for AdminNetworkPolicy
Name | Description | Explanation |
| Not applicable |
The total number of |
| Not applicable |
The total number of |
The total number of rules across all ANP policies in the cluster grouped by |
The total number of rules across all BANP policies in the cluster grouped by |
The total number of OVN Northbound database (nbdb) objects that are created by all the ANP in the cluster grouped by the |
The total number of OVN Northbound database (nbdb) objects that are created by all the BANP in the cluster grouped by the |
6.2.4. Egress nodes and networks peer for AdminNetworkPolicy
This section explains nodes
and networks
peers. Administrators can use the examples in this section to design AdminNetworkPolicy
and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
to control northbound traffic in their cluster. Northbound traffic controls for AdminNetworkPolicy and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
In addition to supporting east-west traffic controls, ANP and BANP also allow administrators to control their northbound traffic leaving the cluster or traffic leaving the node to other nodes in the cluster. End-users can do the following:
Implement egress traffic control towards cluster nodes using
egress peer -
Implement egress traffic control towards Kubernetes API servers using
egress peers -
Implement egress traffic control towards external destinations outside the cluster using
For ANP and BANP, nodes
and networks
peers can be specified for egress rules only. Using nodes peer to control egress traffic to cluster nodes
Using the nodes
peer administrators can control egress traffic from pods to nodes in the cluster. A benefit of this is that you do not have to change the policy when nodes are added to or deleted from the cluster.
The following example allows egress traffic to the Kubernetes API server on port 6443
by any of the namespaces with a restricted
, confidential
, or internal
level of security using the node selector peer. It also denies traffic to all worker nodes in your cluster from any of the namespaces with a restricted
, confidential
, or internal
level of security.
Example 6.8. Example of ANP Allow
egress using nodes
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: egress-security-allow spec: egress: - action: Deny to: - nodes: matchExpressions: - key: operator: Exists - action: Allow name: allow-to-kubernetes-api-server-and-engr-dept-pods ports: - portNumber: port: 6443 protocol: TCP to: - nodes: 1 matchExpressions: - key: operator: Exists - pods: 2 namespaceSelector: matchLabels: dept: engr podSelector: {} priority: 55 subject: 3 namespaces: matchExpressions: - key: security 4 operator: In values: - restricted - confidential - internal
- 1
- Specifies a node or set of nodes in the cluster using the
field. - 2
- Specifies all the pods labeled with
dept: engr
. - 3
- Specifies the subject of the ANP which includes any namespaces that match the labels used by the network policy. The example matches any of the namespaces with
, orinternal
level ofsecurity
. - 4
- Specifies key/value pairs for
field. Using networks peer to control egress traffic towards external destinations
Cluster administrators can use CIDR ranges in networks
peer and apply a policy to control egress traffic leaving from pods and going to a destination configured at the IP address that is within the CIDR range specified with networks
The following example uses networks
peer and combines ANP and BANP policies to restrict egress traffic.
Use the empty selector ({}) in the namespace
field for ANP and BANP with caution. When using an empty selector, it also selects OpenShift namespaces.
If you use values of
in a ANP or BANP Deny
rule, you must set a higher priority ANP Allow
rule to necessary destinations before setting the Deny
Example 6.9. Example of ANP and BANP using networks
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: network-as-egress-peer spec: priority: 70 subject: namespaces: {} # Use the empty selector with caution because it also selects OpenShift namespaces as well. egress: - name: "deny-egress-to-external-dns-servers" action: "Deny" to: - networks:1 - - - ports: - portNumber: protocol: UDP port: 53 - name: "allow-all-egress-to-intranet" action: "Allow" to: - networks: 2 - - - name: "allow-all-intra-cluster-traffic" action: "Allow" to: - namespaces: {} # Use the empty selector with caution because it also selects OpenShift namespaces as well. - name: "pass-all-egress-to-internet" action: "Pass" to: - networks: - 3 --- apiVersion: kind: BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: default spec: subject: namespaces: {} # Use the empty selector with caution because it also selects OpenShift namespaces as well. egress: - name: "deny-all-egress-to-internet" action: "Deny" to: - networks: - 4 ---
- 1
- Use
to specify a range of CIDR networks outside of the cluster. - 2
- Specifies the CIDR ranges for the intra-cluster traffic from your resources.
- 3 4
- Specifies a
egress to everything by settingnetworks
values to0.0.0.0/0
. Make sure you have a higher priorityAllow
rule to necessary destinations before setting aDeny
because this will deny all traffic including to Kubernetes API and DNS servers.
Collectively the network-as-egress-peer
ANP and default
BANP using networks
peers enforces the following egress policy:
- All pods cannot talk to external DNS servers at the listed IP addresses.
- All pods can talk to rest of the company’s intranet.
- All pods can talk to other pods, nodes, and services.
All pods cannot talk to the internet. Combining the last ANP
rule and the strong BANPDeny
rule a guardrail policy is created that secures traffic in the cluster. Using nodes peer and networks peer together
Cluster administrators can combine nodes
and networks
peer in your ANP and BANP policies.
Example 6.10. Example of nodes
and networks
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: egress-peer-1 1 spec: egress: 2 - action: "Allow" name: "allow-egress" to: - nodes: matchExpressions: - key: worker-group operator: In values: - workloads # Egress traffic from nodes with label worker-group: workloads is allowed. - networks: - - pods: namespaceSelector: matchLabels: apps: external-apps podSelector: matchLabels: app: web # This rule in the policy allows the traffic directed to pods labeled apps: web in projects with apps: external-apps to leave the cluster. - action: "Deny" name: "deny-egress" to: - nodes: matchExpressions: - key: worker-group operator: In values: - infra # Egress traffic from nodes with label worker-group: infra is denied. - networks: - # Egress traffic to this IP address from cluster is denied. - pods: namespaceSelector: matchLabels: apps: internal-apps podSelector: {} - action: "Pass" name: "pass-egress" to: - nodes: matchExpressions: - key: operator: Exists # All other egress traffic is passed to NetworkPolicy or BANP for evaluation. priority: 30 3 subject: 4 namespaces: matchLabels: apps: all-apps
- 1
- Specifies the name of the policy.
- 2
- For
peers, you can only use northbound traffic controls in ANP asegress
. - 3
- Specifies the priority of the ANP, determining the order in which they should be evaluated. Lower priority rules have higher precedence. ANP accepts values of 0-99 with 0 being the highest priority and 99 being the lowest.
- 4
- Specifies the set of pods in the cluster on which the rules of the policy are to be applied. In the example, any pods with the
apps: all-apps
label across all namespaces are thesubject
of the policy.
6.2.5. Troubleshooting AdminNetworkPolicy Checking creation of ANP
To check that your AdminNetworkPolicy
(ANP) and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
(BANP) are created correctly, check the status outputs of the following commands: oc describe anp
or oc describe banp
A good status indicates OVN DB plumbing was successful
and the SetupSucceeded
Example 6.11. Example ANP with a good status
... Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2024-06-08T20:29:00Z Message: Setting up OVN DB plumbing was successful Reason: SetupSucceeded Status: True Type: Ready-In-Zone-ovn-control-plane Last Transition Time: 2024-06-08T20:29:00Z Message: Setting up OVN DB plumbing was successful Reason: SetupSucceeded Status: True Type: Ready-In-Zone-ovn-worker Last Transition Time: 2024-06-08T20:29:00Z Message: Setting up OVN DB plumbing was successful Reason: SetupSucceeded Status: True Type: Ready-In-Zone-ovn-worker2 ...
If plumbing is unsuccessful, an error is reported from the respective zone controller.
Example 6.12. Example of an ANP with a bad status and error message
... Status: Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2024-06-25T12:47:44Z Message: error attempting to add ANP cluster-control with priority 600 because, OVNK only supports priority ranges 0-99 Reason: SetupFailed Status: False Type: Last Transition Time: 2024-06-25T12:47:45Z Message: error attempting to add ANP cluster-control with priority 600 because, OVNK only supports priority ranges 0-99 Reason: SetupFailed Status: False Type: Last Transition Time: 2024-06-25T12:47:44Z Message: error attempting to add ANP cluster-control with priority 600 because, OVNK only supports priority ranges 0-99 Reason: SetupFailed Status: False Type: Last Transition Time: 2024-06-25T12:47:44Z Message: error attempting to add ANP cluster-control with priority 600 because, OVNK only supports priority ranges 0-99 Reason: SetupFailed Status: False Type: Last Transition Time: 2024-06-25T12:47:44Z Message: error attempting to add ANP cluster-control with priority 600 because, OVNK only supports priority ranges 0-99 Reason: SetupFailed Status: False Type: ```
See the following section for nbctl
commands to help troubleshoot unsuccessful policies. Using nbctl commands for ANP and BANP
To troubleshoot an unsuccessful setup, start by looking at OVN Northbound database (nbdb) objects including ACL
, AdressSet
, and Port_Group
. To view the nbdb, you need to be inside the pod on that node to view the objects in that node’s database.
Access to the cluster as a user with the
role. -
The OpenShift CLI (
) installed.
To run ovn nbctl
commands in a cluster, you must open a remote shell into the `nbdb`on the relevant node.
The following policy was used to generate outputs.
Example 6.13. AdminNetworkPolicy
used to generate outputs
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: name: cluster-control spec: priority: 34 subject: namespaces: matchLabels: anp: cluster-control-anp # Only namespaces with this label have this ANP ingress: - name: "allow-from-ingress-router" # rule0 action: "Allow" from: - namespaces: matchLabels: "" - name: "allow-from-monitoring" # rule1 action: "Allow" from: - namespaces: matchLabels: openshift-monitoring ports: - portNumber: protocol: TCP port: 7564 - namedPort: "scrape" - name: "allow-from-open-tenants" # rule2 action: "Allow" from: - namespaces: # open tenants matchLabels: tenant: open - name: "pass-from-restricted-tenants" # rule3 action: "Pass" from: - namespaces: # restricted tenants matchLabels: tenant: restricted - name: "default-deny" # rule4 action: "Deny" from: - namespaces: {} # Use the empty selector with caution because it also selects OpenShift namespaces as well. egress: - name: "allow-to-dns" # rule0 action: "Allow" to: - pods: namespaceSelector: matchlabels: openshift-dns podSelector: matchlabels: app: dns ports: - portNumber: protocol: UDP port: 5353 - name: "allow-to-kapi-server" # rule1 action: "Allow" to: - nodes: matchExpressions: - key: operator: Exists ports: - portNumber: protocol: TCP port: 6443 - name: "allow-to-splunk" # rule2 action: "Allow" to: - namespaces: matchlabels: tenant: splunk ports: - portNumber: protocol: TCP port: 8991 - portNumber: protocol: TCP port: 8992 - name: "allow-to-open-tenants-and-intranet-and-worker-nodes" # rule3 action: "Allow" to: - nodes: # worker-nodes matchExpressions: - key: operator: Exists - networks: # intranet - - - - - namespaces: # open tenants matchLabels: tenant: open - name: "pass-to-restricted-tenants" # rule4 action: "Pass" to: - namespaces: # restricted tenants matchLabels: tenant: restricted - name: "default-deny" action: "Deny" to: - networks: -
List pods with node information by running the following command:
$ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -owide
Example output
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES ovnkube-control-plane-5c95487779-8k9fd 2/2 Running 0 34m ci-ln-0tv5gg2-72292-6sjw5-master-0 <none> <none> ovnkube-control-plane-5c95487779-v2xn8 2/2 Running 0 34m ci-ln-0tv5gg2-72292-6sjw5-master-1 <none> <none> ovnkube-node-524dt 8/8 Running 0 33m ci-ln-0tv5gg2-72292-6sjw5-master-2 <none> <none> ovnkube-node-gbwr9 8/8 Running 0 24m ci-ln-0tv5gg2-72292-6sjw5-worker-c-s9gqt <none> <none> ovnkube-node-h4fpx 8/8 Running 0 33m ci-ln-0tv5gg2-72292-6sjw5-master-0 <none> <none> ovnkube-node-j4hzw 8/8 Running 0 24m ci-ln-0tv5gg2-72292-6sjw5-worker-a-hzbh5 <none> <none> ovnkube-node-wdhgv 8/8 Running 0 33m ci-ln-0tv5gg2-72292-6sjw5-master-1 <none> <none> ovnkube-node-wfncn 8/8 Running 0 24m ci-ln-0tv5gg2-72292-6sjw5-worker-b-5bb7f <none> <none>
Navigate into a pod to look at the northbound database by running the following command:
$ oc rsh -c nbdb -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes ovnkube-node-524dt
Run the following command to look at the ACLs nbdb:
$ ovn-nbctl find ACL 'external_ids{>=}{""=AdminNetworkPolicy,""=cluster-control}'
- Where, cluster-control
Specifies the name of the
you are troubleshooting. - AdminNetworkPolicy
Specifies the type:
Example 6.14. Example output for ACLs
_uuid : 0d5e4722-b608-4bb1-b625-23c323cc9926 action : allow-related direction : to-lport external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="2", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:2:None", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=None} label : 0 log : false match : "outport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.src == $a13730899355151937870))" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Ingress:2" options : {} priority : 26598 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : b7be6472-df67-439c-8c9c-f55929f0a6e0 action : drop direction : from-lport external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="5", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:5:None", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=None} label : 0 log : false match : "inport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.dst == $a11452480169090787059))" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Egress:5" options : {apply-after-lb="true"} priority : 26595 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : 5a6e5bb4-36eb-4209-b8bc-c611983d4624 action : pass direction : to-lport external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="3", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:3:None", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=None} label : 0 log : false match : "outport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.src == $a764182844364804195))" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Ingress:3" options : {} priority : 26597 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : 04f20275-c410-405c-a923-0e677f767889 action : pass direction : from-lport external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="4", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:4:None", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=None} label : 0 log : false match : "inport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.dst == $a5972452606168369118))" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Egress:4" options : {apply-after-lb="true"} priority : 26596 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : 4b5d836a-e0a3-4088-825e-f9f0ca58e538 action : drop direction : to-lport external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="4", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:4:None", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=None} label : 0 log : false match : "outport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.src == $a13814616246365836720))" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Ingress:4" options : {} priority : 26596 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : 5d09957d-d2cc-4f5a-9ddd-b97d9d772023 action : allow-related direction : from-lport external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="2", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:2:tcp", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=tcp} label : 0 log : false match : "inport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.dst == $a18396736153283155648)) && tcp && tcp.dst=={8991,8992}" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Egress:2" options : {apply-after-lb="true"} priority : 26598 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : 1a68a5ed-e7f9-47d0-b55c-89184d97e81a action : allow-related direction : from-lport external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="1", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:1:tcp", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=tcp} label : 0 log : false match : "inport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.dst == $a10706246167277696183)) && tcp && tcp.dst==6443" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Egress:1" options : {apply-after-lb="true"} priority : 26599 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : aa1a224d-7960-4952-bdfb-35246bafbac8 action : allow-related direction : to-lport external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="1", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:1:tcp", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=tcp} label : 0 log : false match : "outport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.src == $a6786643370959569281)) && tcp && tcp.dst==7564" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Ingress:1" options : {} priority : 26599 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : 1a27d30e-3f96-4915-8ddd-ade7f22c117b action : allow-related direction : from-lport external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="3", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:3:None", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=None} label : 0 log : false match : "inport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.dst == $a10622494091691694581))" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Egress:3" options : {apply-after-lb="true"} priority : 26597 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : b23a087f-08f8-4225-8c27-4a9a9ee0c407 action : allow-related direction : from-lport external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="0", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:0:udp", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=udp} label : 0 log : false match : "inport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.dst == $a13517855690389298082)) && udp && udp.dst==5353" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Egress:0" options : {apply-after-lb="true"} priority : 26600 severity : [] tier : 1 _uuid : d14ed5cf-2e06-496e-8cae-6b76d5dd5ccd action : allow-related direction : to-lport external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="0", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:0:None", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=None} label : 0 log : false match : "outport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.src == $a14545668191619617708))" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Ingress:0" options : {} priority : 26600 severity : [] tier : 1
NoteThe outputs for ingress and egress show you the logic of the policy in the ACL. For example, every time a packet matches the provided
is taken.Examine the specific ACL for the rule by running the following command:
$ ovn-nbctl find ACL 'external_ids{>=}{""=AdminNetworkPolicy,direction=Ingress,""=cluster-control,gress-index="1"}'
- Where,
Specifies the
of your ANP. Ingress
Specifies the
of traffic either of typeIngress
. 1
- Specifies the rule you want to look at.
