
Chapter 110. Demoting or promoting hidden replicas

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After a replica has been installed, you can configure whether the replica is hidden or visible.

For details about hidden replicas, see The hidden replica mode.


  • Ensure that the replica is not the DNSSEC key master. If it is, move the service to another replica before making this replica hidden.
  • Ensure that the replica is not a CA renewal server. If it is, move the service to another replica before making this replica hidden. For details, see Changing and resetting IdM CA renewal server.


  • To hide a replica:

    # ipa server-state --state=hidden
  • To make a replica visible again:

    # ipa server-state --state=enabled
  • To view a list of all the hidden replicas in your topology:

    # ipa config-show

    If all of your replicas are enabled, the command output does not mention hidden replicas.

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