For the example ANP named
, the following is an example output forIngress
1:Example 6.15. Example output
_uuid : aa1a224d-7960-4952-bdfb-35246bafbac8 action : allow-related direction : to-lport external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="1", ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:1:tcp", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy, port-policy-protocol=tcp} label : 0 log : false match : "outport == @a14645450421485494999 && ((ip4.src == $a6786643370959569281)) && tcp && tcp.dst==7564" meter : acl-logging name : "ANP:cluster-control:Ingress:1" options : {} priority : 26599 severity : [] tier : 1
- Where,
Run the following command to look at address sets in the nbdb:
$ ovn-nbctl find Address_Set 'external_ids{>=}{""=AdminNetworkPolicy,""=cluster-control}'
Example 6.16. Example outputs for
_uuid : 56e89601-5552-4238-9fc3-8833f5494869 addresses : ["", "", "", ""] external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="1", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:1:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a10706246167277696183 _uuid : 7df9330d-380b-4bdb-8acd-4eddeda2419c addresses : ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="4", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:4:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a13814616246365836720 _uuid : 84d76f13-ad95-4c00-8329-a0b1d023c289 addresses : ["", ""] external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="4", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:4:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a5972452606168369118 _uuid : 0c53e917-f7ee-4256-8f3a-9522c0481e52 addresses : ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="2", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:2:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a18396736153283155648 _uuid : 5228bf1b-dfd8-40ec-bfa8-95c5bf9aded9 addresses : [] external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="0", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:0:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a14545668191619617708 _uuid : 46530d69-70da-4558-8c63-884ec9dc4f25 addresses : ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="1", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:1:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a6786643370959569281 _uuid : 65fdcdea-0b9f-4318-9884-1b51d231ad1d addresses : ["", ""] external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="2", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:2:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a13730899355151937870 _uuid : 73eabdb0-36bf-4ca3-b66d-156ac710df4c addresses : ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="3", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:3:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a10622494091691694581 _uuid : 50cdbef2-71b5-474b-914c-6fcd1d7712d3 addresses : ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="0", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:0:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a13517855690389298082 _uuid : 32a42f32-2d11-43dd-979d-a56d7ee6aa57 addresses : ["", ""] external_ids : {direction=Ingress, gress-index="3", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Ingress:3:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a764182844364804195 _uuid : 8fd3b977-6e1c-47aa-82b7-e3e3136c4a72 addresses : [""] external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="5", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:5:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a11452480169090787059
Examine the specific address set of the rule by running the following command:
$ ovn-nbctl find Address_Set 'external_ids{>=}{""=AdminNetworkPolicy,direction=Egress,""=cluster-control,gress-index="5"}'
Example 6.17. Example outputs for
_uuid : 8fd3b977-6e1c-47aa-82b7-e3e3136c4a72 addresses : [""] external_ids : {direction=Egress, gress-index="5", ip-family=v4, ""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control:Egress:5:v4", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a11452480169090787059
Run the following command to look at the port groups in the nbdb:
$ ovn-nbctl find Port_Group 'external_ids{>=}{""=AdminNetworkPolicy,""=cluster-control}'
Example 6.18. Example outputs for
_uuid : f50acf71-7488-4b9a-b7b8-c8a024e99d21 acls : [04f20275-c410-405c-a923-0e677f767889, 0d5e4722-b608-4bb1-b625-23c323cc9926, 1a27d30e-3f96-4915-8ddd-ade7f22c117b, 1a68a5ed-e7f9-47d0-b55c-89184d97e81a, 4b5d836a-e0a3-4088-825e-f9f0ca58e538, 5a6e5bb4-36eb-4209-b8bc-c611983d4624, 5d09957d-d2cc-4f5a-9ddd-b97d9d772023, aa1a224d-7960-4952-bdfb-35246bafbac8, b23a087f-08f8-4225-8c27-4a9a9ee0c407, b7be6472-df67-439c-8c9c-f55929f0a6e0, d14ed5cf-2e06-496e-8cae-6b76d5dd5ccd] external_ids : {""="default-network-controller:AdminNetworkPolicy:cluster-control", ""=cluster-control, ""=default-network-controller, ""=AdminNetworkPolicy} name : a14645450421485494999 ports : [5e75f289-8273-4f8a-8798-8c10f7318833, de7e1b71-6184-445d-93e7-b20acadf41ea] Additional resources
6.2.6. Best practices for AdminNetworkPolicy
This section provides best practices for the AdminNetworkPolicy
and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
resources. Designing AdminNetworkPolicy
When building AdminNetworkPolicy
(ANP) resources, you might consider the following when creating your policies:
- Because there is no guarantee which policy will take precedence when overlapping ANP are created, you should create ANP at different priorities so that precedence is well defined.
- Administrators must create ANP that apply to user namespaces not system namespaces.
Applying ANP and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
(BANP) to system namespaces (default
, kube-system
, any namespace whose name starts with openshift-
, etc) is not supported, and this can leave your cluster unresponsive and in a non-functional state.
is the supported priority range, you might design your ANP to use a middle range like30-70
. This leaves some placeholder for priorities before and after. Even in the middle range, you might want to leave gaps so that as your infrastructure requirements evolve over time, you are able to insert new ANPs when needed at the right priority level. If you pack your ANPs, then you might need to recreate all of them to accommodate any changes in the future. -
When using
to create a strongDeny
policy, ensure that you have higher priorityAllow
rules for essential traffic. -
as youraction
field when you want to ensure that a connection is allowed no matter what. AnAllow
rule in an ANP means that the connection will always be allowed, andNetworkPolicy
will be ignored. -
as youraction
field to delegate the policy decision of allowing or denying the connection to theNetworkPolicy
layer. - Ensure that the selectors across multiple rules do not overlap so that the same IPs do not appear in multiple policies, which can cause performance and scale limitations.
Avoid using
in conjunction withPortNumber
because this creates 6 ACLs and cause inefficiencies in your cluster. Considerations for using BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
You can define only a single
(BANP) resource within a cluster. The following are supported uses for BANP that administrators might consider in designing their BANP:-
You can set a default deny policy for cluster-local ingress in user namespaces. This BANP will force developers to have to add
objects to allow the ingress traffic that they want to allow, and if they do not add network policies for ingress it will be denied. -
You can set a default deny policy for cluster-local egress in user namespaces. This BANP will force developers to have to add
objects to allow the egress traffic that they want to allow, and if they do not add network policies it will be denied. -
You can set a default allow policy for egress to the in-cluster DNS service. Such a BANP ensures that the namespaced users do not have to set an allow egress
to the in-cluster DNS service. -
You can set an egress policy that allows internal egress traffic to all pods but denies access to all external endpoints (i.e
). This BANP allows user workloads to send traffic to other in-cluster endpoints, but not to external endpoints by default.NetworkPolicy
can then be used by developers in order to allow their applications to send traffic to an explicit set of external services.
You can set a default deny policy for cluster-local ingress in user namespaces. This BANP will force developers to have to add
Ensure you scope your BANP so that it only denies traffic to user namespaces and not to system namespaces. This is because the system namespaces do not have
objects to override your BANP. Differences to consider between AdminNetworkPolicy and NetworkPolicy
objects, you must use explicit labels to reference your workloads within ANP and BANP rather than using the empty ({}
) catch all selector to avoid accidental traffic selection.
An empty namespace selector applied to a infrastructure namespace can make your cluster unresponsive and in a non-functional state.
In API semantics for ANP, you have to explicitly define allow or deny rules when you create the policy, unlike
objects which have an implicit deny. -
objects ingress rules are limited to in-cluster pods and namespaces so you cannot, and do not need to, set rules for ingress from the host network.
6.3. Network policy
6.3.1. About network policy
As a developer, you can define network policies that restrict traffic to pods in your cluster. About network policy
In a cluster using a network plugin that supports Kubernetes network policy, network isolation is controlled entirely by NetworkPolicy
objects. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.16, OpenShift SDN supports using network policy in its default network isolation mode.
Network policy does not apply to the host network namespace. Pods with host networking enabled are unaffected by network policy rules. However, pods connecting to the host-networked pods might be affected by the network policy rules.
Network policies cannot block traffic from localhost or from their resident nodes.
By default, all pods in a project are accessible from other pods and network endpoints. To isolate one or more pods in a project, you can create NetworkPolicy
objects in that project to indicate the allowed incoming connections. Project administrators can create and delete NetworkPolicy
objects within their own project.
If a pod is matched by selectors in one or more NetworkPolicy
objects, then the pod will accept only connections that are allowed by at least one of those NetworkPolicy
objects. A pod that is not selected by any NetworkPolicy
objects is fully accessible.
A network policy applies to only the TCP, UDP, ICMP, and SCTP protocols. Other protocols are not affected.
The following example NetworkPolicy
objects demonstrate supporting different scenarios:
Deny all traffic:
To make a project deny by default, add a
object that matches all pods but accepts no traffic:kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: deny-by-default spec: podSelector: {} ingress: []
Only allow connections from the OpenShift Container Platform Ingress Controller:
To make a project allow only connections from the OpenShift Container Platform Ingress Controller, add the following
object.apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-openshift-ingress spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: ingress podSelector: {} policyTypes: - Ingress
Only accept connections from pods within a project:
ImportantTo allow ingress connections from
pods in the same namespace, you need to apply theallow-from-hostnetwork
policy together with theallow-same-namespace
policy.To make pods accept connections from other pods in the same project, but reject all other connections from pods in other projects, add the following
object:kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-same-namespace spec: podSelector: {} ingress: - from: - podSelector: {}
Only allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic based on pod labels:
To enable only HTTP and HTTPS access to the pods with a specific label (
in following example), add aNetworkPolicy
object similar to the following:kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-http-and-https spec: podSelector: matchLabels: role: frontend ingress: - ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 - protocol: TCP port: 443
Accept connections by using both namespace and pod selectors:
To match network traffic by combining namespace and pod selectors, you can use a
object similar to the following:kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-pod-and-namespace-both spec: podSelector: matchLabels: name: test-pods ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: project: project_name podSelector: matchLabels: name: test-pods
objects are additive, which means you can combine multiple NetworkPolicy
objects together to satisfy complex network requirements.
For example, for the NetworkPolicy
objects defined in previous samples, you can define both allow-same-namespace
and allow-http-and-https
policies within the same project. Thus allowing the pods with the label role=frontend
, to accept any connection allowed by each policy. That is, connections on any port from pods in the same namespace, and connections on ports 80
and 443
from pods in any namespace. Using the allow-from-router network policy
Use the following NetworkPolicy
to allow external traffic regardless of the router configuration:
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-from-router
- from:
- namespaceSelector:
matchLabels: ""1
podSelector: {}
- Ingress
- 1""
label supports both OpenShift-SDN and OVN-Kubernetes. Using the allow-from-hostnetwork network policy
Add the following allow-from-hostnetwork
object to direct traffic from the host network pods.
apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-hostnetwork spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: "" podSelector: {} policyTypes: - Ingress Optimizations for network policy with OpenShift SDN
Use a network policy to isolate pods that are differentiated from one another by labels within a namespace.
It is inefficient to apply NetworkPolicy
objects to large numbers of individual pods in a single namespace. Pod labels do not exist at the IP address level, so a network policy generates a separate Open vSwitch (OVS) flow rule for every possible link between every pod selected with a podSelector
For example, if the spec podSelector
and the ingress podSelector
within a NetworkPolicy
object each match 200 pods, then 40,000 (200*200) OVS flow rules are generated. This might slow down a node.
When designing your network policy, refer to the following guidelines:
Reduce the number of OVS flow rules by using namespaces to contain groups of pods that need to be isolated.
objects that select a whole namespace, by using thenamespaceSelector
or an emptypodSelector
, generate only a single OVS flow rule that matches the VXLAN virtual network ID (VNID) of the namespace.- Keep the pods that do not need to be isolated in their original namespace, and move the pods that require isolation into one or more different namespaces.
- Create additional targeted cross-namespace network policies to allow the specific traffic that you do want to allow from the isolated pods. Optimizations for network policy with OVN-Kubernetes network plugin
When designing your network policy, refer to the following guidelines:
For network policies with the same
spec, it is more efficient to use one network policy with multipleingress
rules, than multiple network policies with subsets ofingress
rules. Every
rule based on thepodSelector
spec generates the number of OVS flows proportional tonumber of pods selected by network policy + number of pods selected by ingress or egress rule
. Therefore, it is preferable to use thepodSelector
spec that can select as many pods as you need in one rule, instead of creating individual rules for every pod.For example, the following policy contains two rules:
apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: test-network-policy spec: podSelector: {} ingress: - from: - podSelector: matchLabels: role: frontend - from: - podSelector: matchLabels: role: backend
The following policy expresses those same two rules as one:
apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: test-network-policy spec: podSelector: {} ingress: - from: - podSelector: matchExpressions: - {key: role, operator: In, values: [frontend, backend]}
The same guideline applies to the
spec. If you have the sameingress
rules for different network policies, it might be more efficient to create one network policy with a commonspec.podSelector
spec. For example, the following two policies have different rules:apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: policy1 spec: podSelector: matchLabels: role: db ingress: - from: - podSelector: matchLabels: role: frontend --- apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: policy2 spec: podSelector: matchLabels: role: client ingress: - from: - podSelector: matchLabels: role: frontend
The following network policy expresses those same two rules as one:
apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: policy3 spec: podSelector: matchExpressions: - {key: role, operator: In, values: [db, client]} ingress: - from: - podSelector: matchLabels: role: frontend
You can apply this optimization when only multiple selectors are expressed as one. In cases where selectors are based on different labels, it may not be possible to apply this optimization. In those cases, consider applying some new labels for network policy optimization specifically. Next steps Additional resources
6.3.2. Creating a network policy
As a user with the admin
role, you can create a network policy for a namespace. Example NetworkPolicy object
The following annotates an example NetworkPolicy object:
kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-27107 1 spec: podSelector: 2 matchLabels: app: mongodb ingress: - from: - podSelector: 3 matchLabels: app: app ports: 4 - protocol: TCP port: 27017
- 1
- The name of the NetworkPolicy object.
- 2
- A selector that describes the pods to which the policy applies. The policy object can only select pods in the project that defines the NetworkPolicy object.
- 3
- A selector that matches the pods from which the policy object allows ingress traffic. The selector matches pods in the same namespace as the NetworkPolicy.
- 4
- A list of one or more destination ports on which to accept traffic. Creating a network policy using the CLI
To define granular rules describing ingress or egress network traffic allowed for namespaces in your cluster, you can create a network policy.
If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin
role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.
Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.
Create a policy rule:
Create a
file:$ touch <policy_name>.yaml
- Specifies the network policy file name.
Define a network policy in the file that you just created, such as in the following examples:
Deny ingress from all pods in all namespaces
This is a fundamental policy, blocking all cross-pod networking other than cross-pod traffic allowed by the configuration of other Network Policies.
kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: deny-by-default spec: podSelector: {} policyTypes: - Ingress ingress: []
Allow ingress from all pods in the same namespace
kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-same-namespace spec: podSelector: ingress: - from: - podSelector: {}
Allow ingress traffic to one pod from a particular namespace
This policy allows traffic to pods labelled
from pods running innamespace-y
.kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-traffic-pod spec: podSelector: matchLabels: pod: pod-a policyTypes: - Ingress ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: namespace-y
To create the network policy object, enter the following command:
$ oc apply -f <policy_name>.yaml -n <namespace>
- Specifies the network policy file name.
- Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
Example output created
If you log in to the web console with cluster-admin
privileges, you have a choice of creating a network policy in any namespace in the cluster directly in YAML or from a form in the web console. Creating a default deny all network policy
This is a fundamental policy, blocking all cross-pod networking other than network traffic allowed by the configuration of other deployed network policies. This procedure enforces a default deny-by-default
If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin
role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.
Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.
Create the following YAML that defines a
policy to deny ingress from all pods in all namespaces. Save the YAML in thedeny-by-default.yaml
file:kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: deny-by-default namespace: default 1 spec: podSelector: {} 2 ingress: [] 3
Apply the policy by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f deny-by-default.yaml
Example output created Creating a network policy to allow traffic from external clients
With the deny-by-default
policy in place you can proceed to configure a policy that allows traffic from external clients to a pod with the label app=web
If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin
role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.
Follow this procedure to configure a policy that allows external service from the public Internet directly or by using a Load Balancer to access the pod. Traffic is only allowed to a pod with the label app=web
Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.
Create a policy that allows traffic from the public Internet directly or by using a load balancer to access the pod. Save the YAML in the
file:kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: web-allow-external namespace: default spec: policyTypes: - Ingress podSelector: matchLabels: app: web ingress: - {}
Apply the policy by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f web-allow-external.yaml
Example output created
This policy allows traffic from all resources, including external traffic as illustrated in the following diagram: Creating a network policy allowing traffic to an application from all namespaces
If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin
role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.
Follow this procedure to configure a policy that allows traffic from all pods in all namespaces to a particular application.
Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.
Create a policy that allows traffic from all pods in all namespaces to a particular application. Save the YAML in the
file:kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: web-allow-all-namespaces namespace: default spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: web 1 policyTypes: - Ingress ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: {} 2
NoteBy default, if you omit specifying a
it does not select any namespaces, which means the policy allows traffic only from the namespace the network policy is deployed to.Apply the policy by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f web-allow-all-namespaces.yaml
Example output created
Start a web service in the
namespace by entering the following command:$ oc run web --namespace=default --image=nginx --labels="app=web" --expose --port=80
Run the following command to deploy an
image in thesecondary
namespace and to start a shell:$ oc run test-$RANDOM --namespace=secondary --rm -i -t --image=alpine -- sh
Run the following command in the shell and observe that the request is allowed:
# wget -qO- --timeout=2 http://web.default
Expected output
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> html { color-scheme: light dark; } body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href=""></a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html> Creating a network policy allowing traffic to an application from a namespace
If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin
role, then you can create a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.
Follow this procedure to configure a policy that allows traffic to a pod with the label app=web
from a particular namespace. You might want to do this to:
- Restrict traffic to a production database only to namespaces where production workloads are deployed.
- Enable monitoring tools deployed to a particular namespace to scrape metrics from the current namespace.
Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You are working in the namespace that the network policy applies to.
Create a policy that allows traffic from all pods in a particular namespaces with a label
. Save the YAML in theweb-allow-prod.yaml
file:kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: web-allow-prod namespace: default spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: web 1 policyTypes: - Ingress ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: purpose: production 2
Apply the policy by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f web-allow-prod.yaml
Example output created
Start a web service in the
namespace by entering the following command:$ oc run web --namespace=default --image=nginx --labels="app=web" --expose --port=80
Run the following command to create the
namespace:$ oc create namespace prod
Run the following command to label the
namespace:$ oc label namespace/prod purpose=production
Run the following command to create the
namespace:$ oc create namespace dev
Run the following command to label the
namespace:$ oc label namespace/dev purpose=testing
Run the following command to deploy an
image in thedev
namespace and to start a shell:$ oc run test-$RANDOM --namespace=dev --rm -i -t --image=alpine -- sh
Run the following command in the shell and observe that the request is blocked:
# wget -qO- --timeout=2 http://web.default
Expected output
wget: download timed out
Run the following command to deploy an
image in theprod
namespace and start a shell:$ oc run test-$RANDOM --namespace=prod --rm -i -t --image=alpine -- sh
Run the following command in the shell and observe that the request is allowed:
# wget -qO- --timeout=2 http://web.default
Expected output
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> html { color-scheme: light dark; } body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href=""></a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html> Additional resources
6.3.3. Viewing a network policy
As a user with the admin
role, you can view a network policy for a namespace. Example NetworkPolicy object
The following annotates an example NetworkPolicy object:
kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-27107 1 spec: podSelector: 2 matchLabels: app: mongodb ingress: - from: - podSelector: 3 matchLabels: app: app ports: 4 - protocol: TCP port: 27017
- 1
- The name of the NetworkPolicy object.
- 2
- A selector that describes the pods to which the policy applies. The policy object can only select pods in the project that defines the NetworkPolicy object.
- 3
- A selector that matches the pods from which the policy object allows ingress traffic. The selector matches pods in the same namespace as the NetworkPolicy.
- 4
- A list of one or more destination ports on which to accept traffic. Viewing network policies using the CLI
You can examine the network policies in a namespace.
If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin
role, then you can view any network policy in the cluster.
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You are working in the namespace where the network policy exists.
List network policies in a namespace:
To view network policy objects defined in a namespace, enter the following command:
$ oc get networkpolicy
Optional: To examine a specific network policy, enter the following command:
$ oc describe networkpolicy <policy_name> -n <namespace>
- Specifies the name of the network policy to inspect.
- Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
For example:
$ oc describe networkpolicy allow-same-namespace
Output for
oc describe
commandName: allow-same-namespace Namespace: ns1 Created on: 2021-05-24 22:28:56 -0400 EDT Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> Spec: PodSelector: <none> (Allowing the specific traffic to all pods in this namespace) Allowing ingress traffic: To Port: <any> (traffic allowed to all ports) From: PodSelector: <none> Not affecting egress traffic Policy Types: Ingress
If you log in to the web console with cluster-admin
privileges, you have a choice of viewing a network policy in any namespace in the cluster directly in YAML or from a form in the web console.
6.3.4. Editing a network policy
As a user with the admin
role, you can edit an existing network policy for a namespace. Editing a network policy
You can edit a network policy in a namespace.
If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin
role, then you can edit a network policy in any namespace in the cluster.
Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You are working in the namespace where the network policy exists.
Optional: To list the network policy objects in a namespace, enter the following command:
$ oc get networkpolicy
- Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
Edit the network policy object.
If you saved the network policy definition in a file, edit the file and make any necessary changes, and then enter the following command.
$ oc apply -n <namespace> -f <policy_file>.yaml
- Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
- Specifies the name of the file containing the network policy.
If you need to update the network policy object directly, enter the following command:
$ oc edit networkpolicy <policy_name> -n <namespace>
- Specifies the name of the network policy.
- Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
Confirm that the network policy object is updated.
$ oc describe networkpolicy <policy_name> -n <namespace>
- Specifies the name of the network policy.
- Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
If you log in to the web console with cluster-admin
privileges, you have a choice of editing a network policy in any namespace in the cluster directly in YAML or from the policy in the web console through the Actions menu. Example NetworkPolicy object
The following annotates an example NetworkPolicy object:
kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-27107 1 spec: podSelector: 2 matchLabels: app: mongodb ingress: - from: - podSelector: 3 matchLabels: app: app ports: 4 - protocol: TCP port: 27017
- 1
- The name of the NetworkPolicy object.
- 2
- A selector that describes the pods to which the policy applies. The policy object can only select pods in the project that defines the NetworkPolicy object.
- 3
- A selector that matches the pods from which the policy object allows ingress traffic. The selector matches pods in the same namespace as the NetworkPolicy.
- 4
- A list of one or more destination ports on which to accept traffic. Additional resources
6.3.5. Deleting a network policy
As a user with the admin
role, you can delete a network policy from a namespace. Deleting a network policy using the CLI
You can delete a network policy in a namespace.
If you log in with a user with the cluster-admin
role, then you can delete any network policy in the cluster.
Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You are working in the namespace where the network policy exists.
To delete a network policy object, enter the following command:
$ oc delete networkpolicy <policy_name> -n <namespace>
- Specifies the name of the network policy.
- Optional: Specifies the namespace if the object is defined in a different namespace than the current namespace.
Example output deleted
If you log in to the web console with cluster-admin
privileges, you have a choice of deleting a network policy in any namespace in the cluster directly in YAML or from the policy in the web console through the Actions menu.
6.3.6. Defining a default network policy for projects
As a cluster administrator, you can modify the new project template to automatically include network policies when you create a new project. If you do not yet have a customized template for new projects, you must first create one. Modifying the template for new projects
As a cluster administrator, you can modify the default project template so that new projects are created using your custom requirements.
To create your own custom project template:
You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with
Log in as a user with
privileges. Generate the default project template:
$ oc adm create-bootstrap-project-template -o yaml > template.yaml
Use a text editor to modify the generated
file by adding objects or modifying existing objects. The project template must be created in the
namespace. Load your modified template:$ oc create -f template.yaml -n openshift-config
Edit the project configuration resource using the web console or CLI.
Using the web console:
- Navigate to the Administration → Cluster Settings page.
- Click Configuration to view all configuration resources.
- Find the entry for Project and click Edit YAML.
Using the CLI:
Edit the
resource:$ oc edit
Update the
section to include theprojectRequestTemplate
parameters, and set the name of your uploaded project template. The default name isproject-request
.Project configuration resource with custom project template
apiVersion: kind: Project metadata: # ... spec: projectRequestTemplate: name: <template_name> # ...
- After you save your changes, create a new project to verify that your changes were successfully applied. Adding network policies to the new project template
As a cluster administrator, you can add network policies to the default template for new projects. OpenShift Container Platform will automatically create all the NetworkPolicy
objects specified in the template in the project.
Your cluster uses a default CNI network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You must log in to the cluster with a user with
privileges. - You must have created a custom default project template for new projects.
Edit the default template for a new project by running the following command:
$ oc edit template <project_template> -n openshift-config
with the name of the default template that you configured for your cluster. The default template name isproject-request
.In the template, add each
object as an element to theobjects
parameter. Theobjects
parameter accepts a collection of one or more objects.In the following example, the
parameter collection includes severalNetworkPolicy
objects.objects: - apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-same-namespace spec: podSelector: {} ingress: - from: - podSelector: {} - apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-openshift-ingress spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: ingress podSelector: {} policyTypes: - Ingress - apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-kube-apiserver-operator spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: openshift-kube-apiserver-operator podSelector: matchLabels: app: kube-apiserver-operator policyTypes: - Ingress ...
Optional: Create a new project to confirm that your network policy objects are created successfully by running the following commands:
Create a new project:
$ oc new-project <project> 1
- 1
- Replace
with the name for the project you are creating.
Confirm that the network policy objects in the new project template exist in the new project:
$ oc get networkpolicy NAME POD-SELECTOR AGE allow-from-openshift-ingress <none> 7s allow-from-same-namespace <none> 7s
6.3.7. Configuring multitenant isolation with network policy
As a cluster administrator, you can configure your network policies to provide multitenant network isolation.
If you are using the OpenShift SDN network plugin, configuring network policies as described in this section provides network isolation similar to multitenant mode but with network policy mode set. Configuring multitenant isolation by using network policy
You can configure your project to isolate it from pods and services in other project namespaces.
Your cluster uses a network plugin that supports
objects, such as the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin or the OpenShift SDN network plugin withmode: NetworkPolicy
set. This mode is the default for OpenShift SDN. -
You installed the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster with a user with
Create the following
objects:A policy named
.$ cat << EOF| oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-openshift-ingress spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: "" podSelector: {} policyTypes: - Ingress EOF ""
is the preferred namespace selector label for OpenShift SDN. You can use ingress
namespace selector label, but this is a legacy label.A policy named
:$ cat << EOF| oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-openshift-monitoring spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: monitoring podSelector: {} policyTypes: - Ingress EOF
A policy named
:$ cat << EOF| oc create -f - kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: allow-same-namespace spec: podSelector: ingress: - from: - podSelector: {} EOF
A policy named
:$ cat << EOF| oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-kube-apiserver-operator spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: openshift-kube-apiserver-operator podSelector: matchLabels: app: kube-apiserver-operator policyTypes: - Ingress EOF
For more details, see New
webhook controller validating health of webhook.
Optional: To confirm that the network policies exist in your current project, enter the following command:
$ oc describe networkpolicy
Example output
Name: allow-from-openshift-ingress Namespace: example1 Created on: 2020-06-09 00:28:17 -0400 EDT Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> Spec: PodSelector: <none> (Allowing the specific traffic to all pods in this namespace) Allowing ingress traffic: To Port: <any> (traffic allowed to all ports) From: NamespaceSelector: ingress Not affecting egress traffic Policy Types: Ingress Name: allow-from-openshift-monitoring Namespace: example1 Created on: 2020-06-09 00:29:57 -0400 EDT Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> Spec: PodSelector: <none> (Allowing the specific traffic to all pods in this namespace) Allowing ingress traffic: To Port: <any> (traffic allowed to all ports) From: NamespaceSelector: monitoring Not affecting egress traffic Policy Types: Ingress Next steps Additional resources
6.4. Audit logging for network security
The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin uses Open Virtual Network (OVN) access control lists (ACLs) to manage AdminNetworkPolicy
, BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
, NetworkPolicy
, and EgressFirewall
objects. Audit logging exposes allow
and deny
ACL events for NetworkPolicy
, EgressFirewall
and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
custom resources (CR). Logging also exposes allow
, deny
, and pass
ACL events for AdminNetworkPolicy
Audit logging is available for only the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
6.4.1. Audit configuration
The configuration for audit logging is specified as part of the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network provider configuration. The following YAML illustrates the default values for the audit logging:
Audit logging configuration
apiVersion: kind: Network metadata: name: cluster spec: defaultNetwork: ovnKubernetesConfig: policyAuditConfig: destination: "null" maxFileSize: 50 rateLimit: 20 syslogFacility: local0
The following table describes the configuration fields for audit logging.
Field | Type | Description |
| integer |
The maximum number of messages to generate every second per node. The default value is |
| integer |
The maximum size for the audit log in bytes. The default value is |
| integer | The maximum number of log files that are retained. |
| string | One of the following additional audit log targets:
| string |
The syslog facility, such as |
6.4.2. Audit logging
You can configure the destination for audit logs, such as a syslog server or a UNIX domain socket. Regardless of any additional configuration, an audit log is always saved to /var/log/ovn/acl-audit-log.log
on each OVN-Kubernetes pod in the cluster.
You can enable audit logging for each namespace by annotating each namespace configuration with a
section. In the
section, you must specify allow
, deny
, or both values to enable audit logging for a namespace.
A network policy does not support setting the Pass
action set as a rule.
The ACL-logging implementation logs access control list (ACL) events for a network. You can view these logs to analyze any potential security issues.
Example namespace annotation
kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: example1 annotations: |- { "deny": "info", "allow": "info" }
To view the default ACL logging configuration values, see the policyAuditConfig
object in the cluster-network-03-config.yml
file. If required, you can change the ACL logging configuration values for log file parameters in this file.
The logging message format is compatible with syslog as defined by RFC5424. The syslog facility is configurable and defaults to local0
. The following example shows key parameters and their values outputted in a log message:
Example logging message that outputs parameters and their values
<timestamp>|<message_serial>|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|<severity>|name="<acl_name>", verdict="<verdict>", severity="<severity>", direction="<direction>": <flow>
states the time and date for the creation of a log message. -
lists the serial number for a log message. -
is a literal string that prints the location of the log message in the OVN-Kubernetes plugin. -
sets the severity level for a log message. If you enable audit logging that supportsallow
tasks then two severity levels show in the log message output. -
states the name of the ACL-logging implementation in the OVN Network Bridging Database (nbdb
) that was created by the network policy. -
can be eitherallow
. -
can be eitherto-lport
to indicate that the policy was applied to traffic going to or away from a pod. -
shows packet information in a format equivalent to theOpenFlow
protocol. This parameter comprises Open vSwitch (OVS) fields.
The following example shows OVS fields that the flow
parameter uses to extract packet information from system memory:
Example of OVS fields used by the flow
parameter to extract packet information
states the protocol. Valid values aretcp
. -
states the VLAN header as0
because a VLAN ID is not set for internal pod network traffic. -
specifies the source for the Media Access Control (MAC) address. -
specifies the destination for the MAC address. -
lists the source IP address -
lists the target IP address. -
states Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) values to classify and prioritize certain network traffic over other traffic. -
states Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) values that indicate any congested traffic in your network. -
states the Time To Live (TTP) information for an packet. -
specifies what type of IP fragments or IP non-fragments to match. -
shows the source for the port for TCP and UDP protocols. -
lists the destination port for TCP and UDP protocols. -
supports numerous flags such asSYN
and so on. If you need to set multiple values then each value is separated by a vertical bar (|
). The UDP protocol does not support this parameter.
For more information about the previous field descriptions, go to the OVS manual page for ovs-fields
Example ACL deny log entry for a network policy
2023-11-02T16:28:54.139Z|00004|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:Ingress", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:01,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=62,nw_frag=no,tp_src=58496,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2023-11-02T16:28:55.187Z|00005|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:Ingress", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:01,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=62,nw_frag=no,tp_src=58496,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2023-11-02T16:28:57.235Z|00006|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:Ingress", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:01,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=62,nw_frag=no,tp_src=58496,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn
The following table describes namespace annotation values:
Field | Description |
Blocks namespace access to any traffic that matches an ACL rule with the |
Permits namespace access to any traffic that matches an ACL rule with the |
A |
Additional resources
6.4.3. AdminNetworkPolicy audit logging
Audit logging is enabled per AdminNetworkPolicy
CR by annotating an ANP policy with the
key such as in the following example:
Example 6.19. Example of annotation for AdminNetworkPolicy
apiVersion: kind: AdminNetworkPolicy metadata: annotations: '{ "deny": "alert", "allow": "alert", "pass" : "warning" }' name: anp-tenant-log spec: priority: 5 subject: namespaces: matchLabels: tenant: backend-storage # Selects all pods owned by storage tenant. ingress: - name: "allow-all-ingress-product-development-and-customer" # Product development and customer tenant ingress to backend storage. action: "Allow" from: - pods: namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: tenant operator: In values: - product-development - customer podSelector: {} - name: "pass-all-ingress-product-security" action: "Pass" from: - namespaces: matchLabels: tenant: product-security - name: "deny-all-ingress" # Ingress to backend from all other pods in the cluster. action: "Deny" from: - namespaces: {} egress: - name: "allow-all-egress-product-development" action: "Allow" to: - pods: namespaceSelector: matchLabels: tenant: product-development podSelector: {} - name: "pass-egress-product-security" action: "Pass" to: - namespaces: matchLabels: tenant: product-security - name: "deny-all-egress" # Egress from backend denied to all other pods. action: "Deny" to: - namespaces: {}
Logs are generated whenever a specific OVN ACL is hit and meets the action criteria set in your logging annotation. For example, an event in which any of the namespaces with the label tenant: product-development
accesses the namespaces with the label tenant: backend-storage
, a log is generated.
ACL logging is limited to 60 characters. If your ANP name
field is long, the rest of the log will be truncated.
The following is a direction index for the examples log entries that follow:
Direction | Rule |
Ingress |
Egress |
Example 6.20. Example ACL log entry for Allow
action of the AdminNetworkPolicy
named anp-tenant-log
with Ingress:0
and Egress:0
2024-06-10T16:27:45.194Z|00052|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="ANP:anp-tenant-log:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:80:02:1a,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:80:02:19,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=57814,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2024-06-10T16:28:23.130Z|00059|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="ANP:anp-tenant-log:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:80:02:18,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:80:02:19,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=38620,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=ack 2024-06-10T16:28:38.293Z|00069|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="ANP:anp-tenant-log:Egress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:80:02:19,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:80:02:1a,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=47566,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=fin|ack=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=55704,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=ack
Example 6.21. Example ACL log entry for Pass
action of the AdminNetworkPolicy
named anp-tenant-log
with Ingress:1
and Egress:1
2024-06-10T16:33:12.019Z|00075|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="ANP:anp-tenant-log:Ingress:1", verdict=pass, severity=warning, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:80:02:1b,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:80:02:19,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=37394,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=ack 2024-06-10T16:35:04.209Z|00081|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="ANP:anp-tenant-log:Egress:1", verdict=pass, severity=warning, direction=from-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:80:02:19,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:80:02:1b,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=34018,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=ack
Example 6.22. Example ACL log entry for Deny
action of the AdminNetworkPolicy
named anp-tenant-log
with Egress:2
and Ingress2
2024-06-10T16:43:05.287Z|00087|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="ANP:anp-tenant-log:Egress:2", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:80:02:19,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:80:02:18,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=51598,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2024-06-10T16:44:43.591Z|00090|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="ANP:anp-tenant-log:Ingress:2", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:80:02:1c,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:80:02:19,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=33774,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn
The following table describes ANP annotation:
Annotation | Value |
You must specify at least one of
6.4.4. BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy audit logging
Audit logging is enabled in the BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
CR by annotating an BANP policy with the
key such as in the following example:
Example 6.23. Example of annotation for BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy
apiVersion: kind: BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy metadata: annotations: '{ "deny": "alert", "allow": "alert"}' name: default spec: subject: namespaces: matchLabels: tenant: workloads # Selects all workload pods in the cluster. ingress: - name: "default-allow-dns" # This rule allows ingress from dns tenant to all workloads. action: "Allow" from: - namespaces: matchLabels: tenant: dns - name: "default-deny-dns" # This rule denies all ingress from all pods to workloads. action: "Deny" from: - namespaces: {} # Use the empty selector with caution because it also selects OpenShift namespaces as well. egress: - name: "default-deny-dns" # This rule denies all egress from workloads. It will be applied when no ANP or network policy matches. action: "Deny" to: - namespaces: {} # Use the empty selector with caution because it also selects OpenShift namespaces as well.
In the example, an event in which any of the namespaces with the label tenant: dns
accesses the namespaces with the label tenant: workloads
, a log is generated.
The following is a direction index for the examples log entries that follow:
Direction | Rule |
Ingress |
Egress |
Example 6.24. Example ACL allow log entry for Allow
action of default
BANP with Ingress:0
2024-06-10T18:11:58.263Z|00022|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=60510,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2024-06-10T18:11:58.264Z|00023|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=60510,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=psh|ack 2024-06-10T18:11:58.264Z|00024|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=60510,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=ack 2024-06-10T18:11:58.264Z|00025|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=60510,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=ack 2024-06-10T18:11:58.264Z|00026|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=60510,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=fin|ack 2024-06-10T18:11:58.264Z|00027|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=60510,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=ack
Example 6.25. Example ACL allow log entry for Allow
action of default
BANP with Egress:0
and Ingress:1
2024-06-10T18:09:57.774Z|00016|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Egress:0", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=45614,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2024-06-10T18:09:58.809Z|00017|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Egress:0", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=45614,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2024-06-10T18:10:00.857Z|00018|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Egress:0", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:57,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=45614,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2024-06-10T18:10:25.414Z|00019|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:1", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:58,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=40630,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2024-06-10T18:10:26.457Z|00020|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:1", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:58,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=40630,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2024-06-10T18:10:28.505Z|00021|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="BANP:default:Ingress:1", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:82:02:58,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:82:02:56,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,tp_src=40630,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn
The following table describes BANP annotation:
Annotation | Value |
You must specify at least one of
6.4.5. Configuring egress firewall and network policy auditing for a cluster
As a cluster administrator, you can customize audit logging for your cluster.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). -
Log in to the cluster with a user with
To customize the audit logging configuration, enter the following command:
$ oc edit
TipYou can alternatively customize and apply the following YAML to configure audit logging:
apiVersion: kind: Network metadata: name: cluster spec: defaultNetwork: ovnKubernetesConfig: policyAuditConfig: destination: "null" maxFileSize: 50 rateLimit: 20 syslogFacility: local0
To create a namespace with network policies complete the following steps:
Create a namespace for verification:
$ cat <<EOF| oc create -f - kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: verify-audit-logging annotations: '{ "deny": "alert", "allow": "alert" }' EOF
Example output
namespace/verify-audit-logging created
Create network policies for the namespace:
$ cat <<EOF| oc create -n verify-audit-logging -f - apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: deny-all spec: podSelector: matchLabels: policyTypes: - Ingress - Egress --- apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: allow-from-same-namespace namespace: verify-audit-logging spec: podSelector: {} policyTypes: - Ingress - Egress ingress: - from: - podSelector: {} egress: - to: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: verify-audit-logging EOF
Example output created created
Create a pod for source traffic in the
namespace:$ cat <<EOF| oc create -n default -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: client spec: containers: - name: client image: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"] args: ["sleep inf"] EOF
Create two pods in the
namespace:$ for name in client server; do cat <<EOF| oc create -n verify-audit-logging -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: ${name} spec: containers: - name: ${name} image: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"] args: ["sleep inf"] EOF done
Example output
pod/client created pod/server created
To generate traffic and produce network policy audit log entries, complete the following steps:
Obtain the IP address for pod named
in theverify-audit-logging
namespace:$ POD_IP=$(oc get pods server -n verify-audit-logging -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}')
Ping the IP address from the previous command from the pod named
in thedefault
namespace and confirm that all packets are dropped:$ oc exec -it client -n default -- /bin/ping -c 2 $POD_IP
Example output
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. --- ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2041ms
Ping the IP address saved in the
shell environment variable from the pod namedclient
in theverify-audit-logging
namespace and confirm that all packets are allowed:$ oc exec -it client -n verify-audit-logging -- /bin/ping -c 2 $POD_IP
Example output
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.21 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.440 ms --- ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.440/1.329/2.219/0.890 ms
Display the latest entries in the network policy audit log:
$ for pod in $(oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node --no-headers=true | awk '{ print $1 }') ; do oc exec -it $pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -- tail -4 /var/log/ovn/acl-audit-log.log done
Example output
2023-11-02T16:28:54.139Z|00004|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:Ingress", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:01,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=62,nw_frag=no,tp_src=58496,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2023-11-02T16:28:55.187Z|00005|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:Ingress", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:01,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=62,nw_frag=no,tp_src=58496,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2023-11-02T16:28:57.235Z|00006|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:Ingress", verdict=drop, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: tcp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:01,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=62,nw_frag=no,tp_src=58496,tp_dst=8080,tcp_flags=syn 2023-11-02T16:49:57.909Z|00028|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:allow-from-same-namespace:Egress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: icmp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:22,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0 2023-11-02T16:49:57.909Z|00029|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:allow-from-same-namespace:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: icmp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:22,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0 2023-11-02T16:49:58.932Z|00030|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:allow-from-same-namespace:Egress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: icmp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:22,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0 2023-11-02T16:49:58.932Z|00031|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:allow-from-same-namespace:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: icmp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:22,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0
6.4.6. Enabling egress firewall and network policy audit logging for a namespace
As a cluster administrator, you can enable audit logging for a namespace.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). -
Log in to the cluster with a user with
To enable audit logging for a namespace, enter the following command:
$ oc annotate namespace <namespace> \'{ "deny": "alert", "allow": "notice" }'
- Specifies the name of the namespace.
TipYou can alternatively apply the following YAML to enable audit logging:
kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: <namespace> annotations: |- { "deny": "alert", "allow": "notice" }
Example output
namespace/verify-audit-logging annotated
Display the latest entries in the audit log:
$ for pod in $(oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node --no-headers=true | awk '{ print $1 }') ; do oc exec -it $pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -- tail -4 /var/log/ovn/acl-audit-log.log done
Example output
2023-11-02T16:49:57.909Z|00028|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:allow-from-same-namespace:Egress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: icmp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:22,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0 2023-11-02T16:49:57.909Z|00029|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:allow-from-same-namespace:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: icmp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:22,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0 2023-11-02T16:49:58.932Z|00030|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:allow-from-same-namespace:Egress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=from-lport: icmp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:22,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0 2023-11-02T16:49:58.932Z|00031|acl_log(ovn_pinctrl0)|INFO|name="NP:verify-audit-logging:allow-from-same-namespace:Ingress:0", verdict=allow, severity=alert, direction=to-lport: icmp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=0a:58:0a:81:02:22,dl_dst=0a:58:0a:81:02:23,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,nw_frag=no,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0
6.4.7. Disabling egress firewall and network policy audit logging for a namespace
As a cluster administrator, you can disable audit logging for a namespace.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). -
Log in to the cluster with a user with
To disable audit logging for a namespace, enter the following command:
$ oc annotate --overwrite namespace <namespace>
- Specifies the name of the namespace.
TipYou can alternatively apply the following YAML to disable audit logging:
kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: <namespace> annotations: null
Example output
namespace/verify-audit-logging annotated
6.4.8. Additional resources
6.5. Ingress Node Firewall Operator in OpenShift Container Platform
The Ingress Node Firewall Operator allows administrators to manage firewall configurations at the node level.
6.5.1. Ingress Node Firewall Operator
The Ingress Node Firewall Operator provides ingress firewall rules at a node level by deploying the daemon set to nodes you specify and manage in the firewall configurations. To deploy the daemon set, you create an IngressNodeFirewallConfig
custom resource (CR). The Operator applies the IngressNodeFirewallConfig
CR to create ingress node firewall daemon set daemon
, which run on all nodes that match the nodeSelector
You configure rules
of the IngressNodeFirewall
CR and apply them to clusters using the nodeSelector
and setting values to "true".
The Ingress Node Firewall Operator supports only stateless firewall rules.
Network interface controllers (NICs) that do not support native XDP drivers will run at a lower performance.
For OpenShift Container Platform 4.14 or later, you must run Ingress Node Firewall Operator on RHEL 9.0 or later.
6.5.2. Installing the Ingress Node Firewall Operator
As a cluster administrator, you can install the Ingress Node Firewall Operator by using the OpenShift Container Platform CLI or the web console. Installing the Ingress Node Firewall Operator using the CLI
As a cluster administrator, you can install the Operator using the CLI.
You have installed the OpenShift CLI (
). - You have an account with administrator privileges.
To create the
namespace, enter the following command:$ cat << EOF| oc create -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: labels: privileged v1.24 name: openshift-ingress-node-firewall EOF
To create an
CR, enter the following command:$ cat << EOF| oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: name: ingress-node-firewall-operators namespace: openshift-ingress-node-firewall EOF
Subscribe to the Ingress Node Firewall Operator.
To create a
CR for the Ingress Node Firewall Operator, enter the following command:$ cat << EOF| oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: ingress-node-firewall-sub namespace: openshift-ingress-node-firewall spec: name: ingress-node-firewall channel: stable source: redhat-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace EOF
To verify that the Operator is installed, enter the following command:
$ oc get ip -n openshift-ingress-node-firewall
Example output
NAME CSV APPROVAL APPROVED install-5cvnz ingress-node-firewall.4.16.0-202211122336 Automatic true
To verify the version of the Operator, enter the following command:
$ oc get csv -n openshift-ingress-node-firewall
Example output
NAME DISPLAY VERSION REPLACES PHASE ingress-node-firewall.4.16.0-202211122336 Ingress Node Firewall Operator 4.16.0-202211122336 ingress-node-firewall.4.16.0-202211102047 Succeeded Installing the Ingress Node Firewall Operator using the web console
As a cluster administrator, you can install the Operator using the web console.
You have installed the OpenShift CLI (
). - You have an account with administrator privileges.
Install the Ingress Node Firewall Operator:
- In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators → OperatorHub.
- Select Ingress Node Firewall Operator from the list of available Operators, and then click Install.
- On the Install Operator page, under Installed Namespace, select Operator recommended Namespace.
- Click Install.
Verify that the Ingress Node Firewall Operator is installed successfully:
- Navigate to the Operators → Installed Operators page.
Ensure that Ingress Node Firewall Operator is listed in the openshift-ingress-node-firewall project with a Status of InstallSucceeded.
NoteDuring installation an Operator might display a Failed status. If the installation later succeeds with an InstallSucceeded message, you can ignore the Failed message.
If the Operator does not have a Status of InstallSucceeded, troubleshoot using the following steps:
- Inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failures or errors under Status.
Navigate to the Workloads → Pods page and check the logs for pods in the
project. Check the namespace of the YAML file. If the annotation is missing, you can add the annotation
to the Operator namespace with the following command:$ oc annotate ns/openshift-ingress-node-firewall
NoteFor single-node OpenShift clusters, the
namespace requires
6.5.3. Deploying Ingress Node Firewall Operator
- The Ingress Node Firewall Operator is installed.
To deploy the Ingress Node Firewall Operator, create a IngressNodeFirewallConfig
custom resource that will deploy the Operator’s daemon set. You can deploy one or multiple IngressNodeFirewall
CRDs to nodes by applying firewall rules.
Create the
inside theopenshift-ingress-node-firewall
namespace namedingressnodefirewallconfig
. Run the following command to deploy Ingress Node Firewall Operator rules:
$ oc apply -f rule.yaml Ingress Node Firewall configuration object
The fields for the Ingress Node Firewall configuration object are described in the following table:
Field | Type | Description |
The name of the CR object. The name of the firewall rules object must be |
Namespace for the Ingress Firewall Operator CR object. The |
| A node selection constraint used to target nodes through specified node labels. For example: spec: nodeSelector: "" Note
One label used in |
The Operator consumes the CR and creates an ingress node firewall daemon set on all the nodes that match the nodeSelector
Ingress Node Firewall Operator example configuration
A complete Ingress Node Firewall Configuration is specified in the following example:
Example Ingress Node Firewall Configuration object
apiVersion: kind: IngressNodeFirewallConfig metadata: name: ingressnodefirewallconfig namespace: openshift-ingress-node-firewall spec: nodeSelector: ""
The Operator consumes the CR and creates an ingress node firewall daemon set on all the nodes that match the nodeSelector
. Ingress Node Firewall rules object
The fields for the Ingress Node Firewall rules object are described in the following table:
Field | Type | Description |
| The name of the CR object. |
The fields for this object specify the interfaces to apply the firewall rules to. For example, |
You can use |
Ingress object configuration
The values for the ingress
object are defined in the following table:
Field | Type | Description |
| Allows you to set the CIDR block. You can configure multiple CIDRs from different address families. Note
Different CIDRs allow you to use the same order rule. In the case that there are multiple |
Ingress firewall
Set Note Ingress firewall rules are verified using a verification webhook that blocks any invalid configuration. The verification webhook prevents you from blocking any critical cluster services such as the API server. |
Ingress Node Firewall rules object example
A complete Ingress Node Firewall configuration is specified in the following example:
Example Ingress Node Firewall configuration
kind: IngressNodeFirewall
name: ingressnodefirewall
- eth0
<ingress_firewall_label_name>: <label_value> 1
- sourceCIDRs:
- order: 10
protocol: ICMP
icmpType: 8 #ICMP Echo request
action: Deny
- order: 20
protocol: TCP
ports: "8000-9000"
action: Deny
- sourceCIDRs:
- fc00:f853:ccd:e793::0/64
- order: 10
protocol: ICMPv6
icmpType: 128 #ICMPV6 Echo request
action: Deny
- 1
- A <label_name> and a <label_value> must exist on the node and must match the
label and value applied to the nodes you want theingressfirewallconfig
CR to run on. The <label_value> can betrue
. By usingnodeSelector
labels, you can target separate groups of nodes to apply different rules to using theingressfirewallconfig
Zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rules object example
Zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rules can provide additional security to multi-interface clusters. For example, you can use zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rules to drop all traffic on a specific interface except for SSH.
A complete configuration of a zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rule set is specified in the following example:
Users need to add all ports their application will use to their allowlist in the following case to ensure proper functionality.
Example zero trust Ingress Node Firewall rules
apiVersion: kind: IngressNodeFirewall metadata: name: ingressnodefirewall-zero-trust spec: interfaces: - eth1 1 nodeSelector: matchLabels: <ingress_firewall_label_name>: <label_value> 2 ingress: - sourceCIDRs: - 3 rules: - order: 10 protocolConfig: protocol: TCP tcp: ports: 22 action: Allow - order: 20 action: Deny 4
6.5.4. Viewing Ingress Node Firewall Operator rules
Run the following command to view all current rules :
$ oc get ingressnodefirewall
Choose one of the returned
names and run the following command to view the rules or configs:$ oc get <resource> <name> -o yaml
6.5.5. Troubleshooting the Ingress Node Firewall Operator
Run the following command to list installed Ingress Node Firewall custom resource definitions (CRD):
$ oc get crds | grep ingressnodefirewall
Example output
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE 2022-08-25T10:03:01Z 2022-08-25T10:03:00Z 2022-08-25T10:03:00Z
Run the following command to view the state of the Ingress Node Firewall Operator:
$ oc get pods -n openshift-ingress-node-firewall
Example output
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ingress-node-firewall-controller-manager 2/2 Running 0 5d21h ingress-node-firewall-daemon-pqx56 3/3 Running 0 5d21h
The following fields provide information about the status of the Operator:
field isRunning
when the Ingress Node Firewall Operator is deploying a daemon set to the assigned nodes.Run the following command to collect all ingress firewall node pods' logs:
$ oc adm must-gather – gather_ingress_node_firewall
The logs are available in the sos node’s report containing eBPF
outputs at/sos_commands/ebpf
. These reports include lookup tables used or updated as the ingress firewall XDP handles packet processing, updates statistics, and emits events.
6.6. Egress Firewall
6.6.1. Viewing an egress firewall for a project
As a cluster administrator, you can list the names of any existing egress firewalls and view the traffic rules for a specific egress firewall.
OpenShift SDN CNI is deprecated as of OpenShift Container Platform 4.14. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.15, the network plugin is not an option for new installations. In a subsequent future release, the OpenShift SDN network plugin is planned to be removed and no longer supported. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature until it is removed, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements. As an alternative to OpenShift SDN CNI, you can use OVN Kubernetes CNI instead. For more information, see OpenShift SDN CNI removal. Viewing an EgressFirewall object
You can view an EgressFirewall object in your cluster.
- A cluster using the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
Install the OpenShift Command-line Interface (CLI), commonly known as
. - You must log in to the cluster.
Optional: To view the names of the EgressFirewall objects defined in your cluster, enter the following command:
$ oc get egressfirewall --all-namespaces
To inspect a policy, enter the following command. Replace
with the name of the policy to inspect.$ oc describe egressfirewall <policy_name>
Example output
Name: default Namespace: project1 Created: 20 minutes ago Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> Rule: Allow to Rule: Allow to Rule: Deny to
6.6.2. Editing an egress firewall for a project
As a cluster administrator, you can modify network traffic rules for an existing egress firewall. Editing an EgressFirewall object
As a cluster administrator, you can update the egress firewall for a project.
- A cluster using the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). - You must log in to the cluster as a cluster administrator.
Find the name of the EgressFirewall object for the project. Replace
with the name of the project.$ oc get -n <project> egressfirewall
Optional: If you did not save a copy of the EgressFirewall object when you created the egress network firewall, enter the following command to create a copy.
$ oc get -n <project> egressfirewall <name> -o yaml > <filename>.yaml
with the name of the project. Replace<name>
with the name of the object. Replace<filename>
with the name of the file to save the YAML to.After making changes to the policy rules, enter the following command to replace the EgressFirewall object. Replace
with the name of the file containing the updated EgressFirewall object.$ oc replace -f <filename>.yaml
6.6.3. Removing an egress firewall from a project
As a cluster administrator, you can remove an egress firewall from a project to remove all restrictions on network traffic from the project that leaves the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Removing an EgressFirewall object
As a cluster administrator, you can remove an egress firewall from a project.
- A cluster using the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). - You must log in to the cluster as a cluster administrator.
Find the name of the EgressFirewall object for the project. Replace
with the name of the project.$ oc get -n <project> egressfirewall
Enter the following command to delete the EgressFirewall object. Replace
with the name of the project and<name>
with the name of the object.$ oc delete -n <project> egressfirewall <name>
6.6.4. Configuring an egress firewall for a project
As a cluster administrator, you can create an egress firewall for a project that restricts egress traffic leaving your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. How an egress firewall works in a project
As a cluster administrator, you can use an egress firewall to limit the external hosts that some or all pods can access from within the cluster. An egress firewall supports the following scenarios:
- A pod can only connect to internal hosts and cannot initiate connections to the public internet.
- A pod can only connect to the public internet and cannot initiate connections to internal hosts that are outside the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
- A pod cannot reach specified internal subnets or hosts outside the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
- A pod can connect to only specific external hosts.
For example, you can allow one project access to a specified IP range but deny the same access to a different project. Or you can restrict application developers from updating from Python pip mirrors, and force updates to come only from approved sources.
Egress firewall does not apply to the host network namespace. Pods with host networking enabled are unaffected by egress firewall rules.
You configure an egress firewall policy by creating an EgressFirewall custom resource (CR) object. The egress firewall matches network traffic that meets any of the following criteria:
- An IP address range in CIDR format
- A DNS name that resolves to an IP address
- A port number
- A protocol that is one of the following protocols: TCP, UDP, and SCTP
If your egress firewall includes a deny rule for
, access to your OpenShift Container Platform API servers is blocked. You must either add allow rules for each IP address or use the nodeSelector
type allow rule in your egress policy rules to connect to API servers.
The following example illustrates the order of the egress firewall rules necessary to ensure API server access:
apiVersion: kind: EgressFirewall metadata: name: default namespace: <namespace> 1 spec: egress: - to: cidrSelector: <api_server_address_range> 2 type: Allow # ... - to: cidrSelector: 3 type: Deny
To find the IP address for your API servers, run oc get ep kubernetes -n default
For more information, see BZ#1988324.
Egress firewall rules do not apply to traffic that goes through routers. Any user with permission to create a Route CR object can bypass egress firewall policy rules by creating a route that points to a forbidden destination. Limitations of an egress firewall
An egress firewall has the following limitations:
- No project can have more than one EgressFirewall object.
- A maximum of one EgressFirewall object with a maximum of 8,000 rules can be defined per project.
- If you are using the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin with shared gateway mode in Red Hat OpenShift Networking, return ingress replies are affected by egress firewall rules. If the egress firewall rules drop the ingress reply destination IP, the traffic is dropped.
Violating any of these restrictions results in a broken egress firewall for the project. Consequently, all external network traffic is dropped, which can cause security risks for your organization.
An Egress Firewall resource can be created in the kube-node-lease
, kube-public
, kube-system
, openshift
and openshift-
projects. Matching order for egress firewall policy rules
The egress firewall policy rules are evaluated in the order that they are defined, from first to last. The first rule that matches an egress connection from a pod applies. Any subsequent rules are ignored for that connection. How Domain Name Server (DNS) resolution works
If you use DNS names in any of your egress firewall policy rules, proper resolution of the domain names is subject to the following restrictions:
- Domain name updates are polled based on a time-to-live (TTL) duration. By default, the duration is 30 minutes. When the egress firewall controller queries the local name servers for a domain name, if the response includes a TTL and the TTL is less than 30 minutes, the controller sets the duration for that DNS name to the returned value. Each DNS name is queried after the TTL for the DNS record expires.
- The pod must resolve the domain from the same local name servers when necessary. Otherwise the IP addresses for the domain known by the egress firewall controller and the pod can be different. If the IP addresses for a hostname differ, the egress firewall might not be enforced consistently.
- Because the egress firewall controller and pods asynchronously poll the same local name server, the pod might obtain the updated IP address before the egress controller does, which causes a race condition. Due to this current limitation, domain name usage in EgressFirewall objects is only recommended for domains with infrequent IP address changes.
Using DNS names in your egress firewall policy does not affect local DNS resolution through CoreDNS.
However, if your egress firewall policy uses domain names, and an external DNS server handles DNS resolution for an affected pod, you must include egress firewall rules that permit access to the IP addresses of your DNS server. Improved DNS resolution and resolving wildcard domain names
There might be situations where the IP addresses associated with a DNS record change frequently, or you might want to specify wildcard domain names in your egress firewall policy rules.
In this situation, the OVN-Kubernetes cluster manager creates a DNSNameResolver
custom resource object for each unique DNS name used in your egress firewall policy rules. This custom resource stores the following information:
Improved DNS resolution for egress firewall rules is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.
For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.
Example DNSNameResolver
CR definition
apiVersion: kind: DNSNameResolver spec: name: 1 status: resolvedNames: - dnsName: 2 resolvedAddress: - ip: "" 3 ttlSeconds: 60 4 lastLookupTime: "2023-08-08T15:07:04Z" 5
- 1
- The DNS name. This can be either a standard DNS name or a wildcard DNS name. For a wildcard DNS name, the DNS name resolution information contains all of the DNS names that match the wildcard DNS name.
- 2
- The resolved DNS name matching the
field. If
field contains a wildcard DNS name, then multiplednsName
entries are created that contain the standard DNS names that match the wildcard DNS name when resolved. If the wildcard DNS name can also be successfully resolved, then this field also stores the wildcard DNS name. - 3
- The current IP addresses associated with the DNS name.
- 4
- The last time-to-live (TTL) duration.
- 5
- The last lookup time.
If during DNS resolution the DNS name in the query matches any name defined in a DNSNameResolver
CR, then the previous information is updated accordingly in the CR status
field. For unsuccessful DNS wildcard name lookups, the request is retried after a default TTL of 30 minutes.
The OVN-Kubernetes cluster manager watches for updates to an EgressFirewall
custom resource object, and creates, modifies, or deletes DNSNameResolver
CRs associated with those egress firewall policies when that update occurs.
Do not modify DNSNameResolver
custom resources directly. This can lead to unwanted behavior of your egress firewall. EgressFirewall custom resource (CR) object
You can define one or more rules for an egress firewall. A rule is either an Allow
rule or a Deny
rule, with a specification for the traffic that the rule applies to.
The following YAML describes an EgressFirewall CR object:
EgressFirewall object
apiVersion: kind: EgressFirewall metadata: name: <name> 1 spec: egress: 2 ... EgressFirewall rules
The following YAML describes an egress firewall rule object. The user can select either an IP address range in CIDR format, a domain name, or use the nodeSelector
to allow or deny egress traffic. The egress
stanza expects an array of one or more objects.
Egress policy rule stanza
egress: - type: <type> 1 to: 2 cidrSelector: <cidr> 3 dnsName: <dns_name> 4 nodeSelector: <label_name>: <label_value> 5 ports: 6 ...
- 1
- The type of rule. The value must be either
. - 2
- A stanza describing an egress traffic match rule that specifies the
field or thednsName
field. You cannot use both fields in the same rule. - 3
- An IP address range in CIDR format.
- 4
- A DNS domain name.
- 5
- Labels are key/value pairs that the user defines. Labels are attached to objects, such as pods. The
allows for one or more node labels to be selected and attached to pods. - 6
- Optional: A stanza describing a collection of network ports and protocols for the rule.
Ports stanza
ports: - port: <port> 1 protocol: <protocol> 2 Example EgressFirewall CR objects
The following example defines several egress firewall policy rules:
kind: EgressFirewall
name: default
egress: 1
- type: Allow
- type: Deny
- 1
- A collection of egress firewall policy rule objects.
The following example defines a policy rule that denies traffic to the host at the
IP address, if the traffic is using either the TCP protocol and destination port 80
or any protocol and destination port 443
apiVersion: kind: EgressFirewall metadata: name: default spec: egress: - type: Deny to: cidrSelector: ports: - port: 80 protocol: TCP - port: 443 Example nodeSelector for EgressFirewall
As a cluster administrator, you can allow or deny egress traffic to nodes in your cluster by specifying a label using nodeSelector
. Labels can be applied to one or more nodes. The following is an example with the region=east
apiVersion: kind: EgressFirewall metadata: name: default spec: egress: - to: nodeSelector: matchLabels: region: east type: Allow
Instead of adding manual rules per node IP address, use node selectors to create a label that allows pods behind an egress firewall to access host network pods. Creating an egress firewall policy object
As a cluster administrator, you can create an egress firewall policy object for a project.
If the project already has an EgressFirewall object defined, you must edit the existing policy to make changes to the egress firewall rules.
- A cluster that uses the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). - You must log in to the cluster as a cluster administrator.
Create a policy rule:
Create a
file where<policy_name>
describes the egress policy rules. - In the file you created, define an egress policy object.
Create a
Enter the following command to create the policy object. Replace
with the name of the policy and<project>
with the project that the rule applies to.$ oc create -f <policy_name>.yaml -n <project>
In the following example, a new EgressFirewall object is created in a project named
:$ oc create -f default.yaml -n project1
Example output created
Optional: Save the
file so that you can make changes later.
6.7. Configuring IPsec encryption
With IPsec enabled, you can encrypt both internal pod-to-pod cluster traffic between nodes and external traffic between pods and IPsec endpoints external to your cluster. All pod-to-pod network traffic between nodes on the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network is encrypted with IPsec in Transport mode.
IPsec is disabled by default. It can be enabled either during or after installing the cluster. For information about cluster installation, see OpenShift Container Platform installation overview.
If your cluster uses hosted control planes for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, IPsec is not supported for IPsec encryption of either pod-to-pod or traffic to external hosts.
IPsec on IBM Cloud® supports only NAT-T. Using ESP is not supported.
Use the procedures in the following documentation to:
- Enable and disable IPSec after cluster installation
- Configure IPsec encryption for traffic between the cluster and external hosts
- Verify that IPsec encrypts traffic between pods on different nodes
6.7.1. Modes of operation
When using IPsec on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you can choose from the following operating modes:
Mode | Description | Default |
| No traffic is encrypted. This is the cluster default. | Yes |
| Pod-to-pod traffic is encrypted as described in "Types of network traffic flows encrypted by pod-to-pod IPsec". Traffic to external nodes may be encrypted after you complete the required configuration steps for IPsec. | No |
| Traffic to external nodes may be encrypted after you complete the required configuration steps for IPsec. | No |
6.7.2. Prerequisites
For IPsec support for encrypting traffic to external hosts, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin must be configured in local gateway mode, where
. The NMState Operator is installed. This Operator is required for specifying the IPsec configuration. For more information, see About the Kubernetes NMState Operator.
NoteThe NMState Operator is supported on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) only for configuring IPsec.
The Butane tool (
) is installed. To install Butane, see Installing Butane.
These prerequisites are required to add certificates into the host NSS database and to configure IPsec to communicate with external hosts.
6.7.3. Network connectivity requirements when IPsec is enabled
You must configure the network connectivity between machines to allow OpenShift Container Platform cluster components to communicate. Each machine must be able to resolve the hostnames of all other machines in the cluster.
Protocol | Port | Description |
| IPsec IKE packets |
| IPsec NAT-T packets | |
ESP | N/A | IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) |
6.7.4. IPsec encryption for pod-to-pod traffic
For IPsec encryption of pod-to-pod traffic, the following sections describe which specific pod-to-pod traffic is encrypted, what kind of encryption protocol is used, and how X.509 certificates are handled. These sections do not apply to IPsec encryption between the cluster and external hosts, which you must configure manually for your specific external network infrastructure. Types of network traffic flows encrypted by pod-to-pod IPsec
With IPsec enabled, only the following network traffic flows between pods are encrypted:
- Traffic between pods on different nodes on the cluster network
- Traffic from a pod on the host network to a pod on the cluster network
The following traffic flows are not encrypted:
- Traffic between pods on the same node on the cluster network
- Traffic between pods on the host network
- Traffic from a pod on the cluster network to a pod on the host network
The encrypted and unencrypted flows are illustrated in the following diagram: Encryption protocol and IPsec mode
The encrypt cipher used is AES-GCM-16-256
. The integrity check value (ICV) is 16
bytes. The key length is 256
The IPsec mode used is Transport mode, a mode that encrypts end-to-end communication by adding an Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP) header to the IP header of the original packet and encrypts the packet data. OpenShift Container Platform does not currently use or support IPsec Tunnel mode for pod-to-pod communication. Security certificate generation and rotation
The Cluster Network Operator (CNO) generates a self-signed X.509 certificate authority (CA) that is used by IPsec for encryption. Certificate signing requests (CSRs) from each node are automatically fulfilled by the CNO.
The CA is valid for 10 years. The individual node certificates are valid for 5 years and are automatically rotated after 4 1/2 years elapse.
6.7.5. IPsec encryption for external traffic
OpenShift Container Platform supports IPsec encryption for traffic to external hosts with TLS certificates that you must supply. Supported platforms
This feature is supported on the following platforms:
- Bare metal
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP)
- VMware vSphere
If you have Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) worker nodes, these do not support IPsec encryption for external traffic.
If your cluster uses hosted control planes for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, configuring IPsec for encrypting traffic to external hosts is not supported. Limitations
Ensure that the following prohibitions are observed:
- IPv6 configuration is not currently supported by the NMState Operator when configuring IPsec for external traffic.
Certificate common names (CN) in the provided certificate bundle must not begin with the
prefix, because this naming can conflict with pod-to-pod IPsec CN names in the Network Security Services (NSS) database of each node.
6.7.6. Enabling IPsec encryption
As a cluster administrator, you can enable pod-to-pod IPsec encryption and IPsec encryption between the cluster and external IPsec endpoints.
You can configure IPsec in either of the following modes:
: Encryption for pod-to-pod and external traffic -
: Encryption for external traffic
If you need to configure encryption for external traffic in addition to pod-to-pod traffic, you must also complete the "Configuring IPsec encryption for external traffic" procedure.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster as a user with
privileges. -
You have reduced the size of your cluster MTU by
bytes to allow for the overhead of the IPsec ESP header.
To enable IPsec encryption, enter the following command:
$ oc patch cluster --type=merge \ -p '{ "spec":{ "defaultNetwork":{ "ovnKubernetesConfig":{ "ipsecConfig":{ "mode":<mode> }}}}}'
to encrypt only traffic to external hosts or specifyFull
to encrypt pod to pod traffic and optionally traffic to external hosts. By default, IPsec is disabled.
- Optional: If you need to encrypt traffic to external hosts, complete the "Configuring IPsec encryption for external traffic" procedure.
To find the names of the OVN-Kubernetes data plane pods, enter the following command:
$ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l=app=ovnkube-node
Example output
ovnkube-node-5xqbf 8/8 Running 0 28m ovnkube-node-6mwcx 8/8 Running 0 29m ovnkube-node-ck5fr 8/8 Running 0 31m ovnkube-node-fr4ld 8/8 Running 0 26m ovnkube-node-wgs4l 8/8 Running 0 33m ovnkube-node-zfvcl 8/8 Running 0 34m
Verify that IPsec is enabled on your cluster by running the following command:
NoteAs a cluster administrator, you can verify that IPsec is enabled between pods on your cluster when IPsec is configured in
mode. This step does not verify whether IPsec is working between your cluster and external hosts.$ oc -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes rsh ovnkube-node-<XXXXX> ovn-nbctl --no-leader-only get nb_global . ipsec
- Specifies the random sequence of letters for a pod from the previous step.
Example output
6.7.7. Configuring IPsec encryption for external traffic
As a cluster administrator, to encrypt external traffic with IPsec you must configure IPsec for your network infrastructure, including providing PKCS#12 certificates. Because this procedure uses Butane to create machine configs, you must have the butane
command installed.
After you apply the machine config, the Machine Config Operator reboots affected nodes in your cluster to rollout the new machine config.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You have installed the
utility on your local computer. - You have installed the NMState Operator on the cluster.
You are logged in to the cluster as a user with
privileges. - You have an existing PKCS#12 certificate for the IPsec endpoint and a CA cert in PEM format.
You enabled IPsec in either
mode on your cluster. -
The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin must be configured in local gateway mode, where
Create an IPsec configuration with an NMState Operator node network configuration policy. For more information, see Libreswan as an IPsec VPN implementation.
To identify the IP address of the cluster node that is the IPsec endpoint, enter the following command:
$ oc get nodes
Create a file named
that contains a node network configuration policy for the NMState Operator, such as in the following examples. For an overview aboutNodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
objects, see The Kubernetes NMState project.Example NMState IPsec transport configuration
apiVersion: kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy metadata: name: ipsec-config spec: nodeSelector: "<hostname>" 1 desiredState: interfaces: - name: <interface_name> 2 type: ipsec libreswan: left: <cluster_node> 3 leftid: '%fromcert' leftrsasigkey: '%cert' leftcert: left_server leftmodecfgclient: false right: <external_host> 4 rightid: '%fromcert' rightrsasigkey: '%cert' rightsubnet: <external_address>/32 5 ikev2: insist type: transport
- 1
- Specifies the host name to apply the policy to. This host serves as the left side host in the IPsec configuration.
- 2
- Specifies the name of the interface to create on the host.
- 3
- Specifies the host name of the cluster node that terminates the IPsec tunnel on the cluster side. The name should match SAN
[Subject Alternate Name]
from your supplied PKCS#12 certificates. - 4
- Specifies the external host name, such as
. The name should match the SAN[Subject Alternate Name]
from your supplied PKCS#12 certificates. - 5
- Specifies the IP address of the external host, such as
Example NMState IPsec tunnel configuration
apiVersion: kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy metadata: name: ipsec-config spec: nodeSelector: "<hostname>" 1 desiredState: interfaces: - name: <interface_name> 2 type: ipsec libreswan: left: <cluster_node> 3 leftid: '%fromcert' leftmodecfgclient: false leftrsasigkey: '%cert' leftcert: left_server right: <external_host> 4 rightid: '%fromcert' rightrsasigkey: '%cert' rightsubnet: <external_address>/32 5 ikev2: insist type: tunnel
- 1
- Specifies the host name to apply the policy to. This host serves as the left side host in the IPsec configuration.
- 2
- Specifies the name of the interface to create on the host.
- 3
- Specifies the host name of the cluster node that terminates the IPsec tunnel on the cluster side. The name should match SAN
[Subject Alternate Name]
from your supplied PKCS#12 certificates. - 4
- Specifies the external host name, such as
. The name should match the SAN[Subject Alternate Name]
from your supplied PKCS#12 certificates. - 5
- Specifies the IP address of the external host, such as
To configure the IPsec interface, enter the following command:
$ oc create -f ipsec-config.yaml
Provide the following certificate files to add to the Network Security Services (NSS) database on each host. These files are imported as part of the Butane configuration in subsequent steps.
: The certificate bundle for the IPsec endpoints -
: The certificate authority that you signed your certificates with
Create a machine config to add your certificates to the cluster:
To create Butane config files for the control plane and worker nodes, enter the following command:
$ for role in master worker; do cat >> "99-ipsec-${role}-endpoint-config.bu" <<-EOF variant: openshift version: 4.16.0 metadata: name: 99-${role}-import-certs labels: $role systemd: units: - name: ipsec-import.service enabled: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Import external certs into ipsec NSS Before=ipsec.service [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ RemainAfterExit=false StandardOutput=journal [Install] storage: files: - path: /etc/pki/certs/ca.pem mode: 0400 overwrite: true contents: local: ca.pem - path: /etc/pki/certs/left_server.p12 mode: 0400 overwrite: true contents: local: left_server.p12 - path: /usr/local/bin/ mode: 0740 overwrite: true contents: inline: | #!/bin/bash -e echo "importing cert to NSS" certutil -A -n "CA" -t "CT,C,C" -d /var/lib/ipsec/nss/ -i /etc/pki/certs/ca.pem pk12util -W "" -i /etc/pki/certs/left_server.p12 -d /var/lib/ipsec/nss/ certutil -M -n "left_server" -t "u,u,u" -d /var/lib/ipsec/nss/ EOF done
To transform the Butane files that you created in the previous step into machine configs, enter the following command:
$ for role in master worker; do butane 99-ipsec-${role}-endpoint-config.bu -o ./99-ipsec-$role-endpoint-config.yaml done
To apply the machine configs to your cluster, enter the following command:
$ for role in master worker; do oc apply -f 99-ipsec-${role}-endpoint-config.yaml done
ImportantAs the Machine Config Operator (MCO) updates machines in each machine config pool, it reboots each node one by one. You must wait until all the nodes are updated before external IPsec connectivity is available.
Check the machine config pool status by entering the following command:
$ oc get mcp
A successfully updated node has the following status:
.NoteBy default, the MCO updates one machine per pool at a time, causing the total time the migration takes to increase with the size of the cluster.
To confirm that IPsec machine configs rolled out successfully, enter the following commands:
Confirm that the IPsec machine configs were created:
$ oc get mc | grep ipsec
Example output
80-ipsec-master-extensions 3.2.0 6d15h 80-ipsec-worker-extensions 3.2.0 6d15h
Confirm that the that the IPsec extension are applied to control plane nodes:
$ oc get mcp master -o yaml | grep 80-ipsec-master-extensions -c
Expected output
Confirm that the that the IPsec extension are applied to worker nodes:
$ oc get mcp worker -o yaml | grep 80-ipsec-worker-extensions -c
Expected output
Additional resources
- For more information about the nmstate IPsec API, see IPsec Encryption
6.7.8. Disabling IPsec encryption for an external IPsec endpoint
As a cluster administrator, you can remove an existing IPsec tunnel to an external host.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). -
You are logged in to the cluster as a user with
privileges. -
You enabled IPsec in either
mode on your cluster.
Create a file named
with the following YAML:kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: <name> spec: nodeSelector: <node_name> desiredState: interfaces: - name: <tunnel_name> type: ipsec state: absent
- Specifies a name for the node network configuration policy.
- Specifies the name of the node where the IPsec tunnel that you want to remove exists.
- Specifies the interface name for the existing IPsec tunnel.
To remove the IPsec tunnel, enter the following command:
$ oc apply -f remove-ipsec-tunnel.yaml
6.7.9. Disabling IPsec encryption
As a cluster administrator, you can disable IPsec encryption.
Install the OpenShift CLI (
). -
Log in to the cluster with a user with
To disable IPsec encryption, enter the following command:
$ oc patch cluster --type=merge \ -p '{ "spec":{ "defaultNetwork":{ "ovnKubernetesConfig":{ "ipsecConfig":{ "mode":"Disabled" }}}}}'
Optional: You can increase the size of your cluster MTU by
bytes because there is no longer any overhead from the IPsec ESP header in IP packets.
6.7.10. Additional resources
Chapter 7. Cluster Network Operator in OpenShift Container Platform
You can use the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) to deploy and manage cluster network components on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, including the Container Network Interface (CNI) network plugin selected for the cluster during installation.
7.1. Cluster Network Operator
The Cluster Network Operator implements the network
API from the
API group. The Operator deploys the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin, or the network provider plugin that you selected during cluster installation, by using a daemon set.
The Cluster Network Operator is deployed during installation as a Kubernetes Deployment
Run the following command to view the Deployment status:
$ oc get -n openshift-network-operator deployment/network-operator
Example output
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE network-operator 1/1 1 1 56m
Run the following command to view the state of the Cluster Network Operator:
$ oc get clusteroperator/network
Example output
The following fields provide information about the status of the operator:
field isTrue
when the Cluster Network Operator reports an available status condition.
7.2. Viewing the cluster network configuration
Every new OpenShift Container Platform installation has a network.config
object named cluster
Use the
oc describe
command to view the cluster network configuration:$ oc describe network.config/cluster
Example output
Name: cluster Namespace: Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> API Version: Kind: Network Metadata: Self Link: /apis/ Spec: 1 Cluster Network: Cidr: Host Prefix: 23 Network Type: OpenShiftSDN Service Network: Status: 2 Cluster Network: Cidr: Host Prefix: 23 Cluster Network MTU: 8951 Network Type: OpenShiftSDN Service Network: Events: <none>
7.3. Viewing Cluster Network Operator status
You can inspect the status and view the details of the Cluster Network Operator using the oc describe
Run the following command to view the status of the Cluster Network Operator:
$ oc describe clusteroperators/network
7.4. Viewing Cluster Network Operator logs
You can view Cluster Network Operator logs by using the oc logs
Run the following command to view the logs of the Cluster Network Operator:
$ oc logs --namespace=openshift-network-operator deployment/network-operator
7.5. Cluster Network Operator configuration
The configuration for the cluster network is specified as part of the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) configuration and stored in a custom resource (CR) object that is named cluster
. The CR specifies the fields for the Network
API in the
API group.
The CNO configuration inherits the following fields during cluster installation from the Network
API in the
API group:
- IP address pools from which pod IP addresses are allocated.
- IP address pool for services.
Cluster network plugin.
is the only supported plugin during installation.
After cluster installation, you can only modify the clusterNetwork
IP address range. The default network type can only be changed from OpenShift SDN to OVN-Kubernetes through migration.
You can specify the cluster network plugin configuration for your cluster by setting the fields for the defaultNetwork
object in the CNO object named cluster
7.5.1. Cluster Network Operator configuration object
The fields for the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) are described in the following table:
Field | Type | Description |
The name of the CNO object. This name is always |
| A list specifying the blocks of IP addresses from which pod IP addresses are allocated and the subnet prefix length assigned to each individual node in the cluster. For example: spec: clusterNetwork: - cidr: hostPrefix: 23 - cidr: hostPrefix: 23 |
| A block of IP addresses for services. The OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes network plugins support only a single IP address block for the service network. For example: spec: serviceNetwork: -
This value is ready-only and inherited from the |
| Configures the network plugin for the cluster network. |
| The fields for this object specify the kube-proxy configuration. If you are using the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network plugin, the kube-proxy configuration has no effect. |
defaultNetwork object configuration
The values for the defaultNetwork
object are defined in the following table:
Field | Type | Description |
Note OpenShift Container Platform uses the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin by default. OpenShift SDN is no longer available as an installation choice for new clusters. |
| This object is only valid for the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin. |
Configuration for the OpenShift SDN network plugin
The following table describes the configuration fields for the OpenShift SDN network plugin:
Field | Type | Description |
| The network isolation mode for OpenShift SDN. |
| The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the VXLAN overlay network. This value is normally configured automatically. |
The port to use for all VXLAN packets. The default value is |
Example OpenShift SDN configuration
defaultNetwork: type: OpenShiftSDN openshiftSDNConfig: mode: NetworkPolicy mtu: 1450 vxlanPort: 4789
Configuration for the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin
The following table describes the configuration fields for the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin:
Field | Type | Description |
| The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the Geneve (Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation) overlay network. This value is normally configured automatically. |
| The UDP port for the Geneve overlay network. |
| An object describing the IPsec mode for the cluster. |
| Specifies a configuration object for IPv4 settings. |
| Specifies a configuration object for IPv6 settings. |
| Specify a configuration object for customizing network policy audit logging. If unset, the defaults audit log settings are used. |
| Optional: Specify a configuration object for customizing how egress traffic is sent to the node gateway. Note While migrating egress traffic, you can expect some disruption to workloads and service traffic until the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) successfully rolls out the changes. |
Field | Type | Description |
| string |
If your existing network infrastructure overlaps with the
The default value is |
| string |
If your existing network infrastructure overlaps with the
The default value is |
Field | Type | Description |
| string |
If your existing network infrastructure overlaps with the
The default value is |
| string |
If your existing network infrastructure overlaps with the
The default value is |
Field | Type | Description |
| integer |
The maximum number of messages to generate every second per node. The default value is |
| integer |
The maximum size for the audit log in bytes. The default value is |
| integer | The maximum number of log files that are retained. |
| string | One of the following additional audit log targets:
| string |
The syslog facility, such as |
Field | Type | Description |
Set this field to
This field has an interaction with the Open vSwitch hardware offloading feature. If you set this field to |
You can control IP forwarding for all traffic on OVN-Kubernetes managed interfaces by using the |
| Optional: Specify an object to configure the internal OVN-Kubernetes masquerade address for host to service traffic for IPv4 addresses. |
| Optional: Specify an object to configure the internal OVN-Kubernetes masquerade address for host to service traffic for IPv6 addresses. |
Field | Type | Description |
The masquerade IPv4 addresses that are used internally to enable host to service traffic. The host is configured with these IP addresses as well as the shared gateway bridge interface. The default value is |
Field | Type | Description |
The masquerade IPv6 addresses that are used internally to enable host to service traffic. The host is configured with these IP addresses as well as the shared gateway bridge interface. The default value is |
Field | Type | Description |
| Specifies the behavior of the IPsec implementation. Must be one of the following values:
You can only change the configuration for your cluster network plugin during cluster installation, except for the gatewayConfig
field that can be changed at runtime as a postinstallation activity.
Example OVN-Kubernetes configuration with IPSec enabled
defaultNetwork: type: OVNKubernetes ovnKubernetesConfig: mtu: 1400 genevePort: 6081 ipsecConfig: mode: Full
Using OVNKubernetes can lead to a stack exhaustion problem on IBM Power®.
kubeProxyConfig object configuration (OpenShiftSDN container network interface only)
The values for the kubeProxyConfig
object are defined in the following table:
Field | Type | Description |
The refresh period for Note
Because of performance improvements introduced in OpenShift Container Platform 4.3 and greater, adjusting the |
The minimum duration before refreshing kubeProxyConfig: proxyArguments: iptables-min-sync-period: - 0s |
7.5.2. Cluster Network Operator example configuration
A complete CNO configuration is specified in the following example:
Example Cluster Network Operator object
apiVersion: kind: Network metadata: name: cluster spec: clusterNetwork: - cidr: hostPrefix: 23 serviceNetwork: - networkType: OVNKubernetes clusterNetworkMTU: 8900
7.6. Additional resources
Chapter 8. DNS Operator in OpenShift Container Platform
In OpenShift Container Platform, the DNS Operator deploys and manages a CoreDNS instance to provide a name resolution service to pods inside the cluster, enables DNS-based Kubernetes Service discovery, and resolves internal cluster.local
8.1. Checking the status of the DNS Operator
The DNS Operator implements the dns
API from the
API group. The Operator deploys CoreDNS using a daemon set, creates a service for the daemon set, and configures the kubelet to instruct pods to use the CoreDNS service IP address for name resolution.
The DNS Operator is deployed during installation with a Deployment
Use the
oc get
command to view the deployment status:$ oc get -n openshift-dns-operator deployment/dns-operator
Example output
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE dns-operator 1/1 1 1 23h
Use the
oc get
command to view the state of the DNS Operator:$ oc get clusteroperator/dns
Example output